SOCIALIST PARTY PLANS, PROGRESS T Hew York City . ^ MANHATTAN 3-5-10th A.D. tm branch meeting held Tuesday eve^nTrai fslrly well attended. Three ajamhers were introduced. August °T_j¥iM...
...The Trades Council had gene on record unanimously in favor of tbe city taking over the water company...
...The following events are announced: Prpvincetown Theatre has been engaged for a benefit perlormance early in May...
...time ton action t U L RING the bast several weeks tbe rtatibnsl Office sent eontuibrrtion last* to aU iaeah, lusbrsii mod m*****at-large...
...The second meeting was led by Pierre De Nio on Cooperative Movements in the United States, and the circle received some highlights In the cooperative movement during this country's infancy...
...The spacious audi•m«n> of the Finnish Socialists, 2056 BZj?Jnue' at 127th street, has been U»JS__ thls Purpose...
...The lecture by Edward Cohen onrthe ''Cooperative Movement" was appi&tttf - frtfwfil felve one- more talk nert Monday on the same subject...
...Louis street on Wednesday, April 25, at 8 p.m...
...p-jaj are being made for the organizatw, of a branch in this terrltoTy and an Sniud Socialist and independent voters SLUM will be called for Friday eveUS April 20...
...6th National Convention of the ™«ajtet Party will convene in New York jajApril 13-20th...
...ttn floor committee will be neces"2 w take care of the crowd at the aCanh^f1011- which win be neld at the «*^ttan Opera House, 315 West 34 th jCSj fjiday evening...
...The membership now is 28...
...As soon as the National Convention is over, McCrillis wll' take to the field and organize...
...a fine meeting of enrolled voters was Md last Friday evening at the Freeman Sndnn...
...8th A.D...
...May 8, for the purpose of ?lecting delegates to the state convention, which will be held in Helena, May 15...
...Kennedy has asked SdciajiStf who are in a position to make a trlf to Jackson to be there on April 30— "meet me at the capital... the Brownsville Labor Lyceum... met...
...Socialists reading this who cad rdakr the trip to Jackson should do «oJ California Los Angeles Debs Branch, an English speaking branch of the party, was organized Aprr 2, at 126 No...*r£r...
...EverSocialist in Iowa should cooperate with him...
...August °T_j¥iM t»Te "n interesting talk on X^Sttoos in the United States affectr>yX...
...The next meeting will be held Friday evening, April 20, at the Rockawsy Mansion...
...He speaks of others who want to help ir the real organization work, and writes 'or literature...
...April Jl st the above address and a fine program te being prepared...
...Minnesota An enthusiastic letter from John Kobi of Duluth, declares that the Socialists are desirous of reorganizing...
...Be There...
...After the national convention is over se will begin a campaign for new memben...
...18th A.D...
...There is nothing the matter 'with Kansas, and certainly not with Ross Magill...
...Manmttan, is the new Executive Secretary, Md Morris DvortzofT of Circle Two, j»2>UyrL, is the Financial Secretary...
...Date and place will be announced later...
...1243 Southern boulevard, near mSj street...
...At that meeting, the membership roll will be completely revised, so as to Include only the earnest and active members of the circle...
...Central Branch' . Thb branch will meet Tuesday...
...snd Mrs...
...Circle 13 Brooklyn At the last meeting of circle IS the Dance Committee reported that In addition to two silver loving crps, >t would also give a cash award to the most beautiful girl present at our Third Annual Dance to be held Saturday night...
...Tuesday eveilng...
...Special mention should be made of the splendid cooperation of the Yipsels...
...flnal Posters concem3Jr that has been arranged by August ciaessens, Coleman, and De Witt...
...All Yipsels are jo^are requested to be present 6:00 reE^ . _?ont of the Opera House to fct.,.1 ther instructions...
...April 27, New Bedford Central Union on "Unemployment and Unemployment Insurance ". Greater Boston Party Conference A general conference of all party members who will help in any way in the coming campaign will be held at the American House, 56 Hanover street...
...She will soon make a tour of : he state to strengthen the movement VVe expect every Socialist in Arkarsas te support Mrs...
...Mail aU...
...Tickets, are 50 cents and may be bought at the Forward Office, Klein's office or the Socialist Party headquarters, 21 Essex St...
...James 8. Fetor's...
...April 28...
...Information regarding speakers, literature, platform, eta, may be obtained from the National Office...
...Yipsels The Massachusetts Yipsel convention will be held In Fltchburg Saturday and Sunday, April 28 and 29...
...AU Republican Aldermen (it) voted for the water company' It Is reported that the Democratic town committees have threatened to put Murphy out of the party...
...Frank Crosswaith, Sylvester J. McBride, Alfred Baker Lewis, and Joseph Bearai...
...Speakers to be announc'* 5th AD...
...We will visit every enrolled Sodslbt voter and ask him to join the Party...
...Judge Panken spoke fnd six young people Joined the party...
...Both new "peers are well-known through the cir2L** active League workers...
...Julia W. Pennington, "state Sec-retary, texbegiaaiBg he* work in lining vlp the Socialists and preparing the statf ^ticket...
...He has a dozen names already of comrade who are ready to join the party...
...April 9. In conjunction with Sw aoslness meeting...
...They •"•jceetl Ben Goodman, the former Exe™*lve Secretary, and William Wcrfel...
...Their assistance Will be rewired to make this affair a success...
...Write him a letter—tell him you will help...
...A state executive committee is being elected and campaign mapped out...
...Delinquents have been visited and a great many been placed in good standing...
...jn-Financial Secretary...
...Friday afternoon and Saturday morning...
...Arkansas . Mrs...
...Sac^Ujt parte led \g btorfc rRlce, candidate for Mayor' In the last city election made a Campaign- issue of the Water QuestJru...
...April 17 st 1167 Boston road, near Home St...
...We expect a local organization there withir- a week or so Ml information and material was sent U once...
...Now We All Move Together By the time this report is published, the party will be in national convention preparir-s for the big campaign, and from that time on each and every one must move together in a mighty enthusiastic campaign...
...remittances to William H. Henry, National Executive Secretary, 2653' Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111...
...Including the new oners, went on a hike...
...Rice chaUenged the BthV b»r|sear* whether or not the city ahosld ^uijfht Ihe water ootnpany, wfilcn the city has the right to Hp at this time...
...Pennington In this work Iowa I. S. McCrillis...
...he writes where matters of concern will be taker up...
...John M. Pattou, who has been out of touch with 'the party for many years, writes an enthusiastic letter, wants to help, wants to krow what be can do...
...You will note ""Program elsewhere in this issue... present the Socialist solution for tin unemployment situation... classes in Harvard and Radcliffe or...
...May 1. State Organiser Karl C. Jursek of the Socialist Party and some Jewish speakers from New York City Will address the meeting...
...He also reports there is a good prospect of a local at Granville...
...State Secretary, reports some good meetings for Fmil Herman and declares our flag is flying high...
...Nine voted for city ownership and five for the water company...
...We wguld like to hear from .every Socialist in Florida and other states, that are not well organized- Florida must have a national and state ticket on the ballot...
...On Sunday 4m branch members...
...April 20, debate with Bail of the Workrrs Party on "Sociili^m or Communism for the United States...
...Ways and means were discussed to Increase the membership, not only among the occupants of the Amalgamated House, but 011 to the knmediate vicinity...
...May 8. Application for charter for local it being signed up at Roundup...
...Tbe circle also elected a committee of three to vuit all delinquent members to find out .whether or not they desire to remain...
...April 20 and 21, at the Friends' Conference in Boston on "Fellowship in Industrial Relations...
...State Convention The annual state convention win be held lr...
...Joseph Bearak and James j Oneal will speak on Labor's Next Step I and Labor's Final Victory...
...The- raport wa* signed by Prasidrnt Murphy...
...flodallst Movement...
...Three pahkc hearings wen* held by a committee of the beprd of Aldermen...
...Xhif lively campaign and a fine growth, of the party organization are assured, with proper support from our comrades all along the line...
...Los Angeles Calif., headquarters of the Jewish Socialist Verband...
...Circle 6 Manhattan Circle 6 has been revivified by the Institution of a new educational program...
...Murphy is Democratic Minority leader...
...New England...
...May Day Celebration A May bay celebration including speakers, dancing, musical numbers and whist will be held Tuesday evening, May 1 at the Wellington Auditorium in Dor! Chester...
...Sunday, June 3. Place to be announced...
...West Haven to Organise Jasper McLevy of Bridgeport addressid a gathering of Socialists and Socialist sympathizers at the home of Louis a. Colombo, 183 Park street...
...23rd AD...
...J. Snider of Fairmont, visits the State Secretary and tells him there Is a good prospect for organizing a local at that place...
...The first meeting under this new educational policy was a round table discussion on Cooperation...
...A mailing was fatten to the enrolled voters last week in the membership drive...
...The National Organization will try to send some organizer into Minnesota to reorganize the movement since, from all appearances, the Farmer-Labor Party Is not making much progress...
...We have also sent out a - Large number oi letters to individual Socialists snd, friends for the purpose of securing financial assistance tri the payment of the big expense of the National Convention, fe do not Intend to go into a lengthy discussion of the matter here but would remind the comrades that they give \the National Organization immediate support so that the National Convention, which, from all appearances, will be one of the most interesting and best attended in the history of the party, will not lack the necessary finances in tinging delegates to the convention and meeting the many other expenses that necessarily must...
...He reports that the Jackson machine, which is the state machine of the Democratic Party, Is trying to keep the Republican Party oB 'he ballot and, of course, they will want to keep the Socialists off, but—what e Ine time they are going to have tc block us...
...The meeting was called together by State "Executive Committeeman Walter E. Davis, of Hamden...
...The meeting will open at 7:45 p.m...
...Louis street...
...Louis Reiff...
...West Har /en, April 6. After the talk, it was voted to apply to the State Executive Com•nlttee for a charter of a new local...
...Ohio Columbus Organized Comrade Gerlach of Columbus reports a local of sever, members and expect' to hold regular meetings and strengthen his organization right along...
...j the Amalgamated Bank was present Sod spoke on the subject of Labor tBWjldng...
...Socialists throughout tha state desiring meetings should get started early, write to John G. Willert, 34«9 West 54th street Cleveland...
...At this meeting plans ¦a be proposed for an intensive membership drive, the strengthening of the tranches, and various activities for the caning campaign...
...Connecticut May Day Meeting The Socialist Party, Workmen's Circle and some of (he radical unions of New Haven win hold a May Day demonstration at the Workmen's Circle headquarters, 438 Oak street...
...There is a revival of interest of 'he old time Socialists of this state, whe for some time, have been functioning with the labor party...
...Texas State Organizer David Curran 'reports more new members joining the party In the last ten days...
...BosIon, on Sunday morning and afternoon, beginning at 10:30...
...Cammans is putting in a good part of his time writing articles for daily papers...
...219 Sackman street, Brooklyn, is situated in a very fine section of Brooklyn, and there is no reason why the circle should not become one of the largest and best in the league...
...will be the speakers...
...Idaho C. H. Cammans...
...Tuesday, April 24...
...Circle Two which meets at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...Mississippi W. C. Kennedy, State Secretary, is s very busy man...
...Florida Letters from Florid* Socialists indicate our organisation will soon move forward...
...The last branch meeting on April 9 ¦at ^repetition of what has been going on iter several weeks...
...Proceeds to go to the maintenance fund of the Sunday School...
...They have also arranged an strtomobile outing for Sunday, June 24, and are requesting all comrades who have machines not to make' any other date fcf that day...
...Encouraging reports were made by the Orfanisef,' Minnie Welsberg and financial secretary, Minnie Maiser...
...A spring dance ¦ill'be held on Saturday evening...
...National Reader* in anorganized communities desiring information on how to organize local divisions of the Socialist Party may obtain instructions, leaflets, charter applications, membership cards, application cards and all other necessary information by • addressing William H. Henry, National Executive Secretary, 2651 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, | Illinois...
...The second meeting of this branch was hdd last Tuesday evening in th» home of Ifr...
...Montana Socialists of Musselshell County will hold their coirrty convention at Roundup, Tuesday...
...WS call upon every Socialist to consider himself a committee of one...
...Yipseldoiri „Jbe results of the recent election fur ¦J* *• P. S. L. executive officers show <nat Julius Umansky of Circle Six...
...JUNIORS Circle Two, Brooklyn Circle Two Juniors will reorganize on Friday, April 20...
...Tbe funds made at this outing will go to the Sunday School fund... the Martinique ManSS: lMOl ahd Berk streets, near Southtrtt BOOlsvard...
...The party will now hold t red card assembly to nominate candidates for the various county and state officers at 126 No... do his fair share of the work in spreading propaganda, ^rrargine meetings, organizing the party" arid " helping ~to place "our • ticket* on the ballot...
...West Virginia State Secretary Higgins writes that the movement is continuing to grow In West Virginia...
...Unemployment Mass Meeting A mass meeting at Faneuil Hall will be held Sunday, May 6, at 2:30 pjn...
...Action committees for the coming campaign will be formed...
...An effort is also being made to get back many old members into the circle...
...Alfred Baker Lewis' Dates Friday evening...
...Otoe of the members or the Committee wss President Murphy of the New Haran,Trades Ccuncft_____ The C<siuBltt*e repecUy signed a report advising against the city using its option...
...Besides this he has secured a number of members at large...
...Their J*™on assures another term of successSB *ork...
...Again the crowd wtjlarge...
...22nd A.D...
...He also expects tc have a state ticket...
...Re ha Pusbkoff prepared an excellent paper which she read, uestions and discussion were in order at any point of the program...
...An interesting discussion will take place, a drire will be made to get enrolled iters' as well as non-enrolled 1n the 4th »j> to toin the branch...
...BRONX 3rd A.D...
...At a package party held recently by the women ot the Workmen's Circle of New Haven $106 was raised far the benefit it the striking miners...
...The branch nss also decided to give 100 per cent cooperation to all affairs in connection sun the National Convention...
...This -new Moch meets the first and third Frirt»T of every month and is some youngritr The speaker for the meeting on April 20 will be Samuel Orr...
...afternoon between 5 and 6 eels ™ ""J^n Headquarters, the Yipb* tbJ
...Members are asked to come to our meetings every Thursday evening and volunteer their services to interview the enrolled Socialists of our district...
...The Socialists of Park County will hold their convention at the Courthouse at Livingston...
...Joseph Sharts, Socialist candidate for Governor, is' ready to fill speaking dates...
...c-S-12th A. D. a a%D attended meeting was held Mon. , -ventaf...
...State Secretary, writef that he believes a majority of the districts in Iowa can be lined up- for the national ticket...
...New Haven Water Issue The people of New Haven lose a to cWn the New Haven Water System, by a vote of 23 to 9. The Board of Aldermen on April .2 voted to renew the present contract with the New Haven Water Company for a period of 25 years...
...There was a split among the Democrats...
...There will be no meeting this Friday evening, because of the National ConTention meeting at the Manhattan Opera Howe...
...il9 Sackman street...
...Kansas Ross Magill, state Secretary, announces another local organization at Hutchinson...
...Subject: -Calient Events...
...George E. Roewer will be the keynote speaker...
...BROOKLYN i Williamsburg A general membership meeting of all four branches in the Williamsburg sec-' bob will be called shortly after the NaODOSl Convention...
...Curran is enthusir astic over prospects for the continuec building of the party in Texas and for a good vote in November...
Vol. 7 • April 1928 • No. 17