SOCIALIST PARTY Af WORK New York Gty MANHATTAN ,> • .. f-S-12th AD. • tbe next meeting of thus btonau win he held on Monday, May 28 at the headquarters, 08 Avenue C. Harlem Branehee An...

...A committee voIUn•aered to go out and visit enrolled votjmi m this district with the purpose of j|2Jn¥ them to become members of the :^**Pfl Bromberg did some very good work « ff...
...Tbe Committee must have not only cash contributions, but contributions of Personal Service...
...Tbe office is at 156 th avenue, room 1057...
...On May 26, the circle will bold its charter dance", refresh men ts and everything...
...Speaker, August Cntessens...
...On'the Other hand, if the seven •ent fare is Introduced immediately, but he final determination restores the five -ent tare, what a Job it will be to repay to each of the five minion subway users he excess two J cent fares with Interest .ram the dates of such payments, as tbe xaort suggests...
...rsHier thun...
...It will wage a vigorous and unrelenting Ight for the rigru) of the people to run hen- own city for their own benefit...
...What a relief the SsJSSSnsn of that doctrine would be to the great mass of business men who have made imprudent contracts and are loeusg money under them..., at uie Hand OntkjaL its nw'inuiii,;»iticu arc to t^uic ap ior raancaaon oerore me enure asdoeiauon, as weu as uie Execuuve Committee of the New York League, are iarreacning to their significance to the radical youth of this country...
...Mor™ Porenbaum, candidate for Senate to fie 4th Senatorial District, will address tbe meeting...
...Friday, May loth ¦T 8.20 pm...
...Then, the Chairman introduced Louis P. Goldberg, the new Director of the circle, L. P. G. is a veteran of old circle 2 days and was accorded a real welcome by the newer group...
...5—As far as possible, this Association will pay 50 per cent of the cost of subscription whenever application is made to this Association by a young man or young woman, of Y. P. S. Tj...
...Of this the...
...Circle Eight Manhattan...
...Baseball at Picnic Tbe Brownsville Yipeels and party members will represent the Brownsville Cooperative Bakery to their baseball meet with tbe Finnish Cooperative Bakery...
...Coney Island ^<an enrolled voters meeting of this teach will be held on May 23rd...
...Street Meetings ^av...
...Etheh-ed *jan»tay, May 28th, 8 pjtn.—137th »U snd^Jth Avenue...
...The talk he owered at Friday's meeting, May 11th...
...On Friday evening... 7316 20th avenue...
...Any ,-j>»n*hMi ef the great city desiring an excellent addition to their educational *otrams would not go far wrong in enJtttojg tbe services of this fine oom2J**' J ( :'23rd A^ttov ' Sib except ianally west attended ' meet - fJJg of this branch war'-held on Monday fverung, May 14th, Oamrade Lotus Waldmsn spoke, on the Transit Question, and WsBiniUorn ware rsfcMJf for delegates to W* state convention, 8 j * & Canuusers visiting the enrolled So.fiaflst voters to the district brought in fetr good results... raise funds for the above purpose and to bring this column to the attention of youth Including Y. P. 8. L. members throughout the country...
...Able turnout is expected...
...May t4tfa at the Borough Park Labor Lyceum...
...Register before the first class starts...
...On May 27th the'circle "wiP return to a visit to Circle 10...
...Trucks WiU be lined to front of the Lyceum at 219 Sackman street, 9 am...
...Instated in the business of the evening .toll, be an address to the voters, urgjpg.them to join the Party, a report on toe recent National Convention snd tbe SaMBas af candidates dor the 17-and Jttfc Assembly District, 8th Senatorial District, tbe 6th Congressional District...
...The possibility and advisability of merging the B and 5th A. D. Branches will be considered at this meeting...
...this bsmoh ami hold a Theatre Party at Bsnry Millers Theatre...
...The SeetaBsts Wm Be There Once more the people of New Ydrk have entrusted their vital interests to wlv&te corporate greed and once more Ae people have«been fooled...
...The actual amount paid for X ia reputed to be about 820,000,000, sqd fae dividends received by the stockholders are to excess of 880,000,000... tbe Martinique Mansion, iMtb and Beck streets...
...A get-together Wifjl Williamsburg members snd sympathisers is being arranged and campaign preparations wui be started st this -4-14 AD...
...The investment of the stockholders is represented by the common stock of the company of a. face value of 835.000,000...
...Every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 7 to 10:30 volunteer helpers assist in sending out the thousands of appeal letters that make the relief Srork possible...
...w«Vs outlined arVwe... Eh branch on Friday...
...A sroodly number participated in the discussion, inoludinr Rose -Wilctatein...
...addressed this circle last Sundav on the need for tbe Young Socialist Organization...
...Commiuee to take charge of open «5 ajeettogs was elected and* the branch opects to start this work with to the pert week or so...
...MANHATTAN -3S&rd*y^M*y 19' • P-m.—12Tth St...
...New amplications for the Y. P. S. L. war* Obtained...
...N. Y. Transit The Legal Side (Cassavas* trass Pass S) The rrrf contends that ssbsf' ogam to its contract would amount ts usiOsratirsi at its potential profits.1 The court upholds the contention...
...So far, G. F. slid June Umansky seem to be...
...Over 15C Deople were present at the Sunday Mass meeting arranged by circle two...
...Ethebed Brown sad others...
...May 28, 8 pjn.—Sutter and Htosdale street...
...All comrades living in this neighborhood who are not yet'members are Invited to Uut aeettog...
...695 Witts way avenue, to be addressed by A. I Bhiplucoff and L. P. Goldberg...
...May 24, 6 pm.—Sutter and Ralph avenue...
...In the very near future a Joint meetdpn of the 5 -6th Assembly Districts will be bald at this meeting nominations will Be made for Congress and Senate...
...aa "Labor Saving Machinery as An Aid to Employment" was most illuminataig...
...Avery well attended and enthueiastfc f««tag of the 4-l4th was held tost Tuesday evening...
...There is no question in this strike that the Socialists are active in running it...
...Speakers to be announced...
...There will be another Genera1 League Hike on June 17th... this time, b" proceed!r"T a1"-"' to^enend»>nt Tin...
...May 28th...
...dtp furnished approximately one-half, while shout 8310,000.000 was burrowed from the public...
...He called on Emanuel Swltkes, Chairman of the Organisation Committee, to deliver the opening address on the general nature and history of the Y. P. S. L. William Thompson of Circle twelve Juniors talked an the Junion Movement...
...Meet at the Lyceum at 7 pan...
...The Young People's Department _ A YSutb'Paser TPHE Board oi knrecuuo of the T. P. a. c. l. r-uonaflttur Assouauon .act oaiuiday eveamg...
...fra^ t|aS-gjff '/Street meetings are * stag held in the & our branch and to lay the ground"^grk'^or an lnteush^4~airuw%n during "3rd A. D. ' This branch will hold its next enrolled voters meeting this...
...That we develop the present use of the space shotted to Tbe Young People's Department, to the extent of two columns weekly...
...educational and gripping...
...It is two lollars instead of four, one to be returned if eighty percent of the sessions are attended...
...The Emergency Committee has Undertaken the responsibility of helping to supply 100,000 families in Pennsylvania and Ohio mining camps with food and to keep them alive until they have won this strike...
...The Y. P. S. L. members have been called upon to give generously and consistently of their free time and to assist in office work...
...Seniors ' Circle Stx Manhattan...
...Tbe play is 'Our Betters...
...Which the toterborough operates under a lease...
...Etbelred Brown and ethers...
...6—By way of explanation: We feel that we can accomplish more, reach more young people and do .a , better, lob ^ir Socialism, by cconejattng'with The N«w twter rn the...
...Circle Two Brooklyn...
...Their Di -ector, Comrade Shulnaan, announcer, forty members and eight mascots' about thirty of the former and sonv of the latter being present at thr >ast meeting which was visited by th' Kxecutive Secretary who spoke tr them...
...Yet the "rights" of these stockholders ire held paramount to the interests of the city and of the millions of subway users...
...Whir* he baa so sorely MgleCted durtagrbis that term...
...Speaker, Etheh-ed BEOOEXTN _ J^day, May 18th, 8 pm.—Pitkin and Bristol street...
...AS kinases At lent tow...
...186 5th avenue...
...For tbe purpose of this computation be court accepts the company...
...Tbe treat of the evening was an Interesting talk by McAllister Coleman, who presented the latest developments to tbe transit muddle, to his own best manner...
...Admission 25 cents...
...Plans were perfected for a lively campaign in these district...
...The Russian Piroshke party and entertainment held last Saturday at the headquarters, 4215 Third avenue was a oeat success...
...brooklyn i 2-9-lSth A D. A Joint campaign committee elected at a recent Joint meeting of the branches ta the above named assembly districts met on Monday evening...
...Get off at the Moetiujt: Station on tbe Woodiawn Line (IRT) Circle 6— Lester Sbulman has re cently organized this Junior Circle So far every meeting has been of ab sorbing interest...
...1167 Boston Road...
...Btbrbed Brown and others...
...the only ones who have responded, last Sunday at 8, when most good Ytosels were turning over the other side for another bit of sleep, these staunch supporters of the great outdoors bansed away at three lively tennis balls...
...D. This branch will hold its next meeting OB Friday...
...Tbe Socialist Action Committee bar printed Transit Leaflets which are oi no use unless distributed intelligently The Yipsels, therefore, are to do th( job...
...The destination will be announced shortly Watch the New Leader...
...NomBetagV- for State Convention were made Ed plans for the campaign discussed...
...tbe next meeting of thus btonau win he held on Monday, May 28 at the headquarters, 08 Avenue C. Harlem Branehee An enrolled voters meeting baa been we been sent...
...Esther Priedatn will be the speaker...
...Next Sunday at tfhner Park is the day and place...
...He 1s followed by farmer Mayor Ryan, who announces his candidacy and enounces the principle of city owneriilp of the transit system...
...of which about 10 percent is represented by the property >f tbe city, which asks no increase, and none than 15 "percent is represented by Jie elevated roads, sa independent and esiag enterprise...
...Circle 13...
...Candidates far j™ various offices were nominated...
...Speaker... the headquarters of tbe loaoch at the Rockaway Mansion...
...and Seventh avenue...
...This money, a .check far 875.40 will be sent to its proper destination...
...May iitfa...
...The Circle is syjhig to Join Circle Two .to go to Ulmer Park and plav baseball with the -Finnish Cooperative Bakery, on Sunday...
...It figures on a net -eturn of g percent on the entire alleged value Of the property, disregarding' the Tact that too greater -part of the* invested capital is and can be obtained on loans if 6-percent...
...Arrange thus with Mhs Pax ton...
...It represents a great opportunity for a* < as-a party as well af for the Labor cause...
...Come down to their meeting .167 Tompkins avenue, a' 11 a. m. Circle 12—The Circle meets reg' ularly on Saturday afternoons at tnt 3rownsviile Labor Lyceum...
...The whole League was represented...
...The rate of tuition has been :educed for Yipsels only...
...All circle reos wfll please come and get these leaflets at the office...
...There will be a loint program...
...Ejue-next meeting wfll be held on Friday, May 25th...
...A-iong other things, a plan was made wherein active comrades wui spend one month to a circle other than their own, to aid to the educational work and to bring new ideas to these meetings...
...83C86UII Yearly May Be Tribute The proposed two-cent increase to the fare would yield the company about 828,M0.000 additional profits per year, but lie court Shasta to intimate that the sompany may Increase the fare even berond seven cents...
...When the next Mayoralty election xsaes around the Socialist party will -dao he there, tt wfll make its campaign m a platform • of outright municipal rwnersbip and Operation of the whole transit system snd of all public utilities...
...lath A D. An invitation has oeen mailed to the enrolled voters of tbe 19th A. D. (of which there are some 937) to attend a meeting on Hay Hth...
...As if to add' Insult to injury Mayor Walker already announces that he will run for re-election to vindicate himself uid to contbsuS the fight for the five isnt fare...
...We rw that this h***mi vfu rneet wf**i p"»*»,,«.*„<^ - uort wherew- •»f>;rt~«l -is gathered YOUTH BALLY One hundred and fifty yoaas - people rallied at the call of circle 2. Brooklyn, at a mass meeting held In the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, Sunday evening- This was the largest group that has turned' out at a Ylpeel circle meeting In many years...
...May 18th at the County Headquarters...
...On the basis of this comTUtation the court figures that the eam.ags of the company are short by about t50.0b0.000 annually...
...Enrolled Socialist voters to the 16th Assembly District will be invited...
...They were: 1—That the efforts of the Y. P. S. L. In establishing a medium for the expression of FREE YOUTH, be bound up with The New Leader...
...Tbe Interborough has operated rial...
...To supply this tUagwrt shortage a fare of nine cents or •ven ten cents would be required...
...Jack' Altaian opened the meeting...
...Help Wanted Norman Thomas sends this communication: "The Emergency Committee for Strikers' Relief is sending out a special appeal for New Bedford... bring the comrades to Ulmer Park, Again Teanis Some time ago, we mentioned the possibility of organizing a tennis group at tbe Central Park courts...
...aSgaJ*** a8th' * PJ»—106th street MdMadhun avenue...
...The Public Speaking Class that has already come to your notice commences Tuesday, May 22nd at 7:00 ).m...
...Proceeds will go to tbe Sunday School Fund... part of the meeting was sacrificed for the Interesting program...
...I earnestly hope that you can set some Ytosels around to address envelopes...
...3—That it be compulsory for every member of the New York League to be a subscriber to The New Leader...
...4—That this Association continue to function...
...Etheh-ed Brown...
...Another meeting will be held on TuesWwentog...
...All interested write to your executive secretary at 1 East 15th street...
...Junior* The Junior Young Circle Leagur Invites all junior Yipsels to attenc' the meetings on Fridays of the group tt the Amalgamated Cooperative Apartments, in the Workmen Circlf Schoolroom...
...A Good Idea Tbe Organisation Committee met and made several arrangements which ought to bolster up interest in si1 .he circles of the New York League...
...The cash investment of the stockholders ia thus equal to less than 10 persent of the city's investment and' less than 8 percent of the total investment...
...This Sunday Seymour Goodman will talk on thr Life of Kropotkin and His Work Mandel Freed has been elected as the new secretary...
...16th A. D. _ A .sell attended meeting wasrbjeld...
...sot farming enrolled inter* hi pert of the 15th and all of the l^s-toth Assembly District...
...Why can't we get together a Y. P. S. L. tennis team this season...
...Circle Eight's fifth anniversary was an overwhelming success... Comrade Gilbert K. Sackman, the 1th a. D., and the Socialist Party of Ukaaler New York, have a most able aaurade...
...Money was raised for the relief of the miners which was turned over to tbe City OEJce...
...Sat urday, June 2nd a banquet is being tendered Henry Sapkowitz for thr remarkable work he has done for tht circle...
...May 22nd...
...Winbunsbarg Branches VTS wen attended meeting of the WUauBsburg Branches was heM at the haaqouarters, 187 Tompkins avenue last .Jhursday, May 10th...
...7th A-D...
...Ettie Frauenglass presented an interesting treeUse on the Elizabethan Poets, accompanied with readings...
...He is a recent comrade and has already ooujmenced act Ive work...
...Pitkin and Bristol street...
...But even more phzsling than the theories and calculations of the court are '.ts reasons far issuing a temporary inunction...
...Speakers Jrt <wViiam M. Ptigenbaum and Louis njaiiligan...
...Within the next two weeks the enrolled Socialists in those districts will he invited to a special meeting tor the purpose of obtaining- their membership in the Party...
...Comrade Sackman is at the ¦st tone, lawyer, tesjcner and'engineer 1 JaWM * master of engineering, social mad Stherwiae, in every detail...
...To make it easier for members to pay the Special Y. P. S. L subscription rate, the Y. P. £. I. Publishing Association will pay 80 per cent of the cost of each subscription...
...valueton of about 8900.000,000...
...Comrade Sapkowitz has beer its leading spirit for a verv long time Conev Island Circle—Manny Swltkes...
...their correspondent and their director, Mrs...
...The circle is on the next lap for greater results...
...McAUster Coleman addressed - the people in his mirth provoking mantier cm tbe Transit Fare Increase...
...2—That Jack Wasserman of tbe Bronx Y. P. S. L. should be the Editor of this column, and should be assisted by Geo...
...Tisesday, May 23, 8 p.m.—64 th street Jhd 20th avenue...
...May 25th...
...The total ia vestment to the subways is shout 8SOO4I00.O00... of quite a number of copies leJ** bew edition of the Souvenir Con_YeBnon Journal, "Socialism of Today...

Vol. 7 • May 1928 • No. 22

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