Stanley, Louis

"Andy" Mellon, Retainer or the Republican Party Maker of Presidents, Linked in Continental Corruption Fund, A Friend of Bootleggers And Tax-Dodgers By Louis Stanley -••THAT will Mellon do? What...

...Except for those who bolted with Vare Just before the convention opened, the Pennsylvania delegates knew not bow they were going to vote...
...The United States Government has agreed to small repayments by the allies at a lower rate of interest, while the private financiers go ahead and make new loans at a high rate...
...Four and a half years later, on March lft, ISM, when the Bsaata tavialtgsliai Bad discovered Byte John T. Pratt, And/, like an "honest" dttoen...
...The big Joke on the Republican farmers.Is that they helped to elect him and have always shouted themselves hoarse for the party that now refuses to help them...
...They are, therefore, not "self made" men...
...Upon his appointment he relinquished all his official positions in private corporations...
...millions of farmers, many of whom are not willing to cooperate and others y/ho know nothing of cooperation...
...Now, Andrew W. is one of the three richest men in America...
...Spend an hour or more resting a Sunday paper or a half dona afferent Issues of any daily...
...Also, tnihusiastic comment that the Hem Leader is in a class of its own...
...Minnesota Minneapolis Socialists have changed the date of their picnic to July 1 so that their speaker, Daniel W. Hogan, Mayor of Milwaukee, can attend...
...the National Bank of Commerce of New York the Union Savings Bank (Pittsburgh) the Union Trust Company (Pittsburgh) and other Iron, steel, coal, shipping water and ralroad companies...
...Morris Bice...
...It makes the MeDon family powerful In Pennsylvania...
...Arcade Bldg...
...They conclude that they really should do something about it...
...Pennypacker 7454...
...A couple of human being who accidentally got themselves elected to the United States Senate, drew up a bill...
...His Resignation Demanded Then, there la the noble sacrifice he made to the Teapot Dome oil scandal...
...I New York City The Socialist Party of Greater Btv York n making rapid headway a prep...
...He vetoed it, yet be beads the party that swears by the protective tariffll The Fordney-McCumber tariff puts an artificial price upon nearly all industrial ram modi ties...
...One year ago we had 39 branches fea*ttonlng m the Greater City...
...Net an, la tact, na* many ef the •ted Beanie" read the New I seder: na hat Try this...
...Whence Mellon's Power...
...From Los Angeles comes a ran sal a $1 contribution to the striking miners, sent in by Ellis Leon...
...The Party News Our monthly "Bulletin" la now i a printed sheet, "Party New*" We want to increase our subscription list, so that the paper will be self-supporting...
...Bait Lake City...
...As Secretary of the Treasury, therefore, he has seen the country's nhshoaa through the millionaire's eyes...
...He la worth In excess of one hundred million dollars, and although he aits In Washington ostensibly free from private affairs, the interest and dividends on bis money pile up much faster than he can use them...
...aanteatton possessed before the "apex...
...In the latter Richard B. Mellon is a trustee...
...He wa...
...Furthermore, one must remember that most of'the money lent to the allies never left this country...
...dates for Congress, State Senator aes assembly and In a great number ef mil ties campaign committees have aasa tx-ganised and are already at wort** this should be emulated by our anaaaaw In aU parte of the United States...
...Also the matter at securing subs from those who ought a enjoy the same experience...
...What win money do...
...Please keep this in mind...
...It hat never been claimed that he gave up hii stock holdings or that his brothers, relatives and the banks In which he wai interested still do not represent his interests...
...During the aaaan of May 97 new members have been «etained by the branches of Greater Sr* York- In addition to these sbeet^B former members have been retoso^eie...
...Today W have 63...
...Get your tickets at the County Office, Room SOS-Sth avenue...
...the important thing to decide was who would benefit from the reductions...
...For months the back-stairs manipulators of government have been after "Andy" Mellon in the interests of one presidential aspirant or another...
...the other gives the proBtaas fits...
...went to work, all three of us, secured some names and in the afternoon secured six names for charter application for a local and sixty names to our petition...
...What the McNary-Haugen bin would do would be simply to enforce the plan that we four farmers bad worked out for ourselves...
...That high tariff is added to the price of the commodity and the consumer pays it all...
...That equalised the price and gave each of ua $1.30 per bushel for our wheat...
...That is still another reason for the mellon power...
...So why make the Bread Trust pay a little more for its wheat...
...million dollars, while their deposit amount to about three hundred millions The New York correepondente of use Mellon National are the Bank of America, the National Bank of Commerce, the Chase National, the National City, the Bankers' Trust and the Guaranty Trujt...
...Just enough to supply the home market, and as there was a tariff no outside wheat could come in till the price had reached $1.40...
...Thanking you for your kind oo-operatton...
...The tour is being arranged by the National Office...
...Sure, he did...
...was made at the suggestion of' the Pennsylvania "boss," Senator Penrose...
...We returnd to Boise and prepared for a trip east and left for Buhl, 145 miles away, to meet Comrade Hibner...
...His most strategic posltlox was that of president of the Mellon Na <stkmal Bank of Pittsburgh, Pa...
...State Secretary, reports a full column, first-page write up in a Dcs Moines newspaper, explaining the position of the Socialist Party, especially on the fanning situation...
...The reason why Calvin has stepped the farmers in the face is that they are poor, weak, and unorganised, while the industrial capitalists of the country have grown very powerful, with the help of the tariff, and are able to control political action In their own favor...
...The specific detain are as Wlows: In M««i»«««n four branches an* were dormant last year have beta n>» organised and are functioning thn !**> Kings County had two branches g*> solved and five new branches utp""* In Bronx County tfie total fmrnfl last year is five new branches aad ¦ Banana, so far, two -new branches saw been organised...
...Utah State Chairman B O. Locke and State Secretary O. A. Kennedy have called a state convention of the Socialist Party to meet in Salt Lake City Jury 4, 2 p. m., for the purpose of nominating a state ticket for U. 8. Senator, Justice of the Supreme Court, Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General...
...Gustave Berquist, Hamden...
...This was Sunday, June 3. After some delay we arrived at 9 p. m...
...Paul and nearby points should make It a point to help make this picnic the biggest one held in many years...
...Socialist Party Plans and Progress Through The States National aha^sasarhtg" ndwrnastea en how to organise local divisions ef the Socialist Party may obtain instructions, leaflets, charter applications, memaaeshto cards, application cards and aB other necessary Information by addressing William II...
...Idaho Organisation Work Here Is a report from hustling State Secretary Cammans: "A few lines relative to organization work and the securing of signatures for our petitions...
...The McNary-Haugen bill...
...Means to the influx of so many new aaeasaas and the admission of old veterans «• for seme reason or other had dropped cav It la apparent now that when the res campaign begins the Socialist* of &*f** er New York win be in better ooodWoe than for several years past aad thaw ¦ every reason to believe that we aw ipproxlmate the strength that oarer...
...Norman Thomas, Jim Maurer, James Oneal, and I own all the 800,000,000 bushels of wheat normally produced in this country...
...Is surely class legislation, but it waa conceived in desperation to rescue a very important part of the people from financial ruin, but they are a poor part, and are unable to contribute large sums to the Republican Party...
...Treasurer, Auditor and Superintendent of Public instruction...
...Hoover seems to come closest to the standard that we have set for IMS high office...
...The McNary-Haugen bill proposed to establish a fund taken frou the public treasury, to use for the purchasing of the surplus products of agriculture in sufficient amount that the residue win comnanf a profitable price in the open market...
...The principal event of the day will be an address by Comrade James Maurer, vice-presidential candidate...
...From Comrade Ballarinl, Clinton...
...la this respect they are . The Bootleuers' Friend Perhaps the leading industry in the country today la bootlegging...
...His dates are as follows: St...
...Socialist candidate for Vice-President in 1916, is filling speaking engagements enroute to the Pacific Coast...
...By Way ef IUustration After, lo...
...Next to lower taxes and debt settlements the practices of the Treasury De partment in handing the terms of the wealthy have enderad maths to the fun is and tax abatement...
...a renewal and a $1 additional to •ha) the N. L" Half of the popukdka a? Clinton, a mining town, are Hang at charity, writes the comrade wke s naanateany carrying on for Bocadsaa...
...Texas, the Socialists are organizing their forces aad making ready for a big campaign...
...Peldman ha World War veteran and is disabled...
...Next issue, June 15...
...Every comrade in Minneapolis, St...
...Let us not forget MeUon'i own Bberal donations...
...The work of getting the ticket in the field wUI begin at once...
...New, was not that the good man...
...demanded for their assistance...
...Oneal are rather shrewd farmers so they get the Dutchman and me into the corner grocery and they say to us: "One of you immediately ship your 200,000,000 bushels of wheat to Europe at $1.00 per bushel...
...Padueah, s>„ an...
...He has exasperated them by his elusiveness...
...am?Vkeatost n"j****** Circle takes a bangle ef sT'eajsa Waiters and Waitresses Union Local Ho...
...They with Mellon contribute more liberally to the Republican campaign fund, because they know they get their money's worth...
...dlcatlons of increased activity...
...Wot until his declaration in Philadelphia on May 12, 1928...
...The branches are now busily engage* In finding the best members for...
...IP lighten the burden of taxation at a time when the burden of the interallied debts la being shifted to the American tax papers shows but once more how well the Secretary of the Treasury has looked after the Interests of big capitalists and explains his influence with them and the politicians who are begging for campaign contributions...
...Who did...
...aratlon for the great campaign of fig* It wffl interest Socialists to other shteJ to know the fact...
...It is not enough to vote the ticket or proclaim your Socialism—there la work to be done and it must be done by Socialists...
...The Senate refused to seat Van because STtftflM bad been spent In bis behalf...
...The Preen Reciprocates He has gone even further to serve his class...
...There Is no objection in the easing of the lot of the European countriesbut the motive is open to criticism...
...It waa a struggle for control between the MeDon machine in the west and the Van machine M the Bast yare beat Pepper to the Republican primal ka by some fifty thousand Votes and was avenanaBy elected...
...Which Is true...
...Readers of The New Leader should note that Farrmgton's address is Uvermore Palls...
...If you have not received a fist, get one at once...
...Speaking then to the Pennsylvania Republican delegation of which he was chosen chairman, he declared, after praising CoolIdge, his first choice: "We bear much talk of the various eandidatee and of their policies...
...The enforcement of the Prohibition act Is supposed to be carried out by the Treasury Department...
...June 29...
...It was In the form' oS-p credits which were used to pay the debts to American profiteers...
...State Auditors, Morris Rice, New Haven...
...We hope to have several haatoM additional readers", writes W. p. Bav rington...
...How much bad been expended, on Pepper, tin MeUon candidate, In the primaries...
...KxaAe-sttag to ussnisbili hearts reaaajliseaT' fas' TSanaMgn* QagTS This ^m^km^wm^km^eni to Meek sMere the ¦isalsital*iimnHlii, 'he jj.ifi-ni* that whan he had seres* to ska agate the a—treat, he had never mad it, la fast, ha went an to say, awnshaBsathT^tte* be kaew jekUag ¦aytVeteaVasaV kflttWO tsasnVwa UatO BficUCBan* have led the way to the aeeve to destroy the Hatted Mane Workers ef America...
...Among them an, Mr...
...MeUon and his family have, of course, benefitted personally...
...rushed to ten ett he knew...
...Thus, Andrew W. Mellon became the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America...
...The farmers have always been good, loyal Republicans, helping to cut thenown throats...
...They sold at $1.40 per bushel and each paid me 10 cents per bushel...
...Now In the case ef the tour of- ua the scheme may sound rather simple...
...In the teat Senatorial elections In Pennsylvania money flowed thick and fast...
...mmm WHS DIFFERENCE - One prints itbe mews that is« feprtat, the other prints the news that fist areata...
...Tex., who asks that the H, u si sent to the public library of that teen "We ought to soon pasa the 40.0M aarfr...
...State Organiser, Jasper McLevy...
...It is a relief to read it after asanas through the daily newspaper trash ef divorces* crimes, bootlegging, graft and scandals...
...What wffl money aavf When Subsidies Are "Unsound" Coolidge's Veto of the McNary-Haugen Bill Tells the Farmers Their Place By Pierre DeNio WfHEN President Coolldge vetoed the McNary-Haugen bill he remarked: "the objectionable plan proposed here is the stimulation of the price of agricultural commodities and the products thereof by artificially controlling the surpluses so that there will be an apparent scarcity on the market...
...That Is perfectly true, but as the New York World has weU pointed out, the farmers are only taking a leaf out of the Republican tariff book, and for Coolidge to get fussed up about that shows quite clearly his bias...
...we must go over the top...
...That la one reason for Merlon's prestige and power...
...That Is to subsidise it at the expense of the tax payer and -consumer...
...It would require no laws and work no hardships, but If Europe would not buy then the $250,000,000 that the McNary-Haugen bill proposes ss the amount Congress should appropriate, would be drawn upon to take care of my 200,000,000 bushels...
...these many years, the grangers have found that under our wonderful democracy they have produced so much that they are actually going bankrupt on a national scale...
...And this is the course that was followed...
...All those willing to help to gathering signatures write at race to Earie B. Young, 127 Baldwin 8k, taconla, M. H. Kentucky The National Secretary la arranging to iold a meeting to Louisville, for the purpose of organising the party and getting setter cooperation for the State Secretary to his efforts to assure Kentucky a Socialist ticket tor the ballot in Novemxx...
...When the Mellon tax plan was first proposed in 1923, it was defeated by the Democrats and Progressives, but after, the Republican land-slide In 1924 the Democrats got cold feet and permitted the inairtw.««n surtax to be reduced from 40 per cent, on incomes in excess of $500,000 to 20 per cent, on incomes over $100,000...
...About 109 more applications are on Mas and these wffl be pasted upon mm the month of June...
...All they had to do was U throw their millions Into various Indus trial enterprises which would be willinj to pay them the handsome price the...
...June 24: Wichita, June 26: Colorado Springs...
...A candidate for governor wffl be announced next week...
...The result is the same and the people pay the freight...
...the other Is to prevent Europe from dumping here, to the benefit of home manufacture, and at the expense of the consumer...
...Then* connot he ovanooaad...
...Coolidge was elected president by the Republican Party arid the fundamental premise of that party is a high tariff cn all goods that come in from foreign countries...
...That leaves Thomas, Maurer and Oneal with 600.000,000 bushels of wheat...
...They are all active in the strike and in' helping to keep up the morale of the strikers...
...Nebraska State Convention Nebraska Socialists were called to meet hVoonventlon at Labor Lyceum hall, Sunday, June 17...
...Send application blanks and platforms...
...did he come anywhere near a commitment...
...Mellon had been one of the largest single contributors to the presidential campaign fund of 1020 and there was no indication that his generosity would cease with bis elevation to office...
...Rhode Island All these willing to help In the earning campaign please communicate at mmrtfflMfft J<?^vUte?WeU' 1939 W—t" Connecticut Local Ham den baa nominated the following candidates for state officers of the Socialist Party of Connecticut: State Secretary Martin P. Phmkett, Walllngford...
...Massachusetts The Executive and Campaign Committees are planning a very active campaign this year...
...The substance of it was lifted out of the protective tariff platform, to enable Congress to help the farmers by doing in a small way the very identical thing that has been done for all manufacturing in this country for the last 100 years...
...North Philadelphia...
...The game was very Interesting until the last innina...
...Have written Comrade Oerber asking for a check...
...The Mellons are, therefore, not only well entrenched in the Pittsburgh district but their affiliations extend to Wall Street...
...It baa been frequently stated that the bootleggers have had a free hand because of the laxness of the Secretary of the Treasury...
...To the simpleminded Harding the selection seemed a wise one, because such a rich man as ' Mellon could remain incorruptible in public ' office...
...It Is essential that these amounts be rem!ted regularly so that the office and campaign expenses may be met...
...Let us examine this bill and see in what way it differs from the tariff laws now in force...
...That net one issue of The New Leader...
...Livermore Falls, Me., as he sash In several subs...
...Dancing and athletic events of all kmds will be indulged in...
...Information regarding speakers) literature, platforms, eta, may bo SbUtoai from the National Klrkpatrick Tour George R. Klrkpatrick...
...In other wards, the capitalists here were the ones who gained from the loans to the allies...
...We must visit other places...
...Many of the athletic events held proved that besides our being good Socialists we are also good sports as well as good athletes A special feature waa a splendid baseball game between the youngsters and the old timers...
...They remind one of the man who came to New York to get a job, and failing he remarked, "this is the greatest city in the world, a man can starve to death here and no one will interfere with him...
...Again, one flte Into the ssbenei at profiteers...
...New Bedford The New Bedford local has Just been started...
...The efforts of Mellon to eliminate the tax on estates has thus far failed, but if the Republicans maintain control they wffl no doubt see that this burden la removed from the oppressed eapltaneta of this country...
...It Is to be expected that every one of the Mellons— "his uncles, end his cousins, and his aunts" wffl be Just as generous to the future...
...baa been in a government hospital, but la better now and back on the Job for organisation work . for the Socialist Party...
...The lowering of tax rates was inevitable with the retrenchment following the armistice and the excess of receipts over expenditures due to the after-war prosprity...
...Here's a Utile bit to help" u mm ntea the sub of Truett Vinson, Broaawood...
...Saturday Comrade Felton and myself went to Emmett...
...This affair is being held In conjunction with the Workmen's Circle...
...New Hampshire Pour electors pledged' to1 Thotnaa and Maurer have been chosen for New Hampihlre—namely, W. H. WUktos of Oteremont, Barle B. Young of Laaonte, Walter M Wood of Greenfield aad Oeo...
...Maine State Secretary Wendell F. Parrington writes that most of the active Socialists in the state are fanners but that farmers are tied to the trusts as everything they buy is controlled by the trusts...
...aad so it is...
...This good friend of lkt paper asks for a bundle so that he am show the paper to his friends and ttcure their subs...
...The publicity provision was eliminated and then this year the corporation tax was cut from 13 1-2 per cent, to 12 per cent...
...The wealthy, of course...
...The hall is located at 22nd and1 Clark Streets, Omaha...
...So they would not voluntarily concede to such a plan, but would try to rush their crop into the market first, hoping thereby to get the highest price...
...from these tax changes and the rich men of the country have made, him their darting...
...Worcester The Worcester Local has taken a new lease of life and is vistlng every labor organization in the city to get them to protest against the taking away of the license from Station WEVD...
...This law was laid down by Alexander Hamilton, and has been pretty religiously followed ever since...
...Wyoming Word comes from Wyoming to the effect-that the comrades have selected three members from Cheyenne for the State Committee...
...At this grove there are all types of playground games for the kiddies Get your tickets early aa the crowd la expected to be greater this year than ever...
...True, taxes have been reduced—but why...
...Every reader in Colorado should make it his or her business to attend...
...It is maintained to fatten a great and evergrowing aggregation of multi-millionaires, who hold the political bosses of this nation in leash, and they slink and whine and obey...
...Generally there is at test 2000 attending...
...The picnic and get-together will be at 33rd Street and West River Road...
...Secretary Henry spoke and at this conference, the work of selecting a state and, national ticket was taken care of...
...the score being 2-2 when the oldthners came to life and scored five runs winning the game 7-2...
...Bays fold hah they came from Barry F. Sinclair and asked Mellon to keep the bonds and make a "fake" contribution of $80,000...
...On the other hand, there are aj...
...It puts a high duty on foreign made goods enabling the manufacturer here to charge such price as will give him a profit...
...8wen Ottoaon, Hamden...
...It gave "Andy" complete- control of 59 out of 79 votes of the Pennsylvania delegation—and Vare broke ranks—and a determining voice in the Republican convention...
...Local Allegheny Picnic Local Allegheny held its initial picnic at Ehlers Grove Sunday, June 2. The Sunday school children were taken to the grove free of charge...
...it also enables the American manufacturer to charge as much as the article costs to produce abroad plus as much tariff as the Republican Party dare put on it...
...It necessarily raises the price to the one who uses It...
...These three organ isatlons have a combined paid up capi tal, burplus and profits of almost sevent...
...The state convention win be held on the first of July at Des Moines, and we hope every Socialist in Iowa will plan to be present...
...That in Itself - is true, but Calvin put bis foot to it by not letting his case rest just there...
...Each one tries to get his sold first so we take the offer of $1.00 per bushel, regardless of the fact that there is a tariff of 40 cents per bushel...
...0"Connell New Haven...
...The intensive %" for orgsaeatten which began a few months sg»_p sttn in progress' and there h :» paaw billty of many more branches being gantead through the summer montm ¦ various sections of the big city...
...The New Leader Business One* Boom 509...
...The finance committee intends to raise $10,000 to furnish our quota for the national campaign and as a state campaign fund both...
...We must give our youth these things that are part of their everyday life or else they will come under the Influence of those that give them these desires...
...In so far as it effects the country at huge...
...The state convention will be held In Dallas on July 8, 1000 a m_, at Labor Temple on Young street...
...We organized a local with five members and secured thirty signatures and seventy more were pledged...
...Henry, National Executive Secretary, 2053 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, nunc Is...
...George E. Roewer will be the chairman at this meeting...
...Attention of the comrades who gave pledges on Sunday, May 13 to please remit their monthly amount to the County Office...
...They control the Mellon Natlona Bank which they inherited from theli father...
...Oneal at Farmers' Celebration James Oneal, editor of the New Leader, has received an invitation to speak at a Labor Day celebration on September 3 by the Co-operative Farmers' Union of Plalnfleld Township, Pen Argyl...
...Thomas to Speak Norman Thomas will formally launch the campaign at the Workmen's Circle Camp in Ashland on Sunday, June 24...
...That is to say, according to Mr...
...Here comes another letter saving he is going to have the local with that many members, and within a short time would ask for a charter...
...Cal says the farm bin artificially controls the surpluses, thus creating a scarcity...
...Thy Are hundred -and more Republican politicians asked themselves at Kansas City...
...The game was enjoyed by all and helped us to a better understanding with the younger element, especially the boys around 18...
...The mm in membership Is not as yet apoataw to the purchase of dues stamps sere an of the widespread unemployment la nw city...
...He is satisfied we can feel assured of a full state ticket, presidential electors and nominees for the Congressional districts...
...Thomas and Mr...
...Comrade Nicodemua win act as Secretary of the State Committee...
...New Haven...
...We draw straws and I get the short one and seU my wheat for $1.00 per bushel...
...atop a director in the Aluminum Com pany of America, the Gulf Oil Corporation, the Pittsburgh Coal Co...
...Ogden, June'SO...
...Before the days of prohibition Mellon with Henry nofeSely severed bis conneetkm with the industry...
...The one as to dump the surplus into Europe or elsewhere, at the expense of the consumer...
...If none of us export there win be 200,000, bushels left, and the last one to sell will have It...
...Comrade W. J. Wright, Donors, fa, rcnewea for a year "to the best paean* tton in America, for working peopn...
...Edward C. Baumann of Bagley has entered the- northern section of the state organising Thonuu-for-President clubs...
...Coolldge, the farmers seek to curtail the normal functioning of the law of supply and demand In agricultural product for thenown special benefit...
...What win MeUon do...
...State Executive Committeemen, three districts: Louis O. Krahl, Meriden...
...Boosters But Not Babbitts •eyiHTS would be a better eoaaoy « -*- live in if the principles advoauadto the New Leader were put tote afaat writes W. M Cargffl...
...Admission, price 35 cents...
...1, N. Y. C, takes a bundle of IN, E. B. Young, Leoonla, N. H. aagasn that the price of sub cards and buaae rates be kept before the readers at al times...
...whence comes the' power of this man Mellon Back In 1921 when he entered Harding's Cabinet as Secretary of the Treasury be was hardly known...
...Coolldge says this Is wrong as it artificially stimulates the price of agricultural commodities...
...Now Mr...
...Pennsylvania Philadelphia Local Philadelphia has the nomination papers for our candidates All who can help In this work are requested to get in touch with our party office, open"dally, except Sunday, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Bell phone...
...The meeting will be held at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, daylight saving time...
...Did the "honest'' Mellon ever inform the Senate or the bonds...
...Beesntty whiskey was illegally alllwkaaii from the establishment of the Orerhott Company, in whteh he Baa an taterast, Conferences with iuullHEiri eft the income tax they ought to pay have been saannhnnt by the'Treasury Puyailmoiil It may wall be chat the aoataaaeats recognise a fnand when they see one...
...June 27...
...The Pordney-McCumber tariff...
...About 75 comrades and 50 children attended A good many signatures were secured for the petitions to secure us a position on the ballot in the November election...
...O. Brooks of Franklin...
...Iowa State Convention I. S. McCrillls...
...2 The Important feature of this bill Refilled the equalization fee...
...Bach of the three MeUon brothers contributed $35,000, mat-trig a total of $75,000...
...To ' the politicians, who originated this tale of saintllness, because the wealth of the candidate would make him the natural ally of the bankers and big Industrialists...
...mappreeiation of his deed, a naakallt of she Senate side-tracked a ratolutlon reayastlng his rsegrntliri After thai incident Mellon grew*, to honorable stature...
...In so far as it effects thai country at large, is surely class legislation, It waa conceived in an effort to aid small business...
...It is thought that the choice...
...newing tor a year...
...Here it Is: $2 a year, tl far $ months, Bundles at 2 cents each far Hi or more copies...
...A campaign committee of 15 were selected at the test general membership meeting to map a systematic «a.mr»«gn for the coming months...
...We hare neglected this too long...
...We must have a big turnout and reorganise the forces, select a state ticket, select presidential electors and rebuild the movement in Colorado...
...People's House,, 7 Bast IBs Street, New York...
...Canaan is left to the reader...
...Will get more for the local here...
...Be there] Florida Harry Peldman of Jacksonville wrote the National Office he would organize a local of the party with twenty-five members...
...But there was another reason, too, -which appealed to all politicians alike...
...He reports the death of a loyal Socialist in the passing of L. Leberge of Auburn...
...Their brains and wills were in the custody of Andrew W. Mellon, banker and politician...
...The yearly consumption is 600,000,000 bushels...
...So that' the road may be dear for the bankers to lend money to the war-stricken countries of Europe at a substantial rate of interest he has hastened the debt settlements...
...We four could easily accomplish this plan, but there are...
...2 per person...
...We have 200,000,000 bushels each...
...Oating to Beading North Philadelphia Branch la arranging a bus ride to Reading and the Berks County Picnic on July 1. A limited number of seats still remains, and reservations may be made through Comrade Nellie Lithgow, 2738 N. Reese Street < Regent 5210) or at the party office, 908 Locust Street Price for the trip...
...Walter B Davis, Hamden...
...Melkm, like an "honest* man, refused to do so, gave back the bonds and made a personal contribution of $50,000 to cover the Republican deficit arising out of the 1920 campaign...
...Comrade La vine, MeKe ¦apart, Fa, visited the eaace aad left wMh a seeta ef ash cards...
...Submitted to the Best-curse-of-tat year contest, by a child ehastaod, tea the Alger books), by a vexed (an Bat Dinamore books), parent: "Just tor tan, I hope to gawd that popper forgets tennew his sub to The New Leader...
...There is going to be\a turnout from the farming districts and the Trade Union forces...
...But the thin HtUe man of Pittsburgh and Washington kept silent...
...Although we have several months to get these signatures, we want to get them filed as early as possible so that we may devote our time to the work of the coming election...
...Comrade Coonrod secured a hall and at 2 p. m. a meeting was called...
...Texas State Cearvaatton While the Democrats are planning for their National Convention at Houston...
...Between now and the convention, however, I recommend that we hold ourselves unpledged and uncommitted to any particular candidate, so that when we meet in caucus in Kansas City before the convention we win have the fullest liberty of choice to do as is best for Pennsylvania and the nation...
...At the time of his appointment Mellon was a director in some sixty corporations...
...Subscription rate, 36 cents per year...
...The Mellons Three There are three Melton brothers: An drew William, Richard Beatty and Jame Ross...
...Thus the Mellon National Bank has come u dominate Western Pennsylvania In i real sense...
...Jury 16 another picnic win be held at Gammon's Grove (formerly Bonglvonnl's...
...Then, there are the power fill Union Trust Company and the lea Important Union Savings Bank, botl Mellon institutions...
...In the faD of lags Wffl H Bays, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, brought to Andrew Mellon $50,000 in Liberty bends...
...We take as our text this week, At following: He that tooteth -not his own hem, by whom shall it be tooled...
...The following delegates to the State Convention were elected - from Local Hamden: Karl C. Jursek, E. Oaetlgllonl, Gustave Berquist, W. B Davis, ODrnettus Mahoney...
...Sacramento, July 2. Colorado State Convention The Socialists of Colorado will meet In convention at Denver July 4. 10 a. m., hi Howe Hall...
...What win " Mellon say...
...The farmers have found that the Republican Party will not only not interfere with them in thenstarvation, but will not let them enact measures to help themselves...
...What will MeUon say...

Vol. 7 • June 1928 • No. 26

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