Lowell, Esther

Herd times in old virginia Company Unionism An Item in Textile Workers*De>>redswnj Tobacco Farmers "Worst Off" of All Land kibor <dJ?r shields and his wife, esther lowell, have started on a six...

...Prom another man we got the story of the nostras of a Id pee eent wade eat notice Sour years ago...
...The larger bearings of the take cargo coal rate case are even more significant...
...the differentia* that counts...
...Most of this welfare program was begun during the last ten years...
...More than twenty-six million tons of coal were shipped across the lakes in 1936 and almost thirty million in 1923...
...Qpyaj nssentst control te negative, when entdRottofl economic Interests of equal strength are at stake...
...The Danville mm party union is one of the few to the south, tor textile beads to this region usually take the same attitude as the United States Steer Corp., that COSmxapy unions are a waste of time...
...Charity Is Scarce j npRAVKLINO through the red day foot"¦ hills of the Blue Ridge mountains, from Charlottesville to Danville, ISO miles, the visitor finds the general complaint that times ere harder than any that this region has seen ta years...
...But now the V Handsets are uneasy...
...The fdhstlnles of whole communities sre involved ta these various decisions...
...the ballot...
...Colored workers who truck cotton bales and,dor,factory cleaning are about a tenth of the mill's 6,009 workers in, full Worklna conditions in the mill are supposed to be, better than In other southern,snito.br^usphming rooms are full of Jint catching in,the workers' bah and going, up,,thsir, postritoy ,Weave rooms have htjmkyflers ¦ cpxdtanly...
...Peasncy srsnB to be not wtthto their ken...
...Under the terms of the Transportation Act of 1920 the Interstate Commerce Commission has the power to fix minimum rates...
...Wage eats are spreadtog elsewhere...
...In the "Y" also she hss a chance to meet workers from the town's silk mill—the only Northern-owned plant in town—and the hosiery mill...
...Ths United Mtae Workers have bom conducting a strike to the bituminous coal fields for more than a year...
...That eat/ in Row Bedford made us ntighty scarey...
...All his life until three years ago he had farmed, raised tobacco and a little corn and wheat...
...Ths white men, subject to ths same economic taws, are bttts tf any better offA Company Union Fails rpHXS Is the story of the decBne of the com party union' to the biggest cotton mill in the scqrth—the Rrrorslde and Dan River Mute of Danville...
...There must be a party convention on September 16 to nominate and file Presidential electors...
...hef'e is the first of many interesting articles by them, which we with publish during the coming months...
...They win ateo nominate a full state ticket for the fan election...
...They keep out ether firms when they want to, and tell them what to pay when they do cssne...
...The members will hold w ^^"^a^x^r^n0...
...wej see that private ownership collapses miserably...
...loom ft vers are the only organised group...
...Conneetient ^nwbttwmwufy Qs*gt&eVBBMsfis National Executive Oommlttewnan MeLevy of Bridgeport aad State Secretory Martin P. pTunkott of Walllngford organised a new local at Walsibmj Friday evening, Msg 38...
...said one mechanic...
...The Socialists are arranging a "gogetter" picnic for June 34 and are expecting Mayor Bean of Milwaukee as the principal speaker...
...Desirable grades of southern coal may be pre vented from being brought north because of prohibitive freight rates...
...This left a differential of twentyfive cents...
...Lake cargo'coal derives its name from the fact that it is sent by rah to Lake Brie ports from which it te transshipped by Vessel to the other side of the Great Lakes—the Northwest and Canada...
...The mate convention Will be held at Grove, near LP...
...Rmll Herman, national ergantoer of the party, bad an excellent meeting In the town hall here...
...In Lynchburg, 69 mites to the north times are nearly as bad for the employees of the shoe and garment factories, and the tobseco farmers who sell to the local warehouse owners...
...Rings, tie Bronx, 12...
...I greatly spprsnlsls the fine work you are adsg Yours ft* a treat Socialist movestmt LOUIS LETDBL BTBSBba, N. Tj Baiter, Row Leader: X think The New Lead iff te tto hat paper X have ever read...
...But for all that, Margaret WaQ and the local United Garment Workers' president, Mary Mannocks, have a hard time convincing the nonunion girls to organise...
...Maratock has an S-bour day—one of the few Southern factories on leas than a 10-hour baste...
...healthy local win be organised there right away...
...New fields are not opened -nAlfJy ta order to take advantage ot an bwssssd demand for coal...
...They sign, and a few of the boys who held out were told they'd he fired tf they didn't The Compemy's Veto Pemer smong ths loom fixers...
...as our guide said...
...10 co-operate with toe8oclsUste In the States to place our tteket or...
...Admittedly the railroads are able to transport the coal at lower rates than they do...
...This whole country'', nod another farm, er, "Is overridden wtth debt, both white and colored" The Negro tenants nve often wtth dht floors...
...Ths *»»'**"g mines are merely worked more thoroughly...
...The prospects fee...
...T don't know what's a-going to hap•*¦ pen tf the rain keeps on short time...
...I am 70 years old and can not f* very much, but I would like to see s P** Leber Forty to tote country...
...thatastor as she personally wsa ecxuxwned, she tad noChfng to do wtth'the Ooramuxestesnd that her entire' tatferest in the stewment wto to entry On propsgande ssshut the rerkeration of ahens...
...Row mines are needlessly opened to the south, white the oM fields to the north are not yet oabanpted and can still flu the demand...
...There to talk of Joining the American Pedsrattea of Labor for the sake of protection...
...Whatever te charged above the actual cost of transportation is stolen from tow puck ate of the consumer...
...Montana • State Secretary James D. Graham Informs the National Office that the Socialists of Montana held their State Convention on May 16 and nominated electors and a fufi State ticket, oood for Montana...
...Resorting to this authority, the L C. C. has exercised its control over the transportation of lake cargo coal and...
...poses, t looked over ths psrscstad ef ths iwsmhiirshlfi of the committee tSsn functioning and was not satisfied (tot It was a bona fide committee...
...The managers are local people and so are roost' of the stockholders...
...Herman spoke for an hour and answered questions for another hour...
...It has a higher pay scale...
...The chief advantage, which the union fields of the north bad, has been nearness to the market This has made possible great economy in transportation...
...JACOB PANRRSL n. r. a"*"1 • Rdttor, Row' Leader: X em a very new ssRssrRejr, ted I would like to ten you how much I enjoy your paper.' It Is very taUiswing, ssd has a more s^tontiflc sad unbiased viewpoint Utah the Republican or DsmoEraflt pspsrs...
...Company brads say it Is organised "Just like cur government...
...Cheap labor conditions and a plentiful, easily sceesskds supply of good coal makes It possible for the new mines of the south to underbid their rivals of the north...
...Hte statements were ~w*f'"-*"' by a former member of that bod...
...the prevailing governmental policy and philosophy are put to the test...
...The plumbers, bricklayers and newly-organised musicians' local are still outside...
...Queen* l^hteamond...
...Our carmuugrTmantoarls G. August Gerber, Room 1001, 31 onton square, New York City, snd all jgstter...
...of which $6.30 was from literature sales...
...wtth 18 mnrauiii tacky number...
...Production to ptarnsd to cause the least distress to the workers...
...Bw bttte nssnsd Shis sosasn", sold my §3£d» tsm smJjShs...
...Texas The Socialist stats Convention of Texas win be held on Jury 8 at Dallas...
...Are you sum - that nilnuto is authentic...
...Originally the factory made overalls almost saxkusively...
...that the Hte of the miner's union depends to no stoafl part upon an stem so indirect and nt>dusmnr|fI a» Jaaght rates...
...The 10-hour day stayed...
...This take cargo te mined in certain Appalachian coal fields...
...If the mill shuts down for a or 3 months this summer, as we fear, I don't know what the people win do...
...Visitors are not taken Into the dye"ridds* "because' there's quite a bad smeft In there...
...If it peases, without further delay," it goes next month to ths senate of overseers where the bill te again shuffled from floor to committee and back again...
...He te a carpenter now...
...The northern operators have, therefore, demanded a reduction to wages...
...F. N. CURTsR Great VaBay, N. T. Socialist Party Plans and Progress Through The States Resdters J^at,0nal ¦rgaateB*h^^?rjliue"eV the Stash...
...For this the southern senators waged war upon Bach and when he came up for reappointment this spring they saw to it that be failed to receive the confirmation of the Senate...
...No thought te taken ¦at the' rhotrow for conservation of natural resources has nothing to contribute td profits...
...No solution for the eondtot of ooononno interests is found because the latter are Irreconcilable, where private property te the criterion...
...They demonstrate the inherent weakness of our Industrial system based upon private property...
...In 1925 the northern operators sought another reduction ta vain...
...Pour Days of Work a Week With the mill working only four days a week, the already low wages have been considerably reduced...
...In 1912 the Interstate Commerce Commies ton made its first decision In the matter...
...But there are many young men and women in the mill about half the women married...
...organised, their highest wages were as much as ours...
...Farmers Are Gloomy I A byproduct of the drop ta employ- | merit is the slump in the earnings of the local streetcar company, which gets most of its fares by hauling the workers from home to mill and return...
...The swehars are no ksager nsetoentolf industry, to fact, exists for them...
...The Southern roads and coal operators test no tlmw to correct the sttuatoon...
...informed bar that my Jndeynent wm that while ntetodptods against a law repairing shens to ' register ta the Uonsf States to eaxdsdtagly Important and...
...Row central labor union Is one Job Miss Wall and Mtes Mannocks are pushing...
...Since Danville te geographically and Industrially a part of the Southern Piedmont, Margaret Wall te eager to have the Piedmont Organising Council include Danville...
...Lake cargo coal constitutes such an important factor to the coal busmsss of eastern Perm* lyeVento...
...ChRt _______ / V , Bmtor, Mgw leader: ' ' Bans mousy, sans* work, how tang wR the people vote—sans thought...
...I haste that ray ratervtrww at toast waetrstta fuFWherf she told see that sto wssaot Ejected Jrlttt ttto OoflneBunMt oMCvsyt There tawst be many peopte hanged sRon by these folks...
...The 'company provides besides several hutadred'wood frame houses, a dormitory with gym and swimming pool shared by school girls and mill women, a nursery, a kindergarten, grade schools, a Junior high, a store, a Y. M C. A with movies in the auditorium, and small libraries...
...It reduced the rates from the northern fields by ten cents per ton, thus establishing a differential of nineteen cents...
...When Margaret Wall graduated from Brookwood in 1926 she returned to her work in the Morotook garment factory in Danville...
...pertaining to speakers, campaign The^ESJt-'jSlJ...
...This to the tease Is In the JMisisJds and Dan River Cotton Mflte tto 34* mwHiri tacrode to to M per cent of the hxmifljtsrs In The kswiiHists' local servtvod ths tothe othw'wnta^arter the war, and this group of eraftemen to proud of its orUnionism has paid...
...Take for """r1*) the line-up on this question...
...Welfare' work Is wen developed at' Schooldeld, the min village at Danville's edge...
...In a decision handed down test Fshroary, the I. C. C. rejected their request...
...So he and his wife came into the mill, where an old friend in the employment office found them work—the wife in the dormitory, the old farmer in the shipping room.' Dan River mm managers are proud of their plant...
...there tea eabhtoj consisting of the officers of the company...
...Low tobacco prices for the farmers, and unemployment and part Urns In the factrles are the causes...
...Ohio state Stewatarr WUtert hdnrass the National ethos that there to an awskentag of interest and activity among the ta ths Stete, ' WUtert wfll spend sens time out ta the State organising sad helping to soueet signatures, ss veil ss doing oraanisotten ircrk...
...umnitmp coal had to bear the cost of touasportaUon to Lake Brie proportionate to distance and at the same rates as northern coal, it would be probably be eliminated : completely from the field of competition...
...i « From she excerpt from the sstaeta ef ysnnhfy tt, tt womd ssem *het tto tedy 1s a menmer of tlw Cemmardst-psrty, wnd wasw ssTSflbl at tasiRmwdwmv 'fas, wMeb wm to January...
...The District Court for the Southern District ef West Virginia granted this Injunction on April 14, 1938...
...The council, started by Durham, Raleigh and OreenSboro, te active in North Carolina...
...What a ssssst Railroads fighting each other, operators cutting each others throats, the union 'workers and their fellows tn the new-union fields pawns In the game seeking to starve cash other 'out-- -y ' There te no ptenful production...
...It is called second largest cotton mill in America—second to Amoskeag in New Hampshire...
...Margaret Wall has sisters tn the nulls...
...vi« B I have no resesn to doubt the seasracy of the report to The New tdsdwi' although I did not accept ¦lusdimshtom that radwhRdsl secarssvof the isa totas that t had st She time that ths land tee was net' altopathtr fcothsr...
...Coal te brought from afar that could more easily be obtained nearer home...
...omo, the 'Psb4hc«jt< BJbirtet of West Virginia, and the southern coal flekh...
...tar tteopanhxTo/tbeef oampstan, when oar Presidential oandldate, Norman Thomas, comes to town on June IS for the picnic at Rrterview Park when he win open hte —"f-'rn la CrdJ3* 11 the Socteitets wfll banquet, wtth Comrade Thomas as guest, st the Douglas Park Auditorium, where a tag turnout la expected West Virjrinia West 'Virginia «Tltati are all swash members and ptenntosT* t*JdafJn sew palgn...
...Minnesota The new Socialist local at Minneapolis hss upward of fifty members already and te taking new members ta at every meeting...
...a senate of about 3d uruisBsrs or department heads, and a house of representatives, of more than 100 ma sets, or one representative to every 49 of the total force of employes, which numbers 6,200 in busy times...
...If the bill te accepted it returns to both houses for final ratifications...
...Whereupon, undaunted, the Southerners applied to the Federal Courts for an injunction restraining the L C. C. from enforcing its order, which cancelled the new t"*^lM1^s of the southern roads...
...This is the course the bill takes...
...C. H. Buck will be In charge of the party's nomlnstton petitions here...
...No salvation for ths worker te possible because hte sre only human Interests and they are of no concern tn a social order, where personal gain Is the only test of value...
...AH at me res dors H Onto must understand tost twenty odd thousand names must be ear looted on potttions te comply with to* ^esjsfJhittBtate...
...snd everyone Is ew New York State OwihiiTssw*Twrk<te*to'have sf_dsljsates at the Albany State Convection Svtotad tofoRoeis: New York OcmJty.g...
...Owe Betol Union XfXXWtmM stew hy side wtth the eonv pany union, to too' tog Danville cotton mflte Is the sate ktoeueadcnt labor ton smwrfsehntof plant...
...m^sffaSltnitofr no SRWsRssjgdRJ duos any mors to ths old mtion...
...The MY" Helps Unionism Danville's dominant Industry te the Dan River and Riverside mills, which employs shout 3.000 or more women and girls in busy times and nearly twice as many men...
...Mind you, the ri'ssflssihls ness of the rates thsmosrves are ex* in WMW^Tt to only...
...spraying water, toip the air—making the abnosT phgm oppressive to, hot weather., Workers find more satisfactory a recent ventilating system installed in the new concrete weave shed...
...Arrangements sre already being made for a Hg affair, and we hope Comrade Thomas wfll be able to make that point...
...Margaret Wall, of Danville, Vs., is one of the labor college's few Southern graduates...
...A committee of Inonrgrers waited on the boss and said the stan must come down er they would go out...
...Oar guide through the Dan River and Riverside Cotton Mills at Danville, Vs., was very friendly...
...The bright leaf growers to the south, who produce for the cigarette plants, have their prices fixed by the Trust, it te true, but at least their product te in demand But the "dark-fired" weed te a back number, not wanted much any more, though farmers conthms^to gsow hV-not knowing what gsafJJ OflAOsT -etsswaa CUXaoI^, 'vVswJg/ {QsTSMCagf' *J0T^p8?*w*" ed hi qisjetHj to ttoty...
...Consider, too, the stupidity of the rate situation itself...
...There are atom white than black growers...
...In this they have been aided by cheap non-union'labor and a better grade of coal...
...The Riverside and Dan River mills te -—"—trig no responsibility for the suffering of Its people...
...In an effort to get bturmeee from a different dam of customers the cars now carry this slogan ta big letters: "Park Your Oar At Home And Ride The Streetcars...
...The company can veto any bill through the senate of overseers or ths cabinet...
...I titan saked her point bleak Communist Party herself, and she snv phaticany asserted that she wm set a member of the Osnmuntot Party,sad that the aialniilttaii had nothing te to with the Ototosantot organisation...
...They win ateo nominate for the Legta^hrre...
...The basic cause of this straggle te the encroachment of the new southern non-union soft coal fields upon the business of the old northern union fields...
...dta« bghtos...
...ttat esMtora...
...They are very desirous that Norman Thomas, our Presidential candidate, vtett Dallas on that date...
...A fun'stotetickst,*ss wefl^as eteotersfor too Presidential ticket wfll be selected The convention wfll be held ta Moose Ran, Morgantown, Sunday June 3. 1.39 p. m. The State Secretary reports that the mssnhsrs are aflve to the nseesdty of greater aetrvRy...
...The case came up again 1927 and this time Commissioner Etch changed hte mind upon the presentation of more convincing evidence...
...Obscured by technicalities the lake cargo coal case te of Immense importance, ^Immediately, to the TJaMed Mtae Workers of America in their struggle for existence, and ultimately, to the whole movement for nationalisation...
...It cams down...
...New Mexico State Secretary Richardson st Roewell reports that Ufe Socialists wOT hold s mam convention and with tt a picnic and basket dinner...
...Besides the garment • workers, the printers, carpenters, moving picture operators, plasterers, and machinists, are the backbone of Danville's labor body...
...Tentative nsgotto tlons were conducted wtth the machinists but there to a sentiment towards ths United Textile Workers of America, which claims Jurisdiction over an textile workers and which lately won over the independent loomflxers of New Bedford...
...She tete Ms ta the Pasted ptoses, and f another pgr...
...It te on the fringe of the Carolina Piedmont around which most southern mills cluster...
...Ltttte of this teaf te used at boms...
...Last week we used your pspsr as the foanditlon tor a weekly meeting that we held.1' JANBT BRfOOa...
...Formerly the northern regions, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and the upper portion of Western Virginia, provided practically the entire supply of take cargo coal During the test decade and a half and especially since the close of the war, after many new mines had been opened, the southern fields in West Virginia...
...The union shop has many advantages for workers over its non-union competitor in Danville...
...The new local made plans for a large mass meeting, with Norman Thomas, lbs party's candidate for President, as the speaker...
...No concern to felt for the consumer because be must pay whatever to denutnded of him...
...In full seasons the shop employs 70 workers, almost all women and girls...
...fllsTbMrif thwh*btosRr...
...For us the wk& oarro coal rata esse has a double interest...
...Stosdbrd UalversRy...
...The sthefls refers to Jeanette Peart, gome tow months ago Mtes Jeanette Pearl called at my borne knd invited me to accept aaaw» bershtp on -a totosatttoe for the protasuba of foreign born, and laid before me ths purposes of that committee...
...He ateo writes that a Comrade has filed In the 5th District at Kansas City...
...A member of the house, a skilled worker, gave me the history of the plan...
...blood' of life...
...Louis street, on June 17.1 The convention will be catted to order at IS a. m. AH party members and an rejtotered Staesshsta are and State ticket wfll be Tlnstril AD readers te California ptoses make It a point to attend...
...regulation versus nationalization The,...£«lfee Cargo Coed Case Reveals "¦ FwtilitV • fcRtfLulatkrum . By Louis Stanley .., ,. rspHB snhduncernvtot od May 13 that the *¦ northern railroads were' going 'to cut their rates on lake cargo coal to order | to meet a similarreduotlon by southern roads brmgs the whole situation to a head...
...Under competitive conditions a differential of nine cents par ton arose between the rates charged for delivery...
...The seoncsnta Interests which want a larger differential ta favor of northern coal fields sre the northern railroads which have connections with the southern roads, the northem coal operators and the organised miners...
...Through the Y. W. C. A. groups, organised by Industrial Secretary Pay Hudglns, she encourages the cotton null girls to study organisation needs...
...This $15,000,000 company boosts that it keeps its equipment modern and spends much on welfare...
...desirable, a committee reads up of Onemuntets would destroy the purscse tar which tt worked, and I also informed tar that there bad hem stotemento ta tto public press, which were not Irani, that Communists organised these eanmittees for the purpose of oonssdsg funds and never accounting for the tstst, and that that would militate sgatast tto efficacy of such essandttos tf R was Oossmuntet inspired She assured me tost It was not Communist Inspired, that sto was not a Communist, and that If than Were a few members on that ccrssahtee that Were Ooastosxusto, It was dee teste faet that tt was desired to have a uxemittee embracing all groups...
...It affeets labor conditions In coal mining, add to chat* lenges the wnitabSlij of private ownership even under the best of governmental regulation...
...The Ohio coal operators and the northern railroads rushed to the United States Supreme Court to obtain a stay of the decree of the District Court but on April 17 the Supreme Court denied the petition, giving the southern roads leeway...
...Last year the Brookwood girl, aided by other active union women, had discussion groups of working girls at the "Y...
...In the present mstonre harmony must be piusui red hfirwasn the cosopetitcrs to such a way toto they will stiS dash...
...In this case, R to not enough that the road can ens to a neat profit, it must add thereto awosy gtvan .to itiSPWtiS so that oompetKkm may to maintained...
...The mill workers had nothing saved up: they were living from hand to mouth before the depression," a charity worker told us...
...ht Farty may obtain rnstrastlssn, fc*"*1** oharter appBestlene...
...The downtown mill has less of It...
...D. School, three mites east of RoswelL Members in New Mexico should arrange to be there...
...Oovsrnnnutial supervision can only be positive when the righto of private property sre ta danger...
...It passes, the buck, for administering relief, to the local charity agency supported by the Community Chest, to which the workers as well as the wealthy crUaens contribute...
...Both the northern and soutiserfl rvskternay be overcbsrgtanv That ta immaterial for the ultimate consumer foots the MIL The rmportant wflnff'te the d»rates^chargerf on lake cargo coal ta the north and those in the southv ; ! Tbshi...
...SteeT lockers are provided, lb mme rooms but lp others workers' fasng their coats and hats on nails anu honk* unshielded from the workroom...
...i-^«^^EcsHbn lo distance,—have toaabmn*iBB%8wUtsrnsgslnesito overcome, the handicap of distance...
...It stood before the southern roads changed their schedules In April...
...The primary in which candidates will be nominated will be beta ta August...
...Coal te produced aa close to the markat as te economical...
...We have seen that the taw freight rates...
...President Cole used to work us the cotton mill, but has never been able to get back since be was active In the big strike of 25 years ago...
...The, day Is 10 hours, the week 65...
...There te a president of the* serapany union, Mr...
...Its importance lies ta two facts: (1) its quantity, and (2) its stabilising effect on coal production...
...But new prices are so tow it atnt harsh- worth growing...
...On May 13 it was announced that the northern roads would put Into cargo cceu^^i^ngH^Jfe^e^n^^fler...
...tram) dypMsS northern and southern fields...
...Further information from Dutatoteto the effect that a good...
...By Esther Lowell and Art Shields DANVTLLB, VIRGINIA...
...R. T. T0L *T!Tx ateo woute^hke to take this oeesston to say that the sdttortal pegs, ,tte pegs of ssxdusrre features snd Thoatte column are ssnaetatty fine...
...The Federal District Court, for the Southern District tor West viarhda has denied ths validity of the principle that industrial conditions might b£ regulated by rate Ad* Justments, The nprthern coal operatora must sink or swbavo* best they can...
...Only the bouse can introduce bills, but the senate of overseers can recommend and the bosses' refomnwnrtettrms are persuasive...
...Xndieas red tape...
...I asked her whether 'this committee was not sponsored by the Orsiiiwiiutol Party, sad she tokf me that it was not a Oonunontet group...
...X think yon ert dctng more good than an the cbsiithss, sreachars and ZwBy Sundays this side ef hen...
...The northern fields received a further reduction of twenty cents, widening then* differential to forty-five cents...
...It te introduced to the boose of representatives, and the Speaker refers it to a committee...
...but ths others said they'd better wait and see bow the plan worked, wen, te a white B went pretty won...
...Missouri W. L. Oerver, State Secretary, hss informed the National Headquarters that J. O. Hodges of Kansas City, State Chairman of the party, has filed for the office of Governor on the Socialist ticket...
...under the circumstances, neoessarily over the whole business...
...Therefore, rates am determined to such a way that both the southern and northern operators can go on competing wioyoach other...
...14-16 year olds In the mill because the law limits then* day to eight hours...
...With the downfall of private property end oorapetntan, as illustrated to ttte take cargo ease, goes the whole system of government regulation...
...Since the open navigation season on the Great Lakes tests from tete April to late November, the movement and production of lake cargo coal te concentrated during months which ordinarily would be slack...
...This shop has been organteed for 37 years under the United Oarmeat Workers...
...Our wages run S3 to $7 over the highest weavers," said Robert Mossty, president of the local...
...Of all the farmers in the United States, these Virginia tobacco growers, who raise what te known as the "dark-fired" variety, are almost the worst-off...
...Now it' makes few, but manufactures many pairs of men's woolen pants, women's suits and dresses of both wool and cotton goods, khaki and other sport clothes and little boys' wash suits...
...The total +»v*»ne of the meeting was 916.30...
...teu szs1?*', ?stacted to co-operau in w» work to Julius Gerber, saauaddress ss above...
...Lots of folks have left town alreadysome pone back to the farms...
...The decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission have been made upon the theory that the take cargo tirades of the northern fields has the right to survive...
...Further increases were made by decision In 1917, 1918, and 1930, and a reduction went Into effect...
...On the other side of the fence are the southern railroads originating In the soft coal fields, the operators of those areas, the bustoeesmee of the Northwest, ths railroads of this rsgtan because they are large users of take cargo eoaL and the non-union miners in the' South...
...If it gets by this upper bouse of bosses the cabinet accepts or rejects...
...Bhnl Herman te now -peering upstate...
...In Danvllie, near ths North Carolina border, a cotton mill city of more than 30,900 If its industrial suburbs are Included, the local charity agency, the Community Welfare Association, admits that only a fraction of the local distress te being relieved...
...A Brook wood Graduate at Work QROANZZZNG Southern workers, especially girls and women in her community, Is the chief Interest of one Brookwood graduate...
...Herd times in old virginia Company Unionism An Item in Textile Workers*De>>redswnj Tobacco Farmers "Worst Off" of All Land kibor <dJ?r shields and his wife, esther lowell, have started on a six months' tone of the south to study ami write about social, industrial and political problems for the new leader and the federated press...
...a twenty cents reduction...
...Mow only half are working...
...The mills dominate the town in every way," say the Danville people...
...the tassRRvFof lfsw.' ao ft seas: the congress ska, and milking Is dens, and the average SBRdoye hardly knows that industrial tlimaarssi estate, except when ths shop* notdfad of etoctton day...
...Therswere msstinns bttte passsd kapruvtag salutary eondBtons ta the mux That was whan ths new ventilating system was put toto the new concrete weave shed...
...A plan of industrial democracy, the company union te called, and for short It b usually named "the Industrial democracy...
...They have an Independent union with a measure of recognition from the company, although all had to sign up under industrial democracy to hold their Jobs...
...There were wage cuts In the mUL We found R was ho uss bringing in any bttte about wages or hours...
...The rates from the southern fields have always been higher than those from the northern but never ss much, as one sdnla, expect from the respective distances...
...Employment to stack...
...Last year when a cloth checker began organising weavers, he was soon dissevered and fired with most of the 40 he bad mashed...
...cannot be The problem solves ttsetf through nsttonattsation of the mines and the railroads...
...There are few...
...w 338 Broadway, New York May Jg 1RR Rdttor, The New Leader: r rjt X nets on the 8th page of the Mew ~~ Laadsr tor May 36th, an sflefod excerpt from Bhuttos of the Oomnranist Party...
...S X am particularly interested ta tot minute of January 37...
...an old fssMohed rate war are ex*eflefit.i,'M»'*™ ^«i«><" ->ih u,t The Human Stto ~~ ~ '-" - Beh^them^^warn...
...where it went into the strong rtesap dQsrs of that ocuninmih of" their own smoke material they buy tete here...
...L State Secretary Mjrrfll sanounces that National Cteematon Ma»> agar O. August Gerber will meet **» the capitalDtatriot committee oo taaSt Oonvectidn sjrangernents 8ur_e^s»smtog, June 3. snd discuss wtth tiisjeesSRiee ways snd roeans of msktas *• ARwny oorrrerjtiao *orpass any thst «a» osnvo...
...Many of the Negro farmers have given up the struggle en the sell and have gone into ths northern industrial centers...
...Arkansas Comrade Pennington, State Secretary, reports that a county convention of Socialists win be held en May 37 at West Fork...
...Hence, the vigorous fight which the northern operators are making to see that the southerners do not eliminate even this one advantage by obtaining still lower railroad rates on take cargo coal...
...The LC.Cs Many Psshtons The Interstate Commerce Commission has passed upon these transportation charges on several occasions...
...After a white meetings were bald only twice a month, and now only once a month...
...from BottoJtots over the State telling him whether or not they wfll be present, Califoniia The Socialist Party of California wm meet ta State Convention to ths Los Angeles- headquarters J 1 IS N. St...
...qsteage, 5?*ST"memtimn^im RsSasstal Thi^Konal Bxecuuve Committee has selected New York Comrades to manage twT o^ffPfP...
...H. R. Pitsgerald, who te also president of the company...
...Next month, if there are no obstructions, the bill goes to a vote on the floor...
...Reading of northern mill wage cuts and the New Bedford strike, these southern workers ere "mighty scarey...
...Borne oTtoe loom fixers tisssrhl there was no ess for thatr union with industrial rtessnffrsey...
...Wages have fatten nemnhat since the war, but not to proportion to the others workers...
...mmmsarshte cards, r^sheatton earda and aB other aeeeeeary hifnby ¦ tfi i wing Wauaas H. Hoary, MaRienl Bxsoative Bseretory, SdU Wsshtagten ^BevJevard...
...But that dklnt test...
...Colorado O. A. RnshneB, State Secretary, In answer to a letter from the National Office, writes that they are planning for a State Convention on or near Jury 4. He te anxious to hear...
...Railroad transportation oosto help to itotsrrnliis the leeadan of mines sad ths disposition of ooaL The conflict of —«t to.tercets vanishes for private coal operators and private railroads are gone...
...They applied te she Interstate Commerce Commtetan taw...
...Now with so many laid off, and the rest on 4 days a week, there te much hunger...
...He win need the dose cooperation of the members tn the States where beta te needed so that the work win be taken care of without any delay...
...Kentucky, and Tennessee have gained so rapidly that It Is they which almost have the monopoly today...
...With its welfare goes the "industrial democracy" or company union plan (congress, cabinet and president, who beads the company too...
...During the ssi tatopj asfelngh and folks rode ta sutornobpss", ssM an otd Negro tenant farmer...
...But farming's been mighty poor the last five years.'* Too bard for the old man after his sons went off on their own...

Vol. 7 • June 1928 • No. 24

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