SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK Report Given On N. Y. Call Printing Co. Corproration Not Permitted to Purchase Its Own ' stock at This Time, Maikiel Says f. fgf stockholders of the New York ran...
...Op October 31st, 1925, our net assets...
...A social gathering will take place and refreshments will be served...
...Our active organizer...
...Jacob Panken and Samuel Orr addressed the gathering and ten applications for membership were obtained...
...IS (he meantime, due to the collapse a* the New York Call we had the entire >,ailis raeant getting rent only from the foorth floor and the store...
...25*4 FOR MINERS FROM PAINTERS Dayton, Ohio.—By an assessment of $2 a month for 3 months the Dayton local of painters is contributing $2500 in cash for miners' relief...
...A series of openmeetings are being held throughout dty and officials of the union report ***** cooperation ot the public to most New York City « — MANHATTAN New York County branches are engaged In electing delegates to the State Convention of the Party to be held in A^any, JulT i* »«> 15...
...Liabilities ' $74921.21 As sgalnst that, we had Accounts ReJrabie 19117.68, machinery and fixtures, Sufl and building...
...listing Treasurer...
...A joint meeting of all branches in the district will be called for Thursday evening...
...74S3.7S £ ScSTT...
...The following matters were decided: Street meetings In the 23rd A. D. will continue every Friday evening...
...Our membership is also canvassing enrolled voters as a means of increasing our membership...
...The City Central Committee on June 37 will elect the remaining 13 delegates at large for the County... the Inventory...
...Waiters' Union Again Picketing Premises of Exchange Bakery *Jtw almost three years and a half, *» Exchange Bakery, located at 640 **n Avenue, is again being picketed '^¦embers of the Waiters and Wait**$ Local Union No...
...18th A. D. J. L. Afros will lead a discussion at the next meeting...
...but could not possIIt bring that at a sale...
...Upper West SMe The branch will meet Thursday evening, June 14, in the office of Dr...
...2000.00 Tot...
...Samuel A. DeWitt and Gertrude Stodel wUl assist In the entertainment...
...We could not get any customer for the Webb Press but secured a Tenant for sewn weeks who paid $875, and finally in October, leased the press and the base¦sat tot $300.00 a month, for one year...
...It would rswale us to pay off the Indebtedness J*r and accummulate the surplus ..J* benefit of the stockholders...
...a Matteoti Memorial meeting will be held by the Italian branches at Cooper Union...
...June 12th, 8.30 p.m., 114th street and 5th avenue...
...The last day for voting is June 23, and the tallying of all votes of the nine branches must be in the City Office not later than June 25...
...The building trades council Is contributing $100...
...June 4. Plans for the campaign were discussed and the report of the Committee on nominees Indicated that the matter of Congressional and Senatorial candidates is still undecided...
...Im- i portant business is the election of two delegates to the State Convention and ; the nomination of candidates for Assem- 1 bly, State Senate and Congress...
...Against this, we have a •ddtaf which Is worth at least $75,000 ¦»T snd Increasing in value, and also ¦jPrtes which will bring at least the ¦Mat of the mortgage, If not more...
...Our Bohemian members are making strenuous efforts to increase their membership...
...Labriola Banquet On Friday evening, June 15, at Beethoven Hall, a banquet will be tendered to Arturo Labriola, our distinguished Italian comrade, who recently arrived as an exile from Italy...
...until February 1st, 1926, gat we found a purchaser who paid (tsjjoo for the plant known aa Academy Km...
...Nicholas Avenue, City...
...Harry W. La idler...
...Speakers: Ethelred Brown and others...
...The General Committee on June 27 will elect the remaining two delegates of the Bronx County quota...
...Wednesday, June 13th...
...With the sale of the Academy Press, St obtained a rental of $250.00 per ¦oath...
...A meeting with enrolled voters is planned and street meetings will begin in a short time...
...Sutter avenue and Hinsdale street...
...5th A. D. The branch will meet Friday evening, June 8, at the County headquarters, 1167 Boston Road...
...Branch Astoria The next meeting of the new branch win be held on Friday evening, June 15...
...2518 Mermaid Avenue...
...Speakers are William Karlin and William Morris Felgenbaum...
...A propaganda campaign In the spring of 1927 resulted in an increase in the membership of 3,324...
...Our speakers are getting considerable attention and Interest, and new members are being | added to our branch...
...2nd A. D. This branch will meet Friday...
...June 11th, 110 p.m., 137th street and 7th avenue...
...An attempt will be made to hold a meeting among the Italian voters of the 23rd A. D. shortly...
...On Saturday evening...
...An excellent street meeting was held Saturday, June 2, at 180th Street and Daly Avenue, with I. O. Dobsevage as speaker...
...Frank Rceenfarb, Henry Bapkowits, Simon Saraaohn, William Shapiro...
...The speakers will Include Jacob Panken, Arturo Labriola, emminent Italian Socialist and scholar, and other prominent Socialists and Labor men...
...3-5-1* A. D. The branch will meet Tuesday, June 13, at 8:30 p. m In the Rand School, 7 Bast 15th Street...
...23rd A. D. The last meeting transacted considerable business...
...The principle business will be the nomination of candidates for Congress, Assembly and State Senate, the organization of the campaign committee and other matters pertaining to the welfare of our organization...
...At the Central Committee meeting on June 37 the remaining three delegates will be elected...
...BROOKLYN Friday, June 8th, 8:30 p.m., Bristol street and Pitkin avenue...
...We are extending our activities to open air meetings...
...Samuel Orr, former Socialist Assemblyman, will speak on current events...
...The books gj^Lithat on May 11th, 1925, we ow"t, msrehsndise Creditors...
...4-14 A. B. The branch is showing considerable signs of renewed activity...
...We ¦¦¦pste In the near future, better renmhconditions and increased value of the 2™* at which time it will be advis!~i™*" provided the printing press m teen, disposed of and distribute the ¦"•mount among the preferred stock¦anert .ftgfr'es are constantly coming In to P Preferred stockholders, asking SJL"* Payment of their shares...
...L. P. Goldberg...
...Saturday, June 9th, $30 p.m., 137 and 7th avenue...
...Various members have oledged themselves to keep in touch with at least one delinquent member and see to it...
...19-21 A. D. Street meetings have been In progress hi this section where a large population of Negro workers reside...
...Friday, June 8th, 8:30 pay, Sutter avenue and Vermont street...
...Dobsevage and others...
...Investigation Seed that we were conducting the fSm business at a deficit of $20,000 wr sanum... Bohemian Hall, Second Avenue and Woolsey Street...
...Emanuel Swltkes...
...clrcumstances, the only time g stockholders will be able to receive yLFSSP ta when we sell the building, "¦wurcccur Just as soon as we can 'XT,iiOL the press and obtsdn a fair iT.''he company will be wound gjwgl...
...The following members have been nominated and have accepted: J. L. Afros, Jacob Axelrad, tall Bromberg, I. M chatcufl, Carl Cumminga, W. M Felgenbaum, Samuel H. Friedman...
...BRONX Saturday, June 9th, 8:30 p m lftoth street and Daly avenue...
...Speakers: L. G. Kaye...
...for State Senator, 7th District, Samuel H. Friedman...
...The meeting will be of internationl character and every Socialist should assist in the success of this meeting...
...Matteoti Memorial Meeting On 8unday...
...16th A. D. A meeting of enrolled Socialist voters Is being arranged for Friday evening, June 8. at the Workmen's Circle Center, 7316 20th Avenue...
...Their names are on the ballot...
...Ethelred Brown is organizer and secretary, and all Socialists desirous of becoming members are requested to get in touch with Comrade Brown who resides at 428 St...
...Friday, June 15, 8:30 p.m., Rivington and Pitt street...
...Speakers: Ethelred Brown and others...
...The following members have accepted the nomination: Abraham Bass, Jacob Bernstein, August Claessens, George Dobsevage, Israel Feinberg, Esther Friedman, Morris Oisnet, Boris Kostlnsky, Samuel Orr, Louis Palnken, David Rublnow, Sol Wechsler...
...Corproration Not Permitted to Purchase Its Own ' stock at This Time, Maikiel Says f. fgf stockholders of the New York ran Printing Co...
...Among its many activities are canvassing enrolled voters, getting new members and subscribers to The New- Leader...
...Inc.: On May 1st, i^aat President and business manaEComrade George Speyer Informed Hoard of Directors that he had to , serious operation and would 'Stmw for some time...
...At this social gathering arranged for the purpose of stimulating acquaintanceship between the numerous new members that have recently Joined this branch...
...Executive Secretary Claessens will be present...
...Several hundred letters are being mailed to voters inviting them to attend...
...Speakers: Geo...
...Speaker, Frank Cross waith...
...The meeting will elect a delegate to the State Convention, nominate candidates for public office, and ' welcome several new members that have ¦ recently joined this branch...
...Friday, June 15th, 8:30 pjn., Bristol street and Pitkin avenue...
...The whole burden JIJS anon roe as Treasurer...
...The branch also elected two new delegates to the City Central Committee in the pecsons of Samuel H. Friedman and Eamnuel Swltkes...
...Unforthe law does not aUow a corPjMpn to purchase its own stock unless "J*" » »urplus over all liabilities...
...June 16, a Strawberry Festival will be held in the headouarters...
...General Party Meeting On Thursday evening, June 14, a general membership meeting of all Bronx members will be held at the County headquarters at 8:30 p. m. This meeting should be one of the best for many years...
...8:80 p.m...
...Comrade Rosenthal, will have many things to say relative to the work In this district...
...On Monday evening...
...A wide 'J***1 h being made to the housewives * Purchase milk only from drivers who ff* unton °utton...
...Prank Crosswaith will continue his series of lectures until the end of June...
...Finnish and the Jewish Harlem branches that are electing two delegates each...
...14500.00 SSntar Paper Mills...
...These meetings will be held every Saturday night and very shortly we shall announce other meetings...
...Carl CummmgS...
...we owed for not sod $200.00 was paid for the cancellation...
...Harry Ulanoff...
...This branch held a very successful open air meeting last week and is continuing its effort to increase its membership and become an efficient branch...
...June 8. Ballots for the election of delegates to the State Convention will be on hand: members of Congressional Campaign Committee will report on the work in the district and on what the City Organization la doing...
...The attendance Is increasing weekly and as election draws near there Is no doubt that thi* corner will prove to be one of the finest propaganda spots in the 18th A. D Ethelred Brown will continue as the main speaker at Thursday^ meeting, with the possibility of some of our local candidates being present...
...that he comes to the meetings or else they know the reason why...
...June 10...
...Some of she zJSen of the Board agreeing to su25* the work...
...They are holding meetings In various sections of the city and getting an excellent response...
...M. C. Miller, Hyman Nemaer, Saul Rifktn, Herman Rlvkln...
...e could sell the machinery at the l pace Jactoded...
...awMkg to our books, were $36,000, profit...
...mas I The members of the IS branches are now busy electing delegates to the State Convention...
...8:30 pm, Sutter avenue and Vermont street...
...22nd A. D. Street meetings are now he'd under the auspices of the 22nd A. D. branches...
...Central Branch A well attended meeting was held Tuesday evening, June 5, at the County headquarters...
...C. Kanowltz...
...Each branch U 21?V?*^ne,d^e«mt« e«*Pt to* »-5-l...
...SWISS SOCIALISM GAINS Zurich.—The Swiss Socialist Party shows a considerable advance...
...June 13...
...The .**tahment of the picket line at this J* ¦ the result of a modified decision Crane of the State" Supreme **Vsnd Is certain to have a bearing •J °* widely quoted In labor Injunction The don is meeting with suc** ¦ organizing the cafeteria workers ¦ abo conducting negotiations with r**BoloTers' Association (service res¦CrtBts), relative to new working conDrivers, Local 584, Carrying On Drive Among Milk Drivers sggressive campaign to organise feWfc wagon drivers of New York is "*« undertaken by Local 584...
...Speakers are William Morris Felgenbaum and others...
...BRONX Our members are engaged in selecting 10 delegates to represent them at our State Convention...
...Speakers: 8. Block and others...
...The membership of the Party has thus risen to 36,072...
...Of the acreceivable, about $5000.00 conSSd of accounts due from the New rTJtr Band School and Socialist Party X£ ears to be partly paid by the canBgee, of a note held by Comrade BerThe machinery included in the assets " wm carried st $47,000...
...onoer the circumstances, the net vails of the assets is about $30,000 making ¦e nine of the Preferred stock, over * P» cent . >eDtal conditions, however, are bad m we have a vacant loft In the buildit If that could be rented...
...I undertook to take EJt of the financial end of the bual*rv«nrade Speyer never recovered and ^ieauently died...
...Tuesday, June 12th, 8:30 pan., 64th street and 30th avenue...
...Street Meeting* MANHATTAN Friday, June 8, 8:30 p.m., Rivington and Pitt street...
...Speakers: Ethelred Brown and <b...
...Berlin, 245 W. 74th Street...
...At the last meeting, Esther Friedman, whom our comrades like to obtain as candidate for Assembly, made a wonderful impression In a brief talk to the members and friends...
...It was .Ti aiainr...
...A meeting will be held there on June 7. In Rockaway Beach, our branch is gaining more members and another meeting will be held In the near future...
...June 11, Charles Solomon win speak at the branch meeting in the Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...13-19 A. D. At a recent meeting nominations for public office were made and a committee was elected for the purpose of holding street meetings In the very near future...
...QUEENS COUNTY Work is .In progress for the organization of a branch in the WInfield and Jackson Heights section...
...This he* was later cancelled by the payment of M300.00 of which $1000...
...Friday, June 15th...
...1. The long **¦» ont difficulty between the Ex*"»« Bakery and the union has at***** nation-wide...
...attention, seven or J* court trials having been fought the inception of the trouble...
...During July Comrade Shlplacoff and Charles Solomon will give a series of educational talks at corners Bristol and Pitkin...
...5-« A. D. This branch recently held a meeting in conjunction with the 2Srd A. D. and made the following nominations: Candidate for Congress, 10th District, Abraham I. Shlplacoff...
...8th Congressional District - A well attended meeting of the Campaign Committee was held on Monday...
...Our next branch meeting will be held on Thursday, June 14...
...Jacob Handles...
...B. A. Oebiner...
...The cover charge is $3.50 per plate...
...An effort is being made to get out a record attendance...
...Shlplacoff and Samuel H Friedman were nominated for Congressman and State Senator...
...It was then decided to hEaue and sell the machinery...
...Sadie Rlvkin...
...The first luniilng held last week was fairly successful and a sufficient number of comrades responded to affect the organiastion of a hinrtrmmg branch... Oomtade Speyer...
...Speakers: Ethelred Brown, Simon Saraaohn...
...The Campaign Committee will submit a further report on candidates and other matters...
...Saturday, June 16th, 8:30 p. ffl , 180th street and Daly avenue... 2:30 p. m...
...In addles to that, we had to pay $100.00 on a eat af the basement next door...
...Speaker: Ethelred Brown...
...The top floor was also leased ftr 1150 00 a month so that the entire Jsksxtf was rented with the exception of ga sssement...
...7 East This branch is on the job and Its members are doing good work...
...Speakers: 8. P. Ulanoff, L. Lieberman...
...Joaeph Tuvim, Joseph A. Well, and Minnie Weisberg...
...William Halpem...
...Sidney Schmarek was elected Campaign Manager...
...Reservations can be made at the City Office, 7 East 15th Street...
...We also leased the plant on the Mcood floor for $300.00 a month, oneself of which was rent for the loft and te other half for the use of the masfiiaerj...
...Speaker: Ethelred Brown...
...3rd A. D. This new and growing branch will meet Friday evening, June 15, at the Martinique Mansion on 156th and Beck Streets...
...mllsiH the building---- 36000.00 jggggaoB taxes and water...
...Speaker: Ethelred Brown...
...ts paid and the balance dis^J"* among the Preferred stockholdLEON A. MALKIEL...
...Speakers: S. P. Ulanoff and others...
...June 8. at the Rockaway Mansion, 695 Rockaway Avenue, on "The Why and the Wherefore of the Apathy of the American Voter...
...June 14...
...Thursday, June 14th, 8:30 p.m., Sutter and Ralph avenues...
...Their names are on the ballot...
...A large number of Socialist sympathizers and enrolled voters were present... the headquarters of the Coney Island Branch...
...Last week a meeting was held in Astoria and an effort is being made to organize a branch there...
...Since then, we have disposed of most i the machinery which has eliminated ¦» surplus...
...The organization Is growing rapidly...
...Oh a cut bash, the Preferred stock was* not tartb more than 10 cents on the dollar, ssd the Common stock worthless...
...The outdoor meetings at Sutter 'and Ralph Avenues are meeting with a very encouraging response...
...Speaker: Frank Crosswalth...
...This banquet is arranged under the joint auspices of the Italian branches of the party, the II Nuovo Mondo, and an honorary committee which Includes a great number of prominent Socialists, trade unionists and liberals...
...5416.25 SSesri Fund, public service 2500.00 JJTT jitter three accounts beSesfered by mortgages on ¦axhlnery...
...Four new branches have been organized since the beginning of the year, and about 100 new members are added to our ranks...
...A theatre party recently held for the benefit of the Sunday School was quite successful...
...A. I. Shlplacoff, M. Singer, Charles Solomon, Charles BhKwshan...
...However, we have paid off ¦est of our Indebtedness except mortgag-, ¦ so that we today owe only $42,750 on' ¦arttsges on the building and $6000 to ¦» Tidewater people, which is covered ¦ toe Press...
...The vote closes June 33 and the tally sheet must be in the City Office not later than June 25...
...Boro Park Branch A meeting of enrolled Socialist voters will be held at the Boro Park Labor Lyceum on Wednesday evening...
...Enrolled Socialist voters of the First Assembly District will again be invited and an effort will be made to obtain a larger membership...
Vol. 7 • June 1928 • No. 25