Modigliani, G. E.
FASCISM'S NEW FLOWERS OF EVIL Dictator Mussolini Consolidates Power At- Home By Decrees Aimed at Prijfesshndl Classes By G. E. ModigKani ; pASCIBM leoaa for glory to mtorn»ttonal politics,...
...Let the TinhsT hoist beOjboo do its worst...
...well, what.'the eye don't see, the mind don't grieve...
...Examining the varied manifestations of human behavior to the tune of "my five senses are good enough for me, just as they were good enough for my stone-age forefathers," the Behavlorist finds no evidence that life Involves the slightest element of choice or free will...
...1638 N. Halstead street, Saturday, March 24, t pjn...
...7 Bast 15th .met...
...with a full attendance that crowded the capacity of the club-rooms...
...Louis Waldman .peaks this Friday evening...
...Louis Berman...
...Men of spirit would thrust aside the proof, as Siegfried thrust aside Wotan...
...If there's a divinity that shapes our ends, who, pray, has isolated the fiery particle in the laboratory...
...Abroad tt eouides With ether pouch...
...Well, Behaviorism is a response to this popular demand...
...Berman's point Is that the first need of a genuinely religious man...
...The branch feels that every member should look upon the convention as the most important one in the history of the party and it is necessary, therefore, that every member vote in the selection of delegates...
...For Is be not the only one who can mediate between man and his surroundings, between the robots and the wrath to come...
...Branch 3 On Tuesday, March 20, at 8:30 p.m...
...This proud boast loses much of its sensational effect, if we remember that there is astonishingly little moral difference between rich man and poor' man, between merchant and thief, in a competitive society in which, by the showing* of its own prison records, these categories are so often and so readily interchangeable, and that without the least clinical-help from any professor of human behavior...
...In one case, matter, in the other case, mind, is regarded as the sole reality...
...unable to come to the meetings will either be visited personally or ballots sent them through the malls...
...And all sound human sense Instantly subscribes to the belief...
...at 2:30 p.m...
...There you have the Behavlorist reply in a nutshell If it has no other merit, tt is at least concise, convenient, and comprehensive...
...Famous Soldiers Penalised . And here ia something more dtshenaag still...
...22ad A.D...
...He boldly declares that the Behavlorist world might do—for a rat or for an automaton...
...But ska, the landholders—the Italian TLulaas"— wiU recojhwt It also, as a good haul aa return for'an .their expenditure far aw benefit of...
...Before the triumph of fascism there had arisen in Italy cooperatives with the object of building for thenmembers a little bouse or converting part of larger buildings...
...To say that, there are mental or psychical phenomena which cannot be measured or charted: by the same technical apparatus with which we classify physical phenomena Is, he claims, to indulge In a piece of blazing nonsense, itself •The Religion Called Behaviorism...
...Sunday, March 18, 4 p.m...
...Coffee and doughnuts are served free...
...318 van Slcklen avenue, ^sgteesr 22nd A. D. Branch 3. SocialPioneer Youth Forum Will DbKUMlPmxiotmm Considering the pusBeMi of the United States in Nicaragua, and the various mternetionsl confeaeutes, useful arid useless, It seems a good thne for the young radicals about to vote to consider their attitude on rational problems...
...Those desiring to be present are urged B ret their tickets now...
...We believe It...
...This will be the but meeting at which tbe members can vote far delegates to tbe National Convention, rhere are also other matters that require attention...
...Our 30-per-center might not know, a gerund from a hole In the ground, but when it came to the test of tests, be could write all our heads off...
...And BBS procedure contemplated is the one most calculated to realise re-purchase as quickly as possible...
...Subject: "Unemployment...
...He writes that the "omred*** are getting ready to organise at Wichita...
...The door of university teaching which is closed against men of knowledge and integrity Is opened wide to the servants and hirelings of Fascism...
...Experiments Made Easy When the Behavolrist reaches this conclusion, a heavy toad drops from his chest...
...One has a morbid horror of the spirit...
...A squad is also on the Job securing signatures protesting against the naval urogram now before congress...
...The Socialist women send out an 8. O. 8. call for help...
...the former would persuade us that a man's soul is nowhere, or, at most, where Shakespeare's Thersites found It, in a man's clothes...
...out any guaranteed power of appeal, wafy9 oooperatonr "hr" question, whenever ""bbbbW^J have in auryrway departed from the par ntinsi iniiitrris or ttm niiiMiimam QJ tide t).T > -z The law* • bdoght, the bufidmg wa...
...214 East ?nd street...
...circle, the first received from the recent appeals for funds...
...Meeting A Demand Do not <"i«ih"t for a moment that this rat's eye view of the universe has few admirers or that its popularity is a mere fluke...
...The Christian Scientist asserts that mater—such as it Is—is only an abnormal by-product of mind...
...Speaker, I. George Dobsevage...
...editor of the book, is exceedingly weH pleased with those so tar oMaiaed and states that there is every indication that from the point of The of reading material, artistic contest, this book will be one of tbe best irer cubhaned by the Party...
...Berman and his friends, the GestaBsts, will have none .sf-tt...
...They ask for contributions—groceries, clothing, shoes, etc.—which may be sent to the headquarters or win be called for if the club is notified...
...the persons of our close kinsmen and camp followers, the pig, the bed-bug, the cockroach, and the rat— particularly the rat, the human, the all-too-human rat...
...th^ regime dear to then* haafta 1 A Rat's—Eye View of the Universe The Behavlorist School of Psychology Envisages a World Which Can Be Fashioned For Any "Desired End" By Felix Grenden rpo THE man in the street Behavior - - Ism is simply the latest fad among bob-haired University Extensionettes or "little groups of serious thinkers...
...Theodore Shapiro will speak on "Socialism As I See It...
...Such a population is too cynical to have any further use for Jehovahlsm, and too pessimistic to regard as anything but a madman's dream...
...Speakers are Samuel A. De Witt and L George Dobsevage...
...14-15-ldth AD...
...aOn M. Kleine and Mrs...
...By Dr...
...An ex. ception fur which we might forgive him much, it'he did not spoil it all by restricting1, the scientific study of human behavior •/to' man conceived as having foresworn his divinity, surrendered his consciousness, and completely lost his mind-tttf'Indeed he ever had any...
...To him 3 and 3 always and forever make four...
...He stood in a class by himself...
...To these meetings enrolled voters of the district are being invited and well-known-speakers have been engaged to address them...
...New Jersey, are doing remarkably fine work and these sections of the country will be represented by a number of pages of ads...
...begun, wiB pass to others, and that ' Fascist aucceasora win only have teas...
...Thai hitter it is which elects one half of the eetporation (art...
...Roberta Baker, Mrs...
...the Kuomintera...
...vsspices, Socialist Party, 5th AD...
...Branches must and in their reports not later than gonday, March 26...
...Speaker, Judge Jacob Panken...
...The wireless Industry wss not thriving, for It is a product of easy circumstances and to a certain extent marks a certain level of...
...And when Fascism m spoken of as an evU memory, more then anything else the peasants wffl reman bar the end of the "rights...
...Nor does he confine himself to the modest business of compiling statistics of the conduct of men, or of rats that behave like men...
...W. C. Branches and Cooperatives is very good...
...this win consist to the transfer to the district authority of a portion—which may be a tiny one of BBS land freed from public lights...
...Magfll la planning to make another triQ where further organisation work is promising...
...2106, whereby the right of holding university classes may be withdrawn from readers and private tutors, "if in consequence of manifestation shown in connection with their functions—or even without such connection they no longer afford all the sureties for the faithful performance of their duties or else If they render themselves incompatible with the general political line of the government" Seeing that private teaching is, so to speak, the entrance to university teaching, the latter will henceforth be open no longer to free and unfettered spirits, quite identical provisions can be found in article t and 10 of the Decree 27th October, 1827, No...
...The latter would have us look on the body as a by-word and a mocking...
...Miracles of mind...
...To have fought for your country no longer counts in the esse ef those who .have fought against Furl an Finally, here is a ray of light which allows one...
...A musical program by Genevieve and Zelma Kaufman lias been arranged...
...3518 Mermaid avenue...
...It win be very easy far the owners' to evade an eompeaaaaan...
...To turn your adversaries out of every public Institution, to prevent them from exercising any "free" professions is not enough...
...Again, from time to time we were Invited to write competitively for a prize...
...The figure* wlH Indicate the month and year, respectively, of...
...Your Behavlorist, being unable' to measure transfiguration in metric symbols, has no use for it...
...pwlaauonal accountante—who in Italy enjoyed corporative system stmfhar to that existing every-' where for lawyers hare Undergone (hke Italian lawyers for two years past) a reform of their corporative representation which hands tt over to the caprice of those members who have set up a Fascist union...
...The law baa rendered mora 1 radical and serious an attempt began by previous acts...
...Soakers are Samuel Orr, Henry Fruchter, August Claessens...
...Subject: '"Cur-ent Events...
...Every intelligent being transcends the sum of his parts...
...He himself says so...
...A copy" of tills paper win be placed In e-eacy homo tn the city, a job which shows how seriously the Socialists are carrying J|n their work...
...DasMbe-Uee of Literature This week Reading Socialists win distribute a special edition: Of the Labor Advocate which wm contain, a ^complete survey of what the Socialist administration has done and wW try to'do in the coming months...
...Subject: "American Imperialism and Latin America...
...There are no dead weeks in the Socialist work in West Virginia...
...for the inviolability of the home being only s guarantee of freedom, It .is necessary to be able to trample on it at any time...
...Berman* who, not so long ago, won golden spurs with "The Glands Regulating Personality," it is much more than a passing fad, or another offspring of the Ph...
...April I, August Claessens on "The Coming Presidential Election...
...Blake's "What immortal hand or eye dared frame tint • fearful symmetry...
...Accordingly, to exam me what It at doing towards its own consolidation is to' examine the main spring of its action...
...In theory these sets are to be for use in schools, where there are schools, during the eight to ten months of term-time...
...Auspices, Benson hurst Forum, 16th A. D. Kings...
...Everybody should help the women comrades tP help the miners...
...At bottom, the boast is a rather crude one...
...to the Fascist -regime...
...March 16...
...Their new home will be at 469 Georgia wenue, Brooklyn...
...All the same, what he offers the public is a religion, and none other, in fact, than that which William James prophetically, described as the religion of the Bitch-Goddess Success...
...Those member...
...Socialist Party Plans and Progress Through The States ¦ National Readers in nnorganhted communities desiring information on bow to organise local divisions of the Socialist Party may obtain Instructions, leaflets, charter applications, membership cards, appUcaUon cards and an other necessary information by addressing William H. Henry, National Executive Secretary...
...Tbe attendance at business meetings is Improving and several members are busily engaged in making new contact* and planning for a larger and more active membership...
...Comrade Bowman has been a Jimmy Higglns with Uttle help in his community and Pennsylvania Socialists sympathise with him In his great loss...
...It is not a world that would be tolerated for a minute by a Julius Caesar, a Goethe, a Shelley, or a Bernard Shaw...
...It follows that even an electron has a soul and even an ion has a body...
...In the words of prophet and poet, that the eye is an Instrument for seeing through, in addition to seeing with...
...near Freeman street...
...Secretary of The Inquirer, a vigorous personality and header of discussion, wffi lead this discussion...
...And aa in the case of the lawyers, the manoeuver against any competitor or rival Is ingeniously framed...
...Every religion wins the converts it Is fit for...
...the other has a morbid horror of the flesh...
...420 Hinsdale street...
...Vll League and Party members are insited both with and without packages, rhe proceeds of the affair will go to the *und being raised for the publication of i League newspaper...
...Berman rightly marvels that the Behavlorist, who does not believe in the human will, much less in the power of that will to shape the material world to its own purposes, should nevertheless claim that he "will soon be able to control human behavior to any desired end...
...All those comrades who are willing to assist and who have not yet responded as to ads are urged to do so without delay...
...Leon Roster land's discourse at tbe • o'clock service at the Bronx Free Fellowship, 1301 Boston Road, near ] 169th street, on Sunday evening...
...The consequent conflicts have always shown that such rttbta were only vestiges of communal ownership usurped by unscrupulous owner*, and so long as freedom and democracy were more than worthless memories, as government ever dared...
...The meeting is open to all, young and old alike...
...Berman regards it with undisguised scorn...
...Tremont Educational Forum, 4215 Third avenue...
...Berman, aa to Samuel Butler and a long line of sturdy thinkers before him, both positions are not merely repugnant to common sense, but are fundamentally Irreligious...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 23rd AJD...
...A representative of the City Executive Committee will be present and work will be proposed to effect re-organisation...
...The Cook County Central Committee of the Socialist Party la cooperating with the Jewish Dally Forward in raising funds and collecting clothing for the striking miners ef Ohio and Pennsylvania...
...His reason being that it is a make-shift religion for essentially irreligious people...
...The same article inflicts forfeiture at the same advantages on ex-officer rafiwaymen who have lost then* rank, net through convictions, but by mare administrative decisions, which la true of aU open ant-Fascists...
...punctuation, 30...
...But if you take it seriously, if you speak of the selective power of consciousness, if you venture to talk of the human race as having the ability to shape its own future, he win pronounce you ripe for observation In the psychopathic ward...
...Such existed among the railwaymen, journalists, employees and small middle-class people...
...Partington Hoopee, Slats Secretary, whose office has been at Norristown, has moved to Reading where he has established his law office at 96 N. Sixth at He win maintain his offiov at Norristown but Socialist Party correspondence should be sent to his Reading address...
...All Italian readersjt ,. The New Leader should take notice...
...at the Workmen's Circle Center, 2095 Daly avenue...
...is In sight...
...In spite of hard times the response from organisation* such ss Trade Unions...
...Branch meetings which are held every Monday night at the Labor Lyceum, 219 Jaclrma:i street, continue in .splendid atend«racc...
...Convention Souvenir Beak Tbe National Convention Arrangeajtsts Committee announces that excellent progress is being made in gathering of material for the Convention Souvenir Book...
...March 27, In the home of Comrade Lee...
...diction, 50...
...And a? it demands that science, which has robbed it of its God-of-the-Bible shall fill the vacuum with not matter what...
...rhetoric, 10...
...rather he beholds a universe whose essence Is the casual connection among phenomena, or a state of things in which every stimulus automatically produces a foregone response...
...3145) are subjected to a treatment quite equal to that of the accountants...
...At the last meeting the branch decided that the next meeting be held on Tuesday...
...Subject: "The Philosophy of Law...
...Yipseldom A Special Senior Central Committee -neeting will be held Saturday, March 17...
...Berman and the Gestalt people—is anathema triple strength...
...True, being a genius, this particular boy was a bit of a freak...
...Secretary Claassens gave a brief talk on the National Campaign and our prospects throughout the Nation...
...Members if the committee please take notice...
...has contributed $10 to the...
...The soul of life always manifests Itself in a body, though that body be as evanescent as a snowflake on the river or as Intangible as an electron In the atomic dance...
...It wm be mssrestmg to hear what the voters of to-anorrow think...
...6-8- 12th AJ...
...It is a religion which judges a man, not by character but by results, material results, results that will impress a pawnbroker and enrapture a Rotarian...
...A rat's-eye view of the world...
...Mb A.D...
...Tour Behavlorist passes them through a physical measuring sieve and then points to the empty sieve as conclusive proof that the miracles could not have occurred...
...Now we find a Decree of 29th July, 1927, Nd...
...This JecWS wul be free to the unemployed- All rs«4ers of •nss ^New leader wffl khtSTly take noticed We expect a great turn-cat of Socialists and sympathizers...
...Not only that, but contributions are coming into the State Office to push the work...
...Jacob Panken...
...But Fascism was before an eke' the pcJl trial instrument of the moat far* ootous land-holding reaction, so that In this matter especially It could not hah or give way to scruples...
...FASCISM'S NEW FLOWERS OF EVIL Dictator Mussolini Consolidates Power At- Home By Decrees Aimed at Prijfesshndl Classes By G. E. ModigKani ; pASCIBM leoaa for glory to mtorn»ttonal politics, bat tt kt from Jaaarnal polities that it expectsJeena>-Jldetkm...
...This appears broadly from article 13 of the Decree of 33rd October, 1937, No...
...Out of a possible 600, this totalled 180 which, when divided by 6, yielded a percentage of 30, a figure htat consigned the youngster to nearly the lowest place In a fairly large class...
...Boni te Liverlght...
...It is also worth pointing out that the first of these two last decrees establishes at Perugia a "Fascist Faculty of Political Science...
...In the first place one must note the Increasing indications of bureaucratic system that grows ever more irksome...
...Obviously, it is an excellent creed for a machine-made man, a man whose mind is of pin's head dimension, a man who has no more power over his own behavior than one of Tony Sarg'a marionettes, a man who jazzes this way and that ,ln response to environmental stimuli...
...And who but himself will direct the medicine men to stuplfy the monster with antisteptic fluids and comfort It with serums and injections...
...The Behavlorist, naturally enough, looks on this sequel with no end of satisfaction...
...March 20, 8:30 p.m...
...By virtue of a whole series of last and decrees, ex-combatant latlaajiaai enjoyed certain advantages to smptsyment, wages, etc AU these provaassi have been reduced to uniformity by a Decree of August 19th, 1927 (No...
...for by article 14 the Fascist union is entitled to nominate one of Its members to exercise, in the Investigation and proceedings 'relative to an exclusion, the functions of the Attorney-General...
...This Implies that for pplltical opinions alone, certain former officers .and combatants wm farfelt certain advantages regularly soJoyed hitherto...
...But the Behavlorist declares that w» a* behave like this aU the time...
...And exclusion from the body means starvation, just as the threat of it is the blackmail used for the most dishonest ends...
...Italian Branch *, The Forum at Fase Han, Caroline sen ' Trenton streets, every third Friday^ M i Wen attended...
...Comrades Shiplacoff...
...The evidence is overwhelming that mind and matter ere op-, an—pas** able as river and river bed, or as the volcanic fire and the crater from which the fire is belched...
...He win arrive in Portland, Oregon, on March 25, and expects to spend...
...He knpws ^exactly how the parts of the Ford oar are -assembled, and although he does hot kflow exactly how the tiger and the baby are assembled, he confidently assures the public that they are assembled, any Uving work of Nature being incomprehensible to him -except as the product of a kind of super-Ford car factory...
...Who or'what is this agent...
...End desired by whom...
...fund the price, m the case of bast " sagaciously chosen In years past wbJsa ' may have douWed or tripled in vakw, it ir not the rightful owner who vhV . profit by the increase which (artiste I) win fan into the pocket of the Passat stepping Into his shoes...
...Auspices, Branch Seven, East, Socialist Party...
...Behold him, then, charting the curves of human nature and probing the secret places of the human heart and mind by dint of a billion or so experiments performed on...
...There is every indication that the Journal will run considerably over 100 pages and that the proceeds therefrom will help considerably to finance the National Convention...
...No, no...
...So far, all was in order...
...Land To Talk On "Cause* of War" "The Causes of War and What X Can , Do to Prevent Them," will be the theme 1 of Rev...
...2135, which remodels the regulations of higher education in agriculture, forestry and veterinary science, which in Italy are not classed as a part of university instruction, and hence requiring to be separately muzzling...
...23rd A.D...
...Or rather, an irreligion...
...strikes him as so-much rhetorical fireworks...
...Discussion will follow...
...BROOKLYN 2nd A. D. Branch meetings are held every Friday evening at the headquarters...
...er as well as more tractable...
...Why this is so we can no more tell than We can tell why life Itself Is a ceaseless process of change...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman street...
...Mew York, 1937...
...Presently his rat studies will have taught him so much about men and women, be will have taken their measure so completely, that he will be able not merely to predict human behavior but to control It...
...An audience that taxes the capacity of the hall is iresent each evening...
...New Jersey Newark The Socialist Women's Study Club of Essex County has taken up work of helping the striking miners...
...Now if mind is anathema to the Behavlorist, aU this "mind-body, bodymind" business—underscored by Dr...
...State Secretary Magul keeps right after the work, even though he has not been feeling wen, due to an attack of the "flu...
...This indeed might be expected...
...The Behavlorist adroitly begs the point blank question with the smooth and self sufficient rejoinder that Uving creatures are never assembled- with an end consciously in view, the proof being that no Behavlorist has ever detected in the assembling process anything that j bears the remotest likeness to a purpose or a plan...
...The very title makes the Behavlorist squirm in every one of his five senses...
...Now since In Italy, to ,the north especially, the accountant la often adviser and administrator to all societies and enterprises of a certain-importance, and even of private fortunes...
...It follows that organisms contrive to assemble then* parte by mechanical, chemico-physleal, and muscular responses to environment stimuli— a practically infinite1 aeries of such responses extending over nobody knows how many millions of years...
...Sunday, March 18...
...To our composition master, this phenomenon was as disconcerting as It was unpalatable...
...Subject: "The Coope-atlve Movement in America...
...The club is arranging a bazaar and card party at party headquarters, 83 8. Orange avenue, Saturday, March 24, to help the miners...
...Kennedy is one of - the _ hardest worklng^jBociaiiata , New York State On Thursday, March 22, at 9:18 P* Esther Friedman, of New York CHy,,jm speak at the -Banquet Hall of the BTha- I wood Music Hall, on "Un**mplovTaaat the Cause and Remedy...
...yet he actually carted off all the most coveted prizes, and clinched his triumphs by holding his schoolmates and his teachers spellbound...
...The iranch will begin its out-door campaign early in May and is now making arrangements...
...It has a perfectly normal animal craving for a faith in something, even If only in Men like Rats...
...Berman calls Behaviorism a religion...
...Mgernon Lee and A/ma Ingerman will le the speakers...
...Subject: "Murder is a Fine Art...
...Theatre Party Socialists of Greater New York should —crve Wednesday overling...
...With a similar laWhalsrire, Fascism persons ha great trade union reform agabast the heeduau of js ureases ia defined as "free...
...to inflict shy grave Infringement of these pubss rights...
...CWoago thnels are mating a epartel effort to elect M. V. Haluska a member of the Illinois delegation to the national convention...
...Does not modern chemistry tell us that every atom has a mind of its own...
...Useless to protest...
...Henry Oim in eharge of the Journal as a thole and solicitor of advertising, rcoorts over si.ioo worth of ads are now ______.....»».»¦»*»»n IN THE interests of uuunsniy no receipts win he sent by THE NEW "LfcADER and THE LEADTJR-APPEAL for subscription - leuewal remittances, except wheal specifically requested...
...Berman champions on behalf of the German experimenters of the socalled Gestalt school—that the Behavlorist dashes his head with might and main...
...BRONX Central Branch The Branch will meet Tuesday evening, March ao, at the club-rooms, 1167 Boston Read...
...At1 the 9 q'clock open forum the speaker will be Rabbi Mitchell 8. _ Fisher of Temple Israel of Washington Heights, who will take "Sffyldek and His Pound of Flesh" as the subject of bis discourse...
...Delaware As we go to press, word is received that Delaware is swinging Into line with a promise of organisation, a,state ticket, and a delegate to the national capesaNorthwestern District Emil Herman, secretary of the Northwest District, is completing his list of dates on his way east to the'National Convention...
...Nothing alow about Braun when he once gets started...
...But it win no longer suffice to be a first rate accountant, and an expert ever in demand an order to enter the corporation...
...BRONX Friday, March 16, 8:30 p.m...
...but abroad especially it is notorious that the architects and ens-brawn who hash won for their country the greatest story, may...
...Information regarding speakers, literature, platforms, eta* amy be obtained from the National Office...
...A fine collection of articles have teen received covering various phases of ty Soda Set and Labor Movement Wm...
...imitation of a given model, 40...
...It was the practice of the teacher to arrive at a pupil's mark In composition by striking an average of his -percentages in the several departments regarded, as integral factors of composition craftsmanship...
...I win take good care to mention no names...
...And that is why, as Dr...
...at branch and county offices...
...Speaker T. L. Afros...
...Following the business meeting...
...Bruno Leaker...
...The branch Is recuperating from the strenuous work of making their recent 3all a success and under the leadership if Sadie Rivkin, a fine sauad of com-ades are on the job selling tickets for •Porgy", the theatre benefit for the City Organization...
...at our headquarters, 218 Van Slcklen avenue...
...Workmen's Circle Center, 7316 30th avenue...
...Berman could have delivered the composition teacher from his bewilderment by explaining that my schoolfellow's behavior was entirely normal...
...The opportunity aeemsd timely to tat Fascist government to deprive at eat stroke of an these privileges ex-combatant raUwaymen who during their warservice were convicted, "even if It be a conviction covered by an amnesty" (article...
...Our objecH, If Possible, is to get out a 100 per cent vote...
...But Fas-' dam wtti not dare to do this...
...the most sueeaafnl production of the Theatre Guild ta many seasons Scats range from il 10 to *»-**¦ Choice seats can be obLjned at the City Office...
...At one blow, it banishes mind from every nook and corner of the universe...
...The committee in charge are Mrs...
...AU over Italy cos finds surviving "rights of custoat", which entitle the dwellers to cartata oUatricta to gather firewood, in, the, heat* woodland, to grass then* cattle oh ta) hill-side and meadows, and even to an some Ut>le area of land...
...We are developing a fine organisation in Texas and it Is encouraging to note that the comrades are working together with a fine spirit...
...A remarkably successful meeting was held Monday evening, March 12...
...or to point out that the life of an organism, which comes from within, transfigures the several parts of the organism, as the life of the machine, which comes from without, can in no wise transfigure the several parts of me*ml*hme...
...wen expect to be struck off...
...Watch the date aSoogWd* of your name on the aisdi us label at the top of page one...
...thus they had rights and property acquired in the regular way...
...Both positions have the same sweeping simplicity...
...The fellow was actually greater than the sum of his parts I Clearly, his behavior was a flagrant defiance of the laws of mathematics and of aU the other logwas a born Behavlorist, without knowing It—had not been too timid to affront the distinguished gentlemen who had acted as judges and awarded the prizes, he would undoubtedly have denounced our 30 per cent, classmate as a freak of nature and hence the one unpardonable exception the rule...
...Treeman Mansion, 1243 Southern Blvd...
...Two of our most able comrades, Jack Mtman and Alice Cohen tied the knot >f eternal bliss (Goody's own words) at he City Hall Friday afternoon, March 7. Saturday night a surprise party wa~ riven them at the Rand School Studio...
...Speakers and program _m be antwonced later...
...He will quite effectively control the behavior of human beings, if not to their satisfaction, then certainly to the satisfaction of employers, major-generals, admirals, and other Important persons in need of standardised robots sad plenty of them...
...He refuses to believe that the human race will better its lot by jumping from the trying pan of Jehovalsm Into the fire of Behaviorism...
...Berman's religion of Emergent Evolution...
...Delegates te National Convention AH (roaches and members are warned •hat tbe -hut day for voting for the ejection of delegates to the National Contention is March 24...
...In brief, he admits of no essential difference between the unity of a human being and the unity of a machine...
...K. frige aba urn...
...It is In the very nature of the fascist, regime to regulate everything In order to supervise everything...
...of mem being "freely elected by aO members, including the Fascists...
...On Sur.rtay evening, Anril 22, the official opening of the new club-rooms will le celebrated...
...Speaker, Dr: Edward Cohen...
...topic to be discussed is the seven ant* fare sod the New York City Tracoon Muddle...
...Subject: "The Coal Strike...
...The 28th...
...Against them there must be no bounds...
...2653 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois...
...Friday, March 16, 8:30 p.m...
...Speakers 3amuel Orr, August Claessens...
...This win not be forgotten In the Italian countryside...
...their spoliation, even materially, must be carried out to the uttermost...
...But tt would take too long to note everything, and I will merely quote one of the most striking cases...
...Bui tou Bowman, smo for assay- yeacs baalons bis bat tar (bs •atssaM bbOvb...
...Edward TJoheiv delivered an informative talk on he "Cooperative Movement in America...
...This claim puts me in mind of an experience in a composition class during my schooldays In England...
...Hence Pioneer Youth .. Forum at its March Forum, Monday evening, March 19, at 7:30, to be held tn headquarters at 3 West 16th street, will discuss *Pa.triotlsm—Is it an Honest Support of the Distinguishing Genius of One's Country or Is it a Traditional Vanity...
...At the meeting test week members voted for delegates to tbe-National Convention and ways and means were discussed for an Intensive membership drive in the Yorkvnle section...
...He bolde><4hat, for a full scientific explanation of human behavior, the hypothesis oof ••mind, of a mind which purposely 1 directs the body, Is an absolutely superfkjousione...
...Hennington Hall...
...State Secretary Is extending his work in getting Socialists throughout the state fined up to place a ticket on the ballot and to gather the necessary signatures...
...And he passionately advances this strictly additive view against the Gestalt view that In life, as distinct from mathematics, 3 and 3 always foot up to 4 plus...
...MANHATTAN 3-5-lath AD...
...The scientist must categorical)* vWject this hypothesis...
...It is his ambition to obtain 15.000 before the end of tbe month...
...Berman's absorbing book demonstrates, the Behavlorist view of the world is the latest best seller...
...Coney Island Branch The Sunday evening forum continues to be successful...
...To the specialist' it stands for a new point of view in psychology...
...It is Impossible* and useless to satein to details...
...Men like .Gods...
...Letters of invitation have been mailed to voters hi •he 5th AD...
...Leaker led Use January discussion and was well hated by the group...
...Local New York rttr on Bandsy afternoon.* March 25...
...In addition the compulsory subscribers will include hotels, cinemas, clubs, even if the seta do not work or if the transmission is altogether Irregular...
...WeU, on all these impromptu occasions, the dunce startled us by an apparently unaccountable reversal of form...
...Elizabeth Both art helping make them a success...
...Ohio State Secretary Willert starts off the campaign In Ohio by addressing the Socialists in the state through a circular letter, urging them to get their forces organized right away...
...But, though it has faith neither In God nor in man...
...and once again Its law win operate at home only to do the dirty work of unacniputoua competitors and to clip the wings of the young who are trying to make themselves Independent of the Fascist grip...
...Speakers, Samuel A. De Witt...
...Don't ask him why...
...several days there and reorganise the local...
...Why, even an aspiring, rat or cockroach would be repelled by it...
...it will thus suffice If he has given advice to a Socialist cooperative (while such still existed) or to any Individual suspect of anti-Fascism, to become exposed to legal persecution at the hands of some competitor leas known, or perhaps very well known aa a rogue though of course a bigwig of the Fascist union...
...recently lost his wife...
...The German Socialists win hold thenannual "Kommunefeier" in Fleiner'i Hall...
...And, not to lose a good opportunity, the law authorises the police to search your house at any hour on the pretence of seeing that you have not got an authorised set...
...Illinois State Secretary Snow announces that Illinois wiU send its fun quota of delegates to the national convention and that the party state convention win meet in Chicago stay 13 and nominee a complete state "ticket...
...in and that more than $3,000...
...As a consequence, you sink into a bottomless pit of despair and writhe in an agony of gloom and pessimism until you are ready to listen with respectful docility to anybody who will hold out the faintest gleam of hope...
...As Simple* As Christian-Science But if a Uving creature is merely an assemblage of parts, someone or something must nevertheless have done the assembling...
...Friday, March 16, a:30 p.m...
...But Dr...
...True, the Behavlorist expressly rtlasoriatia himself from religious propaganda...
...Rats are cheap...
...at home It alone is master...
...Ohio is one of the key states, and we hope every Socialist in that state who reads this win wri^J^ft and teU bun what part Texas David Curran, state organiser, sends an enthusiastic report showing old members of the Party paying up dues and new ones coming in...
...Mind And Matter To Dr...
...Who but be is the High Priest of this new Moloch, the environment...
...J. L. Mros will speak on "The Coal Strike...
...ll7Bh, aiiPKMUiigj the )ga»> ^ farter of Public"Works to Hniiin-aa, wtaWti...
...And since aU tat lands transferred to district authorities may be the object of long-leased concessions with the right of acquJsMas (article 19...
...And by a aw of 18th June, 1927, tt has taken steps to liquidate these "public rights...
...By Standard Oil, the National City Bank, ajMsailinl...
...is to Identify himself with a purpose infinitely mightier than a merely one-man purpose...
...But it wss not by virtue of his genius that he transcended the sum of his parts...
...All the same there are plenty of people in Italy who like wireless, and of course there are capitalists who are glad to profit by it...
...Tbe Sunday morning formm of this branch continues .to be successful...
...The comrades in Pittsburgh, Pa., Fltcfahurg, Mass., Hudson County...
...Pennsylvania Hsssjes an Beading...
...Carl Cummlngs is scouting for sds from business people and he is also getting remarkable results...
...Now it is against this belief— which Dr...
...Be la Low gave a very Instructive talk on the Russian Situation which was followed by questions and discussion...
...Nature A Super-Factory In next to no time, Dr...
...It was agreed to invite him for more alks on this subject and he will be iresent again on Monday evening...
...Comrade Braun says there is no doubt that the Socialists in Tennessee win have a fun ticket this year...
...Since all that can be known of a human being, can be heard, seen, tasted, touched or smelt, your clinician should be able to measure the behavior of a man with the same exact control, scrupulous observation, and clinical objectivity with which he measures animals...
...With almost unlimited supplies of "rats and mice and such small deer," the Behavlorist need no longer court nervous prostration in the search for men and women who, aa clinical subjects, are apt to be uncertain, coy, and hard to please...
...Willert knows what a big job there Is on hand to get more than 20,000 signatures to place a ticket on the ballot...
...for art' 1 excludes from it "all those who have' expressed any activity contrary to the national interests" i.e...
...He points out that poets and philosophers have always Intuitively grasped a truth which 20th century science is now proceeding to verify, the truth, namely, that mind and matter are concurrent and inseparable expressions of one and the same thing...
...On March 23, August Claessens will speak on "The Presidential Campaign and the Socialist Party...
...1:30 sharp...
...D. incubus, or the latest sensation In pseudoscience, or even a new method calculated - to drive the psychoanalysts and lntrospectlonlsts from the ruling roost in the field of psychology...
...If men behave precisely like animals and animals behave precisely like men, then the problem of obtaining laboratory specimens is at once enormously simplified...
...All hall, then, to the Behavlorist...
...Henceforward even higher education can only be Imparted by teachers who have consented to be the tools of the regime...
...Some comrades are getting in on exempt stamps, which Is Just what we want them to do when they are out of employment...
...gramar, 20...
...On Friday evening, March 23, Ethelred Brown will speak on tbe coining National Campaign...
...And suppose for a moment that the Behavlorist could prove that life with mind left out, is all there la to i life...
...The 18th A. D. is busily engaged in canvassing the vote on delegates to the National Convention...
...Oordin Is an enthusiastic worker and never antta> Kansas The Socialist movement In Kansas is going right on...
...Outurada Ehrenfrled's lectures are along the Urns of evolution, as propounded by Profav - aor Joseph MeOabe...
...30, 31) it Is really the asdat utter and final seaaatton of the "pathe rights" aa valuable to the poorest peasants, which is being effected by thb Fascist law...
...He sees man and machine alike as an orderly assemblage of parts, with the invariable characteristic that the sum of the parts will exactly equal the whole, no less and no more...
...This branch is definitely on the up-grade...
...WJ New York City Maes Meeting Cooper tankm has been engaged for , ouus meeting under the auspices of <ae Socialist Party...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 18th A. D. Branch...
...Unemployment In West Virginia is about as bad as elsewhere...
...WeU, as we survey these two doctrinaire repudiations, can we honestly say that the Christian Scientist's denial of the visible world is more superstitious or more unscientific than the Behavlorist's denial of the invisible world...
...That one thing is life...
...Accept the dogma that man is the helpless, prostrate, mechanically responsive creature of his environment, and you speedily cultivate a state of mind in which the environment...
...Naturally also, several of, them had bought their land and set about the building...
...March 78 «rs Theatre Party at the Republic Theatre...
...At the next meeting at headquarters, 1465 St...
...Enrolled Socialist voters will receive letters of invitation...
...Auspices: Coney Island Branch Socialist Party...
...The Behavlorist contends that mind—what there is of It— is only a normal by-product of matter...
...4), the other hah...
...Henry =TUcbter...
...Remind him of the poet's "I aee beyond the range of sight...
...A letter urging his election has been sent to members and branch secretaries...
...The Friday evening forum continues successful...
...Marks avenue...
...but wherever they win be liable to ocaspensajtlon...
...a final proof of the Bebejriorist's theory that mind la a myth...
...Hundreds of seats are being sold by this active group...
...titind Is A Myth" Now let us hasten to admit that most of us behave like this a good deal of the time...
...Each holds the others reality to be a deadly error...
...for it is only too easy to divine its origin In the thought bom of the Behavlorist wish...
...If you find this hard to believe, just glance at the countless marriages and divorces of the brotherhood of atoms listed in the social register of the physico-chemical peerage...
...25, Ethelred Brown on "Capital Punishment...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 61-12U...
...BROOKLYN Monday, March 19, 9 p.m...
...Its membership is increasing...
...19, at 9 pjn...
...Berman neatly condenses it for you: "If mind is always a function of matter, matter equally is always a function of mind...
...Its motto la "nothing succeeds like success," and its .basic principle is that all is for the best in this best of all possible worlds...
...He simply boasts that, despite his present limited equipment, be can take a child of high or low degree, and, "by processes of control" known only to Behavioiists, rear It at command to be rich-man, poorman, beggar-man, thief, or lawyer-merchant-Indian-chief, as may be desired...
...Fascism is not working in this direction...
...lecture Calendar NEW YORK Sunday, March 18, ll a.m...
...And naturally, among those who win reap the highest profits, there win be found the lowed types of Fascist journalists, who Bar months past have been working lor the dispossession of such of their colkeewaj as have not yet recanted than* antt» Fascist ideas...
...sharp at the Rand School, 7 East 15th street...
...What could be simpler, while rats behave like men and men-behave like rats...
...I. George Dobsevage, W. C. Center, 2095 Daly avenue...
...I hear beyond the range of sound," and, provided you admit the quotation to be an extreme Instance of poetic license, be win applaud the very pretty sentiment it conveys and even recommend its author for the Pulitzer Poetry Prise...
...Mississippi W. C. Kennedy, the acting State Secretary, writes the National Office that he is ready to give his time and expert* ence in building the party In Mississippi, and especially placing a state and national ticket on the ballot...
...Speaker, Theodore Shapiro, subject: "Socialism As I See It...
...It is a timely and stimulating topic...
...Moulding of Men Observe bow that litle slip about pre-, dieting human behavior and controlling it, gives the whole Behavlorist show away I Dr...
...Other dates are being arranged in Oregon, Idaho and Montana, Tennessee State Secretary Braun writes that by the middle of March he will be on the job with both feet, rounding up the forces for a state ticket...
...1465 St...
...Lowering Higher Education But there is something better than that...
...But at stated Intervals the Headmaster would appear on the scene and command us to do a composition at sight on some Imaginative theme, each improvisation to be subsequently read aloud to the whole class...
...Now there was a boy in the class whose marks, computed on a maximum of 100 for each subdivision, ran something like this: spelling, 30...
...Naturally, both as to building and the purchase of land, such societies enjoyed certain advantages as to taxation and the opportunity for cheap loans from public funds...
...and this supervision has the aim of subjecting everything to its domination, An aattfldal system of patronage Is becoming more and more the feature of Italian industry...
...Shiplacoff in the 23rd and on the closing night of .he forum, March 30, there will be a symposium on the topic, "Ten Years of Soviet Russia...
...Not, Men like Gods but Men like Animals, that, he maintains, is the true watchword of the dispassionate experimenter...
...irj glimpse into the depths at the social forces most Interested to mahvtalning Fascism...
...1037 (No...
...Branch An enrolled voters mass meeting will be held Friday evening, March 16 at the Freeman Mansion, 1243 Southern Blvd...
...There Is no need to be amused, for article 22 Informs us that the professors for this faculty may be chosen even outside university grades and irrespective of the existing laws and regulations...
...The entire house la engaged gmji the paty is "Porgr...
...If you surrender civilization to the parasite and the profiteer, and depend for the propagation of the apeak* chiefly on the fsnmdtty [of defectives, degenerates, and throwbacks, you will get a population exactly like that to be found In any of the great capitals of the world today...
...Needless to say the populations concerned have always defended these rights against' tin owners of the property bearing the aforesaid privileges...
...18th AD...
...Marks avenue...
...or Stinnea, Dupont, Krupp and Oo.t The Behariorj»t forgets to tell us...
...In originality of conception, piquancy of treatment, richness of color, and fire of feeling, nobody else could touch him...
...This Is the cue for the Behavlorist, who now steps on the scene as the expert student of environmental stimuli, the specialist par excellence of nature and nurture, the pontifex maxim us of "Zeus, the stimuli producer...
...Speaker, William Morris Peigenbaum...
...They are held at the East Side Labor Lyceum, 1644 E. OsnaBBJ street, near Dbat, on the second sad fourth Fridays of each month They are becoming a very sociable affair...
...Ward Br...
...Brooklyn circles will hold a Joint packige party and dance at the Brownsville r_.abora Lyceum, Saturday, March 24th...
...From the smallest districts (which will pay 50 lire a year) to the largest (which will pay up to 30,000), all are to have wireless seta...
...This affords the Socialist Party an excellent opportunity to appear before the vot!T3 with our message and Incidentally enabling us to talk organization...
...as in Hardy's novels), becomes a deity far more cruel, blind, and Implacable than the Jehovah of the Pentateuch...
...The program for he remainder of the season includes he following lecturers: March 18, WillAm Morris Peigenbaum on "Latin-Am¦rican Imperialism...
...By a Decree of August as, i**T, Kb...
...Nevada W. H. CordlU...
...Branch Seven East A mass meeting to which enrolled voters will be Invited is being arranged for Friday evening, March 14...
...And not only sll the physical activities of life, but also the mental activities of life, hark back to one or other of these myriad responses...
...Annie C. Kane...
...Anna Marr, and Mrs...
...He doesn't, he sells you, admit it to his vocabulary He plumes himself on his ability to give you with precision the "specifications" of a tiger cub or a new-born babe, as though it were the latest Ford model, priced F. O. B. Detroit, and 'assembled in Times Square...
...Branch meetings are held jvery Thursday evening...
...This means bringing to Ufa dead and gone convictions, merely Because these generally related to purah* military offences oftenest committed by • left-wing elements who have remahwd the foes of fascism Thus It is a retrospective consideration of crimes nee, according to the amnesty, cancelled, offences whose moral gravity la in inverse ration to the enormous —¦«*—anj pronounced under military law...
...Payer West Side A well attended meeting was held Thursday evening...
...After the accountants come the engineers and architects who by Decree of October 27th...
...But the Behavlorist can see no purpose In life save only his own purpose of pursuing the proper study of mankind...
...Last Monday, Dr...
...West Virginia Comrade Higglns, State Secretary, writes that a local with 13 members, has been organized at Philippi...
...Here was a boy who, by every rule of Behavlorist addition, should have been a disgrace to his school, his country, and his flag...
...8:30 p.m...
...she expiration of your BtrbsertpHon...
...8tudy Class meetings are progresses* wonderfully...
...Here, a curious parallel maV*be drawn between the Behavlorist, who begins the study of mental phenomena by banishing'mind, and the Christian Scientist, who begins the study of material well-being by abolishing matter...
...Friday, March 16, 8:30 p.m...
...And so the student of human behavior fills his clinic with cats, dogs, apes, guineapigs, and rats to his heart's content, and launches into orgies of animal experiments that would have made a 19th century vlvisector green with envy...
...80 then a Decree of November 17th, 1937 has established a wireless monopoly (for the benefit, of course, of a limited company) and grades of compulsory subscribers (hi Italy everything is compulsory...
Vol. 7 • March 1928 • No. 13