WORKERS UNITE FOR MAY DAY THIS MAY DAY OPENS FIGHT, THOMAS SAYS Socialist Candidate for President Says This May Day Will Bring the End of Apathy and the Beginning of New Life for Socialism in...

...Was s sail rtoalries sad sestet etakaaesy sMB (hfastoa into sasthOT war, sssrs isstisaais than any la history...
...W E V B broadcasts on, a wave length of 345.8 meters and at a freniency of 1220 kilocycles...
...International I aboauj most be asere Owns a mere* name...
...The failure of the conference on Naval Disarmament between the three great naval powers of the world, especially the failure of the preparatory Disarmament Conference at Geneva demonstrate only too plainly, that the imperialist governments consider the moment come for repudiating even publicly the Idea of disarmament...
...B" If International Labor does not defend Itself vigorously, and succeed In obtaining the ratification of the Convention before 1930, the date of revision of the Convention, it win lose this reform, for which the workers of the world have fought for over a quarter of a century...
...Thomas To Speak Socialist party and trade union leaders will be the speakers at the New York meetings, the largest of which will be held in the Manhattan Opera House, at 2 p. m., and in the Mecca Temple, at 2 p. m. Norman Thomas will address both of these meetings as well as others listed below...
...of 1928 it is easier to speak to the workers of the Socialist hope...
...Here is the text of the May Day call: MAT DAT DEMONSTRATION CALL "To the Workers ef New Tefk, Cessrases: "Greetings: "May Day, the IaUrnifiiesI heMsy ef the workers ef the werM asii esehes again...
...This ijialt may be continued in the second ballot next Sunday but the ingeate of the number of conservative Deputies in the Chamber and the Macaw of Socialist representation It that body do not mean a decline in tfe vote of the Yadical parties...
...Workers Union, Sort Case and Bag Makers Union, Poeketbook Workers Union, Workmen's Circle, Furriers' Union...
...If as regards the Eight Hour Day at least a draft Convention was reached Immediately following the war, the question of international disarmament has not yet attained even this stage of preparation...
...This "non-political" basis would appear to be a basis of capitalists fighting the bona fide trade unions...
...Far membors of all locals of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, including the New Tork and Stah-t makers' Joint Board...
...The jury was out three hours and forty-five minutes and took twentyone ballots...
...The capitalist foes are now venturing once again to show their true countenance...
...For menlters of (he Cloth, at, Cap and Miiiin-ry Workers Union...
...Music... life and the development of the cuftuiajl atde- eg Me Hue, *o earn hie bint to grow-to the full stature of humanity...
...It It a near approach to the archaic American system of election of memben from single districts by a plurality vote except that in France the Itst foiling requires candidates to receive a majority...
...By means of delaying manoeuvres the capitalist governments have managed .to emerge from the critical ported of jaorsi tension rasutflag from the remembrance of the smoking battieto+lds...
...6.30 p.m...
...The leaden of labor and Socialism will address thane fathering*, Masfe spaeopriete to Um occasion will be played...
...Auspices, local 48, II L. G. W. U. Italian spsafcsrs...
...Speakers: Lents Wahunan, Paul Dembttaar, Sal LoTitas, August Claessens...
...rjX> THE Workers of all countries...
...In between these numbers, the usual entertaining WEVD features wUl be heard...
...Leonard W. Dooh, Robert A. Drake and William A. Hunt,'all Dartmouth students, have taken the initiative, with Harry W. Laidlsr, co-director of the League for Industrial Democracy, as adviser...
...Leaders of the TWrnfr Socialist movement will address the gathering...
...Talking It Over", in which Mr... The Eight Hours Day gives the worker s few hours of lrlmn e» a...
...The most difficult tasks have to be performed In the countries without democracy and matters are not much better in the countries with apparent democracy...
...It is a promse and prophesy of m glorious springtime of peace, freedom and plenty for all the eon* of earth...
...In the tenth year after the armistice the capitalist governments considered themselves in a position to throw off the last vestiges of any sentiment of shame...
...The enormous sacrifice of human life, the Insane economic devastation which must be placed to the account of the four-years' massacre of the nations, resulted at first In shaking even the most callous representatives of capitalist exploitation and imperialist Inst for power...
...Harry W. Laldler, associate director >f the League for Industrial Democracy, sill talk on "Socialism an International Movement...
...Are you willing to serve on this committee and direct the work on your campus...
...saaajsjlga .. : Liberal students can no longer remain complacent In the face of the corruption and utter lack of social responsibility in the two major parties...
...N'athan 8 pee tor...
...To the striking miners of Ohio and Pennsylvania it is another day of grim and courageous struggle against the massed force* of the mine operators and all the force* of the state that they have made their own...
...tha International Ladtea Oaimaat...
...If you are, please let us know immediately so that we may proceed with the organization...
...After years of consideration, negotiation and deliberation the fulfilment of these solemn pledges was again and, again postponed... the election of 1918 m »e same state the results were reJJ**0- The Democrats had east *f Per cent of the vote in 1912 and r*04...
...Jqint Swcialist PaHy Trade Intoa , May Day Committee, "¦•presenting the Socialist Party, the Joint Board of the Aasaigamated Guttata* Workers of America, the John Beard of the International Ladies OarCircle...
...Music, poetry, speeches reflecting the ideals of labor and Socialism will be heard over WEVD on the afternoon and evening of May Day...
...The night of apathy and discouragement is ended...
...The new electoral system provides for election in single-member districts instead of election of a number of Deputies from one district...
...Republican Socialists, 4; Communists, none...
...Institution to emphasise the jwei tor third party action 1st' the...
...To allow this great social reform to be tampered with would aw equivalent to a renunciation of It...
...Socialist-Zionist, Bakers Union, Batchers* Union, and Barbers' Uatsn...
...WORKERS UNITE FOR MAY DAY THIS MAY DAY OPENS FIGHT, THOMAS SAYS Socialist Candidate for President Says This May Day Will Bring the End of Apathy and the Beginning of New Life for Socialism in The United States By NORMAN THOMAS Socialist Candidate for President IITHAT does May Day Meant To the millions of unemployed tcorker* who tramp our street* in a vain search for work it is just another day to odd to the mounting burden of their despair...
...Issuance of the injunction and minor disorders for which the union has denied any responsibility...
...Speakers: Norman Thomas, Morris Hillquit, Joseph Weinfcecx...
...For members of the Finnish Branch of the Socialist Party and all Socialist supporters...] |h...
...We eaO ea the serkeri ef Greater New Terk te Jala wtth as next Teesaay...
...It is more than a campaign preceding a particular election...
...MNN'Sll SOCIALIST HALL, 2MS Fifth avenue...
...But the arena of the Socialist International is much more extensive than the sphere of the countries concerned in the election struggles...
...31 Union Square, of which G. August...
...MECCA TEMPLE, 13* Went Mth street, near Seventh avenue...
...8 p.m...
...Over the objections of union attorneys, testimony was offered by plant ofacials and employees an to alleged acts of violence previous to the issuance of the restraining order...
...Since 1919 the majority of the governments have refused to ratify the Washington Eight Hour Day Convention, which would make the eight hours day universal...
...Morris Hillquit and Jacob Panken will be among the other speakers...
...To oil speculators, stock plunger*, masters of credit and lords of the power industry it Is another day of planning, frantic or far seeing, how they may securely f set urn the claim* of private ownership oh the heritage of the ^peopteT*" But to Socialists and their friend* it is a day of hope and vision...
...It is a campaign to build the party of the workers and farmers— the party which is our necessary tool in any effective use of political means for our emancipation...
...The seam ** May Day adMarhf eehs-ae as fa "I Per the trade aatoas To virttat" estates nemaJ ftt hsMaW* W% flftB fmmsX CssW WWaMn t# wA» sarsto May Day wtth eeawaatosaaea by labor...
...Those who think that there is seme difference between Republicans and Democrats have a big possle to solve in New Tork Ctty...
...Local 1; The Socialist Zionist Party...
...His testimony as to the attitude of the union toward the Court waa considered significant...
...One example of *k will make this clear...
...It Is the conservative government of Great Britain which marches at the head of these breakers of faith...
...The working-class will enter all these great campaigns unaided, relying on Its own strength alone...
...The Communists also polled limit a 'million votes yet both partial get a smaller number of Depute than they obtained in the predout election...
...The May Day program will begin at 1:30 p.m...
...According to President Calles, reductions to the amount of 50 per cent, will bs effected during the coming months and before the end of the current year...
...Socialist Vote Increases In French Poll Dot Archaic Electoral System May Rob P^rty of a Nnmber of Deputies oESULTS of the French elections R u>t Sunday may be misleading t» American readers...
...We Iksrsfus, Day to ¦ sen sal ra Use...
...I L.G.W.C...
...Notwithstanding all the threats of the reaction, the working-class marches irresistibly forwards, while its organisation and fighting spirit continue to rise...
...The formation of the committee, which represents more than 500,000 organized men and women, is another indication of the leadership which the Socialist Party has come to uphold as the political spokesman of the largest section of New York's trade unionists...
...Judge Geiger had declared in his instructions to the Jury that testimony had shown that the defendants individually had violated the restraining order, which had been called one of the most drastic on record and prohibited union members or their agents from picketing the Allen A. plant or congregating in the vicinity or in any way harassing the workers who have replaced the union men...
...On this particular May Day...
...Under the few system the Socialists may lose ¦me of their hundred seats...
...Kenosha Strikers Win Big Victory In Federal Court MILWAUKEE,—Two officials and twenty-four members of the Pull Fashioned Hosiery Workers' Union were, cleared by a Jury In- Federal Court of contempt of court arising from alleged violations of a Federal restraining...
...Oil Co...
...We would like you to serve on this committee as a representative in your college...
...Will Hold * May Day Rally '*2*detphia.—A...
...Coleman, well known member of the (Jew Leader staff, and Mr...
...lodalistic Radicals, 16...
...Commerce and Labor, Louis N. Morones, the Bnastses Petroleum* Company which left many workers in the Tampico oil industries out of work when it greatly reduced its activities in Mexico during recent months, has given over 180,000 hectares of Its terrains to be colonised by these dismissed workers, thus affording them same ^aasguultjf far making a ttssMsood sua 14 Meetings Will Be Held In New York Thomas, Hillquit and Union Leaders to SpeakRally at Manhattan Opera House ]^[AY DAY, the international holiday of the Socialist workers of the world, will be celebrated this year in the United States with a new enthusiasm developed out of the widespread revival of the Socialist party...
...He denied that he or other union officers had advised violence or violation of the antipicketlag order, but a quotation from his paper was read to show that he had suggested that it was well in some strikes to step over the bounds of the law, to fill the jails with union men and thus to cause the courts to capitulate...
...For the list of subscribers with whose help, it is hoped to maintain unions which are "to keep out of politics" Includes names from almost every branch of the capitalist class...
...1 Agatost aafisisMasi - - •/ . est* £g£fajfasj£ SBCetw ^n\%^*m%9s\W&f «*4 la favar ef rTMsi^"^>>"> •¦Within the herders ef ear asm' the Biniissuails et'ato^assasaa'sad ' wasters...
...At the Brussels Congress of the Socialist International next August it will attack the great problems of disarmament, and militarism, together with the decisive questlsns of colonial policy and Imperialism...
...But as, at the first May-Day celebrations of 1880, the workers refused to let themselves be intimidated by ignoble taunts at the eight hour day, so now they will similarly refuse to be intimidated by the treacherous breach of faith which is now apparent to the whole world...
...The vote shows ptrked success for the groups supMrtlng Polncare and Briand and heavy losses for the Socialists...
...Left Republicans, 41...
...The following letter was sent: "Dear Fellow Stuflent: "We are forming** student committee to support the candidacy of Mr...
...Possible action should take the form of assemblies for political discussion and enlightenment, publicity in student publications, actual canvassing of voters and any other means of arousing the public conscience...
...8 p-m...
...In the second election ..tomorrow plurality election a the rufe.*^ "Tha complicated system has resited in reducing the representation et working class parties in the Chamfer of Deputies although they have received an increased vote...
...Let our slogan be: -Workers of abe . World Unite...
...May Day demonstra*¦> win be held here May Day, at 2 **• In the Labor Institute, 808 locust William Karlin and William M. JJJtofcaum will be among the speakers, gfe meeting has been arranged by the party, the Workmen's Circle and '¦•¦tsahu at the trade unions...
...Today the danger is more pressing than ever...
...By supporting Norman Thomas you wUl be able to register your protest...
...Auspices Jewish Socialist Verba nd...
...order granted six weeks ago to the Allen A. Company of Kenosha, Win., manufacturers of- knitted wear...
...Speakers: Ghalomo Valenti and other Italian speakers...
...April 5. 1928 Manifesto of the International Federation of Trade Unions for May Day 1928 rpo THE Workers of the World...
...Speaker: Jacob Panken, August Claessens...
...the Waiters Union...
...The Conservative British Government, which Is at the head of the enemies of the Eight Hours Day, has proposed at the International Labour Ofltae that the Burnt Hours Day Convention shall be revised...
...We dare again to take up tke good fight for ourselves and our children...
...Socialists, 14...
...May Day, in a sense, mark* the beginning of our campaign...
...The Judge added, howeve'r, that the question for the- jury was whether therehad been a conspiracy to violate the order...
...Norman Thomas wul make one of his addnaaas in Chicago on June 10th, ™ "Non-Political" Labor In Britain Exposed London.—The "Town Crier' 'of Birmingham quotes a pamphlet about to be issued by the Labour Research Department .which contains some sensational facts concerning the nature of the "nonpoll tlcal trade union movement...
...The committee has sent invitations to more than 100 colleges suggesting formation of "Thomas for President Student Ohibs", all to be federated in a national organization...
...The Joint Committee represents the Socialist Party, the Joint boards of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers and International Ladies Garment Workers and more than a score of other large and influential unions...
...We caHsama the workers of all so—ttliu to ¦in—Mil ea May Day, lBft, the annlveswary of the first demand of world labour far the etght basses day, ami to make a strong demons I fate i>n In Its ilii—i I - The as Baa bean eneasjfc delay, and eaough nodosa* ¦walllssy- Lew •dee governments keep the pledges given in their name by their representatives...
...This congress will give vigorous expression to the advance achieved by the Labour and Socialist International In the common action towards the goal of socialism during the first five years of its existence...
...BEETHOVEN HALL, 210 East 5th St, 8 pjn...
...This attack on the eight hours day Is a threat to all the righto of the workers and all their social gains...
...Lelpart (Germany), V. Madorn (rJearnark), C. Martens (Belgium), R. Tayerie (Czechoslovakia), Job...
...Wars, unemployment, the bitter struggle of the workers, all the crafty, cruel, and cowardly devices by which men are kept in bondage—these things need not be...
...Ir the face of sueh dangers...
...rhls will introduce a new WEVD Feature...
...HABLBM SOCIALIST CENTER, 82 East 106th street, 8 p.m...
...Incomplete figures as we |0 to press give the following results tar the parties: Republican Union Democrats, 73...
...A manifesto calling the workers to the meeting urges demonstrations against imperialism, against the "big navy/' movement, and in favor of disarmament...
...The austere endeavours preliminary to the Congress must be inspired by the enthusiasm of our great May-Day demonstrations, at which we shall demonstrate: AGAINST MILITARISM...
...Speaker Tokoi The May Day meetings are being run under the direction oi the Socialist Action Cormnittee...
...The arrest* of the twenty-six persons followed and Judge Geiger broke precedents in such caeca by granting a jury total to the defendants...
...risStiast system...
...PEOPLES HOUSE, 7 East 15th St, 1:38 P-m...
...Norman Thomas and you have been recommended to us as one who is interested...
...More than 10 meetings, in the largest halls obtainable, have been arranged in New York Qty and vicinity by the Joint Socialist Party —May Day Celebration Committee...
...The employers have cynically exploited tuts refusal, and have taken advantage of the economic depression to endeavour to reintroduce lonrer hours...
...and to them it wUl serve as a lesson to close their .ranks yet more solidly than hitherto, and to concentrate all their strength in the common struggle for their class...
...Let it be a living force which neve* fails to inspire the workers to vigilance and action...
...Oerber, director of the station, will exchange quips >n the doings of the day...
...Speakers: Norman Thomas, Harry Green barf, Abraham Snyder, Leon Hattah...
...At 9:45 p.m...
...It Is surrounded by a world of enemies...
...Especially after our great convention we feel it strong within our hearts...
...Mat Coaaefl of fhe Furriers Uatsn...
...with labor songs and music, in which competent radio artists will take part...
...9***um* aillin "Brothers...
...Hew Berk, Sunday, April BR FINNISH BRANCH of NEWARK, * MstehaB street, Wast Orange, April BJ Satarday...
...All interested are urged to get in touch with the committee, Box 427, Hanover, New Hampshire...
...The Eight Hours Day Is...
...What baa happened was carefully Itnned by the reactionaries who tanned a bill through the Chamber i f«w years ago which changed the gitem of elections...
...Isaac Zarr, Abraham Cabaa, N. Chaaaan, Mm lis Feenstone, Morris ShasD and Abraham I. Shlplacotf...
...Far members ami lapporUws of the aeciaast Parte, the Toong Peoples Socialist League, locals 2, I, 9, IS, 28, 22, 23...
...What's the answer...
...College Men Organising Thomas Club Dartmouth Men Take Initiative In formation of Support F^r Socialist Candidate r <By * Mm Lulu Buma—S—«) TT AN OVER, New Hampshire— Pro** gressive-minded college students have been among the first to recognize the leadership Of the Socialist party and its candidates in the coming Presidential elections...
...April 28th...
...the Tonne People's Socialist League...
...The comrades in Asse countries have to make extreme sacrifices In order to maintain Intact the links of their organizations, to convey to the masses of their country enlightenment as to the real position and as to their tasks, and to keep foreign countries informed concerning the abominations practised by the dictatorships and semi-dictatorships...
...Speakers: Norman Thousas, Joseph Schlossberg...
...38, «4, and 82 of...
...It is our day for beginning anew to tell men that through organisation, with courage and intelligence we can build the road out of the bogs of a society mired in greed and prejudice to the beautiful city where free men in mutual fellowship shall make the dreams of poets and prophets come true...
...The trial opened April 17...
...WEBSTER BALL, 11th street near Fourth avenue...
...pas km: Charles •sanuoeV * Sadie ^ Rrrkln, WBttam M. Bum 1 susy A- L hash) nig and Past B—HI...
...In the odisna election of 1912 the Democratic Party received a minority of the vote cast, but the Democrats elJ?*1 »H of their 13 Congressmen, ™e 'Democratic vote was 291,288 ¦4 the vote for all other parties was *».M6...
...A "Thomas for President Student Committee" began to take shape within a few days after the , Socialist convention had nominated its standard bearers...
...across from Tan until Station), Sunday afternoon...
...The Movement is supported not only by the "poor" mine-owners, but also by shipping firms, oil combines, iron and steel combines, huge mercbanttng firms, banks, insurance firms, stevedoring and dock employers, building contractors, boot and shoe employers, sugar refnisfias, etc., etc...
...Forced To Give Lend To Unemployed Mexicans Mexico City.—Due to the pressure of the Mexican Government and sspeetoPy to the Secretary of Industry...
...The dsuty of the working...
...Refresh*¦*» will be served...
...12 noon...
...Feigenbaiun to Talk on May Day In Water bury, Conn., Meeting Waterbury, Conn.—The Socialists of Waterbury will celebrate May Day with a meeting April 30th in the Labor Lyceum, M Spencer street, WUnam M. Feigsnhwim *1U bs thi principal speaker...
...It will be remembered that this movement was started during the miners' strike by the founding of Spencer's yellow union: and Its object is alleged to be the promotion of trade unionism "on a non-political basis...
...1:3S blk...
...Bowman, of Columbia University, will talk on "Science and Radicalism", to be followed at 4 p. m. with an address by William Karlin, well known New York Socialist and labor leader, on "International Labor Day...
...218 Sackasan street, Bsseuwjuk, |«a...
...esneivas to the Ueato ef the Isassaa ttonsl laser Msvasssai...
...May 1st, to staas) the band ef arataeraesi sad ri aahnsto...
...Under the Immediate pressure of the fearful catastrophe they declared themselves ready to meet the claims of, the working-class, and solemnly pledged themselves to realise internationally first and foremost-—The Eight Hour Day and Disarmament...
...The electoral triumphs of this year will give a conclusive reply...
...This leaves 436 Deputies to be chosen...
...Louis F. Budenz of New Tork, editor of the Labor Age and organizer for the National Union, was one of the principal witnesses...
...May Bay, in*, sads a ear* at which isajsartaltsBS...
...Auspices locals 42, 62, 84 and 91 of the IX.G.W.U...
...Radical Republicans, 15...
...To the sons of the farmers and workers who fight in the heat ¦>t Nicaraguan jungle* Weil Street**, little war, it is another day of heat, disease and guerilla warfare against men whom deep down in their hearts they may suspect to be not bandit* but patriots...
...President Calles' declarations have aroused much interest throughout the Mexican population, especially in view of the fact that it was he who as Secretary of War in 1920 under former President Obregon put through considerable reductions in the army...
...Chicago May Day Meeting To Be Held In The Labor Lyceum Chicago.—The Socialist party of Conk County will celebrate May Day nest Tuesday with a rally In the DsugMs Park Labor Lyceum, Ogden and Kedaa avenue, Chicago...
...the United Hebrew Tuis" Hera are thn ossesssgs scheduled than far: MANHATTAN OPEBA HOUSE, 34th street near 8th avenue, 2 pan...
...ConserWtives, 13...
...The ratification ofVhe Washington Ag^eeeaeat nana* come up for discussion again in all the parliaments: every parliament moot and waa work- s tag-case* so firmly Bern lattmsj en rarm carton that it «su» an longrr p Mb bold K. - The future of the workers is at stoke, their progress and their hope of final emancipation: they must therefore fight with BWiBfBgwj dslsmdas tlon till victory is won...
...If you are graduating this spring, will you inform is of this fact and suggest a junior who will continue your work next fall...
...Saasenhach (Secretary...
...Angus* Chuntms... danger...
...These have been propitiously opened by the elections In Poland, where the Socialist Party has succeeded in drawing to itself over half a million new votes...
...Fteafc Bsglta...
...The convention of the 'party and the enthusiasm engsndered by the nomination of Thomas and M"T» hap put new life into the party and the Mag Day meeting is expected to be ttfs first of a series of gteat gatherings...
...festers 1 May Day aV etaDay...
...In England and Belgium, Holland and Switzerland the electoral decision will come later...
...After years of manoeuvering it has now openly declared thata it does not mean to ratify The Washington Convention on the Eight Hour Day to the approval of which the government representatives of Great Britain were parties on 28th November, 1919...
...They shall not be forever...
...In Germany the 1st of May will constitute a climax of the battle for victory at the elections...
...1 Defeat far the eight hours day would mean new economic war between the nations: capitalist competition in all its deadly strength would make new ravages among the workers: ImpeilnMuni, the Banns gf nuns, would flourish unrestrained...
...A sag I ess Waiters' Union, Local L BROWNSVILLE LABOR LUCRUM...
...The workers of all countries are conscious of this deterioration of the tactical situation...
...COOPEB UNION, Astor Place and Fourth avenue...
...Speakers, Barman Thomas, Jacob Panken...
...International Calls for Demonstration For World Peace Socialists and Trade Union World Bodies Assail Britain For Leading Fight Against Eight Hour Law—Fascist Reaction Denounced—Colonial Freedom Demanded in May Day Manifestoes FOR THE FIRST OF MAY...
...Plans are being made to give him an ovation at all the meetings he addresses...
...The American system of plurality *ctions in single member districts tor the Legislature and Congress is wen more reactionary than the mixel French system...
...cease is riser: the uniting feasant dgweadY tttejg eight heave day by asl the means at thasr disposal...
...231 K. 14th street...
...WEVD To Broadcast May Day Program WEVD, the radio station owned and operated by the Debs Memorial Fund, 31 Union Square, New York City, will be the only station among radio broadcasters which will give recognition to May Day, the International holiday of progressive labor, to be celebrated the world over on Tuesday, May 1st...
...The case was the first In which a Federal Judge granted a jury trial in a case of alleged violation of a Federal Injunction in a labor cbapute...
...Speakers: Norman Thomas, Jacob Fanken, Max zaritsky...
...The Joint Committed has turned the May Day demonstrations into practical channels...
...Neckwear Baker* Onion...
...The meeting wfll bs held at 8 pm...
...NEW LEBANON KAUk PkSwassoter...
...a* Program will include a number of ¦iUihu a fine concert...
...Music and dramatic program...
...If not, please suggest the name of some one who is...
...The International Poeketbook Workers- loan, the Cloth Bat, Cap and Millinery Workers Union, the Bakers Union, Local SM...
...Join* Board off the Shirt Hah— Union...
...At 3:40 pjn...
...This is our day for sharing our own hope and purpose...
...By the 1st of May the outcome of the formidable campaign which our Socialist comrades In France are waging, will have been made public...
...The Socialists lebially received a substantial gain jb tbeir vote, the total being 1,600,Mt...
...Jota with us next Tuesday, end through as, wtth the workers of aj| nations, in ess hwphing deataasteeUaa ef ^^fs'aa-^ sSanjMJI ^aiji^aVaa balls listed on the next page...
...At 9 o'clock May Day evening, WEVD will open its evening's program, with talks by McAlister Coleman and O. Aurust Oerber on the events of the day...
...Readers of The TV-sader, party branches, the WorkCircles, trade unions and all others ** *re sympathetic are invited to spend * Seejant evening...
...11 a.m...
...tsjuBB* wajeUajr a promise of.oaaancipattern, and a better future...
...examples show how import» to establish proportional re"•"Matton whereby all parties will ttL3eMnted bv t1"5 percentage of votes cast...
...President Calles Acts To Cut Mexican Army Mexico City.—President Calles In a recent speech in Vera Crux pointed out the need of a considerable reduction in the Mexican army which now numbers 80,000 men and has a budget of 85,000,000 pesos, more than 30 per cent, of the present Government's budget...
...Gerber is secretary...
...Musir-.Tt program, for the Pressers Union, Ineal ::r...
...VIENNA HALL, 1»5 Montrose- AveBrooklyn...
...all their Congressmen, but in j™ they polled 44.3 per cent of the "w and did not obtain one Confitrnim k • Canadian election in the Pro**» « Manitoba in 1926 under the ¦to system there was a still more ¦"¦"I result...
...This unison in action must be observed especially In the great electoral campaigns of the present year...
...But the workers are well aware that within their own class the process of enlightenment has made marked progress, that the confusion of the war and post-war periods is being more and more completely mastered, and that, to an ever greater extent, the process of concenrating the working-class towards Unity in Will and Deed in being realised...
...Per members of locals 48 and 49 of the EX.O.W.U...
...The May Day celebrations will, in a way, be the unofficial opening of the Socialist campaign for Norman Thomas and James H. M surer, candidates for president and vice-president...
...And so on the 1st of May our thoughts will turn first and foremost to our comrades in prisons and places of banishment, and to those who must bear the hard lot of life in exile...
...The Conservative Parv received the largest vote polled "toy party and nearly double the ttrtJ* 0,6 next hi&hest party yet ««d not elect a single member of ™J«anitoba Legislature...
...Of 612 Deputies to be elected over 140 supporters of Poincare were elected last today...
...It win be your task to create an organisation ha you...
...Such action will greatly contribute to bettering the Central Government's financial situation and will automatically leave considerable funds free to be applied on the social and economic reconstruction program of the Calles Oovernmsnt...
...Speakers Oskar Tokoi, August Claessens, Musical program...
...ll*ttH Socialists To Mark May Day *«»1 Detroit of the Socialist Party ** celebrate International May Day a May Day party Tuesday evening * the Bocialist Center, 527 Hollbrook beginning at 8 p.m...
...In some sections of the ctty where tha Bspahucwns am extremely weak, Tammany has actually organised Republican clubs...
...Now we can make a beginning of ending them...
...The verdict was reached late Monday night but was sealed until the opening of court to-day...
...Max Zuckerman, William RnrTin...
...To the workers in textile factories and scores of other trades It is another day of wonder how in *'prosperous" America on their meager wages they can feed end clothe and house and educate their children...

Vol. 7 • April 1928 • No. 19

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