SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK jVdwJVIKdw.AlY ' 8-g-lt A. D. . The next meeting of tbia branch wis AJ£?U*C- _The cot-dooriatacationel campaign and raising of finances tor toe summer activities wfll...

...August Claessens wfll be present in behalf of the city organisation...
...RccorcUng Secretary...
...May 31, 8.30 p. m. Sutter and Ralph Avenues...
...j GUEEN8 The first meeting in this section of Queens county for toe purpose of organizing a branch was held Friday evening...
...Branch secretaries and Party members are requested to keep toe date open and rwiperate towards Its sAOcess...
...At Friday's meeting...
...Bead, •wsafc . Ajgj^saggaaa CeaawA * The amstad annual declamation conteat bead ay the Bronx Bore Committee waa held May U. at 1187 Boston.Road, nailer and Junior groups were represented...
...The Young People's Deportment Last week th* elrele was addsasstd by rsjiaisiai Jack Stonntok on "Psyoboaaarysks...
...Secretary Claessens will be present in behalf of toe City Organisation...
...Abe Dobbin reoetved honorable mention for the originality of bis selection, to the Senior group Dorothy Steinberg won first prise...
...are that with those comrades of the Party who have recently moved Into this section and who are still members ta Branches of other' counties as well as some new members that have Joined recently, the new Rockaway branch '¦ will begin with a membership of about fifteen...
...Totten rushed to the pd"* **llun...
...Tuesday, May 28, 8.20 p. m. 64th Street and 20th Avenue...
...Both these measures were adopted also...
...Samuel Kan tor...
...SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK jVdwJVIKdw.AlY ' 8-g-lt A. D. . The next meeting of tbia branch wis AJ£?U*C- _The cot-dooriatacationel campaign and raising of finances tor toe summer activities wfll to acted upon «J« J^nusde for...
...Wflhemus Robinson...
...Some ol B* thugs tried to plant dope in the •Bee and then hustled Totten down the •tot, while others remained to ex"¦Jb Brotherhood documents at leisure *¦» thugs scattered after the office bad B?T •ooted...
...218 Van Sicklen Avenue...
...The campaign fund has been collected and a drive .for more la to progress...
...The poor weather prsriiitad an overflow meeting...
...Friday, June 1, 8.30 p. m. Vermont Street and Butter Avenue...
...Branch meetings wfll be held on the 1st andI ;srd Fridays of the month at the Martinique Mansion, 55th and Beck Streets.-, The next meeting, wfll be held ?h /up* l Bather Priedman has been invited to be present and deliver an address...
...The Circle meets eaob Friday...
...however, determined' to to everything In its power to teenb these employers a lesson that a union connect means something, and thkt theix breaking of the contract will pot reanjn unpunished...
...A ' The union Is...
...Comrade Louis P. Goldberg was nominated for Assembly to the 2Xrd A p. by acclamation...
...He reserved decision, however, asking .for affidavits to be submitted to kto...
...41-51 77th Street on Thursday, evening, June 7. Secretary Classens will be present In behalf of the City Organization...
...Enrolled Socialist voters who attended a meeting in Sunny side have decided that the Woodside-Elmhurst section would be a better center and they expressed a strong desire to organize a branch ta their immediate locality...
...A hearing of these requests took place on Tuesday, May 10th bear* Vice-chancellor Backes, and when On Vice-chancellor heard the request Of the union's attorney, Louis Ogust, for at injunction to restrain the firm from aonapiitng to carry out the conspiracies Mht s few ringleaders of the shop to break a written contract, the Vlce-Chansefior was at first rather astonished, never having beard of such a thing, that a ¦ton should ask for an Injunction sgainst a firm...
...Speaker, Bthelred Brown...
...Speaker, Bthelred Brown...
...In the Junior Group Jack Skuraiek won first prise with a rendition of Tbosnas Hood's "Bridge of Sttghs...
...A few weeks ago, taktag ¦jaatom of the fact that their shops tart running for several months on a pert thee baste, they tried in a secret jltf conspiring fashion to induce some of §m workers to break from the union and ejaee to fork 48 hours As an lnduceKjsci toey offered these workers to give Pass full tone and steady work after BjUi l*~r toe active union members of •ask shops With the assistance of a (to> treacherous workers they thought fast they would be able to mislead enough irthe rest of their workers, and theretan ttn Reliable firm on April atrd, and gjs firm *of Samuel Knee on May 1st sassy deeisred aa open shop and lniaued their working hours to 48 per hat, and when I. Laderman, the mansjsr of toe union, ta the presence of ask step chairmen, asked the employIll hew they can so easily decide to leak then- contracts that they signed Nk d» union, the answer in both sues was that they knew that they wold dot be held legally responsible for hdr contracts, and morally', they did set ghe a hang for it...
...BROOKLYN 1 Friday...
...W Halperin, S. Davis...
...Future meetings of enrolled -voters Are being planned - . EtbeJred Brown opened the street meeting campaign of 192* With much aataass...
...Meetings wfll be bhaa every Thursday evening at the same corner, Sutter and Ralph Avenues...
...New people ate coming to every ¦at...
...There Is every Indication that an aggressive campsjgn toll be conducted to toe 22nd A. D. . 23rd A. D. A very well attended meeting of this branch was held last Monday evening...
...Arrangements are being made for an opening eelebratton...
...However, the meeting waa well attended and the experiment a successful one...
...Room 4. ntad A. D. A Joint meeting of the three branches to the 22nd A. D. was held on Tuesday, May 18...
...May 28...
...After aw souce to the firm, and seeing that uu jkaations are being continued, toe toka sued the firm for contempt of cent: -tn...
...Msf 25, 8.30 p. m. Bristol Street and Pitkin Avenue...
...Within an hour after Senator Brookhart had pledged a filibuster to the death against the ship subsidy and construction loan clauses In the White-Jones merchant marine bill, that bill was allowed to come to a rollcajl vote in the Senate...
...street meetings are highly successful and preparations are now being made for the organization of an intensive campaign...
...Speaker, Prank Croaawalth...
...The toJS™t W the officers Organizer... the W. C. Center...
...The crowd was leeeptlec, an appreciable number of propaganda leaflets was sold and the members of the -branch were on the Job...
...Friday, June 1,' 8.20 p. m. Bristol Street and Pitkin Avenues...
...8JO p. m. J 37th Street and 7th Avenue...
...Any Old Injunction 18 Aid to Employers Washington.—When a saber isjuncttan la set aside by a higher eonrt, the writ has served its purpose, says John P. Prey, si arstary-traaaasv r A. W. ef L. Metal Trades Department, writing to the BoBeUn ef that organisation...
...Bjdt the bearing on the permanent kduiatluii and that for contempt of court took place on Thursday, May -17, tot andanae were reserved as the cases tore postponed for a later date...
...May 81, at the Workmen's Circle Center, 158 Beach 85th Street...
...T Ebnhnrat The movement to organise new branches In Queens ir progressing...
...Aecording to the information which he union has obtained these two cases of breaking agreements on the part of tot suU case manufacturers arq not #fcoated, but are eagerly being watched and sasated by other employers In the trade Vto are looking for an-opportiinity > to killow.their example and turn their anion shops Into open shops...
...Bronx inaailnaa wfll take full advantage of toe speaking course given this month and next...
...The membership is Inrrrealns ana toere la every reason to believe that to toejsext caatoalSrtoere vTffbe a spieStogton^aSghtof* onr,ntf*tto° to washItaaan atouaehaa ftatom aaetaUMs are busy arranging *^**^kjenuatol Meeting...
...Tuesday, May 29, 8.30 p. m. Jioth Street and 8th Avenue...
...Speaker, August Claessens...
...Ida Orr...
...Bag Makers Tie Up Two Factories Contract - Breakers Meet & With Strike and Injunc r tkm Obtained by Union LtBTlUK Cose, Beg * l^irtfdndMak9 en Union Is now conducting two ata...
...Thanks, to Comrades Matthias Paha, Harry Cherkas and Patrick Riley, a meeting win be arranged In the 3rd A. D. In the home of Comrades Palm...
...Prey, are Just as acrvieeabke to the employer, aa if they were net set aside aa the issue between the einntdyar and workers is generally terminated "In seni taashy every case where in- ' Junctions have bean ¦sedified by higher courts the sweats has been stanSar to Use jaary 'finding-the aecaaed net gaflty after be has been hanged...
...Second and Woolsey Avenues...
...hi toe ease of Samuel Knee, both the firm and the union have asked for an injunction of the Court of Chancery ta tow Jersey...
...Nine applications for membership were received and indications...
...The enrolled Socialist voters and members of the Socialist Party, residents In this section, will be Invited to this meeting...
...Speakers, Bthelred Brown and Samuel Bloch...
...8*8 p. to, at 1187 Boston...
...The union thereken declared the two shops on strike, h the shop of Samuel Knee nearly all he workers immediately aont down oa strike and in the Reliable the most lmaktsai workers of the shop acted likeUnion Gets Injunction Tht Suit Case, Bag & Portfolio Makks Onion has since, through the attorneys, Wakbnan <it Lieberman applied to an injunction against the Reliable toe, and on Monday, May 7th it was (tensed a temporary Injunction by Judge Brsee restraining the firm from oon•nctaf to employ non-union people unaar non-union conditions...
...the membership of this branch will meet with the 5th and 8th A. D. branch members to nominate candidate -for Congress and Senate in the 10th Congressional District, 7th Senatorial District Comrade Frank Cross wa 1th baa, been engaged far a series of open air lectures tor every Priday evening discing the month of June...
...Cirale 4 wfll meet with Circle 1 till neat Pail...
...May as...
...Claire MlUmana' dtalcepe tied for second place with Thomas Dolgoff, who recited "A Vision of the Future" from Ingersofl...
...Memherahip is steadily Increasing...
...Astoria On Friday evening, June 1, a meeting will be held in the First A. D. at the Bohemian Hall...
...8th Senatorial District, Samuel Block...
...BROOKLYN ISlh Congressional District A Joint meeting of the 23rd A. D. and the 5th-6th A. D. y*r^iyhff« In the territory of the ieth Congressional District Wfll be held on Tuesday evening...
...Henry Fruchter will address the members of the Branch on " American Labor and the Immigration Problem" at the headquarters, Rockaway ItataiteBi 60S Rockaway avenue...
...BONK . . " Mh A. D. _'">ejn*xt nsm Bag of this branch will He held Friday, May 8&< at County Headluartere, 1187 Boston Road...
...Porters Are Aroused }By Kansas Outrage ' national officers-of the Brotherhood-oi ¦heptng Car Porters are aroused by the attack on Ashley L. Totten, Kansas City representative of the union, whose office •»» rifled by thugs believed to have been ¦Mi ul by the Pullman Co...
...Street Meetings - MANHATTAN Friday, May 25, 8A* p. m. loeth Street and Mailieen Avenue...
...Honorable mention waa awarded Winston Daniels of Circle 1. The circle believes that if Irving Bassoff hah not keen ill he would have won new honors for himself add the Circle...
...Totten a an assistant geheral organ••of the Brotfc .rhood two and a ball j*** At national headquarters, toe T"* *as interpreted as another ofaapuv toe Pulhnan Oo,"s unsctupuloui BJT to dUcredit the BratherhoadT 1' Democrats and G. O. P. Kill Government Fleet...
...for State Senator...
...S. Block, and the members of the committee are Charles Shoushan...
...Speakers, Bthelred Brown and Bernard Bchub...
...Speakers, Frank Ireaawaito and Bthelred Brown...
...where officials, denied anj ^•f*hon with the outrage... tn New York against the gate** Suit Case Co., and one In NewBE 'New Jersey, against' Ssmnsl Knee, •jste strikes were forced upon the Unsss ss a matter of self-defense in order #<uaake these firms five up to a con«tct * Ttoese firms have been union shops pM bed signed contracts with the Unas* sot year which were to- run'-tor jtase Mae ret...
...Plnanclal SecreUry, Jacob Orr...
...T. Shapiro, W. Robinson, H. Koss, M. Pish man...
...May 28, 8.20 p. m. 137 th Street and 1th Avenue...
...Speaker, Bthelred Brown...
...with Comrades BhtotsadtJ and L p. Goldberg the speakers f*f the evening...
...Both these bills are slated for Presidential veto...
...Last year the, Boro Committee held meetings with ; only ripest speakers and furnished Ylpsels tor chairmen...*Baun.£ tonS taadwctrd a. _A *»H attended meeting was held ^"E^S*00.- A jwnmhtoa was appolntd to obtain club-rooms...
...We doubt whether the learned man gave due consideration to toe appetite of the rill and Miner nower gangs...
...The Rellskh firm, however, ignored too tempotoy, Injunction assuming that * injuncwsa an serious only when issued against ator unions, but when issued against aa apilnji i they are only Jokes...
...Another meeting will be held on Friday evening...
...TheTuf Bivarsary of the martyrdom of the great ^!^n8o^,tat on Sunday, f «•?•J?- «anrndea hope toTdraw *JafjN esnwd to jam Cooper Union, *Jf_m*fto5« toke>lace at P- m. Comrade Arturo LabrioUv, who ar2TS rf2P^y m *hf tlnited States from ^^to^awuu,^: 3mcob JPSL***00?^ ***** *« to held un^ auspices of the Italian Socialists and the Italian Labor Daily, Nuovo Monap...
...May 28...
...fur the union, it Is of course a very attous struggle, entailing great financial outlays both In strike benefits, and in 'lewd ssaeaaes, but it feels confident that to entire membership will enthusiastiaahy support their organization in these atogglii which are indeed struggles for *M vary existence, the very life of the •at esse, Bag 8c Portfolio Makers Untax...
...On Tuesday...
...for member of Assembly, 22nd A. D. Theodore Shapiro...
...fjismllasa and aassasssiim followed...
...Brookhart in Trade Washington.—Betrayed by both the regular Republican and Democratic leaders and by Al Smith's closest adviser, Wagner, the government merchant fleet found weak defenders ta the "Progressive" group ta the Senate, when the ship subsidy scheme was brought back to that body as the conference report to place of the government-operation measure which the Senate adopted...
...New members are being obtained...
...These tajsnaettans, said Mr...
...The Joint oanmatoa committee elected the following officers: Chairman...
...May *¦ at the Ceanto Headquarters, 187 Tanapklns Avenue at 8.10 p m. Th- principal object df this meeting will be the nomination of a candidate for Congress and State Senate and toe organization of a Campaign Committee for the work In lath A. D. >- The first enrolled voters' meeting of the lath A. O. was held on Priday evening...
...It is declared on the authority of Professor H. L. Shantz of the University of Illinois that the world Is capable of feeding at least eight billion people...
...An attempt will be made to organize branch Astoria...
...Six men, ¦asqueradlng as police officers, descendM on Totten's offloe, threw files on the "*Br and ruined valuable organhmtlon tojords in a hunt for opiates...
...The report of the canvassers' committee Indicates a grdwlng Interest In the Socialist party in1 tola District...
...May 11...
...It was adopted by a Vote of 51 to 20, due to a combination of regular Republicans with Bourbon Democrats, the Progressives suddenly abandoned the filibuster when the reactionaries offered, in trade, an Immediate vote on the farm relief bill and the Welch bill increasing the salaries of 135,000 federal employes...
...Next week Sidney Setosnan wTU lecture on "The Russian Revolution.AU are invited...
...The following candidates were nominated: for member of Congress, 9th Congressional District, Dr...
...Speaker, Leonard C. Kaye and others... A. B# , . . This new branch has been chartered •ad as now very well established...
...Jonas Rosenthal...
...but when he was told that such things have taken place in ha* York state and unions did receive redress in court, he took it more seriously...
...May 18...

Vol. 7 • May 1928 • No. 23

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