Radio Board Orders Closing of WEVD Socialist Station To Fight Edict Sympathetic Organiza* tions Called on To Demand'Reversal of Arbitrary Order TVOTICE has been served on WEVD, the...

...Tinder modRft coBoittons war Is the enemy not only my life at tap rase...
...The prosperity of the farmers no less than Of all wurtDsrs everywhere uiust rest -upon Use application of BBunusl principles of cooperation, taxation, ana...
...No subsidy to farmers cam compensate theto tor frsjst the* lose by the tribute they pay or will pay to the railroads, the power trust and other public utilities grow to the hands of private owners under the regulation of courts peculiarly tender to the profits of stockholders...
...The milk scandals, the Queensborough sewer and paving scandals, the one hundred and fifty million dollars defective school buildings scandal, the transit scandal of which the seven-cent fare is only one aspect, the Equitable Bus franchise which Jimmie Walker jammed through the Board of Estimate, the street cleaning graft, the gross and deliberate election frauds connived in by Tammany magistrates and Judges which robbed Judge Panken of his reelection, police brutality and the failure of the city administration to do anything for the housing problem except to make it a football ia politics...
...The lion's share of this benefit for which all American cigar smokers are taxed has gone not Id the patient workers, native and foreign born, who raise Connecticut tobacco, but to landowners throughincreased rents and selling price on land...
...Chicago Socialists also have their sleeves rolled up for a big drive at the picnic for subscriptions to The New Leader...
...War is thf supreme Mgation of qtirisjianltiy and...
...Yet go President is not consciously hyHggfcsl Subsidies and special fafsn to Business men do not look to m age subsidies and be is not Mrs that he has provided sharp argnDMsts sgsinst his own closest polit|5 friend* and supporters...
...26 Eggs......................42 Jam ......................26 Prunes....................12 Spread..................26 Soup .......„v..............80 Fish cakes.................25 Buns......................12 Total ..............3&60 ; Committees of strikers are beingtrained in public speaking and sent' to unions throughout the Eastern part of the country, and the response has been generous...
...We know you can do It A new snbscrlptton trans every realtor will doable our circulation and double the Influence of The New Leader.' We are ii siting to hear (rem yen...
...S) 2» bsneflU of the bill, If any, are ¦toly to accrue to middlemen, millers, tod other procewers, and to big land**tonRbsr than to- the working...
...They happened aaeg e**es*or Rrsjth was the «nq»J».ajsserf feeder of hi* party, the pet gad . evfirexpf Teamen* Hot, who hiixdejf (awe eft •»?•*• Wstoerand-our btundeatog Transit Commission...
...Fortunately, the Socialist Party is awakening all over the country...
...But because it Is the teams* of the Socialist Party to conffiet sa honest educational campaign St not merely to angle for votes I Smfm 'tp .add that the McNaryBsBgss bill is certainly no panacea is> tat economic Ills under which the afSMTfl groan and may contain danssn stsinst which we must guard...
...Send your name and address to the campaign office, 31 Union Square, at once...
...It so, the very experience educate the mass of agricultural *°**to to the necessity for a more "Omental remedy...
...How long shall we American consumers pay a special tax most of which does not go to the government, to protect such infants as the steel and aluminum trusts...
...From the past we can receive the rich heritage of a noble tradition and the inspiration of great deeds...
...There were times when the Board of Directors faced dark prospects, tunes when it seemed that we had exhausted every expedient to bring the paper out...
...Their parties have no issues...
...These things are not mere local issues in the year 1938...
...Indeed in the power givJJJ.™0*" Board we Socialists are en""to to find a HtUe unexpected en2**itoaent...
...a way tm fccM Mayor Walker fc> the same sort £ aneountahuitry tor toe adminiatratjen sj hto osjtoe ae.very properly he remitred |» Shv safe of Mra...
...In the days before the World War Chicago Socialists always broke the record for attendance at- Rivervlew and this year they have an ambition to come up to the old record in attendance and enthusiasm...
...William A. Toole, counsel for the Socialist party, attacked the $5,000,000 easement valuation allowed by the Commission...
...sssrls eWeago'as'ltS second eiry is ariP|ei rorsooth...
...Tammany - Is Availed By f|nomas Smith's Organisation More Corrupt Than It Has Been in Twenty Years, Socialist Candidate Declares (By A N«w Leaser C—sepoadsasl TYUNKIRK, N. Y.—In more than two decades during which he has been observing New York politics, never has Tammany Kail been so corrupt, Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate for President, declared in an addresfe here on Memorial Day at the annual field day of the Evangelical Synod of Buffalo and Western New York...
...senatorNartoa is the > bwp at to* Muscle Shoals ftgbC Oow...
...Radio Board Orders Closing of WEVD Socialist Station To Fight Edict Sympathetic Organiza* tions Called on To Demand'Reversal of Arbitrary Order TVOTICE has been served on WEVD, the station owned and operated by Socialist, labor and progressive organizations, that its broadcasting license will be terminated by August 1st...
...Volunteers Needed to Get Signatures Gerber Issues Call for Assistants in Filing Nominating Petitions . THE work of placing the Sdcteusf candidates for President am Vice-President, Norman Thomaa ant James H. Manner, eh the ballet It the 48 states is now well under way Julius Gerber, of New York, is ii charge of thia^vorkV Gerber has Jus: returned from a trip to Chlcagt where he canvassed the sltuatioi with the National office of the party On his return to New York, be issued the following appeal to all New Leader readers and Socialist - Part] members and supporters: "To all Socialists and those interested in having the Socialist party candidates appear on the ballot so they may be voted for on Election Day: "In order to place the Socialist candidates on the ballot, we must secure signatures in many states...
...Show it on thestreet and get another sub...
...A careful review of the strike relief situation has led me to conclude that every penny of relief is administered with the utmost core and impartiality...
...a>« who beast of our fseosfoe* line to eanUjpii terror of our Jobs add subservience tetbe owners ef toe Jobs...
...SI TJntan Beware, N. Y. C Individuals most do likewise...
...Gerber said that an immediate meeting of the executive eoanefl of the fund would be convoked to discus* means of obtaining recall of the radio commission's order...
...For no long period of time can industrial SBsfcssj profit at the expense of farmers or farmers at the expense of industrial workers...
...We submit most respectfully that ' the Company oufcht not to be'allowed • to* take out of 'their meager tainlnga as much as »1 per week Jot merely taking them to and from then- places of employment...
...OsH «T PaMie" "In spite of all the legal awe of the land and the express prohibition of Qie public service tow of the State it proceeds to eapttaMse the ^easements of the Company, a free gift from the.public, to be used agamst the public In raising the rates to the advantage of the Company, at the Usiiwislons amount of 35,000.00b...
...through any of the other station...
...Bigger even than the problem of the tariff a the problem of land ownership...
...The weekly grocery Mils being paid by the union offer an indication of the sacrifices' being made by the strikers...
...Up to the present moment we have had no official communication or complaint from the Commission which suggested the action contemplated in the orders ascribed to the Commission...
...Thomas declared, "tench generation must win it for itself...
...Under the conditions existing today the present rate of fare of 8 1-3 -cents...
...Does it mean that the Inadequate time, wave length and power allocated to WEVD in the past has not been sufficient handicap, and that the only answer Is the axe...
...people, M tor Bteple and for the people.while Itota'soww Which is the master of the" toars sT toft to the hsods of ay private HOW tout...
...Is more than' the service ' Is worth...
...Toole said: /'The method by which the Commlaston arrived at goto ctoaKigluu was, to say the least, peculiar and In vol red the' existence of a stole of mind triply ' astonishing to the average man...
...We may win In two weeks but • •We en* etosily fight rill Labor Day" . —that Is the slogan which the strikers are repeating...
...Briefly let me indicate some ef the enemies we must fight, s "1...
...New Bedford firemen are-contributing $150 a week ' from their salaries and even the school custodians of the city or contributing $40 a week...
...How .long shall we ignore the plain lesson that American prosperity has not been due primarily to its high tariffs—every tiny struggling country of Europe has them—but to the size of Its free trade area at home...
...It is the only station of its kind in the East and has been the mouthpiece not only or chiefly for the Socialist Party but in general for labor, liberal and pacifist organizations which without iit cab neither pay the price nor find the time to broadcast from other stations...
...Of all the stations in the country, WEVD ia the only on* which has given the Socialist party its righto 'out*sight!riifehnitogMsefadftf" <m the frros^bssds of free spew*, ' the fund wfll mrf*** a '¦iai>iwssr CJUupalgn *¦ DTlsTj ¦uuui tvwuw' tWftof the order...
...Btooe the' Doited States at .pressor is so heavily committed to tariffs and subsidies, a a not Just to-deny farmers some sort of an equivalent such as the McNary-Haugen bill seeks to provide...
...In the country as to the city the principle which we state In our Platform should he applied: "The annual rental value of aU laud held for speculation should be appropriated by taxation...
...So far aa the company is concerned* there is no confiscation because the .United is still making a higher return than other railways over the country...
...Yon will net have to bother about that man's renewal if be thinks at all He wfll be unable to do without The New Leader after he has read It a few months We want this cooperation...
...Under the profit system no skftend*- to the farmers can evsr aaais* up for she subsidies we give to those who have acquired private rights to oil, coal, and all minerals, and exploit them for profit...
...the ssks-«t...
...30 Potatoes ..................20 Mtlk...
...That is still nf position...
...Bo each subsidy can be given in the bg staple crops of America by tariff protection because we still export cottoe, wheat, corn, etc., so that the frkes tend to be fixed to the world nurket The farmer has been buybg in a protective market and sellbg la a free trade market And ttot'e sot fair...
...has averted Pestilent and epidemic catastrophe before this...
...Perhaps the best way to fet rid of the subsidy idea in America politics and economics is by tryhg to subsidise everybody...
...The question is Tammany's character as a possible saviour of the nation from corruption...
...You must reach them and you never had a better opportunity to serve The New Lender than now...
...Each car i tea a load of huge graft and corruption Into the campaign...
...Prosperity and purchasing power to an Interdependent world are not promoted by tariffs...
...But we are Use concerned with possible Saws in the machinery ot the McNary-Haugen bill then In the notion that It or any other susssdw can be a psnseaa...
...And to this campaign we are concerned with troth more than with popularity...
...Then the People's Corporation and the Socialists filed suuh...
...As this Is written western farmers hold mass meetings which recall4he fjoJHtoal laaiigluna of the eighties and nineties...
...tiiat is, out of the rlrsl efforts of strong nations to exploit USte, oatUins...
...The Emergency Committee for Strikers' Relief is to be commended for the way In which it has come 'forward in this emergency...
...At least $10,000 -a week, however, is needed to support the workers properly...
...Indeed only a nation which recognises its responsibility to unemployed workers as ours dees not a to a position to undertake even the mast necessary immediate readjustments in tariff without unnecessary suffering...
...bettor time jo toild such a party than this' year...
...First let us state that It is generally agreed that The New Leader is the beat Socialist weekly ever published to this country...
...We know that a Socialist country might legitimately use a tariff to protect itself from the economic assaults of capitalist nations...
...Farm taxes should fall on land value rather than an Improvements...
...It sounds E* ri-sjsJag hypocrisy coming from I staunch defender of high tariffs •to hss Just signed a bill subsidizing (pi American merchant marine...
...The difference between them Is their names...
...Been our goHttoal aesaosraD> ,k tohto degraded by this industrial tonawjey, witasss the shrsartoff way In- < attck too ian^oo,90o,o«0 poos* lobby...
...the purpose of which was to compel the Commission to restore the former rate...
...But we are not satisfied...
...3 49 Cabbage ..................20 Snaps.....................10 Apples...
...We have seen It increase In circulation from a few thousand to over twenty thousand...
...A public utility is bound to give service, no matter whether at its own expense or not...
...In the long run the farmers have more to gain from an intelligent program for the nationalization of coal mines, the power industry and the railroads-— to cite only three particular and pressing cases' than from any subsidy, direct or Indirect, of which McNary and Haugen ever dreamed...
...flutter ...................I .49 liard......................18 Flour...
...Indeed it 'to a matter :«f common knowledge that the charity organisations are overworked 'sjkI 'some of them have issued a special call for ' funds to meet the Increase m poverty following upon the present period of unemployment...
...Uw oM partfce...
...It would be absurd to suppose ttort esgtogan r^inedy...
...The two affairs coming early in the campaign will give Illinois a good start in campaign agitation and be a marked aid to rebuilding the party organization...
...toTT^Wtely neither the McNarymT*** QUI itself not the attitude of torhsis gives one confidence that under ^m^^r^^S^yn^tT^^ social good...
...Sven so, fdUrfhWf h scarcely available a* alt to thtom the lot of She farmer in the OnltadStetw although it Is gensratty a vailsbs>fc> Ontario...
...Never to the twenty years or more that I have lived in New York have such terrible conditions been revealed...
...Under Fire Socialist Party Institutes Court Action to Restore Lower Fare (Br A Nmr Lufcr Owtessssdest) DALTTMORE.—A tight to prevent the local transit company from continuing to gouge the car-riders through the exaction of 10 cent fares is being waged by the Socialist party of Baltimore...
...the commission issued the followed or* dsr: "The Commission, after an examination of the applications for renewal of station-license of the below-named station, Has not been sat-' i'sned that public interest, convenience or necessity will be served by granting these application...
...On one side was the Company, on another the Commission, while on the third side, opposing both United and Public Service Commission, were the People's Corporation and the Socialist party...
...ssto} are fixed by the Interests Ccsainerce Commissi on by direction of Congress so aa , to insure a ¦tsimnm return to the stockholders to valuation, where public utilities dorlrhaMers by flat of the courts axe fstttog at least 8 per cent, on swolba vahjations, it is right that an attosst should be made to give an ssnvaleot subsidy - to the farmers...
...Fanny Hurst Praises Emergency Committee For Striken Relief "Only a miracle has averted a pestilent and epidemic islsshrtptoi before this- fa the coal gelds ef Western Pennsylvania, declared Ma* Fanny Hint, noted Americas navettst, an saUiB* for Europe this week...
...I cannot, however, close without correcting some of our esteemed (tallies la New York...
...It is not, however, my task to peySbnasbto the President or to dwell as hi* inconsistencies... Ownership To ask these questions does not mean that we Socialists are simply old fashioned free traders...
...This is good tosrid which must team how to Indurtry since the boasted r"**tot»e control of the seder ecoar?*s have so largely broken down...
...We have our own work to do if government of the people, by the people, for the people la not to perish from the earth...
...rfa^ 'The Menace of R'sr VL The final enemy ta democracy to ¦Wch I shali' reler to war...
...Let's pot It over...
...Ton know the details aa well as we do...
...Thousands of loaves of bread every day are being : donated by.the community...
...The party instituted the present action against the company...
...They expect to follow this work up after the picnic as Illinois at one time headed the fist of states In subscriptions to the American Appeal...
...Thus you can have your graft Internally, or on the streets, or underground in the sewers...
...We know that even to a capitalist nation you cannot destroy or lowei tariff walls at once...
...Textile woshets and ether workers find It difficult to make Income bsfasato outre...
...Not only aa path...
...The first that will occur to you is dishonesty sad « eruption...
...An increase in fare to especially Inopportune at present, when so many people are out of employment, Mr...* assth has fought wasaoccsshdlaB] Idawsto: power authority to New Yhrk sn^ Which is sosseUdnav although his . ton k subject to great criticism because *Jhean»t took after the contributing end tor* s) of the most inmortacas U> ,us IsssinsiiiiL BeaUy to get eOeottve ao- . tot to brine about a public giant power mten requires not ossasjsspi chsmnkms Ri SO toWSjtosd party...
...WEVD is not one of the small and comyjutlvely weak stations that cumber the air...
...1 tosg - Lords...
...What the thirteen colonies found out to then advantage near the close of the Eighteenth century all the nations of the world must learn and apply under Twentieth century conditions Then to a hungry world there will be markets for what our farmers grow...
...Living on wages Of $19 a week their cash reserve baa already vanished...
...Unemployment la widespread The profiteering of She rnrptatttiia for years has been enormous...
...out mare special prMle#*s nnd subsidies it to time to end them...
...Aylesworth, the efficient president of the company, was formerly a propaganda chief for the National Electric Light Assqt ciation whose extraordinary methods of propaganda have recently been revealed In startling light before the Federal Trade Commission...
...I have time only to indicate the high spots in the reccord...
...The equalization Me to which the President objects so '•enjeatly is the chief bulwark •gsihst such a danger...
...Gerber declared: "It would be Interesting to learn by what process of reasoning the Federal Radio Commission came to the conclusion upon which its decision is based...
...Par their own sake and the Nation's, American farmers are so titled to relief...
...Copies shtratd be seat to The Debs Memorlal Pond...
...Why not...
...Notoriously the owners of the National Broadcasting Co...
...Today many fanners are-sorely overtaxed while ethers get the benefit of fortunes to land increment...
...The amount of money given to each family is miserably small, a minimum of S3 a week and a maximum of S5, but upon this amount the 30,000 who are involved in the strike are still managing to maintain their bodies and courage...
...TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas Socialist Candidate for President ggVXNTY-FIVE per cent of what P-frsssldsnt Coolidge had to say in noibirni"*'"" of the McNary-Haugen MB would have come with good grace agB a militant free trader...
...No foreign foe can sri oai ily destroy democracy as the cancer of graft and fraud...
...In other countries tenant farmers have rights of tenure due to Improvements fixed by law and custom, not dependent wholly on short leases...
...What sort of public policy is it on the part of the Radio Commission which at this juncture proposes to shut down the one station in the East which is the mouthpiece of those groups most opposed to the dominance of the power trust and the social theory of which it is at the moment the most conspicuous exponent...
...Is it determined that the Socialist Party, the liberal progressive and working-class viewpoints are to be throttled and not permitted to come to the attention of the American ¦people...
...Appeals have gone out to the entire country for economic support for this critical struggle...
...Comrades and friends willing to help secure the signatures should write Immediately to Julius Gerber, 31 Union Square, New York City, giving their names and addresses...
...We know that latosez /aire free trade cannot save the world...
...The dsUon wldch...
...are connected with the electric power interests...
...In announcing discontinuance of WEVD'8 license after August 1st...
...The Increase on the one hand Of tenantry which now amounts to about 40 per cent, in America and on the other Of inflated land values puts a -burden on American farming which no McNary-Haugen bill can relieve...
...Weather permitting, the picnic should be a huge success," declared William R. Snow, County Secretary...
...The Emergency Committee for Strikers' Keller is s national, nonpartisan organisation ha Tins Ms headquarters in the Presbyterian Building, IS* Fifth a venae...
...And here la what a striker's family of four lived on for a whole week: May 17...
...J Argument in the triangulaV dime carfare battle before Judge Ullman In Circuit Court No...
...WEVD is the only civil liberties, peace, trade union and radical broadcasting forum in...
...Toole asserted...
...Mi WMhtartta, "I...
...The oil 'scandals and the general apathy of the public in the face of the oil seandsy are a challenge to you as cltisens...
...It seems that all the economic and poUtksal forces ef eanttaltom eonspire to aid us...
...When men's pasnans are stirred as deeply as seems R to the case with our farmer tosses of the Middle West they demaad a plain yes or no on the controversial issue and are impatient with explanations and qualifications...
...Tammany is better or worse than the Republican machine of Philadelphia or the political gangsters of Chicago or similar organizations in smaller towns and cities is not the question...
...There was testimony to the hearing before £he Commission and a matter now before the Court, that many or the wprlring women and girls employed to Baltimore only receive wages amounting from"4e .to* f 14 a week...
...It is a queswhether it will he enough...
...Tisjlnail of asawtas...
...At the dinner the local organization expects to have the most active men and women in the movement together with representatives of sympathetic organizations who are interested in a large vote for Thomas and Msurer...
...Take The New Leader with you...
...this state of oorruptioniby -flaying from the party of she oil scandals to the party of Tanratony HaH, from the smell of the oil of Teapot Dome to the, smell of the sewer .gas of Queens...
...We' shall not honor Lincoln and the brave men of his time this day by Up sendee to their memory...
...As many org-s si retinasas can possibly do so abnuid arrange to send spokesmen to the pdjls bearings to be held beginning anly 8th, to Washington, to demand that WEVD bo sssaadbbsl to continue operating...
...The picnic will be held in Rivervlew Park on June 10 which for many years has been the place for the annual June reunion of Illinois Socialists...
...How It Started The Company started the court battle by flllnc petition for an injunction, asking that the Commission be restrained from keeping in effect its order of last February, which set the car lare at 9 cents (three for a quarter), whereas the Company had asked the Utilities Board for a 10-cent rate...
...Committees are busy with preparations for the big event which will be followed by a big dinner the following evening...
...To all overtures the workers have replied that under no circumstances will they accept a settlement unless the 10 per cent, cut is withdrawn...
...tits Sesa Op To sum the matter up...
...of every desalt ethical code...
...Prior to the session of the Bureau, the Colonial Commission of the L. 8. I. will sit to Bi use lib on July a and J. . AnOben Letter to Readers of The New Leader rpo the Benders of The New Leader: For four years we have kept The New -Leader as a -going enterprise of the Socialist Party...
...Well, I del toxin with a yes and uo an¦amr...
...The Increase in kind values to the .country as...
...power Jsjsdry te illustrate ray point, , v>n, second iHusteation of aaanhsjr intorss) » sjtossM of this part of New jhstsnue la the power trust...
...We do not have to particularize...
...At the hearings...
...So strong Is our case 1 that we find it impossible to believe that the Radio Commission will 1 care to go on record as denying even & semblance of free speech on the air by refusing us a license...
...Particularly is it important to note, that the Federal Radio "Commission threatens to discontinue the license of WEVD on the ere of the presidential campaign...
...91' Total..............1306 Paid 26 cents cash...
...How long shall we wear poor and expensive clothes to protect so scandalously mismanaged an industry as the textile mills of America...
...Resentment against the action of the Radio Commission was high today at the office of the Debs Memorial Radio Fund...
...With regard to the rate of 'tore, 'the Socfalttt Counsel declared: . . "Wages have been reduced and many of the workers of the city have been • put on short time by their euaptoysrs, while thousands are' without work of any kind...
...Its typographical appearance, its editorial standard, Ms sprints...
...No matter where you are, In the home of a neighbor, on the siiset, to a had, anywhere, get every subscription yon If yon cannot got n yearly subscription take a trial subscription tor one dollar...;^hlch^e'w^S^o> e^as to somen, was dateatocl $3 A Week Is Budget Of Strikers' Families In ]\ew Bedford Fight Men Firmly Refuse Efforts To Bring About Acceptance of Wage Cut By Paul Blanshard lajEW BEDFORD strikers have come to the seventh week of their great fight against a 10 per cent cut in cotton mill wages with practically every strikebreaker eliminated from the mills and a spirit of remarkable courage pervading the strikers...
...Twenty-five hundred people a day are being given soup and bread by the Washington Club in the New Bedford South End and another large group of -strikers in the North End of the city is being fed by the ' Workingmen's Club...
...The bitnmlnwWf miners have raped the most tragic year hi the history of the industry...
...phr sStsmpr to use oar siarrelous te*hetau skill by private osmer* tor...
...This must be done at once...
...Rather must j date what seems to me should be Re Socialist position on what has become the burning issue of this stage af the 'campaign...
...Liberty cannot be inherited...
...We may be en the wrong track now but we cannot safely Jump to the right track without a wreck...
...i toraldto us todeaiban-with this, powertost say mors than, to nesting sdth coal toto etoswtons as we have had have, toft lsd*todsls...
...Do not delay in this matter as the time for the filing of signatures and petitions is short...
...The Mayor was not an hour arte tm two yean, four montte and twenty-*** days hi trying to get his own Administration to-do tts duty...
...The radio commission's order r acnes at a time when such a station Ss particularly necessary: With the presidential campaign practically at hand, the old parties are mating- plans for extensive use of the radio faetMtlss...
...We do not...
...The fare case has been threesided...
...We have splendid men for our standard bearers and an opportunity such as we have not bad since the end of the World War...
...The Socialist counsel also contended that if it were true the Company's business has been adversely affected by increasing use of the automobile, the Commission has no right to protect the United against "improved methods of transportation...
...sxcKh fsBed In his duty to his city...
...Out of many PssH'Unnn 2 site the...
...2 has been concluded...
...It has been a "free speech" station giving- tuns and i the use of its apparatus to radical | organizations of various kinds who \ found it impossible to obtain a boarins...
...Get that new snbstiilbi.ii' now...
...In addition the Bureau wtH take up a number of current political questions...
...Herbert Quick is authority tor the statement that the United States a the only civilized nation where rack renting to still the rule...
...m tiew of jtonhto tocta be will be no' true toe of snwnptom who seeks to put Tammany in jgejeeet oftoc in psoiWitnrttt of the flsg^ auadseds of Repuhttoan chteftains ape...
...At least 1,000 families are receiving regular grocery allotments from the Citizens' Relief Committee which has been chosen by the New Bedford Textile Council' Relief Fund for the proper distribution of all funds...
...features, Its general news, and party news certainly warrant a greater i ill tills linn than It baa now...
...ASSOBTED GRAFT The new Tammany has provided us with milk graft, street cleaning graft, and sewer graft, with more, to -come...
...sajfaBc ownersksp of basic mmsaribs...
...We are convinced that With assurance of a license and of the right to increase our power And make other improvmenta we can win financial support sufficient to build up the station into an increasingly serviceable instrument of public instruction on a side of many questions that otherwise will be unheard...
...The two parties of capitalism are smeared with graft and guilty of chicane...
...The Committee Is sending s travelling deetor and medical aid into the districts of Pennsylvania meet fa need ef this sort of attention...
...Norman Thomas, chairman of the fund, and O. August Gerber, its secretary, announced a vigorous effort would be made to bring about recall of the order which takes effect August % Both Mr...
...the whole ¦**tosry...
...Itostosjdtoto.tmiestoRles by endow-' sash and ncaspnpwi'hp spew jtaliigy haw < tosjto so poutieianfliand prefosaaES and ffeg.iavsded toe school .sysSenv nritto hat asjsossdai Heither-sf...
...Tficy reported that Mayor Walker was about an hour late in coming to the meeting at which he told Ids department heads that graft must go...
...The Question Raised The question thus remains to be answered: .Does the hrondrsstlng of ¦Jiressss by individuals nod organisations such as these serve "public interest" and "necessity...
...Sven election purpose Baltimore Transit Co...
...INTERNATIONAL BUREAU TO MEBT (By a ne» fcsesto Q—ssp—dstol Zurich.—1 be Bureau of the Socialist International win meet Monday, June 4, In Brussels to prepare for the International Congress, which is to meet August 5 to 11 in Brussels...
...They shed'their Meed for She prestige of our State Department and the profits of Wall Street bankers, and j^sragya b only the moet flagrant lHtoUaliun of our growing hnperialksn— R toperiahsm which leads ie Apm^of new world war...
...The chief daggers in the machinery of the «Nsry.Haugen act are these: (1) prices for the first year or too may stimulate a calamitous overPwototlon which in the end wfll ¦toam the togrkst...
...And this Is true a! eld sge and unemployment Insurance, km relief, a proper system of taxation lad every other vital Issue which would sake the government tee servant of the ¦pskv When Is there,f...
...Gerber declared that the issue of free speech is at stake...
...Mtos Hunt saM: "It Is my eenvietlon that only a saaracle...
...WEVD has broadcast addresses by* Clarence Darrow, Norman Thomasy Morris rjfllquit, Carl' D. Thompson;Senator Lynn' Fraxler, and many* other leaders of progressive thought...
...Show It to your friends and sympathisers...
...In hunting aBefed toidtts in the Jungles of Nicaragua apd* Sf*°S to enforce honest elections...
...It is ridiculous to suppau that we can have a democracy which ¦Sir sjesss government of the...
...Here is a bill for a week's supply of groceries, vegetables and meat used by a family of three: May 18...
...Kara also, time and experience may Mas...
...Which h, of course, like making a living by Using ia each other's washing...
...Chicago Will ; Greet Thomas On June 10th Picnic, Followed hj Dinner, Arranged For Presidential Candidate (By A New Lea4*r Peer—Q—S—l) apraCAGO—In anticipation of the coming of Norman Thomas, the Socialist presidential candidate, to the annual picnic of the Socialist Party, the party organizations in Cook County expect the largest gathering that has been held in ten years...
...Gives Both Sides He was preceded by Ell Baer, counsel for , the People's Committee Against Increased Carfares, who asserted that the United Is overcapitalized and argued that if the company Is not able to produce a fair rate of return upon its capital, the public should not be called upon to bear the burden...
...The health of these regions ht a matter ef concern tor the entire country____These women and children are going to show the effects ef malnutrition sad *t'~,fcVf hygienic - Shrine conditions...
...Baer said: "The question of confiscation has two sides to Its—one'the company's and the other the people's...
...The Power Vrssd' ;9h s> seegod enemy erf gowrrunect of (he ueaph, for the people and by the aseahx h the systematic effort ei the tojan at •octal prWUesae to make spverasnot serve their pociwthogfcs rather Jbsn.rhe needs of the Peoote, indeed sab » a primary source ef corruption...
...although It still has to u...
...But when all these things have been said, it is Still true that the hope for American agriculture and American Industry a In the prosperity and purchasing power of other nations, not in their poverty...
...bsstoest men...
...Of jarse, sons of farmers and workers cue" ^Wparagua Jungles for no such reason an rather to carry out a policy of dollar Bptomacy...
...Doable the elreutotton and do It seen...
...Modern 'wars arise Ht at imperiallsni...
...There Is no propaganda of . cur time more misleading than that which insists upon the virtues of the 'new' Tammany...
...New York City...
...Yon owe It to the cause...
...The radio commission, without previous hearing, has answered vno...
...High protective tariffs have no rneening apart from i nationalism, and in a world where prosperity and peace depend upon developing internationalism our Whole protective system needs reexamination...
...The answers also knew but they Steed The New Leader to intelligently Interpret the facts tote logical e»"*»t and action...
...This may not be Immediately popular, it a true...
...Were it not for a small army of devoted readers and supporters we would not have pulled through those dark days...
...JOSOOIi.—On May 7 the Equal Franbut passed its third reading wttha division in the House of Conuncps, shich means that-the measure is sure to soman law later this rununec...
...Qraating that the farmers are entitled fo their subsidy, temporarily, R hast, it Is still a question whether the McMsxy-Haugen bill is the best teat or subsidy which could be de*bei . But unless in conference we dry folks can persuade the farmers thtt better machinery can be found 1 OtoM the educational or poliU*d vgdom of saying to men to **• distress: "We positively refuse ¦ ht yen try your pet remedy...
...The German emperor before the war could not do with one of his farm tenants what any of the farm land owners can do to the United States...
...We want yen to do your part out there...
...The real Interest of the courts should be with the pubUc...
...Hejtf leader but aa Governor "has Mr...
...On the question of easements, Mr...
...Thenar as said: "As chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Debs Memorial Radio Fund operating Station WEVD, I can assure the public that we shall make the most vigorous rep— ismutsrlrwis to the Radio Pmiimls aldn at the public hearing in support of our present license...
...are sssjtssjtog tores or four times more than tto liaialfi ef the neighboring province of nsrSn for your electricity,, to the tfcged states generally the rate to , 7 spik par kUowati hour to domestic users ¦pSad a cents la Ontario...
...Connecticut farmers get a fairly high degree of protection for the particular kind of leaf, tobacco that they raise...
...ThtrMs one argument, and one arpSMat gate, for the McNary-Haugen jj^^l^/ 4r*ft^, ^ 4^tsTOa*oJ OU% 4** oosstxr Where even the workers, or Sm majoriiy of them, still believe in Re dr^ue of tariff subsidies, where adnsd...
...and the excuse that business is falling off is not valid...
...This long discourse on the McNaryBauson bill mirsrtea me for this issue on everything else...
...We do not expect them to return...
...They are kept by the same in teres ta, the interests that five on the toil of useful workers...
...Moreover It is time that all of us, the farmers and city workers alike, should do some straight thinking on the tariff question...
...We are working hard here...
...The Debs Memorial Radio Fund, SI Union Square, New York City, has operated WEVD for almost a year as a memorial to the lata Eugene V. Debe, Socialist leader...
...the Eastern part of the country...
...Then another one toFur la the snhsislpl luiis...
...At their mass . meetings held every Monday and their Tosk-language meetings for' Portagueae and French strikers the spirit to better than aver...
...You know them...
...Jg> iclsois te aeeede to the reasonable re¦eaest of the Cittsenp' Psion, tor the aftsetbe prosecution of the milk ecaussjkv Re vetoed nest at the isms deabned ht make election frauds more dtfj^t- There is not the slightest sign shathe s* much as desires to And...
...Thomas and Mr...
...The American governtosiLWhich today is.trying to outbvw^ str is guuty of the WdecusTncon^teacjT because It Is waging a cruel and futile nr in Nicaragua...
...the farmers are behind H. No fundamental IB, however, can be cured by subsidies...
...Here are our farmer 7***" rigged and unrompromlalng 2"***»ttsts—how often have we "to* told it!—who in their hour of slve over to a Board the ?*™nnr 'or an industry on as extenS?'* as any Socialist ever ""Vtt of proposing...
...Display it ta your union hall and get a sub...
...We are confident that those days belong to the past...
...It is particularly significant, we think, that Station WEVD should Be threatened with loss of license on the -very eve of a campaign in which the question of the power trust will play so notable a part...
...Profit *» broken down...
...It hss given time to die Socialist Party, the Society of Friends, The Fellowship of Reconciliation, the Women's Peace Society, the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, the National Consumers' League and organisations of similar type...
...Then the political situation...
...Meantime our ruling Pleases are fat with satisfaction and drunk with tares for the conquest of other peoples but not a cent is appropriated for the relief of the unemployed...
...Mom to to be learned by trying to work oat .the McNary-Haugen bill if...
...26 Iftg Bars..........18 Turnips — ...........—¦ .06 Peas ..................____ .16 Rhubarb .----,,...........10 Uheedao-rr..,.-------.----, .10 Roast...
...lH3tn*hiM«m air *ver the consrtry "aid urged immediately to adept reestatkwB' at protest mad forward them to m§ Federal Radio Oumuu—seat...
...A mediation committee of citizens has been chosen and has discussed settlement with workers and manufacturers...
...The order has been issued by the Federal Radio Commission, which has thus raised again arid with greater point than ever before the issue of free speech as far as its most conspicuous channel — the radio—is concerned... the arty W* social creation anfl belongs Ho society...
...It remains to be seen wnetber popular11 demonstration before the Commission on July 9th can bring about a rsyorsal of this answer...
...There are tens of thousands of people who need The New Lender...
...W« who stoat taatob poverty knew hitter want...
...The Proposed Control Board ^™sse sad other dangers may be or lessened by the wisdom of ¦"•Board that must dtasc...
...In fact, we can have fifty thousand and even a hundred Mesne and readers when the campaign ends to November...
...Hoover is the choice of one wing ef capitalism and Smith ef the other...
...Here is our proposal Why not double the circulation of The New Leader T It can be dene...
...Oerber Promises Sight Mr...
...Add to this principle of taxation the other tpecinc remedies which we have SMgassSsd to our Platform and you have a more effective program far farm relief than the MeNary-Haasjen bul of Itself can give...
...As I wrote in this column after my return from the Middle West tot sinters I was enough of a contort to the bill to approve Victor fngers support of it...
...coal and...
...Arguments for the People's Corporation which, like the Socialist party and the People's Committee, is seeking return of the 8-cent fare, were presented by Lin wood L. Clark its counsel...
...The HNew*nrhssmmny...
...Not one of these scandals has been uncovered by Tammany or properly punished by Tammany...
...Certainly a Tammany that is "new" and we suggest the slogan "New Oraft" Instead of Mew Tammany...
...You can do it...

Vol. 7 • June 1928 • No. 24

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