Dinner Pail Empties In Buffalo,N.Y. Coolidge "Prosperity" Collapses Upstate New York —Business Combinations Continued (By a New Leader Correspondent) BUFFALO, N. Y.—Four years ago Buffalo...
...Not all that he prophesied has happened at he foresaw it...
...We are undoubtedly the most developed country economically...
...of the State Legislature to arguing for our bill against injunctions, but so far we have gotten no relief...
...Even the moving picture shows consist of several separate chain combinations...
...Yet It is illegal In Massachusetts today...
...Terrorism Against Socialists Marks Election In Poland (By a Mew Leader Cmii|iilM) Warsaw.—The electoral campaign In Poland has opened with a serial of persecutions of SociattsU by the Palish authorities...
...The decrease in employment since 1924, was 13 per cent on the first of January last...
...She organized years ago the "Mothers Club" on the east side...
...Drobner, has been locked up in Bromberg on a charge of high treason incurred through a sp—ch in which he rwnsirnrndnrl active dsns welfare...
...Injunction Evil In Mass...
...He himself foresaw the need of such changes...
...On that basis, the number of unemployed as of January 1st last, compared with 1924, was greater by more than 5,000...
...When called on she was proud to help...
...This is Jus' the case of the Interborough .Raptc" Transit Company's demand for art Injunction against Edwagd -Levin and the whole American Federation of Labor...
...When they do occur it Is usually because some strong union seeks to lend its strength to a weak one...
...homelike comfera' outdoor ¦porta: maid, valet and UJeDhoS wrrice...
...The subject of the debate is "Dictatorship vs...
...ST minutea from Ttmea Scuir* ft...
...Ear to this state the clare strikes illegal and enjoin them, mm nisliis haw sninfsjnj they are carried em, li |lj hrreaw* the Judges de not like the |iu|iim ef them...
...Her ability as teacher, organizer, speaker and music director were a great asset to the Party...
...But it does not help us In Massachusetts, for the law to this State is settled the other way...
...There is a Laundry combination...
...Although for many, generations the standards of living for the workers of the United States were higher than those of the workers of other nations, we are now on the threshold of a disastrous change in that respect...
...He said: The Communists do not form a separate party opposed to other working class parties, they have no interest separate and apart from those of the proletariat as a whole, they do not set up any sectarian principle of their own by which to shape and mold the proletarian movement...
...For If the lawyers find that one of their membrrs is a crook, they fire him out of the Bar Association, and even refuse to work with him and cause him to be disbarred...
...Imershine died at the early age of 43...
...the worst series ef tojuneUoa...
...The Socialist Party attempted this year to remedy this situation by Introducing an ami-injunction Mil which would simply forbid the Judges to Issue an injunction in a labor dispute against anything that was not a ertaeT The State Branch of the American Federation of Labor also had a ntnriiar though less drastic bill...
...Socialists who knew Mrs...
...Due to .the large stretches of untilled soil and the expanse of our land, we were able in the pas*t—we might be able even now—to absorb millions of immigrants, who, in our developing country, found work in the up-building of our industries and in turn gave work to productive labor...
...Specially vlcdnus persecution is being practised similarly against- the Ukrainian Socialists, numbers of whom have been jjut into prison- with the past few days.' Birthday of Socialism Is Celebirated Hillquiu Panken and Lee Speakers at Meeting Commemorating The Communist Manifesto rriHE Debs Auditorium of the Faoplas House was .crowded with an audience of Socialist workers who came xo celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Iginnw™* of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Fried rich Engels...
...Strike Bight Is Denied The courts deny to the workers the right to strike to compel the discharge of a non-union worker...
...The trustification of business has made remarkable progress in Buffalo In the last four years...
...He was opposed to any separatist movement...
...Tyranny is power without right, and superstition is credence without evidence...
...Mayor Frank X. Schwab requested the Board of Social Welfare, which governs the City Welfare and Employment Bureau Departments, to make a survey and inform him of the number of unemployed workers in the City...
...Yet until the injunction hew in changed, organised labor in Massachusetts will be totally unable to progress and .will have to fight hard to hold what they have...
...Imershine sense the great loss to the Socialist movement...
...At the height of the industrial depression of 1921 there were less than 50,000 unemployed in Buffalo...
...adelane Imershine passed away at her home on Dorchester Road...
...Company Union Not Needed Furthermore, the bosses de not even have to have a company union...
...Eastman and tnomaa To Debate in Phila...
...The burial took place at the Pinehill Cemetary of' the Workmens Circle...
...This event is being looked forward to as the meat rmrmrtant htint*****g hi labor and Socialist drake during the present year, in point of attendance, it is anticipated that it will eclipse even that unusual gathering which had greeted Bertrand Russell, when he spake before the Labor Institute Forum, early in the Pan or the great meeting which was addressed by Judge Ben Ttnrtsey, when thousands of people struggled to gain admittance in the auditorium, the hall not being large rm"»gb to hold all who came tb the meetings admission will be free...
...a> aysapavthetle strike, or a strike whose seecess woeM casta* an alteration er breaeh of an rxiatiac contrast ah earn be eajstnej to Me—chsffte no matter hear .neacefaa and hvwfml may be the methods mi If organized labor does not have the right to strike for a union shop, it Is impossible successfully to organise the unorganized, unless by a sort of sudden religious eon version all the workers in any given industry who were formerly non-union suddenly acquire a complete 100 per cent understanding of union principles and solidarity...
...It was her life's ambition to awaken the desire in the workingman's wife for literature, music, art and the science...
...In conclusion, let me say that Marx urged that Socialists must not be sectarian...
...For if they go out on strike to compel the employer to discharge him, It is a strike to compe' the discharge of a non-union worker and can be enjoined...
...In so doing they deny to the workers rights treely granted to their own class, the lawyers...
...Judge Panken delivered an eloquent analysis of present day American capitalism and the application to it of the principles of Marxian Socialism "The United States", said the former Socialist judge, "stands now in the forefront of the capitalist nations...
...One of her last appearance was on the Socialist platform at the Debs Memorial...
...They attempt to part the proletariat...
...Patrick Edward Dove...
...Chain stores of groceries and meat markets have superseded the corner privately owned grocery store or butcher shop...
...Marxism Vindicated "Marx foresaw the unescapable tragedy which comes with developed, capitalism and the creation of unemployed armies...
...Coolidge "Prosperity" Collapses Upstate New York —Business Combinations Continued (By a New Leader Correspondent) BUFFALO, N. Y.—Four years ago Buffalo Republicans were wearing- buttons labelled "vote for Coolidge and a full'dinner pail," now many of these Coolidge advocates are Jobless, others are working parttime and those that own am all stones are being crushed between chain store competition and bad accounts run up by jobless customers...
...The Courts are crowded with suits against debtors and the judgment records against debtors are much larger than a yeai ago...
...They can take advantage of a severe period of unemployment such as the present, and compel the workers to sign a yellow dog contract agreeing not to Join a union Then this contract can be protected by an injunction in Massachusetts, and you can even enjoin the union organiser from telling the men who have signed such contracts the benefits of joining the union...
...Next Sunday Afternoon Sunday...
...In Massachusetts the decision would have been the other way around...
...The desperate plight of many workers can be imagined when the papers recently carried a- story of how twe armed men held up a small store late at night, ordered the storekeeper to wrap up a dozen of eggs, several slices of ham, a couple of loaves of bread, a pound of butter and a few other incidentals and then left the store...
...Theory must give away to the march of facts...
...I put that very case to the member...
...They attempt to destroy that unity of labor which is the basis of a class struggle and the ultimate triumph of that justice which society can only attain through a triumphant proletariat...
...Irving M. Weis delivered the funeral oration and with fitting words told of this faithful and true comrade's life work...
...were arrestd, so that the Party is left to enter the election campaign without its principal personalities...
...That brought prosperity, minimized unemployment, and gave us our high standards of living...
...It Is a clear cast of class bias, this denying to workers the very right claimed and exercised by lawyers, but it is settled law of Massachusetts today...
...Buffalo Socialists Mourn the Passing of Adelane Imershine (Br a New Leader CWtWfiSS) Buffalo...
...He said: Just as, therefore, at an early period a section of the nobility went over to the bourgeoisie, so now a portion of the bourgeoisie goes over to the proletariat, and in particular the portion of the bourgeoisie and ideologists who have raised themselves to the level of comprehending theoretically the historical movement as a whole...
...The Board of Social Welfare has reported to the Mayor that there are approximately 75,000 unemployed workers in the City or working on short time basis and unable to make enough to live on...
...HI only two days, she did not have the vitality to fight off death, since her strength had been overtaxed for years In her work as a Socialist worker...
...Yet if workers find that some .union official has been a crook, and accordingly bring charges against bun snd fire him out of the union, they are compelled to continue to work with this non-union crook, perhaps even on the same bench with him...
...the manifesto as marking the birth of International Socialism...
...uve in a modern, fireproof hotel fer tb* •Manor*, for leu than in the crowded eiSr 113 per week for two...
...Comrade Levin delivered the parting oration at the grave...
...March 4th, 1 p. m, the Labor fifteen lectures wRn a debate between masting wW he staged as usual at the Labor Institute, a83-L0 Loom* street...
...A large number of comrades and friends attended the funeral to pay their last respects to the departed...
...Yet that is the law in Massachusetts...
...There are so called Marxians who prate about their strong Marxism and set up sectarian principles, and attempt to shape the workers' movements In a mold of their own...
...There were some changes which necessitated modifications hi the program...
...Our surplus capital is being exported, and that is an added cause for unemployment...
...The End of An "Epoch "This epoch In our history is coming to an end...
...My calculations at the end of 1927 show me that there were at least 5,200,000 unemployed That'number, however, has been materially increased since...
...So far, however, .the committee has made no report, and indications are that they will not grant relief...
...It is he most unselfish form of union action possible...
...Her activities go back 17 years, when she appeared In connection with the building up of the Socialist Sunday School on the East Side, and then followed her activities in the Socialist Woman's Club and finally she took an active part in the local activities...
...There are now more than 6,000,000 unemployed in out country...
...The railroads of the United States last year operated 800,000 additional freight cars, yet its employees were reduced by 250,000...
...deciaiaas in the eowntry...
...The addresses of Hillquit and Lee followed the lines of- their articles in last week's New Leader...
...Organised labor can carry en a strike as peacefaDy as a Quaker -prayer' Meeting, yot the Jwdges wfll laditn the strike atosjey brnsess they jttaasgawVC ef Mm •ejects- A strike far a iwilcw shop, a strike to eenawal the dtschaigs of a noa-eniest woritsaap...
...There is no escape from that...
...No attempt was made to rob the cash drawer although considerable money was in it, all the men said as they left the store was "Now our families will eat...
...The leader of the Polish Independent 8. P., Dr...
...Small neighborhood stores are all complaining- at the lack of cash business and even the large department stores are forced to run constant sales and to solicit charge accounts Many old established businesses are sailing out and many others are just going out of business...
...He prophesied the only remedy...
...Morris Hillquit, Jacob Panken and Algernon Lee, who presided, and C. Kantorovich, spoke of the issuance of...
...Imershine always gave willingly, gladly, but of late years her family ties and her music teaching and vocal coaching deprived her of the time for activities as before...
...There is an Ice Trust, the same ice monopoly owning similar consolidations in various other cities in New York and Ohio...
...There is now an Ice Cream Trust, leaving only a couple of independent ice cream manufacturers...
...In spite of the press comments on the wonderful prosperity the Country is enjoying, the optimistic speeches: at the Rotary Club, the glowing reports of the Chamber of Commerce, it has been whispered that a real industrial depression was setting in...
...Conditions nave changed since Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto...
...Unemployed armies have became permanent...
...For it means that the bosses can call a few scabs together from a company union, sign an agreement with the company union givtof the workers no rights at all except thf right to a Job at the pleasure of thf employer, and then any strike.to set a contract with the real union is a strike to compel tile breach of an existing eontract, namely, the contract with the company union, and Is illegal...
...Some time ago three other leading comrades of the Independent...
...The stabilization of our population and the labor saving machinery in use have created for us serious conditions of unemployment...
...This is a clear violation of the rights of free speech...
...The fact that strikes which would result in the alteration or breach of ar existing contract are illegal is the most dangerous situation from the point o' view of the workers...
...There are 40,000,000 of our people gainfully employed...
...In 1924 there ware two morning and three evening papers, now by combination there is only one morning paper and two evening papers...
...Yet it Is the law in Massachusetts today...
...He stood for the solidarity of the working class, for unity in our ranks...
...They attempt to fit the facts of life into a theory...
...Both bills were argued together before the Legislative Committee with the .Socialist Party and the American Federation of Labor...
...Unabated N. V. Ruling in Favor of Traction Union No Help To Bay State Labor By Alfred Baker Lewis BOSTON,—Judge WassenogeTS decision to the effect that the works** have the right to organise even .when there is a company union -protested by a yellow dbg contract comes as a welcome surprise...
...A teacher of music of rare ability, she gained recognition very rapidly, but her early death has made her career a short one...
...Sympathetic strikes are infrequent enough...
...He did not even exclude from the ranks of the Socialist Movement nonproletarians...
...They bring discord into its ranks...
...Chain cut rate drug stores are now operating in various sections and a merry war is in progcess between these stores and the old established neighborhood drug stores...
...giving support to the other bill as well as their own...
Vol. 7 • March 1928 • No. 11