SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK National Ueaoers in unorganised eenrsenaftmmm desiring Information on m* h organise local divisions of the geebtikjt Party may obtain tmtrairHans. lesfleta, charter...
...Vermont Louis L. Clay, 89 Maple street, Burlington will handle the teak of patting our ticket on the field...
...Plans are now being made to establish a strong, central National Office tn Chicago, where the Socialist Party has its 'own National Office...
...Kansas Ross Magill, on his way back to Kansas all enthused over the work of the convention, tells the National Secretary that he will go into the field as soon as he waives home...
...The weather was bad and the eanVnee was Rot as htrge as it otherwise would have been, bat 300 people attended, The collection was $18.40 aad literature sales «***\ • ¦ A public propaganda meeting will he held each month and local Socialists advise other branches to follow their example...
...Y. P. 8- L. and Comrade Missel on the work done by Tinsel members in New Bedford, and we had a very good speech by Prank B. Cross wait...
...Wrather knows to work and has lots" of pep left...
...the Ring-street and in front of the town ball...
...Comrade Bule Is not only an old-timer tn hte Socialist movement, but he ajier...
...Arthur Bjknhanr Treasurer, P. J. Murphy...
...The program commences at g:*8 pm...
...Without the pass you may not get n; fpr IPs really difficult to distinguish -he Ylpsels...
...Tne -Young1 People's Socialist League Is coming into its own...
...Men and women who heJJK with us and are not as yet members of the party should write the Natmnil Office at once...
...Kings 11, Bronx 9, Queens 1, Richmond 1. Counties outside of Greater New York entitled to more than one delegate are Albany 2, Schenectady 2, Westchester 3. The apportionment of delegates Is based on dues stamps purchased in the six months ending wtth February...
...Saturday, July 13th: In the...
...Aurust Oerber, the secretary of the Socialist Action Committee, wiU send you instructions...
...Sunday evening, May 6th, Dora WoInsky, Chopin...
...We feel confident that with proper support from Socialists in other places in helping the nrk< we will again have a party organisation in Minnesota and'a ticket on the ¦shot In the November election...
...A letter received from the little town dowrdtaie of Divernos* announces that , j p. Davis was elected trustee of the town, tie receiving the highest vote of any ncsninee...
...Pronlnent League speakers will deliver talks, vil League members and their friends ire Invited to attend this Mass Yipsel tally...
...New York City County OsnantMtees Official County Committee meetings have been held in the five counties of New York City tost week and the foDowlng were elected: Queens County CenanBtee County Chairman...
...Comrades, I hope to do more than to sa at a desk and attend to correspondence...
...Harry Diamond...
...Illinois Delegates from Illinois to the National Convention are enthused and ready for ¦ big fight...
...Jesse George, chairman of the committee, declared that the action "is particularly appropriate in Reading and Barks County, because every Socialist csndnawa b recognized as s trade unionist who has long been active in the labor movement, other sections «f the state might not see fit to give such sweeping endorsement to the candidates of any one party but in Reading the Socialists have been identified with the trades union group long enough to merit labor's confidence and supports" ¦'.'-¦s,, Pottotown ' iA< Local Potts town held a successful public meeting eunday which was adnaBasd by J. Henry Stump, Mayor «f Reading, and Birch Wilson, secretary to the Mayer...
...Pierre Be Hie, Bsc throughout th* aeagSry to know*mat another edition of the excel eat souvenir hook published to conjunction -with thf astiaaal Convention to...
...Attention AH Juniors...
...We may be able to make a party of it some week-end...
...The wholesale late will be considerably ¦as...
...Please forward the credentials of yom Central Committee Delegates through /our Circle...
...April 28th, Lillian Kaplan, Cooperative Colonies in the U. 3., Past and Present...
...Ihe RkecuUve Committee will be elected ind the other standing committees considered...
...Oklahoma The State Committee of Oklahoma selected a permanent State Secretory in the person of Thomas L. Bale of Parry...
...dancing, refreshments...
...Organiser of Circle eight, Manhattan...
...The tost meeting, Saturday, aaerd3d a chance for each comrade to display us ability to talk during an emergency...
...from other proletarians...
...This wil> Stoke a very handsome booklet, printer" QiS fine paper and containing about M Sites of reading matter...
...It is a safe bet that Kansas will roll up the largest vote for the Socialist ticket It has ever cast...
...Pass The State Secretary asks Party members to bear in mind that the present dues will remain in force until the State Convention, since the new constitution adopted by the National Convention provides that State Organizers shall nave the right to determine what additional dues shall be paid over 4106 per year, iaancial secretaries of locals and branches will continue to collect dues at the present rate until notified to the contrary...
...The Young People's Peyartiirent T"HE time to at hand, wnen the reawakening of the Socialist forces throughout the country to echoing In the activities c^the Socialist youth ot this country...
...Tennis It Is suggested that the members of the New York Y. P. S. L. who are interested in tennis, write to the Department of Parks, Room 201 Arsenal Building, -*4th street and Fifth avenue, New York...
...i Mos^a^fmsetu The Socialists o?Orester Beaton have organised an Action Committee with subcommittees to handle finance, publicity, meetings and sneakers, propaganda among women, contact with trade .unions, fraternal societies.and outside organisations...
...on the subject of Unemployment... the afternoon, festivity...
...the chairman at this meeting, in the course 3t his preliminary remarks, said: "We ire gathered to ring out the old and to ring in the new...
...on a Sunday...
...Counties not buying enough stamps to entitle them to representation on this oasis will be permttted to send delegates at their own expense...
...Write or teleshone to Edward Brink, 40 Cedar street, JX M. Reiner, 1402 Boulevard, West Hartawn Pennsylvania , Voters who arVMaStered under the Labor Party In Reading were urged to write or paste the names of the Socialist candidates on their ballots to the primary election Tuesday...
...In tile evening, entertainments in different parts of the city...
...will uphold the iffilrmative...
...Comrade Dwortzoff outlined what he hoped to do through the year, to establish a greater dues-paying membership In Hew...
...lam, Nebraska, aaffling the National Organization that there will bs considerable support in placing* state ticket on the ballot...
...What can be gleaned from these reports indicates a livery activity on the part of the Socialist Youth movements of Europe...
...A National Secretary, wtth...
...The irst...
...The other groups met at .be Labor Lyceum...
...The discussions miicated the tremendous interest that has >een taken in this enterprise...
...This session laid plans for a Second International Youth Meeting, to be held in Vienna, July 12th to 14th...
...the Siss...
...Wrather wants to ejssr all the points, building the organBation and circulating petitions for sigMtuKE to place the Socialist ticket on the ballot...
...Circle Two Brooklyn The new plan of dividing the circle nto groups, seems to have met with a Treat deal of favor...
...A report from the Berlin office of the Socialist Ybuth International, outlines the minutes of a meeting of the Bureau tan Executive Committee) which met at Leipzetg...
...Socialists wilting to help in this wortf...
...stands the organization and is highly capable of giving good ser«ca, TheNatjonal Organization urges every comrade who reads this to get in touch, with ium...
...Seymovj Goodman, The Life oi Kropotkiu...
...The preliminary program Is as follows: .Friday, July 12th: In the forenoon the welcome of the foreign comrades in "Arkadennof...
...Ids Yavner, Ren Senitser, George Weld, Alice Cohen, as well as a reprelentatlve of the Juniors...
...The big work in front.of Us wTtt organize the pariv la eveTv state: ZjA state tickets and place them mm ZeJnllot...
...They are now askBig for speakers, and we must supply them right away...
...Socialists end branches of the rty desiring quantities are requested tt write the Cits Office, 7 East 15th street at once...
...All aboard for a ;ood time at the Yipsel Dance...
...Vnoaaaeseseat Meeting A faceting held In Fanueil Hall May 6 at 230 pm...
...The Current Events ind the Economic-Political Philosophy ;roup met at Comrade Cohen-Aluzwi s lame, Thursday and Satuiday evenings, espectively...
...e sort of miniature Socialist Party Convention Celebration...
...With these words, our Executive Secretary closed a Caeeting which showed true spirit and ^enthusiasm...
...Yipseldom The trade Unions, the Workmen's Circles sad the Socialist Party have looted their efforts far May Day eelebralons under the administration of the taint iSociafist Party-Trade Union May 3ay committee...
...Florida During the last week several Socialists have written the National Office from Florida about holding a state convention...
...April 29, at 10 a. m The Committee will consider details of the State Convention, including the election of special Committees on Rules, Platforms and Agenda...
...pfatMhna, ate, iTTr he obtained from ih# National °*<*' It Looks «*ee*-.» and it was a bis and enthusiastic (gnandtlBh...
...The Natural Office was a Utile apprehensive Spat the possibilities of rebuilding the party in Nebraska this year, but judging pan recent communications, Nebraska will be in line...
...L. Herman... the Rand School...
...and reach the great mass wtth ffSgopnranda...
...The Educational Program for next Sunday evening, April 29th, will be a :alk on George Bernard Shaw, by Helen 31antz...
...Remind your officers of the Junior Central Committee Meeting Satorday... appeal la therefore seat to all Yips* is to sake arrangements for admission, to the nil whereto they will serve...
...His address to cjo Jas...
...Minnesota . For a number of years the Psrmerlasar-Party of Minnesota held sway, socialists felt that It was advisable to SJeperste with it and develop as far as passible, a labor party hi Minnesota, teent events make us believe that it is qsceyary to rebuild the party in Minnesota...
...The» first ©antral Committee of the lew Office meets this Saturday at 6:00 Via...
...national organizer in Maine to put up a state ticket and the notional ticket on May First...
...The large attendance testified to the /rowing influence of this circle on the Sast Side...
...His subject is a secret, i.e...
...Secretary, Harry T. Smith...
...Prepare for it... on the 'TSp ,fl"t edition "which eorrtiUnSd 116 page*, including articles, cartoons,' photographs and advertisements, to practloaBy exhausted...
...Sunday, July 4th: In the forenoon, meetings In the different districts...
...New York YisoeMom Members of the Y. P. S. L. who subscribe to the New Leader and have 'read this column, should spread the news ¦•of Rs existence, to others...
...Those present were: Karl Heln: from Vienna, Erich OUenhauer from Berlin, Richard Lindstrum from Stockholm...
...Teaser Soenenrts deseed It to interesting and encouraging to receive word of the fine work being done by the Young Socialists of Europe...
...May Bay At the request of the International Ladles Garment Workers, we have called off our May Day Celebration so as to avoid conflict with their meeting and celebration in Mechanics Hall...
...Sad we took forward to your contractions...
...Socialists of this locality are enthused and will get busy in building a stronger organization...
...Lou Shomer will also appear...
...Members or the party dropping in...
...Hereafter Jie Philosophy group will meet at Com•ade Shulman's, 1336 Lincoln place, Suniay evening, May 13, Circle Two will .lold a mass rally at their headquarters, .he Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...May 13th, Ettie Frauenglass, Poetry, an appreciation, nitg recitations and- readings Sunday evening...
...Kcos Vorrink, frothy Amsterdam and Ernest Paul from Prague...
...New Hampshire Those willing to help to pat our ticket in New Hampshire please write at once to Earle B. Voting, 127 Baldwin St., Laconic...
...The ximmittee reports a successful journal, ind a large sale of tickets...
...Plans have been formulated-for a large 'ecture, a Field Day and several debates, further information will be forthcoming shortly.' Ask your Central Committee ielegate to report...
...And so it was that the new officers were inaugurated unldst rejoicing and applause...
...This appeal is to them...
...Connecticut i Hartford t With the organization of locals of the Socialist Party all over the country and Vie nomination of Norman Thomas and James H. Maurer for President and Vicefresident respectively, Hartford Socialists must again get into the good fight...
...Ten clubs lave taken tickets for the dance, and nany more are expected to purchase jlocks for the two beautiful cups that rill be presented to the club having the argest representation...
...not only that but the organization Is growing every day...
...Among the speakers of the evening, the members hoard from Lester Shulman...
...Watch ;he Leader and the postman for details...
...Wendell Parringtan anil start In as...
...m*i Nebraska plotters are arriving...
...afterwards a great political demonstration or...
...Another strong organization of young Socialists is known as The Socialist Students, who are organized in the Baltic States...
...Everybody, the big league hike is May 3th...
...Treasurer, Wm...
...The Farmer-Labor Party is not taking the progress it should...
...National scale... the National Office are weU pleased With the work of the convention...
...Rndtn Conaty Ceeosal2tf...
...4fl he asks is that the National Qrganlaulon furnish sufficient funds to' cover bp railway expense...
...May 2flth...
...lesfleta, charter applications, snesnkership card*, application earns and m» other necessary biformation by Ttinssi-r William H. Henry, NaUeeal Executive Secretary...
...More extended article by Norman TbeVK;s and an article about the Convenn. This aul make a handsome pamphlet that seas for 25 cents...
...Just as soon ¦ as we can get to IV we will give full cooperation In holding the convention, and will probably send an organiser to that state to help In the reorganization of the party and nominating a ticket...
...meeting after the dance will be a -econtinuation of our educational work, rhere will be a number of debates, the irst of which will be: Resolved—That young Radicals Should Join the Y. P. 3. L. Henry Sapkowitz...
...Tbh) means an enormous staff...
...The committee has decider] to publish a second edition containing the principal features only, that to the articles and pictures...
...teoS Washington Boulevard, Chicago, IWmils Information regarding awaken, literature...
...Apostle of the Juniors...
...Joe Friedman, the Negative...
...Circle 13, Brooklyn The coming Saturday night, April 28, Circle 13 will bold it's third annual lance at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...May 5th, at S'KIO p.m...
...Bronx.County Committee mm I Rtoki n tog*' ojneers "count 'chalrnuuv annuS Grossman...
...Send to the Rftttor, Young People's Department, 7 East lath street...
...In New Yprk City, Julius Umansky, reccntly elected shsncutrve Secretary, Is silready in harness to work the East...
...The work of the Youth International Is divided hito two main divisions: The Socialist Labor Sports International and The Socialist International of Education...
...If the eredenaals of the delegates have-not been sent n, the delegates will bring them along...
...April 21st, the Rand School Studio was the scene of i general New "York Y. P. S. L. meetrig, which inaugurated the hew officials A the League: Julius Umansky, ExecJtive Secretary And Morris DwortAaff, Financial Secretary...
...We hope Chat the pamphlet am be available on May 1st...
...As has been noted fa these reports in previous weeks, we are highly enthused over the growth of the movement in the state...
...Social Cy*« ning...
...Comrades Bearsk, Crosswalth, Lewis and McBride will be the speakers...
...Bnclose tl for a permit to play in any of the New York parks...
...All of the arlee written bs...
...please report to him...
...This was done by means of a Hat Taut...
...His Lire and Work, with Sunday evening...
...forenoon lectures by comrades Bauer, Renner, Breitner and Adler...
...Lively activity, from such strategic centres as New York and Chicago ought, within A short time, to rebuild the Young People's Socialist League on a larger, stronger...
...Those not members of the pgrtv should ¦end in their applications, and those already members should see that their dues are paid up and that their activity is expanded in building up the organization Socialists in Oklahoma who can afford to make contributions to the state office should not hesitate to make a contribution at once...
...Sunday evening, Mjy 27th...
...Ramsdell, Free port...
...A doeen super massneeting* will be conducted through the lay...
...Seniors' Circle «. Manhattan: Eli Cohen, the Educational Director of Circle 6 announces the following program for the next month: . Sunday evening...
...Whether this space allotted to the Young People's rjepsrtment will prove valuable depends upon yon...
...Admission is free to all of these, i'verybody .invited...
...Circle 8, Manhattan This circle reports an increase in members...
...v.-,-* a New Yarfc Ceaniy C.....¦wBtoiWa The New York County Coirmnwat BP April 14 and elected Edward P. Cnatidy County Chairman...
...New York, whatever need of the week that comes your way, along wtth abort articles and such other material dc would fft'irito this column...
...West Virginia 1 The Socialist Party of West Virginia Continues to increase its activity and growth of members...
...There Vt many comrades who should enlist...
...A report was green at the conference by George R.Roewer on the.national convention, by Louis Ratanovtts an the...
...a surprise...
...The platform and the nom__E for President and Vice-President •jibe higb'v satisfactory .to, all of our ftTfades...
...Kentucky Comrade Wrather of Mayfleld, notifies the National Office that he is 72 years young but is feeling fine and is ready to take the field and reorganize the westmkalf of Kentucky...
...And I hope every one of you win join hands and helps put the organisation in much better shape by* next year, than you found tt this year...
...And on May Day, a Yipsel will broadcast over W E V B on the Y. P. S. L...
...Bamet Wolf...
...prominent Socialist and Labor men here end abroad, will be inOkided, along wtth new matter as the Sfw SscjaJj*F Party National Platform...
...Open air meetings have already .been started and the first, held ast Thursday, was well attended...
...A large edition is now oh...
...This action was authorised by the County executive Committee of the Labor Party...
...Queens County Executive Committee: Edward Levenson, Harris Wasserman, Ernst Welsh, Ernst Megerlln... the evening, festivity of the Vienna workers on the "Hohen Karte" followed by a torch light procession through the ctty...
...Hew York, Inauguration On Saturday evening...
...I Pierre DeNlo has been constituted a special organizer of the Party for Delaware and adjacent counties, and win put tn a month or so reviving the movement tn that section of the state...
...119 Sackman street, Brooklyn... financial backing frptn "the Party t -as was voted at the National Cotojnaflon held in How York the wsek of April 13th, will soon make himself felt in Yipsel circles...
...Stoat Convention In the apportionment of delegates for the Stale Convention by the State Executive Committee, the County of New York was assigned 27 delegates...
...SocialIts are asking for cooperation on the gart of .the National Organisation to reorganise the party and place a ticket eb the ballot...
...Come to the City Office for your pass before May 3ay...
...Rhode Island Those willing to help to put <oer ticket in Rhode Island please write at once to Edward A. Levermore, 228 Richmond street, Providence...
...New York State State Executive to Afeei State Secretary Merrill announces .that the State Executive Committee will meet at the State Office, Albany, probably Sunday... the afternoon sightseeing in the old and new parts of the city... the afternoon sight-seeing...
...The treat of the evening same when "Julie" Umansky, in his Bflet, unpretentious Ray, ej^lahoa a bond between himself and his aaaaadM tn a speech which was clear, honest ahd constructive "You seem to think that I was elected your Private Secretary Instead of your Executive Secretary...
...Worcester Prank Croaswaith and H. Kantororieh will be the speakers Sunday, April 29, at a combined May Day Celebration and miners relief meeting arranged Jointly by the socialist Party, the Unions and the Workmen's Circle...
Vol. 7 • April 1928 • No. 19