AMUSEMENTS The Week On Stage By joseph T. Shipley A Season of Repertory ' 8TH9) Chae stetMetory Theatre, widen 4- Etas 'tis Oamsajie closed recently to gs en tear has, saoorsfng to figures...
...There win be dancing to the evening...
...This ta the gist of the decision of the Union of Technical Men, Local 37...
...Arrival of Labriola Spurs Italian Socialists Here to Action...
...The morning will be devoted entlrel} to sports...
...The trade has gone from a very highly paid one down to a level of where the average wage ia very low as compared to the organized trades throughout the city...
...will be the subject of Dr...
...Some Doctors' Shop Talk Case No...
...Mischa Levitxki, the pianist, returned last week from Europe for a brief visit home...
...Besides, t has been the opinion of the men that i flat percentage increase for all tbe echnical employees would do away with he usual favoritism that goes with tall vidua...
...He escaped the Pasetetft persecution to s dramatic runaway from Italy that brought him to Paris, France, whence he has corns to this country...
...B* that action, the C. T. and-L C wffi Snd support from its affiliated iniisn whose members have been, aawvare being, treated in both departments of the Health Center...
...AH those interested to corporation are invited to join...
...Comrade Norraen Thomas, Socialist candidate for president, has .also been invited to apeak at this meeting which will take place at Cooper Union, Sunday, Jane 19th, at 2A0 pan...
...2.—"The doctor, he says...
...An intimate operetta based en incidents in the life of Chopin and fsehlonod along lines which made "Blossom Time" so popular, goes tote rehearsal today under the direction of Messrs...
...tbe much discussed revival of Ibsen's masterpiece...
...Locations to picturesque Banff and Cat* | gery have been selected to fallow the scenes on the ranch...
...Some twenty oi more applications are now on hand fox the chartering of a branch in the 3rd A. D. Branch...
...The unfortunate thing is that they have this tremendous power over people—a power against which one finds himself quite helpless...
...The Health Committee sonants of seven members, among whom are such oldtimers to the labor movement ss Fred Gas, James Quinn, and E. Donnelly, who were pleasantly surprised when they saw the equipment and the establishment...
...Good service for nominal fees...
...Subscribe for THE NEW LEADER Central Trades Enthused By HealthCenter Committee That Invesigated Institution Brings Back Enttrasiaslic Report AT THE Isst msstthg of the Central Trades and labor Council the Health Committee of that bods mastered tta report after having visited 8Mb the BteOV ical and Dental Departments Of khe Union Health Center...
...3.—"Gonorrhea is no worse than a bad cold...
...Dusoiina Glannlni has completed her season with the Hamburg Opera Company and is now giving guest performances at the Berlin Stadt Opera...
...The machine process which has...
...The Italian Socialists of Greater Hew York gave him a reception and dinner last Monday night, where be spoke for the first time, conveying a message of greetings from the exiled comrades living in Paris...
...On Thursday evening...
...Owing to the absence of Clare Eames, Miss Le GalUenee's promise that she •would alternate in the title role of "Hedda Gabbler" prevented tbe presentation of Jean Jacque Bernard's "Invitation Au Voyage," which wffi be given nest sea son...
...The following appeared in an article published to The Advance of April 27th...
...An workers employed to tbe gold and platinum Jewelry shops of this city are invited to attend this meeting and are urged to come direct from work to the nail...
...147 More New Applications For Membership Received in Few Weeks IT thSTfteetfng ot the City Executive -™ Oornmltlee fast Wednesday, 47 applications for membership were passed upon...
...His Master's Voice" and his first records have been acclaimed in the English press as being among the best piano records ever issued...
...developed very rapidly throughout the trade has created a problem of unemployment that has brought with ft many evils never before known to the jewelry trade...
...Harold JOnnsrad and Sylvia Hoffman are still with the play and doing splendid work...
...The slogan has been raised that for 4900 technical men, a minimum Of 400,000 signatures of Voters will be gotten to protest against the treatment accorded these men...
...A mechanical laboratory and an x-ray department...
...So he wants to show he can speak on other subjects as well...
...The Good Hope," Heljerman's grim tragedy of the Dutch seaboard, was runner up, having been played thirty times lass than the favorites...
...More details will be announced to the next issue of the New Municipal Employes Start Cooperative...
...A musical program by Genevieve and Zelma Kaufman has been arranged...
...After the meeting that evening our branch in the 22nd-23rd Assembly Districts reorganized...
...This feeling has only recently manifested itself to any great extent as there were a great many of the workers who bad not up until this year felt the pressure of conditions to the trade... to 3ryant Hall, 725 Sixth Avenue, between list and 42nd streets...
...Case No...
...Meal Hart ' will direct tbe picture as well as play the male lead...
...Zena Spec tor, Recording Secretary...
...Labrlola, for Friday evening, June 18th...
...On March 8th these men met at City Hall in protest and were told that the Mayor and the Budget Director would take care of their interests...
...Miss Le GaOienne's next season, strengthened by the loyal support of the thirty thousand members she has already recruited for tbe theatre, and the new ones who wHI be added ta the drive which continues till next fall, wfll undoubtedly mark another great advance to the growth of the Civic Repertory Theatre...
...Matteotti Meeting Planned Professor Artaro LabrUa's arrival M this country has spurred the Italian Socialists to increased activity...
...Miss Cowl has been appearing to this play without —'-r'-y a ain' gle performance since January 17...
...At a meeting held last Thursday evening in Washington Heights a score of new members were obtained and the members of a former branch in this district were also present...
...He wUl return to this country next January for an American tour...
...Comrade Max Delson was elected organizer;- Dora Delson Financial secretary...
...These are actual experiences of a number of workers', members of" the Amalgmated- True that these easts occurred te Cincinnati, but we have reason to believe that in this instance New York is not an exception...
...Co-operators Ready For Frolic Sunday at Ulmer Park, Brooklyn Consumers' cooperative organizations :n and about New York., doing a business amounting to $3,500,000 a year, have planned an all-day festival to be held in Ulmer Park, Brooklyn, this Sunday on May 20...
...He told me that I would be totally deaf to two months, but that he oould .keep this from becoming permanent If I would pay him three hundred dollars at once...
...8 New Party Branches Being Started in N.Y...
...organised) labor of New York will not only use the- facilities of the Union Health Center,- but In accordance with resolutions passed at previous conferences, it wlil ahsr share to the management of the Institution...
...All this is evidence of the remarkable revival In our New York City Organization...
...AMUSEMENTS The Week On Stage By joseph T. Shipley A Season of Repertory ' 8TH9) Chae stetMetory Theatre, widen 4- Etas 'tis Oamsajie closed recently to gs en tear has, saoorsfng to figures received, pat fa a at asm of strenuous work...
...On June 6th she will sing at the Baden-Baden festival and on June 12 and 13 at Cologne at Rbenische festival...
...Hale Norcross Lionel Hogarth, Chat...
...Then they saw the Dental Department, a huge loft occupying almost a block to length...
...Fluoroscopic examinations...
...Prominent speakers, well known to the labor movement will address the (nesting...
...his health problems... TJfa film based on the Russian play, "NJu" by Ossip Oymov, and featuring Emil Jannings, and Conrad Veidt, will be seen at the 55th St Playhouse during...
...Berlin" remains at the Fifth avenue Playhouse...
...Morris H. Kahn, M.D., will speak on "Sex: Its Newer Biological and Psychological Aspects...
...New York City...
...At the 9 o'clock open forum, Dr...
...The dogs are still dancing at the 48lu street Tneatre...
...Over two months have elapsed since that date and the Increases have not been granted...
...who ooens in that part in the London production of the pray on Wednesday night of this week...
...The following important unions have already affiliated with the Health Center: the Sheet Metal Workers Union, Printing Pressmen No...
...Continuing a summary of tbe season's events, to addition to the seven plays held over from last season's repertoire, five new plays were presented this season...
...Now that the park has passed Its twenty-fifth birthday there is no doubt that it will remain tbe greatest amusement center in tbe world, it still is the old Luna Park, ever-old, evernew...
...May 22nd, at 6 P.M...
...Jewelers Called To Mass Meeting Thursday, May 29 A mass meeting for all jewelers, setters, -ngravers, polishers, tool makers, press iahds and other workers employed in he making of goM and platinum jewlry to this city will be held on Thursday, May 34th...
...This has helped to aggravate tbe serious plight of the underpaid technical men and has caused tbe feeling amongst these employees that they are not getting fair play from the executives of the City government...
...Jessie Ralph...
...The plays presented include "The Good Hope," "2X2 Equate ST by Oustev Wled, "The First Stone," the gsMSiasa play by Walter Ferris, which was nest to popularity to "Tbe Good Boas," "Improvisations to June," from tbe German of Max Mohr...
...A meeting for this purpose has ben called in the home of Comrade Frank Smith—73 East 7th Street, Bkiyn...
...The increases were voted for the year 1926 and should have been given out on January 1, 1928...
...This is encouraging...
...Perhaps the mosti pathetic feature of sickness is tbe inability of the average worker to cope with...
...This is another section of the city where we have had no functioning branch for many years and sometime in the next couple of weeks another branch, organization will be effected in the 21st Assembly District, Kings County and in Astoria, L. L MURTHY TO.LECTURE We are informed that Timothy Murphy, the firebrand,' 1* going to speak on a sweet subject at last...
...In order to tell the city what has been going on and to make an appeal over the heads of the city officials who'have neglected their infer est*,' the technical men, through the Union of Technical Men, Local 37, have decided to print and circulate petitions amongst the citizens of oar city...
...Cedric long, secretary of the Eastern States Cooperative League will be the principal speaker...
...He baa no means of appraising the ability of the man who is hte medical adviser...
...These along with over a hundred other applicants sent to the Socialist Action Committee signed by Comrade Jacob Panken, showed the largest Increase in membership daring any one month for several years...
...Hence, the selection of Beauty, Life, and Sex aa his topic for Sunday evening, May 20th...
...There was, however, a slight disagreement with the weather man, and Just out of spite* that gentleman sent a pretty brisk breeze...
...Herman Bernstein and Adolph E. Meyer are the translators...
...Tbe^lOg* of June, thtt anniversary at Use MdtMStJ Martgvdoinv the Italian Socialists will netd a memorial meeting with Professor Labriofa aa the principal speaker...
...Increases, where one man is liven a larger increase because of politcsl favoritism...
...Physio-Therapeutic Departments, presided over by a specialist, and served'by a nurse of long training and ability...
...In conjunction with this the , Playhouse wfll also present Harry Langdon in "His Marriage Wow...
...when it Went oh record criticising the unwarranted delay in distributing the $800,000 salary increases voted the technical engineers of the City last October...
...He is already booked with many orchestras and for recital appearances in England, Holland and Scandinavia...
...Eight new branches are in the process of organization...
...The members of the company include Ri: c.hie Ling...
...Since tnere are quite a iew ±\ew Yorkers that have not yet learned that Andreyev's masterpiece, "The Walts of the Dogs" is being presented by a splendid cast, the play looks as if it is in for oulte an indefinite run...
...The Board of Estimate will meet for the last time on June 7th and then adjourn for the summer...
...1926 at 6 P.M...
...An analysis of the following figures which hti9htns the total number of performances this season at the Civic Repertory Theatre, seem to show that despite the great ballyhoo made over Ibsen, his plays have been given least, while "The Cradle Song," last seasons' hit, continue to be tbe theatre's most popular offering...
...He uses scissors...
...This meeting is the second of s series ->t mass meetings that art being, held for he purpose of bringing back into the Union all the workers of the trade...
...Ltd., for their production of "Retribution...
...labrlola's Baswjaet The Italian Socialist Branches with the cooperation of the City Office of the Socialist Party are arranging a bag banquet to honor of Prof...
...At one time the trade enjoyed the distinction of being ads.of the most exclusive, highly paid aad skilled trades to the country, rjtiangtil methods of production with the introduction of machinery and cheap unskilled labor hat brought a great portion pf the trade down to a level where km wages and uncertainty of employment prevail...
...I never dreamed Slat I would find so well equipped a place," said one of the Committee...
...Italy France, Holland, Sweden and Norway...
...Odette Myrtll has been engaged for the role of George Sand, and George Baker, recently beard to "The BeggartOpam far Chopin...
...Another branch is being organized in the Rockaway Beach Section of Queens County...
...Labrlola attended the Italian Branch sssostsa...
...In addition to these tea characters, other historical figures appear in the play, among them Meywnav...
...I can cure you with drugs that you can take by mouth...
...I do not think, they expected to find the place so fully equipped with x-rays, mechanical laboratories where urine, sputum and blood analyses are made...
...The anion is at present growing very rapidly and a spirit of revolt against the intolerable conditions to the shops is growing among the workers...
...The Commonwealth Cooperative camp, called "Wocolona," is situated on a hill overlooking the lake, with a wonderful view of mountains for miles around...
...Arrangements are being made to make this s grand affair...
...and "Hedda Gabler...
...There are also numerous calls coming into our office daily ' from sympathetic persons ' and scores of comrades who dropped out of tbe Party during the Communist troubles of 1819 are working to be reinstated...
...THE BRONX FREE FELLOWSHIP "WIH Another War* Benefit the Labor Movement...
...Life extension examination...
...6.—"The other doctor scared me very badly...
...The Union officials have met regularly with the Budget Director and other city officials and have urged action at all costs...
...5.—"The doctor said my boy only bad growing pains to his legs...
...On June 15th she will begin ber season with Covent Garden...
...He made seven appearances in London, appeared with the London Symphony orchestra, the Berlin Philarmonic the Hamburg Philarmonic, tbe Budapest Philarmonic, the Oslo Philarmonic and the Amsterdam Concertgebow orchestras...
...The score, as one might be led to believe, is not made up I of the music of Chopin, but is an original one by Karl Ha joe, composer of "Nat Js " Various compositions of Chopin, however, are utilised in the score...
...The operetta, tentatively known ss "Chopin's Romance" has been adapted by Barry B. Smith from the European work of Sigurd Jobannseu...
...With the additions to her east already announced, ADa Naarmova, Lao Bulgakov, well-known as a member of the Moscow Art Theatre, Mary Morris, and Mua Mooney, who was here with the Irish players...
...51, Hebrew American Typographical union, and many others are in the process of affiliation...
...Tbe intense exploitation has now become general among all of the workers with s corresponding Interest and membership ta the Union...
...and the camp plana such up-to-date equipment as is found in none but the most expensive summer resorts...
...Tbe tiasaeSiati's enthusiasm impressed the dhhsjasss tosueb an extent that the Secretary was Instructed to secure a rspresentaOve af the Union Health Center te address the delegates at its next meeting, ft la no longer doubted that the Central Trades and Labor Council wfll Snouts* Oh* institution and recsmmend te the local anions their »ffm°tj"Ti with that body...
...Their first undertaking is to provide for a summer vacation at ss low cost as possible, and building is already under way on a 380 acre campsite which has been purchased en Lake Walton...
...In the afternoon there will be singing by choral societies and individual entertainers, classical and novelty dancing, organized calisthenics, and stereopticon views of the establishments of the various societies...
...Failure to give the increases out In the next few weeks means that the men will be deprived of their increases until some time In the Fall...
...After a short discussion it was apparent that our Washington Heights Branch will again function and that plans will soon be perfected for an aggressive membership drive and campaign in this part of the City...
...On Monday evening...
...This would have eliminated piling up work on the Budget Director, figuring out individual Increases...
...all subjects discussed at ttie Ingersall Forum (113 W. 57th street) an economic interpretation, and the boys at the Forum tell him he can see things from erne angle only...
...Socialist, labor and liberal elements will participate to it...
...Although the second season did not include such outstanding presentations as the first with its "Three Sisters," "The Master Builder," "John Gabriel Borfanan," and "Tbe Cradle Song," tt did much to uphold the dignity of Eva Le Oalaanne'a downtown theatre...
...He held the portfolio of the Labor Ministry to tbe Giolitti premiership in the Italian Government to 19S4...
...Food and refreshment service will be given throughout the day...
...1—"When I asked for a physical examination the doctor told me that I looked all right now, but to come back if I ever got sick and then he would examine me...
...E^at^fe .., IN BRIEF Luna Park Silver Jubilee May 12th found Luna Park all set for its silver jubilee...
...Barrv Jones...
...The property Includes nearly two thousand feet of lake front, where ihere will be bathing and boating...
...His first European tour included nearly fifty appearances and embraced England, Germany...
...That will mean that a year will have elapsed since the Board of Estimate voted the increases, and for some unknown reason the- distribution has been stalled and the interests of efficient city government neglected...
...Petal at at suehH feats, almost superbaas in to dhust tOsgls banded, as playing three-of nsnsrs masterpieces in one day, and of staaEftg a drive- for two iMinawed thousand skembers, Eva Le Gallstone, the theatre's doughty bead, managed to snatch for herself such an honor as tits wanting, of" the Pictorial Review award ot 9*sO80 tat the moat outstanding achievement of the year, and a place on the Nation's Honor Rale, as the woman who was outsjsiiillng to the Drama...
...There notion pictures of the camp will be •hown and the plans and aims of the cooperative will be discussed...
...Needless to say that titers are exploiters and fakirs in the medlaal profession as there are ta any other group or society- The desire on their part to make good is not always based oat the merit of their work, but oq...
...The Brooklyn Finnish Workers Club Band and the United Workers Cooperative Mandolin Orchestra will furnish instrumental music...
...Twenty-four chair units with competent dentists in charge...
...Questions arid discussions from the floor win follow...
...Arrangements are being made to broadcast the musical numbers with loud speakers to all parts of the park, an Innovation to out-of-door picnics...
...Monroe, Orange County...
...Yes, you have cancer all right, but I never believed in operations...
...The Influence which most doctors have over the average man and woman Is appalling...
...The fight for better economic conditions does not necessarily Include the preservation of the greatest asset labor has Its health...
...Case No...
...Under tbe title of "Oktobertag", this latest play of Kaiser's ts running very successfully in Germany...
...Barbara will leave at once for tbe Prince of Wales ranch to Alberta where most of tbe picture win be filmed...
...That ts why organized men and women are beginning to use an Institution where they get honest advice and information...
...I found out from a friend who went there that indeed he don't use a knife...
...Comrade Lahriola, a well-known International figure in the Labor Movement has come to this country for s lecture tour and to help the Italian Labor Daily, H Nuovo Monde, get on its feet...
...Levttskl will spend part ot tbe summer here and will return to Europe late In August to resume his tour there...
...Gustav Blum win present "The Phantom Lover", by Georg Kaiser early in September...
...Raymond Hitchoock and John Daly Murphy are announced as additional members of the Players' club which is to present "Tbe Beau's Stratagem" at 'Hampden's Theatre the week of Juiie Jane Oowi, who is this week comi pleting h four months' tour of the principal cities on the eastern seaI board in Robert Emmet Sherwood's i "The Rop.d to Rome", returns next Mondey nisfht to the Plavhouse, for a limited enragement in this satirical comedy...
...As a rule, his faith in the doctor is boundless...
...Case No...
...He made records for the English company...
...However, there was a good turn-out, and the park looked welcoming With the kalMajrcope" tower throwing its head high in the air, the giant crescents lighting up the avenue, and the millions of lights that make Luna Park the nightless playground...
...Murphy is in the habit of givta...
...I am quoting the following cases because they illustrate what I have in mind...
...During the ' return engagement she will be suo! ported by the original company, the I onlv change in the cast being the sub| stitution of Sir Guy Standing in tbe role of Hannibal in place of Philip ! Mertvale...
...Disinterested physicians who give to them the best they have—their knowledge and experience...
...This institution Js1, the Union Health Center...
...I have always maintained that a union can and should do what any fraternal society does...
...Next Fall Miss Gianninl wfll again sing at tbe Hamburg and Berlin Opera houses, as well as at the Budapest Opera and will tour the Continent in recitals...
...Husbands Or Lovers...
...Camp First Project Believing that cooperation is one of the best ways to meet the well-known high cost of living, a group of municipal employes have banded together and formed the Commonwealth Cooperative which has opened offices at 136 Liberty Street, New York...
...Her original emragement at . the Playhouse extended over a period of exactly one year...
...Through this cooperative'organisation a most beautiful •Acailon and week-and camp will be nide available this year, and later varies other co-operative enterprises will be started...
...Leonora Sparkes with Frederick Cheeswright will offer an evening of Schubert program on tour next season, featuring the composer's songs and piano compositions...
...Later the union doctor removed some packed-to ear-wax and now I hear aa well aa I ever did...
...But that only shows what labor can do when it wants too," said another...
...All the advantages of this cooperative venture win be explained at a meeting to be held In Labor Temple (14th Street ind 2nd Avenue, Room 42) on Tuesday -vening...
...City Engineers Will Put Up Fight For Wage Raises "The city engineers win not be robbed of their klcreeaai without a fight for their interests by the Union of Technical Men...
...Membership to the Commonwealth Oo.perstlve Is open to all who are not xplolters of labor...
...I am convinced that before long...
...I The Universal Pictures Corporation have loaned Barbara Kent to the British Canadian Pictures...
...There really was nothing else but enthusiasm for the Committee to report...
...Included to the organisation is members of the Eastern States Cooperative League are cooperative apartment enterprises, restaurants, bakeries, food and clothing stares...
...Case No...
...the waek beginning Saturday, May 19th...
...Brokaw and Joyce Carey...
...Michael Mlndlin, vnanaging director of the Fifth Avenue Playhouse Group, announces that "The Light of Asia , I dealing with the lffe and customs of early India, will be presented at the Fifth Avenue Playhouse...
...Including the repertoire of last year, there were 904 performances in all this season, seen by about 180,000 people...
...In view of these quotations, is it any wonder that union man and women are beginning to depend mare and more on their fasders to secure for them not only higher wages and shorter hours, but for health conservation as well...
...May 24th, another branch will be organized In Brooklyn in the territory of the lOth-llth Assembly Districts in the home of Comrade LotispP...
...He was professor of eeonoaay in the Naples University and Deputy to tbe Italian Chamber up to tbe time whan Mussolini abolished representative government...
...Kaiser is best remembered in this country as tbe author of "From Morn to Midnight" which the Theatre .Guild presented a few seasons ago...
...On Wednesday evening, May 16th, a branch was organized in the 12th Assembly District, Kings County...
...Dashes Snd long distance running, shotput, discus throwing, broad jumping, will be open to all members of any of the allied cooperative organizations...
...Comrades William Karttn, Louis P. Goldberg and Harry W. La Idler will be present and the enrollec" Socianst voters, comrades who have recently' Joined .and sympathisers are -invited to this gathering and there is no doubt that a good branch will be organized...
...The program will be similar to the cooperative festivals held' throughout Europe, where the cooperative movement is continually assuming a more important part to the economic structure...
...Case No...
...May 14th, a preliminary organisation meeting was held in tbe Sunnyside and Woods ide Sections at Long Island...
...imw much money they can accumulate, and in this they are not an exception to most business groups...
...Later, when he got worse, I found out at the hospital that it was rheumatism and a bad heart, both caused by abscessed tonsils...
...The hundredth performance of the o> rival of W. Somerset Maugham's wjasi comedy, "Our Betters," by In* OaSt and company, st the Henry MUlf TS a tie, took place Tuesday night, saw 16th...
...Leon Rosser Land's address at the 8 o'clock Fellowship Service at the Bronx Free Fellowship, 1301 Boston Road, Sunday evening...
...This is one of the most beautiful sections of country near New York City, within easy reach by train and auto...
...4.— "He advertised that he could cure rupture 'without the use ot the knife...
...which rale has been entrusted to MBS «8aaan...
...Special clinics for surgery, nose and throat, gastric, gyneological, eye, orthopedic and nerve diseases...
Vol. 7 • May 1928 • No. 22