The Socialist Party at Work National Readers in nnorganiaed r«wiis*nltkt dean-tax- information on bow to organise local oMsiens of sac Hills I leaflets, charter appUcattoas, air— benhip...
...And now the Btate Committee sends *5o to the National Organisation to help out with the work...
...The idea of a National Technical Bureau was approved, and the N.E.C...
...State State Secretary Lena Morrow Lewis sent the National Office an air mall order for a large number of dues stamps and...
...I. George Dobsevage, will speak on some timely to5 th AD...
...A limited edition has been published, autographed by Theodore Debs...
...Headquarters will probably be located in the heart of the district...
...Tickets are on sale at the city office (for the entire house), 7 E. 16th street and at the Branch, 96 Avenue C. It is expected that all theatre-going members and friends interested in this forum will remember the date, January 8, and where tickets can be obtained...
...Several applications for membership are oh hand and In a very short time a new branch will be chartered in this section of the Bronx...
...The Provlncetown Theatre has been engaged for a benefit performance on Sunday night, January 8, to help finance the forum...
...The sale of dues stamps Is showing excellent increase and plana are being perfected for the growth of tbe branch...
...Pa., Socialist City Administration on Monday, Jan...
...8. The play is "The Prisoner", by Emil Bernhard, one of the younger group of contemporary German dramatists, translated by Alexander Berkman...
...New officers must be elected...
...The new charter, embodying proportional representation, the short ballot, and increased powers for the mayor, probably will be submitted to the voters soon...
...Secretory CisoBsen* spake on tbe "Socialist Movement in tbe United States...
...BRONX Annual Concert The annual affair of Bronx Socialists, their entertainment and ball, will be held Sunday afternoon and evening, Jan...
...Kobbe, Gillis, Goldberg, Karlin and Gerber...
...Financial Secretary, Harry Mains... 1466 St...
...Enrolled Socialist voters and sympathizers in the 5th A.D...
...23rd AD...
...Itself from the Political Plaid and Function so an Educational and Organising Force in the Held of Beonomica...
...Those desiring to make a fine Christmas gift should keep this information in mind...
...M. Feigenbaum has been designated the official representative of the State Organization at the banquet to be tendered Comrade ShiplacofT Jan...
...MANHATTAN 6-8-12th A.D...
...H. Henry acted as toastmaster...
...2. A good delegation of Socialists is assured from other cities in Pennsylvania and in other states...
...There waf a good attendance, and a motion flnallj prevailed to elect a committee on wayt and means to formulate a concrete plan of financing party activities, and to present the same to a second meeting of the Conference...
...Room 505...
...Uniting the workers to fight the common enemy will bring victory," said Maurer...
...3, at 8.30 p.m...
...This affair will be run by the !7-i8-20th AD...
...A steady stream of new members is pouring into this branch and meetings are lively and interesting...
...4th AD...
...Copies can be obtained at 7 East 15th street...
...The quality of the program will exceed that of former years...
...Marks avenue...
...Branch, Forum Socialist Party, known as the Judge Jacob Panken Forum...
...The cast includes the well-known actor, Ben Ami...
...If the comrades in Pennsylvania con come back, the comrades in Colorado can do the same...
...See story on another page...
...City, State and National organizations were represented and the special committee elected with power to add to its membership consists of VTadeck, Berman, Hillquit, Weinberg, Thomas, Warshow...
...A discussion with old time enthusiasm took place...
...A committee of the State Executive Committee will draft a bill for introduction in the next session of the State Legislature to provide for the amendment of the Election Law in such a manner as to stop the appointment of incompetents and crooks as election officials...
...It was felt that many voters of Greater New York had been given the impression prior to election that only candidates of the two old parties would appear on the voting machines...
...BROOKLYN 2nd A.D...
...On Christmas Eve, Dec...
...Branch Seven The Branch will meet Tuesday evening, Dec...
...Comrade Afros has kindly consented and comrades of aU branches are invited to attend the next meeting, which will be held on Friday evening, Dec...
...U» p.m., at M Howe avenue...
...New Local With this donation comes the good word from State Secretory Scbwarttng of a new local with IS charter members in West New York Isn't that a good report...
...Pennsylvania ReadingArrangements are complete for the inauguration of the Socialist administration on Jan...
...Tbe 1Mb Ward*8rnneh bos rented a large and nroisonlam room at the aim east corner of Gordon and Orson stisaw, at which tt wfll hold future messtogs and social function...
...Michigan Kalamazoo Having organized a Socialist local in Kalamazoo, Guy Lock wood, cooperating with state Secretary Bernstein, Is after a number of other Michigan cities...
...An organization meeting will be held Friday evening, Dec...
...K Organlratlsn Vend Dms The National Executive Committee Is voting on a motion to make a call lor organization funds so as to enable the Party to put organizers into the states that need organization...
...The Socialist Party at Work National Readers in nnorganiaed r«wiis*nltkt dean-tax- information on bow to organise local oMsiens of sac Hills I leaflets, charter appUcattoas, air— benhip cards, appUcatloo cards and all other necessary Inform sfton by •deceasing WUttui H. Scary, National Executive Secretary, 2*51 Waaeiarton Boulevard, Chios jo, IWI wots Information retarding speakers, literature, plstforma, etc, may be obtained from the National OOee...
...Theatre Party The Provlncetown Theatre has been engaged for a benefit performance in behalf of the 6-8-12th A.D...
...Walls and Bars", for sale at the City Office...
...It is expected that a very enjoyable evening win be provided and all Hartemlte* are invited to make this affair a success...
...continues to develop in Oregon...
...A very good attendance was in evidence and indications are that the second season will be more successful than the first...
...saaakros nh^wss^fa*^ jJefl agttaS^jS toT Fbanclal Secretary...
...New Jersey • Jack Attntan of Otrms X Brooklyn, and Julius TTmanaky of Circle 6, w—»—*»— will debate Friday night...
...will be asked'to establish such a bureau in connection with the National Office...
...Julius Oerber of New York was constituted official representative of the State Organization at the Reading Inaugural Celebration...
...Lansing, Port Huron and Battle Creek...
...Other speakers were George R. Kirkpatrick, former national secretary...
...Tbe subject is, "Resolved, That the Socialist Party Bomove...
...arty In the Mow Tear e forum wt* be established and proraAnent lastum* engaged...
...uo!'^|a^apch,T^xtm^PJS^be SSo, TmZmmSmi* **** * ** 5-dCh \ran effort wfll be saade to get this branch back into functioning coodstion...
...29, at the Huntspoint Palace...
...Oeof^MsMnBer!: Treasurer, Henry Doertng...
...Enrolled QnctaWat voter* wiU be Invited and an effort wfll as saade, in cooperation with Che German and Hungarian Branches, to do more intensive organisation work in YorkvUle...
...Branch mooting*, which are held every Monday night, are very well attended...
...Uon'of ^'"sth AD* 1rSt Uttta'room of the W. C. School was crowded to capacity and an excellent spirit was displayed in the iBa*mi*tkwi of e functioning branch in am* section...
...It was the one state that gave a prompt report on the National Office share in the receipt* from the Deb* Memorial meetings...
...Plans were agreed on to rebuild the Branch to Its pre-war strength...
...A motion was adopted to elect three delegates at large from the state to the National Convention, the other delegates being elected by districts...
...Tbe Friday night Forum held its first session...
...The question of canvassing enrolled voters sod memhera-at-large of the old 18th A.D...
...The benefit will be on Sunday evening, Jan...
...and particularly in the neighborhood of Freeman street and Southern Blvd...
...Debs Book There are still a number of copies of the De Luxe edition of Eugene Victor Debs' Book...
...At the last meeting the following were elected as officers: Organiser, Louis Zeibitz...
...To aid in this work he is getting the mailing list of the Leader-Appeal...
...He also spoke at Labor .Temple to six hundred people, where he urged the formation of a Labor Party...
...Altman wfll take tbe affirmative and Umanaky tbe negative...
...University Settlement...
...Speakers Esther Friedman, Samuel Orr and L M Knobloch...
...Colorado readers should write to C. A. Bushnell, Holyoke, Colorado...
...This beautiful book sells for 810.00...
...A Free Legal Aid Bureau is also to be established for the residents of the district...
...Branch Seven Bast This new branch meets Sunday morning, Dec...
...School, 2095 Day avenue (Near 180th street...
...1, to accomodate the crowd that will come to the banquet...
...Consideration was given to the financial problems of the State Organization and the budget of 1928...
...Dan Barnett's famous Radio Orchestra will again play...
...representing the Young People's Socialist League of Chicago, and Daniel W. Hoan, Socialist Mayor of Milwaukee...
...Reading will repeat the splendid record of Milwaukee...
...The big event by this branch, the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, the Cooperative Bakery and other organizations is the banquet to be given to Abraham L ahiplacoff in celebration of his 50th birthday and his thirty years of service in the Socialist and Labor Movement...
...Wisconsin Milwaukee Socialist officials and representatives of Milwaukee's organized labor movement recently met to discuss the proposed new charter for the city in Mayor Daniel W. Hoan's office...
...Maurer told of the Socialist victory in Reading and of the educational work of years that led to the final victory...
...24, an entertainment end donee wfll be held In the Harlem Educational Center, 63 Bast 106th street...
...New York City Trip to Beading Many Socialists of Greater New York contemplate going to the inaugural celebration of the Reading...
...Tbe application contained the names of 34 charter members...
...Secretary Anderson is enthusiastic over the prospects for an aggressive campaign in 1928...
...2. Those who have machines and can go to Reading should get in touch with Secretary Claessens...
...Upper West Sid* One of the best attended meeting* held for some time was held last Thursday evening...
...23, 8.30 p.m., at the Freeman Mansion, 1243 Southern Blvd., (near Freeman street...
...The delegation will probably leave New York City Sunday afternoon, Jan...
...Comrade Claessens was the lecturer last Friday evening and about 100 young men and women were present...
...Machinists' Union, and H. H. Jacobs, warden...
...A good time is In store for all who come to the big Bronx Ball...
...Treasurer, Joseph Acbtsam...
...Jacob Friedrick, business manager...
...M. V. Halushka, former executive secretary Cook County Socialist Party...
...California Los Angeles R. W. Anderson, local secretary, writes of a very enthusiastic meeting held In Jewish Headquarters, with Lew Head as speaker...
...Boa tor and Junior I Circles No...
...Lectures and debates will be held...
...A Goad Beeord It Is pretty hard to beat New Jersey...
...ha* elected the following officers: Organizer, Julius Green...
...The following eAceri were elected: Jacob Handtor, Oiaaiifc-m...
...Tickets are $1.00 each...
...Socialists in these cities should write him at the Lockwood Art School, Kalamazoo...
...The State Secretary announced that Local Oohoes has been reorganised by Comrade Clarke^pf Troy, 19 having already Joined the local...
...requested that the stamps be sent by return air mail...
...Summons to the meeting were signed by Mayor Hoan and the following members of the drafting committee of the City Charter league: J. J. Handley, secretary Wisconsin Federated Trades council...
...6 and the Educational Center Association...
...Meetings will be held the first and third Monday* at the W. C. School, 7316 20th avenue...
...was taken up and report* rendered by the various canvassing committees...
...a social centre of real workmg-elaa* ooUslig...
...1, stay over night in Reading, and participate in the big doings the next day...
...Ten valuable prise* will be distributed...
...Due to bad weather, tbe last meeting two weeks ago was not as well attended as the business demanded...
...The group diligently at work creating an organization In the 18th A.D., Kings, held its fifth meeting at 1485 St...
...New Yofk State New Locals CharteresT The State Executive Committee met at Peoples House laswSunday afternoon with seven of the nine members present...
...25, at 10 a.m.., W.C...
...An informal discussion on various aspects of tbe present Russian situation was held and it was decided to secure the services of J. L. Afros, newly returned from Russia, to report on his experiences...
...I. Sackhelm...
...I Colorado C. A. Bushnell, Btate Secretary, writes: "The time for the national convention of the party is fast approaching and we must get in shape to have representation there, and also get in shape to put up a state ticket for the 1928 election...
...Much progress Is being made and the branch expects to be chartered within a short time, as there are more than enough comrades to make up the necessary requirements for chartering s branch...
...will be invited by letters and personal solicitation...
...The 4th ad...
...Recording Secretary, Samuel p. Llanoff...
...Illinois Banquet to "Jim" Maurer One of the largest banquets held in years greeted James H. Maurer, President of the Pennsylvania State Federation of Labor and recently elected Councilman in Reading, at Baron's Restaurant, Saturday evening, December 17...
...J. A. j Pearson of Redmond has asked for Information regarding the forming of a local there...
...Needless to say that those who are anxious to obtain a seat at this historic occasion must respond at once...
...As rapidly as possible he proposes to organize Grand Rapids, Flint, Saginaw...
...Too lease I* for funtime occupancy and tbe HnrtsWrts of the Northwest section have a splendid opportunity to Irvofcs...
...The play deals with war and the right of the Individual to refuse to commit legalized murder, even at the command of constituted authority...
...Abraham Mootoff...
...A fine concert Is arranged which will begin at 4 p.m...
...and the Harlem Jewish Branch, the YPS.L...
...Morris WUkov, Recording Secretary and Walter Berkowitz, delegate to the City Central Committee...
...weekly lectures in an effort to do educational work and to increase it* membership...
...Oregon Increased interest in party activity...
...Financial Secretary and Treasurer...
...Herman Kobbe of Nassau presided...
...The Sunday morning forum conducted by this branch with Comrade Panken as speaker, had its first session last Sunday morning...
...Evidently the members are 1 getting ready to make things fly in Ca- j lifomia...
...A full attendance of the members is desired at this next meeting...
...The Committee instructed the State Secretary to communicate with the Secretary of State and the Jamestown voting machine manufacturers in regard to having all political parties annesr on sample machines set up...
...A charter was granted to the new local at Jamestown...
...It is probable that on invitation wm be eitsnded to tbe 0tb word isgsjnl—linn to unite with the loth ward and share tbe accommodation...
...Financial Secretary, Harry rjlanoS...
...If tbe Socialists and their friends wiM give this call due consideration, we will be able to place our ticket on the ballot in more states in 1928 than we have had since the war...
...The Labor Lyceum main hall is large and commodious, but every inch of space will be taxed on New Year's Day, Jan...
...Resolutions of sympathey were adopted in connection with the decease of Wm...
...Important Party Conference The Conference on Party Ways and Means met at Peoples House Monday evening and discussed the problems of financing the 1928 campaign...
...A_ Btoejal gathering waa the or so all bold- Us first farting It he* 17 mem hers Thirteen are either new members or comrades who had dropped out of the Party some year* age...
...Tbe Executive Committee is r1...
...The City Office would like to know how many autos and what space there will be available for passengers...
...ltth AJ...
...Speakers, topics, and oases will be announced shortly...
...One of tbe veteran* of the Socialist movement, 8am stodet, •**• spoke on the dmViiKlei eonfronting tbe eerly Socialist Movement in this country...
...Marks avenue, in tbe quarters graciously offered by the Workmen's Circle...
...17-11-26 AD...
...Head is a recent addition to our ranks, and is a very forceful speaker...
...Plans are being worked out to send workers into thee* states, build party organization and prepare the way for party tickets to be nominated...
...Dpligsiii to the^Oty Central ^Oanratttcs^ JoOa^Laaa, Yeart*Vv* affair and Comrade Henry mhmtoered to provide the ***** ¦ There will be dancing, fcmiflr semty and k** of good thing* to oat and drink, The old year wfll ho bidden good-bye .end the new year wfll b* properly ushered to...
...Responding to the toastmaster's appeal $119 was donated to the Cook County organization fund...
...Tickets are on sale in the various branch headquarters as well as at the County Office, 1187 Boston Road...
Vol. 5 • December 1927 • No. 1