Ameringer Heads Ticket In Wisconsin Popular Propagandist and Editor Runs for Governor — Big Convention Held mtTLWAUKEE, Wto.—With 1M Mn ». Ul women delegates present from aB parts of...
...Socialists Of Texas Meet In Dallas, July 8 Convention Will Name State Ticket and Plan Campaign for Thomas (By A Mew leaser CirssesaSiat) |~|ALLAS, TEXAS.—A call has been *-* issued by the Socialist Party of Texas for a state convention to meet to Dallas on Sunday, July 8, to nominate a state ticket and arrange-for a state campaign...
...hflchaeL i|iiil niiiisii.ini the committee, said that Maurer'* work to satisfactory to the university bat to not satisfactory to the publisher of Ote Athena Messenger, with Which Matter has been connected as head of the student news laboratory...
...ateAUator Coleman has been entrusted with preparing the first draft of the platform...
...Veteran workers in the movement now talk of a campaign fund of not less than $100,000...
...skip with which the Mexieaa sowsaing party regards the Bostofist Paity of the United States and the caaaV dacy of Norman Thomas...
...Krwyckl's declaration that an independent labor party is indispensable In the United States and will come, was applauded...
...James H. Maurer ie»ksss sat long struggle of the Socialists before tag were placed tn command of the cky saV Tdnistration...
...Paul and Mfcnesjesto, branches of tta party were organised, and nearly MO duet stamps warn ordered by Mtarirsgi lit atone...
...The Americas CtvH Liberties Union will also investigate, according to action taken at a recent meeting...
...Sheriff:—Thomas D. Vance, Morgan town County Commissioner:—Peter Cordero, Sabretonl Constable, Cass District:— John Slaughter, Osage...
...M. S. Holt of Weston...
...Three weeks were spent to St...
...Iowa and Colorado have bad experiences similar to West Virginia and Nebraska and tbsy are slowly returning with working state organisations...
...New York, Oerber met with mcmbfrt of the state executive commlttee to pten tor the New Tor* State Socialist Convention which will be held the week-end of July 13th, 14th and 1Mb in Albany...
...Utah Itoate Jstadth Fartsfi wast f 0tab wftsh for a nsmv ber of psars, baa been IIstall...
...The Socialist Party never In Ms history aver raised this sum tor S casspalgn and the nisi tag of this figure tadtoatcs_the high hopes and enthusiasm of those whs are watching and working for the res Illation of their hopes...
...The following day Qatar Ameringer, perhaps the most popular Socialist propagandist in the United States and famous for bis grell busier, was nominated for Governor...
...N. J.—"Trenton h Stat with historic spots around which tta vmr of the Revolution centered...
...J. B. West of Mannlngton...
...The organisation in this state was literally suppressed by the war terror of the Wthon era and a few years ago the Sortie lists and trade nntontote organised a FarmerLabor Party...
...Members of the Blind Table student investigating committee are Everette C. Shlmp, Basil...
...The Columbus Federation of Labor at its meeting tost week unanimously adopted a resolution to send a "strong letter" to the Governor urging investigation of the alleged control of the administration at Ohio University by mine operating interests...
...George H. Goebel...
...Almost S300 was pledged for tta Sttalist campaign by those present...
...Oerber went to Cincinnati where be met with Comrades Thobe and J. L. Wralther at Kentucky... the party to which they bat tor friendship...
...The county ticket foJfcwf: House of Delegates:—Sdmond Gerard, Star City...
...Franz Longville To Lecture In Detroit By a New LeeAer CmopMlnt) t. DETROIT.—Prans Longville, a leading figure in the educational wing of the JPulglim Socialist movement, will give three lectures in Detroit which promise to be of decidedly unusual interest...
...Dan Wallace, Oleaster, in charge of miners' relief in the Sunday Creek Valley...
...The mastery of the Democratic party by the Tammany wing of American capitalism Is not relished by many Democratic fotem and the nomination of Bmitb at Houston will drive a considerable section of the Democratic farmers and workers out of the party...
...To support their demand for an investigation, the miners point out that an employee of the Peston Consolidated Coal Company has for a number of years served on the faculty at Ohio University...
...Negotiations are being made for this purpose and a fund is being raised hi anticipation of this meeting...
...The Socialist Party of the United atetej would not accept it on any each tech...
...Lena Morrow Lewis, Harry Sberr, candidate tor Congress in the 10th District, and Lew Head will speak...
...because in his connection with die newspaper he has consistently presented the miners' side of the strike along with the operators...
...P. A. Pools, Sahraton...
...Comrade Longville was a fraternal delegate to the Socialist national convention .where he made a marked impression on the delegates...
...Sunday evening there will be a banquet at the Paulais Cafe, 741 8. Broadway...
...Convention King, Head, Mrs...
...Barman has bad.a sjraafyin, success...
...a ctet ment issued by the "¦Hp-'gn Coi mittee said...
...Other county tickets will be selected and filed, as well as nominees in other Congressional districts...
...Both here the work In* their state wen finder war find the placing of the Socialist ticket on the ballot Is practically Assured- - . — ^. w • ^ ii w0b,h Oerber's next stop was Washington, D. C, where he discussed with Marx Lewis, secretary to Congressman Berger, plans to circulate millions of copies Of addressee made by the Socialist representative to the tower bouse...
...At Bsgley Edward O. Bsnmesn has annaurmsd that he will eater the field to organise Thomas-for-President clubs in the northern section of the state...
...Resolutions protesting against the aw-' ocation of the license of ststien WtaTD were adopted and cent to the Ft tarsi Radio Commission...
...M L. Franklin, Pali mount: Auditor, long term, A. B. Elder, Weston...
...With the nomination of a stats ticket at the-convention the Hoc lonst Party campaign will begin to unfold sad every effort will be made to roll up a big vote for the Socialist —~"^r«-r- California to a promising state for the Socialist Party as there to aa other party which the disgusted water can tarn to sad there to plenty of disgust with the BsawtaMat parties to the Pactnc Coast States...
...Ameringer Heads Ticket In Wisconsin Popular Propagandist and Editor Runs for Governor — Big Convention Held mtTLWAUKEE, Wto.—With 1M Mn ». Ul women delegates present from aB parts of Wtosonsin...
...As the jwrt 7 wlU k%ve nopres kisnttsJ rsndktotes, nettjrul teocaumrterr of the psjjSMtog Party sent Emit U*-cxnar toto the state to organise in* Socle 1 lets and aeaatoate dfhomss and Maure, electors...
...Attorney-General, G. H. Duthie of Clarksburg...
...The first of Longville "s lectures will be given Wednesday evening, June 20th, at 527 Hoibrook, Detroit...
...President OssW was its csmttdste hi the tost etoskK wd It to now supporting the cmndtoacj st Alvaro Obregon to succeed CaBss, 1 "Though the contribution of t i> Mexieaa Labor Party was wnubstta 3 it to iiisisflwfirss most welcome, kg i as material assistance for our csmpit, I and even more so, as recognition of t | community of httercet between Mesta and United States workers...
...It started off with good prospects but some of the tabor toadsn 1 were lukewarm and eventually turned against it...
...Auditor, abort term, Mrs...
...V. B. Glasgow, Fairmont...
...In the north an the border of Canada to the state of Minnesota where tta Psrnter-Laeor Party has teen powerf* far years...
...Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, made the opening address...
...A state convention met in Omaha on June 17 and nominated a state ticket Nattonal Executive Secretary Henry attended the convention and the Socialist Party to again on the up grade in Nebraska...
...Many of these voters are familiar with the Socialist agitation of fifteen years ago and renewed work fot our program is certain to gain their support...
...and W. Walter Ludwlg, teacher of the workers' education class at the Plains, and formerly student pastor at Ohio University...
...In a Noethof state...
...Congressman Victor L, Berger, chairman of the national committee...
...sunt of Br newsy Miss A. qarbartno, ctobraton...
...Michael, president of the Workers Education class at the Plains...
...K. B. Bryan, the president, refused to discuss Maurer*a case with them, on the grounds that it was "purely an administrative matter...
...executive committee there...
...Commissioner Perkins promised his fullest support to Thomas and Maurer...
...tasmilisgtlss ae well ae a lot of other work conneeted with the filing of petitions...
...The students, who represent the Round Table, a local liberal club afohated with the L. I. D...
...That phase of politics is practically played out and a state organisation of the party is also being slowly built with Omaha again the center...
...Leo Krzycki, national organiser...
...Seven local labor unions representing «,3O0 men endorsed the petition which was signed: by 2&l sstisens of Athens ctoto of the miners', upton...
...A complete state ticket was nominated...
...This partial survey of some high spots in the Socialist movement shows big possibilities for the Socialist movement...
...Governor, J. H. Snider, Fairmont...
...About 235 delegates are expected at the convention which will be held at the Ten Kyck Hotel...
...Comrade Higgins, our able State Secretary, writes says, "We must have speakers and organisers for West Virginia...
...has been postponed to July 1. Mayor Daniel W. Hoan of Milwaukee, the principal speaker at the ptonte, could not attend on June 24 so the big affair has bean postponed to the tatter date...
...The banauet will be a reunion of socialists and their friends and also be the occasion of raising funds tor the Socialist campaign...
...George W. Savage, district sceretaxy-treasurer of the XS...
...John Day, the Plains...
...The Socialist convention of Monongalia county was held at Moose Hall...
...During the sssstaa a county ticket was drafted and endorsed...
...He said this difference, which has been shown by the attitude of the police and courts toward strikers at the Adler plant tn this city and the Alien-A hosiery factory in Kenosha, was a surprise to eastern labor leaders...
...In Albany...
...What to striking about jths fkxtehst revival and reorganisation to the initiative taken in weak states by supporters of the party without waiting for organisers to visit them...
...Chicken will be served and reservations are $1.50...
...Stanley Dawley, Carbon Hill...
...A full county ticket was also nesstoutod in Monongalia county...
...Mass Meeting To Open Calif...
...Pennsylvania and Maryland, Campaign Manager O. August Oerber declares the Socialist party "is now —tar tag its moat successful can-paten...
...Pram Cleveland...
...National Office Reports States Saviging In Line For Socialist Campaign Secretary .. Henry . Sjty» • III___1J„X|A1_ t^jJMalj Its Vigor Tfarougn The Entire Country .?[' jgte s wan laatev oserawj iifjiii ^HICAOO.-^OssBjialgn . and sjgsrttta^ V tton work of/ths socialist Party to proceeding at a pace that to gaanfytag to veteran SoclaBsts who bate awaited the favorable opportunity preatnted this year...
...New Jersey and Maryland are the others...
...A student investigating committee has urged the Governor to...
...The campaign manager also conferred with William H. Johnston, chairman : of the Conference for Progressive Political Action, which sponsored the La Fplletto enmpaigrt of 1924...
...Compares Courts ' Milwaukee Is an exception, he said, and ¦tressed the great difference between the treatment of strikers in this city and state as compared with Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and other states...
...The committee decided to open the convention with a mass meet ing on Friday night, July 13th, in the Odd Fellows Hall, with Norman Thomas and Perhaps James H. Manner as the principal speaker...
...The' convention will be called to order in the labor Temple en Young street at 10:30 a. m. Texas Socialists are eirrtons to hare Norman Thomas or James H. Maurer, XJuf standard bearers of the party this year, to speak at a large mass meeting to the City Hall Auditorium at a later date...
...Because of the graft and corruption m both old parties, thousands will refuse to vote for their candidates and thousands with liberal views will cast their baUots for the only party which Is racing the Issues...
...Johnson expressed great Interest in Thomas' candidacy and declared his intention of formally endorsing the Socialist national ticketIn Baltimore, Comrade amber met with Dr...
...In aB the cities I -/tatted...
...Tab beautiful Labor Lyceum erected by tta Workmen's Circle, may prove to bt tta center of the revolution of the tostasst wd the ballot for which the nnrlstoli we striving," said Reuben MeDevttt, to uidressing over 200 people wjjjj ssj ssaj U a banauet test Oaiwlsy' evening...
...A professor of economics conducts research for the Athens Chamber of Commerce which appropriates a fund for the purpose and another professor acts as secretory of a tri-caanty Civic Association, an organisation of business and professional men who want the miners to go back to work at* reduction without regard to their talon...
...Wlfilam O. Toole reported to 'Oerber on a successful convention held in West Virginia, where the national ticket has just been filed, making three,states filed to date...
...In protesting Maurcrv removal, Kd...
...These is no sapid recovery in this state "hat It to stow and sure...
...See* New Strength "We are confident of a great Increase hi Socialist strength," A) Benson, state secretary, said in opening the convention...
...tour for the up state and...
...Among the speakers at the banquet are Upton Sinclair and Barry Sberr...
...Without, any help from the outside they have a growing organization and held a successful [State convention...
...form pledges peace and friendship wkh the Mexican people...
...Both these addresses will be given in English Monday night, the 25th of June, Longville will speak In the Belgian language at Mack and Elmwood streets...
...Treasurer, Mrs...
...organized branches to Duhifh, Bratoerd, and Crosby, enrolled members at hogs at Bt, miji and other communities, and arranged for the circulation of nominating peUttons...
...Texas Socialism was badly hurt by the war and the pessimism which followed the end of the war, but for a year the organisation has been reviving and a state organization has* been formed...
...Strong Ticket Is Named In West Virginia J. H. Snider of Fairmont To Run for Governor, Dr...
...We know that the contribatton tags the Msstaaa Labor Party doss not to any way interfere in American posske...
...Such seta of fraternity have been frequent la ski history of the Socialist nimissssl Trenton Raises 9300 -« For r^tjapnigai FtBtcl far a Mew feeSer fi ineieAel) TRENTON...
...After the end of the World War the Iowa movement, almost destroyed by the patriotic teror, was almost completely dispersed by fanner r|dleahsm.' The nattonal conmm># *•* «* nsarxed mxbienee on Iowa fitoatohste and ventton to Dm Moines on July 1. Colorado also comes back with a state oonen July 4...
...During the five weeks of bis work Herrnss collected a total of $357.71 for dues, literature, organisation fund, and subscriptions to socialist papers...
...Members of the committee interviewing the Governor are Ed... tosaV nsster, was to his usual happy was...
...Many people attended the meeting, among them being William A. Toole, of BaMemore...
...Krzycki said that labor unions are losing in strength and numbers largely because the importance and necessity •f getting power into their own hands...
...B. Charney Vladeek pointed cat stat vn enterprise saeh ss the Cbsto hat brought to fruition was only merit sat> dble by the idealism of those who was carrying on the best traditions at Socialism...
...TJsBw, on Jioy t. Bnports toatoste thai qti£e t number Of trade ssusiilili and tat tacts will attend the convention...
...The Nabs lean Labor Party to the sdmimsawjsaj party In its country...
...Socialist party, and Mayor Daniel W. Hoan also addressed the convention...
...Bamnann is a man of experience and ability, thoroughly enlisted to the revolt agatast the parties of capitalism, and these clubs should be of marked assistance in rolling up a good Soctastol vote...
...There to an opportunity to build a big movement...
...West Virginia Socialists held a state convention last week at Morgantown and nominated a complete state ticket...
...Mexican Labor Aids Socialists CalW Party Sends %\m To Campaign Fund afl Thomas and Manrcr ^ tton of the campaign Jana^JZj inssfcliat from the Mexican Labor>aW a wfTr-ed by the asctafiht c^sspsssg Cksnssfttee, SI Unton Square...
...It to the weak states that ham had tittle or no organisation for seven or eight years which show the rise at the Socialist Party to its old vigor...
...The candidates win make an intensive speaking campaign through the state in coming months and pamphlets outlining the Socialist platform will be distributed...
...Kathryn Philson, Racine...
...say that Dr...
...Saturday "Bight, the 23rd of June, he will speak for the young people at the same address...
...Oerber also met with Commissioner Frank Perkins, elected on the Socialist ticket though not a m*mw of the party organisation...
...OHIO.-T-Dismtoeal of Professor Weals/ H. Mawxer from Ohio Uns?eralte^ Athena, as* charges that the by^msl^eparath^ sets will be Investigated, Governor Vic Dohaney promised a committee of union miners who presented.Wot with a petition protesting the ypjlfssiiirh discharge...
...This generous contribution from t | Party," the statement declared, "to ML oable as an Indtratton of the frtoag...
...From Albany, Comrade Oerber went to Buffalo where be conferred with some of the active comrades faa the movement including James Battlstonl, veteran party leader in that city...
...aald Gerber, "the raiwrseles are en tbesr toes, keny with the warty week and hating no stone an tamed to pwsh ewr csawjalgn far Thosaas and Maarar...
...Lewis To Address Gathering Saturday, June 16th, in Los Angeles (By A New Leader Cerreeaeaeeat) ¥ OS ANGELES, CALIF.—All arrangemeats for the state rsnvcnrtnn oi the Socialist Party, which meets In Lot Angeles on Sunday, June 17, have bees completed and an excellent ssmmatton 1* Saturday evening prsaaatag the convention a mass meeting aw he held hi the Jewish Center, lag N. at Lsato street Cameron H. King...
...hv dustry...
...aflsaisgslls Ffealc imam St Meantime the tag state picnic in Minneapolis which had been announced for June 24...
...8. H. Neistadt and others of the comrades on plans for the coming meeting of the nations...
...State Secretary dorm WSJert to ttnveOtogv through the state on this work...
...Joseph W. Starts, nattonal awecntlve usriirsiftstaish, la handling the toga...
...In this state the movement also suffered from the war terror to which was added the Confusion of radical farmer movements which played with the primaries of the capitalist parties...
...Congress, 2nd District, Frank Chalfant, Morgsntown...
...The contribution to aa expresses at the solidarity between the eamssa people of two great countries...
...In Cleveland, owo," Comrade "Defter atadtato tab Of the onto gnetaBete te the collection of 19.M0 signs team needed to place the national electors da Hie baBot This * a Job that to taxing the tan stesswta of ghw assay...
...Ihstiaettvely tee Mmfiaan labor party designs tsd tat 8s> Gtattst party, rather than either at (At parties of amertosn capital sad...
...Utah ftontsltoH have also called their state nominating convention which will meet in Salt lake City on Jury 4. Without any outside aid Texas to coming back mom rapidly gnd the Soctabst nominating oonvwntlon win meet hi the Labor Temple...
...Holt for U.S...
...M. W. Of A., accompanied the committee and says that the pettttae has the endorsement of the district officials...
...Secretary of State, V. B. Glasgow, Fairmont...
...the state oonvenfikm ef Ike soctalist Party, the largest In recent yean, met In Brisbane Hall, the Molding owned by Milwaukee Socialists, early Saturday afternoon...
...The party finally died and a year ago the Socialists on their own initiative began to organise...
...Great Opportunities Seen In the past two years this phase of Texas life has been declining and with it has emerged the old political alignments and a gradual return of Socialists to then- old activities...
...of Agriculture...
...Letters received by fJs> WWIiiiwI Office from many states show that the capitalist parties are affected with WldeBtates*c*>teM<Wcst0tsje old party leaders take their job of herding the votem to the polls with many fears...
...a letter to make a thorough investigation...
...So the Socialist Party in Texas faces some excellent opportunities and the state convention of the party will mark the beginning of a Socialist campaign of considerable scope and a substantial Increase in the number of Socialist branches...
...Nebraska la Canvswllssi Nebraska, an agricultural state, never had a very strong organization before the outbreak of the World War although tyn'\hm had an excellent local organisation and it took the leadership hi the state movement...
...Senate fPy A New Leaser CecreereaCeat) R/fOROANSTOWN, W. VA.—The SoclaHate of West Virginia nominated a fell state ticket In their convention held at Morgan town on Sunday, June 3. For V. S. Senate, Dr...
...All are anvited to attend these lectures...
...Operators ftn{ business men have wanted Maurer out of the University,' the committee stoJms...
...Detroit Socialists, with Comrade Maurtts DeJong taking an active part, are planning to make these lectures great anew...
...Aasesaer:-*Jbhfi BeaueT, Star City...
...Of course, Wisconsin to a Socialist stronghold sad the big state convention' in Milwaukee last Saturday was to be expected...
...Gerber In Week's Trip Finds Socialist Bust With Campaign Activity Socialist Campaign Manager Conlew*;lWili rades in Half Dosen States Returning to Socianst Campaign Headquarters after a week's swtog through the up-state New York, Ohio, Washington...
...A committee is at work drawing up a state platform...
...IsV «ard Low, seventy-six yean old, sad to »ver thirty years a member of tat S> •ialist Party, was the guest of toner...
...A confusing cross current in Texas polities for many years has been the Ku Klux Klan which diverted attention of workers and farmers from pressing economic problems and political Issues...
...The banauet fsw a decided impetus to the work of tensing a new English -speaking orgssawsm of the Socialist Party...
...Oar phg...
...Ohio to Probr Firing Of Professor g**©*^ 4n Cm* of Wesley H. Mjuarer Bred from University •**.*• • mbate f ¦ !¦¦ ii ATHBN8...
Vol. 7 • June 1928 • No. 26