Westervelt, Isabel

A PICTURE OF AN OPEN-SHOP TOWN Married Women Workers at $16.50 Weekly—$1,000 a Year The Top Figure in Binghamton, Endicott, Johnson-Meaven By Isabel Westerreh "TWO umon^'men WMlheTOrgo poklng...

...Median earnings of Industrial women ia Btaghamtoo were 8881 in the than aaat...
...after this has been oompteted...
...Hoover and appeal to him to behalf of the mflU-' cms of starvtog women and cruldren of the country...
...They increased by 21 last year making a total of 61 on January 1, 1928...
...Hoover Issued bis "With my compliments they could go to Hell...
...It will become an...
...Texas J. C. Yancey of Port Worth dropped to at National Headquarters with a big ¦mile and doalsrod that there is tots of life in the Socialist movement to Texas...
...The details of this occurrence were reported to a semi-official dispatch under date of Daoambar 27, 1918, L e., during the Christmas, holidays...
...he's binghamton and binghamton is openShop, pretty near one hundred per cent...
...this surplus capital has had american capitalists sitting up nights worrying'as to what should be done with ail the money'at their disposal...
...Foreigners may merely regret that Americans will only participate in large but simple undertakings but they hare gone further and shown resentment that these American capitalists have taken it upon themselves to dictate a return to the gold standard...
...he has made application to do organizing work for the party with the hone that we will be able to place him to new mexico and arizona...
...It Is a city not yet so large' as to be overhardened, with problems of overcrowding and congestion...
...the economies effected by technological improvements and mergers have added to the pile of idle gold...
...Hoover prides himself on being of "Hun" stock...
...in the preface of the report, the state investigators say...
...That's going some...
...the most remarkable thing about the growth is the part played in it by foreign securities...
...These figures, however, do not give us an adequate idea of the extent of American investments...
...Apparently, now that Europe is getting on Its feet, American capital Is shifting to its old standby, the countries-of Central and South America...
...It is only as Europeans under financial pressure or inducement lose their reluctance in European corporations that American capital, will plunge mom heavily into the private investment field abroad...
...genealogist, who wrote the committee that Wayne County, ti^fam, alone, could contribute 1000 distant cousins, while nearby counties in Indiana and Ohio would, furnish many thousands more...
...and at the Boston University School of Religious Education on May 25...
...and the tremendous contrast between binghamton and the surrounding cities in regard to married women at work indicates to the merest economics novice that the men workers are not paid enough to support their families...
...During the war this was overcome In the case of the Royal Dutch company,, The original foreign internal share certificates were deposited in this country and against them were issued certificates of deposit in the American form, which were then traded in on the Exchange...
...number of issues increase take the number of issues listed on the exchange, for example...
...here they axe registered...
...Cammans has been giving his time and spending his own money to get this work done...
...Many financial authorities have visited the exchange to study methods of operation...
...In Binghamton Is the large painting plant of VaU-Baliou, the scab plant where are Ironically printed so many books by liberal and radical authors...
...When ¦we find an organizer hanging around, we run him out quick...
...Last month,' for example, there were put on the last the United Kingdom of great Bripata and ireland 4 per cent...
...These figures are based on 1.29* wiisti who had heaa employed a year me more by their firms and who had worked at least 44 weeks out of the year...
...dally bathing, swimming, -and other active exercise wm be relied upon far more than medicines or drugs to keep the young bodies fit...
...I per cent $1,504 or mote...
...Philip Troup, candidate for Mayor on the Democratic ticket tost fan wm speak for the Democratic Party...
...This is one of the states which needs immediate attention, and we want our members everywhere to know that our work within these states is the business of every one of us...
...who with them, as well as for them,'win translate the practical daily problems into terms of an educatieriel philosophy...
...They Intend to scatter these an over the state...
...They are going to have a fun ticket...
...Even Russia Cesses to Study...
...Oood old Open Shop, the Ideal of The New Capitalists...
...n*tw*i*i imperialism Manumit, the "Labor School," Hold Summer Classes To Train Teachers By Nellie M. Seeds IN response to the widespread demand for teachers trained to the new experimental methods, the Mamimlt School of Pawling, New York, will run a Summer sesaton from July 9th...
...Joseph W Sharts, nominee for Governor, Is planning a tog speaking campaign...
...Bartholdt reminded the public of Mr...
...Chicago, Illinois...
...the report continues: "Figures on a year's earnings show what worker* can actually count on In the long run to meet the cost of Uving...
...Good old "Q...
...Little attention has been paid, also, to shares of foreign enterprises which have been Issued as ordinary American dollar registered share certificates...
...last year the foreign issues amounted to only 10 per cent of the total, and the year before 8 per cent...
...the hall for this banquet wm seat 500 people...
...Hoover's bunumitarton expression of Dae...
...great interest is now being taken here in the movement of foreign stocks and bonds on their home exchanges, because of the large holdings of american capitalists...
...Where Hoover Comes From SOME time 4gq former rwigrsauium Richard BartholOt caUad attention to the fact that In 191$ during the dark lays of famine and -starvation in Germany tmmedtateb/ after the signing of the ar* nfistice, the Cterman Republican Government delegatart Dr...
...minneapolis socialists want either norman Thomas or Victor l. Berger to speak at the picnic...
...Representation wfll be enlarged to Include every county of the state, If possible, and it Is planned to have it surpass the Albany convention of IPie m every respect Headquarters wm be the Ten Eyck Hotel, where the large, dining room on the mata floor wm be available for the sss¦tons...
...Circulate Petitions...
...Among recent visitors have been the President of the Berlin Stock Exchange, representatives of foreign central banks and—shades of Karl Marx!—a commission of inquiry representing Soviet Russia...
...of mar...
...In 1740, would reach 947^56 If they could be found...
...the next meeting wm be held monday evening...
...ttonal Convention...
...own their own homes...
...In 1925 the situation was unproved by the establishment of a special set of listing requirements for foreign governmental dollar bonds...
...Get signatures without delay and see that petitions are returned to C. H. Cammans, Box 30, Boise, not later than June 15...
...of the 2,588 stocks and bonds listed on january 1, 1928, 310 or about 12 par cent were foreign...
...Sponsored as It is by a group of trade union leaders, workers and educators...
...now, the united states government by its rapid paying off of our national debt has thrown one billion dollars more upon the heap...
...they have bought foreign stocks and bonds...
...but the more they invest the mare money they make and the more serious grows the problem of disposing of extra cash...
...Certain governmental .Internal loans have also found a niche in the New York Stock Exchange...
...He's the Big Bow-wow around these parts...
...P.** Pretty smart taustoess that Especially when the T. W. O. A. arranges to have all the candidates appear to present their political causes aad yon ean get On the telephone and call off the meeting if the La PoUette speaker Is allowed to talk...
...Such consideration of the European financial situation would have been inconceivable before the war...
...albany-v.- 14,475 • j^u m bingharrrtbn 4 " -8.352 -2.878 31.8 buffalo 49,798 > 6,166 10.4 elm ira 4,947 828 16.8 niagara palls 3,888 599 1s.4 new york 689.261 107,315 15.6 rochester 37.505 7,587 20.2 schenectady 8.327 1,553 18.7 syracuse 18.674 3,369 18.0 troy 12,037 1,501 12.5 utica 12,273 2,892 23.6 now even the associated industries headed by that notorius union-buster mark daly, yes even the woman's Party which is so concerned with breaking down all safeguards for women in industry, will admit that married women do not go to work when...
...they have invested liberally in american enterprises...
...Irish, Scotch, white/ yellow, brown, red or black...
...That one plain Snablaa peasant by the name of Andrew Hoover should have been the original ("originator*') of 947.356 Hoovers within less than two centuries Bounds like Ike biblical story of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...
...who was the son of Jesse, who was the son of John, busted at West Milton, Ohio, who was .Un.aan of Andrew, who.., came from Oenpany to 1740...
...Others have come to make arrangement tor the listing of securities...
...It was not until the passage by the New York State Legislature of the Hofstader Law m year ago that the bearer share certificates were given clear legal recognition...
...The distribution of the new foreign bonds is significant...
...because when It comes to tile primaries in August and to the $eaeral election in-»November all votes an welcome—Hun, Dutch...
...Nevertheless, the foreign shares and bonds are worth more than six billion dollars, which is no mean amount, even If'the United States Issues amount to eighty and a half buttons...
...foundry workers won by far the lowest past workers h mml...
...Pour-fifths of the clUsens...
...Vienna and Milan exchanges...
...Server's Speeches Congressman Berger's speeches on Imperialism are available and all branches and members are urged to take as large a supply as they can...
...Maneil Rice, a son of the late Mayor Prank J. Rice, wm speak In behalf of the Republican Party, and Karl C. Junsek, State organizer of the Socialist Party, wm apeak tor the Socialist Party...
...The Socialist Party of Hamden held a very interesting meeting Thursday evening...
...Located at the Juncture of two rivers, served by three main trunk lines, less than a hundred miles from hard and soft coal fields, within three hundred mile, of a third of ihe population of the United States—these are some...
...herman has planned an organising tour to the northern section of the state where be expects to organise some new locals...
...The organization ifxtxt lias tejected .$> COODta qcswykestml nine to"carry an the earnWisconsin Sheboygan win'semt a*?uU delegation to sji_s*»te convention of the Socialists in »ynwaukee June 0. The Sheboygan floctollsto complato^hat they get no consideration at all from their local capital's1 newspapers...
...Its population Is predominantly native born...
...ivt .Vjorkinc in fat(ories'f,fiorgi and.utfifes in (his Open Sluip...
...IJffiven then .any other, city in fyrjv York s'lfly, ° . the report shows, . that one out of every five married, women in binghamton is forced to seek employment...
...Chemicals had 4 per cent of Ha workers earning $1,544 or more, the shoe industry 2 per cent, while metals and on maori had no workers reaching this level...
...Instead of "Peace on Earth and Oood Will toward Men...
...Maine Comrade Parrtogton has started on kto arduous work of putting a ticket on the write^to^b^care*^'ww Ramsdefi, PI export, Maine...
...as compared with 9 in 1926, making a total of 74...
...They issue new shares here which enable them to expand their holdings abroad...
...of the advantages listed by the Chamber of Commerce as giving Blnrhatntori a particularly favorable position' as regards Industrial activity and commercial prosperity...
...followed by workers fat the wood prodaekf and cigar hsdastiles with ssedasas of ' $77$ and tag, rtapotUiely...
...There are American holding companies which own or manage foreign corporations...
...Chemicals, shoes, and metals and machinery followed with median earnings of more than $944...
...Manumit makes a sincere effort to justify In its daily routine the name of "Labor School", conceiving of the whole of life as an educative process, children and staff share alike to the simple necessary tasks of dormitory or tent care, dishwashing, setting of tables, etc...
...The median annual wage of machine workers such as nnotypers, staying and stapling book sowing and printing presses Is $985, for nn$ypua<l$bspi workers $78...
...They also expect to have a full county ticket on amc^eaeid^wlUi ^work^^ Na...
...In order to reach Hoover the German deJegntee had to who to Walter Lyman Brown in Rotterdam, director of the Tf-'g**" Relief Commission, and to Inform Mr...
...Through the Leader we expect to interest our mfrnhcrt tn the study of Socialism, . West Virginia State Secretary Htagms writes that the party is oonttnuing to make progress to that state...
...A reception committee, to the number of 100, will see that thomas receives the proper reception, and then on june 11, a big banquet will be held, at which thomas will have an opportunity to get well acquainted with the chicago socialists...
...Lewis' Dates Alfred Baher Lewis wm speak to Dartmouth College for the newly formed local on May 15, at the Maiden Young Poole Zlon group, May 16, at the Church League for Industrial Democracy Conference on May 23...
...Walter E. Davis made an Interesting report of the national convention, he was one of the delegates...
...The ancestry of ail leads back to rtiaittor w hence Adam and Eve came from.—B*> Socialist Party Plans and Progress Through The States National Reader* to unorganised communities desiring Information on how to organise local dlvisions of the Socialist Party may obtain Instructions, leaflets, charter applications, membership cards, application cards and all other necessary Information by addressing William H. Henry...
...Imperialism On The Stock Market The new york Stock Exchange Becomes A world-wide market By Louis Stanley flow the new york stock exchange has come to reflect the expanding financial imperialism ' of ' the united states is made abundantly' clear by the annual report of the exchange president, e. h. h. simmons, for the year ending may 1, 1928, issued last week...
...bfmbers of the State Executive Committee residing In the Capitol District, «nd two represmtottves each from Locals Albany, Cohces, Troy and Schenectady...
...n • the factories in blnghr.mfati'and the neighboring towns of endicott and johnson bet up by the big shoe works employ about 22,500 workers, of whom more than one-fourth, are women.' marrjed w omen "preferred and out of' all the detailed mass of carefully -collected information in this brilliant reooct thjs one fact stands out: There tme nur.c .\narricd...
...difficulties are attacked Ths...
...That Bingnamton t$ a strong Republican stamping-ground, the apple of the eye of the State's manufacturers, that during the last Presidential campaign, no speaker on behalf of La Pollath, or the ScckoBsk ticket was allowed to appear...
...But considerable training to the knowledges and skills will enter incidentally Into the working out of the various projects...
...Andrew Hoover settled -first to tan* i sylvania, than in Maryland, and tbsm to North Carolina, read a telegram tothe coawaiStee from the richmond Puk...
...The Richmond genealogist estimated the total number of descendants of Andrew' Hoover, who came from Baden, Oof*' many...
...the recent history of' the new york stock exchange shows the effects of these" economic changes...
...Many of these projects will be begun by the Winter School children and carried on by the incoming Summer group...
...Brown Of the desire to confer with Mr...
...May 14...
...Hoover issued the following campaign statement: B , "hoover's ancestry traced to germany Commerce Secretary's Kin Totals $47Mm) Says Penes hurl si "New York, April 29.—Secretory Hoover would have the support of many hundreds of thousands for the presidency If ail his relatives voted for him, according to a statement issued today by the Hoover-for-Presldent New York State Committee...
...The statement Is based an a letter from a Richmond (Ind...
...Tney are t^ng nisi a meetmgn>u"tog mayor d*di** w" hoaa t^Oank?W^Boan n^MnT^nt ctafists to Rachto am arranging for another moettog...
...makes It op oat of his own pocket...
...Funding Loan of 1960-1990 and the 5 per cent...
...The stocks of foreign companies that are listed on the Exchange are only 27 to number, merely 1.04 per cent of the total fisted, and are valued at some $780,000,000 or less than one per cent of the total listings...
...thus in 1925 foreign securities comprised 16 per cent of the new listings, in 1926 46 per cent and in 1927 66 per cent,—an accelerated progress that is significant...
...especially as all throughout new york state much the same conditions of open shop utopianlsm prevail...
...an indication of this is afforded by the elaborate discussion of this phase in the reports of president simmons...
...European governmental bonds Increased by seven to 192...
...He expects a good turnout at the state convention, which wm be held to Moose Hall, Morgantown, Sunday, june a, 1:30 p. m. For the first tune in many years west Virginia is alive with Socialist sentiment and a desire to build a big movement...
...as typifying one of the smaller, thriving Industrial communities in the State, presents a particularly' interesting, field for study...
...but it does state that the median wage paid the unorganised women workers studied was sixteen and one-half dollars per week...
...The entrance of foreign internal shares Into the New York market will probably proceed slowly but steadily, as American financial imperialism advances and capitalists to this country become more intimately acquainted with the details of foreign economic affairs...
...He recently spoke at the Baptist Ministers' Alliance, for the New Bedford strikers, and the Fellowship of Youth for Peace...
...Missouri state Chairman J. G. Hodges informs the National Office that he has forwarded declaration of nomination for Governor and other state officials to the Secretary of State...
...Secretary of Tonwini was the son of Jesse, who went to Iowa...
...All members at large are Invited and all branches should send delegates...
...invaluable instrument of American fir...
...Capitalists here are still ignorant of foreign conditions "bat they know that foreign businessmen need then* funds...
...P." is...
...Florida it looks as if we are going, to have a strong movement in piorlda...
...Qn, the continent .share certificates are ls&ued to bearer...
...The staff will be chosen largely from pros ant and former Manumit instructors, who will serve not only as group leaders and assistants for the three groups of 15 to 18 children each, but also as special instructors In creative music, science, building and carpentry, clay work, weaving and farming...
...Africa has never contributed any issues, Asia is credited with five, Australasia with ten, and North America, exclusive of the United States with seventeen...
...They cost only $400 thousand and can' be mailed out free of charge...
...The hlgeet paid llldastlj fas Binghamton on the basis of a year's earnings was textiles, with a sssdkta of almost $1,004 and with ( per cent of Its workers making SL544 or xeere...
...may 21, at national headquarters, 2653 w. washington blvd...
...pi luting trades wild reads th$$> pernlm carefutty the following: - The wages of all women employed to the printing Inditstthw of Binghamton are aosoatBag to this' report **•* a year...
...Per the sosjorliy of plants, the year studied ended to the week as which flip...
...56 Hanover St...
...of course there are exceptions" in the cases of childless couples where'women are anxious to make careers tor themselves, or find hanging around the.house irksome...
...Remember the date...
...S per sent less than SSOS...
...to the midst of a. presidential eampalgn, Mr...
...We think Hoover would have fares much better if he had selected Adam as fats grand-grandfather end Eve as his grar^-grandmother—this would cover the whole ground...
...Among our fellow-ci tineas of Oerman ancestry, there Is considerable doubt as to the Hoover origin...
...the comrades are leaving no stone unturned to make this a real opening of the campaign...
...2. Until further action certificates of deposit must be in registered form only...
...Other difficulties remained...
...Clothing, printing and paper goods, and the xooreantflo Industry fail bUwoon the relatively low and the isktUistj high between $$?* and $940...
...there is sufficient income.-from the men workers of the family to maintain a decent standard of living...
...A detailed survey is made of the prices of securities and the underlying circumstances on the London, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam...
...Utah State Secretary Kennedy writes that they win arrange meetings) at Salt Lake City and Ogden for George R. Kirkpatrick, who will tour the west during June...
...he tells us that "one highly significant aspect of our national economy, has been the case and amplitude of our aggregate supplies of capital...
...In town...
...war profits and the commission and interest on foreign loans have resulted in an excess of money in the coffers of american businessmen...
...of the new issues listed on the exchange an ever larger proportion is foreign...
...P." Good old Binghamton, where they print scab books, make those lovely time clocks, the shrines of the modern workers before which so many worship every morning, turn out shoes for working men and women made so largely by their underpaid fellows...
...The latter |s due to the inflation of the values of American securities...
...1 The Summer School will offer no specific academic objective for the children, as does the Winter School...
...There should be a few hundred Socialists making contributions every month to the state office to Oklahoma for there hi a big opportunity to build a powerful movement and elect a large number of SootottaU to the fail election...
...The local at Ogden held a good business meeting with State Chairman & O. LockeofSeJt Lake City a* speaker...
...which was askedi to chock «ht ' statements of the ¦genealogist ¦ He worn the father of aHUus Hoover fajrdttav w*o have been residents «* Riefarsjoad* state it was settled to L90C...
...National Rxecutlve Secretary, $65$ Washington . Boulevard...
...An adequate amount of sleep ;a dally rest hour and opportunity for leisurely employment...
...The county convention was held on May 8. Connecticut New Haven On Sunday, May 27...
...to August 25th, providing a training course for teachers, as well as a school for children...
...Those issues by governments have come chiefly from Lajttn America...
...Based upon the investigators' findings and recommendations severe listing requirements were drawn up, which are now In force...
...in 1900 there were 839 bands and 377 stocks, in 1913 the corresponding figures were 1,083 and 521...
...After all the number of foreign issues listed as of the beginning of this year, constitutes 12 per cent of the total, while, measured by market value, it Is even less, approximately 7 per cent...
...Comrades Manning and Thompson are doing good work helping the Textile Council...
...a. Conditions of issuance of certificates of deposits must be such that certificates may be cancelled or issued upon cable advice...
...of the number of women in gainful occupations working in, pinghamton 31 per cent are n»arried» .. !_ * here Is, a',ta$fijrtajcen froin the report which shows, "the comparison between binghamton an<j other new york state dtlcs: ,j* _ t_ 1 "' ;"' . " flo...
...Among the provisions are the following: 1. Foreign shares must be in the form of certificates Issued by an approved' American Institution or by the American branch of an approved foreign institution based upon the deposit with a foreign correspondent of toe original .foreign shares...
...Their ssodkaa year's earnings were $d$e, sasd no worker aamde as apeak as $1.000 rwvt...
...The stnle Inv»*|t>-»l«^ there has just come to hand a report of 113 pages prepared under the supervision of nelle swartz, director of the bureau of women in industry of the New york state department of labor, giving a realistic picture of the way the workers live in a one-hundred per cent unorganized city...
...Ohio The Socialists of Ohio are already putting out literature...
...the Socialist Party and the Workmen's Circle win stage a three cornered debate at the Workmen's Circle Headquarters, 438 Oak street...
...The-original Andrew bad sat sane...
...A PICTURE OF AN OPEN-SHOP TOWN Married Women Workers at $16.50 Weekly—$1,000 a Year The Top Figure in Binghamton, Endicott, Johnson-Meaven By Isabel Westerreh "TWO umon^'men WMlheTOrgo poklng their noses into this burg...
...Like so many large printing concerns which have run away from paying a decent wage'ln organized New York City, this outfit Is noted for the close to starvation wages it pays its workers...
...Combined with the daily recreation and group projects, however, they form for the children a healthy...
...the members are determined to make this the best and biggest english branch in chicago...
...A committee of three was selected to arrange for a picnic some time during june...
...market for stocks and bonds...
...The National Organisation mimeographed the letter, also paid the postage...
...are those which conform closely to American requirements...
...u The Boston Central Branch elected five delegates to the State Convention pledged to support Mary Donovan Hapgood for Governor...
...it was only to 1927 that this exposition first appeared to his annual statement...
...was or 15th...
...of percnrt no* - ¦ wa.of .' mar...
...These requirements frustrate the caution and arrogance of American, investors...
...That will never come to pass...
...Oklahoma Thomas L Bute, State Secretary, with headquarters at Parry, sent the National Office a copy of a letter be wishes sent over the state to about 500 people...
...War Loan of 19291947...
...Minnesota emil herman, national organizer, writes that they have added five more members to the new local at minneapolis and are selecting presidential electors to be placed on petitions...
...chief obstacle-to r[the growth of the New York Stock, Exchange as a market for foreign, securities has been the discrepancy...
...The Workmen's Circle Club, organised in September, 1926, now has 48 members...
...ten yean after u^armisUcs, and...
...He has already secured dates for ""^T to the Immediate future...
...a diet scientifically planned and careful supervision of eating...
...the median wage for laundry workers for example, was $12.57, for mercantile workers $13.40, while for factory workers it was 117.40...
...The Local voted to bold a picnic the totter part of July at Carlson's Grove, Poxon...
...Teachers will share in the activities and responsibilities of the community and the groups, -ha addition, they' Will meet daily With a-Staff mstructor...
...Hoover told Director Brown to notify the two German delegates, Rieth and von der T a nek on, that with bis u.wipukitents they could go to heU...
...3 Tnay win ten' you, the Binghamton boosters, the Rotarians, the worablppers of George P. Jahanrwi what a great phiiamtrirOrdat good old -a...
...New Bedford The strikers are still holding fast Relief funds should be sent to the New Bedford Textile Council, 746 Pleasant St...
...The health of the children wm be a primary concern of the school...
...The present secretary's descent may be traced to btbUeei style os loDews: "Herbert...
...Comrade Lewis has spoken for the strikers and Norman Thomas spoke at then- mass meeting...
...Boston, on Sunday, June 3, beginning at 10:30...
...i 1 his average wags may be contrasted with the average for womm in the state of $19 39...
...May 10...
...A big literature campaign will be carried on and election of a number of county candidates Is very favorable...
...it per cent earned SUMS mt lire...
...1924, feO...
...Montana A fine local of the party has been organised at Roundup which makes two in the country and good prospects for another...
...That the New York Stock Exchange has, indeed, become a world market is demonstrated by the recognition that it is given by foreign economists and financiers...
...Summed up to a tew words, the aim of the Summer School win be: character building expressed to terms of ability to shoulder and carry out responsibilities manfully, Joyously and sanely,—and the development of a vision of the value and necessity in this world of cooperation and social justice...
...9 per osat lass than $l.S0e...
...this time to be devoted toj£e cttUens pf Italian extraction...
...The club has ordered a bundle of ten copies of The New Tender for each week...
...readers of the new leader in the 25th, 28th, 29th, or 30th ward, are urged to attend...
...They have adopted plans of advertising their state nominees and the principal planks of the state platform by placing the candidates' names on one side and the platform to brief on the other...
...Let not anybody get the*idea that foreign securities are monopolizing the activities of the New York Stock Exchange...
...the latter amounted' to ten bill lkm dollars and'was not only the largest foreign issue but also the largest of its kind ever listed: on the Hew York Stock Exchange...
...between American and European practices...
...New York State • . The' State convention «mf**jwaultfo* « corderence of toe *»ecutiur< Caauutittes members wkk the Committesof Action on May 8, tt was decided ^cbnflrm Albany as toe Ptoce tor the •mete Convention...
...his words are the smooth ones of wall street but behind them we can discern the grasping might of american capital...
...a letter from jacksonville from secretary pelduuin of a radical orgnizatlon which has some 25 members, declares they wul join the socialist party in a group New Mexico murray e. king, ex-editor of the american appeal, now living at roswell, informs us there is a good opportunity to build up the movemmt- and cast a big vote for the party in that state...
...These listings were only sanctioned temporarily...
...we're endicott, Johnson and company here...
...1918, the German language newspapanv gave the matter some attention, and the result was that under date of April 2$, 192&> the New York boosters of Mr...
...After all most countries have returned to the gold basis sq that this is no longer an impediment...
...M. Rieth and Baron von der Lancken to visit Mr...
...4 Italian, 1 Hungarian and 4 Canadian, An Important consideration, however, is the fact that the Latin American companies are usually managed and frequently owned by Americans, whereas this is seldom ever true of European corporations...
...They are securing a large number of railroaders as members of the Party, and are putting out large quantities of literature...
...Joyous and constructive environment peculiarly adapted to projects to gardening, care of out-of-door construction and b"ihltwg, forestry...
...The above being so and binghamton and the endicott, johnson company (which makes thousands on thousands of shoes for workers and boy scouts) having been so frequently pointed out as models by "liberal" boosters" for "The Hew capitalism", it mlghrbe worth our whfie to look at industrial conditions in this up-state new york f-wn th"w»i> the impartial eyes of a state bureau...
...So here then Is one of our widely touted open shop towns, very much under the domination of one man, where as a whole wages are so low that the women are compelled to work alrsngsfcVt the men...
...if you want anything done in this town, go see George p. johnson...
...Good old-a...
...these consisted of 167 government issues, 116 company shares...
...It was voted to ask August Claessens of New York to address the gathering...
...the american bourgeoisie is clamoring for ev-i more securities...
...They insist upon payment to currency that is upon a gold basis...
...in plain words, american capitalists are enjoying a surplus of funds...
...The Foreign Investments In the case of new private bond issues, Latin America is responsible for but five as compared with 12 German...
...Information . regarding speaker*, literature, platforms, etc, snay be obtained from the National oejoa...
...he plans a big organizing tour mvercd0ns °f the wert U»U»*e not been Illinois chicago socialists are making big plans for their annual picnic at rlvervlew park chicago, on june 10, when our presidential candidate, norman thomas, will be the principal speaker...
...Racine counjy *»•¦ notified the state office that L wih.ifnd * ft,a <Me«*tt°n to the state convention...
...An fteJtan speaker-will be secured...
...It Is peculiarly well situated with regard to industrial activity...
...Idaho C.' H. Cammans, State Secretary, Is working almost night and day to secure signatures to place a full ticket on the ballot...
...4. The share securities of small companies will not be listed...
...f16 50 average weekly wages the report does not deal with the wages paid men...
...at the opening of this* year there were 1,491 bonds and 1,907 stocks...
...and Theresa B. Wiley...
...Appropriate charts accompany the text...
...A """liT" procedure was later followed in the case of the Shell Union Trading and Transport, the Rand Mines, and the De Beers Mines...
...we hope to be able to announce date and place of the stite eonvehtion soon...
...Bute Is on the Job...
...5. The nominal value of the securities must be expressed In, and the tocome must be paid in a currency which is upon a gold basis...
...Yancey says the consensus of opinion Is that, the Socialists wm cast a larger vote, thjs jear than they nave ever Massachusetts The State Convention will be held to the American House...
...A committee of local arrangements wm include the State Secretary, Herman Kobbe...
...they have sougkt new securities of speculative as well as safe corporations...
...When we turn to foreign internal securities we have a more complicated and for the future a more important situation...
...When during the tost few months Mr...
...J*l*n?4De Nlo has been caning upon the old-time SochUista of Delaware and* SuUtoan counties and-taytog tk^groandww*tor the reorganisation of toe partif...
...recent ! consolidations have 'facilitated' this process...
...ada- | quate and delightful swimming pool...
...kansas h,.???6 . ma??w 18 wetting the socialist ticket in .shape...
...A special committee was, therefore, sent abroad a year ago to- make a study of the problem...
...Petitions to place the Socialist ticket on the ballot have been sent to all readers of The New Leader and to sympathizers...
...Is it any wonder that Binghamton has for long /been the ^headquarters of the Ku Klux Klan for that part of the State...
...The New York Stock Exchange will increase dte standing as the work...
...How when there is any deficit In any charity drive, "Of...
...but you don't do much careering in a shoei factory or getting up at dawn to make cigars...
...that is, half . of an the women working in and about binghamton received more than this | wage and one-half less...
...They will have nothing to do with small corporations, which/ are typical abroad...
...The cornpletinrt of the dam, which Is now being built, win provide an...
...national headquarters branch organised members of the old 28th ward branch organised the national headquarters branch with m. . halushka, financial and corresponding secretary, and j. mahlon barnes recording secretary and member of the county delegate committee...
...Peod wikis wore the next lowest paid, with a i illm of...
...3. The applications must state that there are no governmental restrictions against the payment of Interest or dividends to American holders or against the payment of the proceeds of sale to an American bolder who sells in the market of origin...

Vol. 7 • May 1928 • No. 22

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