A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES UP in trie AIR and nown in the mouth Zgf&gpS one party that you mustn't miss. If yo„ 1*1 anywhere in the vicinity of New york next .jtleare and come to "The...

...a™-?** 06 such fun to get out into the soft Spring aB" ride to The New Leader office from our sad be able to park the car somewhere within ¦JWw°fi,tWenty bIocks of the office, knowing all aSSLIi when we came out we would find a pleaJJJ2^ Policeman all ready to greet us with a i when - j^j^jwe published the list of all the books our 55 WTO wrttten recently we made one serious omis<tf bw*jeft out, "Machlne-Gun Diplomacy," by J. -nopkins and Melinda Alexander (Lewis Copeland ^jt^ PubUshers...
...For "The ISmtt Party" Is going to be a permanent affair Constitution and by-laws and all the flxin's and ¦TagoU be a shame to have any reader of The New uadsr left out...
...Bngbuad seems to be entirely satisfied with the results it is obtaining without using the injunction...
...We are prepar* sables...
...In his study of Virginia planters a few years ago Professor Wertenbaker cruelly destroyed the old Virginia myth of that colony being settled by some blue-blooded Cavaliers from which descended the First Families of Virginia and the essentials of this thesis appear in this volume...
...The typography is also excellent...
...We would be doddering dolts to hope for more than a patronizing pat or a snoozy sniffle from any of those dope sheets about our doings...
...Some of the potions are grotesque and revolting...
...people grow old in unrequited service, they yield more and more to the senility of self-publication...
...What sensible Interest can they have in us .who are their avowed antagonists...
...If you are not on it, you ought _7 «j most every regular guy in the country has mentioned some time or another by one of these !gyn* So you come along and "crash the gate", {Sbj- real bard to do something to get on the hat tjarttbe next party is held next year...
...but somehow this iilssfcs stuff is beginning to pall a bit...
...If - issued in a crucial moment in a strike, it has the effect of breaking the strike...
...Strip them of this characteristic and each would shrink to the size of a pamphlet and even the fourth (Fish's) would probably be reduced one-half...
...It goes without saying that If and because of labor activities anyone breaches the peace or commits a crime, he should be brought to trial and punished promptly...
...As a practical matter, labor may be said to be singled out from among all bjaaaae of the population for either double punishment for the same offense or for punishment in a proceeding conducted by a judge without a jury, deprived of all the safeguards surrounding even an ordinary' criminal...
...and myself that we are invited to join a Blacklist Party on May 9th, at some place or other...
...we have written an "is that so...
...Rarely in history has there been such an anti-climax as the rise to power of the professions Is and the mercenaries, the grafters and eorruptionists, after the southern planters had been overthrown...
...The social, economic and cultural history of tbe period is the theme of Professor Nevins who has presnted a close-up view of the rise of.the hew capitalism and its vulgarian impact upon politics, business and government...
...Entertainments of clowns and trapeze acrobatics...
...It is the period of American origins in which rank and class, custom and opinion, church and state, labor and leisure, unfold and settle id the American environment...
...t ETTERS from the Nation, our worthy contemporary, inform Eddie LeVinson, Jim Ones...
...There Is no examination and opportunity for cross-examination There are absolutely none of the incidents and safeguards of a trial...
...In the meantime, the union is restrained from picketing and from other activities...
...Nor the) thought sympathetic of sentimentality born, Nor the weak consolation tor brow-beaten armies of loss) t...
...Also a reangt b) )om a bunting club In Maine and another note gta the butcher whose chops we consumed last we have written to Columbia that our crown doesn't ft sky too good as our size is now 7 1-2, our head hrrtsf swelled a bit since we were informed that we ltd woo It...
...The first four volumes of "A History of American Life...
...Such legislation is unwarranted...
...but in their richly furnished narratives the reader finds the concrete evidence and Instances needed to sustain their judgments...
...ate it suite a list...
...The excel en ce of other sections of the volume, it seems to us, cannot make up for this shortcoming...
...b) The Injunction prudent* lite, which means tbe <s continuance of the temporary injunction up to the trial of the issues, to xne perpetual and permanent injunction—after the trial of...
...We got so excited that we tore up three unpaid bills and cast them to the wlab-of Fifth avenue...
...The volume by Nevins (The Emergence of Modern America, 1865-1878) falls into the period of reconstruction, the editors calling attention to the fact that the author has not made a single reference to Charles Sumner or Thaddeus Stevens...
...Though tongues yap applause or derision...
...Brownaon and Frances Wright receive only incidental mention...
...To be sure, "social evolution" also bulks large but it also has its setting In the economic background...
...Those Whs possess these volumes will look forward with mnelrteiehhi anticipation to those that are to follow...
...those responsible for this series prefer *i trace it in terms of social evolution...
...note to be Pittsburg man and referred the Social Register to freddy Marvin who apparently still thinks that we •we bora In the Ghetto of St...
...James Truslow Adams has rapidly Forged to the front rank of American (historians, his masterly three volumes on New England showing a courage and revealing a scholarship not exceded even by Beard...
...I am learning too that as soon as some of the champions of the...
...Send your dollar today to Ruth Stout -t^ht Nation' 'at 20 Vesey street and come along and -left Heywood Broun and Dorothy Parker and Art ytbig and Clarence Darrow and Morris Ernst do their oar mao still continues to interest us...
...the Eskimo for "Have you a «¦ to every room of this hotel...
...We cannot always follow him in his interpretations as, for example, that colonial New England was not aristocratic (p...
...It supplements the able studies of Oberholtser and Dunning but it Is more concerned with Industry, agriculture, and the economic and social farces of the period than with conncts over reconstruction and almost completely' Ignores the politicians...
...These cults of the illiterate are still active, but debauched Ku Klux legislatures and the oil-smeared 100 percenters have helped to turn the tide against the march back to medievalism...
...to show how Europeans became Americans, how farmers, fishermen, planters, merchants and the rest grew rich or poor, how they organized their common life, how they built their common interests into Institutions — churches, schools, and all tbe multifarious social enterprises which in total make the sub' stance of our civilization...
...Too much like cheap-jack blah...
...the chatter box **i sing the beauty of defeated Down into cursea oouvion sans song...
...One wonders whether the last sentence quoted from tbe prospectus above was not written to soothe some timid scholastics, for both Schlesinger and iPox have themselves done some excellent work in frnrnwwie interpretation...
...Factional rivalry, party strife and statecraft, which after all have never been an important personal concern of many people, have been left to the political historians, but fundamental matters like the broadening of the suffrage, the democratizing of political control through conventions and the like, and such expressions of the public conscience as movements for "reform' are all given due attention...
...m_wa started from Europe and came this way, we **•* have to bum around with a lot of Eskimos and eg Eskimo vocabulary is distressingly short...
...It is my opinion that the year 1927 will come to be regarded as an epoch year in this field tor that year contributed two magnificent works and four volumes of another that have set a new standard...
...the other is subjecting our myths, traditions and superstitions to the test of scientific research and analysis...
...You Indomitable lovers, Bravah...
...entirely too little honest intent to fight* it but to the last...
...The temporary injunction is obtained on affidavits ex parte, which means without hearing the union representatives at all and is Intended to continue only until the argument on the return day of the motion...
...When a Mussolini will arise end effect a Fascist dictatorship here in order to detent the political voice of an aroused citizenry...
...His volume in this series ("Provincial Society, 1600-1763") is the most remarkable and informative of the four...
...Too much like trying to get their names in the papers...
...As far as I am related to this pertinent question, I wouldn't give you a sniff of hay fever pollen for all the notice of the press of the enemy has to say about me...
...It is a candid portrayal of the fruits of the revolution which destroyed the planter oligarchy, a bitter disappointment considering tbe idealist hopes of the humanitarians of the ante-bellum period who behaved that the passing of slavery would usher in the golden age of American history...
...Dinners and unorganized speakers and woman to wait on attendance with hymns of unquestioning service...
...If yo„ 1*1 anywhere in the vicinity of New york next .jtleare and come to "The Blacklist Party" which t2as under the auspices of the Nation magazine on ¦j^Lbur of May 9th at 8:30 o'clock at The Level Sj/^MWest 73rd street...
...On our own at least...
...And always there is the desire for the public print . . . what it will say about what they have said...
...S.W.de Wiss...
...They seem to find some opiate in silly self-vanities...
...Masks and confetti to scatter like blizzards of snow on the crowded parade rs...
...It is not true that the criminal law and the ordinary law of nsinagne are insufficient for the protection of property and of tbe pubUc England, whence comes our common law, and which is more nearly like our country industrially than any other country in Europe, doss not employ the injunction ha labor disputes as a means of protecting prunes tr or the public Then tbe contest between employer and employees has been regulated almost wholly through the criminal law and the law of damages...
...on "The Use of the Aorist Among •^anitfuture rthern Mongolia" which we are £m?Z meaiister coleman...
...You can get this well-documentaMv ./~ar'y written book about our imperialism in w'lm7ctlca and Central America for $2.50 at ail anil™ It' we advise you to hustle and do the *»ttaitr 11 16118 the story of the marines in Niandi*** We have known it told In no other bftja* "F™ i "bould come in handy when you go out Ut American Imperialism...
...As in the other volumes, there is a chapter on the growth of culture which is also Informing...
...That is why I refuse to get afl bet up about the Blacklist, the Blacklist party, the D. A. R. and the rest of this particular incident...
...This D.AJt...
...we sH know now all there is to know about the famtf ate, secret sorrows and hidden ambitions of everySM who has ever been up in an aeroplane...
...Assemble the instruments brass, and of string, and of wind, aad percussion, the instruments tender, cajoling, capricious and fierce, coarse, conflicting or mellow...
...From all Indications, there is not as widespread a distrust in the law in labor circles in England as there Is in labor circles in the United States...
...I am learning to dislike a large number of the old Uterary-liberal-reds on that account...
...75) which appears In contradiction with the view on page 03...
...The book fulfills the promise outlined in the prospectus of the editors...
...Such rascality is too low for any of my notice...
...I do not want to be understood to say that labor desires an absolutely free hand to do as It pleases regardless of the law...
...Labor Movement Ignored Professor Fish's volume ("The Rise of the Common Man, 1830 1850") measures up to tbe others in the chapters on Manners and Morals, the Religious Scene, Industry, Invention and Trade, Art, Science and Literature, but it is disappointing in another respect...
...I cannot bear with rebels who expect to usher in the New Day with the gesture of a and old crushed flowers about these sort of rebellions...
...Although paradoxical, this statement is absolutely true...
...business is too much like a "London Bridge is falling down'* game played by a lot of washed out, short-skirted, witch-hunting marma...
...A chapter on The Practice of Physic presents a little known phase of colonial life, tbe "remedies" provided for human ills...
...Had either Fox or Schlessinger surveyed this period we are sure that the book would not have suffered from any such defect...
...They declare it their purpose "to present both for the historian and for the general reader the story of our civilization from its far-off beginnings to the present moment...
...The Injunction then may be denied on tbe merits, but in the meantime, the damage was done...
...If ever I get my name in the papers, I hope it will be for something I .have done, some poem I have written, or seme beak that I have held up at the point of a gum- I don't meant it there because a money grubbing scoundrel has made up a proscription of bis own in order to Mood timid old ladies out of their pin money, and has by some accident included my bumble Tr>™r<S*'V+*~m*—r**tf[ the rest...
...The End Book Review History Coming Of Age bv fames on rill 11 THERE are two cultural trends in Am erican life that are as far apart as the poles and since the end of the World War there has been a race between the two...
...Internationalism IN "Education for Tolerance," reprinted from "Independent' Education...
...This is one of those rare books that recognize that, even on tbe intellectual plane, persuasion is better than force...
...battraade chap Off 110.M0 Jabs The Interstate Commerce Commission wage report for January 1838 shows fewer railroad employes than at any time since 1921-22...
...The legislation that is pending in Albany this year is largely designed to remedy the abuse of tbe procedure...
...to be complete in twelve volumes, edited by Arthur M. Bchlesmger and Dixon Ryan Fox, and published by Macmillan, also give high promise of measuring up to the standard set by the other two works...
...Pairing ton's two volumes on "Main Currents in American Thought" and the Beard's "Rise of American Civilization" mark the farthest advance in American historical interpretation...
...It seems to me that it is the duty of the courts and the lawyers to so fashion the law applicable to labor and enforce it so impartially that it will restore complete public confidence in tbe law...
...And yet some of you nurse a secret love, an illicit desire for such winks, and touches and blandishments as these inky courtesans flip your way...
...Honor on honor to honor the name of the winner...
...As a matter of experience this temporary injunction, issued without any opportunity for the union to be heard, sometimes continues for four, five or six weeks before the judge hearing the motion can decide whether the temporary injunction was obtained properly and on sufficient legal basis or not...
...Tbe court does not see the witnesses...
...Bra van...
...Writing W the filers may be a harmless enough occupation and wkbf about them from dawn to dusk probably has Ht set anyone back, but after all it's a lot like what Mark Twain said about the weather—everybody talks ¦but it but nothing seems to be done about it...
...If we *BSl Kuropewards it would be just our luck to end up atusmuni's back-yard...
...be have Just come back from standing in a shower Of ton vp telephone books and ticker tape to greet the tarn trans-Atlantic fliers...
...iufar The Outline of Injunctions • - Labor Singled Out For Double Punishment—Denied Safeguards Surrounding Even The Ordinary Criminal By Louis Waldman (Continued From Last Week) QUITE aside from the legal principles involved as the basis for injunction, it la aserted, that the method and procedure incidental to their issue has provcedure Incidental to j their Issue has ' proved a great hardship to the workers...
...The 'economic interpretation' has been found inadequate for American life as a whole...
...If that bill is intended to curtail the power of the court to issue injunctions in labor disputes, it does not go far enough because it would not prevent the Issuing of injunctions en the various grounds constituting the basis of federal injunctions...
...Dancers to decorate streets with the carpets of roses...
...John B. J. Fanshawe makes a pleasant plea for an international sense of humor, for a display of tolerance and an effort to understand different viewpoints, as bases of ultimate peace...
...And when Eddie mentioned to me the poor position we Socialists received from the World and tbe like during our Convention, I merely shrugged my ancient collar bones, and shooed a "Tut tut" in his ear...
...Aad here's for keeping our own decent names out of the papers...
...I hope then to be on a real blacklist, where my life will snnjaagsi pay for the inclusion...
...In Jfact pfnmy know such simple phrases as "Higloo oh no *wtt* which means of course, "Hay, cap, can you the way to East Tenth street, Manhattan...
...sjebjjj^jack over this it strikes us that we have » the tJZ°U?d a lot...
...To my dumb way of thinking, altogether too much pother has been wasted on the Blacklist by all on all sides...
...JOSEPH t. shipley...
...Of course, it infers that we are mentioned by the Daughters of the American Revolution as un-American, Red, Radical, Revolutionary, and therefore unworthy to appear as speakers, lecturers or otherwise to guest at any of their functions...
...A Promising Prospectus One cannot improve upon the prospectus of the series announced by the editors, part of which we quote...
...inflict the unemployment cure on the railroad unions...
...The Colonial Period Besides the editors, professors H. L Priestly, T. J. Wertenbaker, James Truslow Adams, E. B. Greene, C. R. Fish, A C. Cole, Allan Nevins, H. U. Faulkner, and Ida Tarbell and P. W. Blosson contribute volumes...
...I even refuse to grow excited about what effect tins) Blacklist will have or has had upon civil liberties and public welfare...
...Imagine the patient afflicted with smallpox required to gulp the ashes of burnt toads I Others are ludicrous, such as the prescription for fever, two herrings slit down tbe back and bound to the soles of the feet...
...It is a masterpiece of historical interpretation and if this book were the only one to his credit it would stand out as a great achievement...
...Or the World that makes a glorified pretense for democracy, free speech, and even defends us Socialists, when we are ousted from Legislatures for our opinons and on account of our true views on SaccoVanzetti...
...I cannot for the world of me understand why any person of intellect or Just honest judgment, would want to appear before the venerable dames, nor why these same outmoded, and mummied ladies of red flannel aristocracy should want to hear what any of us liberal, radlco-reds had to say...
...last is to say that trans-Atlantic nights may be -¦S]gut in .their way, but up to now, nothing we have . !*ai about them gives us a great urge to hop into a |sse and go across the Atlantic, either way...
...Who can explain a Hearst that preaches sweet peace on one side of the page, and yells bloody murder to Mexico on the other...
...Do your words at the first match your words at the finish...
...It seems too much like everybody, liberal and conservative alike, rushing in to pose before the camera of publicity...
...The admission to this g£, tonne dollar...
...Byllsby, Skidmore, Simpson and Kellogg are not mentioned at all, and only George Henry Evans gets some attention, and this is far from being adequate...
...It goes too far in that it seeks to take away from the court the power to interfere by Injunction in any case involving Intangible property...
...Yesterday we ag ear swell crown from Columbia University, an inclfi to the above-mentioned "Blacklist Party," a sk ihr* letter" from a taxation expert saying we tares]) wet in a piece we wrote for The Forum Maga¦m oft the Pittsburg Plan of Graded Taxation and a httat earing that information is being required about a) for potting us in The Social Register...
...Up to the year lstt civilisation in our country seemed to develop rapidly and Industry thrived without invoking the remedy of injunction of labor disputes...
...Petersburg and came anr la the Leviathan...
...In no field of American culture is the trend toward civilized thinking more apparent than in American historical writing...
...You see all this quite clearly all of you...
...timsll"111X0 being sent to all those dangerous and iitslrr" characters who have appeared on the Daugh'"^gtte American Revolution blacklist and on the -matty bulletins sent out by the hard-working Fredygjusiw of The Key Men of America...
...However, the handicrafts, clerical rule, punishments and life of the "lower classes" are fully portrayed and the volume may be' commended to those who think of our colonial forbears in terms 3f an angelic host...
...Yet in three of the volumes before us the economic interpretation bulks huge...
...Briefly, there are three phases to the procedure: (a) The temporary injunction...
...torth is that we are so hopelessly old-fashioned ¦to'just being inured to automobiles, and not too •had inured at that...
...Like that other cheap Jerry, Trader Horn, they find a definite vindication for all they have been and said, by exhibiting old wounds and scars...
...You bowl quite loudly, all of you about the tainted press, the poisoned news, the jungle journals of tbe day...
...And, as for the real publicist himself on these sheets, what can explain a Heywood Broun who comes back to the World after his resignation...
...Each volume ($4) Is Illustrated with photos, illustrations, or quaint drawings which enhance its value and concludes with an ample bibliography...
...The authors are always seeking explanation of the phenomena they discover and present, either from contemporary philosophers and literateurs or from the logic of the facts themselves...
...wa>were glad enough to do our part in welcoming iii' ail mens and an Irishman...
...naw somewhere that every 5.3 persons in the jjwd States now have a car and that as a matter of The two-car family" in common as dirt...
...Considering the leadership of these two men in Congress, Sumner in the Senate and Stevens in tbe House, this study is unique...
...I think' the sooner we drop this Blacklist Brotherhood Idea, and go out to elect Norman Thomas and Jim Maurer on a straight, out and out ticket of public weal and common decency, the cleaner ws win all feel about it...
...The sense of continuity and unfolding of many factors in each colony and in the colonies as a whole is maintained throughout the book...
...rjft t . . _______ bene morning now for weeks the old-line papers hi n) asm giving us about six full pages of air stuff...
...After such conviction and punishment, these very defendants and the union of which they are members, are punished again by the Issuance of an injunction against them, basing that injunction on those very convictions...
...In recent years even tbe right to compensation for damages resulting from a struggle in a labor dispute has been abolished...
...And we don't have to fly UW Bales for a dose of castor oil...
...Into 4b* period which bis volume eoasiders laBs the rise of tbe American labor movement and the title of the book would lead one to expect an adequate treatment of this movement but the reader is dlsanpoteted There are only a few casual references to it and we feel that Professor Fish has missed a big opportunity...
...grasses us so to wake up in the morning and ¦¦kthat we are not a "two-car family" not even the *¦ fr.™0*8 ear-owners for example, that sometimes "j»t can't get up and we lie in bed quite late, sob"f*"/ our pillow...
...Inasmuch as the issues Involved In injunctions are matters of public policy rather than of law, it is for the legislators and for Congress to declare what those policies shall be...
...For a number of years our barbarians have had the best of it with their 100 per cent Americanism, their nordic nonsense, the Ku Klux fever, ancestor worship and fundamentalism, and other primitive ideas...
...The increase of wealth and its impact upon society and politics, the rise of aristocracy, the development of class conflicts out of land speculation, town proprietorship in New England and the spread of ; slave estates In the South...
...Wertenbaker's volume ("The First Americans, 1607-1000") presents a viivd narrative and interpretation of colonial life in the seventeenth century...
...Banners of witty inscriptions and slogans of praise...
...Very often tbe court grants injunctions pendente lite on affidavits which are either wholly false or which state half truths...
...A day may come when the psabse will refuse to accept the mandate of tbe people at election...
...Adams has taken a mass of complicated material and knitted it into a comprehensive narrative of the evolution of colonial life in terms of economics, geography, culture and immigration...
...bait we wrote to the butcher is between our' consdeseo aad ourselves but we told the Maine hunting dsh that we didn't see how we could get up there this •w e> most of our hunting would be vote hunting br jthi campaign and besides we tore a hole in the fasts of our English hunting suit, while partridge stoejjsg with a branch of the Yipsels in Brownsville set week...
...or usually left undone...
...when the carriers were deliberately subcontracting maintenance work or leaving It undone in order to...
...Spring •^fari ra"iblers, particularly red ramblers...
...Multi-voiced choirs in jubilee loud and triumphant...
...wiaB^rf.* "^^le-aged man's fancy lightly turns **BS|zhm, Eskimos, automobiles, the D. A. R.'s and »*W0--i- / jheaei sj-f...
...It does not go to the heart of tbe question...
...I for one refuse to' help raise any unnecessary hubbub about a very natural occurrence...
...Aaron Rosen...
...Very useful purposes may be served by injunctive relief in the general business and property relationship where there is threatened Injury to intangible property...
...Tbe criminal law is a standing injunction and is constant In its operation...
...struggle be- j tween frontier communities and eastern j aristocrats, suffrage limitation, the old j story of profiteering war contracts in j the struggle for French Panada, too "do- ' nation" of farmers and workers that followed, all constitute the prelude to the war of the American Revolution...
...too much truculent truck and tattle...
...He selects America and England for his illustrations, to show that even a common language may not bridge understanding, and he draws frequent and apt examples to his points...
...That year the first injunction was granted in tbe State of Massachusetts: that in the case of Sherry v. Perkins (147 Mass, 218...
...Even in our own country, no injunctions in labor disputes ware granted until IBM...
...Why should they give us favorable publicity...
...Labor is singled out for double punishment where the injunction granted Is on the alleged ground of the use of "Intimidation", the particular men or women charged with the offense are convicted of violating some law or ordinance...
...Here's three hoots and a sniffle tor sty name being on the Blacklist...
...The anti-injunction bill introduced by Senator 8 hipstead goes too far and does not go far enough...
...One leads back to the censorship of the Puritan saints-and the smothering of all independent thinking...
...For they are the winners and theirs is the beauty I sing...
...Later, perhaps a year after the Injunction was issued and the strike completely broken, on the trial of tlje case, these people who made the affidavits, when submitting to cross-examination, nave a different story to tell...
...for those in whose veins liquid fire runs riot, whose hearts hold communion with trinity glorious (love for the truth, for the right, for the beautiful), the length of whose strides are not measured with yardsticks, who perceive the infinity of an ideal progression...
...They'll have to steal a snap of me to my own unawares to get my mug for their purposes...
...or "*y* kyluk tovijol...
...the issues and the determination of the case...
...I am glad the D. A. R. was consistent and almost unanimously voted to squelch the squeals of revolt from thp few misguided Daughters of n now long-forgotten Revolution...
...It certainly wounld not prevent the courts from employing what I term, indirect economic pressure, unlawful, and enjoin it by a decree...
...In the 6 months since July 1127 the railroads have laid off 300,055 workers, bringing the total number on thp payrolls down to 1,614,280 or 110,000 less than In January 1837...
...The mjnnjtvi" pendente lite is obtained after hearing both sides in an argument before a judge on the basis of affidavits prepared by both sides...
...But that is the Spring...
...Too much like paying a debt to a memory* Too much minuet...
...or done...
...The four now before us have unequal merit and this is to be expected as the whole is a cooperative work to which twelve historians contribute...
...So that even if the union proves to be in the right aad it wins on the argument, the temporary injunction issued perhaps without any legal basis, has already done its damage and determined the fate of the strike...
...The volume enriches our understanding of the backgrounds of the American Revolution but it is not enlightenment which the Daughters of the American Revolution will welcome...
...There is too much' of the smell of lavender pose of indignation, too much dignity of stiffened pleats and ruffled frills...
...Not the tremor of tears nor the quiver of pity expend...
...to try our best to be more edu5*'»*eanWtructive and uplifting...
...We hope that the promise will be realized by the other volumes that are to appear...
...Liberal and conservative alike...

Vol. 7 • May 1928 • No. 20

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