King, Cameron H.

THE POLITICAL LINE-UP As Seen By the California Socialist Leader By Cameron H. King JN CALIFORNIA four years ago four hundred and twenty four thousand cltjens voted the Socialist ticket...

...It operates perhaps two doaen possible conectiona with the American mnocent committees" which work hardet concealing then- Onmmnnart origin...
...Smith played the game...
...There is little doubt that Judge Panken was defeated for reelection by crooked methods...
...We have eliminated iarry Meyers as the leader and estab•tobed John Di Santo as secretary of tat Jnemployed Council...
...Have a heart, it pleads...
...The record of the Republican Part] to unsurpassed for corruption and venality...
...January 27...
...They sboekt bssasa...
...This is a poor performance, declares the Eagle, when it is known that Taylor's department is filled "with dolts, thieves or both...
...From the... lnatgnifleant baa sen their progress • In view of the eurent convention, however, it wfll interst our readers to be able to take a tones at Communtot party workings torn the inside...
...2) That Intra tor and Fleas be put in barge of organising group of SO to SO teedle trade workers that shall attend his meeting and in case any action is aken at this ¦¦—that they capture he committee...
...P»oth men are rewarded for their "waiting...
...It wiU be a blind tiger pertiaps, blind in one eye to the bootleggers ind with the other raised in pious adoration of the Constitution at such an angle the the image of the Amendment wlT rail on the blind spot...
...Next defense...
...A Fisher for Capitalism YALE UNIVERSITY was the last outpost of the Federalist oligarchy which ruled Connecticut through a union of Church and State to the year 1818...
...Written across ach of the mimeographed sheets are the ordr "read and destroy...
...We recall this history because of a syndicated article by Irving Fisher, Professor of Economics in Yale University, > which appears in the Knickerbocker Press of Albany...
...The World wants him rewarded at Houston...
...All traces of life may l>e blotted out on the farms and the whole countiyside...
...To claim this would be to say that Coolidge, and Hoover are responsible for the "scandals of the Grant Administraiton...
...Admits the sference to Thermador but says he leant SchlapnlkdV and Medvedief...
...Myers called an unemployment nee ting...
...The reason why Canadian politics on the whole is decent and clean is because Canada has taken over so many enterprises that are public in character...
...We are still barbarians in this matter and we pay a heavy price to our looters who alone are enriched by private exploitation of public services which should be publicly owned...
...Meyers has called an* unemptoylent meeting at the Church of AU Naions on ""~itiy from which they intend o march to City Han...
...We can however confidently predict that a very great portion of that mass of dozens no 'anger fear Socialism as a foreign intrigue against their happiness...
...The day following the election last year Smith and Olvany were photographed in fond embrace each*, with a satisfied smirk on his face...
...January 24...
...AuerMsch, vice-president...
...wan hi Caaadh and baa been a tower of dzength in the eaaae of labor etonee^OP teat aavesal years aa a labor auaabfT « parUatneat from Manitoba Tteaai satloia for the eoiifsianw «*~ msatng in rapidly...
...The answer is that the Grant Administration is .dead and Tammany is alive and doing business af the old- stand...
...Comade Weinstone reported the circular snt out by Jeannette Peart in connection /1th the Yonkera mass meeting and eonerence, which contain a completely libral face...
...1) That we accept the report of Comide Wolfe...
...and "Eexcutive OounU" of the party...
...Tremblingly they hone that has charity will cover the enormous multitude of their sins...
...oting tor Weinstone'i motion: MUler, Stachel, Weinstone.'' (Note...
...The military fops and the diplomats are playing with this thing and hazarding the existence of civilization itself...
...Not till the year mentioned were the aristocratic grafters forced out of their exclusive nest...
...lit, be was one of ha spat active sattlto and editor of tito slant ouUettn which tod to hkj...
...The reverse is true in Canada...
...jans for their own advancement...
...They were eventually thrust aside and what they condemned was ad opt edits a policy, thanks to > growing working class rnovement...
...New York Cay, Types atost Sept...
...The Democratic party once offered us he Hew Freedom...
...In the midst of the first disclosures he said to a friend* "There will be no rocking of the boat...
...The Clayton Act was the same history...
...Let us order- the rente ind choose the leaders and wtta safeliance march forward toward oar goal...
...Qoldatiek aa president...
...President Coolidge has been praised for strength...
...No decent man may put it to his hps without nausea and revulsion...
...V In an these cases, conuadas sad friends, one thing becomes incraastoab evident...
...Sulzer could have stolen the state capital building and sold it at auction with the consent of Tammany if he had taken orders from Murphy...
...artatt °e *• 3barae of aeditious MbaL Slnoe that tka» Oomrade Woodaworth has devoted ht>te> tention to political and educetiotpi...
...THE POLITICAL LINE-UP As Seen By the California Socialist Leader By Cameron H. King JN CALIFORNIA four years ago four hundred and twenty four thousand cltjens voted the Socialist ticket rather than support an oil stained Republicanism or a blood dripping democracy...
...Probably the prize rights at Madison Square Garden palled upon- him...
...Muter: Party steering oaunittoe be sent out there to direct he demonstration...
...Well, we have a good memory...
...What makes it all the more hideous is that it brings the civilian population within the war zone... we leak Into the Ark af that cwvenint -we find that it la a watted eepadcaro 'ufl of dead men's bones...
...Moved that Jeannette Pearl ie withdrawn from foreign born work nd put into a unit and into work Which 7iU give her greater party consciousness...
...His case was carried before Tammany Magistrates and his affidavits were thrown out by these gentlemen...
...New York City elections are still determined by...
...In short, a war of the dimensions of the last one may prove to be euicide for manv nations...
...Aa the chosen political instrument of capitalism the Republican Party bat disclosed in full the degenerating influence of private greed...
...He ia the great dispenser of charity...
...Comrade Wolfe's retort on Comrade Knairtcr read, pointing ¦lit that he had stated that there wen lements of Thernudor in the Ruasiaz ppoaltton situation...
...3) That we find a deaare to correct the band adopted' aV the meeting, althougn efusing to accept responsibility for his tatemento...
...We trusted once a eotosaa desaa:raUc promise to keep aa eat af war...
...Wt ire prepared to march breast forwent lever doubting right win triustpB...
...The Road to Suicide ARE reminded of the foretaste of hell that . ^is being prepared by the militarists of the world by the accidental of phosgene gas in Germany which k'tled ele/en people with more likely to die...
...Here are ome extracts from these minutes Party Dtoctae—• On the matter of party discipline we ind the following: "January 20...
...Inglend . For many years he |eriad to -eacher, anntoter and social wprkat to 3anada and aa tba (ttreotor of the BV eau of Social Research to asa-Koaa...
...y^rra the saadMatos ekesan far tt eanw weeks sen, The Workers' (Oomaauatot) Parts- convention at now going hrouajh the nasUons "sbnoathe...
...They know that aa an engineer he wfll appreciate the Importance of keeping the Republican machine ha good order by...
...It has been used successfully only to destroy the organisations of labor...
...At this meeting about 50 per ent were floaters and the rest good eto-, nento...
...It was proposed to break up the trusts...
...These minutes are 'ated from January SO...
...We have one authentic comment or his attitude... February 4th, 192a They are signed by William Veinstone, secretary...
...We are able to present ucb a view by quoting from minutes of he "aecretartat...
...Weinstone proposal: That /e endorse the action of the leading fraclon with the following amendments: ."hat Ziebel be made vice-president...
...Attending in that manner to its internal mechanism, they feel ako that he can give It an outward appearance of respectability...
...Whole cities may be easily wiped out...
...eanenhvtes for president and vtoe-pretident...
...We arranged for two eecretatos, Fleiss and Meyers...
...The ILD and the Women's touncU are Communist party organtoatons...
...In almost every instance the graft trail leads to a capitalist enterprise...
...Tammany has been rotten for almost a century but Smith is not responsible for it...
...Recommend (1) hat no publicity be given In our press...
...This gas is being made in all the leading countries and it will destroy all forms of life within its range...
...This astonishing approval comes at a time when every intelligent citizeii of New York City knows that Taylor's department has been honeycombed with grafters for years and the lid has been off for several weeks...
...There politics and administration are clean...
...Moreover, it appears on the financial page and is apparently intended to instruct stock brokers, bankers and other illiterates...
...The invalid, the aged, the women, and even children are made combatants and legitmate prey of war...
...It wipes out the distinction between the soldier and the civilian...
...The Communist party has sneeaeded *ry wen in hoisting aestf from any workers...
...Comade Wattenberg proposed the following or officers in the United Workers Cooperative...
...MoIons by Weinstone unanimously adopted...
...Claims he criticised Jacobs...
...The impudence of this statement is apparent in the graft and looting we have had in this country, especially in the past ten years...
...The Federal Trade PotamkoJca ,ap become aa effective means of fiit~*fn| the consolidation of the great toduajejas, The Federal Reserve Bank, trtuaatoeat democracy's i greatest contribution to 0M money question has become the Spew of consolidating Wall street contml oee the finances of the nation, tte'.'suta was sapat tuthleealy exhibited hi the satiation of 1030...
...Let as call the roUl The Sherman Anti-Trust Act... the League for Industrial UusiooTf'f 7* Fifth Avenue...
...Animals and every species of fowl will be numbered among the dead...
...The TJnitd Workers Cooperative referred to poses a a non-Oommunist cooperative...
...A committee of 6 elected at his meeting, of which two are party leathers . . . Proposed to enlarge same y drawing hi the ILD and the Women's touncu...
...5) We haw -«T>durt"d a d»nrnwt-»tV»n in with the Central Trades and Labor Jouncfl, which was characterised bp a nflltaney, and whtoh caused adjourn asset.of the Centre...
...Sever was there greater need, store...
...Perhaps the two-headed calf at some county fair will attract him on the score of kinship which is hard to resist...
...Fisher is the guardian of the bloated descendants of the early exploiters...
...waa there greater hope...
...One of the Mayor's "Best" yACATION JIMMIE left last week for the Kentucky Derby...
...On what comparison of promise and performance may we rely "or hope that better conditions wiU folow if we join the procession of the democratic Host...
...Smith carried out his end of the arrangement and for this job he was promoted by Tammany from one office to another...
...As a matter of fact, one cheap Jack succeeded another cheap Jack when Walker succeeded Hylan...
...My God, what could he say...
...The Frelhelt is the Jewish or,-an of the Communist party...
...He has profited by these practices...
...Tammany controlled the State Legislature and its agents engineered the impeachment...
...He was strong and therefore he was silent...
...4) Tbat the ruling of the tentral Committee regarding inability f Comrade Knaslck to be a functionary or the present time be adopted...
...Eton... Mew Leader has not found it necaaary to devote much of its apace to he Oornmuniata...
...To what party can the honest working man tun for aid amidst the difficulties which beset him...
...It declares that Tammany's crimes are better known than the crimes of the Philadelphia ring and they are no worse...
...Only favorable winds and a heavy rain averted what might na\u been one of the greatest disasters in historv...
...They have confidence in Hoover...
...Tammany recently had a milk scandal...
...IXirtng the general straw " Winnipeg to...
...lomits that he had said that Trotsky Sbeen the big stick of Lenin...
...New Jersey...
...Beyond th» personal liberty to get drunk the northern democracy offers nothing...
...My friends the Republicans may succeed in cleaning the outside of their cup but within ft will remain fuU of filth and corruption...
...So does the World...
...I care not whether it s led by the pious sons of St...
...It mussled Ue,farmers while every plutocratic hog to,-Pa country wallowed in the trough of wartime profiteering...
...Unemployment Waintone reported that he bad heard that dar...
...Shall we therefor turn to the Democratic Party...
...3n axebaat of bis anti-ear rWws betSsa dreed out of bis government poetiaa luring the war and resigned tram is* muraa...
...So far the capitalists bate leised that control and used thoto'.ar...
...Minutes of the KXBCUTTVK COUNCIL, February 1. 1028...
...Tat Comauauon does not regulate the trash, The trusts regulate the comsusskxL The Food Control Act waa an aekwto* ntent of democracy...
...The principle has expanded into many activities, including railroads, municipal transport, docks, electric power, gas, and even hotels at many points along the publicly owned ralroads...
...Unfortunately, the pot is more widely known than the kettle says the World...
...They stood by u while men, women and children were consumed m the terrors of the factory system...
...Philadelphia and New York City are rotten, therefore the kettle is no blacker than the pot...
...February 10...
...In whom else can the farmei place reliance...
...The "PieaneaHiii*' air ana Another counsel wiU ask the American working classes to listen to the siren song of pcogreaalvlam See, tt exclaims, the good work done by the progressives in both - old parties...
...Governor . Sulzer was impeached and removed from office in 1913...
...Comrade Knastei tated that he did not mean that the CC f the GSPTJ was Tbermador...
...Ah Come then and cost off feotktt...
...And here the need tor the Bsfjttot Party becomes evident...
...They solemnly warned that society would go to the bowwows if legislation interfered...
...He could have made a few millions by playing Murphy's game instead of leaving office a poor man...
...We sannot hope this year to repeat the full alignment of the forces that worked with us and through us that year...
...The Brooklyn Eagle is sore because the Mayor leaves the city for another joyfest, because he pins a rose on Taylor, and because Jimmie's conduct makes it embarrassing for Governor Smith...
...We send out a rallying call to the adfJs, to he mines, to the factories, to tht rsaV 'oeds, to the farmers...
...Private capitalist enterprise is as old as the capitalist system...
...Fisher does not try...
...Smith knows this...
...MINUTES ,OP THE EiaXJUTlVt COUNCIL, February 14, last...
...The waiter will please pass the prunes...
...The reason why Murphy, Smith and other Tammany agents removed Sulzer was because he refused to be a rubber stamp for the vulgarian Murphy...
...He confounds the Socialsit by ascribing to him the statement that if a man plants a tree which will be worth five dollars in twenty years he should have the five dollars now...
...Frelhelt, Comrade Veinstone reported that an ad In the rolkeszeltung jubilee has appeared In the Telheit, also that there waa a beadliw n the Frelhelt as follows: I wfll nevei Igfat against the revolution—Trotsky, loved that, we protest against the aplearance of these two items sad rear ding the second, that we ask that he one responsible be disciplined fa his headline...
...Therefore, be kind to Smith...
...Where this prize Mayor will turn up next we do not know...
...Smith has never said a word against it...
...Papers like the World and the Eagle helped boost Jimmie into office only to find that the boob by his silly actions and running' around the country is likely to dump the Tammany apple cart...
...Our only consolation is that there are other Yale men who have no desire to .carry on the tradition of Thnothy Dwight and his Cardinals...
...A few weeks ago President Coolidge declared that politics and public administration would become corrupt if we ventured on a program of public ownership...
...We have no objections, but even a'professor can be intelligent if he tries...
...This reduces the war game to an absurdity It say nothing of its monstrous toll of death...
...They have eliminated the capitalist interest which in this country has a free field1 to bribe and loot...
...The Eagle adds that Walker's "administration may go downas the one which Gentleman Jiirnrtie made safe for the gents with jimmies...
...Public ownership is a more modern principle...
...Communism From Within The allegiance of the Comntumist ts not to the colleagues with whom he is working, nor to his own judgment, it is to his headquarters...
...the proper and judicious distribution of oil...
...We come with renewed osarige...
...The southern democracy offers not even that Doubtless my friends, we ahaU witness a bitter puppet fight in which the :bargea of Rum, Romanism and Rebellion wiU be burled at Al Smith add bit doctrine of nullification, while his partisans retort with anathemas and bulk of excommunication* against the Ku Klu...
...The creation of powerful organs of government ia of no avail to totpeople unless they create at the auto ame a powerful political force to epokvj those organs...
...We are not interested in responsibility for the making of this jja> Wa do tiot care two hoots in hades whether its making was in violation of the Treaty of Versailles o." whether the Germans were within their rights in making the deadly stuff...
...There sat the captain of the Ship of State white-faced and paralysed with fear, speechless, tight-Uppeed tost his least breath should add enough force to that tempest in Teapot Dome to.overwhelm the craft and sink his fortune...
...Comrade Wetassone rexarting an Psssate: The A F. of L. and he Chamber of Commerce are calling in unemployment conference...
...Of course, Fisher is writing down to Babbitt minds and this drivel will stick...
...Again the move is on to deceive us We are to be fooled by a tiger in a donkey's skin...
...It is responsive to the social and collective trend of modern c civilization...
...He is...
...It now has sewer and street department scandals^ It isn't the Tamany of the Grant period which Smith represents but the Tammany of milk, sewer, and street grafts...
...Tammany ir by the hooded ghosts of the Ku Klux Clan...
...Why should we not have faith tha' this year and in the succeeding yean our great cause wfll prosper...
...It will be used in the next war and it is well within possibilty that this deadly vapor will destroy civilization itself...
...That to what they need...
...Bitterly, bitterly, jny omrades, we remember tbat dead aea ruit,—the espionage act, the tyranny of iurleson, the red raids of A Mltchel Palmer...
...Smith was Speaker of the Assembly...
...Oa Unemployment This to how the "Secretariat" and the 'Executive Council" met the issue of unemployment: "Minutes of the SECRETARIAT, January 27, 1928...
...Public ownership is not responsible here for the war contract scandals, the oil swindle, the milk graft and the sewer graft in New York City, Which country is more modern, the United States or Canada...
...Don't forget that Smith is honest, says the World...
...On the contrary they will go to the ballot-box again this year and repeat their pretest against the corruption of capitalism, They wlT affirm once more their demand for t more honest system of industry, for i better and nobler manner ojt life...
...In the early days of the capitalist system economics became a handmaid of the mill owners, and eccmomists were its expounders...
...And now they are bringing forth the great engineer Herbert Hoover...
...Admlti nat he has said that Rykof would be xpeUed but he realty meant Rakovsky...
...If the American people stand japing open mouthed at this footo spec tacle they wfll find themselves robber' once more by the same old pickpocket* of capitalism...
...No one, therefore,y*an work with Asm comfortably because no one knows what he is...
...Toothy Dwight, the high priest of Yale, was generally known as "Pope Dwight" and twelve influential politicians under his thumb were known as his "Twelve Cardinals...
...Moreover, they were trivial...
...The theme is Socialism...
...Wattenberg, secetary...
...Let us form again the jilislaiaaa of Mir fellowship...
...Suggestions by Baltom that the unemployed arm a ~—¦tnlUnr of 15 to present theft iemanda...
...2) That we are .not saUsed with the statements of Comrade Cnazick because of the evasive character...
...Foreign Born...
...The New York World's Tammany New York World anticipates attacks on Governor Smith because of his affiliation with Tammany Hall and last week answered one of these criticisims... CH HPT iEBTON, & C—The vex—ion of the International lypiausf**j tool cataa opens tot cnariarton, -•»' m'1bar.Id...
...Under the last two administrations the minor lndecencj of the boose traffic, and the major infamy of the Veterans Relief, have beer submerged by the steadily rising flood ol the oil scandal...
...far Tadflc Coast, from the Rocky aabuUtobu, .'rem the AUegbanies and the Jpaet irairies that stretch between, trap law England and from the South we raQr to answer that need to raise again tba standard of struggle against the tyranay >f capital...
...And jut by ease and rest For the Qtuse alone is wot thy ¦ Titt the new day brings the best, Ah Come and cast off fooling - For this at last we know The dawn and the day is cowhn And forth the banners got „ * ——————— Woodsworth Added To Speakers List at I. I. D. Conference The League for Industrial Oanpanaj has jest aaiicuncad that Its raost aresat acqaiaitton as a June cosu*ererae aaaaar to Jaassa St Wcoda worth, one ef the to* labor membera of the Canadian parlt* neot from Winnipeg, Panada Cdaaads WoOda worth to a graduate of the TJatjerdty of Toronto and of Oxford OnimaaV...
...It is said that this cloud of gas was sufficient to wipe out all lit«: in the city of Hamburg...
...We come with renewed hops...
...By a clever shifting of this man into the boots of a modern capitalist owning a big industry he indulges in an involved argameat to show that an idle owner is entitled to a workkss income for the same reason that the man who plants a tree is entitled to its fruit...
...Before leaving the Mayor blessed Street Cleaning Commissioner Taylor as "one of the best of my Adminstration...
...The Progressives created the Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate the trusts, because they could not endorse the Socialist program of navtog the Nation down the trusts...
...One can board a train in the East for the Pacific coast and stop enroute a number of times and for almost every service imaginable be cared for by some government enterprise...
...This is like the answer of the kettle to the pot... mis pocket are his see- ¦ ret instructions...
...intimidation, stuffing of ballot boxes, employment of criminals, and by brutal beating of opposition voters...
...Only the conquest of governments by the masses of each nation can avert this terrible disaster...
...Capitalism and Graft *^NY person who spends a day or two in Canada will be impressed with the sentiment there in favor of public ownership...
...The World carries at the head of its ediorial column the statement that it will "never tolerate injustice or corruption...
...Charles F. Murphy was leader of Tamamny and by telephone from New York City he ordered the impeachment...
...The latter, of course...
...Just bow genuine was Timmie's indignation over the sewer graft, may be surmised by his compliment to Taylor whose department throughout the boroughs is honeycombed wth grafting rats...
...Sulzer was' no angel, but the alleged offenses for which he was removed occurred before he became Governor...

Vol. 7 • May 1928 • No. 23

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