Drive To Put Socialists On Ballots Is Under Way; iMass. Names Mary Donovan Sacco - Vanzetti Defender Nominated For Governor in Bay State Convention LEWIS T O RUN FOR U. S. SENATE Strong...
...And it is very doubtful indeed If he has the heart to tackle a walkup proposition, with the thought of Al groith, armed with a lead pipe, lurking In the darkness of every landing...
...Bo there Is always that calamity for us to look forward to...
...The 760 branches of the organization throughout the • country were also instructed to take similar action, so that the Commission will have before it not only the official action of the National Xxectrtlve but also the opinions of the tank sad file...
...For years the submarine, telegraph or cable had been the sole means of rapid communication between lands separated by sea...
...The Marconi interests have been the chief beneficiaries...
...If I were the Pope I should not want to he responsible for bis administration...
...Van Namee doesn't stand alone...
...Now the report has it that the worse rumors have been true...
...derB of The New Leader are urged to write at once protesting against the ¦¦•being of the Voice of Debs, the lover of humanity...
...The convention was called to order at 11 o'clock Sunday morning fey comrade Alfred Baker Lewis, the state secretary of the party...
...Maybe **"he did not...
...One need not be a Hefltn type of bigot or a state worshiper to hold that this attitude of mind is dangerous to liberty...
...Having talked for years ever a telephone wire tapped by some of the W. J. Buns school of patriots I am not surprised so learn that the Begrmm Court by a five to four decision-has decided that wire tapping by government agents is legal...
...I have said that neither Hoover nor Smith nor any other old party candidate can be stronger then bis party...
...As a result of the new developments the cable is becoming a losing proposition unless it can be combined in a comprehensive communications system, in which it could handle that form of traffic most economical for it...
...Our own primary responsibility is less for denouncing Japan than for what our government may do in dealing with the most populous nation in the world...
...Cut Must Be Rescinded, Union Demands By Frank Manning VBW BEDFORD—The New Bedford * ' Textile Council held its eighth mass meeting Monday...
...What a few months ago looked like a cut-and-adried affair, with pudgy Mr...
...At the Paris meeting Bracks and Severak spoke...
...We are in constant touch with the bulk of the strikers...
...Besides its other activities...
...for attorneygeneral, John Weaver Sherman...
...Letters should be mailed n the Federal Radio Commission, and o«»cs sent to Button WEVD, 31 Union ¦taw, New York City...
...I doubt if Governor Smith himself or his wiser Catholic friends will thank the Mayor for making it...
...A state executive committee was elected consisting of: Mrs...
...These dinners were an import***l*rt of the company's "educational" in its efforts to teach the men ~°*to "oopt efficiency methods and am sVPkk) labor-saving devices in the mines...
...The nostalSa for crowded Oliver Street is grand Publicity...
...The moral and financial assistance of the party was pledged to the cause of the strikers...
...We have to do the best we can...
...Comrade Lewis' report waa accepted and confidence in his leadership of the state office was shown by unanimously reelecting him the state secretary...
...The first of the campaign comic strips will be run off by the Republicans at Kansas City next week...
...also that a arte has been set f er a hearing, jnte...
...Comrade Lewis enumerates the numerous activities and means that the party has used in carrying the message of Socialism to the people of the state...
...Since January' of this year an Imperial Wireless and Cables Conference has been sitting in London discussing the future of the communications of the British Empire...
...Of course, there is a lot of talk about Bower's not being acceptable to Wall Street and the Old Guard...
...But to me it seems unlikely...
...Al Smith's pre-convention campaign manager is George R. Van Namee, once the Governor's secretary whom be appointed to the Public Service Commission...
...1.25 per plate, obtainable of Rueben McDevitt, 47 Johnson Ave., Trenton, or Lewis Williams, Labor Lyceum...
...The finances of the state office were reported being on a sound boats and n slight increase in membershlp had been noticeable...
...The convention closed its session late Sunday afternoon...
...Instead the Navy urged the General Electric to take steps to form an American competing company...
...TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas .Socialist Candidate for President jJENITO MUSSOLINI in the very partisan propaganda articles which the Saturday Evening Poet is running (we suppose to show its love for democracy) comments on the little space given by the newspapers to what he regards as one of the most epochal of early Fascist conferences...
...But the joke happens to be on all of us Americana, with the exception of those 400,000 who, according to Mr...
...It Is doubtful whether the United States Government will invoke the anti-trust laws against these powerful consolidations, which are such a great aid to American capitalism...
...Thomas P. McMahon...
...Transoceanic communication is of prime military and naval necessity to both the British and American Empires with their far-flung dependencies and dominions...
...All the "old timers" be there—The Workmen's Circle Is hustling to make it a big success...
...They realise well enough that Uk termers are not organised politically, and are conservative and individualistic heart...
...He must have had his tongue well Into his cheek when he said this, for while Wall Street would of course much prefer to see the cautious Calvin on the throne again, it well knows that Mr...
...William Reivo, of Fitchburg, Joseph Bearak, of Boston, and Frank Manning of New Bedford...
...Actually there is little reason to believe that any of the candidates wants to be stronger than his party or different from his party...
...She has only done in Shantung what we probably should have done in her place and what we certainly did in Nicaragua with less provocation...
...The British and colonial governments have been participating In the telegraph business...
...Only one resolution was passed by the convention as the platform adopted by the convention, states the Socialist position in regard to social, poflitical, and economic problems jot the i state...
...Alfred Baker Lewis, Socialist Party candidate for U. S. Senator, Aaron VeUerman, national Director of the Workmen's Circle, and the two local strike leaders, Bines and Batty, and Horace A. Riviere, General Organizer of the U. T. W. were the other speakers at this enthusiastic meeting...
...the *dfare and happiness of millions of *¦*¦» »re to a large degree dependent **°a the antics of the 400,000 proles»»nal politicians...
...Maurer Speaks in Trenton At Dinner Sunday Night Trenton Socialists are invited to a dinner this Sunday night, June 10, in Trenton...
...After the preliminary routine of organizing the convention had been disposed of, the delegates pitched Into the task of nominating the state tickets, adopting a platform, deciding on plans to carry on the state campaign, and the electing of a state committee and campaign committee...
...Whatever else may be true of it, it certainly represents a genuine and deep seated Chinese aspiration in its resentment of the unequal treaties and other acts of foreign aggression... New York Morris Hillcult, a Tngar man and others...
...Van Namee as a public service commissioner has a perfect record from a big business standpoint...
...I think ow baud weald O. K. such action...
...Those who have machines find that considerable time is required to make the journey and return...
...They had concluded that by processes of liquidation, tariff, and general exploitation, the farmer had been sufficiently mojuikized to stay at home and "swill his bogs," as the North Dakota bankers once advised the Non-Partisan Leaguers...
...competition with their kind in Imperial politics...
...v The convention will nominate thirteen presidential electors pledged to Norman Thomas and James H Maurer, and select one candidate for United States Senator...
...The man with those friends and an appointee like Van Namee to his credit ought not to cause the most timid public utility financier a really sleepless night...
...It will be more of an event if it makes some of our liberal friends who would be for the Socialist Party except that they don't like the name, or that we shan't win this year or that Hoover or Smith will somehow give us Socialism without our — or their — knowing it, really face the issue that Mr...
...Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia University, who has providentially recovered from his recent attack of acute indigestion...
...Meanwhile Governor Smith's friends have less and less basis for their claim that he Is progressive...
...The Unions mobilised their forces and were ready to cope with this event...
...Then, towards the close of the nineteenth century came wireless telegraphy and in recent years that variety popularly known as radio...
...In fact, only recently a representative of the New York banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb <b CO...
...But a political campaign is something else again, and you don't go j** to' a knock-down fight surrounded oy social workers and Campflre Girls, what you want on such an occasion are ttestrong right arms and the ready **«*-book8 of the Men Who Count...
...This has been one of the slnsagiot Socialist states ta the country and the Socialist party most have doetors on the ballot In It...
...The result was the Radio Corporation of America In which the Western Electric and other corporations Joined...
...employes I «n Dew Hudson president, Mr...
...Here enters the governmental factor...
...Hoover nominated by the grace of Andy Mellon and yeasing delegates, now appears to be a matter of some conjecture...
...As Frank Kent says, "he came up on the escalator...
...It b not to be wondered at that the learned philosopher-President has these recurrent attacks of acute indigestion...
...Morris Cohen...
...Henry Vilhrd...
...New Bedford...
...A third element which makes for centurion of the prophets consists of that r[pl phalanx of favorite sens who now running to Kansas City to stand under old oaks in the hope that the Presidential lightning may come their way...
...80 there you are...
...M. Asherowitz, treastnd delegate to the proposed City conference of the "Thomas for Preal*¦*" clubs...
...kanwhUe, other Yipsels in the Day ses¦kn have organised a group in the coltote with a membership of about thirty...
...They should got in touch at once with Julius Oerbor, 81 Union Square, New York City...
...But you don't have to accept big campaign contributions to show business interests that your heart is right...
...If Alfred Emanuel Smith has any definite thoughts on any definite national issues, he has kept them wry much to himself...
...Shaw raises with something of his intellectual keenness and forthrightness...
...There is no man in the country who worships the outworn theories el individualism more faithfully than Herbert Hoover, and even if he didn't yjag the farmers a fair break during the W. be is to be preferred to a wringing wet Catholic from the sidewalks of that bated New York...
...President of the United States Textile Workers of America, expressed the hope that affiliation of the local unions with the National Organization would be permaent and that this struggle would awaken the textile workers of the South...
...We are ready for any sacrifice, and it now seems that this will be one of the most memorable struggles in the history of textile unionism...
...The loons ia this campatga Is not Smith or Hoover or Dawes of any other mas whom the old parties may nominate It » the parties themselves with their inherent corruption and their essential dependence upon bwslnees interests which finance then...
...NEW YORK, March 19.—The Mackay Companies and the International Telephone and Telegraph Company make public their plans to unite.' LONDON, March 30.—F...
...Karl Wsigary da...
...As campaign literature the convention decided to publish three leaflets...
...It would appear, to climb off the water-wagon now and then...
...Albert Sprague Coolidge, of Pittsfield...
...Behind General Electric and the Radio Corporation of America has been J. P. Morgan St Co...
...A big pilgrimage is expected from every southern county from San Diego to Imperial to San Luis Obispo and Tulare...
...Albert Sprague Coolidge, of Pittsfield, presided...
...One on the Socialist platform, one giving a brief biographical sketch of the candidates, and one on public utilities...
...Thaw great pain and their personal affection wen seen in the quite indescribable devotion with which they cared for their oM leader at the time of his severe mass...
...Make Tear Protest "A Hyde Park of the Air" is what the ¦re York World called WEVD in a reant efttflsl, in the course of which aainihnce was expressed that the license ¦wid bt renewed...
...It plans to hold a sym**tan in the college of all the political "¦"tot, In order to show the superiority 01 tts Socialist Party over its opponents...
...The chronology of events is as follows: LONDON, March 15, 1928—Announcement is made that the Marconi Company and the Eastern and associated cable companies will merge, if "satisfactory" arrangements can be made with the governments of the British' Empire...
...The _ Union of Post Office Workers, one hundred thousand strong, has protested against the proposed step...
...Americans with the Nicaraguan war on their conscienpe have no right to take a role of moral superiority toward Japan...
...Thousands upon thousands of the 424,000 who voted for the La FolUette Socialist electors four years ago will vote for the Thomas Socialist electors this year...
...Hapgood to load the Socialist ticket this year the delegates felt certain that this year there would be a campaign for socialism in the State of Massachusetts that has not been witnessed for years and a record vote for both the najpnnal and state tickets of the Socialist'Party hi to be expectpiahing public school and high school at Brookfield she went to the University of Michigan to further her education...
...A strengthening of the interests of private capital and a clash between the empires of American and Britain are the results of this war over cables and wireless...
...It is probably more correct, however, to regard the Nationalist victory as the victory of a party rather than of a geographical area...
...He has said absolutely nothing with the grimmest persistence...
...Finally, the Radio Corporation of America decided to give up Its transoceanic service in the Western Hemisphere to the I. T. St T. and limit itself to what had become mare important, the sale of radio ™»/->^™».— manufactured by the General Electric and Westinghouse Electric—and urogram broadcasting...
...Thousands of Signatures Needed in 46 States Throughout the Country 'j'he first and most important stage of the Socialist Party campaign has now begun...
...and.b14ix.ail the rem New Bedford Strikers Set For Long Fight 10 Per Cent...
...My own guess this week is that the most significant events are transpiring in China where for the first lime in thousands of years the wave of conquest in that ancient country is going from South to North instead of from North to South...
...Mayor Jimmy Walker, must be in better health —good enough...
...Get bt toneh wtth hhn at once sahJng what you eon do...
...All Oklahoma mains of The *New Leader and The Lead er-Appeal are urged to get fat toneh with Comrade Bale, In Farry, Oklahoma...
...for secretary of state, Edith Williams, of Brookline...
...Governor Smith's boy friend...
...He is no internationalist but an able and somewhat benevolent — and perhaps the more dangerous — Imperialist...
...The Berlin comrades hi whose midst Axelrod spent the last yeagj of his* life, who up to the last ghoansaj and counselled with him on an the carol and works of the Party, an the piohlenM of the Russian and international labor movement—which always absorbed htm these Berlin oomradee felt especially the gap caused by his death...
...After a few favorite sons had been swept aside, the Coolidge crown was to be pressed down upon the Hoover brow', and sweet harmony was to have prevailed...
...Comrades from other countries also took part in the memorial celebrations...
...Hence, it was most logical that the Eastern and associated cable companies should unite with the Marconi system...
...An organisation meettot Will be held in the near future...
...And Berry was openly opposed to the five-cent fare and to the Untermyer plan...
...Speakers, B. Charney Vladeck, James H. Maurer, Toast master, Geo...
...How can Smith, Sachem of Tammany Hall, reform the Democratic Party, to which party belong not merely the grafters of New York but the most reactionary elements in America, namely, the Southern planters and mill,owners...
...G. Kellaway, Deputy Chairman of the Marconi International Mercantile Communication Company, accuses American telegraph organizations of having attempted to get control of the British telegraph systems...
...True enough that politics, as that word is understood by both old parties, is more or less of a joke...
...Chief among these is Senator Curtis of Kansas...
...While ato boy scouts have been collecting contributions to the extent of $400,000, and in primary after primary the delegates hwe...
...Political Show Opens With Farmer In Old Role Of Maltreated Comedian But G. O. P. Fears the Old Mare "Ain't What She Used to Be"—Hoover on Inside Track Despite Corporal's Guard of Competing Hopefuls By Back-stairs Spokesman 1£ANSAS cijv.—Maybe the make-up man made a mistake...
...To be sure, over on the other side of the fence Hoover has found his match In conspicuous silence in The Man With The Brown Derby...
...However, it would surprise none of lis If an attempt were made soon to operate at least some of the mills...
...Just because I believe religion should be kept out of politics I object to this kind of speech whether in Jest or earnest...
...Been granting that they desire Improvement how can Hoover who be silence endured the oil erandeli reform the Republican Party...
...We are the only heirs of the 1924 l&- Follette movement...
...In the first place, I do not think the man has the guts to go into what promises to be a real catch-aseafch-can, 'thumb-gouging melee...
...The British were defeated and had to sell the Marconi properties in the United States to the RCA and be satisfied with patent privileges abroad...
...Big Turn Out Expected at Los Angeles — 13 Electors To Be Named r OS ANGELES, Calif—The state convention and conference of the Socialist Party will meet in Los Angeles on June 17 and is expected to be the banner convention in many years...
...said Secretary Abraham Blnns of the Weavers Union, "and sentiment against any compromise or any thought of going back to work to almost 100 per cent...
...It was rumored last week that the mill owners would invite the workers back to their jobs with the 10 per cent.cut...
...With the inauguration of beam wireless In April 18?7 the cables were hit harder than ever, especially those in the Pacific which the Dominions own Jointly...
...for treasurer of state, Albert Sprague Coolidge, of Pittsfield...
...While Smith's liberal friends tell labor about his good record all the conservatives have to do is to point at Van Namee...
...Yet thousands of people who agree to ail this have not yet come out openly to help us in our great effort to build a party which will fight against the power trust, the waste of coal,, unemployment and imperialism not as isolated issues but as parts of one program for bringing to men plenty, peace and freedom...
...Frank R. Kent, the keen observer of things political for the "Baltimore Sun," constitute the professional politician class in this country...
...In the latter field the most important patents have been pooled by the Radio Corporation of America but Marconi has been making frequent and somewhat frantic announcements, that be has been perfecting a beam radio system...
...Here, for instance, is a record that has not been sufficiently considered...
...Rubin Socialist-baiter Is Cited for Disbarment Milwaukee.—Atty...
...The fact that Hoover seems to be about equally unpopular with Wall street and the farmers Is somewhat curious but proves nothing In particular...
...It has had its fair share of schism, brutality and indecision...
...The eastern industrialists for whom the present political set-up is so accommodatingly devised had forgotten the farmer...
...WoaMyea like ear snpMdaallmm ¦«e> wathuiWfce rijiiirl the'' wimsh of year license...
...Among the officers of the Society are Somen of great nobility of character and pmbtte standing, such as Mrs...
...Fortunately there are signs that wiser councils may prevail again in Japan...
...Katharine Devereaux Blake, Sarah O. Chghorn, Mrs...
...Now that the Pekin dictator, Chang,, has retired to Manchuria, which he may or may not be able to hold with the aid of his Japanese friends, we shall have to reckon soon with new Chinese demands which we ought to meet in friendly fashion full half way...
...Death of Axelrad Plunged Socialists Of World in Grief Paris.—Everywhere where Randan Socialist* are farced to five in exile memorial celeb rationi for Comrade Pool Axelrod, recently deceased have been held...
...Bo officers are: Winston Dancis, presiD. Herman, vice-president...
...In England the Labor Party Is raising a loud protest against the abandonment of nationalisation...
...She graduated in 1914, and after her graduation returned to her native state to take up teaching...
...Two state* of the 48 have already Sled... home and lr...
...They are reduced to talking about his very partial and imperfect water, power program...
...Maryland oomradee will now mm, the lauuigunsy lo great...
...w. a Rubin, Boesak* ht-baiter, is cited Jar ilhtniiimii by % eonmnttss of S circuit judges that investigated hk sirrtrnlsnm rfiashig ansa* 100,000 Ask WEVD Get Its License Workmen's Circle Adopts Resolution — Women's Peace Society Backs Fight — Petitions Circulated THDIGNATION against the threatened revocation of the license of Station ajgVD, the Debs Memorial Radio Station, by the Federal Radio Commission fe rapidly rising, and it is certain that when representatives of the Station appau before the Commission July 9th •to show cause why the license should not be revoked" hundreds of thousands at men and women will be represented through representatives and committees and will show cause...
...So far as appears from the record he has rot a lot for his money in his pre-convention campaign...
...That's the only way one can explain his extraordinary speech to the...
...The difficulties facing Socialists farther north win prevent some from attending as California is a state of "magnificent distances" and the cost of a Journey from the northern section to Los Angelas is considerable...
...Names Mary Donovan Sacco - Vanzetti Defender Nominated For Governor in Bay State Convention LEWIS T O RUN FOR U. S. SENATE Strong Platform Adopted To Meet., Demands of Massachusetts Workers (tty A Kaw lis lay Orajiaaaeuai) TIOSTONV-Comrade Mary Donovan Hapgood, fearless Socialist Sacco-Vanxetti defense secretary, was unanimously chosen by the Socialist Party of Massachusetts as the Socialist candidate for Governor in the coming state election, at its state convention hold at the American House, Boston, Sunday, June 3. With Mrs...
...But it did not materialize...
...If we bad found it necessary, as does the Doctor, to play around with as many Republican politicians as he has consorted With this year, we would long since have taken to our bed...
...There is a general air of expectancy here...
...tfct mwlnM mini if any...
...This shake-up in the wireless and cable field has its origin in the technological changes which have been revolutionizing the industry...
...For other comic •"PS, see page 14...
...Van Namee's Commission...
...Already influential progressive democrats are getting ready to bolt that reactionary crowd...
...At grlpprg'Jaysffl ^phtyThf* wha» looks like a dangerous and Stupid imperialist game...
...Labor unions, peace societies, and bodies spearing for civil liberties are also lining up to protest against classifying the station that is the voice of Debs together with stations that merely adwrtbe delicatessen, auto driving schools, nsrdware stores and others that clutter bp tht sir...
...For the past ten years in Labor and Socialist circles in Boston her name has been frequently mentioned for she has been a real live worker for the betterment of conditions of the workers and the cause of socialism...
...Leon Arkin, of Boston...
...How much more fun to "set around and whittle...
...Then, the I. T. St T. was made to merge with the Mackay Companies, which controlled the Postal Telegraph and the Commercial Cable companies...
...Well, it is true that people 'who write timely topics are likely to be ignorant of the invention, discovery, book or meeting which later may have the most far reaching consequences...
...WO MORE FREE CHICKEN baanton, Pa.—No more free chicken *to»«rs for Hudson Coal Co...
...Smith bag been deserting the high-brow social workers who were •ace so valuable to him, and trailing wfh the boys who, after alL while they **J not be long on "social vision" are there when the hat is passed around...
...The House of Morgan had hit upon a scheme—In the grand manner—of consolidating the leading communications companies In the United States...
...The important fact Is that on his own record he believes definitely that our government should be made efficient in the service of private profit maker...
...Both will have what WiU Rogers well calls a trick floor, and whoever is nominated In either party will have to stand on it...
...He has, to be aire, said that he will not*run, about as plainly as he has ever ,*said anything, tut like the man in th& story, he has not said, "I posiTIVEajr 'will not run...
...Time 6.30—Place, The Labor Lyceum, 159 Mercer St...
...Comptroller Berry of New York is the Governor's particular friend...
...Whether any public service commissioner ought to receive and handle campaign funds is doubtful...
...The appearance of Bernard Shaw's new book on Socialism addressed to the Intelligent Woman in apparent despair of the' average man is certainly an event of the week...
...The selection of the presidential electors was left to the state executive committee to fill out...
...In the manner of the United States Marines in the old-fashioned melodrama, he may come jmhtag in at the last act, to rescue the beleaguered elephant...
...There is plenty of work for Boctollflt and Socialist supporters In every state in the union...
...The one resolution passed by the convention was on the New Bedford strike...
...In the Berlin meeting Bduard Bernstein spoke;, who as colleague and friend, movIgnly recalled the deceased...
...Hoover is not going to run off any reservations...
...One club has announced that it will bolt the nomination of Al Smith and support the Socialist ticket...
...More and more of late, in the past **w months...
...Campaign plans will be considered and the field surveyed with the view of mustering all the forces available for an effective canvass of the state for the Socialist candidates and increasing the party membership...
...And Mr...
...The petitions boobs be flMa not later than Jane 18th... of our has!tart liberal friends baa advanced ana single re—on for belief lug, that the Tls|iiilali an or Democratic Party can be made the effective weapon of eery sort of struggle for the things that moot liberals profess 'to desire...
...Some of the bloom is off our too extravagant hopes for the Nationalist movement...
...Every reader of The New/Lead er and The leader Appeal eon give valuable help...
...There have been persistent rumors that this body would recommend the retirement of the Government from the telegraph business...
...NEW YORK, June 1.—Statement by the International Telephone and Telegraph Company and the Radio LONDON, June 4.—It is reported that the British Government will surrender its external communications system to private interests, presumably the Marconi-Eastern holding company...
...Reisorff, Walter S. Hutchins, of Greenfield...
...Thousands of others foal the New Jersey and Maryland Already Filed — Action in Oklahoma Needed At Once CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE APPEALS FOR HELP...
...told the somewhat naive senators who are investigating pre-campaign contribution* that Wall Street was not for Herbert...
...I think the truth of the matter is that the few practical politicians who know anything about the farm vote will lam Hoover through, trusting to God a the Federal Reserve that there will be « recurrence this fall of some such rahwele as happened during the LaFoljatte campaign, when there was a big ejap and the price of wheat went skygaattPg...
...After the campa'^n is over I may write an article on the mind of the American Liberal or inil—fib me Courage <a...
...The whole thing •¦"W be a scream if it were not for the «*» that whether we like it or not...
...Get fat toneh wtth as at once at 81 Union Square, Hew York City...
...It is only fair to *»y that if he did think, he could find tew confidantes among the sportive gentlemen of the inner circle, which now surrounds him...
...She has headed the bookkeepers, stenographers, accountants, and office employees union, and in 1924, she was secretary of the Massachusetts C. P. P. A. Lewis for Senator The remainder of the ticket as selected was as follows: for lieutenantgovernor, Walter S. Hutchins, of Greenfield, who has been the Socialist candidate for many years and who moved the nomination of comrade Mrs...
...Be always votes with the majority for" fare increases, some fourteen of which were allowed to street car lines in a single year—1927...
...Angle a Gray, Executive Secretary, wrote: . "The newspapers report that yon U- • ens* b te be discontinued...
...The Mayor did not mend matters by saying that he had no orders from Rome...
...The Workmen's Circle, a powerful fraternal order of nearly 100,000 members, bis already taken vigorous action...
...At tot meeting of its National Executive Committee in New York on June 3rd a rauiutkm was unanimously carried to protest against the action of the Radio Ooenshsion and send delegates to Washington...
...Tfaeee are New Jersey and Maryland...
...The Labor Party has made frequent inquiries in Parliament but the premier and his colleagues have been evasive...
...The convention will give California a big start in the campaign this year...
...Many Individual members are expected to attend aa well as delegates...
...Comrade Lewis, in his report on the activities of the party for the past year, said "that we have been able to get a wider interest-in Socialism and the Socialist party organizations and groups this year than has been true since I have been in this district...
...Through the General Post Office the British Government has operated some cable and wireless service directly and some Indirectly through private companies...
...The decision hi this case shows once more that the majority of the sum erne Court can be treated to construe the Constitution U.S...
...The plans Of ChairU^**g*Leraf ataff^!o^Se*RepobncarI Party seem to have gotten wet somewhere, and the G. O. P. machine is creaking badly...
...At all events, there appeared in large type beneath the leading political story in a recent issue of a New York evening paper the following announcement: "For other comic strips see page 15...
...Thus, the House of Morgan built up a formidable rival to the British combination...
...But at present the stage on which Japan struts her part is far bigger and her role fraught with more danger than is -the case with the little tragedy enacted by Coolidge and Kellogg in the Caribbean...
...Yet is seems to be making progress toward a unified China...
...The real reason for firing her from the state-position, however, was that the employers did not like an inspector like Mary Donovan Hapgood, who sincerely believed that it was her duty to inspect conditions existing in Industries of the state and report instances were the law was being violated...
...scribed in an extensive article in the Vienna "Kampf Axehod's significance for the creation and maintenance of Marxist socialism in Hearts, and the doss friendship which linked Axelrod wtth the leaden of the labor movement of other countries...
...rotogravure purposes, it's all very to do the proletarian stuff, wear a hard-boiled hat over one eye, and mitt *ao wives and the kiddles...
...and for United States Senator, Alfred Baker Lewis, of Cambridge...
...So long as the workwilling to put up with a burlesque !?* whJch hasn't even the slightest !"*" M excitement or real comedy, so 2°»*nl these 400,000 continue to burwan, bamhootie...
...It is an axiom at Labor Temple that the 10 per cent cut must he restored...
...H. Goebel...
...In this position she worked for many years until last year, on account of her activities on the Saccc-Vanzetti defense committee, which did not please her superiors, a pretext was found to fire her...
...In the capitalistic competitive struggle this union might never have been consummated and the Eastern cable companies been completely vanquished, had not the tremendous growth of the American telegraph companies forced a merger for self-defense...
...Every hoar coasts, so dent delay...
...Those who want to help and play a part in this worthy cause should send their contribution to New Bedford Textile Council Belief, P. O. Box 57...
...First, All-American Cables, Inc., was absorbed by the International Telephone and Telegraph Co...
...Peace Society Objects Another organization that has taken action h the Women's Peace Society of Sew York...
...National campaign headquarters in New York City, assisted by more than a score of state secretaries and special organizers, are now bending their backs to collecting the many thousands of signatures needed to place Norman Thomas, for president, and James H. Maurer, for vice president, on the ballot in the states...
...This is an important year for California Socialists...
...hi response to an appeal sent out by Dartmouth students some Yipsels at City °0Dege have circulated- "Thomas For Resident" membership blanks in the Event* Session and have obtained about dkty signatures...
...There wffl be no campaign, wtth all of oar grand plans unless wo got Thomas and Maurer electors on th* ballots in the 48 states," Comrade Oerber said in an appeal for assist anoe, This Is a mighty tank, requiring the collection of SSjStl or more signatures all over the country...
...Van Namee received his biggest contribution from William Kenney who may be an old boyhood chum of the Governor's but who la also a wealthy contractor,, the bulk of whose business is done for public service corporations subject to regulation by Mr...
...Of course, this is the most patent kind of bean...
...The American Government has taken a great interest in the problem of communication...
...Hoover and Trust to God While the old gray mare out on the farm ain't by any means what she used to be, there is still some kick In her, and at the more mention of ^'^ack^h^a^l^^^^iw^in^ao uiis farm n snows over Hoover become that the march of an army of 100,000 irate farmers upon Kansas City receives serious consideration in the old line papers...
...J. Sergeant Cram, Htta UHenthal, Mary Winsor, Lydla O. Wentworth and many others...
...She put her heart and soul into the work of attempting to save Sacco and Vanzetti from the electric chair because she believed that they did not commit the brutal murder of which they were charged...
...80 tar Hoover has conducted a campaign, ideal from an old party standpoint...
...My bet is that despite the Coolidge threat, the farm revolt, the alleged opposition of Wall Street, and the pranclng» of dark horses, little Herbie Hoover will snatch the brass from this particular merry-go-round...
...Thomas For President Club" Formed at C.C.N.Y...
...A collection was taken among the delegates to help the strikers in their fight against the outrageous wage cut of the mill employers...
...been herded into the Hoover fold, Herbert has sat tight in the approved ananer of the late Charles Murphy...
...Coolidge has paid his debt to big business, why should he go out and take a sock In the nose for the sake of the...
...I wtl present It to them on Jane 6th...
...Butler's constitution, hardened by years of service as President of the Lotos Club, is a strong one, however, and he will undoubtedly be on hand when the gavel falls at the Orst session in Kansas City...
...What a commentary it is on us that no one even expects either old parties to turn out an honest and intelligent Platform...
...At the meeting in Berlin Comrades Dan, BksMtocfc, Woytihekl and others spoke...
...No pitch-fork brigades will appear on the streets of the convention city, for the good and simple reason that the farmers are very busy at home right now, and most of them couldn't raise the carfare from Iowa to Kansas...
...But there are s host of others, not the least of whom a our old college chum...
...In i carefully written -and thorough report...
...Harry ^tovh, secretary...
...The •workers flout any attempt on the part of those citizens who have formed mediation committees to talk compromise...
...Dahl and Ohadbourne of the traction interests are also great friends of the Governor's...
...for state auditor, David Eisenberg, of Chelsea...
...In the United states the demand of government ownership should be mads mom rigor...
...After a few years of teaching she secured a position as an inspector for the state of Massachusetts department of labor and industry...
...Coal May Rescue Elephant There always lurks in the background at all these calculations what must seem to the Hoover forces the sparse and sinhter figure of little Cal...
...He hasnt even discussed Chat as H applies on a national scale...
...Cathedral College Alumni In which he "hoped to God" that Smith as President would take orders "from Rome" because "during all the ages the Church of Rome has ordered nothing against civilisation...
...All Indications now point to a prolonged struggle...
...But hark from the corn-belt a doleful sound...
...Immediately upon reading of the action of the Commission, Mrs...
...Leamy, <todded to save the $1,000.000 spent to provide his 22,000 employes *ttn chicken, turkey and squab dinners ¦cothry...
...Interests In Cable War With British Governments Backing Fight For Control of Wireless Means of Communication By Louis Stanley rphe report that the British Oov* eminent is to give up its cable and wireless facilities to private interests, following as it does the announcement of the proposed merger of American companies engaged in transoceanic communication and the still earlier news that the British corporations in the same field are to amalgamate, heralds a world-wire war between American and British capitalists backed by their respective governments for the control of overseas communication...
...On the ground that the air belongs « fi schools of thought, that if for •ample generals and admirals may carry on agitation over the air for bigger •nnles and navies those who are opposed to militarism should also have their channels for the transmission of Botr contrary opinions, a strong effort ¦ being made to show that the "cause" fla Commission asks for is overwhelming...
...But I agree with Justice Holmes that it is "dirty business...
...When the General Electric Company was in negotiation with Marconi for the sale of the Alexander highspeed alternator to replace the old spark transmitter, the Navy Department intervened...
...The transaction, if completed, would have assured the British domination of the broadcasting field...
...Many of the old timers remarked about the lively and enthusiastic spirit of the convention which brought back to them memories of olden days...
Vol. 7 • June 1928 • No. 25