SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK New York City ** itosagstas tb fasts Oesvamstom Ballots for the ejection of delegates to the State Convention will be sent to oranches of the five eountSn or....

...Harry F. Ward of Unton Theetsgkal Seminary: A. V. Muste, dean of Brookwood...
...Jeeh and bis beloved, tbe former Lunar...
...Everyone conversant with the lnSsesssnM'-movemest iwtu see at one*' Shct'syjat of the organisations specified mffiia in name and tn^.'tnsmberahips eajy'ta Imagination...
...In the east of the province...
...Brookwood Graduates 22 Trade Uweteirfets (By A New ttMw OilrilSiaSnO Katonah, N. Y.—Graduation exerctoei marking the close of the seventh yeat of Brookwood Labor College win 1>e held June 1. The graduating class tnclhdei 14 men and 8 women...
...poet and editor ef the Chatterlox...
...lists of memberships seem to "be unknown to the Red Communist "International...
...Here the Socialists won 263 and lost 62, so that the net gain is 181...
...New York County 84 delegates will be •portioned to the various branches and ilected by tbe branches directly, the remaining 12 delegates will be elected by the Cityq Central Committee...
...They are painters, garment Workers, miners, upholstery weavers, "bakery Workers, railway carmen, tailors, sheeting operatives, fflaHllnlsts, eap makers, and hosiery wuikfets...
...sylvania reported 89 caeca...
...Csecho-Slovakia, Communist national centre, 196,509 "members...
...Tbe meeting .was -fall's well attended...
...The increase in the pofl secured by the Socialist lists was.5.572...
...7ih^4n^spawk-V nffi' red Bsewto end ethers...
...Th* membership^ It the Chinese Jra'des union centre seems eW ft ,th> .'writer himself a Mttle too...
...China, national centre, 2,800,800 members...
...ra., lJ7th...
...Spain, miners' union of Asturias, 1,000 amain ill...
...mfejbt eqi*fflf-well •huW<s^*l-th* same flf tbe.f^npo Chilean, members...
...Colombia, national centre, 1,400 members...
...3rd A. d. Biiisdi _ This new branch win meet this PrtSsy evening, June 1, at tha lfai Mnique esanPriedman will deliver a brief" adfireaa SympaUnseTs are invited to attemt asd beccwjCTnunted with tbe work ef ape kinos counts: . nth a. d. ft seems as though Jack Afres etaress something when he announced hto marriage to Flora Levtoger...
...The membeas extend to these splendid Comrades a long Hfe and a happy one...
...All members are urged to attend and help make the meeting a success...
...who recently arrived from Paris, will be the main speaker...
...It to the only state with thousands of private policemen doing public duty, as do the coal and Iron police In the mining arid steel districts...
...SXhelee^^w^^P^ *rowu^Oawl Cksnaais-gx, William M v^edneadlyr, June 6, 8:30 p. m., Sutter avenue and "Hinsdale street—Speaker, -Bthehed Brown, William M Pebjenbaum...
...No organisation is given either for Ireland or IWiPdttugai;, it is vaguely stated that "there are so many "adherents of the B.X L U." We will not argue about the Wstence of the Colombia centre, the HsagoUan centre or the-1,000 miners of Spain, we really do not grudge the n. L L u. these memberships 1 The information given, by the R. I. l.U...
...Hence the conclu•ev 01 the wrlter 01 **** above survey ¦* m much the more entertaining, for, f~ler bom sheer stupidity or with genu™*J5ommunlst Insolence, he makes the **™»toe astounding assertion: "Indeed, *^Pertoon between the R L L. U. and nnptardam is even numerically not very ••etteeble, inasmuch am the K. I. L. U. ?jtoa mppoited by the mlaarittes wtthfta *2**eeam and by many unions whose "^tershlps, in view of their Ulegailty, ^eeot be estimated even approximately '3...
...Advance was made In all the divisions of the country without exception: new seats were obtained both In the West Styrian coal areas as In the blast furnace areas of Upper Stelermark, and finally In the agricultural parts, controlled by -Hie Catholic priests...
...BRONX "Central Branch judge Jacob Pactken and Samuel Orr will address a meeting of enrolled Socialist and Independent voters on- Tuesday evening, June 5, at 8:30 p. m. In the county headquarters, 1187 Boston road...
...About 1,000 letters will "be mailed to unaffiliated Socialists In the 4th Assembly District and they will be invited to attend...
...V IB N N A—Municipal elections were hHd In the Austrian Federal Provinces of Karnten and Stelertnark on April 23 and 39...
...activities solely upon the passing of numerous very 'far-reachkaf resolutions and appeals '(and, of coarse, upon the usual abuse of the wicked Amsterdammers...
...The vote on the referendum ballot will be nosed on June 38 and at a special meeting of the City Central Committee, June 27, the SSSJUUsatog delegates wfll be elected...
...Mis trades uskus of Russia we shall not find much art...
...1. At the meeting ot the Kxannive Committee on May .23 the fafiowira...
...But even this result jJMt so very brilliant, and therefore the Wter adds that there are also 368,230 ^ohraonary trades unionists to 18 counWho are not' u ta true' "mliated the R. I. l. u., but of whom it may assumed with true Communist modgf t*ut Quite without proof) that ttoey Annpathlze with it...
...Panken and Orr will acquaint these people with the work of the Socialist Party and the coming campaign...
...atreet and 7th avenue—Sp—kars, EthelreU...
...Downtown Branches A Jtftot meeting of the Down Town branches was held last Thursday eveilng at the East Side Socialist Centre...
...Chkise'';,he observes In an aside that *ttb» fennel ejivtm are thes^rjuoteu at'the 4hsssS Uuluur Congress...
...i Caney «hssn* «-v, A meeting of the Socialist enrolled voters was held on Thursday, May 24, in the Workmen's Circle Centre, 2518 Mermaid avenue...
...Monday, June 4. By decision of the Skate executive committee the following apportionments have been made: New Teak County, S8 dekagateaj Kings, lfn Bronx, 12...
...HanunaU, gwam-tany Claessens win address the vmmMUiaS Sooi.1kds WNbe am being Invited to this meet" "'-' ¦ *Jm\%r9** Meeesmgs aw mi iiJ'jnTriytl...
...Wngs are going very badly with the mferaattonal Communist Trades Union ¦Jjwsjient, As has been/ oflcn shown ¦J*0...
...What logic and what modcrtyt The writer makes the influence of the R. I. L. U. extend to only 62 countries when he might have given any number he liked...
...Has it not been-hidlng its light (nearly 14,600,900 candle-power, too) under a bushel...
...Batarday, Juae P. 8:30 p. 137th stoest amd 7th svenue—Speakers, Btheired Brown aa« Psank Crasswalth...
...This meeting will be held by the Central Branch...
...France, C. CL T. U. (Communist national centre), 625,000 members...
...In Kings County a ballot will be sent to each branch and the members will elect 12 Betogates, -the -Central Oommruee win sleet the remaining 3. m Bronx Conn*/ the nraanbara willHeet 10 by general referendum ballot, the remaining 2 wfll be elected by the Central Committee...
...a well attended use Ian was boss Thursday, May 24, at headquarters, 8SM Daly avenue...
...Its membership is rapidly growing and is conducting activities suen as have been missing In the Bensonhurst section for many years^ Open ah* meetings are being held su 30th seen ufe...
...fort opinion, and corporation control;, of workers' lives exist In Pennsylvania today than, In any other state of '< the Union...
...In thto «»letyishion the writer comes to the *pncluslbn that in 29 countries there are ^74,000 trades unionists under Com¦"inist Influence...
...The March, 1028, number of the "Red Trade Union InberpaSsnar gives a survey of Ms membergjup which is Interesting'Sand lnstructtrt...
...seed Thurssey, June 14...
...The net gain is thus 93 seats...
...The Comrades hope to draw a large crowd to jam Cooper Union, where the meeting will take place at 330...
...a i istoeitotss was apvututad to assist to the outdoor i sHajiakfn to be started by L George Pebai saga esagnnssg this week...
...Smee trjen events ¦set liken "plat* wTHChTnake it ImpostssF«to estknut*.tae «eutAfsb...
...Although tt to In existence only some five months...
...All of the graduates expect to return, tc Industry and to union activities...
...Secretary Claessens was present...
...Beown, Frank Ooaawalth...
...In view of its own "colossal" influence as compared with Amsterdam, the R L L. U. will henceforth,, five up its bad habit of making the r. P. T. U. responsible for everything that gees wrong to the world of labor...
...In Karnten the Sodahsts In the 167 divisions which they were contesting with lists of...
...their own, gained 147 seats and lost 64...
...ssssssst deck, this Jack Wolfe, brother of tha rsjiinsa Simon, took the terrtbie plunge and It now the proud poaaesaor of a wife... the home of the bride...
...The result ojf the election indicates the development at the Socialist party both In tbe Industrial proletariat and also within the class of small farmers...
...its Beach 89th atreet...
...It Is merely^, an enterprise financed- by the Russian aatlonal centre, which has, moreover, totally failed In its chief mission, which vas to destroy the Amsterdam International...
...Nine months after these events it can be Clearly seen that the forward movement of Austrian Socialism is continuing unimpeded and even at a quickened pace...
...i Both these provinces 'saw partially Industrial, partially also purely sgrlcultoral...
...Itself therefore goes to...
...Reports of activity, affiliation fees of ' Hiitcn...
...On Saturday evening, June it, smother social gathering will be held in the nature of a strawberry festival...
...Jacob Pan ken will be chairman...
...Friday, June4,"%i30 s. m_ lOgth street and Madison avenue—(Speakers, Bthelred Brown, LOUss Wen...
...The Moody events of July 15, 1927, which, according to tbe plans of reaction, were to initiate the decline of Austrian Socialism, have become, on the contrary, a stimulus for new Socialistic successes...
...It confesses fmnkffjr that outside sasast its only unions worth mentioning ere those of Osecho-Slovakia and Prance, so that as an International, the organixattoo is of no importance...
...Belgium, the ''Knights of Labor," 8,000 members...
...Frank Croaswalth...
...Portugal, adheresh of the R I. l. U„ 4,000 members...
...It to hoped .that this affair will bs even more successful than that one .prevtorefly bald...
...Obben, were quietly married Sunday, May 27...
...Chile, national centre, 50,000 members...
...The reports published by the International Federation of Trades Tfnlons make it possible, to follow the Whole history of international organization, but the R. I. l. U. issues only scanty notices from time to time...
...The number of memens thus allotted vary according to the length of the trades union member•Wp of the country In question...
...Canada, lumber workers, 3,000 members...
...Speakers at the commencement exercises will include John Tliflfhn of the Philadelphia Typographical Unxm...
...MANHATTAN ___ Italian Socialists pre busy arranging a Matteotti memorial meeting...
...June 1, to the Weewaasn's Clrefc oentra...
...Added to them are hundreds of privately paid deputy sheriffs...
...Striking *v3orksrs...
...TftsB-adec*, June 7, 8:80 p. sr...
...In these words "The fThiimi of Pennsylvania," Civil Liberties Union pamphlet, opens Its report on State j Police, Coal and Iron PoBes and Special -Deputies vs...
...It to the only state in which coal arm steel cotrustees so completely dominate so many communities...
...ftOOKUN PsMeg, June 1, 4:30 p. m., Pitkin avenue and Bristol stiwl ¦ ¦ tgdesker...
...Mongolia, national centre, r.OOQ members...
...Robert Fechner, vtee president of the International Association ef "asasiiliilils...
...It was decided to inform tbe City Executive Committee that the members wish the amalgamation...
...The guest of honor and entertainer fie* this event will be Samuel A. De Witt, our feeds...
...and J. B. English, who wm represent the graduating caaas...
...and 64th street every Tweadop evening and In a very short time other mac Unas wfll be held in other seettona of the 15trict...
...Not less satisfactory b the result in Stelermark, the main centre of Austrian heavy Industry...
...An toterastssg talk en cubrent events »y dcMvarsd Is/ .Samuel ^Cbr and tbe inuiubatt wars Inghly ssbbssbL -Questions and saassral oeacusaaon sallowed a welcome addition to our hranrti ce^v#xl%unT*Junu^ Levme (Jutos ar£ field),' actor* a gTowlag interest in the work Is indicated by the autobar of new applicants and aubacrlpUana to The New Leader secured by our lasQaassri Our next meeting "ww be...
...As given in the journal, the R. I. L. U. comprised in 1927 - organisations In the 'following countries: Aigentma, leather ppd metal workers, 3,000 members...
...The writer himself feels that the remits are not very creditable for nice Tears of Communist "trades union" work, *«rned on with the help of enormous "bnandal resources, hence hefttrtves to SMifdsg and explain a fact which in leelf Is undeniable: To this end he constructs groups of "revolutionary minorities," which he declares are under Comkninist leadership...
...Comrade William M. Feigercaum and McAllister Coleman were present and both of them dell wed stirring talks to those present and succeeded in getting a number of people to jejn asto isjai ishied braneh to Coney rffVJ±P"«* STbc5 p. db ^^eetm^^mmmm'winJ^mi.u^ SL& teesud sksStog 'of*owr new branch Itffl bs heH Friday evening...
...A lengthy discussion was held on the sub|ect of amalgamating the two branches ; temporarily, in order to facilitate organisation work on the lower East Side...
...But we do hope that...
...not Assembly District This branch had a very excellently attended meeting Jest Friday evening...
...Russia, national centre, 10,dits lis...
...Branch secretaries and party, members are requested to keep the date jpen and co-operate toward its success...
...Today Pennsylvania to the only state In which a sedition or criminal syndicalism law is still actively used,'' continues the report...
...Oer¦eany is said to have 1,000,000 trades •statists with Communist sympathies, .ibis total being reached In the following way: "Against the 3,933,931 members of the berman national centre for manual Jerkers and the 680,000 members of the ¦on-manual Workers' Centre we put less ."•n 25 per cent of the totals of the *«ual and Non-manual centres togwer, and this Is obviously rather too w than too high an estimate...
...Street meetings wfll eesMkase every Thursday evening, as the branch believes it has an excellent corner at Buster avenue and Ralph avenue to hats outdoor meetings...
...ftgtfhat eight reported police 'assaults 'end* prosecutions for opinion In tbe rest of the country in the first quarter of HQS, Penn-j...
...This meeting will be held by the Italian Socialists and the Italian Labor dally, Nuovo Mondo...
...Is it not time for it to get to work itself...
...t Communists Soft Pedal Union Claims Review of "Membership" r. Keveals Poor Showing— grants Leadership To fi Amsterdam (By s New Leader Correspondent) ejAfUB —The present silence of the «B«d international of Labor Unions is 'is singular* contrast to its former habit...
...Bthehed Brown will again bead forth on May 31...
...Austrian Socialism -' Making Inroads on - - Conntry Districts (By a New Laaier CamasinSinl...
...Tbe Central Branch will also have a short business session...
...p. m. Arturo Labriola...
...Queens, 1; Richmond...
...the failure of the R,' I. L. U. to •"""tted, even by the leading Commun* trades unionists...
...On special occasions, however, even the B. I. l. U. finds it impossible to evade staking some communications concerning membership...
...Friday, June 1, 8:30 p. m., Sutter avenue and Vermont...
...The anniversary of •the martyrdom of the great Italian Socialist Will fall on Sunday, June 10...
...prove that the organization 'has no Just title to the name of an International...
...following fact is worthy of note: the ^ejuu, of the R. l U'tL .nrtmgfe into ^•nnpean, while oniy 1ft countrlo are affiliated with Amsterdam, of which 20 or 80 per cent are European...
...The unspoken words on the lips of every -member now is: "Who to next...
...Suiter a^J^^^anlm^Ot^efa, Etheked Friday, Jun* 8, 8:30 p. m., Bristol street acd 'I'seJs avenue—Speaker, Frank - Friday, -evise'd, 8:30 p. m., Sutter avenue and Vermont atreet—Speakers, Btoch and others...
...gectotom was made: ¦sc...
...Irehad, 18,000 members...
...It is the only state with so highly organised a state police force, conspicuous for its srotaeaes against strikers...
...Pennsylvania Given The Palm For Police Brutality in Strikes More police violence, brutality, Yiaatlons of civil rights, prosecutions...
...At the same gme K makes a statement which sounds somewhat strange to outsiders: "The R I. L t).,h it says, "has always kept In the background in international actions affecting the Interests of the workers, leaving the leadership to the l F. T. U., concentrating ite ova...

Vol. 7 • June 1928 • No. 24

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