Claessens, August

WHO DID IT? By Way of Acknowledgment For An Inspiring Convention By August Claessens s~'ONORATULATION8 and enthusiastic comment are pouring in from many sources regarding the magnificent...

...Gus W. Dyer, who has had a notable academic training, has become editor of that publication...
...The Sinclair Verdict ^NOTHER chapter has been written in the oil - swindles by the acquittal of Harry F. Sinclair by a Washington jury...
...The material assembled in this volume has been gathered from reliable sources and it provides the basis for hundreds of speeches, articles and arguments...
...It seemed that an acquittal was impossible at the hands of a jury yet that is the verdict of twelve men...
...In the interest of "good government" Tammany will fight Patten in the primary...
...Special mention must be made of the fine work done by Johanna Rjawsky hi handling the huge reservation job and the valuable assistance rendered by Means Novlk and Ben Kaufman in the preparation of the seating arrangements...
...Another "Betrayal" HAVE a dreadful tale to unfold...
...The great banquet required scene tedious detail work and a couple of sleepless nights an the part of several of us...
...There the crowd heard the story of this inspiring project from the hps of the manager of the colony, Mr...
...Floaters and pimps and thugs will be drilled for their job at the polls...
...8peaking for an these loyal comrades, can say we are all happy about the outcome of our efforts and we are sag* erlv awmltlnv th* Himrrr tnhe ahead of US...
...They planned the bag doings and saw to it that they ware carried Into effect...
...As the fleet of busses and cars arrived a committee of almost a hundred, red-ribboned and wreathed in smiles, helped to empty the vehicles and hustled the visitors Into the colony's auditorium...
...Mention must 'aim be made of the Yipsels who helped in the big meeting, at the concert and the outing, at the banquet and the convention, and who furnished the cheers, songs and general stimulus to the excitement and the enthusiasm...
...Tammany will "clean up...
...A second edition is now on the press...
...The D. A. R. should arrange, a public ceremony in his home town...
...But we have not yet reached the limit of our depravity...
...The undersigned sends his heartiest congratulations to the comrades and tc the candidates, feeling confident that the banner of Socialism which, symbolism the hope of mankind will be raised and kept aloft by them so that those who have vision may see, those who have comprehension may comprehend and those who have the courage of then convictions may adopt and carry to all parts of this great land of Capitalism...
...A fttige e^-^mmWlmg^ soaxdw^Tar* many...
...And Mac Coleman certainly gathered material sufficient, we are told, to last him until the next convention...
...Editor, The New Leader: Permit me, by the way of a May Day greeting, to extend to the members of the Socialist Party my hearty congratulations in their choice of their presidential candidates...
...Tha CssassHtes ef IN The chief credit for the miraculous success of the convention belongs to the Committee of a Hundred...
...Some Bad Advice RECENT issue of the.Southern Agriculturist carries the announcement that Dr...
...Patten belongs to the Connolly machine...
...Each group waa taken into one of the apartments and refreshments were served...
...It contained over 50 pages of articles and pictures, $1,400 in advertising and 116 pages In all...
...This is a terrible mistake and it should be corrected at the earliest possible moment...
...To earn the disapproval of that crowd is a compliment...
...And yet there seemed to me to be almost as many women as men in the Manhattan Open Howe last evening, and my experience after twenty years ss a dues paying member of the Socialist Party Is that there are as many Jane Hlggins's as Jimmy Higglns's ready to do the routine jobs of the movement...
...New Terk City...
...Under the able leadership of Comrades Morris Hillquit, Norman Thomas, Jacob Panken, Louis Waldman, Morris Herman, A...
...Patten succeeds him...
...We know that too often the law is a spider's web too weak to hold the powerful .criminal of great wealth but strong enough to snare offenders with little or no property, but here was a case where unanimous decisions of high courts, one the supreme judicial tribunal of the nation, had condemned Sinclair...
...Why not give us proportional representation...
...It does not require an astute'mind to sense the fact that the political and economic conditions confronting the campaign of less are pregnant with promise for a great revival in Socialist activity...
...We are calling special attention to it and will give it more extended mention later on...
...The Socialist...
...Of Maurer especially I shall have more to say later on...
...John has demonstrated that he is a patriot and it is shameful to list him otherwise...
...Editor, The New Leader: The...
...With such leadership and such a crew, what happened just had to happen...
...John for many years was a Socialist but years ago he atoned for his awful heresy and he* has been doing his best to make amends...
...The convention proper was attended to by s small, tireless and efficient staff...
...He has eerned it by^ fohjhful syjMT djnrjr the world was From the NEW LEADER MAILBAG A Pretest ECU tor...
...Well, let's take a look at the platform which applicants must approve...
...Party offers itself as the political party of the producing classes, the workers in farm, factory, mine or office...
...Some who will be cleaned up will recuperate in hospitals...
...He objects to workers pushing "their wages above the point at which they would be fixed by the law of supply and demand" because'"to this extent they are really taking money that belongs to the farmers and others and appropriating it to themselves...
...In your list of Contributing Editors, no woman's name appears...
...This result is a surprise to us...
...He who wants to be effective and convincing in the political campaign will find this volume indispensable...
...Contrast this case with that of Sacco and Vanz'fttti and who will say that ail citizens are "equal before the law...
...Miami Beach, Ftav...
...For six years I worked with him In the Pennsylvania -Labor movement, and I shall tell some of the things Maurer did and was able to make the leaden (and some times the mislead en) of the movement do...
...Citizens disgusted, Tsmrrssny may lose Queens County and Smith may Ids* the 48 electoral votes of New York...
...It is true that the interests of the farm owner and the wage worker do not coincide at all points, but neither class has any common interest with the great masters of credit and industry...
...The successful reception, concert aad dance tendered to the delegates was managed by the City Office and great credit must be given for the wonderful cooperation of all of our New York ORy coajBssfS who carried that affair into fssttssliporlss...
...The termination of the case simply implies that the great capitalist magnates of our age are above the law, that jails are provided for the "lower orders," and tliat "justice" is a farce in a society where a wealthy minority has enormous power ana prestige...
...Good cheer to all of you on this First Day of May...
...Here is a volume that is of vital importance to editors, speakers, organizers and voters...
...Thomas and Maurer make a fine team...
...But I do not believe In saying all the good things shout our comrades when they are dead—they may as well enjoy a good word while alive I Jim Oneal and Edward LeVinson are others who should be told that The New Leader was fine in the way in which it covered the convention...
...By Way of Acknowledgment For An Inspiring Convention By August Claessens s~'ONORATULATION8 and enthusiastic comment are pouring in from many sources regarding the magnificent convention...
...Grafters have scooted to cover, ssorougn President Cotmeuy resigned and Betofrd Wt...
...Terrible profpect with the Federal money vats almost within reach of the "new" Tammany...
...For % spokesman of the farmers to see some solution of the farmers' distress in keeping down the income of the wage workers rather than seeking to strip the corporation masters of their power is a distinct disservice to the farmers themselves...
...Terrible, isn't it...
...Here will be found reliable information on coal and super-power, railroads, unemployment, low wages, immigration, farm problems, injunctions, civil rights, labor legislation, social insurance, foreign trade and loans, the League of Nations, peace and disarmament and other vital matters...
...Carry the glorious news to Houston...
...They are forced to restore the property by decisions of the Federal courts, those judicial bodies that are generally tender in their treatment of gentlemen endowed with large properties...
...If Patten is defeated this victory, to quote the New York Times, "would place George W. Olvany, the head of Tammany, in a position of power in the city never previously held by any other Tammany leader...
...A multi-millionaire and a high cabinet officer conspired to rob the nation of rich oil deposits...
...Connolly's crime is that he was caught with the goods and jeopardized Tammany's larger ambitions...
...And there you are...
...The economic crisis and great unemployment .the exposure of the sham prosperity and the security of the masses, the nauseating corruption of the major political parties, the total absence of any movement or desire for a tbSrd . party such as evidenced in 1S34, the abatement of the Communist nuisance—all these and many more factors—furnished the gas and the oil...
...Platforms are distributed by the millions and this one will be distributed all over the country...
...Don't please ask bow old she Is she wm not tall youf...
...Well, if we had any doubts of our position they are dispelled...
...A. Kazan and J. Geo...
...Among last evening's speakers there was not one woman...
...The New Leader: Where are the women m the Socialist movement...
...Although a Federal Court of Appeals and the U. S. Supreme Court by unanimous decisions held that the Teapot Dome transaction was fraudulent and corrupt, cancelled Sinclair's lease, and transferred the oil to the navy, the jury has declared the oil magnate innocent...
...The almsgathering pommuniats declare that the Socialist Party hap sold the Working class again...
...Go to work, friends...
...That advice leads to perpetual bondage for both sections of the labor army...
...Shall it be sewer,virtue or oil virtue...
...Then the crowd was divided into groups of ten or more, headed by one of the oooperators, and ushered through houses from cellars to garrets...
...John Spargo is listed among the undesirables...
...A kind word from that quarter would arouse our suspicion...
...Whether the party realized as much cash as these saints did when they looted the treasuries of a number of needle trade unions opponents saith not, but they declare that the Socialist Party convention abandoned the view that modern society is afflicted by class antagonism...
...This committee planned the Manhattan Opera House meeting and empowered O. August Oerber with the management thereof...
...In 1924 he paid homage'to Calvin the Righteous...
...The advice which we quote ranges two sections of the producing classes against each other...
...Then to emphasize our crime the platform declares that the capitalist parties "belong to the landlords, bankers, oil speculators, coal and power barons: in short to the capitalist class which finances them...
...There is the "betrayal...
...An Important Volume rJ,Hj> apparance of volume IX of the American Labor Year Book published by the Rand School of Social Science warrants special mention of this important publication...
...That great demonstration was an eaxeUent tribute to the genius of Ous Oerber, his able assistants, Abs Weinberg and Reba Pushkoff, and the splendid aid rendered by our ablest comrades in every branch in the city...
...If virtue is triumphant and "good government" comes to Queens it will be "good" because the Tammany chief will control the city as no other Tammany chieftain ever controlled it before...
...The party will, through their efforts, gain in strength...
...they did and the old reliable of running again with all four wheels gripping the road...
...The handsome souvenir journal was planned by the City Executive Commftte and edited by William Morris Frigeobaum...
...Besides the eight big buses with their banners flaunting the words, "Socialist Party National Convention Delegates"—scores of comrades volunteered their cars and thus an army on wheels sang and shouted in Its Journey around the city...
...the joyous and vociferous crowds, the remarkable way in which every affair arranged in and around the convention and the entertainment of the delegates achieved a resemblance of perfection, and lastly, the dash and pep of it all...
...The application card of the 'party carries no statement of it...
...The volume this year is largely confined to data which are of special importance in relation to the political issues of the American election...
...In the Outlook a few years ago he declared that the way of recovery from the World War was to let capitalist enterprise have its way all over the world...
...Our newly organised Bronx Eight, A. D. Branch, residents of the Amalgamated Cooperative Houses, also dieV s wonderful Job...
...It is only in a plutocracy that a high crime like this can go unpunished...
...g* sure* d* give our Convention delegates an enjoyable and unforgettable evening...
...Meantime "good governmertt'* will be carried to victory here in November in the time-honored way of the "new" Tammany...
...The rest of it Just happened...
...Distribute the platform by the millions...
...A hundred and one details regarding the comforts and convenience of the delegates were attended to by Comrades Arthur Passberg and Henry dross...
...There was no effort required to sell the banquet Every Socialist around these parts clamored to get in, and once inside he or she generated the good spirit, the enthusiasm and the jubilation...
...The advertising was solicited by Henry Gross and the fine cooperation of ootnradss from all over the country helped to make this book the largest and best of its kind ever published in conjunction with any party convention...
...Let Ous Claessens know that the mass meeting wss a fine piece of work and be deserves a great deal of credit (though he will not get It...
...It is enough to induce the rah rah boys to organize another "Innocents Club" and rake in cash to pay the salaries of the Communist saints...
...Is there any such record of base "betrayal" as the distribution of the Socialist platform in every state...
...What impresses us is his amazing view of" the relations between farmers and wage workers of the cities...
...Yes, another "betrayal...
...invite the super-power patriots to be present, and phi .a rose on him...
...That is also the crime of Albert B. Fall who has sent the Republican stock low...
...His view seems to accept the old exploded wage fund theory, that the sum available for payment of wages is a fixed amount and for workers to ask for more than the rate fixed by supply and demand is for them fb commit some economic sin...
...ganlsaUon and as one who Is getting an utterly unfair share of the bouquets, let me state some facts for the record and distribute the credit when it Justly belongs...
...Miami Herald repasts today the nomination of Norman Thomas and James H. Maurer, as the standard bearers of the Socialist ticket for 1928...
...First ot all, events have a peculiar way of shaping their own operations...
...The stenographic and mlmeographic work was supervised by the Chicago office staff, Mrs...
...All that was needed was a rallying, an honest to goodness get-together of our scattered forces in a fairly large convention, aad they could be trusted to get the old car into shape...
...Olvany will have a dummy in Queens to carry the flag of virtue and Smith will carry it to the inhabitants of the interior...
...Barnes and Hilda Kruggsl, assisted by Comrades Rebecca Turner and Johanna Rjawsky of the City Office...
...Get this volume if you wish to sustain your arguments with reliable facts...
...Tammany "Virtue" \^ITH GOVERNOR SMITH, the prize exhibit of Tammany, leading the field for the Democratic nomination for President, the chiefs (are distressed by the sitjiatJQp in Queens County...
...Here was probably the greatest single theft in the history of the republic...
...I. Shlplacoff, Julius Oerber, Wm...
...They will once again gather around them the men and the women who...
...It merely requires the applicant to subscribe to the platform and principles of the party...
...Virtue asserts itself...
...Here is your choice...
...its successful acocenpllahsncnta, the fine spent naspsayed...
...In a recet.t number of the North American Review he smote the Socialist movement from Dan to Beersheba and declared capitalism to be the holy water (not oil) which guarantees prosperity to all...
...A Maligned Patriot Tjj^E hasten to correct one grievous error in the list of unpatriotic persons and organizations published by the Daughters of the American Revolution...
...Note: (Two more years and the undersigned shall be a member of the Socialist Party for twenty-five years...
...Intellectually, belong to the Socialist Party...
...The first edition is exhausted...
...The thrilling bus ride on Sunday, around the City, to the Amalgamated Cooperative Apartments in the Bronx, down the length of Riverside Drive, throughout the city to the Forward Building and back to Harlem was planned months ahead but was carried but successfully thanks to Comrade Meyer OUlls and the generosity of the Forward Association...
...It is all a mistake...
...Congrats lat teas...
...Karlin, Edward Le Vinson, Algernon Lee and others, this organization really got things started In excellent and efficient fashion...
...The rah rah boys give convincing testimony that we are right...
...Application cards are not distributed throughout the country...
...Victims who may bring their grievances into court will have them decided by Tammany magistrates...
...As one who was Intimately concerned with most all of it as Executive Secretary of our City or...
...The job was too raw for the Federal judges but a jury gives Sinclair a clean bill of health...
...It will be of interest to the readers of The New Leader to know about them...
...Having served as Professor of Economic Sociology in Vanderbilt University we are interested in his views which were outlined in a letter to President Coofidge...
...If this is the best service that a Professor of Economic Sociology can render to southern farmers we feel compassion for the rural workers of the South...
...It-is our political weapon in the class struggle and in it licsour hope of ending thai struggle...
...Among the nine photographs selected of.delegates which an given.In the Leader today, there Is not one woman...
...The postwar depression is, I think, on the wane...
...Just now I merely want to say that a party that can retain the loyalty, devotion, and interest of men like Thomas and Maurer cannot fall...
...The future looks a bit bright now...
...All in all It was an impressive sight-seeing trip and a great demonstration...

Vol. 7 • April 1928 • No. 19

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