AMUSEMENTS The Week On Stage By Joseph T. Shipley 6 •¦¦*-'¦'tit-----wnawasx. AT nenunerstehrV Theatre, -The End «f St Petersburg*' shows creation at white beat. Russia had long been; hat as...

...S. Wens...
...July 99—Rev...—Prof...
...This wll...
...It undertook jo make a dental examination of an the joys la the school for printing apprendees...
...When thai examination ia over, it •in be very interesting to know bow naeh dental care the average worker is ihle to give hie children...
...A large mass meeting will be beta with Norman Thomas and James H. Maurer aa the principal speakers...
...In its general plan, in the succession of its portraits, aa well aa in its photography (as of the bent woman whom we watch areas all the traffic, ever through the windows of a r^ir'ng car, a* she goes into ehuretr) "BeHth" is UM picture, of all I have seen, that seems closest to a distinct and true art of the cinema Rockefeller Hit by A. F. L. Organizers Collin* Said He Was First To Break Contract With The United Mine Workers h JOHN D. Rockefeller, Jr., was one 01 ' j the first to break contracts with Uv earners' union," said win am Collins...
...Dorothy Casey, of "The Greenwich Village Follies" at the Winter Garden, baa been -chosen the official Peter Pan of Children's day, next Saturday...
...But this attitude also gives the defenders, the lovers of any existing state of affairs (those, for instance, who have turned the radicals of 1776 into legendary heroes), a measure of uneasiness, a distaste for any revolution that is net wmctified by over-rolling centuries...
...The point of view shows the conflict in high relief...
...S dean wtth a tittle flower girl of Seville, enacted by Mailer, who would sacrifice her own Ufa tor the BatprW wtebad befriended her... be addressed by Norman Thomas and James H. Maurer, and to request Frank C. Perkins, Pre aidant at the City Council ef Buffalo, to act as one of the speakers at the banquet to be' held at the Tea Byck Hotel on July 14, Mrs...
...they set a beginning...
...Col tins said: "John D. Rockefeller, Jr, waone of the first to, break his contract with the union, and then, when aeker about an amelioration board bet wee coal miner and operator, praises th sanctity of contract In American 'Bl Business.'" Mr...
...John W. Herring, Sbairman, National Oonference of Jews uad Christians...
...Baeretan^of the Central Trades aad Labor Council...
...Sydney Strong...
...The writer has wMrosasd many-2-and big—meetings ol intone, and the keen Interest displayed n the institution would seem to insure ts saoans...
...General Field Organiser of the A. F. of L at the regular meeting of the N. T. Central Trades and Labor Council held U Beethoven Hall on Thursday, June 7. i Referring to Mr... England, will be shown at the 55th Street Playhouse the week beginning Saturday, June lsth...
...he In his lnnooenco helping to aush those who are bis brothers, until —without having found what their Journey's end at to be, but with their -feet upon the road...
...Collins coaitlnued, "because of the unemployment jln the cities...
...In his usual Interesting way, Morris auiquit outlined the activities of the JnJon Health Center and stated that t is entirely within the law...
...Toward: the close of the picture, the worker's wife say* that matters wffl work out wtth the help of God...
...The meeting h betas organised by the Social Justice Oearmlttee ef thaOpmnuaity Church, and agtaajgeaaeete are hamg Beads by Jeanne paunk^ gtnpaina...
...Aa the very One of this picture (despite its bias for revolution) shows,' the flare of a sudden upheaval Is regarded aa the end of an epoch, as the climax of a dynasty's disorder and tyrannic control—as something that breaks down whatever is...
...The major portion of the afternoons will be devoted to tennis, basejail, basketball, hiking, swimming, and' »uch other [snraal tonal activities which -he members of the institute will deem advisable to armnge...
...Signed) "WILLIAM GREEN, "President, - "American Federation of Labor...
...Circle One, Yiptele, N. Y., has decided to hold a beach jarty on Sunday, June 17th...
...The meeting will be broadcast over Station W. B. V. D. >a . -a Community Ctwiih » *« Plans For Summer Sunday, June I7th> at the Onmnuialty Dhureh, Park avenue and Bath street, Johnson, will preach at 11 ua- on the mbject "What Hag Science Done To Paltht" Mr...
...More seriously, with rush of train and aaaaanss flow of clttaene on every errand bent with meals and machinery, cabs and cabarets, wtth speed one Is astonished to observe outside America, the ctty made manifest fives before us...
...The first American showing of Raquel Matter's latest cinema drama, "VkUette Iaopsrtata" will take place at the 8th Avenue Playhouse iirgiaiiliaj Saturday, June lsth...
...Henry Neumann, Leader...
...JarvU m now on his way back from Australia, where he was featured m several assanaan musical comedies net —son...
...26—Professor Rees: Sept...
...The Committee will consider the reports of its sub-commit toe on Convention Rules, Party Const!tutten and State Platform...
...Signed) "L M. HARRIS, Commissioner,* New York Dept...
...Bess Sebneidermea of the Wom•n's Trade Union League, and others...
...While It ttlta toward the sentimental by showing an ei panelve necklace lifted from a shop-window by reverent bands, between the appearance of a beggar woman and the giving of alms, it spurs along the deftest flirtation It has ever been my momentary pleasure to behold...
...The screen attraction next week at the Paramount Theatre will be Clara Bow in "Ladies of the Mob", a Paramount picture, directed by William Weilman...
...The flhn closes with the flashed •Tientogrnd-: a smiting worker, and a wegeaa with a dhmar-paS, The French Revolution, beginning to I7S2...
...Meanwhile we urge locals 11, sg, 62, and M of the International Jadtes Garment Workers Union aad hose others not yet affiliated, to do » at once,, since by the decision of the sonfarence recently held, members of maffluatad locals . will' have to pay a llghbr fee than those of «aiw-fapd unions...
...The dying wife, the peasant who goes to the city to find out what things he iocs not understand, are gropers and vicJnu...
...Reaolutione do not mark an end...
...his element recognised and waived, "The Sod of St Petersburg" moves with unbroken majesty...
...The process of birth comes, not as the slow movement through the ages, of amoeba to man: but as s shorter strain, an agony of breaking into being...
...The meeting will ha gsDowed iy an Bderaaal reeeajHaa ts ttni'asaaanan t the Fellowahlp, at the laglihaiiii of Jr...
...jn the basts of principle cannot support the candidate* of the capitalist parties...
...they gather the surge and the power and the youth of eager hope...
...Mere Unions Affiliate The Amalgamated Lithographers and ?aner Handlers No...
...West 12th Street, New York City...
...2 Bev...
...routes of .ravel, courier and other services provided by the Tourist Agency of the Busdan Government, for which the American European Travel Bureau la actJig officially...
...but whatever present autocracy and bund groping may hold the Russian people, tbetr path remains one that must be plotted and ploughed, to fellowship aad peace...
...John Haynes Holmes...
...There will be sailings every week during she summer...
...John aaynes Holmes...
...Take any train to Stiuwell iVenue and then walk or ride to 2518 dermald avenue at 25th street Bring jathing suit, lunch and 25 cents for the acker...
...Russia awoke and found it *as free...
...We shall have acre to say shout this examination in The New Leader Bureau ia receiving the support of the more progressive mtona and our speakers are certain to nest with a good reception.' One of the hat unions to apply for a speaker from the New leader Lecture Bureau la Jewdry Workers, Local No...
...When the black wings of the windmill sweep across the clouds and pattern the limitless sky, as the picture opens, there comes somehow with the symbol a sense of human power, tracing serosa the open sheet of time man's ultimatum, the decision, the determination, of human will to bend all to its movement The broad vistas of the Russian land, the great farm districts where the peasants toil, increase the sense of power, of grim struggle that has not learned to fight but persists doggedly in aarauess...
...Lee Shuhert announces nto newest playhouse, now under construction, m to be dedicated to perpetuate the name of Barrymore...
...On Sunday evening a banquet win be held, beginning at 7 p. m., in the Emerson Hotel It Is certain that sympathetic organisations like a number of trade unions and branches of the Workmen's circle will be represented at the banquet...
...Aug- 12—Dr...
...s. M Meistadt 1*07.E...
...Associate Editor of "Unity...
...The Rules and proposed amendments to the Party Constitution will be published in the Socialist press prior to the convention...
...Sept 1ft—Rev...
...SCBEEN am • Among the moat Interesting motion pictures presented in the heme of the unusual cinema...
...C¥.SociaBsts Will^eet in Albanyinjiilj Mass Meeting With Thomas' and Manrer Will Open Swasskm ALBANY;—The Socialist State Convention Committee of Arrangements met In Albany Sunday, eoC made further plana for the bis...
...for the Board a grant a charter for this Institution (here were many questions asked by the Chairman of the Commission—question* vhich indicated the high esteem In which he Center is held...
...And gee, the water's One...
...Late other states, the only alament of confusion now romsrntng le the wet and .dry issue...
...Arrangement* have just been completed wtth aSntiaaa, the American branch of Sovfcmo, for a special performance of Prof...
...More letters and telegrams came from Jinan D, Weld, the amalgamated LIhographera...
...convention here next month...
...Be strong...
...There Is aa error to the way most people took at revolutions: one that keeps them oiciting, bat unpopular...
...John Leve|oy Elliott, Leader, Ethical Culture 80Jlety, New York...
...From Mr...
...Jury 23—Bee...
...Get into the swim...
...June 16...
...The Khm has declined aa tt baa elsewhere and widespread iiruniptnynwnt brings a clear eooproper organhntkm and a good eamnakm^aBMTbmd ^^J^^^^J^ IN BRIEF To commemorate the former days on Grand street the old members at the Grand Street Follies cast are giving an after theatre supper party at Sardl's on Monday night in honor of the Minns Alice and Irene Lewisobn...
...T am...
...of Health... on the lueetion of affiliation...
...the Cmm^a^rSJawT^ l^mmnx fa favor of the objeet of the meeting, bat eJaenea from the ctty wffl make it immeekers win be Arthur Garfleid Bays, and nongraanrna 9. K. LaOuardia, Bepubliwan Other arnuigniienta will he announced later...
...Teaehor, N. Y...
...Green, President, American federation of Labor...
...The start of the first protoplasms* seed from ocean-aofl, the sense of life first throating, the stir of a nation coming into true seeding: this 1s the feeling roused by "The and of St Petersburg...
...The producers have taken advantage^ of La Metiers meat fa***** smnr Mqnesonation wtth She re* I 1 1 I.VaaMlT Barry Sweet whose checkered — fe to^Swoodbegan "±*^?£r?* ttVdfrector of "Rhythm, of » ^^-g one real flan-novelty which n ahoWat the Filth Avenue ^*3ba» conjunction with "The f^-t^S^ Drew" this Week...
...Be who... bee been ssded: both ton and patience and earth's long help—are needed for fair harvest "The Sbd of St Petersburg'' Is set one of the beat taken pictures ef she year...
...the right road, since they •urvey it dig it, lay it aa they go—they itand together for themselves, upright, ¦elf-respecting, free...
...started s shifting that lasted flftyflve pears...
...The Pennsylvania and "Ohio Relief ¦Conunlttee came under Collins' whip...
...It deals wtth a series of mysterious murders of young blonde women in London which takes on an almost pathological character because of the uncertainty of the protagonist The program will also include a Chaplin comedy, "The Floorwalker", and the usual film novelties...
...Evenings are reserved by visiting leaders from co-opcrvtlve and labor movements, as well as hformal debates, round-table and campire discussion among the co-operators themselves...
...He condemned Its as "a hypocritical and 'lying organisation, that, instead ' of helping the miners, was using them as a toot for political power...
...which ia designed for profit-making, and I would, therefore, be very glad to bare you use this communicattbn aa evidence of our appreciation of the helpful work that you have been doing...
...The Drag Net...
...Hlllqult will lave returned from his trip abroad...
...a. QwhMi...
...The flhn baa Jest concluded a long eagasaeaant at the Yleux Coiombler In Paris...
...Then there are quite a number of people who worked for the LaFollette lampahm four years ago to the nape that It would lead to a union of organisations in a labor party...
...Indeed, pleased to learn from your letter of May 26th that the Union Health Center of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union baa extended Its scope aad service to a number of other organisations...
...J" J*^^ToTTW* mint saanteaI wnn T"* _Xa" asasants a few snatches oi...
...Arthur O. nose, Lecturer and...
...The nan has as its laiSgmnd a spectacular range of old- world negienlii of the Second Enrobe to France and the Court* Napotoro m and the Empress m ***** at'tin^taenua1 JeaUes...
...The examination la being directed by Dr...
...Sunday evening, June lTah at g an, The symposium win be ptaaeded by 3j the Rev...
...Thomas To Speak At Bronx FeUowslgAp thfJansnd tJamtwmar M aanriaa" wtth tlal candidate on taw Siamles Barta> ticket...
...Johnson is secretary of the federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America...
...Five members of the Cleaners and pyera Union were sworn in as delegates by Joseph P. Ryan, chairman of the Council, i v j -One of the delegates, Dorsey, of the Lithographers, reported that his local had Joined the Union Health Center...
...John Haynes Holmes...
...Vladimir Kaiapetoff, Man Alice Noonan and the Misses Myers arc expected to participate...
...The following ministers will preach: June 24— Bishop Paul Jones, Secretary, Fellowship it Reconciliation: July 1—Dr...
...feeling beyond knowledge that a dawn will come...
...The decision of the Jommisston will probably not be known jefore August--when Mr...
...Before it knew what to do with that reedom, the "provisional government" mder Kerensky tried to slip on the old bains, with new designs and *»*'t<rln on the links, wtth new badges en the men who fastened them...
...From a long and Ultimate contact Wtth the work being done by the Union Health Center, I am moat strongly disposed to see tt develop in influence and opportunities for service, and I. therefore, take pleasure In voicing my approval of the expansion of your activities among various tabor union, and heartily endorse your application for a charter for the Union Health Center, tt la not a private enterprise or one...
...B has been called by John Oriarson...
...A fee of $20 covers the entire oast o: ;uitlon and board ipr the whole week as the Institute can take care of only \ limited number of applicants, those interested should communicate at once rith the Executive Secretary of the East>ra States Co-operative League, at 18...
...The State Secretary asks that prospective visitors to the maivenlW who desire to stop at the Tea Byck Hotel on the nights of July 18 and 14, or for the one night of July 14, communicate wjth him in regard tc reservations at an early date... Is a stirring message, a challenge and a pies...
...Frederick Howe, wellinown liberal and author of "Why War...
...Come On aad Swim...
...George Bancroft's latest starring vehicle, will begin a run at the Rial to Theatre today...
...xreen* Ps-aises j Work.ol Union Hearth Center aflkastJl Argues For Renewal of • Charter by N. Y. State Board of Charities Vl By Pauline M. Newman npBB long awaited hearing before the * N. Y. State Board of Charities on the granting .of a charter to the union Health Center was bald on Monday hut The ndsganac which came to testify in behalf ef the work done by the Canter was interesting and hamesslea » included Abraham Beroff, Secretary of the iatarnational Ladies Garment Workers Umbo: Julhn naehmaa of...
...Collins also spz'/.c at ths grci unemployment in lh» rilii--" district* He cited the instance of the recent Wrather mine disaster, when twi hundred miners were killed...
...the battles loom large, the carnage is feelingly portrayed in turn and story...
...novelists and their readers enjoy tt, and preachers of peace seise tt as text for sermon...
...Bobby Jarvta, last seen to New York last summer when he took Eddie Bussen's role in "The Desert Song" at the Casino Theatre, baa been engaged for a Oat Shy part at the London production ef "Good news...
...John Haynes Hehuea...
...Leon Roaser Land...
...Bass Vfbetaky aad Hilda OBuefc has taaaa aranged...
...the Joint Board: Joseph Breebui, Barry Wander...
...ISM TJaton Ave...
...Be patient As far as you can...
...Lsoa Roaaar land, leader a* the Bronx Fate PartowsbhT A mmdeal program whtah u rTaias sales aa 3enevlsve and -Satan Eaafann...
...ollow the regular meeting at 1 P. M. \be KAufman of the Bronx will give an llustrated lecture on Proportional Representation...
...Services will be held regularly it the Community church right through the Bunmer every Sunday evening...
...Ivan Pavlow's flhn, "Mechanic* of the Brain", at the Fifth Avenue Playhouse on Monday evening...
...Other important unions are now...
...hat as an Inert mass...
...IF YOU ABB GOING ABROAD This summer offers the Intellectually mrtous their first opportunity to visit he Soviet Union and explore the new Russia freely...
...3eorge Gilmour, Minister, Unitarian Shureh, Denver, Colo...
...Starkly, to soggeatlon that BBs wtth the people's race, the picture shows the wM of the worker manifssnag itself, to awssp Kerensky and Ma bread from then brief eminence, settling down to the task of.—finding how to rub a nation...
...An visas are secured by the American European Travel Bureau, and the flrtenalnn is granted to Russia, permitting -he individual to move about freely tot he first time sines the Revolution...
...Max Price, ¦biml of the Dental Department of the anion Health Center...
...Mew York Federation of -*ost Office Clerks, Sheet Metal Workers Union, Suit Case and Beg Workers Unon, and many others...
...Petgenbeum, funs si, at g p. m, at the headquarters jt the srgeaanaaon Subject: "The Meeting To Protest Ban On WEVD To be Held at Comunity Churthy ^^ka^^^vu^l'' 'pd^nm^' aeth...
...It is too much, perhaps, to bisect a notion picture to indicate that the "vllam" is himself the product and the victim of a social order he perpetuates be-auae he is in it and is favored by it...
...George M. and Max D. Prise of the Union Health Center...
...There #ill be every advantage as regards oonacta, hotel T»m~1'»tt"M...
...But know that man will rise from slavery only by rssenmg out his hand to fellow-man...
...gorgeous rnuiaiiartnaa, parade of colors thrust through ahanMoaj of shale, but a people inorganic lifeless...
...Aahmun Brown of the Providence fjeurnal spoke for the Republicans, .Charles Mich else n of the New York -World for the Democrats, and Basil M. Manly, syndicate writer, for the progressives...
...Arthur T. Brown, proaiinent TJnltariaa ska aj mail, win Saataee the aiaslng nweuag of the season at the Baonx Free Fellowship, 1M4 Boston Boad...
...Jury 5—Rev...
...Vincent Ferris, of the Paper Handlers...
...Just now, doing a very ntareeting piece of work... wfil be called The Ethel Barrymore Theatre, and will be ready for occupancy In October...
...Babbie MttchaU «. Flak ir of 1mmple Israel of Waehlrsaton Hinta* sad the Rev...
...July ath at 8:20 pm...
...Tickets for the banquet are now available and may be obtained from Dr...
...they axe not the last step, but the first They near rise from the violence of worn despair...
...Giving, as it does, such splendid service to the me moors of - your international Union' and their famines, the extension of its work will give this splendid service likewise to the members and their famines of other organisations...
...A few irritations at the ausie...
...The Fifth Avenue Playhouse, the current showing, "Berlin," stands m merit, It achieves the unusual feat of holding tense interest without captions—which is growing eomaerattvety frequent—and without plot From dawn to dark of night the city is roveated, m all the aspects of its busy being, work and play, labor and ease, poverty and pleasure...
...The commit tae voted to ask August Ctaaaaana to preside at the mass meeting...
...Newspapermen Agree Old - Party Platforms Are All Worthless | WASHINGTON...
...July 15— Rev...
...M. Y...
...Baltimore street or at the office of the Jewish Dally Forward, 1151 B. Baltimore street .These big affairs will also serve to initiate the Socialist Party camp* am to Maryland...
...Before the shafts were clear the next dry, there were twenty-five hundred men looking 'for their Jobs, he said...
...That aM has been, and perhaps prematurely, wiped out...
...The east ef the tours n wtthm the reach of aha aver SB" worker, ' _ Baltimore Arranges For Mass Meeting During N. E. C Sessions <ttr a Mow leader rinoinlwl) BALTIMORE—The meeting of the National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party In Baltimore on Saturday and Sunday, July 7 and S, will be the occasion of a big affair, in fact of two Important gatherings...
...The migration of miners to large cities is impractical," Mr...
...Cooperative inatitnte To Be Held at Brookwood The Eastern States Co-operative jeague, the centred body of co-operative -ocietles in the Bask is completing arangements for a co-operative institute 0 be held during the week of August S at the Brookwood Labor College, Kaonah, N. Y. The aim of the institute Is to supply 1 week of educational, social and recreational activities for eo-operators and heir friends...
...the noted Scotch critic at the cinema, the beet film ever made in England, while the director, Hitchcock, has been placed to the front rank of cinemaUsta...
...AH Ylpseb) and their friends ire Invited...
...Bean In these days of super| speed, we must gave Russia time...
...John Haynes Holmes...
...A variety of trips Is offered, covering stays of from one weak to a aonUvand all with the privilege of renewal of visa for these who wish to stay kmger...
...The field has bean cleared of the tans and the stones...
...The Case of Jonathan Drew", directed by Alfred mtchcook for* Piccadilly picture* Ltd...
...1. The union rol be^ addressed by Wm...
...The parties' stand on farm re.lief and prohibition enforcement were (used as examples of the inherent trlcklery of platform phrases...
...State Secretary Merrill announces that a meeting of the State Executive Committee will be called at Albany on either the 17th or 34th...
...The Stationery Firemen's Union attacked the Elks as a "scab", cTganfra Bon...
...They all predicted that the 1928 [platforms will be as untrustworthy aa ithose of past campaign yeais...
...Bdnund Chaffee, Minister, Labor Temple...
...The laetuhiai will be demoted to study and elssework in the blajorj and theory of eajonerataan...
...1 have been added a the fast growing list of union affUidad wtth the Health Center...
...Helen Kobbe of Nassau waa designated to take charge of the musical program in which...
...The Dental Department of the Union aealth Center is...
...Three newspaper h«en, broadcasting from Washington on the national platform-making situation, agreed on the main issue—that platforms Of the Republicans and Democrats are worthless because they are designed to kttract as many conflicting elements as possible...
...Those attending the Institure will be boused in the dormitories ind bungalows belonging to the Brookwood Labor College...
...lames Gavcn, Secretary of Printing -rmsaiin U; Robert Nolan, Secretary of Jje sheet Metal Workers...
...It X Sevrtn of the Women's Auxiliary to "Big Six...
...or at unnecessary atlas, cannot joar the gathering force of the presentation, as it presses, with photography that a both excellent in the taking and deftly mund in the things chosen to take and he sequence of their filming, through be days of the farmer to the factory life n the city, through stock market fliers a fortune while strikers starve their way nto jail, through black years In trenches, to the hour when a handful of faminesrased women rioted the revolution into eaiiaation...
...Philip Umsteder, President of the Printing Preaansn SI...
...praeUnl problems' of administration and orraniaation, problems that confront dl•ectors, managem and employees of oojperativoe, and the relation of the cooperative to other phases of the labor movement...
...Brooklyn, Ethical Culture Society...
...The following tetters, which were referred by the Cnmmisiinn indicate clearly what both, professional men and laser leaders, think of the Union Health denser...
...After saving the group, there la perfect freer lorn for travel, and an escape from the prof easional guide, who has been accused jf showing the curious only the most favorable aspects of the Soviet Union and severing the faults...
...His cure for this was j shorter hours...
...come prepared for an all-day seedon...
...They will have an opportunity to attend the banmet as tt fa certain that most of then...
...In thus serving the members of their families of trade union organisations In promoting health and hygienic living and preventing disease, the Union Health Center la also, to Just that extent, promoting the welfare of the community In general...
...n conjunction with Albert Coyle, farmer editor of the locomotive Engineers Journal, are *Mt*^"g the American European rravel Bureau wtth offices at 100 Fifth avenue, which offers favorable conditions Jor visiting Russia this summer...

Vol. 7 • June 1928 • No. 26

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