A PAGE OP EXCLUSIVE FEATURES THE AD-MEN GO TRAGIC ^-DBEPLY regret ta obhj>rye the note of deW nrfttsion which has come Into the works of our _ J^TTd-mcn. In our day* the writing of...

...From time to timet...
...One day John got himself an iron ramSwith a screw at one end...
...Protective Labor Legtolation...
...l'neae subjects will be again taken ap tton of data on almost every uauoauahte theme of interest to the labor aaovement...
...bib wn Ah...
...That's it...
...tij ¦ She dare not stretch a bit nor yawn...
...Puir Faither deid the day I went tea settule, For five lang years, till Robin got a fee, Ooor bellies glrned for want of dace and meal...
...Even liberal fg fphgjj could afford a few fearless singers of revolt...
...McAliater Coleman...
...I hold your milk as good as* truth To grow a manhood out of youth...
...Thk to another addition to The Wend Today Bookshelf Issued under the editorial chairmanship of Charles A. Beard...
...He clamped his powerful grinders on the rag-wrapped rod, pulled with all his might and being barefooted pushed the trigger at the same time...
...Just aa the great Greek !l~dlans keep us from the very beginning of the jJJiware of the dread fates hovering in the wings, ¦a our latter-day tooth-paste tragedians made us gvare from the outset that unless we hurried for their sfc^asfl tube, certain doom impended over our un-rubbed gum-lines.^ However, as year after year went by, and we ageovered 'that four out ef five are still subject to tae perils of pyorrhea, in spite of what must have jjj, , yery thorough distribution of its preventive, w became inured to these warnings, and were preputd to face life with renewed »¦ courage, when along cum Halitosis...
...I wore out a dozen Fords in the tost 2 years...
...Every one of them was a one-year car with a three man tap and a four-year repair gang...
...off at the outset of a promising ca^aior oondemn us utterly to the ranks of those j~^parlahs who simply cannot think up the right omi-.Lr twenty-one questions which every HarIJJ "M-rgraduate has ˆ0 answer...
...exaggeration was common...
...Then he pulled and pulled and pulled but the shot wouldn't budge...
...culture—, and aocka-oonsclpus...
...It got ao tbat every morning ^ bad to rob the children's wrings bank before cranking up the old ooffee pes...
...Economic History Of the writing of eoonomfc batteries of the United States there appears to be no end...
...But such a course fails to provide for happiness in the future when Mother, or some other person equally indulgent, is not present to aympathles and to relieve the trouble...
...unto you...
...In contrast to this let us notice the key next door to George, In connection with a ateutor incident, Clarence was tuunhar a small mechanical automobile Which operated by winding a spring...
...Mahw thanks to you all, foe and friend alike...
...Sa she 7* u —r "NO ••—and in aaetor et his pleading couldn't "M ekB WHY...
...The Rand School of Social Science was the pioneer in Workers' Education and it has the honor of having begun the publication of a, year book in 1916 which presented a large amount of important information gathered from reliable sources, information of service to the Socialist movement and the .trade unions...
...We will wager a nickel that if Cat finds anything big which the capitalist class want he will see to it that the government does not get it...
...He rammed the ram-rod down the barrel...
...are eanceited, egotistic, vain, and paranotoal hooaiioa tan brochure of some twelve hundreds words of pSTwoe...
...ubi ;._ I am neither fluttered nor toucbod...
...Was it then* fault to be out of work or Henry's...
...The bottles clank, and send a fright Into- the gentle heart of eight...
...S. A. DeWitt I think the reason for your poems* to the inflexibility of steel shelves and monkey- a 1 aaaaaaV ' Eddie ¦Lewtnsopi Yon are the ends of the...
...Each chapter to .followed by a fist of aaggeeted readings and fourteen maps heap the reader to understand the text...
...We recall the volumes oy Bogart, Ooman, Jennings, Van Metre, Wright, Uppincott, Cowdrick end Bones and It is probable tbat a few others have been overlooked...
...It Is a first-class piece of work and it promises much for the future of this writer...
...CAL WILL REMEMBER A headline declares that the principle of public ownership is an issue that win be put up to CooUdge in two bills before Congress adjourns...
...He had met a difficulty and conquered it, thus employing bis own natural powers of vision and intelligence...
...Tin moral of course being''that if the unfortunate wretch had only read Elbert' Hubbard's scrap-book he would have known that Voltaire was a writing chap, sod ax the name of a new French/ liner, as he thought -n lions- jc*,uU».£it...
...It is primarily intended as a digest and presentation of the most reliable information bearing upon cueatlons that will be discussed this year...
...Clarence could not make It follow the right course...
...Ooor wee minds numb to sums and history . . , And yet the maister 'gies Ma face a twist, Tae hear my name noo I'm a florialtot There la all the quaint directnees of the race throughout, and one can only hope that the mine doesn't shorter his years...
...by Vina Delmar, N. Y. Harcourt, Brace, $2), written by a young woman who confesses to 2a J[e*rs herself and who has a three year old baby, and whose- story is written with such Intimate knowledge of the petty 'and heartbreaklngly small lives of jJ lists 1 Wi upper Harlem that you suspect that she" didn't get all her information at second band...
...He screwed it into the old shot...
...Facta were not so important and...
...It may be obtained from the Rand Book Store...
...price, «lm...
...John Strout was the owner of a single barrel muscle loader with a shot sticking in its throat that would not come out...
...men, riding home » cabs from parties with their wives, with some such caption underneath as "Tod cock-eyed stiff, ain't you got no culture...
...arrival of boxes of breakfast food, the appearance of cookstoves,, ^ delivery of a new pair of suspenders for w instructed our artists to picture little children iTrrtW about, clapping their bands in unaffected Tr-7%« kind man from tha grocery store came the path, bearing in his basket a can of FJveready ajuJ Poerar Mother was doing a fancy dance on ^^v,rch and Father was firing off tha household ^Jftom the roof...
...He concludes that "the most important stogie cause of the lack of success suffered by the Communists la the lack ol knowledge on the part of their leadtrs concerning purely American conditions...
...This to one example of how to give a child hapnhwss...
...Does Henry forget tbat be himself tekt off same 70.000 men at the time when he re-organised his plants preliminary to bringing out hia new ear...
...kind, la fact there has been practically no mention at all of Voltaire, except, of course, the TJse-Voltalre-ln-asentence proposition...
...His looks toward the contribution beg wlMfobj the following verses have lain these two weeks have at teat moved me to their inclusion...
...It would be interesting to see how much (and I fancy little) alteration would be necessary, to make "Strange Interlude" a valid play, without the asides of spoken thinking...
...But Henry apparently does not believe in Industrial evolution...
...Mr example, both on D. H. Lawrence and on Remy de Ocurmont, Is eearrhrng and sound in criticism, while smooth and fluid in style...
...O Oott even with Chattarboxlng...
...Worked In dialogue, the play It otherwise rather a novel, so that it reads more effectively than it stages...
...out cn the knees and down at the heal chariot ever conceived by the mind of mortal man...
...aa-greaatton' of machine* 1 ever heard rattle...
...This type of history to dry at beat and yet it underlies an other phases of our social development...
...questionably, Upu was "most effective advertising...
...Before oar startled eyes We beheld courtships ruined, social searaabns destroyed utterly, business successes imperilled, all because of neglect of Liaterine...
...Now if my car bite the porch rail the fender wont bend, for my bumper will protect it," be said, and his eyes shone with the true'Joy of accomplishment...
...Despite this toss, the life of Nina Leeds is searched with large measure of sympathetic understanding, and made vivid, if not real, uv rigorous presentation...
...Yours to the nervous energy of a patsaaat snapping in the wind, McAliater Coleanaa You speak, and the back-tosh of your laughing wbtp bringa tears...
...The moaner work has required an avoidance of tedious details and It is tttoty to whet the appetite of the new student for some of the studtoa mentioned tn the bibliography which follows each chapter...
...The teaching of resourcefulness to the aiseat and surest means of insuring continued happiness with regard to all the things which such resourcefulness eaa reach...
...opinion really inount too...
...The replacement of out-worn parts on these ancient vehtoles should have netted Ford enough to re-amburse hhn for the modernisation of has ptanta...
...Where are J"*™5 famiUar faces whi^a^ce lightened the white JF*0*" between the obituaries, and...
...He took her home, kissed her good night, and then met her again and again...
...I don't know how many hundreds of millions it coat Henry Ford to get pinched out of his fool snooze but I do know that at the time of the great shut-down there were over 100,000 unemployed in Detroit alone and most of them were exemployes of Henry...
...the account of j*" latest hammer murder-Is Is there no balm in BP ad-mans Gilead...
...One night It rained, and Dot went to Eddie's room to dry out...
...And milk and quiet, doubly good...
...Adsum CaapMijPJPT...
...Is there not -enough sorrow and unhap?~*** "1 this dreary old wKHd of ours without going 5 we advertisements for Mori of it...
...It was made of a stout piece of wire tbat the smaO boy had bent with the pliers and twisted into place across the front of the car...
...But vaults the roof and fleas the lawfi...
...The parties we have attended have been of one or two kinds: the ComeOut-In-The-Hall-And-I'U-Knock-Your-Block-Off kind or the Have-You-Seen-The-Latest-Pictures-David...
...P* Bear not too much weight saipVwig...
...X wonder should the milkman know...
...To be sure, in the case of many of the A. p. of L. claaaes the approach is timid and cautious, as though fearful of coming across something not quite consistent with old ways of thinking, yet there la also considerable respect for re-' liable data...
...but Sinclair Lewis "our own Diogenes—gadfly" is well placed by Vernon Louis Pairington, and Barrett H. Clark emphatically states a aomeVhat worn theme, in "Edlpus or PoUyenna...
...But now that most of the lip-reading population tare been frightened Into Hubbard, there looms a tew apparition on the advertising scene...
...rather than methods more closely knit into the dramatic structure...
...He rammed ram-rod down the barrel of the muzzle loader and screwed until It had anchored in the old shot...
...This is how the New Leader Gang looks to hhn: Jamas Oneal About you is the ponderous dignity coaawoted watfc old tomes, and recordings of tha deeds of men...
...However she is averting her beautiful ¦eo from bis woebegone - gene, and is wrinkling up Mr nose In the manner pfswaMjouthern gentlewoman **eIHn6 a skunk at a howseanpTty...
...And there it happened...
...The whole range of American economic history la considered from the period ef European origins to the World War and after...
...All told, it waa a happy j^pg indeed...
...His Tin Lisales dlmed and two-bitted ma Into poverty...
...Mew York: Macmluan...
...His mother continued, "Don't cry any more, and well take "the wagon to the corner shop and have the man put the wheel on again...
...The trick done it...
...THE CHATTER BOX Mosholu parkway, Worth-bronx Si.lt ' X wander if the mflkwian gee* The miracle of tipsy trees Who reel against the mortared MSa And clutch upon the window aula...
...Shame on you Henry, back-firing the land that eraaka you...
...Clarence had gained happiness In winning a victory 'over adverse conditions...
...Moreover the five or forty million of unemployed guessed at by Henry Ford are his very best friends for the Job hunter who is this fast age is chasing a Job wont get anywhere by hoofing it...
...At teeet yew can find my name signed to apurt^tng I sails' hare...
...She became a "bad" girl...
...Pht D. This monograph (The Workers' (Communists Patty and American Trade Unions) considers the activities of Communists hi the Machmiete' Union, the Carpenters' Union, the United Mine Workers, the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, the Furriers and the International Ladtos' Garment Workers Union...
...In the course of time they "went together," and that was about all...
...Mew York City...
...tor we So not wonder in the reading why certain elements of the psychology of the characters are conveyed in the form ol lengthy spoken thoughts, and not in ways more hitrintically of the theatre...
...An Irish comrade from Belfast, Ireland, after modestly apologizing for reading this, column at times, recommends and sends in for review .a pamphlet ef poems by Joe Corrie, entitled "The Image O* God...
...He was not helpless, as George had been, in the face of what to a child was nothing less than disaster...
...Before *» 1* a copy of a paper, with a picture of a moat •tractive young lady sitting on a sofa, alongside of •young man who at first glance seems to be plenty hotsy-totay...
...The ninth volume of Tba American Labor Year Book is now available and, owing to the interest in politics and the national campaign this year, this issue varies in its contents from previous numbers...
...four out of fire drive Fords, ao there you are...
...However, John bad a bigger and better funeral than ever waa held in StoutsviUe, Ohio, for nobody in that vicinity had ever seat a soul to Its reward by shooting and pulling an iron ram-rod through its brain tank, so everybody for miles around waa there and so was £ Alas, poor John...
...At toast a Ford dealer tn a proletarian neighborhood told toe that since the Pord plants shut down ha made more money selling Ford parte than ho ever made on new Fords...
...I am rebel enough to pray . . "Keep me ritoeaflafled...
...ajL dtfrereht nowadays, with grim tragedy called -^Tto furnish one of the chief elements in selling Sf*- _ A few years back, we entered upon the first scene v the Drama of Pyorrhea...
...on tba weak shoulders of a parse* verb...
...And so they were married, and they started a little flat and then Dot became pregnant, and after the requisite number of months the baby was born...
...The >ity is that like most successful men, he lidnt live long enough to reap the harvest of his success...
...Joseph T. Shipley...
...Be was having great fun with this when it ran into the wall of the porch and eeat one ef the front fenders so that the oar would not run straight Try as he would...
...But it bad never occurred to Eddie before that he might marry Dot...
...From "Seed Time" I wish to smilingly ojuoto...
...He measured six feet four in his stocking feet, weighed 240 pounds and had the brain capacity of a baby baboon...
...to be sure, We have not attended many parties of ate at which conversation about Voltaire has been what you might call animated...
...X fteWltt...
...carbon— ' the bridge of a spark gap...
...And not oncg, butmanj times, she had Ml^d ah smgartered aockft, eznaapnag .down araond *.aW topa...
...He began to cry loudly and stood gazing helplessly at his broken toy...
...Deimart picture of small Uvea is brilliantly dpne...
...This presentation la all the more thorough aa the section in previous volumes devoted to the political movements at home and the international taker...
...a have read herstbeps>ta he wosdd net have A picture of neatueae, herself, she detested ¦"Miaihiiiaa...
...But Mother heart Clarence in the basement rattling took and wire, and at length he came hurrying towards her, exciainatag, "See what I invented...
...And believe it or not, that's the whole story of "Bad Girl," (Bad Girl...
...Joaeph Shipley 1 have felt your feelings, but fled it beat to .watch, rather than imitate...
...when mood and space allow, here will ke re-printed such poetry Of his as wflt best adorn the ustoma, Being a writer on cosmic topic* to a perturbing task...
...He wrapped a rag around the end of the .iron ram-rod sticking out of the barrel...
...milkman do note scowl nor rue For all this preachment...
...I know of what pub...
...this keeps up we may soon expect to dee the BlenT1*011 starrett Construction Company using a of a youth standbag:beneath a twenty-four ^^atyscraper, the top five stories of which are down upon himself and his bride, and hist E-tt...
...He adds little tbat to new to our rjaden but the monograph to very useful in that It places considerable interesting • laterial in convenient term before those who arc Interested hi the subject...
...No, my path through life waa not strewn by Ford part* and watered by leaking radiators...
...The versa tn this brochure is of high quality, and makes us wish we had as much space to give to this volume alone as we have spent on the entire attractive series of University of Washington Chapbooks...
...80 it is to aB phases of child Ufe...
...I knew hhn weU, He waa a good son of bis widowed mother, a good husband to his widow and a good father to his orphan children fox when he ram-rodded himself to a better world be left a quarter section of Scioto River bottom land .eight homes, 1$ cows and no end of pigs, chickens, ducks, geese and farm implements to posterity...
...To have to apologise to her friends far > •aebaud'i ««reteaa hablto .was tfto mach to ask...
...sedans* and Communist devetopsnsnta are oantttsd...
...I asked a friend once why he* didn't attach a speedometer to hie Ford...
...In our day* the writing of adverJEJwss « far cheerier -occupation...
...The clanking always at her toe* . . 0 I wonder if tha milkman know...
...A n»Uy foresighted Napoleon of Industry wopM have foreseen the end of the celebrated tin Ussy and brought about such changes aa would enable him to bring out the new product without such a violent disruption as noticed hi the Ford plants...
...When the firing tube was full he placed the little gun cap over the firing tube, cocked the hammer, aimed in the general direction of the barn door, closed his eyes and pulled the trigger...
...He packed powder down the firing tube...
...It to a vary serviceable Ob Communism American Oommunism in the trade unions in the subject of a special study tn the Johns Hopkins University Studtoa tn Btoterical and Political Science by David ML Schneider...
...kabm(~")?v w...
...Civil Right...
...The invention was not perfect, to be sure, but It comprised a front bumps...
...Yes, poor people have poor ways and one of the beat ways ef staying poor Is to drive a Ford after to gets Its second set of tires...
...He placed the gum cap on the tube...
...opinion, you managed to squeeze in forty five first personal pronouns...
...Isaacs make some interacting suggestions, by carrying us along aa artist's way...
...George was pulling his little wagon about the yard none too carefully when he bumped it against a tree and knocked a Wheal off...
...Joe is a Scotch minertad, aad he writes with all tie fire and understanding that made Bobble Bunas such an everlasting figure in literature...
...exclaiming, "It would bnm^!n Bucn * haPPy home for us if we had been T'^kbted enough to use good old T,.—8...
...The author baa consulted the p"*"^"**— of these unions *nd of the Communists and approaches the study as a disinterested party...
...And even without reading Eltort Hubbard, We have been able to think up some •ach crack as "Have you read Voltaire Scott...
...With the exception of a few personal love poems, most of tha work Is ground-root proletarian reason in rhyme, and such songs aa "A Cageload of Men," and ''Unemployed Miners" cry out an accusation and a verdict against society, aa will some day rend its armignaaa to ami there* ns...
...Yes, John was a good man...
...He was a tower of strength without a belfry tn the upper end and be reminds me forcefully of my old friends among the Illinois Miners who are trying to save the anion and solve the unemployed problem by striking union mines for the beneBt of non-union opera ton below the Ohio...
...For itself, the story is one that few will fail to follow with keen" interest, even though it be highly individualised by details of coincidence, losing the added power of universality...
...Thus we pictured ESTafter family indulging in what amounted to JJJ^lssa than orgies over .tba...
...In the field of more purely literary endeavor, Gamaliel Brad' ford gives us some "dialogues of the dead," whtoh haunted him after his toV ographical studies, that make us wonder bow he attained bis reputation...
...Ben Beleky Since you have much to think of there la little left to do...
...Lillian Olsh la act for the Idolatry of her author...
...are apparently no limits to the gloom with »tl, 1 *. well-depressed young copywriter can sink ^^"lndeed through his efforts we become gum—, -^n...
...1 east 16th street...
...Social Insurance and .American Foreign Relations win be found a mam of material which can be located in no other single volume...
...He bad also straightened the bent fender...
...This con•ets of the misfortunes that dog the foot-steps of T«og men who do not wear Parte garters...
...I don't know yet, but I*U do something," replied Clarence stoutly, and there wa* no more said about the accident for some time...
...But instead of the expected miniature earthquake, there was only a tiny puff, emanating from the powder in the firing tube...
...Professor Faulkner has aecompuahed s difficult task in emnprssatng so muefa that is vital within teas than 300 pages...
...yet none to nagligihie...
...Joseph T. Shipley A Bad Girl IT SEEMS that Eddie Contns, who was a $40 a week radio man, waa taking a ride up the Hudson one Sunday on the Burmah, when he "made" pretty little Dot, a nice girl who worked ha an office...
...Four out of flee have to—I mean pyorrhea whtoh to Greek far fafiteg teeth—and...
...This amah book has one distinct value Bead* from being an excellent narattve of the more important factors in American enorawatc history...
...However, X admit the eat tin earn waa a rattling good machine Least ways...
...They showed us picture* of apparently successful young...
...masi* - •. - iioq , -nv And now let tba Office Bey- have Ms little pay bare...
...The,enny reads aa follows: HE WONDEGS /tvjrr SHE SAID "NO...
...in "The Painter Looks at Nature," which, despite its due, to not one of those vain products of "the doctor looks ¦*>...* variety...
...His homebody Scotch dialect poems are Just a trifle richer than those in the unadulterated Btoglish...
...I bent my auto," be called to his mother, but with no thought of crying 1 or complaining...
...Ekde Freed The echo of your»pounding keys to a little cog that turns a big wheat, The Office X ant quite adept at tanning <-¦ rrihi* > phrases into sentences...
...It rattled more than any...
...under the circumstances...
...but agate the aerie* to redeemed by the Interesting account of the Journal of Kenko, a Japanese of the Fourteenth Century, and especially in "Three Women Poets of Modern Japan", by the editor of the series and Yosan T. Iwaaakl...
...So George stopped bis sobs, the wagon was repaired within a short time, and be was, as his mother felt sure, entirety happy once more...
...He stuck to his tin can until the competition of better and sigh tiler low prices can forced bun to Join the prooaaaion...
...I guess the boys mean weO iut hell, so did John Strout of Stout*viae, Ohio, when be sucked tbat ramrod through his noodle...
...He lived in StoutsviUe, Ohio...
...Don't need one, he rephed, when I pa ten smiles the tenders rattle, when I go 15, the lamps rattle and when I go SO say teeth rattle...
...He cornea to the same conclusion regarding the Red International of Labor Unions...
...It evokedytjjsf terrifying thought that we ourselves might get caught at a party some night without having boned up on Elbert Hubbard's scrap-book, lea that someone might start wise-cracking about Roger Bacon, and we would get confused and think be meant Roger Baldwin, and that all the way home from university Heights, dur wife would point out in •Hail tost how dumb we had been...
...to the auto...
...Home Education "The Child's First School is the Family"-Froeoel Ways of Happiness By Edith L. Reid all mothers have the secret hope that their children will always be happy and that their Uvea will be tree from heartache...
...The wise greeting at tba hoTtnaa of the clipping, unsigned, aaya . u "What of it f" Meaning again, what can your poor...
...In recent yean the need of workers' education has brought an increasing respect for factual presentation of the world to which we live...
...INGRATITUDE That was an awfully unkind thing tor Henry Ford when he said that if there were five or fifty million unemployed to the Land of the Free...
...No need here to rehearse the varied scenes in the developments of the Horrer«lor Halitosis...
...Book Review The Labor Year Book pxCEPT for a tew fanstlca, most every phase of the labor movement la the United States tn the past few years has witnessed an interesting Change in the presentation of its program Time was when the agitator and organiser considered it sufficient If they followed the policy of the religious exhorter...
...That's too bad, dear," she consoled, at which sympathetic tone George boobooed louder than ever...
...Nevertheless, we welcome another one by Harold Underwood Faulkner (Economic History of the United States...
...ne first thing wa learned was to pile aa "unadulterated Mim into> our writing aa was *BC"bl...
...The coM hard fact to that the eM Llsay was the shoddiest, aaedtort...
...Under the chapter keadtagp of Industry, labor, atoctel .Prohlsaaj, the American Farmer, The Courts and labor...
...Xj^.^-^POwS Except for the office boy's srfeantoai witness apj name to the rest...
...Anonymity la such a spineless psetapd of ^rrnyrfteating one's thought to another., ,PIr .• ¦'' On the other hand, Comrades Ball* Ti sail toss, .ef the Bronx, and CeUa Baldwin ef Denver take the trouble to use spoken and written approval of tfto sentiments expressed in tha article manttoaaed...
...filling the firing tube' with powder didn't do it but pulling and firing at the same thing win bring it out sure Well, John went aU over it...
...J» poignancy of the situation leaves us almost in2~Cttlate...
...Looking anxiousVj0-**1 o»t what's the AmSjt you discover to your **treaj that the young' man's" socks are dangling wnt bis boot-tops...
...Said John, pulling didnt get that old shot out...
...His mother asked casually, "What car you do about it...
...It also did John Strout...
...Thanks Hughie McHralth of Ireland, for the pleasure of meeting Joe Corrie of Cardenden...
...It'i Henry Ford that kept me poor...
...Then taking a cue from- the Xiaterine and Halitosis toys, the copywriters for the Works of Elbert Hubbud and other curators of "Our 'national culture began to ret low in their own minds...
...These booklets of attractive format and contents, edited by Glen Hughes...
...the girders strike him...
...The wagon makes a raucous Jar And scares away the morning star...
...He cocked the hammer and having done all this be added a new wrinkle, the fruit of bis meditation...
...etc-, it Was their own fault, being that every man who wants work can find it...
...This is of course a natural toaadng born of love...
...and some are excellent, . Richard Aklmgton...
...he will un^P^bly find out some new and fatal defect In ^ wot ensemble which Will lose us the girt of our MM iL...
...Who can tonjet the heart-rending pictuYes of impertinent childrtn climbing up on the knees' of Innocent salesmen to whisper in their victims' eats that hair-raising information which no friend ¦ Would impart...
...awer^sf* **, for more clean, wholesome fun in the «usmg columns...
...Chapbooks To lovers of the unusual, the out-ofthe-way, the quietly effective, the slight out sound—to all who have learned that rood goods May come in small parcels, and to all who nave yet to learn—it is a pleasure to recommend one or another of the University of Washington Chapbooks...
...In other words, these parte of the play—and they extend to a goodly proportion of the whole—are seldom eaeanttol in, any., way that Justifies- then ehotoe...
...and that little incident decided him...
...O'Neill's Longest IN spite of the adulation showered upon it equally in spite of the vehenent protest of our Chatterbox, against 3me wasted on such themes—"Strange interlude" (Boat & Llveright) is a powerful analytical study of the mind ol a woman, and of the five men, father, husband, lover, friend, and son, whom she needs to fulfill the desires of bet being...
...Bo about the first thing an unemployed free man has to do to get within hailing distance of a place where the ghost walks is to acquire a second-hand Ford I have no statistics to prove it, but 1 have a hunch that Henry's five or fifty mtiliqp unemployed wore out at least that many million Tin T lilies looking for Jobs...
...Babette Hughes has an interesting bit of verse-satire on a subject that scarcely deaervee the extended treatment (Christopher MDrtoy) Mencken ban to overdone fat Meaockeneee...
...Speakers, writers, teachers, editors and organisers win find this issue invaluable...
...46 each)4 of which seme thirteen have 1 already appeared, are naturally of unequal merit...
...Yet scene times mothers do not use the surest means for britaring it to pass...
...Having exhausted his pulling power, John .proceeded to pack, powder .intocthe firing tube until be could pack no more...
...His mother, hearing bis wails, ran quickly from the bouse, noticed what the trouble was, and Immediately gathered hhn in her arms...
...Z wonder if the mflkman hears the sobbing leaves—the fragile tear* Mow dropping on the plots below...
...abort and simple annals of the poo*, approach the epic...
...Goldine Hillson I wouldn't question the quality of the winder snake a garland of sun-beeme...
...WhenJthey was all talking about Voltaire, you sat chore as dumb as CooUdge...
...The ram-rod stuck in tha ceiling after passing through that part of John's anatomy where his* brain waa supposed to be...
...We can either hand out temporary happineas because it is within our superior power to do so, or we can direct children towards achieving happiness by preparing them to solve their own problems' without the supervision of adults...
...You write about Intellectual snobbery, and some piqued member of the tribe sends In an unsigned clipping of the article with all the Ta" and "My's"' circled in it^ to imply that you...
...They say nothing secseeds like success end John bald aucseeded in getting that old shot out...
...IK t> Yet silence too is wholesome -food...
...The ordeal of-the pregnant woman, and the bk«Mi of the baby, occupies nearly half of the book, and it is written with something like genius...

Vol. 7 • May 1928 • No. 23

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Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.