We Blush A Deep Fed FROM MAINE Editor, The Leader: Yesterday's issue of The New Leader Is* the best yet.. Because it gives an inspiring account of the Convention we shall need many copies of...
...E. O. K. Illinois...
...To get the states themselves sea the Judges thereof to do the right tbsst we need a big Socialist biee of state leg* buators to each state...
...There must be some fascination al>out his occupation that enabled b*j» j» discover these nappy miners...
...The women's movement, with a total metnjershlp of 128,658, shows an advance of 15,645...
...Get wise...
...More power to you and our press...
...FROM MASSACHUSETTS Editor, The Leader: Congratulations to you and your party on your splendid candidates and your truly remarkable platform...
...Moreover, the same situation may be found in most of the other large cities...
...A Fruitless Political Policy THE sorry plight of American trade unionism of the old school and its impotence as a factor in politics are exhibited in its conflicts and divisions where unity should prevail...
...Will you send us a bundle of 50...
...The jx>licy does not unite those who must be united to achieve anything...
...The increase n male membership is 31,848 or 14.02 jer cent...
...As head of a non-partisan and so-called "liberal" organization I have no avowed politics, but my husband and I expect to make some contribution to your party fund through the local Socialist group...
...14.310 men and 1.&S3 women...
...We can only assure those who contribute that, if an article is not returned it is retained in the expectation of using it some time...
...The Socialist Party wfll have U depend npon the maeeee for ita campaign funds...
...Because it gives an inspiring account of the Convention we shall need many copies of this number...
...The men and women on the sidewalks are impatient...
...Thus there were held luring the period 398 special lectures...
...i - Maurer Re-Elected Brookwood President Katonah, N. Yv—Extension classes in workers' education are to be added to the activities of Brookwood Labor College, according to plans perfected by the board of directors at their annual meeting April 31-33...
...Nothing is to be gained by ignoring glaring facts and much may be lost by drawing comparisons with Europe that will not stand the test of criticism...
...Good news for speculators and brokers, of course...
...It ought to be on exhibition everywhere that a Socialist can have It...
...Under the blue sky, Sometimes to the tune of the "MarseUlaiae...
...Jmlieial Mahee BOY of eighteen under a sentence which ins*/ stretch to three years because of a silly poem declared to be "unpatriotic" and "obscene" is not calculated to enhance our respect for judges...
...And traffic officers, but with the best they can do there are delay* And many women are late for matinee or tea or afternoon dance...
...in Europe from the king" and that "Europe is essentially monarchial" while here it is otherwise...
...Some day the mass of workers will understand and highly regard your efforts...
...Most of the A. F. of L. organizations formally support Governor Smith for President but in the large cities where the unions are the tail of a Republican ring they will •approve the Republican candidate...
...But this is not the whole story of division and conflict...
...For the Irst time 71,375 women and 51,039 men voted for Socialist candidates...
...It Is a shining Ught in tiie political and economic darkness of the day...
...Denouncing the leaders for the present tragedy will accomplish nothing...
...So win the capitalist parties but the money fat taken out of the pay envelope before it reaches the workers...
...jj no single district of Vienna was there my decline in the poll to be registered, wd the minimum increase in poll In any Ustrict amounted to 10 per cent...
...To Our Contributors The New Leader is blessed with a host of able contributors who have helped to make the paper what it is...
...The Constitution associates the Executive with a legislative power equal to two-thirds of the membership of Congress...
...Its shining automobile must perforce wait while the tide sweeps aha...
...What stands out in the record is that the judges injected their views of good taste and their social, economic and political creed in their decision...
...There are...
...N. Y. C. FROM CALIFORNIA Editor, The New Leader: I like the New Leader very much as it supplies just the food to nurture and confirm my present political opinions...
...They're beginning to think they own the world...
...If one group is behind a candidate who wins, the result is not due to this support but because the drift is toward that candidate...
...Wisconsin Advises The A. F. of L. COMB good advice has been gives ¦ the American Federation of Lata by tbe Wisconsin State Federation a Labor...
...But, scoff as it will...
...Republican members of the unions will not vote for Smith and Democratic members of the unions will not vote for Hoover...
...M. W. D. Massachusetts...
...LIKES THE TICKET Editor, The New Leader: Enclosed please find two dollars as my subscription for the New Leader for this year...
...All these considerations enforce the log^ic of working people supporting Norman Thomas and James H. Maurer...
...They have in the past and they will in the coming election...
...I like the New Leader very much...
...R. T. K. Keyer, W. Va...
...Traffic is impeded by the stream of these man and womenIt flows on and on, a vast river of labor...
...A PROFESSOR RENEWS Editor, New Leader: I Please find enclosed check for renewal of my subscription to The New Leader...
...This statement is made in order to reduce the correspondence made necessary by the accumulation of material, "Red Vienna' Points The Way The Vienna Branch of the Austrlar Socialist Party has Just issued its report for 1027...
...In addition the party schoo: ind the trade union school of the Vienifs jranch are still in activity...
...It can never achieve unity by chasing after the professional politicians of the old parties...
...And another sneers: "These people ought to be put down...
...The same issue quotes a West Virginia mine official as saying that the annual earnings of the company's miners has been $1,456...
...compared with the 1933 elections this indicates a jrowth of 21.4 Mir cent, or for women Uone 27.3 per cent,'for men 18.5 per cent...
...congressional and legislative eamv pslgns this year, Instead of dividing ssf wasting itself on old party unfTVbtsi who do not deliver tbe goods vbat elected.—THE MIXWACKKS LKAPtX On May Day "JJP Fifth Avenue, under tbe btdlUant blue of a day in May, Between the tall white buildings so arrogant in success, Marches a company of men and women...
...Brooklyn, N. Y. FROM THOMPSON'S CITY Editor, The New Leader: / I think the Leader Is the best paper that ever came under my notice and it really deserves as much cooperation from the Comrades and all liberal people as possible...
...One Republican district leader issued orders to his election district captains to discourage persons from giving any support whatever to the movement for a thorough investigation...
...Today seems to be the dawn of the greatest advance Socialism has made...
...What better evidence is needed to convince intelligent voters that the two parties are two poodles fed and groomed by the same interests...
...Notwithitanding the party's share in- women's ¦otes rose from 52.82 per cent in 1923 to *8.22 per cent in 1927...
...I am delighted with the nomination of Thomas and Maurer...
...They pray for the long life of the unions And for the death of war...
...In the bygone year two notable •vents marked tbe development of Socialist organization in Vienna: the elecions of April 24th and the occurrence: it July 15th...
...The Republicans specialise In oil and Tammany in sewers...
...If its editors were normal human beings they would hare returned the contribution with some needed advice...
...I find great comfort In Its editorial and news...
...Then your articles, situations, both political and social, have become more intelligible...
...sat throw its whole-hearted and vigorous sisport to the Socialist party In tbe urtfc*al...
...They are little and stunted and some are twisted and warped...
...It will chase in divided groups and have no power to mass the members in a solid and united army...
...Imagine the "fascination" associated with an occupation which allows "such leisure" as that annual wage affords...
...Pasadena, California...
...In view of the unrestrained see el cruel injunctions against the wortsn by the federal courts, the Wiseooela besj calls attention to a few beneficial has laws which are enjoyed in thp) state, sift as: The right to trial by Jury to oonssspl eases...
...But in ray history class room I preach as liberal and as socialized a doctrine as I dare, short of losing my job...
...In the issue of April 7 the miner is X-rayed for the benefit of its clients and he appears to be a mysterious creature...
...The result is that many of our contributors are disappointed because their articles do not appear even many weeks after they have been received...
...My position as a professor in a college In the Land of Babblttry forbids any open solicitation for your paper...
...Judges do not and cannot empty their heads of their social, political and economic views when they ascend the bench...
...Tom Tlppett, formerly educational director for the United Mine Workers of Sub-District 5, Illinois, will be in charge...
...James H Maurer, Socialist candidate for vicepresident, was re-elected as president of the corporation...
...In the parliamentary system of Europe and England they must resign when an election goes against them in order that the administration may correspond with the verdict of the voters...
...Then there is the experience which Alderman George U. Harvey, Republican, had in ferreting out the sewer graft in Queens County...
...This becomes more apparent when we remember that the President's ministers are not responsible to Congress...
...THE "SPIDER" Editor, The New Leader: The March Slat Issue has Just arrived...
...To pen him up for a number of years is an abominable injustice and we hope that the conscience of thinking men and women will be awakened to obtain his release...
...I shall register this year as a Socialist and shall vote that ticket hereafter...
...When more than a minority want a change the members will be united in support of their,own candidates in city, state and national elections and Labor will be emancipated from a barren political policy that is absurd in action and fruitless of good results...
...Another thing about the miner is "that the custom among union miners is to take many days off, and they are said to be disinclined to work more than two or three days a week...
...The Miners' Leisure J S. Bache & Company keeps brokers and speculators informed on what's going on in the world through The Bache Review issued each week...
...And many men chafe uselessly As the plodding army of men and woman, The tittle, stunted, gray-faced me n and women, Marches on and on, between the white buildings...
...In the number of votes the vomen are still behind the men but are .teadily approaching them...
...The development ¦ of the party organisation has made vast strides in the period eported, not least-in consequence of the attempts by reaction tp exploit the bloodihed of July 15th...
...A summary at the activities of Brookwood graduates showed one as director of workers' education- in Pennsylvania, and four in active charge of, city labor colleges in Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore and Salem, Mesv WELL NAMED Editor, The New Leader: Place my name on the roll for the New Leader...
...The Review observes that in the non-union field of West Virginia the payroll is 36 j>ercent smaller than in tltc last four years of operation under the union scale and that production ¦ lias increased 66 percent...
...Two directors whose terms expire'this year were elected to succeed themselves —Phil Ziegler...
...Your paper (my paper) has been Instrumental In filling up a mortifying hiatus in the trend of my convictions...
...BROOKLYN TOO Editor, The Leader: I am herein enclosing my fee for a renewal of my subscription...
...Like a brother taking care of a cripple, Tammany will organize a Republican club...
...I cannot praise it to highly...
...Forms are often deceptive and they frequently conceal the real substance of things...
...Some historians have aptly described the American scheme of government as an "elective monarchy...
...The youngster is a university student and his offense cannot be viewed as other than an indiscretion of youth...
...He thought that if members of his party would not on the score of principle help expose the thieves they would at least on the ground of partisan prestige aid in the exposure...
...The Review hazards a guess...
...A congressional election in this country may go overwhelmingly against the administration but the ministers .are not required to resign...
...It believes that "There is a fascination about an occupation tt'hich allozvs such leisure...
...It isn't (rue that there Is no difference between the Republican and Democratic parties...
...To get the above reears mended laws through cuugreee we seal more Socialist congressmen freg* si states...
...But these wise journalists accepted the stuff and made themselves accomplices with the judges in , sending this boy to jail...
...Fifth Avenue is conscious of the army of workers...
...What a pathetic situation...
...From the time that he filed charges against Connolly and his machine he met stubborn opposition in his own party...
...editor of the Railway Clerk, aad Robert Fechner, vice-president of the Machinists' Union...
...The miners must be under the constant charm which a mining region radiates from every pit and every bleak hillside...
...A man a cowls and says: "It shouldn't be allowed...
...In the mean time I will try and get some subs for it...
...The fact is that they reflect the lack of initiative of the members...
...F. of L. which declares that "In America all power comes from the people...
...The verses appeared in a Communist organ...
...But he had some sad experience...
...This has a number of advantages...
...I especially like your editorials, but the whole content of every number Is so good that I read the paper from stem to stern, to speak nauttcaOy...
...Freeport, Maine...
...Blalrsville, Pa...
...Prohibiting tbe issuance of fcv Junctions to labor disputes before w* lapse of 4S hours' notioe to the'asssv Defining a strike to exist as long si Sat union is engaged to It—not merely *s» HI the employer claims It is ever...
...In female membersip 25.645 or !4.B per cent...
...And tt maabssi that there are other valuable has as numerous to set forth fat ite.sbeahf «*» tor...
...Since then he membership has further risen and tas already exceeded 400,000...
...There are many banners with flaming signs...
...The lord of the manor strolling through his flower beds never enjoyed life more than these miners do their "leisure...
...This cannot be helped as the space of The New Leadek is limited...
...The Aumkeu Federation of Labor would do was te consider these reconunendattone she...
...He appears to be a man of some convictions and integrity...
...They are responsible to the President,, just as the ministers were responsible to the Kaiser under the old regime in Germany...
...The boy might just as well have been tried by a committee of Tammany or of a Republican club on the ground that he had offended the ethics of sewer politics on the one hand or oil politics on the other...
...of course, many policemen ready to quell disturbances...
...Why not have a poster made...
...And here is hoping you poll a great vote and surprise the nation...
...We have a little country precinct here of about 400 voters and have 80 Socialists registered, so you see before long we hope to be like Reading or Milwaukee, we call oar little town SoclalvlUe...
...Then the courts exercise a veto power over legislation as they exercise in no other country...
...Tbe plate glass of the shop windows shines, And shows forth the well-guarded treasures of Jewels and satins, And lace, and little china dogs, aad rainbow-lovely hats...
...If a similar divided course were followed in the unions regarding economic questions and issues every strike would be lost and the unions themselves would eventually disintegrate...
...While, I, as one of the powerless mass, have not the "privilege" of obtaining trustworthy and exact information of the affairs of government and society, I feel that your paper provides for such as I, an illuminating fountain and has become indispensable to me...
...Hehunting the nefarious activities ef my called private detectives, guards, p» tesslonal gunmen, and strike bresfcsm Legalisation of strikes, picketing, peeee ful persuasion, etc...
...Smith and Hoover are almost certain to be the candidates so that the conflict and division will continue to the day of the election...
...Chicago, III...
...During the period reported heir number has risen by 2,264, or 15.1 ler cent...
...Their clothes are shabby, or blare with shrfU color...
...This provides two presidential candidates of two parties with a union label even before the convention nominations are made...
...Educational Activities An equally pleasing picture is offered iy all the educational and various special irganlsatlons of the Vienna workers...
...Three weeks ago he declared: "I have been fought by powerul interests within my own organization...
...In the United States most of them believe in dividing op the votes between two or more parties which they do net eaatrsL The slogan appears to be, "Spot far , Unionism...
...A law easV ' toning tbe appointment of federal JSdfSl and providing that they shall be ettoM by the people...
...In all other connbies the organised workers believe in aniting tbe workers In their own party...
...He found that Republican leaders in his own organization had no desire to root out the crooks...
...Membership of the lrganlsatlon has risen by 57,493, an increase of 17.41 per cent...
...Thus the report unfolds to us a picture it fruitful Socialist effort which JustiSes convincingly' the title of "Red Vienna...
...At the end of the year he aggregate of persons organized In the lociallst Party was 387,677: in proporion to the electorate which amounts to 594,538, this is 55.83 per cent...
...In war the President practically becomes a dictator as commanderin-chief of the army and navy...
...An exilanatlon of this success may perhaps be Found to the statistics included in the -eport as to the numbers of party agents, in December 21st, 1927, there were ac,tve In Vienna 17,263...
...How account for this strange conduct...
...A constitutional bsmbsV ment abolishing tbe life tenure *T ft* eral Judges and providing that they east be elected for not to exceed six jeeri Ail of which Is excellent end as would add to it the following: The splendid Wlangpsm laws would set be in existence ft there had net beet a loyal bloc of Soslsllete' fat the etSM legislature...
...Two Poodles Owned by One Keeper QNE of the striking evidences that the Republican and Democratic parties are poodles housed in the same kennel and owned by the same keeper is a practice of Tammany in some weak Republican districts...
...123 courses of lectures, 59 schools for Mtrty agents, 33 schools for trade union ifflcials, 43 woman schools, 17 schools foi /oung people, and 11 courses on sundry subjects...
...The sentence itself as well as the remarks of the judges bear evidence of malice, not of an objective application of the law...
...As though the weather of life has beaten too fiercely upon them The girls, when they laugh, laugh too loudly...
...Twelve labor organizations in the railway service through their presidents have approved the candidacy of Herbert Hoover in the Indiana primary...
...To curb the injunction aotttltk* sffJi federal courts, the Wisconsin PasMMft I The enactment of a federal law kVtm | effect that no federal court shall flaw ; injunctions without 48 hours' nottee Is those sought to be enjoined...
...So many worth-while contributions have accumulated in the past few months that it is difficult to make selections for publication...
...The Socialist poll rose to 694,539, 1. e., an lnsrease of 133,414, over that of the last elections on 21st October, 1923...
...Another leader protested that the sewer investigation was hurting business and should be stopped...
...The severe sentence given this boy confirms this view...
...Last but not least we may mention he extension of the eduoaUcnal organisation of the party which is striving in ncreasing measure to train the new uembers of the party Into conscious Social-Democrats...
...I hold your paper of inestimable value for my personal edification...
...While out of ivery 10,000 men in Vienna 6,275 vote Jociallst/anly5,822of every 10,000 female ¦otes are cast for Socialists...
...Incidentally, the farmers of the Northwest are supporting Lowden in the Republican primaries, one of the most extensive land owners and a powerful railroad magnate in the bargain...
...America and Europe must dissent with the weekly news service of the.A...
...And when they are silent their faces have a strange, sullen look...
...It preserves the fiction of a two-party antagonism and under the guise of Republicans Tammany gets a few more heelers for its work at the polls...
...It does, but it is also a fact that the kingly prerogative of the veto which the King of England does not exercise survives in the presidential office...
...They are the T^abor candidates and they were nominated by a I^abor party...
...Isn't that delicious...
...If Labor is ever united it must act as l^abor...
...The elections brought im-nense success to the organization...
...We vote a garland of skunk cabbage to the chap who placed this literary treasure before the brokers and speculators who subscribe to this service...
...And a woman who is small and straight and slender And delicately pretty as a puff of milkweed down, All dressed In a swish "of silken things, Throws back her lovely head and cries: "What, people—on the Avenue...
...These divided counsels do not even have-the virtue of a record to show that the official choices are followed by the members of the organizations...
...My mother called me after the beat man In the world, and when I was a little fellow I had many a fight at school defending it, now I am very proud of having the honorable name of Eugene V- Debs Morton...
...Not that we disagree with the statement that in the United States "all power comes from the people...
...It is such actions by gentlemen of the bench that invoke cynical laughter when they gabble about ours being a "government of laws, not men...
...It is equal to a book on the subject...
...I am enclosing check for renewal of my subscription to your corking paper, though I do not know when it expires...
...Your "Spider" Is the best financial picture I ever saw...
Vol. 7 • May 1928 • No. 20