DarreyHemored ByChicago;Redofthe Country Chimes rf the workers tor saore years than the rSwaat "/T"** Btoasi ¦ansae *0 »Ba UnitsB Btatar rhBS sCflk a.eoyrandMsoon tswains tastuajb^raBPllis...
...The resolutions to part declare: "Pullman porters and issues- are the only group of workers in the transportation system of the country not organized and as a consequence they work shout 400 hams per ssaitli, oalnttarlng on an 11,000 miles for »TTSS and are oosnpellrd to retp uponv spnesnOse uv order Je> bring their income within reasonable distance of what the Untied Stater Oo remanent says a dUnen requirns to maintain himself in decency and health...
...We have always said that for the working people there seems to be no choice—either the high paid dentist or the charitable institution...
...The Dental-department to open from 10'ami to 7 pm...
...The srder waa signed by Judge Delebanty, woe ssade B ratosraasss Btonnln* whsa it wm be argeei...
...The places to which Rakewsky... the first place to the case of Trotsky, stands' as sB mustraaau et your system which brooks no freedom ofopinion, but subordinates everything to the dictates of your absolutist regime...
...The success of the Pullman porters and, Maids will tend to stimulate labor organization among the other section of Negro labor, which will- result instrengthening...
...and from 5 'to 7 pjn...
...DarreyHemored ByChicago;Redofthe Country Chimes rf the workers tor saore years than the rSwaat "/T"** Btoasi ¦ansae *0 »Ba UnitsB Btatar rhBS sCflk a.eoyrandMsoon tswains tastuajb^raBPllis lilgsja sjStbe wosWrspTlsas rf the Socialist movaraent to this country tad rasjii is—j s ear rtal anil nrel m fasti as and poncW, But no mattsr rtsteh side he toosp that tiaiS at thtogs tea pro-sen hka- iJaBtrid an fast errntsm-kma and that he haa been contentious ¦wall ssne, and at the same tbae agree hat ha —itrrffnt ware riathfc Many- banquets and dinners have been riven m-tkonor of that veteran of the atest one seems to have been the best, [t started the it-y before, on the 8th, shcn-numsrous-Udisiaias and special delivery-totters reached- mm, wishing Mm IP...
...Victor L. Berger...
...It to timely, ta view of what Mr...
...Was he pleased...
...IS, Crosswaith addressed the Interdenominational Ministers Alliance- of Boston and vicinity on the problem of Negro Labor which brought the alliance to sympathetic support of the cause- or-the porters...
...Cross walth has alio orsantasd a Ladle* Auxiliary which In proving to-be a big help for the mep...
...The outlook in Boston, for the union wan- never mom' rosy ansa now...
...Firm From Hiring . Non-Union Workers Labor is slowly lans—issllin to tajpnctlon-is 1 liig easawspssa, that, given -% fair' toSbjessyT *Be < lajsnctlosr weapea ia a sword that eats bath ways...
...Morrtr Hillqult, Berths BUS Bang, Lena Morrow Lewis, The Montana Federation or Labor, Local No...
...Owre to Interesting to those of aa who- have tonown than an along...
...H. Henry...
...The Medical Department, tot, to equipped to take care of organised labor...
...In all these years you have, sent Into banishment and oast lnm prison hUW" dreds and' hundreds* of honest and' faithful Socialists...
...As Clergymen rinsesn-WSi Mr tc» raUtfc** aide of our meals afst we bid these workers forward ahd upward-ta then* struggle for more fife and we call upon our brethren everywhere to give them their uastintoar supasr* to the Pullman porters and Maids...
...JuL.WCPL.the bscssaeasttog station of dhkage* Pojgaastssa of tabor, stated that the, Federation waned to announce the date of the birthday of a veteran leader and to pay its respects to ane-who had so' abty and nobly served the cause of unionism-tor many years...
...A. CunneSti BXaurtto De Jong, A. MacDonald, Mhyer j. Henry ¦tnaiji... nstalBcr a aTeclahat nor a republican government it dees not • wamjt^ito*9c0Mtmm&at>m itasai...
...It to with this to mind, that the writer addressed several Union meetings last week, and the announcement that the Union Health Center has opened its doors to them and their famines wfpn received' with a great deal of enthusiasm...
...Onething is certain: the triumph of the working class is not as tor off as some people may think...
...ThaT appreciation a embodied in an autographed letter from -Lincoln to Marx, which to still • highly valued by the Marx family...
...A. H. Ftoaten...
...We who had fibs privilege of vWfltarar tsBi "Bil <¦ llto idilaBBB iWr sBflsaBSr ltllltossasi 111 sTslsj 1—mi 1 ili'j"-* numerous friends and ccsnradss feh^ rerade Barney ssksdi-ue to-say a^earpsu 1 *Th trnr derdhdrajr days of my InVY ' teal comforted by the perhaps esagaerated apprassaana of'«he veBaFoCrmpr fork among^the ¦iirssfis X aaniiS thoItonaradaa thastiam wtttt theaa-sa SBsasB' , fata, and I hope-that unee whs are So- i eBJista wiiP iiaaiiestatistats and rev rfaxnber that no- matter wBat> Brbel yoav put on the government of any country, . be it soviet or soviet repubue, when it a neither a soviet nor a republic and espsttaUy...
...St' of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, Abraham Csfaan, Cigar Makers Union Nov 14...
...the amnesty on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the foundation' of the Soviet Uhlan should also comprise an universal political amnesty...
...By the urge of a comrade who waa "next" Barney tuned in Just In time to hear the announcement...
...Our communication remained' unanswered...
...Each meeting is betear attended then the • one before...
...It was inscribed by wm...
...before Judge CaUaPorters tJnion, Wilis Strength In Boston Cross waith'g Organizing Campaign Rallies Colored" Workers — Auxiliary Formetf , (By a New Bsadsa Osr-tesssssdentt jioBTOrT:—The work of Frank Crossi walth In organism* the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters has been fruitful in reviving the spirit of the porters...
...Thus Leo Trotskp is to drag out hi* existence in distant Asia, in Turkestan, removed by hundreds of miles from all political and crrtnsed fife...
...Waldsaaa potato* set that there is a contract between the anion and the company wBJetV Sees t*v* «•>¦pLre until September, 1*38...
...J. Mahlon Barnes, Wm...
...James H. Maurer, J. Wenhope, Oseer Amertnger, Harry C. Parker spaae wfil net permit of the listing of the deeens and ckssens of others—all old timers that lore Barney and rejoice that this year finds him not only 85- years young' but strong and healthy and to full possession of Ids mentality —end Just as keen- on party matters -as he was twenty* -thirty—forty (that it enough) yeers age...
...Door us of the leaders of the Opposition within your own Party, nave bean despatched into banishment...
...socialism carries with It the escape fresh unemployment,, nSrtfcratarty aeouDtnay where ladustrinl drrelocnnefit to tow...
...The most recent toaicaUoo ef this teadency b the sass ** She Pi* slates era Union* local 76 of New York...
...He cannot, of course, go to the high- priced dentist...
...The fear are nominal since the changes are based on east of tabsr, material and overhead expenses...
...Cbnnea, Seymour- Btsdmaa, Peter shaman, W. W. Rlhl, Samuel Levin, John M Collins, Henry Plnkelstein, George Koop, Wm...
...and a republic means a government of the psjsgBc V"Bamey Berlyn refuses to make a cleavage bsBsesa industrial workers and workers without whom life would not be iianSils...
...All members and their families, are, therefore, invited to come and see both'Departments—the medical to located at 131 East 17th street, and the Dental, 332 Fourth avenue, corner of lfkh sSrsett The hours of the former are from 11 to 1.30 pa...
...But- the evasion with which you have hitherto sought to' cheat the workers of the world in respect of your system of persecution, is this thaw measled to every* one more unmistakably than ever before...
...For Indeed, fee aa we are from regarding the conceptions and' deeds of such a man as Trotsky during-' the last ten years as having been a blessing to the workers...
...however, in- the meanwhile a form of answer has been given by you which could not be mora '"'¦•••'"->'"a Notonly have you given no political amnesty, but you have inflicted ffreah political persecutions...
...csnmot • de-ny, that he has been a whole-hearted revolutionary...
...nisi in the fill ssw of ubatasB, ami when we say workers of'the world unite we call upon those' who work on the sou as wen-as those was worsr in the" factories and mines...
...Owre has stated, to can- attention ef tan organized men and women of this city to services rendered'by thermion Health Center...
...And there was a constant stream of visitors to pay their respects and' show their love in person...
...Following the address the alliance adopted resolutions of supnote and ordered that they be sent to the daily and the mterdenomlnaUonal press...
...t "We unqualifiedly' endorse the efforts of the Pullman porters and Maids in the exercise of their Inalienable right of life, liberty and happiness...
...and' whenever you were taken: to task far lb, you sought ¦ to Justify the persecutions by every kind of fable to the effect that the people in question were counter-revolutionaries...
...All workers muttunite and rid themselves of- the parasites —that is the mission of the Oocislati not to create new aristocracies, m* matter what* the* preterdtoni may be...
...Re charged that fear members of the union, against whom the tajwnnttan waa also asked, were made "partners'* to the* firm ta srder that they salghi avoid working sneer anion osnelttlsiis...
...Radek and others have been banished have not yet- been- made known...
...A Citizen's Committee has been organized to help' the portnrr in their work and' on Sunday, Feb...
...Among the many gifts received by Barney was one that he particularly prised —a copy Of the De Luxe edition of "Walls and Bars," Comrade- Debs' last book...
...Among the official messages received were those of''the National Executive Secretary of the'Socialist Party, Wm...
...of these) who depend upon gratuities for a living...
...H. Henry, Morris SeTOand...
...Their families need the services the Health Center can give them...
...On behalf of the union, farmer Assemblyman Louis WeMmsn appeared ta the New York BanretaWCwai» Tbts day to iA an in >¦ net km presenting the M*~hs"— UpbsMertog Cstapnny (rem breaking Us eosMHatt a ear On* union...
...As a fitting climax to a solid week of celebration, on Sunday, February 12th, Comrade Berlyn was catted by W. &¦ N. (Chicago Tribune) broadcasting station at the Drake Hotel to give a short talkon his appreciation of T.tTvnwin This Barney gladly did, and in part said the following: "My appreciation or Lincoln was made the greater by Lincoln's appreciation of the work of Karl Marx in keeping' the workers of England- oa the side or the North...
...Central KescuUve OomQittee of the Soviet Union: "On Dec., 1st, 1837, we- addressed to you a communication with the aim of giving expressing, to the desire of the international working-class that...
...Walsnaaa's petition asses, that the firm Be rudiswhd fries snsssbytag linn saissi heisrssnft trsaav sasstag an nnfatr dtvtotea of the work...
...They need< such a plsrte...
...And thaV is why that persecution of your Opposition, and...
...They ausW be deluded by the apparent high wages that are prevalent rxnr, But those bigh wages mean heavier losses to the workers when «n employed...
...Many tJmoiis Endorse Union Health Center Pressmen and Sheet Metml Workers' Unions Urg*#» Members To Use Institution By Pauline M. Newman JhsRAN ALFRED owPJf of the Columbia University School of- Dental sod Oral Surgery states that "Deuilsiry now to In reach of only the wealthy, or those served In charitable Institutions...
...We shall never question, and' esse yen...
...In the- case of the Opposition in your Party which- Is now concerned, you cannot, even within your owe Party, advance this usual calumny that It is a question of "counterrevolutionaries...
...Jacob Winnen (only 83 himself), Theodore Debs, John M. Work, Caroline A. Lowe...
...It was proved against you in hundreds of eases that this charge was a direct calumny on men and women who have self-sacrificing ly devoted their lives to the service of the working-class...
...It to not a profit making- baSttaudn...
...A laboratory...
...thereby raisin* higher the cultural, social and educational level' of all sections of the race...
...and also tend to break deem the walls of prejudice existing ta many labor organizations against workers of our rase...
...Exile of Trotsky Is Denounced By World Socialists - (By a New Leader Correspondent) PTTRICH.- The two chairmen at the "Commission- of¦ Knsjuiiy into the coalition of political prisoners, of the 80labst- and Labor Interns Banal, Senator le Brouekere (Brussels) and Deputy Arthur Crtoplen (Berlin), base sent the olio wing communication to M Kalinin, •resident of the...
...A group of competent, graduated deuttosa...
...when it...
...The Dental Department -to equipped with 23 chair units: It has an x-ray department...
...Neither does be want to «• to the charity cttets: H» MS UfSSB) fore, pretty much forced to neglect his teeth until saeh time an fineness win enable him to attend to them...
...Joseph H. Greer and J. Mahkm Bsrnss—all old fighters with Barney- in the rfto-n**^-r days of the movement...
...the economic fibre of the race...
...Tips are at best uncertain, degrading, and* tendi to destroy, the self respect audi manhood...
...This statement of Mr...
...Weil ¦ay he waxi Then' on Tuesday, the birthday, the telegrams, cards, special delivery letters and telephone messages continued throughout the day...
Vol. 7 • February 1928 • No. 10