Oneal, James

THE SOCIALIST BATTLE CALL RINGS AGAIN Twenty-eight Years' of Politics Finds Socialist tfirty*' Only Lasting Spokesman of American WorUers J By James Oneal rrag Socialist movement in the...

...L' P' nafl be*un lts Quarrel sV« trmde unlons ot that period and arm of the century found it praetldisplaced by the Socialists who re*> follow its suicidal policy...
...Solomon Deutsch, Violinist - Vlttorio Oianlni, Pianist Vocal selections, Mary A. Gates, 80prapo...
...It Is a disgrace Which will send the present administration Into oblivion...
...A committee with power to purchase gold-bearing land in the West was even appointed with the view of obtaining funds to float the ideal commonwealth...
...treading the thorny path of persecution...
...What made this all the more treats was the fact that the puarty had token a courageous stand on the war...
...Phwer wll} be served promptly at 6 3fi p> m. Immediately Iplkiwtng the <ttUP<% wjtfph e^te§ to be orer^sW |:%W" addressee wul be delivered by a number of Well-known comrades...
...On With The Fight But our space is limited...
...Price of sAfifaetBn te/this evening's affair tt 79 cents...
...A great event had come to their lives and they could not repress their emotion...
...the party in 1904 and 1908, was of the finest type which the proletarian movement occasionally produces...
...That was on April 14th,—exactly eight years ago today...
...Women wiped away tears silently...
...John Tucker began to sing the "Internationale" and song took the place of cheers...
...Or of the long struggle in the special committee at the Emergency Convention to agree upon a report to submit to the convention regarding the War and the debate on the floor which followed... headquarters df at \oe' b*tl on'tfjs evening of the' affair... was represented In the Harlem hall...
...He was a charming personality and his I last years were marred by acute physical ' suffering...
...By LOUIS GARDY A deep toned bell rang out once, twice, and the national Socialist convention, which had been in session since Satur- i day, laid aside its deliberations yester-: day afternoon to take up a matter of love, the nomination of Eugene V. Debs, the nation's most noted citizen and now incarcerated in Atlanta Prison, as Socialist Candidate for President in the 1920 campaign...
...The Ucket appeared *» twenty states and polled 36,275 votes...
...Dinner* Dance Will Pftiiypft jCqnypntion Entertainment Saturday Night, banquet on gun...
...Are all my Comrades active on the Job wherever they may be?' "And I said...
...Y. Socialists rpHE Socialist Party, Local New York * City,' through its Convention 'Arrangements Committee has arranged tor a reception, concert and dance to be tendered-to the delegates of the National Convention...
...having given all that he had to Rive.' and dying with the thotjedft* thfat 'he had the love eC mJfilode at nfen...
...It was delegates of this party who met a conference committee of the Rochester convention with the result that the Rochester ticket was abandoned...
...They were tears of joy...
...These nominees were candidates of the ! Socialist Labor Party and the vote re- I eeived In 1832 would have discouraged jjOToay but Socialists...
...Many °f us had read the memoirs of savsaests add histories of the Socialist movement abroad and had been thrillgt By the narratives of what Socialists Bed to endure In establishing the organued movement...
...the sycophants yearning for the money vats of the capitalist class...
...Chants - the Crowd at th« Convention' ' "Dens...
...Benjamin Hanford, the Vice-Presidential candidate of...
...The Socialist Party is here...
...Pecseaotion Qotaidev Disruption Within The disheartening strife whtoh followed, the weariness of our own members because of the fighting, the disappearance of members, are now ah oaa story...
...Palace, -llO^h stree^ and 5th avqjQye...
...We should raise a national campaign rersa of not loss than sasa.ow aad aa araeh more for the state i sea nam I Bast Let esse a. I am etranshr tempted to suggest that every masaber grea a week's wages for the stats and iiiMmslI etmseuga hmdsbut fineness mag welt fee toft to the natioauU convention...
...Standing at the back of the stage was a lift-size portrait or the familiar tall figure Ss he had come to be known to millions of Americans...
...embodying in his life add work the .highest ideals of the cause which he represents...
...misunderstood, maligned, hated and imprisoned...
...A spirit seemed to pervade tb.3 whole gathering... Arranged .py IN...
...h represented practically no gain conakkrtng that the nominees appeared on ** aalktt In twenty states compared with I ** U» ma...
...The split came hi the Chicago convention of 1898...
...spending his life fit reckless abandon fot ihat Cause...
...We want Debs," and there was ho denying the choice of "the working class as...
...the shirker whose ease Is of more Importance than the welfare of humanity and all those who swill at the trough labeled "Success...
...applauded waved hats and handkerchiefs until the most staid Socialist in the gathering had become a boy again...
...This was the momentous days in Juoe, 1919, when the National Executive Committee met in Chicago to face the crisis thrust upon the party by the activities Of the Left Wing...
...Debs for the presidency while he was in the Atlanta penitentiary...
...Compare them with those who Str|t the stage* in public life today, the Brimmers and the charlatans who gain pubhe reward...
...This affair will be a truly historic gathering aad one of the largest of its kind In recent years...
...The Theatre of the Dance—Madam Dorsha and her group of dancers...
...Even the Left Wing learned that to Its sorrow, but it required the Michigan woods comedy to drive the lesson into the thick heads of its leading philosophers...
...For 21 minutes, the enthusiastic gathering gave noisy expression to Its joy...
...Except for two delegates from Chicago, this group came from rural states in the West where the class struggle was not an Important factor...
...As Henry continued his plain account of his visit to Mr...
...Dee* Debs, We Wsnf Debs...
...Immediately following this concert, dancing wlH begin...
...It seems but yesterday that Debs was with us, the fiery evangel'of working cWtss dissent and advance courier of proletarian liberation...
...Then the issue of Aiverf began' to occupy the minds of milfan and this continued into the Civil...
...It is the soul sad Inspiration of the thinking sections et the working class and it will yet pertsete the whole working class with Its esjanekatlng program...
...Those days stand out more vivid in my memory than even the stmergettcy Contention which mat tn St...
...Ben Hanford literally lived and died for the class he loved and his inspiration was a tonic to all who knew him...
...On With the Revolution", a skit...
...Oh Comrade, I am glad to see you...
...Once the bell sounded...
...He was a remarkably able speaker and Incarnated the soul of working class ideals...
...A collection of Hanford** writings appeared in 1909 bearing the title, AFlght 1*3T Your Life...
...j ; Hanford was the, creator of "Jimrass Higgins," that worker in the ranks to whom he gave the first place of honor in the Socialist movement, the member who is always present...
...e_es ire obtainable at' every (ffadeb cluVroont...
...Here is what he said: Debs named for Presidency— L'.'S...
...who got subseripers for Socialist papers.' "What did he do...
...Cannon Seconds Nomination of Debs For New York Grown Joseph D. Cannon, of New York, with tears still lurking in his eyes, rose to second the nomination of Debs for the New York delegation...
...The S** 4<!uon was taken by- the remaining jwr or five Locals We had in the state »»t year...
...This affair will be held Oh Saturday" evening, April 14, in the Convention Hall, 2056 5th avenue at 8:30 pJh The program of the concert is as follws: Overture, Schiller's Orchestra...
...Vlttorio Gianini, pianist...
...And Debs' message to the Socialists was, 'Go out to the Comrades and urge them to give &I1 their time and all their energy to this greatest of all movements, the Socialist movement ot the working class.'" Debs' Message Brings Tears to Eyes of Party Delegates Debs' simple- message brought tears to the eyes of the delegates...
...Mot until 1892 did the Socialists think Of nominating presidential candidates when eight delegates representing but 4» states met in New York City and Stelaated Simon Wing for President and Sharks B. Matehett, of Brooklyn for Vice-President...
...tfte'csselo-'Blovak sfccial-Demecratie r^arty celebrated the 50th anniversary Of dies/ Unk Congress which Was 1st ag fcrevs*£ On the 7th af Aptft lA* »**¦¦* Th...
...the retainers and apologists of abysmal wrongs...
...Bchfller's' Orchestra wffi play fee" music...
...4j The Social Democracy planned to colonize a w?stem state with Socialists capture it in a state election, and then transform It into a Socialist commonwealth...
...the apostates who' sold themselves to the slavers of mankind...
...Socialist delegates held copies of the party platform or were on their feet participating In the business of the convention...
...the convention left the *• Do" t0f a un,ted "o*** when the •asai.'-lLmet m Atonal convention in •^fceT^ shortlyaner- - • had u» P' ,tse,f was a Section which f" *W "he eecM Democracy-*n teat...
...tears Of inspiration and affectionate Comradeship for the veteran Socialist who had sacrificed his freedom for his principles...
...Prisoner 2253 makes race...
...When I got near this Comrade he stretched .out his hands as he has to me and you many times...
...Cameron King of California sprang to a chair and started another demonstration and, as soon as George' Bldon^ of Illinois could make himself hAift, he started still another one...
...In The New York Call of April loth., 1920, Louis Gardy described the /scene...
...The S. L. P. vote declined to 33,405...
...Those who nave been negligent In sending In their dinner reservations as well as other late comers may be accommodated provided they get to touch with Secretary Claessens, f E. 15 th street, Immediately...
...There Is romance, drama, tragedy and inspiration In our Socialist movement and some day there will appear some one who can do justice to those terrible last ten years...
...Louis tn April...
...Either one side or the other would take control of the organisation...
...A short musical pracram wul also be gfrea during that jjjaj'.oj'the progrW 'The assisting */ttsts are Carmen Reuben, soprano...
...i Music by Schiller's Society Orchestra...
...Even in our own ranks we were savagely attasfes Br hysterical groups and years of internal strife reduced our members and left id exhausted...
...A few became apostates...
...It wBl remain...
...1. Marche Slav 2. Polish Mazurka 3. Oriental Dance 4. A Group Dance (Title to be announced) ' ** Dancing to follow Immediately after the "Concert...
...who saw that literature was on hand...
...J. Louis Engdahl of Illinois started • march around the hall and soon the "big gathering was in a long line winding its way about the tables of the convention hall...
...Cbncerto In E Minor, Mendelsohn.' Gultare, Mozkowski...
...the first to be split by order of Moscow...
...All the powers of capitalist •oriety cannot destroy it...
...One the -Kangaroos", the faeJJV^eh left the S. L. P., had met in 2n*?er and nominated Job Harriman j*"" Hayes for President and VicedabT«^l...
...the expenditure of all our funds for the defense of political prisoners...
...We won, but many members who remained with us .thought that we bad not..handled the situation intelligently, but in aiaw of what the Left Wing was eagerly urging a few months later it became evident) that we had not acted soon enough...
...Cast Samuel A. Do Witt, McAllister Coleman, August Claeeaehs and the Ytosete...
...The Utopians had a majority end the Socialists withdrew and organized the...
...One might write of the stirring easapalgn in 1908 when we ran the "Bed Special'' and for many anxious days wondered whether the funds would be sufficient to enable the train to fill the complete schedule...
...Ororg*V walkrngr through a 1 hallway with a guard...
...The Peerless Debs Of Eugene V. Debs, our standard bearer in every campaign except hi 1910 and 1924, it Is Impossible to say anything new...
...It Is for us to inspire the whole working class with its mission, its power, its «»i»«m« rts duty to reorganise capitalism on a basis of social equity and economic JusticeIt wiB take the devoted service Ot •very member to take full advantage eg the opportunity that lies open before oh...
...Jimmie Higgins did everything, anything," he answered...
...It befSn with organization of the workers in Mae unions and city labor parties hi tk> tweiines and their agitation contin|M into ibe forties...
...Battered and bruised, with a working dass still supine in the hands of capitalist politicians, we fought on...
...loved by those who knew him, feared by those who in all their lives never had a noble inspiration, and then passing On...
...Irwin St...
...Sledman chosen running mate —Veteran- Socialist's message moves all convention delegates to tears...
...Some dearod...
...The movement M0 passed through its pioneer pejMg tot it did not have to face the permssSSB v/hieh of old world Socialists had w4ace in the early period...
...But who can say that we did not act m behalf of the best interests of the woafcing class and of the Socialist movement* No Socialist movement can for a tooanaad tolerate in its midst any faction BhsaV makes physical force Us method of action That moment the spy and Bhe agent provocateur comes to and the movement is at the mercy of its enemies...
...The delegates and visitors who attended that convention will never forget the scene that followed the placing of Debs' name before the convention...
...They were espeSklTy active to organizing- trade' unions fc Mew York, Philadelphia, St...
...I saw** thtt tor and when I looked I saw a man I knew, the same old Comrade of mine and yours," began Henry...
...Prom above the wreck of our once growing movement we held aloft our red banner...
...Many did give sp their organized activities and thus ijcreased the burdens of those who resumed active...
...But Hut experience came to us...
...He grasped me in his arms while the tears rolled down' his cheeks and he said...
...Or one might recall the brutal raids on the New York Call, the Rand School, the national office, several states offices, and the public meetings broken up...
...Sol Deutsch, violinist...
...Chairman Jacob Pank«n stepped for| ward and introduced -Wilham H. Henry, lelegate from Indiana,- the home state >t Debs...
...He was- a maim- { lertwte of photographic instruments and I Matehett was an electrician...
...and adopted its war program...
...The membership reached its peak in 1912 with 113,371 members when an Industrial depression set In and by 1915 the membership had declined to 79,374...
...Wing and Matchctt Run Bufey a movement wlth^ this record | hSporth looking at In perspective...
...In sasy event, we Socialise* mast go toto this eaaipajga •* crusader* detexnnned that we wis) psave worthy of our ideals eatd Mas duty we oske to the weetoxuj otoss ad fens United Stotoa and to the BBgorlnsi ajssaea of the whole world, •__ WHEN DEBS WAS NAMED 8 Years Ago Today In Finnish Hall 20 Minutes of Frenzied Jubilation Swept Hundreds of Delegates and Visitors As Henry Placed "Prisoner of Atlanta" In Nomination—Personal Interview In Prison Related To Gathering The hall which houses the Socialist national convention today—Finnish Socialist Hall, at 2056 Fifth avenue...
...Debs' cottage in Terre Haute, and finally placed the name of Debs In nomination for the presidency, the tenseness broke out in the wildest cheering that ever marked a Socialist convention...
...the arrests, trials and convictions...
...gaateT Cehgreas if the Data* Ssetal-besJeeraUe Party met froua Oie 9th to kt£ * April at ifceeBfc At the seme Slate, Shat la U my, from the ffh U IHh Of April, ike Dsegrme of the ifcdtpeadtat Laser Party at Ores*4 Britain was Best at NertrkhThe 13th Congress of the (atvtaa *»'easf-pemtdcratlc Party was said at the heaSeetrtcra ot the Party, filta, an the »lst of March and the I* of AprlL x * ¦'' will be made to bring about a close acquaintanceship between the out-of-town and New York <$fty ablegates, flsltars and members...
...The ticket appeared on the ballot in only six states and the fcfcMioates received a vote"for 21,512...
...MilSons of ptoses Of literature must be dUti touted...
...The chief Chicago exponent of "revolution" some years later published a Republican weekly in the Northwest and later appeared on the stump in Ohio as a speaker for "wet" interests and he was paid handsomely for his services...
...The convention of that year was the scene of a spirited contest with a group of Utopian "revolutionaries" whose program was to have the party abandon its support of the trade unions and economic struggles on the ground that the unions were mere "reform" crutches and the sootier they were broken the sooner would the working class join the Socialist movement...
...There is every indication that many people may be turned a4ay for the lack of accommodation •t this affair...
...Semen and children all over the world...
...The' disgrace of prison," said Cannon, "is not a disgrace for Debs...
...The vote slowly met eased in state elections arid in WW the party faced the nation-wide •1*eaval of the farmers and lower mtd**¦¦ class led by William Jennings Bry*a Matehett was nominated tor Pre- ; •Sent this year and Matthew Magulre •*Ylce President...
...It is for us to take Inspiration front Debs and Hanford and other noble souki who lived the good life for their class, it is for us to forward the tasks which they so generously bore...
...Dens;- Eugene Debs,*--chanted m1thevJVrow...
...About 1000 persons will be accommodated and every Socialist and, laJbor man' and, woman of National and, Local prominence will be present- This affair 'will be held, at the "p^r...
...Hanford was a member of Big 6 in New York City and his services In strikes of the printers endeared him to the members of his organization...
...Tucker" seconded the nomination for Illinois, and Victor Berger from "the country which gave the first majority for Debs," seconded it for Wisconsin...
...We want Debs," echoed until the rafters rang and rang and cheer drowned out the slogan only to be drowned in turn by the crisp for' Debs...
...These who had read anything of Socialist and labor history knew what We , were facing...
...The American working class was the pioneer In economic and even political organi2aMrwat- today- it trails behind the-working emss of the modern nations...
...THE SOCIALIST BATTLE CALL RINGS AGAIN Twenty-eight Years' of Politics Finds Socialist tfirty*' Only Lasting Spokesman of American WorUers J By James Oneal rrag Socialist movement in the United gates came later than in other ^ujertts end the reasons for this are sjsjflaV tn all Socialists...
...Some acre lured by the fleshpots of capitalusl At times It appeared that the struggle was not worth while...
...The picture was brought to the front of the stage and a bunch of reU roses was hud before it in tribute...
...In the state elections of j y the candidates of the S. L. P. re- I 82.204 votes, the highest this par- 1 * has ever polled...
...Cheers for Debs were mingled With cheers for Soviet Russia and for fully 10 minutes Chairman Panken pounded his gavel, more to participate hi the celebration than to end the outburst...
...The hysterical groups left us only to fight each other ¦ere savagely than they ever fought us...
...When I entered the great prison in i Atlanta...
...Many of us had spent years in building the Socialist Party and we were compelled to face the prospect of parting with those with whom we had worked for years...
...Once In decades such a man appears, the soul of honor and conviction...
...We were inspired and aw never anticipated that we would-be tossed by our ruling classes through areursry laws, mobs, arrests and jails...
...Ws knew that no matter what the decision was the party would be rent in twain...
...There could he no compromise on this Issue nor could It he put aside or postponed...
...Louis, Baltimore and Milwaukee...
...Our standard hearers must speak tat every esty passable between the two nneeeia...
...Berger moved that the secretary cast one ballot of nomination for the entire delegation, but Panken added that that would be unnecessary as there was no question as to the sentiments of the delegates...
...who got the soap box for the speaker...
...Iff between the various amnbefs 1iM~o*Bc£re7»r eftort April Is Month of Convention* £r» the Socialist World The Nattonal CenvenUsuj ot the American Socialist Party epened oa the 1Mb of April In New TertL Qa the «Jth df Apr...
...This was the first Important Left Wing which the party had to contend with and it Is significant that its few leaders did not long remain in the Socialist movement...
...Strong men cried and were unashamed...
...The Socialist Party has had Jte dramatic and tragic phases yke all other movements but to me the most dramaUc and the most tragic episode in )ts history was observed by only a few members...
...Some of these votes j **e-east by Socialists who disagreed with I ~* S. L. p. - -me writer - Was a member *f *e Social Democratic Party tn Terre | 5*at* that year but as we had no state ~*et the Local voted to support the S. P. candidates and they received hearhundred votes In Terfe HaUte...
...A movement that can come out of this Serfs...
...Of course, the scheme was fantastic and real Socialists had to break with It...
...Spontaneously the favorite old song of the revolution, "The Marseliaise," was started in one part of the hall and Instantly It swept all Into another burst of singing...
...The war hates also smothered ma- j important Issues and not till near the tighdes was there a definite recovery Of vtskmg class organization...
...Cohvehttoh jsnejwst A banquet tendered to thV Relegates Ot the National Convention ot the ek>c44net Party has been sriknged bjL «g» BoeAOfE £arty, LocaT"New York City...
...They are all doling what they cafa...
...The Unity Convention the following year united the two parties, the total membership being somewhere between eight and nine thousand...
...Pour years later the membership again doubled, the number being 47,751...
...Debs, We Want Debs," chants crowd...
...Again It rang out and told the delegates and the hundreds of visitors who crowded the-gallery and' the rear of the hall that the Inspired moment for which they had waited had arrived...
...These was the fact that the party had taken to any other country yet our party was...
...A moment before the bell rang In the streets of Harlem, the convention hall In the Finnish Socialist Hall had been the scene of busy discussion and debate...
...Our Socialist Party has gone through the Ires of hen but It has been purged at ts dross...
...Prom that period the membership of the party increased from year to year and by 1904 it more than doubled, the national secretary reporting 20,763 members in good standing...
...There was a large Increase the first three months of 1919 but it was an abnormal one, the result of a Left Wing movement to capture the party...
...asked Hanford...
...v the Socialist Party Appears 'wkk...
...New York City, was the scene of the memorable Socialist convention which nominated Eugene -V...
...A growing faction had . beccrae obsessed with physical force as a substitute tor education and the ballot...
...No attempt was made to unite the two parties but both agreed on Debs and Harriman for the presidential ticket which received a total vote of 96,931...
...i Certainly, a movement that can produce such noble men as Desk and Hanford has nothing to fear for its future...
...Yes they are an doing their part, Comrade...
...How are the Comrades back home...
...The guard immediately said, 'There is the man you want to see,' and I said, 'Yes, I love him, and I know him as far as I can see him.' ."That Is the Lincoln of the Wabash from Indiana way,'" I said...
...All day and well into the night the mar jority members fought with the mlnoritl' - for control of the party and the neat day the struggle was resumed...
...The delegates and visitors yelled...
...Debs, Debs...
...Bow do the Comrades feel about the situation?' "And the next question he asked was...
...Social Democratic Party...
...Schiller's Orchestra will play the dinner music...
...J Wan time the German exiles from the ftfWTution of 1848 became active in the feaildlng of trade unions and organlz- , it Socialist societies...
...the cowards who deserted when the fight became desperate and the world looked black...
...It »that that Wing was not again seen rhar-his nomination...
...To the German Socialists belong much of the credit for organizing the cigarmakers, carpenters, the butchers, the brewery workers, the Bakers and the German printers...
...It bore this characteristic dedication: 'To the Jimmie Higginses, and Those Choice Spirits of This Earth Who Did, or Do, or Shall, Call One Another "Comrade'.**' The last time I saw Hanford was m 1908 when, wracked with pain, he entered the Call office in Park Place on crutches, and spent ah hour talking with the "Choice Spirits" who meant more than anything else in - this world to him...
...Outs Is the only party of netkm-wide extent that makes its appeal to the workers ot the nation...
...Matehett j •as leng active In the Socialist Party ; •OS died a' few years ago...
...In this period of decadent mpltalism, with Its bourgeois parties ocaVng filth and, smelling to heaven, the Bo:!*list Party holds aloft a beacon to intelligent men and women who live ana work for a civilised commonwealth...
...This persecueame to us when we had establlehal the Socialist Party as an important aafeMeal teetor to be reckoned with In •tactions...
...Hardly had the song come to an end before there were cries of "Debs, Debs, Eugene Debs...
...the final lncerceratlon of Debs prison, his release, his return to the plaT^I form, his physical decline, his retirement jo Llndlahr and then his untimely death...
...Indianapolis, in 1901 and the J~**"o» ef the Socialist Party...
...Hanford The Printer In 1904 the Socialist Party nominated Debs and Bejamin Hanford...
...The *** the Unity Convention to MaZZI^J...
...Folk Songs, Finnish Socialist Chorus...
...The "Hymn to Free Russia" was sung and finally with a spirit of defiance, "The Red Flag" Boated over the assemblage...
...There was a stillness iuch as the convention hall had not known...
...Tossy they remain a tiny collection of am and hateful men and women, gathering alms to float dubious and dishonest esterprlses...
...James Oneal of Mew York, also a native of Indiana, gave a sketch of Debs' life of devotion to the working clam and compared it with the life of Lincoln, another man who rose from the working class of the Middle West...
...experience with any organisation at efl has the endurance and tenacity mat wffi wreck empires and rebuild the serai...
...They shouted and cheered and...

Vol. 7 • April 1928 • No. 17

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