A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE features BEHIND THE SCENES IN A QREAT LIBERAL NEWSPAPER OFFICE tflu'cinoi* goes up on an editorial conference in the ffittsof the New York World. Enter first,...

...No nghtee . . no monee...
...To make It easier for members to pay the Special Y. P. 8. L. subscription rate, the Y. P. 8. L Publishing Assortsrton will pay SO per cent of the cost of each subscription...
...They weed, is send us down a lot of pie-eyed old maids, and we would just spit-ball them to death...
...4—That this Association oassftMsj to function...
...Milwaukee Yipsels . Very Much on the Job The Yipsels of Milwaukee County (Wle known as North Side Circle, meet first and third Fridays in Metropolitan Hall, 6th and Clark Street, at • p. m. Also have executive meetings in comrades' homes second and fourth Fridays, where the club's activities are planned Elections of officers of the club are held semi-annually...
...Some of the chapters are revolting to their mvslstion of the beasthood to which »"••—" beings oaa auk under adverse conditions sod yet them creatures retain gossstbjgai of their human traits The crook and the prostitute, the burglar and the professions...
...MOO), every school of journalism in the country seems no more than a gigantic joke...
...It Is bsdkftf—' Into Hfe ttsMsasssfto of thieves, sad Jos tee Wepa...
...Along the' upper end lower sides of the city/the miino^l Wm iu)d propaftatf.7^ »cb^ oW...
...What's mfl the guisinirtssft for...
...and demon alike to this world of ours, hag found the salary-hounding pedagogues quite willing to forage, , even the semblance -of idealistic notion to the matter...
...Cagliostro, the Dalai Lama, Napoleon, and Lord NorthcUffe...
...Sometimes a regular guy would come In, a fellow handy with his mlts, and Wtrft a pleasant line of talk...
...Yet the end to which childish bshavlor leads generally itepends mush more upon .the- parent Esto ggoa the chad...
...The Sprlisf field circle will continue its meetings Tuesday evening...
...Under the guidance of that rugged Jeffer;aa*as Democrat, Judga...
...This of course , dpeafjaoA include/ idSaab Jkrlbary , and extortion...
...for it is to such upheavals that the dam proletariat and the ertmteal find an Opportunity to pfOage...
...H. Baumsna The chairman Is a different member at every meeting...
...ft W. (Brightly): Then tomorrow la Friday...
...We hardly ever had a Uiachor lotsr enough to learn to love or hate him...
...Manactes to tether wrist of Joe made oar secure ssftstossg Joe had "stuck up" a spaghetti Joint on Spring Street, and had given a caresses victim . . "do wotics...
...We bad a good time with him, and Just as soon as we got used to him, he tips and goes...
...The convention was called to order by district secretary Anita Qlnsburg and was addressed by Alfred Baker Lewis, Aame J. Parker, National Secretary ot the Y. p. 8. L, and Savele Syrjala, a member of the Y. P. 8. L. Executive Committee...
...It was reported that the Bureau has trained 28 Yipsels for the mason of 1B27-2S to advocate Socialism effectively with the spoken word and that these graduates of the Bureau would be available for —irrr...
...The present officers are: secretary, Miss Ariene Peters...
...Edwin Hill, of Gardner, was elected athletic director, - and Bather Levenberg and Leila Wahtor were elected auditors...
...the mud this mom frig " Then she seemed to dismiss the whole affair from her mind and gave her undivided attention to her caller...
...She made several appeals to this mother with regard to the Sunday School but could not get her thoughts far enough sway from bar home and its immediate troubles to arouse her interest As she walked toward the next home, she pondered over Jimmy, his playmates and general environment...
...A Zueker, chairman...
...He te' the most careless child I have...
...t Tammany Ball alas runs ttke a "red thread through .the narrative...
...Then a rather large but pleasant-looking Woman opened the door...
...Some Newspapers and Newspapermen," said to one sen-, tence about all.there is to be said about the career of William Randolph Hearst —"He has done more to degrade the entire American press than anyone dm in history—more than PuUtasr and both, the Bennetts combined...
...Education - Solidarity ; FREE YOuTH IS Twwnsend Stl FReMsarg...
...I'm sure be will come to some bad end...
...This meeting materialised as a result of the efforts of the party branch and the Woman's Auxiliary, particularly comrades Block, Flelrman and Mrs...
...James OneaJL OrganiMMtion e...
...What van think of this idea,.hoys...
...but all aooounta at the riots show that ft was a rrrott of large numbers- of workingmen, especially the Brian, agates...
...When the knocked at this door, she beard a general rush and scurry of bare feet shout the room, mingled with little giggles, but in a moment everything was quiet...
...They were: 1—That the efforts of the Y P. 8. L in establishing a medium for the expression of FREE YOUTH, be bound up with 'The New Leader...
...Alfred A Knopf, at) hturtnnmg with the revolutionary period and corjcludlng,wlth the recent reign of KM Dropper...
...West Hartford, Conn...
...That Okjht to bring in some good tooth-paste ad ver Hang, sod certainly not-even these damned radicals 5*" object to that...
...The story goes about that the Wop...
...Winkler's book and study the life history of Hearst with the closest attention...
...ass you later...
...Reaches In ids 'pocket and brings out mimeographed New Tammany ggtorial No...
...Miss 8. Iaunerman, secretry...
...McAlictcr Csliawan Sound And Fury By McAlister Coleman...
...And not a thing is ever done at Park Avenue to to* veetigate the matter...
...One resolution pledges both moral and financial assistance to the textile striker...
...We confided much, and elaborated a great deal...
...The Publicity committee was Instructed to arrange for publicity to Insure successful nmiilliaja for speakers sent out by the Bureau...
...treasurer, Al...
...inciting disgust according to the mood of the nadsr...
...H. Baumann, 9S9 «th Street, sear...
...W.: But to what party do these politicians belong...
...ft ft ft W. (Retires resignedly, muttering...
...Published Every Week By The New Lender for the Young Peoples- Socialist League New England Yipsels Hold Big Convention The Young People's Socialist League of New England held at successful convention at Pitchburg, on April 28 and 29, which was attended by 30 accredited and fraternal delegates...
...Barttard Carets The organisation of the Hartford circle was postponed for a few weeks...
...Joe the Wop once spent a weekwortdng ice rh*j m^^T a carload of hardware and emery wheats...
...Paris and other huge Buropsen cities also have then- human misfits but it ai doubtful whether the gang less sehtsesd the luxuriant growth abroad that ft fens to the fatherland of Freedom...
...As the Sunday School worker listened to Jimmy's mother, she, too, was afraid that perhaps some day Jimmy might come, to some bad end...
...Of course, the snogs undoubtedly participated...
...New the white plumes of Navarre have been transjorsaed Into the brown, darby of Albany and the high hat of City Hall...
...Can't we crusade about toothteste, and suggest that every school-child be required to brush his or her teeth twice a day...
...r-~v (Enter Herbert- Swope noisily...
...I met you in a dusty haft£ Vi . A quite prosaic, dlrtya^JsW Aad yet—on every blossomed bough Z see the image of your face...
...We refer of course to The New Tammany, assged today of any suspicion of political partisanmtp which might have attached to it in Use earlier gad store boisterous days pf Tweed, Croke r and Murphy...
...Tlasnl steads Confer A few Boston oomrsdes, lndudl ng Lotus Babmowito, District Organizer, and Syrjala, N. ft C. member, met with Comrade Novik...
...How's that...
...U I t; . IV...
...Thaw turned out to be so antbiuesstle to their adulation of the mohtncholy publisher, however, that a number of sBnoosnaa called up the -Hew Yorker" to ask If it were true that Mr...
...8. A...
...MM L Chernlck, treasurer...
...Yesterday be went up the river for his last ride on earth...
...There have been wojuany complaints about It and it hardly seems while contmusag-4&: w" Yea, yea, yes, yes...
...It had been turning the day before, and little puddles were 'tending everywhere...
...our tUnes comas to be wrtttjg, sot contemporaneous institution will loom above -as others ss the prime-and precious conservator of' srarytWag that is bast to/the essential American trtdttlon...
...Depe* and guns, tend fewest* [IJjafck* 'ee-rtrof Mrtored up 'the 'haj+atfori...
...story he told mo of the Public School on Mott Street frees whence he emerged into the profession ef "gitttesy while the glttin's good...
...Bo he called mo "Frenchy" as be went along on his rampage of reminiscence...
...They go to lectures, read text-bocks, take notes, write theses...
...Bdgar Nlmmer, Leila Wahtor and Frank Manning...
...Men and women with paste, some who had "known better days," are caught in the swirling cesspool and dragged into the slime and crime that coses like a filthy sore...
...I m. My songs are dusty/inarticulate mntteriags ~rf.— Against the windswept beauty , . T~l ^ Of your stern steel lines...
...We'll of** prises once a week for the child who uses the ¦oat tubas during that week...
...somebody write up a snappy k*d editorial on the World's exclusive campaign J* oral hygiene among school children...
...Turning savagely oh b.'S...
...I wonder what the teachers have to say about tt- | . It is too much to ask Jimmy Walker, or Brown Darky Al to cogitate upon, gddicatton is out of their like...
...This plan was devised to give all young comrades a chance to get experience In conducting meetings for the future...
...This sort of thing must stop...
...When be tells the actual facts about Hearst's ufe...
...TaWjndo ft all the time...
...The Iriah workers led by the* etwgy were pro-slavery and New York City as a whole bad voted a sag majority against Lincoln to 1860...
...He remembered me as "Frenchy" of the old Mo Athletic Club days, when for five dollars a round bruising lumber jacks took pot-shots at yonr chin and ribs...
...The following- officials were elected: District Secretary, Anita Oinsburg...
...We kjsk JduA re#l-i irass fmncoaalp'er jjwbat an advance haft bsen nadaeil stew the day* when graft consumed 99 and 1-100 nssa rant i of-the city's, expenditure...
...3—That it be compulsory fur every member of the New York league to fee a subscriber to The New Leader...
...Winkler's adulation bios me shriller and funnier...
...Frank Manning, a member of the Boston circle who is aiding the New Bedford textile strikers, told of the conditions that caused the strike...
...The Inspiring address was greeted by a round of applause...
...Address Free Youth, c\o The New...
...Each gang war repeats the ferocity and brutality' of its participants, the only difference being the details and the number of bssaslttss...
...2nd prise—s months* dues...
...At present we are aianaung a membership drive and have offered>tow: 1st prtss-n year's dust...
...Befoss she had clothing," face, nana* anar-feet snowed very, plainly he had -been enjoying the m 4 moment the mother eomplebAy lost her self-control...
...Trim, Ue, snivel, sneak, steal, pilfer, prostitute, rouse the rabble, first, last, and all the tune—and, my son, you will be a great journalist Just like Willis-Hearst...
...Two snftu necked lads represented the Stats...
...They developed ways and means of sasistlng the NkUege students In organising Thomas Wk President Clubs, also of aiding m the Hrw Bedford strike...
...r. ft W.: Well, you can't all write lt_ Someone has .-Jfet to write a piece about the tariff and aviation...
...Beading and such truck ain't nuttin' compared to guv* eminent...
...The'Value of Sympathy LOO PSUUITT BOBEBTS VJ7E read and hear an much about the ™ faults' and general misconduct of children, but how many parents do you know who feslly measure up to standard...
...of New Bedford...
...The officers recently elected follow: Miss 8. Chase, organiser...
...to attempt a re-organisation] to seriously go about the Job of sending the seed "teachers to the system to where they are moat neededj And the result Is Joe the Wop, a short Ufe and quite sordidly merry, and then the still house whereto a chair sputters death for a moment, now and again., j Tammany can steal all the sewer taxes, and nxuft boodle, and franchise easy dough it fens a mind toe...
...Wmklsru Instructive soak *> on expansion of a series of articles which he wrote on Hearst for the "Bow Yorker" magaslne...
...In a* matter-of-fact way she said...
...We cad 'te> -mint his lack of capital for real brJctee runfitog.Bad most ^f all I recall the teachers "he told' about^liAadi letlkne assett right uere,: that Tsnimshy1 %W never made the...
...And the pot-pourri that results is as ronfisrtng a character...
...J But, pshawl I'm waxing sentimental now...
...We had the whose Kent sfeda mm a casssBOB birthplace, and what more can two wanderers have for companionship than memorise of the old days...
...cent, of tha city's expendl-ftsraj under Tammany's administration are devoted M A> POM graft...
...W. (Shortly): The' editorial and circulation Apartments of the.'WorjS, are entirely separate, ft kes always been the policy of the World to destroy the business and aplnionate marriage which ¦ found so frequently in other papers...
...Anyhow, haven't I said three or four times ^ that editorial that we are very liberal...
...Before me sat Joe the Wop that afternoon ansae two years ago...
...I ft W.: Tee, yes, yes...
...Silence) r ft W.: AH right, then...
...The fact that a Negro orphan asylum was burned end that hundreds of Negroes were tortured to death show that the opposition to the draft also took the form of an anti-Negro uprising with the Iriah playing a conspicuous role...
...He will get himself four dollars and a copy of Mr...
...thought the visitor...
...r * W-t Let'1 "•*• Friday we are Liberal...
...get me...
...B. ft...
...took an interest to us...
...i Hew can we keep tove clean and free * - A. j From tost and shame and fleshy sto— '•* ' We who walk thru the filth and cftrt < »< O | c* QT the city we are prisoned tof v ? olxvs a. cxmxu • And Miss Olive O'Neal need net thtedt XhmX...
...Follow such a policy and some time«you will find yourself backing i the most surprisingly progressive messof private owi'rshlp...
...And it was different in those years...
...tips spring poems of here were Included here jtefeft bsessW she is "Only An Editor's Daughter...
...expepcUtJu^iectodead ^m,, sfty par cent, the World: finds every reason to re-, -rksos to this fact, and calls upon ail decent-minded , ••Utitska toeuppoat AljtouUi.and tie,'entire I->enjcx:na**ft'tfc*aL'.'• jq...
...But Christ, for some reason or ether we never got any good teachers...
...Bp hitches up Hearst with Luculhis, Maecenas...
...Leader, 7 E. lS/A St., New York City...
...Hearst bad purchased that sheet...
...We fend ojnebt a few heart-to-heart confabs- the hardboited fee* seemed at home with me and without adding too saueft to aa already Impaired reputation, may X add that i felt at home with him...
...We wars a tough tot of kids true...
...I understand that conditions there to* becoming totolerhblg 1We've had at least four •wen from boned squid dealers, stating that they are being preyed upon by politicians...
...thft J|»os}» and^|ell them go, go out and get it...
...Oswald Oarrlson Vlllard...
...K w«, « v ..• ¦ ,» tK* SMALL BRSPSXTACMiD EDITORIAL WRIT- . EC* - Pretty good, but wlaftt do #qu think Heywood» win my about ibj»L...
...girl in Dayton, Ohio, who won the freckles charnpionshlp of the United States...
...For here Is a man who is unquestionably one of the great leaders of modern Journalism, who owns newspapers and magazines from coast to coast, producing profits of fifteen minion dollars net » year, who, after his fashion, has done more to mould the trend of joarnafrstic- manners and methods than any other single individual—and who by bis every action sets at naught all the academic teachings and pious adjurations of all the professors of journalism...
...Tee, yea...
...trd prtae— 4 months' dues...
...Not b Ijne of what I have said above la even good prose, t nave Just ambled on, and allowed somettdesr ¦¦mimed Inside of me to preacbify...
...I never thought of •jfc Let's see...
...But with Joe the Wop going te the death house...
...It staar to present, us concise form, the doings of progressive youth...
...Hearst's papers...
...Sunday was a busy day...
...Its decisions, which are to come np for ratification before the entire Association, as well as the Bsscutlva Committee of the New York League, are farreaching in their algntftcance to the radical youth of this country...
...That however is Just geand Aerceny...
...Joe the Wop and, qbe inw...
...Disloyal, hell...
...port wherever radtoal youth is jpEBBft I^orris Novik Starts , .** Springfield Circle Morris Novik made a stop in Springfield, Mass., while on his way to the I. L. O. W. V. convention In Boston...
...to rates funds for she above purpose and to bring this eohunn to the attention of youth timtwwwg y. P. 8. L. members throughout the country...
...Address communications to Al...
...The educational committee's report was explained by Louis Rabinowlts, chairman...
...From the HUM hard chair to the Mott Street sensea room to toe sag grim chair to the llttto quiet hoajsa lent such a Icesg way...
...tiniest afterrtpt to re-orgxrdsa UtM teaching personnel along the hnesi \ri the |hreatset good tor The greater number...
...v jJW Mad by the way, beginning Monday, we're go"2 w abolish the hew«c*gctic)n...
...this assoctstlon will pay SO par cent of the cost of subscription whenever application Is made to this Association by a young man or young •—By way of explanation: We feel that we eon accomplish more, res tin more ycung people and do a bettor loft for Socialism, by cooperating with .Tha New Leader In the ways outlined above, rather than* at this time, by proceeding along Independent hues...
...Now let w sat back to business...
...Frank Crosswaith, organiser of the Pullman Porters' Union, addressed the convention, reviewing the struggles of mankind to gate religious freedom political freedom and to free the Negro race from chattel slavery, but be said we face the greatest struggle of emancipating man from economic slavery...
...murderer, the pimp and the procurer, the profusstonal thug and the professional noMtasaan, the wastrel, the Inebriate and the dope fiend, an stalk in the shadows of New York's underground hfe, with gang wars and political wan providing a thrill or...
...weary' iooktog...
...About thirty young people attended and seventeen signed up for membership...
...O. W. V. s~nI,mil League "'The Resolutions Committee of the International 1 Sflt—' Garment Workers Onion, at their recent convention held In Boston, acted favorably upon the resolution framed by Comrade Novik and sponsored by the Y. P. 8. L. It showed the sated for work among young people and urged that the various locals assist the League to Us organisation activities...
...You may be against war if you figure that there.are certain thousands to be edded to the ctrcaiation net who are also oppossd to war...
...The merry twinkle in her eyas and her kindly, smile radiated good cheer and sympathy...
...At the conclusion of their courses they are supposed to go out Into the 'newspaper world, with a rirofaaalonal knowledge of that mysterious realm...
...They'll all understand that part about the Biz Shimmy Sisters, but isn't it a bit thick for our Yorkvule circulation to talk about chevaliers •ad such...
...Enter first, edftorxal yifir.: What day la thtot_ Lwftft EDITORIAL WRITERS: Thuraday...
...fc ft W.: How will this crusade jibe with our editorials on the new Tammany...
...No question about that, is there...
...V the, Ward finds a way-of steering clear t^hese schools.''Asi the cruel selnabness that has barnacled itself op...
...staff says about anysend...
...AH the pups and crippled ducks of the system kept crawling in on ua ¦eason after season...
...Twenty seven years old, s) graduate from an American PubDc School, -and one . may say, a representative product -of the Basal QUsual system of Teanmapyieed New York.-' :-- nii » MB Of course .tjbare was a great deal more to this task* than Just ichoMing...
...afngrafl to hmmi...
...Well, I must get along...
...Socialist League...
...The work is one long dreary account of the New York abyss and yet it Is dimcult to lay the book aside despite the uniformity of much of the life it depicts over a long period of time...
...Mayan you'll fled, a setter educational system down there...
...Comrade Novik explained the functions of the Y. P. 8. L. The regular mating followed and the officers for the coming term were elected This reorganisation was made after eight years of Inactivity and indicates what can be done elsewhere if some effort is put forth by party members and active young-people...
...That's to be expected, to a lend like ours...
...One need demand no further srldmce of the complete transformation of Tammany than the demolition of the burlesque show which the Hall once housed, and the fact that Shorty -McAllister and the Six Shimmy Sisters have moved around the corner from...
...We can send someOM to the school to make a little talk and give fJNedal m the shape of a solid gold tooth, some™°g like the Elks wear on their watch-chains...
...Her knock at the door of a pretty little home was answered by a rather tired, nervous-looking woman...
...W.) And It looks at .though that someone would be you...
...Winkler's biography of William Randolph Hearst (Hearst: an American Phenomenon, by John K. Winkler...
...executive committee: Oossaaatos Epstein, Mccfakto, Hurwlts and **^L*L...
...Despondently): That's so...
...I slave away from morning till night and he's forever making extra work for me, such as this...
...An editorial sey•jg that the World, in the tradition of the late Jofgph Pulitzer, never in tolerating injustice or corjption, takes a firm and unequivocal stand against r*t tape of a ten-year-old .^h-l near Scran ton, Penngjaaaaja by sixty-five armed.mine guards and eightasa state troopers...
...And as the making of profits is the chief end of man...
...In the face of such a career as that described to sir...
...You may take eraeka at the wicked Trusts, ft...
...AH progress n s matter of relativity,..,Your, true aberai is .never ^•a.Bmrryi Believing that things will he somehow tsobs, he * wall content to observe the alow march .tarwourts towards the, light.oi a. bettar day...
...All interested to that locality please communicate with Mr, A Reiner, 1402 Boulevard...
...The Yipsels were particularly urged to support The New Leader by subscribing to it themselves and helping to get subscriptions for it...
...rtuefbterism '.' •.' ft S" an American institution gangsterkm has become sonapkMOUs to the larger citiea, aapactally in New York and Chicago...
...A" ar ** Posslbte...
...Honest we never were bad to the good, teachers...
...The Y. P. 8. L. repressasadtas to the New Bedford strike, Frank J. Manning, reported to the committee and It was decided to Instruct an Circle Secretaries and Field Organisers to secure funds and food for the 30,000 striking textile workers...
...to Qkaeft £| tots and ricket> midgets of the Workers are dragged and herded, for some sort, at' I iliirrtlinir fpfi mm Any teacher with, A pun...
...la this Sis-page book, Mr...
...When he has done that he will realise that a success in Journalism—that is, a big, heman, national, walloping success means only one thing, and that Is circulation...
...there la enough eoka-' and go in them to hold your interest But when be stops to analyse motives, or produce alibis for bis hero, you have, the same fiat nauseating feeling of reading less than nothing which assails you after contact with one of Mr...
...X wish I could believe you that there Is another world...
...A Sunday' School worker started -ant one morning, trying to get mothers end their children more interested in Sunday School...
...11: Tammany Hall, of course...
...la it Joe...
...her temper flared, sod Jimmy received a severs scolding...
...Strange, Isn't it, that acme parents fail to realise the Importance of sympathy and often alienate their children's affections by being cross and unreasonable...
...Who want* to write a nice Liberal editorial...
...Miss 8. Epstein, Educational director...
...YOVTUistkepnbliftLtionoi tine...
...Fourteenth Street to Irving Hace...
...Ti Good bye Joe...
...But this toaehleg-ths poor fertttoiaS ¦» murder la the Nth degree, u *• :.-»•-¦ It la killing off little souls that might sxrwur eaftV a grasp of sunlight and brainltght...
...Oh, yes, I have, that...
...Watoh this eohitnn tor further announcements of Milwaukee County's North Bide Circle...
...I mean the ones who...
...and the billions' that ft* into it to taxes, ssad rents, and tickets tor the StrwRceeanera Batt...
...Aabury has attempted ss give a history of each gang and its exploits and feuds and has drawn upon contemporary accounts in newspapers and the few books that have carried some i>|rtegjul on sis* phase of Mfe^l jsw 4*9^^ .**°**<**° the draft riots during the Civil War and It seems tp us that tap large a raw fens been given te the criminal elements in thas affair...
...The Literature OommUtee reported that a new series ot ctroulars would be printed explaining what the T. P. 8. L. can do far youth to factory, fleM, oflao* and school...
...ft W. (Eagerly): I will...
...Weve got to crusade again.' Who has an Idea ** a crusade...
...There is some criticism among extremists over the fact ifJut at least nfty per...
...in 198S, why boUBr our journaliirtlr stiSfcmta with taftr cjf ethics, da» eeacy.' horist j tek>rtinpV iadd the hkaiy 0#Ve Jhan...
...He has ao consideration for me whatever...
...Suppose tor readability 1 hold down on the picturesque argot of the underworld, and Just translste it Into some sort of English...
...end which were supposes1 to be critical in their nature...
...And the young teachers are perfectly willing to listen and tremble, and keep away from the peer schools...
...that wtft get you more readers than the defence of monopoly...
...That will make a good advertising slogan, won't (Looks at watch...
...He said that the workers were 100 per cent, behind the strike...
...He reports that the first meeting of a newly organised circle in that city met at toe Socialist Hall, North and Perry Streets, Friday evening...
...and several organisation plans were taken up...
...Except in Russia you wouldn't sftoto a fesft tor such doings...
...These people seem to forget they once were children...
...HOME EDUCATION "The ChfliT s First School is the Family"—Froebel...
...We all love an understanding mother —one who can sympathise, and win kiss away the tears, or laugh and enjoy our pleasures with us I "Harry wDJ surely come to some good end with such s mother...
...Snow falls and every flake te a bright new nickel of graft And a tot of flakes make a<|e* of nickels and a lot of nickels makes five to seven aaaUon dollars a year...
...1. »Whsn the history of...
...After all...
...The thread disappears at .times only tail appear to some low dive or in a gang employed to elections, or is a snuggery, or ft bawdy house where some Madame disposes of her wares with the connivance pf nonce officials The raw material of tbie gangs is not always supplied by the working class...
...That we develop the 'Present use of the space allotted to The Young Pople's Dopartinsnt, to the extent of two columns weakly...
...Sergeant-at-arms are Comrades John Strobe...
...District Committee: Alios Hekkala, Louis Olad...
...An outline of educational work for the ""»"*ng year was made after due deliberationSpecial features of the program Include the organisation of public speaking classes to train speakers, the oewanlxation of study classes, and the establishing of a Yipsel speakers bureau...
...ltids and ..-toq Irish kids, and the Slovak kids are a murderous lot...
...Olyany, and with - kto standard borne by that chevalier sans, peur et sans re» aroche, Al Smith, the knights of this holy order have font out to one of the most gallant attacks upon .fascial privilege in the history of our time...
...ft*, 1Aagrily>: What concern of ours is what a f,eawdi ex-member ef the...
...Herbert Aabury has written the story of the Mew York gangs (The Gangs of New York...
...May 11...
...After the addresses and the various committees had been elected, the convention adjourned and the delegates attended an entertainment arranged by the local circle...
...District Organiser, Louis Ba hi no wits...
...straw and nattier navies, war with everybody, and to heal with the pacifist...
...the CHATTER BOX vuisuftt, they passed say fjsjbs on tstfsVilis Street...
...A-w ••wasn'tft vesjy rJeetty tale...
...We never had a decent te acker...
...We know that this action will meet with —^~<-~-r «m...
...al a; itot,' il .VT*-* 1 Spring Poems -------«* L *w ftt...
...They got to here on 4heir own...
...Published by Simon and Schuster...
...tft W.s Very fine, but,what about the editorial on New Tammany...
...I Ow lunch with otto Kahn and afterwards Harry >£"Stafr ta taktog me tti bis private train to Havre*|Orace, and later oa.wo're going to Havana for a I know I can- trust you boys to keep poundft «T*^ at that crusade: ' '"•W,j Yes, yes, yes...
...in his Informative book...
...Get circulation and everything else is added unto you...
...He told quite plainly efhew >jhe estrned lap.tot before and during ejections...
...Harry and the little boy next doer have been enjoying themselves lr...
...ft W.i...
...Tears came to his eyes, And ba.attempted a meek apology, but the words were hardly begun when fete mother stormed, "Hush, go etcetee to yonr room...
...We were always getting substitutes, We never had a afesnee to .learn much...
...It is a privilege for a liberal paper like the World to fee able to acclaim the complete renaissance of g liberal institution such as Tammany Hall...
...What stands out to this history is abysmal rookeries, boosing kens, frightful puwalw, disease and abnormality spawned by the alums of New York City...
...delineation as we have come across to any of the receipt short-order biographies...
...Resolutions were passed against child labor, compulsory military training to public schools and colleges, and war...
...2—That Jack Waaaerman of the Bronx Y. P. 8. L. should bs the Editor of this Oohimn, and should be a ask tad by Geo...
...Who will write the whimsiasl editorial about the...
...But It has been a moat profitable degradation...
...At will boost circulation wrfTf all the winners' t*u*ivee...
...i ,. bia sufieb...
...And than overnight you may shift, and take a torn stand for mg business mora>poly...
...The newspaper novice with any sense of realism will waste no time whatsoever inside the schools...
...rebellious moos, jimmy started sway, but before be was, out of hearing, his mother turned to her caller, and in' a high-pitched, angry voice gave vent to her feeungs...
...But what sticks most to mind now to the...
...oonscrtption- Similar revolts uasaiisd to the South against rimaiiipNori sad tor once to their uvea the degraded poor whites began to net for ssssssstusj Unfortunately, their fury was stonily directed against the slaves...
...It ft ft ft W. (Apologetically): Do you suppose our readers will get that about the "plumes of Nanrre...
...he's so reckless and hard to manage...
...I'll write one myself...
...And by the way, speaking of circulation, . J*efs become of that front-page statement that eg world has the largest clrculaUon In greater W*W Tork of any standard-size newspaper?- If becessary, we can change it/ to "The World **¦ * greater city circulation weekdays than any 35** etandard-size morning paper to New Tork TjJ* prints on its rrouW page a picture of- the of Liberty arisfhjf''from the clouds between SJ* continents...
...n. j Grey clouds scudding thru a greyer sky , . ] Wet wafli gieeming with dirt end sausf ' | Soft grey mist and sad raindrops f And a splash of soft wet crimson Where three poppies sway to toe wind...
...During the Intervals between truckloads...
...The North Side Circle has a membership of 30 members...
...Just as soon as he can Comrade Reiner win continue his work of getting a Yipsel group started in that city...
...It invites contributions of netvs and views...
...25 Yipsels Are Ready • To Take the Stump The D. ft C. Committee of New Bogland received reports at Its meeting from the Sneakers Bureau...
...and John Borough...
...votnw men and women m flfty-flve schools and dspartmaats hi thirtyeight states, 6AM students to SB, are engaged today to the study of what is called journalism...
...The author does not Ignore this aspect of the riots, but mors emphasis Is placed upon hadinhlp by the criminal elements of the population than the facts warrant On the whole It Is a fascinating book* and presents a phase of New York hfe that has been ignored by too many historians...
...What "about graft in the boned ."Wed market...
...Yipsels To Publish Through New Leader THE Board of retractors of the Y. P. 8. L. Publishing a aarwlotion met Saturday evening, May 12, at the Band School...
...It k«» bam going on much, tog long, and if It happens (gain, the World will be forced to write another (gjtorial on the subject...
...You know Frenchy, I guess that school mad* a feuaa out of me...

Vol. 7 • June 1928 • No. 24

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