"Women's Guide To Socialism", His Last Will, Shaw Declares TPHAT the heart-break of today'a world would be replaced by well-being and lepplnces under Socialism, is assured by 3eorge Bernard...

...OIL PROPAGANDA IN SCBOSif By Federated Press " ^ Respocding to "hundreds of essssaB from schools," Standard OB hm sHBr tagiy put the "facts of the oil raswsST Into a booklet which refrains swswaw from using oil as a title...
...Working for aid antes men, they* are pulling down SO earn above the dally scale, making two ddlars in all and they are only storing ten i hours per day instead of the nirtiaaij twelve...
...You cannot mate men and women as you mate bulls and cows, stallions and mares, bears and sows, without giving them s choice' to the matter," he writes...
...Are not the workers on the Inter borough Rapid Transit lines in New York City actual serfs because of corporate operation and management of this, public service...
...rmWisThation ef r^du|tries, etisenibr^aad' Urtb control...
...what kind of children are wanted...
...Up to now, I am still to ttW dark as to the whereabouts of tartnbjj...
...Nowadays a parlor maid «r narani as Queen, Victoria was, ttthen ske< ,reas< to,_ th.e throne would he classed as-mentally defective...
...Iron and steel,, coal, petroleum...
...r.n, pTbaanthw.wpek^.pf the world tn the uture may to done In two or three hours i day, Shaw says, for under Socialism hs government would eonspel, by force f need be, every Labia bodied man and reman to do some productive work...
...However, rn Mr...
...Yes, prosperity has struck tte SB South at last...
...They fight for these things through asyxktions and strikes ip...
...Bat vbat a Jolly care-free lot they are I Here are eight of them dragging a we...
...Thank God for all three...
...Women's Guide To Socialism", His Last Will, Shaw Declares TPHAT the heart-break of today'a world would be replaced by well-being and lepplnces under Socialism, is assured by 3eorge Bernard Shaw In hie newest wok, "The intelligent Woman's Oulde o. Socialism ,and,;gaplUl|sin," v published Mj.;Jseekjhjr, Brents rtoSy, ,r ^,,t...
...According to the admission of two agents of this crowd before the Federal Trade Commission, more than' $227,000 has been spent in this state in six years in the distribution of pamphlets, providing text books for use in the high schools, publishing a news bulletin, providing editorials for newspapers, furnishing utility speakers for schools, colleges and other institutions and organizations...
...PROHIBITION Shaw declares America discovered that when the saloons .were shut up under prohibition, a good many prisons could also be closed...
...Commercial rivalry and not a popular desire to fight causes war, as was demonstrated Try the fact that the people celebrated not the beginning, rait, toe end of the...
...X "'" He sppmse the general strike as bene hnpnsrsitii, for he says any nation waOy stopping work would be eornmitJng national sulclda...
...of income, " in which case it will be "ruthlessly persecuted cut of existence," Shaw dedans...
...Well, all's well that ends well...
...He war a tmiigii kai tke} Later on he told me his wife, bed an away with another colored genUewda W that he was willing to get her btjk, kjp and make up and forget her ejsrks dark past...
...industry and through iheir representatives in law-making bodies...
...They do not regard the state as supreme...
...In addition, they have s raflmentary sort of union of their own...
...and to the very limited extent to which it has been a reality, it has not been a success...
...He points out that having borrowed money for the war from its own capitalists, England now taxes an of them to pay the huge Interest on tt to some of them...
...For these reasons the fierce party struggles of an earlier era will not return till one party is on its death bed and the other is engaged in a real fight with a real opponent...
...A man does not pick a quarrel with his brother just for the fun of it, especially if there is no reason for them to quarrel...
...The issue of western lands, internal Improvements, extension of slavery and recovery of fugitive slaves were genuine...
...The big flood last year wis s God-send to them...
...Hie declares that 4?here has'bre^'gToWiag npi» theory and practice that the r'esoUrttoi ^f the United States were created by tW A+trighty for the benefit and profit of thOsefwho five- m ttte fcvsaf-cities of,,the This is correct except that Senator Nye does not particularize who in the eastern cities so profits...
...NATIONALIZATION , NntidnalhwtiOu, exjsts today ta the ease of the army, navy, and post office, Shaw.says, and under Socialism nationalised mines and banks and other services and Industries, doing away with profits, would be able to give the consumers goods at cost...
...Jrnagine a union of the South and West against the...
...wtUeh M says w reraardft* eeVsttjr ' ¦haw ears, warj'" rresa,' ''aniyq ¦ wiNesrsm..: wt weartk-'MY'tse atgssj'W'the ten un cheat mmt ess**- sesast ii lenTw...
...It is the capitalist and banking classes he has in mind and he should say so...
...m orphans and would I be kind enough W tot her move into the dllsploetat sbs» on the upper end of my kraut ptoasjSjH In return she and the sfosssaM essssss could pick my cotton snd hoe sty sskr bege...
...though be says he capltallata may precipitate a dvU var In in attempt'to stave tt off.' Discussing marriage, be aays Wocianwn ins nothing to do' wtth It directly as an asutution...
...That hsfcoui"war Of 19U-1S18 was at bottom a fight bcewte.fi the capitalists o{ England, Prance and Italy on one side, end those or Germany on the other, for control of the African 'markets,'' asserts Shaw...
...What of public health departments, fire departments, municipal ownership of gas, electric power, street railways and other public services...
...The ventilation In than rsgM Jeans ie perfect...
...He hss kept 0* lice out of my cabbage as Sarah ksyt them out of the wooly heads of her SS* sorted orphans...
...The paper is published mainly to make money, not to express ideas or to make people think...
...The met that MSe ladies and gentlemen there are looked upon with cpntempt, whilst the worker's blouse is honored, 'has "placed the Soviet In the forerront of cultural clvUlaatfcm...
...m onuT was...
...There are enormous odds against us and it will be a remarkable achievement if we prevent the gang from eventually grabbing everything they want Passing...
...THE COURTS Asserting that under a system of unequal lrtcomes there can be no true trial of any one by a Jury of his peers, he says that "We are fond of pointing to American tcaoes of rich men at large who could have been banged or electrocuted If they had been poor...
...If they felt Tee to walk out st.their homes, how¦ver, fewer amrrsssns might be wrecked If equality of Income were established, ie says, no one would marry for money— » proceeding he cays unnaturai—becauae here would he no dhTerent lnoomea and octal **'^*-r as they exist today...
...Jackson pulled down Ml * one lump sum...
...The Coolidge prosperity has trickled even devo to them...
...He regards these conferences as a "vivid picture of a real internationalism" which is growing despite all prejudices...
...4ahd notes that'- ftetrW ictrWictt'.times to the present'1 hour mfs ! antagonism • Itasr persisted...
...We expect to make the Socialist Party that opponent and give the survivor a run for its, money...
...But by making women ecclomlcally Independent, and permitting Ussolution of unhappy marriages, women vould stop being regarded as men's property...
...None of them erar voted or will vote If the local Jefisrsons tan prevent It, as they will...
...The thirty Negroes are not m nh art seed...
...Flood, Coolidge snd krset done it...
...That paper and that editor have passed from the scene...
...But international union, understanding, cooperation, and solidarity of the workers of all countries are, rssjlrded by these same classes as an abomination...
...Of course the boys have some rssass for being unusually hilarious...
...Their masters can gather" in their international conferences and arrang for the promotion of their respective interests...
...White teeth gleam bstweai laughing lips...
...We regard it as a, sojemn duty to question this fundamental approach %Q this issue k* we are confident that the views expressed in the New Service unwittingly strengthen...
...at any rate, neither love nor money Wfll h> duce the poorest of them to work nan than half a day an Saturday...
...The Bad ef Poverty Under the present system, Shaw ariose, many women would Imitate Ibsen's tore except that they fear toss of supjort or social ostrachm...
...In their place have appeared the daily as a business enterprise and the editor as a routine employee...
...a& of this work is intended to convince ns that we'.will'be miserable if super power is publicly owned and that we will be happy if the gang'owns uj...
...1928 by Brentano's...
...Certainly not the masses of exploited workers in shops, factories, mills and stores...
...Shaw's opinion, a Socialist State would not permit the Bible to be taught In schools except "as a collection of old chronicles, poems, oracles, sad poMttral rulnunsnons, on the saras footing as the travels of Marco Polo and Goethe's Faust...
...Those who favor public ownership are at an enormous disadvantage because they do not nave the vast funds to give them a hearing ronal to the power gang...
...But the issues have died and the two capitalist parties have moved into the same apartment as one family...
...Their grievance is as much against RepohHcan and Demor cratic rriembers'bf Corigreas.es agsrini* the Coolidge veto.' Cootidge'is ridt a eahaWate for i^-etectjon.and # vj&sTmown that lie ^ouM^ro the vheasare...
...And, my heart ever bleadtof *r the widowed and father lass, I eensssisjj...
...e e PERSONAL AFFAIRS ¦ ' tieu , Jackson has been with, us nee kf three yean...
...lip* 1 -*r^v^f^F^y^jsr)^ ^$Mf...
...When cannon fodder is no longer available tJie ruling classes will have to do the fighting or tJbiese nil In no _.i 1 rpHlRTT Negroes out te the demta] cutting brush briars and bosk vsss preparatory to extending my LoubSun Kraut Plantation...
...When questioned, Jackson confessed flat he had made the path while csnrht his washing'to the widow...
...fBK HfJBSIAJ* KeVOLUTlON , , Though It dttt not establish Socialism, the Russian revolution has not railed, says Shaw...
...There were hot issues and editors took sides, often . fighting with a verom which expressed genuine sincerity...
...and avoidance of respohsibiHty by members of Congress...
...They will demand that the delegates write into the platform adequate proposals for relief of the farmers...
...What is needed is not a combination of two or more sections against another but a union of the exploited and swindled in...
...wfij i^'\orlamerjt to traman']^^-mwj^h% evaded by"' Ma own handiwork...
...the growing corporation servitude in this country, tt is 'a renunciatioh of our claims upon...
...Jackson's wayward better half., hngn « Meanwhile, philanderer Jackson (Bros) philanthropist...
...Yesterday was pay day st •» tag bom...
...The keeper of the human stud farm, If such a thing were established by a mad professor of eugenics, would not snow what to aim at...
...Increasing Internationalism QLENN FRANK recently catted attention to no less than 29 international conferences to be held this year which mcjnde .various forms of industry, health, science and poMicity, and there ia no doubt that the United States wijl be represented at each of them...
...From "T%e Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism" by...
...He says people drink to procure an artificial happiness and that since Socialism will rid them of poverty and worry over it, that necessity will disappear...
...White eyeballs roll sat twinkle...
...of the Partisan Press [N a recent number of editor & publisher, Claude G. Bowers, who is to deliver the keynote address at the Houston convention, deplores the passing of the ojd partisan press...
...Women are far too valuable to have their lives risked in battle as kcllkas in childbearing...
...All hssppemtrnents ta marriage would be jatural and Inevitable...
...o PLENTY OF FATHERS In the course of time, I met the words' widow and her five fatherless orphan, It turned out, however, that I bed nwa myself unnecessary amaety sssaanSBJ the lacking father for It seems thsrs aw 'at least three fathers to those fire orphans...
...Ms> son is a good worker...
...This follows the Veto by President Coolidge of the McNary-Haugen bill...
...His step-son, that k Sarah's oldest by a forgotten ssrssyH* pulled down SS.50 as fuiifledgsd ssk* boy and his father who is also WdkSBJ for us, took the whole Jackson tossy B town in his brand new second-hand P*** father and step-father riding to the nW* seat with their proud wife, widow, eksdren and orphans behind them...
...7ft 'pernrrrsi dteh%eme'^r»eprJoa...
...REPUDIATION OF WAR DEBTS Shaw favors repudiating that portion of the British War debt owing to English subjects...
...Persecution for blasphemy and sedition would follow the (teaching of the doctrine that life In this world is merely a preparation for an all important life to come...
...They regard it aa aa agency which they can use for their welfare through their own labor parties just' as the conservative classes regard it as an agency to use for their interests...
...Bb terdes that incentive to do or seeomphsh anything would be banished for mesh would produce reputations that were real as distinct frost titles and honors that sen now hs nsrsnaa Massaah snone^ ^ "ft (poverty) is o public nuisance as well as a private misfortune...
...Senator Nye ot 'JWrth B*kt*fr4im**amn> the antagonkV between' East and West and the privations of the farmers in« thef Jtme¥tasabe«<of,/Plain Tals...
...This would improve the rasa, be holds, adding that if tt (han't, the race Is unimprovable...
...and finance can ignore frontiers...
...There isn't a man among those thtgf darkles who owns an Inch of 'soli or s roof over his head...
...Another |le4 Herring ^HAT appears to be a Coxey march of farmers to the Republican convention in Kansas City is announced in dispatches from the West late last week...
...As an issue it leads to sterility and more disaopointment...
...Is there one member of a trade union who believes that he is a "serf" in any city because of these public enterprises...
...Old World theory that the state g ""P^^J^that ^working standards and wage rates 'Trne^sxlll^ would disbanwV tfarir^trasje ttssbna ii they accepted trie view...
...awiai'Uredsk whim * n SU'e< nsiasaiii rsr- as'lbd1 wsktaaeass*"that sack e« ah wW'ethaf shaidwt werfc...
...An extension of international labor solidarity all over the world, means, the end of war for the glory of the gentlemen organized hi the iron and steel, the cTjai, the petroleum and the -bankers', international...
...An sedsfy clean darky, that Jackson, far ht swvly managed to make some path thicufb my prospective sauer kraut...
...It's about all that the boys can cany...
...Bowers is no doubt right but it is also true that the old time press was partisan because there were some genuine differences between' the parties...
...J'riesfvief E that both the trade nuiuns and their fblitkai orgaajzatiocu shonld be need to »n>t>mi-«r^^ ™tea...
...suggestion of international understanding and organization by trie working class gives our ruling classes, a fit of the *hies...
...He aesisii that the mtoldy paid the ocal-ownesw etorkw the intoerr sfcrlke tm BrMata^ ^sad kastT&uiii...is^iT:^l^|fv-the abuses of capitalism, be aays...
...It i» certain that the more we come in contact with each other all over the world the more likely are bid superstitions to dissolve...
...This is poor advice...
...ter eogged log to an ever-growing wga...
...Trade Unions and Government ' JT is a curious and, we believe, a disastro is theory which the A. F. of L. News Service presents in its issue of May 26 regarding the proper attitude ¦ of working people towards the state...
...The nation must » mads entirely mterniarrtegeeble, be, Jahns, to permit natural setootieo, of nates...
...The influential daily today is not the organ of the editor who profoundly believed in himself...
...East when this East fnctudes hundreds of thousands of textile workers, iron and steel workers, miners and factory workers f The enemy of, human welfare and political" freedom is not located in any particular section although the East has,more than any other region;' This enemy may be found in Chicago as well as in New York, in San Francisco as Well as in' Boston, in New Orleans as well as in Minneapolis...
...He' believes that if we now had this partisan press "there would be a more general interest in politics htd fewer stay-at-homes in elections...
...This"'** the result of '%*<<asffard .system which lodge* 'tt* TokaT pi*rdg»Mve:of veto with the executive...
...Shaw does not favor prohibtlon as a measure...
...But he adds Russia has not yet established as nrdth Oaasmunlsn* tss England...
...sUc'Tsatir»T5bruuaneV "shd'eMrrlt/'saeb Jvertent topics aa marriage and divorce, irphifctlon America...
...Tne ***** .Wpfe, iOwasOJs* and xlavwright, has h&naelT caned the book, •my/.Jest...
...It declares that "The policy of the European trade unionist" accords with the...
...Besides, why throw tto first stone when there isn't even s pebble in this blessed soil...
...There is nothing to become partisan about...
...The ground h'ssssj from the tail end of the rainy sssesa, i <hilly wind blows over the rlmilag J fire from the piles of brush, logs sat stumps feels good to a well-fed, wanafj clad Northerner...
...1 sUuewSP" to mailed free for use ta stlineh sP* lowing the example of National Bb Bw Light Assn., which sees to it that IS<eBj have desirable information on ths psssn trust and its actrrtttos...
...Shaw Hearts that Sorlells/n has as it* funda-' nental tenet that, there must be an .quel distribution of wealth among all...
...One phase of this propaganda should not he overlooked- It demonstrates that formal political democracy and civil rights, even when these rights are not - molested by mobs or public officials, ,is largely nullified (tn a tavilizarkm- where a-rJass |^s;^enormdos fundi.'- : It' shows' ihat oenapletr political democracy cannot' be rooted in economic inequality...
...all sections against the upper class of exploiters and'their political agents in office...
...government and the state as citizens and workers anrjI leaving government and state in the hands of reactionaries' to protect "state guardianship" of corporation serfdom itself...
...Would the News Service have us repudiate that fine episode in early trade union history by urgrog the.transfer of the public schools into the hands of private corporations ? Do trade unionists who send their children to public schools believe that they are supporting a "serf concept" by so doing...
...It is robbing Peter who did not lend, to pay Paul, who did...
...Do we not, as a rule, feel the "serf concept" when a corporation owns these public enterprises...
...Sarah Bans Magdalena Jackson sinned much...
...In short, capitalism.has transformed the old time editor and newspaper and the Republican and Democratic parties have become alike...
...The benefits are so great, he asserts, that even those who now patronize bootleggers and bootleggers, of course, vote to favor of problbtion...
...Quite a number' o1^ rriembers vtjted»<or'the hi» .although oriposed'ro ft with the Itfrowlr^itftat it^woukl be vetoed...
...myth shout the- Ruaalan nalonsllistlon ot womea printed m Kngand m 1S17 be aacribea to the existing isajsnptlrm that women are property...
...Not a lick ef weft for three months accompanied by thnp free feeds a day, fumlshr.l by ths mm Red Cross which refused to feed Be starving cnllden of striking white sua-' era...
...poor people as sfch is , the first '.qualification of a yoad equaliser...
...The large' sum* spent fpalcate the' enofirlous prize a^7stake -and the eagerness 'oack of the drive 6f 'the gang to obtain the rnastery of the power sites of the nation...
...A hearty dislike and disapproval of...
...But Instead of grunts and moans, shssbj of laughter come from the tfsskt troup...
...Othervisa, he tolievee the change Is more likey to be a peaceful one...
...Women, given the vote merely proved them'*' ¦uvea as bsdry fitted f or tt as men, Shaw Disposing of padt and present systesn af society as failures, Shaw asserts that Isejalhm by aaetssstas both poverty sat wealth, .would Inprissr general wealth and distribute tt equally among all...
...He says that tf the United States had been as weak militarily as China SO or 00 years ago, certain British profiteers in whiskey would have forced Britain to go to war with America because of wsa wires undertaken against UUett British Irade ta drink...
...The newspapers themselves have changed...
...Gang ownership has been glorified in many with a flood'of literature and speakers, which nave cost millions of dollars...
...Soon after the widow and kw 4*St had moved Into the shack, I Okejrwd an ever-widening footpath lee ding tree the main road through cabbage to vices...
...They cut deep and ranged voters into partisan camps where no quarter was given...
...blame it on economic detennliisai Sff cabbage Is selling for S80 OO.s ton SSS for the life of me, I can't sei how Isss harvest my kraut crop without asrsh Jackson and their five assorted orpbsssI • • • P. 8...
...The News Service goes on to say that the American trade unionist "rejects state guardianship, He considers-this a modern phase of the serf corscepr," As a matter of fact, tab "serf concept'' was employed as an argurnent against the estahtiehnwnt of public schools in this country when the early trade unions were fighting for such schools...
...Section against section is only another rat) herring...
...DEMOCRACY "The naked truth," says Shaw, "is that democracy, or government through votes for everybody, has never been a complete reality...
...Best of all...
...He- came to to* oat <bf wtth a ead tale concerning a SooT worthy widow woman, the only suport of bar...
...Under Socialism, If all fruitful lands were filled, and population still increased, it may be essential to decide whether the State should establish compulsory birth control...
...They may even have their branches "in many other countries and all this is taken for ¦c...
...It is almost impossible to send powerful oil swindlers to jail and it is just as difficult for us to use the extensive agencies for propaganda which the gang enjoy...
...Shaw points'out that the coming of JocuUlsm wm be '-dangerously stow rather ban dangerously quick," though he aserts that tf It too long delayed, a vtoent revolution slay take place...
...MATING Under a system of equal incomes, he says, marriage would improve because men and women would be able to seek their natural mates, not being deterred by class distinction...
...POPULATION AND BIBTH CONTROL A high death rate, war and Immigration now limit the population...
...Skew* fore, much will be forgiven' unto kst, 8o Sarah, etc., win get her four-rosa screened, painted and shower-bethaf sf> tage with water and sink in the kttckes and If these unheard-of camfor|| of SW* lhsation break up this happy fsrsSy...
...That there big boy belona P me," explained Sarah with a sweep St her calloused band "the baby h my ISPband's and the three between then *» Jackson's—from a, farmer iiillTap sfk myself...
...His only solution of die problem is the union of two sections in politics, the South and West, against the East...
...Men fight and parties fight when there is a genuine difference of opinion...
...Tbsa mid-day lunch consists of cold waken and a few slivers of sow belly...
...Its toleration is a national crime...
...There isn't a seosa pair of shoes ta the whole crowd...
...Virtues of Gang Ownership J^EW YORK STATE has been blessed with the • high power propaganda of super power, the new monarch of American industry...
...But had, 'ess, homeless and rightless, they are nv questionably much happier than tie white superiors .for whom they hvt, assr children and slave...
...They fear it and they have reason to fear it...
...George Bernard Shaw, copr...
...BBXIQION Seehusnn need not be hostile te any one's religion, unless It Is opposed to ©quality...
...5 ';: " <¦' • It seems that nearly every form of international meeting is wekomed m this eonntry except labor...
...while these black ban were enjoying the happy We of rsfossst there was no chance for them to get (ft debt Moreover, the boys are making gent money Just now...
...Much, as we sympathize with the farmers we cannot grow enthusiastic over their action...

Vol. 7 • June 1928 • No. 24

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