Laidler, Harry W.

The Socialist Criticism Of Things As They Are The Unequal Rewards of Industry, Stupendous Waste and Unemployment the Three Chief Indict merits By Harry W. Laidler rTTHI8 is the third short...

...A/toire h no bops for the F. L. p. carrying ona cantoalgn for another ticket...
...This might be an extreme!, case but it Is a case that happens every day under private ownership of Industry...
...The present competitive industry has that far given no answer to...
...Pittsburgh Some sixty Socialists attended the bansuet Sunday, TCay IS, and contributed 1800 for the campaign and headquarter...
...The employees in the corporations of the eountq own only about 2 per cent of the steak The present Industrial system h a waj system...
...Socialists, has been one of the area causes of' international warfare...
...Denison Hotel...
...Staart Chase, former accountant for the Federal Trade Commission, in his brilliant book, 'The Tragedy of Waste" roughly estimates that one-half ot the labor power fax the United States is wasted, either in idleness or in the production of useless or anti-social goods, rt is his contention that if society will organise in the same manner as a social engineer would organise a particular factory, we could produce as much as is now being produced with the expenditure of about half as much labor...
...He led a powerful movement within our party In 1912 in favor of belittling political action and in favor of "any" means which meant, to the minds of every one, sabotage and direct action...
...Haywood's main activities were legal, and it was as head of the defense committee of the I. W. W. that he got into trouble in 1917...
...however, a number of defects...
...The May meeting of the State Bxecutloe Committee will be held at the State office, Poll Building, 23 Church street, New Haven...
...This h a minting which all members should attend* ¦ - Minnesota Party Giwwtng A state organisation of the Boctaltel Party is now practically certain...
...We realize that our present Industrial' system is a distinct step in advance -of anything that has gone before...
...furthermore, ton the present system of industry doss ad provide a proper Incentive to the a vera* worker to do bis best work...
...What are the men am) women going to do after they have ban ashaaetod la oar Intensive factory production and told they are no Ira was needed...
...Men fought each other with guns In their hands, and the class struggle meant something real to the workers there, not mere theories In books...
...The officials of the W. F. of M. were promptly accused of the crime...
...We find under our present Industrial ¦ eysSerrr ah unjust meoualltv of wealth and income exists...
...In my two former articles I tried to bring out something of what Socialists were after and to describe some of the changes in our industry which were making Socialism a logical outgrowth of our present day industrial structure...
...while he was paying very little attention to the party... General Motors or In the Radio Corporation America...
...Illinois Chicago Picnic The "Chicago Socialists are all set for a big turnout at their annual picnic at Rive view Park, June 10, when our candidate for President, Norman Thomas, will make his appearance In the "windy ctty...
...Thirty-nine eoate tok havtag no Socialist party organhatons win be represented to the nanves* ton by delegates selected sod invited iy the State Secretary, and frtendn etantoettons will be Invited te eoaj raternal lUlsgatse...
...and from there finally reached the consumer...
...We ought to roU up...
...Furthermost the praosnt capitalist system, say tb...
...Anyone wishing to became a member should get to touch with bun... lost their Uvea...
...Oompera, Debs and every element to between ««»~nwg shoulder to shoulder for Justice to the big one-eyed miner...
...Pries declares that shdhrasenssM of the awatotoa candidates h the only logical ttong to Oklahoma Jh renew lug his subscription to The New Leader Robert E. Lee of Blacker writes that he Is the BodabSt candidate for ConfMss/to his district -There are a hundrecf Socialists around me here" be writes, "who wash they could take the paper but they are notaaea^^Maar anf dahate ^tre/ too poor to even pay daw "who'dbttTI know what money to...
...That was "the honeymoon period of our movement When he died be was already a "•""••"irrt Socialist Party Plans and Progress Through The States .National ¦tadfra to anerraniaed eeamonaV ' aea desiring Information en hew te srganhM local divhdena of the Beeaalaa Party may obtain Instraettaasa, leaflets, charter applications, mexaOerahip cards, application cards and aS other necessary Infermatlen by aeenawtog Wniaaaa H. Henry...
...The second page carries news of toe branches, the Woman's Auxiliary, Young People's Socialist League, and the Children's Dramatic Club...
...Under the modem "form of corporation, I may ewn**iwlich I do not—a Uiwiukui'u 'tuiares fns the Standard Oil Company, in the>f-Unh*a States Steel r>mntnb...
...During the trial the I. W. W. was more or less quiescent, but after Haywood's acquittal in Julyv 1907, instead of throwing himself into trade union or party work, aa bad been expected...
...V. J. BosUnr secretary, and Roy Hoverter treasurer...
...We must go forward The question increasingly arises as to whether we- are going to permit private monopoly of the country's necessities or whether we are going to go forward to public ownership and control of our' -great industries...
...Socialists maintain that this inequality la responsible on the one hand for the development of the spirit of arrogance and snobbery among the members of the "House of Have" and on the other hand of the spirit of subservlance among the members of the "House ot Have Wots...
...Passions ran high, but solidarity was great...
...BnnisMata behove that a Uemeiatnua amount of dnejMratlnn could be flhntnatart by community and commodities and that such elimination of waste would mean more leisure to the mass of men and women to enjoy the beauties of clvuhaaUon...
...Pettlhone died in I all, Haywood was tried first, and upon bis acquittal Mover was released... help these western SO eantete w«to« financial contributions...
...Wa want to give Norman Thomas a big crowd to apeak to—we know he will do the rest...
...Take our delivery system...
...The Debs Branch will hold a social and ecture at the county office Saturday, rune 2, at 8 p. m. All friends whether nombant or not are invited to attend...
...The Inequality of Wealth Socialists contend, furthermore, that a cooperative system -would eliminate certain serious evils' found tn present day civilisation...
...What a commentary tt la on our civilisation that that stats of things should exist, a state which means hunger and want not only to the grown man and numbers of little children who are begging ptteoualy for bread before the empty larders...
...John, executive board members, were *ni%»rl th Idaho for the murder of Steunenbesc kiidCnapped in Colorado and' placed on trial in Boise for the crime...
...The grove has been much improved and a fine time is aslured...
...I miaht not know anything whatever of the conduct of these corporations, but because of my ownership and not because of my ability, my income streams to me year by year irrespective of my contribution to industry...
...A good attendance la expected, for there has been renewed Interest in organise talon work during recent months...
...New Mexico . ¦eelstart State Csnventtea - A* new local has been organised by the comrades In Roawell...
...Haywood, also, early became a member of the Party, and occasionally ran for office on the party's ticket...
...In 1906 a bomb explosion killed Rank Steunenberg as he was standing in front of- his home In Boise, Idaho steunenberg had been governor-of the state in 1899, during a particularly bitter strike, and his savage treatment of the men in the Coeur d'Alene region had been widely condemned...
...And thla, the SaHalist insists, requires sane sort of'a^Bochukdjystem eg h^ggjg production we find workers thrown" as the scrap heap at a much earlier age then tutntaarj...
...D„ of Michigan University, became his follower and the two men wrote a pamphlet called "Industrial Socialism" in which sabotage and direct action were openly advocated...
...Plans are also being made to further issaiilsatinn work throughout the state...
...From that time on his activities became more and more syndicalistic, less and less political...
...with recreation, our highways, our water supply, oar street cleaning system, our fire protection agencies and a host of other services...
...There were no pink teas, no courteous discussions over the right of collective bargaining...
...He baa a Job today and may be without it tomorrow through no fault of bis own...
...The Uncertainty of Employment The sorisnste criticise ejgjftsjhnt alio on the ground of the insecurity of fife under capitalism aa far aa the ordinary worker is wsnoernsd...
...There he was placed In charge of the ill-fated Kuabaa experiment, but that was a failure...
...I may be an imbecile or .a baby,,^, arms or I may live in...
...The prosecutor was William E. Borah, "Liberal" Senator from that state, and Haywood was defended by Clarence 8. Darrow...
...Under our competitive system we waste MMoaa of dollars to unnecessary advertising and -iltiamnt'—'V much of which la directed merely toward getting people to purchase one commodity done up to a blue package to stead of another commodlt dress id up In a ellow package...
...Jailed and often lynched for their pains...
...Then, on Monday, June 11, at 7 p. m., a large banquet will be held at the Douglas Park Labor Lyceum, where the Chicago Socialists will show Thomas that the "windy city" movement la on the Job...
...Chairman Selders, County Organiser Aulenbach and Darlington noopea were appotnttJdi as a committee to work with the ward organizations to s^ure suitable persons tor registration 9th and 11th Wards This old-time dependable organization has taken recognition of the importance of getting the women Interested in Socialist activities and we may soon expect an increase In activity as a result of the influence of women Socialists...
...Daniel de Leon likewise became active in the I. W. W., and within a short time, instead of a new form of labor organisation, the I. W. W. had become the American representative of the new French philosophy of syndicalism—that is, the Idea that the labor unions would grow so powerful that they would supplant the state, and where the executive council of the L W. W. W. would meet, there would be the Government...
...On Trial to Seise The Haywood trial was one of the most spectacular In - all American labor tilstory...
...New Haven...
...At that moment several mObon able bodied men and women are walktog the streets at* the great dues at our land asking tor the privilege of work which may mean Ufa itself and being denied that privilege...
...They it eurged to get in touch with the jaunty office...
...SortsTg*s believe that this unjust Inequality of wealth will continue so long as we allow the land, the natural resources and the vital industries of the country to remain in a few bands and that the only way in which the intellectual and the manual producer can obtain that which hit labor produces, as a mass...
...June S, at the Arsenate fjpuse, ,jM( Hanover street, Boston, at j& branch to urged Ja ?_-^--***kte"- Members at large are Invited-wtth a voice in all matters...
...Hartford The Socialists of Hartford are planning a series of street meetings...
...That was the end of Haywood's connection with the political movement...
...It means untold misery in the case of millions and idleness and superluxury and affluence In the case of the minority of the population...
...woman or child in mis country who works la decently shod...
...General Membership Meeting A general membership meeting win be ield Sunday, June S, at 2 p. m., at he county office in the Arcade Bulking The meeting Is ot great importance ind every member should attend...
...It places the workers to constsaj warfare socaaUmes open and sometime smouldering, with the owners and lead in many Instances to such tragic date ttona aa new exist in the state of Peao sylvan...
...Everyone can have a local ta his or her community if a little effort is put forth...
...John K Bala, 10 North 9th street, Minneapolis Is ta charge He will anil blsot Mdtions on receipt of requests...
...A suggestion for a special meeting in the near future for the purpose of entertaining women comrades is now receiving consideration...
...The Western Federation of Miners, however, had not been involved In that strike, and it was a surprise to all when Haywood, together with Charles H. Mover, President of the W. F of M., George A. Pettibone and Vincent St...
...A committee- of 100 is on the Job to make this picnic a success...
...July 14...
...When the war came the I. W. W. was largely a movement of the Itinerant workers la the West, who were constantly getting Into conflict with the legal authorities and requiring free speech fights to get them out...
...Indiana Sectanat State Cenvenrlen The Indiana Socialists will hold a state convention which will convene at 1 a. m...
...Its met to, "Bash for himself and the devil tsk the hindmost", when adjusted to to international situation, too often leads ft international conflict...
...Timbuctoo.or Calcutta...
...Just before the trial Haywood had participated in the organization of the I. W. W., expecting that an industrial form of labor organisation was the touchstone that would make so great a difference to the proletariat, that immediately the masses of workers would desert the A. P. of L. and - embrace the new irganixaUon...
...The result was a hot fight within the party, culminating in the election of Haywood to the National Executive Committee, a struggle in the Indianapolis convention to 1912 in which "Section Six", was adopted providing for the expulsion from the party of any advocate of Brime, violence or sabotage, and finally, in the recall of Haywood from the N. E. C. by a heavy vote of the party membership...
...Haywood was in charge of their defense, and it waa solely due to the insane hysteria of the day that he and over a hundred of his colleagues woe arrested and tried before Judge Landla...
...The German Branch The German ranch of Chicago shows progress because -they have some live, active comrades to...
...With the development of workman's' compensation laws and the passing of increased responsibility for accidents en industrial plants many flraa are making the wot km submit tea much more -vigorous physical examination than in years gone by...
...At their but National Convention, M. V. Hahishka...
...Emerges Aa Leader Early In the '90s Bill Haywood joined the Western Federation ot Miners, the union of metal miners not then affiliated with the A. F. of L. His natural qualities of leadership were so great that by 1899 he was on the General Executive Board and in 1902 he was General Secretary-Treasurer...
...Nominations must be in the State office before June 12... life was stormy, and his passing was so quiet that it was almost as if he bad fallen asleep...
...I declared that socialists, like many other people who believe in social change, were aiming to bring about a state of society where justice, equality of opportunity and brotherhood -would exist among men...
...He was a graduate of the Kansas State Agricultural Colege and followed mining nearly all his life...
...The Tragedy of Waste" The second count of Socialists against capitalism'is that it is extremely wasteful...
...He died May 8 at Gold Hill after a lingering Ulnsea at the age of 65...
...It is estimated that, in periods of prosperity, there are k million pnaiSiHl free or ate mflbon...
...that adequate Incentives might be given to the mam of people ta di their heat work and that clam and to ternaUOnal warfare might be a thing 0 the past, the present system of privsU monopoly should gradually be transformed to a system of public or social ownership with control by producers, uuieua era and technicians This cannot h achieved fat a day...
...2651 Waahingtea Boulevard, Chleaae, tWIneta InfarmaUen regarding ayeakStS...
...Haywood, however, had been elected to the International Socialist Congress In Copenhagen in 1010, and there be oame to personal contact with the French advocates of syndicalism, of the general strike and of sabotage...
...Tins win be the first Sunday after the primary elections...
...Under our conuieUUve system we an digging twice a*>many coal mines to toe soft coal district aa wa now need and we are wasting untold millions of dollars in producing unnecessary equipment and in keeping in idleness miners whose services are lequhed but one, two or three days a week...
...Haywood's great moment was 1906 when in his person the entire labor movement was united...
...New York...
...The L W. W. Chang aa The I. W. W. has taken at least three forms during Its lifetime...
...During the trial iywood was named for Governor of Colorado on the Socialist ticket, and he polled an excellent vote...
...By social ownership they meant ownership of industry by the community and, in some cases, by voluntary cooperative groups...
...Waterbwry A new local is In the process of organization, in this city...
...The Socialist Criticism Of Things As They Are The Unequal Rewards of Industry, Stupendous Waste and Unemployment the Three Chief Indict merits By Harry W. Laidler rTTHI8 is the third short article on the aims and Meals of modem Socialism...
...Bare thenaanda of miners*an now on strike for a decent wage pa tiently pitted against the mine operatea backed by the coal and iron ponce, acs state constabulary, the Judge with hi everrsady injunction, and most of to forces of organised society...
...It merely means that those who have the money have need for no more of these commodities and those who need these ngpanathn have noj, the wherewithal to purchase them...
...The value of the product poured oat from our factories tost year was far to excess of that before the World War and yet the number of workers employed to thorn factories was several hundred thousand fewer...
...that stock from my father or my grandfather without any effort on' my part...
...I also tried to show that- the community was beginning to take charge of certain services that were formerly left altogether to private enterprise...
...The unions he built always dissolved after a spectacular strike, even though the strike might seem to have been victorious Haywood, however, was always In the news, he was always being arrested and leading free speech fights...
...Does that mean that every man...
...The members organised themselves tor sen-protection and they got arrested...
...Washington Matter Price ot Ctatlook, formerly very active in the Farmer-Labor Parte baa written Bert Martin, the National' Secretary at Denver, urging hen toed the Farmer-Labor convention to Milwaukee on July 10 endorse the presidential ticket of the Socialist Party...
...Is decently clothed, has decent furniture in his home...
...New Haven "The New Leader" is on sale at Sachs Bros, newsstand on Oak street...
...He sends for literature and writes that he cannot do without a Socialist local wherever be may be...
...National Easeative Secretary...
...taJuead of^^atag *eiaa^ nod and ayalniwllnd as * 1* now la and toatsad of one snail man taking a street for has ssahjBMQMl and gotng in * systematic fashion from house .to house lowed our mailmen, when letters reached the ctty grab an of the mall they could gran...
...It is true that American- workers enjoy the highest wage rate to the world, tow as that may be compared with the ideal...
...When we turn to the statisticians 3f our government, we find out that several hundred dollars more than such 12600 are necessary in order to keep a family in decency and comfort...
...He became a Socialist In British Columbia 30 years ago, and In 1905 Joined the Portland, Oregon, local and his membership cards show an unb-oken record since...
...Under one ogsapottttso system, our manufacturing plants are overdeveloped...
...Oregon Charles Kolb writes from Portland that the party members are planning the work of nominating a Social at electoral ticket...
...It is expected that some prominent speaker from New York will address the delegates and friends at the banquet which will be held on the evening of June 23...
...Haywood devoted himself to I. W. W. work...
...California A New Leeal M. Duty, an active member of the Socialist local at Umatilla for a number of years, has moved to La Habra, and immediately gets busy and organism local...
...An attempt will be made to Increase this to $1200 by reaching others who were unable to be present...
...The branch donated $10...
...I may never have been near any ot the plants of the corporations, in jwhlch I am a stockholder...
...West Haven A new local has been formed here with Louis A. Colombo, 183 Park street, as temporary secretary...
...In the United States at the present time, 1 per cent, of the' population receive about 30 per cent of the income and own about 33 per cent of the wealth...
...The National Office baa been so notified by Murray E. King, who states that this local will grow and become a power in politics to that city...
...It is literally true that Haywood and the I. W. W. bad no particular Interest to the we...
...It is tragically true, however, that the worker's livelihood under capitalism is one of tremendous uncertainty...
...PfjulaBata oontond...
...The tentative pst> ram tochales m mass meeting on Pf 'riday evening preceding the conic maw •ad a banquet at Hotel Ten Eye* m tototrday evening...
...May 26...
...In periods of prosperity we utilise only three-fourths of our productive capacity and in periods ot depression we have iu use only about onehalf...
...It ls~trd*, on a difference in ability and productivity...
...Every Socialist In'Indiana should make it a point to be present and help make the state convention a big one and plan for an active campaign In Indiana...
...At nine years of age he had already tasted* labor In the copper mines, and at 16 he was a full-fledged workingman...
...Under our competitive system, to every city, he finds a senseless duplication of retail stores, each with their separate salesman force employed perhaps only half the time, with their separate accounting systems, their separate delivery systems and their separate overhead generally...
...The State Office has been changed from Wallingford to Room 82, Poll Building, 23 Church street...
...We are going to have a big crowd...
...I mentioned the (fact known to all readers of the New Leader that Industry in the past had aval red from chattel slavery to feudalists* and from feudalIsm to the present wage system and that under the present wsge system known, tw, capitalism, 'we had developed from a time when1 each" worker could own individually the too!s with which he worked to the time when the great industrial' machinery of the land was concentrated In the, hands of a comparatively ,few industrial and financial groups...
...The x>unty headquarters are located in the fifth Avenue Arcade Building, Room 108, between Wood and Market streets...
...10 per cent ot the population receive about 40 per cent of the nation"* income and own about 2-3rds of the Wealth, while the poorest 25 per cent of the population receive only 3 1-2 pet cent of the income and own only 3 1-2 percent of the nation's wealth...
...Chicago win give toe Socialist presidential candidate a warm welcome...
...In order say the Boris lists, that unjust inegnaatj of wealth might be eliminated, that heman energy might be conserved, that to workers might be secure to their lira lihood...
...that they beleived that society should be organised in such a way as to subserve the happiness of the great number, and they were of the opinion that this could be best achieved through the application of democracy to Industry, through the social ownership and democratic control of the natural resources and the principal industries of the country...
...We want Thomas to be encouraged while we enthuse the movement and begin our campaign for the fall election...
...Suppose that we tried the distribution of mail on the same basis as we distribute our groceries, our furniture and our clothing...
...The) Bjeytogjfwna vote if the ecnvwaUoast A Thomas for^Preddhnt Club hat aeen started at Harvard University --Him* York State State Secretary Merrill ¦'""itT— Oat toe repuamitation of organised count**} n ttas State Convention at Albany est * eoratiderahly increased over that er> gtoafly eatahfiahed by the State SsseJttve OOmaxnoag at its April Quoting i new baste of essareaentntian to be av •ehjtshod as a result of the eeaaeaeey >f members of the State Executive Oa*v ntttee wtth the Action Committee wB pve 'teta seal Weachester counties' s*<a m addtoonal delegate, and the adages ton from Greater New York win to oonfderabry increased...
...Michigan, Local Detroit annonnces the* there' win be an espertaWy important joint meeting of branches on Sunday, May *?, boamnring at J p. m. at to* Socialist Center, 527 HoUbrook avenue...
...Other states, please take notice...
...Is by transferring, industry from'private to social control...
...SO yeses of age and an increasing number are making the age limit 40 to tt, A recent Investigation tato the steal Industry brought out the fast tost hi the plants uwaattaated the average e$j of the worker was SI 2-1 years and that to toe ejsaeasBsai Industry the avenue age of half of the workers investigate was SO years...
...They of course did not advocate the abolition of private, ownership in consumption goods—In„ oto thins or personal belongings, or even<ef all Industry...
...Thh I*'the* problem that to put up te SociaJnrtx 'In other parts of toe country yj...
...We find In it...
...For the past few years he sat in his hotel room In Moscow smoking Innumerable cigarettes and waiting for toe end...
...On the other hand, we find tens of thousands in this hind who toil from morning until/ night and who obtain hardly enough to keep body and soul together...
...At that period, it was mainly a drive to organise the unorganised, Haywood showed himself a remarkable organiser in the Lawrence woolen strike, the Peterson silk strike, and other struggles, but in no case did he build a lasting organisation... of toe Illinois delegates to the National Convention, spoke to the members, giving a report of the National Convention and rnmting an appeal tor support to build a bigger and-better . P. 8. hi Chicago...
...For six years he was a museum piece In Russia, honored and respected and supported by the Soviet authorities as an American rebel although he was not even a Communist while in the United States...
...Each signature must be sworn to by a notary Having completed hie work m St Paul and MtoneanoBs Bmfl Herman a sneaking In other cKles and towns...
...It is now In its fifth Issue with the entire first page carrying a fine May Day article by Joseph E. Cohen...
...His death was in marked contrast to his turbulent life...
...Our unjust inequality of wealth has made It j impossible for the many to purchase the things whteh their labor produces sad thai InoFoTFai ntanHiij power means ta isjbf jBaU pgy-are thrown on the sets* tog to further . employment...
...Haywood grew up in that sort of environment, and that Is why his leadership of a section of the labor movement, is a story every page of which is smeared red with blood...
...They A~**rvt hafi rates of interest because of great rU and then demand that this governsam practically guarantee then against risk even at the point of the gun...
...W. E. Davis, 48 Belmont street, Hamden, Conn...
...Democratic control, they believed, could be achieved through giving*'the producers, the technicians and»4he Consumers adequate representation err boards of control of public and of cooperative Industries...
...In the years up to 1906 there had been many and bloody battles mainly In Colorado between the workers and the employers, the latter always supported by the state officials, the almost open warfare culminating in the destruction by i bomb of the railroad station at Independence, Colo., to whteh 2...
...Many factories are not sa> ploying new workers who are older than...
...He also writes that a stats' convention of the Socialists of New Mexico will be hek} at Roawell, Sunday, June 10, for the ¦purpose of nominating a state Socialist ticket...
...The W. F. of M. was then a radical organisation (now it Is known as the International Union ot Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers and is a part of the A F. of L.), and In those days it had a Socialist outlook, endorsing the Socialist Party, and with Its excellent publication, the "Miner's Magazine," edited by John O'Neill, conducted as a Socialist publication...
...Only by enlarging the purchasing power of the mit them to buy the product of tosh toil Hjf ff a steal regulation whteh would bring about a proper balance be...
...Some of "this difference in Income is based...
...Food went from the fanner through the hands of Jobbers, speculators, wholesalers and other middle men to the hands of over 20,000 retail stores, pushcarts, etc...
...It is' impossible to go back to the old days hi the past...
...Yon cant stop Magi 11 and you win bear from Kansas when the votes are counted...
...Massachusetts The^sntte Convention, to nominate candlrts oaa And draft a platform wffl as held Rue top...
...The whole Socialist and labor movement was united for once In the iefence of the men...
...a tomnaadana vote for them,'* Ks^sasuaa State secretary Rom Magfif 1$ back to the field signing up new members...
...The fourth page Is devoted to advertising...
...keep things going...
...The County Executive Committee is UTsnging for' three picnics at Ehler's Orove on Sunday, June 10, July 4, and Sunday, Sept...
...I may have- received part*io...
...William Dudley Haywood was born in Salt Lake City In 1869 of working class parents...
...The new officers take office July 1. Plans are progressing for the state convention which will be bald June 23 and 24...
...The booklet contains large pictures of our Presidential candidates, and articles written by Thomas, Maurer, HUlquit, Mayor Hoan of Milwaukee, Oneal, and many others prominent in the Socialist Party here and abroad...
...deliver a letter to one part of town and than whirl around to the second part of town and deliver the second letter and then go to the third part- of town and deliver the third letter Yon would say that was a pretty chaotic system of distribution and yet when we look at our present eoaspettnve system we and the same kind ot chaos...
...Haywood drew a 20-year sentence, and while out on appeal on $20,000 ball he fled the country, arriving in Russia in May 1922...
...The members all took a supply of tickets for the big June 10 picnic and June 11 banquet at which Norman Thomas will be the central figure...
...The third page is devoted to news of the Labor College and of trade unions...
...It Is estimated that, despite our unparalleled prosperity during the past few years that over SO per cent, of the people of the country belong to families whose income Is $2000 or less a year...
...This Commission estimated that If instead of distributing goods in this manner food and other commodities wont directly from the paaanoar to some couple of hundred aaukets situated in convenient porta of the City of New York and from there dhautty to the consumer, the people of the City of Mew York would save something Hke $180,000,000 to $300,000,600 "a year...
...Whose fault it was, whose lawlessness came first, the employers' or the workers', doesn't really matter Its cause was in the mountain air, the frontier conditions, the primitive way life was led...
...tweon In vestment hi new productive saachinerr and the ourttaniptesu of prntosta produced can toe pmtilam be solved...
...The county committee will have Socialists appointed as registrars in the precincts tnwVgavd the party first or second place er> ton haUot last November...
...A great deal of this1 difference, however, is based upon1-indifference tn ownership rather than** ability or In hard work...
...Every member should have one of these booklets...
...He had no formal education whatever, but he somehow acquired a remarkable command of written* and spoken English that aided him in bis later leadership of masses of workers...
...Pennsylvania Beading The new county committee has elected Stanley O. Selders chairman...
...I am very much pleased with" the nomination for President and VicePresident," he adds...
...Officers to be nominated, Secretary-Treasurer, Organizer, Literature Agent, Executive Committeemen, three Auditors...
...Ah Soda Hats and friends to- the state wfll be asked to cooperate in gatherina aignaturaa for the petitions to file candidates for the Socialist electors...
...literature, platforms, eta, ¦gybe abtabved trees the Nsllsasl Mountain States District From O. A. Kennedy, Secretary, comes the following: w "I wish you would make a special mention In the party news of the death of Comrade C. H. Abercombie, our secretary for the past six years at Gold Hill, Utah...
...The dominant, fact of his life, the one thing that fully explains his whole career, is that in the west in his day (and in ours as well) the.class struggle raged raw...
...A committee on Foods and Markets in New York State about a decade ago made a survey of the manner in which New York City was supplied with food...
...Hamden Secretary Davis of the local has on sale copies of the campaign booklet issued by the Socialist Party, price 36 cents each...
...The trial ranks as an epic in American industrial history, and In a sense it was the trial of the whole labor movement...
...Thay win ten -you that their granfathers tod money 'heeaose then- fathers saw tt...
...Its great ermwajc groups are constantly found artejto: pusaure to bear upon their leapeUle governments to send the army and aaVj to undeveloped countries to —*rf*~ their investments...
...This has been the case for the most part with our school system...
...In our present day .industry most workers have m share either in the ownership or In thj management of Industry...
...We are told that one of the reasons for the present unemployment la that American workers now produce too much...
...The comrades at Gold Hill write that they will carry on the work he had hud down...
...This aha presents an increasing problem of tosteurlty to Hawaanda of workers, tt team likely that only under a system of industry toe main ideal of which t* hnaea happiness rather than private profits wfll this problem of Insecurity be pmpnh solved...
...Barry Thaw, for Instance, has never been noted for his contribution to Industry and yet because of his ownership of certain lands and stocks and bonds, be has been able to live a parasitic life and spend freely of the Income he receives year in and year out...
...Local Minneapolis now has over forty members and it has established regular mestmea for the second and fourth Wednesdays The date for the big ptenie has been set for June 24 with Mayor Hoan of Milwaukee and T. ft T-«**rTfT of Minneapolis the principal sneakers...
...We are told that our shoe factories, our etothkeg factories, our furniture factories, must dose dawn hanaesa there is no further demand for their respective products...
...Connecticut State Secretary Martin Plunkett has issued a call for nominations for State officers...
...A young Intellectual, Frank Bonn, Ph...
...Indeed, many Comrades boosted Haywood for President in 190$, and even in 1912...
...Philadelphia Philadelphia Socialists have accomplished something in the establishment of a monthly party bulletin, the Party News...
...It may take decade but it la a commonwealth, the Sociallata declare, toward which *"ir—"«y ¦ mairhlng and under which the grsei basic wants of workers wfll be substantially satisfied and their ideals of scjbs> ity of opportunity and freedom be aehtos"Big Bill" Haywood—Fighter I. W. W. Leader Dead in Moscow Devoted Life To Oppressed Workers of the West By William Feigenbaum WITH the death of "Big Bill" Haywood in Moscow one of the stormiest figures in the American class war in the past half century quietly passes out of the scene...
...This should be the case with every Socialist hi the land...

Vol. 7 • May 1928 • No. 23

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