SOCIALISTS URGE AID FOR JORLESS; CORRUPTION HIT National Committee Advances Convention One-Day—Demonstration To Often Session HILLQUIT WILL BE "KEYNOTER" Modigliani, Sheppard, Stephen Coming Here...
...Her recent action in protesting against the ridiculous censorship in Hungary has won wide support...
...Doubled Membership . By April 14th Is Plan Of New ~ York Socialists By Jacob Panken "T-ISCLOSURES of governmental " corruption nave startled the country...
...Because they buried the goal of the labor movement in a maze of contradictions which confused even their leaders the Nonpartisan League, The Farmer-Labor Party have entirely disappeared as political forces in this state...
...The changes as proposed now by Comrade Hillquit would establish two classes of membership, general and active...
...He also won many great debates...
...Berger, Norman Thomas, Mayor Daniel W. Hoan, of Milwaukee, Mayor J. Henry Stump of Reading, James H. Maurer, Reading councilman, Joseph W. Sharts of Ohio, Cameron King of California, and others...
...The other day under what we can only regard as a disastrous misapprehension of some ¦ort President Green sent a telegram endorsing the transfer of the investigation of the power interests from a Senate Committee to the incompetent Federal Trade Commission packed with friends of the power interests...
...Man hog and Oeo...
...Each member can bring in at least one member between now and the 14th of April, and each member can bring in at least one member each month...
...Though political equality has been won in many countries, the need for a Women's Day and for a special propaganda among women still persists...
...The committee put In two days of Intensive work on a draft of a national platform which had been drawn by Congressman Victor L. Berger, national chairman of the party...
...It is not too much'to as: for'eachTof the Party members to take a list of ten1 sympathetic voters, cultivate their friendship an-i prevail upon them to join the Party...
...For example: an excellent committee of social workers has just completed a good comprehensive plan for New York housing...
...He became a radical , party Prohibitionist when that party was in existence and later a Socialist and his name was known and honored by many thousands throughout the United States and Canada...
...At the suggestion of Gir-alomo Volenti, the committee voted to Invite G. E. Modigliani, Italian Socialist leader, to come here for a tour...
...In 1887 he was married to Miss Abble S. Faulkner, of Hancock, N. Y. Mrs...
...Regulation means an increase of bureaucracy and is never very efficient...
...I have responded to the call...
...At any rate, they always support Smith and Walker...
...The power and authority of the government are used to compel the people to contribute out of their meagre means to swell the profits...
...In the past our popular vote has been altogether out of proportion to our dues-paying membership...
...The present situation ir...
...That is, he did the bidding of this power lobby...
...The Coettige administration was Arm—need for waging an unauthorised war In Nicaragua, it was painted oat toss mdtf the Socialist and the Farmer-Las ir parties in Congress had come oat against the Niearaguan adventure...
...CORRUPTION HIT National Committee Advances Convention One-Day—Demonstration To Often Session HILLQUIT WILL BE "KEYNOTER" Modigliani, Sheppard, Stephen Coming Here For Campaign Tours—Plat-form, Constitution Drawn Up |pi-ANS were completed for what promises to he the most inspiring Socialist Party national convention in years when the National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party met in a two-day session in New York City last Saturday and Sunday...
...It also considered a number of amendments to the constitution of the party...
...The comrades who are associated with me in the work are loyal and faithful, and are selflessly devoting themselves to this work...
...That explains the efficiency of then- Party...
...These are features of a comprehensive program which we Socialists have previously endorsed...
...A number of state organizations will put candidates for state offices in the field, National Secretary William H. Henry reported...
...When an industry is ready for monopolization it is ready for public ownership...
...The opening session will be in the nature "of a mass demonstration...
...But whatever this house does it is only fair to set on record our appreciation of the way in which George Norris almost single handed first blocked the preposterous scheme to give away Muscle Shoals to Henry Ford and then fought off all other plana for losing the chance to use government operation at Muscle Shoals as a yard stick whereby we can measure the performance of this private Companies...
...Comrade's Last Thought For The New Leader Practically the last act of Chas...
...This was no new thing for Comrade Nippes, he having for years been a most devoted and generous friend of The Hew York Call, and later of The New i Leader.—chas...
...This is the first result of the discussion on "Women's Day" at the Women's International Conference at Cologne, December 1927, when the general desire was expressed that all countries which could might gradually bring their date into line with others, so as to move towards a real international day...
...An endless chain is our purpose...
...Against Hungarian Censorship Anna Kethly, the Socialist woman member of the Hungarian parliament is well-known to women in the interna-' tlon Socialist movement both In the trade union and political spheres...
...Roeario Magna, 3rd...
...What about the war contract frauds...
...There is a job ahead of us...
...The amusing thing is that many of these social workers who distrust government honesty and efficiency are very enthusiastic about the "new" Tammany...
...Only public ownersnip will permit us to treat the industry as a whole eliminate the wastes of competition, and the steady drain of profits to absentee owners...
...Both the proposed platform and amended constitution will be submitted to the national convention...
...We need the aid of every enrolled Socialist...
...The next morning, Saturaay, April 14th, the delegates will buckle down to business at the Finnish Socialist Hall, 2056 Fifth avenue, near 120th street, which has been the scene of many memorable Socialist conventions, including (bat which nominated Eugene V. Debs in 1920 while he was in Atlanta' penitentiary...
...Paul Oauer, 17th...
...This is a call to action...
...Call Issued For Socialist Women's Day British To Have Month of Special Propaganda — Other Activities of Labor Women (By A New Lesser Csrr—peaoeaO ZURICH.—When the International So-clallst Women's Conference in Copenhagen in 1910 decided to institute an annual Women's Day as a demonstration on behalf ot the introduction of universal and equal women's suffrage, there was only a stogie European country where women possessed the right to vote...
...Speaking of housing one of my friends very justly takes me to task for omitting from my comprehensive program last week the importance of the application of excess condemnation and the principle of a higher tax on land values than on improvements in solving the, problem of homes for the people...
...Hogan died April 26, 1991...
...The Joint Congress In Ciecho-SIovakia At the Congress held by the Socialist Parties of all nationalities in Czechoslovakia, organized women were very well represented...
...The A us trial women will hold demonstrations during the last couple of weeks in March, and are issuing a special publication called "Women's Day...
...It is no time for criticism...
...The committee also invited Jessie Stephen and Arthur Sheppard, M P„ British Socialists, to come here fnr speeches and organization' work during the campaign...
...convention out of mistaken desire to please the farmers who were at the time sold to Henry Ford actually endorsed Ford's brazen request that the government dams at Muscle Shoals be handed him on a platter... is the only party with a clear and definite program for labor's emancipation while at the same time offering Immediate demands which meet the present needs of the workers...
...There to only one kind of Socialist we know m Germany, and that to the organised Socialist...
...The Worker's (Communist) Party will no doubt have candidates for Presidential Electors in the field but it never gained any political standing In this state and is rapidly losing what little influence it once had with the workers...
...While six millions are unemployed, dividends of the trusts and corporations are increased...
...Prospects for placing Socialist party presidential electors in all but two states were found more than promising...
...Benson, 2nd ward...
...He won a seat In Parliament which had been held for forty years by the Conservative party...
...That is why it has survived all the "fly by night" movements which offered "something to the workers now," as well as the internal wounds inflicted by the Communist wreckers and the external wounds made bv their capitalist allies...
...H. ( Ooebel represented Local Essex at the i •ervicea...
...Monday and Tuesday the dele-rates will again be in session, and, if lecesary, an Wednesday...
...It is moreover an admitted fact that your Insulls, Sinclairs and Pattens give to both parties...
...In the coal fields despite resolutions of the miners convention for nationalization John Lewis is as much opposed to Public ownership of coal as any operator...
...For seven years The Union Record was owned by the Labor Unions of Seattle and vicinity...
...This, notwithstanding that the Farmer-Labor Party at one time had the endorsement of and the financial backing of the State Federation of Labor and of manv central labor Councils...
...The dues is to be reduced to $1 a year, except to communities where branches may voluntarily agree to pay more...
...Our government has been made the agent of unscrupulous robber bands...
...Mayor Walker's bus franchises...
...Prosperity for then few, poverty and dejection for the many—that is the effect...
...They dissipated the effectiveness of the political factor which a strong Socialist Party could have been...
...We want to bring back our marines alive and well...
...Its editor, E. B. Ault, had, up till 1910, been a member of the Socialist Party...
...Such a program is that of the Socialist Party...
...We need the support of every sympathizer...
...Commtttoe of the L. 8. L Dnrtng the debate In parliament oq tbe question of penal settlements in Cmtbe BliwsjUa...
...Both major political parties stand unmasked before the public gaze...
...Modigliani is a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies...
...j Let evrey comrade feel himself aj member ot thtg f?ommlttoc on Mcmoeratdp and Otysntanwion...
...Many of its suggestions, such as those for city planning and the end of piling up business and manufacturing in Manhattan Island, are wholly admirable...
...Several prominent Socialist leaders of European countries were invited by the committee to come to the United States for lecture tours during the campaign...
...The bad building of New York's school houses...
...In csicra-lion, the workers of America were arged to use the Socialist -party as the vehicle through which to break tho strangle-hold of business upon the nation and the people...
...For many years Mr...
...During all his active life, Hogan worked for justice and righteousness in .. human affairs...
...A scathing arraignment of ike Democratic and Republican parties for that* part in the oil and campaign contribution scandals was Israed by the con-mtttee in a statement on the current political and economic situation...
...Sunday the convention will again hold norning and afternoon sessions...
...He has at last carried the Senate for his bill for government ownership and operation of the hydro electric plants over which controversy has raged so long . What the House will do we do not know...
...We must marshal our forces, muster our army, and prepare for the fight ahead...
...There will be morning and afternoon sessions Saturday, to be followed by a reception and dance Satur-Jay evening at which the delegates will je able to get acquainted with each oth-:r and with the New York comrades...
...We do not want to send new marines to Nicaragua whence already more than one thousand have been sent back wounded or sick with tropical diseases while others lie in foreign graves...
...It has not even been able to get the endorsement of the Nicaragua Congress for the supervision of elections...
...Yet this committee fools itself and others by impossible or at any rate impracticable hopes of what limited dividend or limited rental corporations may accomplish with state aid and only admits the possibility of municipal housing on rebuilt slum sites as a last resort...
...The day the thousand fresh marines sail for Nicaragua ought to be a day of mourning and protest...
...But to claim purity for the Democrats is worse than absurd...
...And, by tbe way...
...He is now living in exile in Paris where be is in the tore front ot the anti-Mussolinl forces...
...Let us cooperate with one another...
...Some years ago, while I was in Hamburg, Germany, a prominent comrade asked me bow many members the Socialist Party bad in New York...
...What-wo'need in New York is tome one who will put as magnificent a fight for our water power as Senator Norris has put up for Muscle Shoals...
...American Oil do...
...Thus far Moses has led the voters by the noses and Smith is willing to try his skill at the game...
...He was a logical, forceful and convincing speaker," many of his speeches were widely circulated...
...Eleven Socialist candidates will participate in the final election for positions on the county board, the primary vote showed...
...Some months ago, I suggested a scrapping of tbe present system of membership to provide for the organization of Socialist clubs to be affiliated with the party...
...From every point of view it would be sounder wisdom for social workers to educate the people to the superiority of municipal housing under proper conditions than to lead them on with uncertain trust in the sufficiency of private enterprise which has notoriously failed to solve the problem here or in any European city...
...and also informed him of the extent of the enrolled Socialists, and he said to me, "Surely, you don't think that men who enroll themselves as Socialists can be considered as such...
...Of course that sort of assurance is political bunk...
...Tammany's gross election frauds—to name only a few cases in which grave suspicion, if not proved wrong doing, attached itself to notable Democrats...
...Hence we must give away our water Power instead of doing with it what Ontario has done...
...Toe main subjects of study' were the law as it affects the worker, and social lBsusancer...
...ginnlngs of an awakening, such as happened fifty years or more ago in other European countries...
...However as the idea of an immediate "World revolution" flickered, this emotional support gradually was withdrawn and a new and more constructive policy was adopted, but it seems that it could not survive tbe stigma of the period when It was under Communist influence and thus it has passed into history, another monument to the fact that only an honest, consistent, clear-cut, and definite program will permanently attract the average member of the working class...
...Yet public ownership is the one *ay out...
...Each comrade can take an allot-, ment of ten enrolled Socialists, who...
...The housing situation in New York is another tragic illustration of the reluctance even of well meaning people to come frankly and boldly to the one thing needful...
...let them each in their own country advocate 'the rights of the mother and her children, and the oppressed industrial workers...
...7th district...
...The reason for this Is apparent...
...Thirteen Socialist candidates for aldermen of the 22 competing to the race were" nominated...
...and through the Impres-siveness of the demonstrations to afford proof that the movement of Socialist women is marching forward and is able to inspire in those still crushed and deprived of rights the Joyful faith that through unison among all women the hour of their ultimate liberation will inevitably strike...
...are to be seen by him and with whom he is to i.-ecome friendly and, place himself on intimate terns...
...Supervisor James P. Sheehan...
...Instead we are arguing for democratic functional government of the industry by representatives of producers and consumers...
...Explaining the changes he proposes In the Constitution, Comrade Hillquit says: "The purpose of the proposed changes is to make membership in the party easier and larger...
...Thej permitted the Socialist Party organization to be weak...
...A. Mitchell Palmer's activities as alien property custodian ? The Queens borough sewer and paving scandals in New York...
...and election...
...Socialists have a lot of educational work to do in labor circles on this subject of public vs private monopoly...
...and beyond this—and more than this—let them stretch out their hands to their sisters in all other countries, and feel that they are united with them in the :ause of humanity and peace...
...Plans are being made to secure for the keynote address the widest possible national publicity through the press as well as through other agencies...
...It had a checkered and stormy career...
...It is perfectly obvious that our government is drifting toward a permanent protectorate...
...Nick Wrobelewski and Joseph J. Hlrsch, were the other Socialists nominated without a primary vote because each was opposed by only one candidate...
...I told him...
...The power lobby in it is said to be strong...
...It is no time for reproaches...
...I appreciate very greatly the fine personal indorsement given me in the primary election," said Mayor Daniel W. Hoan...
...THE PRESIDIUM OF THE INTERNATIONAL, SOCIALIST WOMEN'S COMMITTEE Marie Juchacx, Dorothy Kloaxynska, A. Susan Lawrence...
...E. Rifcbius PekeUar, Addheid Popp "Women's Day" in England "Women's Month", to be observed by the Labor Party all over Great Britain in June next...
...Sheppard la also reported to be a first class Socialist campaigned...
...But that is not the alternative...
...This is no time for recriminations...
...Herman O. Kent, 9th...
...Large numbers of voters have been looking for a Moses for many years...
...Unemployment relief was demanded...
...Carl P. Diets, 11th...
...and beyond this— and more than this—let them each in their own country advocate the rights Df the mother and her children, and the oppressed industrial workers...
...Corruption is traced to the highest public officials...
...This difference to circumstances points to the need of a special propaganda for women...
...Throughout June the "Women's Sections and Labor Women's Advisory Councils, aided by local Labor Parties will carry out everywhere a remarkable program of effort...
...13 Socialists Placed On Milwaukee Ballot For Aldermanic Board (By A New Leader Corressoaseat) Milwaukee.—The complete vote to the primaries shows that Daniel W. Hoan, Socialist candidate for Mayor, received 42,516 votes, ScaUitz 28,851, and Schubert 7,451...
...Nippes, of Newark, an old timer and loved and respected worker in the Socialist and labor union movement, who t died last week, was to ask that ten dollars be sent The New Leader promotion Jund, with his good wishes...
...To be sure the Republicans have had far more opportunity for scandal in national affairs and they have had some crudely brazen prac-tioners of the parts of corruption...
...Comrade Hillqult will deliver the "keynote" address...
...He is nevertheless hopeful that some way which he does not describe will be found to make everybody—operators, miners and consumers perfectly happy...
...It is my earnest desire to give of myself un-stintingly to this campaign...
...August W. Strehlow, 20th...
...Tbe committee seems to be playing with an idea of permitting extensive consolidations in the coal fields as the price for some sort of regulation...
...The plan we have devised for jur activities is simple...
...Forty-four women attended the lectures, and the lectures included Otto Bauer, Karl Refiner, Karl Leuthner and Luit-poid Stern...
...These facts, combined with the most icute unemployment situation which has ;ver hit the Northwest, opens a promising field for Socialist party activities this year...
...It always will be politically hopeless unless some one begins to educate the public...
...The Socialists who were satisfied with merely casting their votes...
...One A. F. of L...
...Let the women of all countries unite therefore In great demonstrations...
...It would be far better for the kind of Sandlno whom Carleton BcjJs dpy^rib**" .to xun Nicaragua than lor us to run It with marines...
...let hha actu-pebstrt to pXwaeat^he canoe of Social-ally become such a member...
...We must bring women together and arouse In them the sense of co-operation, of solidarity and of fraternity upon which • the whole Socialist movement is based...
...between now...
...Cabinet ministers, governors, and even higher officials, have wallowed in the filth of corruption...
...When the unions found themsleves no longer able to finance tbe paper it went into private hands and for a time was completely dominated by Communist support...
...John Doerfler, 7th...
...It is amazing to observe how strong 9J rather how well cultivated is the belief that no matter how logical is Ufc case for public ownership that •olution is opposed to American traditions and American psychology...
...There is room for every member of the Party to do some work...
...Max J. Eisner, 24th and Aid Charles C. 8chad, 25th...
...I said that I thought we could, and his answer was...
...They are survived by six children, , five sons and one daughter...
...There will be house-to-house visit tours (with meetings on the road), and finally, county gala days, with processions, pageants and demonstrations...
...Their "nuclei" were first expelled from the Central Labor Councils and are now being expelled from local unions...
...Let every comrade consider himself a membqr of the Membership and Organisation Committee...
...Perhaps it is a better comparison to regard Muscle Shoals as the nucleus of a large publicly owned giant power system which we must have if we are to be free from the strangle bold of the private power monopoly...
...In the svenlng, the delegates will be guests of lonor at a dinner of 1,000 Socialists in be Park Palace, 110th street near Fifth ivenue...
...Hogan was born in New York City August 17, 1861...
...Only Opposition "Progressive" and Communist Organizations Disappear in Northwestern State By Emil Herman ^EATTLE—The Socialist Party in the State of Washington, as elsewhere, will be the only vital political laboi force on the ballot this year...
...Tbe Union Record, known for ten years as Seattle's labor daily, bas suspended publication and is in the bands of receivers...
...The Ministry of Industry states that it is not in accord with htis course of procedure in as much as the company failed to Inform the Secretariat previously of its action as is required by law, nor has it paid three months salaries to the dismissed workers in accordance with the ruling of the Mexican Constitution...
...The Socialist nominees are* Al...
...Flouts Mexican Laws Mexico City.—The Mexican Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Labor has confirmed the report that sharp reduction In activities in Mexico are being effected by the Huasteca Petroleum Company...
...The high lights on the convention program will be the nomination of candidates for president and vice-president, which will come towards the end of the sessions, the adoption of resolutions, and consideration of an amended constitution...
...The Government through its federal representative in Tamplco has begun negotiations with the oil company in order to work out a peaceful settlement of the salary claims...
...Hoan's vote is over six thousand more than the other two candidates combined...
...has merged its identity to tbe Progressive Farmers and baa now all but disappeared as an organisation In this .State...
...Such a course is held annually in all the large provinces...
...Hence Senator Gooding, the chairman of the Senate's committee now investigating the eoal field writes me that nationalization is out of the question...
...There is work to be done...
...Some found him in Moses Roosevelt, others in Moses Wilson, and still others see him in Moses Smith...
...To me has fallen the lot to supervise the campaign for an increased membership, for more branches, and an effective Party organization...
...Tbjs organisation at one time bad a weekly newspaper with a wide circulation, the editor of which was EUbu Bowles of Prosser, Washington...
...The general membership is to include all who vote a straight Socialist party ticket, while the active membership is to be confined to dues-papers...
...Every comrade can arrange for a little gathering at his own borne, inviting unrolled Socialist voters and sympathizers to break bread with him and meet some comrade com-ism...
...The convention will open the following evening at the Manhattan Opera House, 34th street and Eighth avenue, with speakers of national prominence, such as Hillquit...
...Comrade Stephen has been here before and has established a reputation as an excellent speaker and party-worker...
...The lajanpjnr -f the Committee on Mipilessligi 'end Organization and myself are reedy to cooperate with each' member individually...
...Today women's suffrage has been realized in many countries...
...Women in Spain As yet there are very few Socialist women organized in Spain, but the Socialist Party is awake to the need to attract women into the movement, and a series of leading articles is now appearing in the official organ of the Party, "El SociaUsta" (Madrid), dealing with the position of women in Spain, the history of the suffrage campaign in other countries and the present tasks for women in Spain...
...The public domain has been bartered to the oil magnates for campaign contributions and profits to public officials...
...There is a place for every sympathizer in our plan of action...
...For the presidium of the Congress there were four men and two women elected, the Czech woman Socialist Veskova (Brunn) and the German, Kirpal (Mussig...
...Government ownership does not necessarily mean control by a political appointee...
...The Western Progressive Farmers, organised in 1921 by tbe deposed president of tbe Washington State Orange, Willjam Bouck...
...Supervisor Frederick Heath, Socialist, 3rd district, will be unopposed In the April 3 election...
...Pa., his comrades here have learned...
...In Tamplco 686 workers have been dismissed and the company exepects to continue reductions to about 60 percent of its present activities...
...Which the government proposes to extend, comrade Blatny, In a speech whieh was re-oelTed with prnt enthusiasm denounced the present prison system with Us obsolete penalties of hard labor involving quite useless tasks...
...dalist Pik, and by a German Bortahst woman, Fanny Btatny, ncsraamtattma of toe Oerman BirialUt wdMDatn Gsecbp-Skrrakl* on toe Weill leaf...
...That explains the Influence that the Socialists have In Europe, and It also explains our own Inefficiency...
...James C. Hogan, Veteran Socialist, Passes Away At 67 (By A New Leader Cerreipcnfent) x Monroe, N. Y.—James C. Hogan, for many years a loyal Socialist, passed away on March 16th at the home of his . sister, Mrs...
...All incumbents, both Socialists and nonpartisans, were nominated, eight without their names appearing on the ballot...
...Our only obstacle to a most If this can be overcome we win perfect our organisation and eundHSt a campaign such as will ratty tbe wiasjkers and farmers to our cause on election day on a.scale not before reached since the close of tbe world war...
...The committee selected Morris Hlllqult to be the temporary chairman of the opening session in the Manhattan Opera House...
...Yet we are told that we must not talk about this one practical way because it is politically hopeless...
...As the plans now stand, the national executive committee will go into session again on Thursday, April 12th, one day before the convention assembles, to draw up the rules for the convention and complete all other necessary details...
...Honored as a delegate to many Socialist state and National conventions, and often called to stand as a Socialist candidate for Congress, he held that while working for Socialism, the organized world-wide movement against war and in favor of justice, peace and plenty, he was really preaching glad tidings to all mankind...
...or the Socialist Party, are in a measure responsible for the condition...
...Just bow nany more American bops mast die to >rder to H» issfrsbibliMli ill Free...
...For such reasons the International Socialist WoIn all countries to organize "Women's Days" in 1928...
...Socialists in Wash...
...Austrian Day March 18th The Austrian Socialist women intend to begin their "International Socialist Women's- Day" on March 18th, which is the day 'generally used by the German women...
...Prepare Ear JDeetlm tn Aawtria To stfrnoJatc tbe activities of women organisers in the Socialist Party prior to toe municipal elections, the Austrian women held a week's series of lectures in Stelermasfc in January...
...Hogan was an active and widely known Socialist, speaking for the cause in many states...
...This scheme seems to be a too drastic proposal...
...Sandlno's terms as published in The Nation admit supervision of elections by Latin Americans...
...In response to a widespread demand on the part of Socialist supporters who desire to attend the convention as visitors, the National Executive Committee voted to advance the opening session of the convention from Saturday April 14th, to April 13th, when the convention will be opened in the Manhattan Opera House, one of the largest auditoriums In New York City...
...William Baumann, 21st...
...In its last days It was the only labor daily in tbe English language west of the Mississippi River...
...The government is made the guarantor for profit to the public utilities...
...We see here the be...
...Borah is too busy at tbe Quixotic task of paying back Sinclair to attend to his legitimate job as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and spokesman at liberal ideas...
...That is, we may ask the city to do what no private builders can or will do, whereupon the enemies of municipal bousing will say, "look at governmental inefficiency and the art of municipal housing...
...George Tews, 5th...
...the country presents to t:s an opportunity to biuld up a strong Socialist movement, aye, d) more than th«- rwUIy exert influence for the betterment of conditions...
...Indeed the idea of public opposition to public ownership is carefully nurtured by people who do not want public ownership and are only too hapy fo keep politics corrupt and inefficient and the public mind befuddled as an excuse for their opposition to the one rational solution of many of our economic ills...
...We need the cooperation of every member of the Party...
...Now it is plain as day that this is not tbe logical way out...
...Clyde Heak of Allen town...
...TIMELY OPICS By Norman Thomas The is one hopeful thing about this nasty oil mess...
...Since our government must save its 'ace, like all governments, why not util-se a special Latin American conference is Wilson once did to help us get out >f Mexico...
...We are likely to learn a lot of truth about both parties...
...Two months ago this paper suspended publication and once again demonstrated the futility of "trying to do something for the farmers and workers.'' Tbe Socialists view of presenting a program through which the workers can do something for themselves is fast becoming recognised as tbe only sstsotsfle and practical method...
...S. N. Ziebelman, 6th...
...The price under regulation must always guarantee profit on the least efficient managed mine...
...How much there may be in Governor Smith's connection with Sinclair I don't pretend to know but I recall the common gossip to the effect that Sinclair was friendly enough with a prominent editor of the great Democratic newspaper, the New York World, to make that paper about as slow as any of the other .New York papers in wheeling into action to support an investigation first demanded by no Democrat at all but by that great progressive, Robert M. LaFoUette...
...Let us build ua a Socialist Party deserving of the cause which it espouses...
...It will be a festival of particular significance, in view of the approach of the General Election, and in view also of the pending enfranchisement of some 3,000,000 women under the promised Franchise Bill...
...I reiterate: This is a call to action...
...The proposed new consttution will be submitted for study and examination by Secretary Henry in advance ef tbe convention...
...It is expected" that Modigliani will arrive early this Summer...
Vol. 7 • March 1928 • No. 14