Burns, Vincent G.

ADVICE TO A YOUNG MINISTER FROM AN OLDER ONE "You Must Be As Tactful and Big-Businessy As A Fuller Brush Salesman" 1 By Vincent G. Burns {An actual letter written to a friend who was seeking a...

...Another will arise to complain of the high cost of churches and recommend that the minister's salary and the janitor's be immediately reduced...
...Baxter, likewise nominated by the voters of Maine against the advice of the power crowd and Its allies, had acted most distressfully...
...if you can swallow stupid theology, crude boorishness, and complacent snobbery toward weaker races and the unprivileged without a single revulsion...
...From that reservoir let us imagine old brick pipes are laid, encrusted with vegetation and mud so that water only drips down...
...Today the Pecos river valley is producing far greater wealth than it ever produced before to its history, but the real producers see themselves sinking into a position of tenant servitude...
...This new organization — the Progress Builders of America—has overspread the better part of a state in two such years...
...Great cotton gin plants and cotton oil mills have sprung up owned by corporations that cover a dozen states with these industries...
...A Growing Movement Yet, in spite of these evidences of radicalism, calculated to alarm the individualistic American farmer, this movement is undoubtedly growing and spreading...
...More of aU this later...
...Insull and then had the effontery to veto a bill by which the policy of keeping Maine hydro-electric power in Maine for the benefit of Maine—established by the late U. S. Senator Bert M. Femald when governor— would be reversed, and permit Mr...
...In conclusion let me say...
...And so I dropped out of ranks, and I have gone through a hell of persecution ever since, a hell which gives no sign of abating to its ferocity...
...If you want to put your neck in a halter, to order that you may have three square meals a day, a safe stall In the church stable away from'the real world, and the job of meekly pulling a wagon-load of dyspeptic, blue-nosed, holier-than-thou, selfrighteous "respectable Christians" to any direction they say, and that mostly to the deep ruts of the past that lead downhill to old tyrannies and old disasters, then come here and know full well that that is what you are getting into...
...The biggest thing that has happened In Maine since the Civil War was the arrival last year of Mr...
...And yet, when your salary is voted upon, they will make you feel that they are altogether too generous with you, and that they are making sacrifieces to pay you your monthly stipend...
...of flood prevention, water storage and regulation of water flow...
...and drops way, way down to 8.5 cents after you have used $75 K.W.H...
...There may be churches where your liberalism will bave a chance...
...Insull to sell his power wherever and however he Jolly weU chooses...
...That is above all what he wants...
...The Influx of the sheepman...
...However, the people of Maine, stumbling along In their poor, weak way, rejected the counsel of VicePresident Dawes and his friend, Mr...
...And they, of whom this world was not worthy, they were persecuted and hounded and made outcasts in the earth...
...All of his papers and financial and political henchmen cried aloud for a "return to representative government...
...A special election was held on Oct...
...Everywhere the people were aUve to It—rather confusedly wondering why they did not get some of these consolidation "Inter-connection" benefits in their pocketbooks as weU as in the speeches of Secretary Hoover, friend of the power combine...
...At Tnrner's Falls, Mass., I stop to have a puncture fixed...
...They have no parish house, despite the fact that for twenty years they have been raising the money to build it, and there are several men in the church wealthy enough to build twenty parish houses...
...if you will be quite satisfied in a prayer meeting where antique ladies and venerable elders air their stuffy stories of conversion while you hear the vibrant life outside and remember the slums where you saw little children who cried for bread and young men whose backs were already bowed and bent with over-work and where crushed and despondent souls moaned m life and prayed for death...
...In this article, the story oLJhis interesting trip is concluded^) ' TJROM Canada, we head south across the border and, to paraphrase one of Richard Hovey's poems in the delightful "Songs of Vagabondla" "Motor down the roads of Maine In the Bed September.'' * At Belgrade Lakes we camp to one of Mr...
...There may be places where you can terve and, at the same time, be honest...
...If you are willing to be merely a peacefully "mum" pastor, goton punctually and politely from door to door- and drinking tea with painfully formal parishioners, attending committee meetings and knowing when to keep jour mouth closed and your own ideals and opinions and aspirations up your sleeve...
...1~|OWN here in New Mexico, where the '"¦'west and South and North and old Mexico itself comingle in a diverse population of ranchers, fruit and vegetable growers, cotton growers and wage workera, a new insurgent farmer and labor movement has arisen within the last two years and is meeting with phenomenal success, considering the fact that during the past two years capitalistic reaction has made almost impossible farmer and labor organization "in almost every other part of the United States...
...King told of a trip he and Mrs...
...His working wardrobe consists of overalls and Jumper—nothing more...
...Then when they find out the virile, progressive Christianity you preach you will be lucky if they do not fall on your neck and kill you...
...A campaign is in progress...
...That biU in the wee town of Ayr, Ontario, ' >uld have cost friend Duncan $6.47...
...The Colorado River at this point is a swirling stream 250 feet to 300 feet wide...
...It is an impotent snobocratlc country club...
...In the language of its founder, M' sp/'enardson, Its purpose is to "kill al..-,»,ation with its own club...
...And, quite frankly I say it, I doubt if there is anywhere a church of Jesus Christ where the minister can be thoroughly honest and last a year...
...If you can pot on your clerical garb and preach the cross on Sunday while all the rest of the week you do everything to grind your own selfish ax just like the rest of the parsons and parishioners...
...X. A Cameron, stai ekeeper of smith's Falls, on that new Mtassssppi atver Dystam, who used $33 K.W.H...
...That has been my experience with the church...
...At Goshen, N. W., we bave lunch at Mr...
...if you can study to be a sweetfaced pussyfooting dummy who dares not to call his soul his own...
...These brick pipes are badly clogged by the weeds of tradtion and the mud of ignorance...
...If there Is any failure of supply a crop Is lost...
...They are surely worth saving...
...and have a X sally nice time out of life...
...And I am willing to wager that there is not o. clergyman in America who has been in a church for long who hasn't had the oime experience...
...Cattle Ranches Passing In the meantime, the old cattle ranges and ranches are passing...
...This was on March 22, 1923...
...You wont understand this...
...He wants not to be disturbed...
...You know, during the war, there were brave men who sudenly awoke to the horror of war, the crime of war, and they knew in their hearts they were not made to kill their brothers...
...Let us watch the privileged few who live on the heights come with their big pails to dip out as much as they need and more from this great well of life, and carelessly carrying it home they waste this precious water of life wantonly, forgetting completely about others who might be willing even to die for so much as a little drop of it...
...And if you succeed to stirring up a little enthusiasm with brats band publicity methods, with supueis and'dances and parties and conceits, you will suddenly discover yon are tunning a three-ring circus, that spiritual things are lost to the rumble of much machinery, and that the minute you let up with your high pressure advertising the whole shooting-match will collapse about your ears...
...They will fall on your neck and kiss you...
...It Is blind to reality and truth...
...Samuel Insull of Chicago, power magnate, political friend of Mayor Thompson of Chicago and broker to United States Senatorshlps...
...And when the legislature under gentle pressure of wise and good men had passed the bill over the veto, this man Baxter Issued a proclamation that rang around the state, circulated a referendum petition and called for a vote of the people on the matter...
...When you arrive on the scene and they take a liking to you, they will at once begin to dicker...
...Water power current from a big system...
...Yes, Goshen Is on a big, super-power system...
...There is not another Congregational church In the country with the wealth and the membership that is here, which has so low a budget and gives so little for benevolences...
...We struggle not with swords and guns but with ideas, ideals, spiritual energies and powers and visions...
...And when be pays he intends to get the kind of a church and the kind of a preacher and the kind of homlletlcs which he feels is safe and sane and innocuous...
...18 on an initiative petition to abolish the Direct Primary...
...But this is a story of Black Canyon as a dam site and not of a boatman skilled In the art of dodging the rocks on the bottom of said canyon or of finding gold among hills that abound to prospectors' "monuments...
...You will not be there long before stories will circulate that your wife is going to leave you and get a divorce, that you have been seen dead-drunk on the main street, that you are an inveterate flirt, that you owe everybody in town, that you sleep till twelve every day, and that you run a still to your cellar...
...They are prying, inquisitive, and intrusively curious concerning your private affairs...
...Direct Primary Stays Besides which Mr...
...Compare this with the bin for commercial service of Mr...
...But they are not here...
...I might endlessly go on telling you of my sorrow and disappointment that the disciples of the Master have so far wandered from his cause...
...Ano it is a program of truth-seeking amid confusion and orthodoxy and intolerance...
...if you can read the Bible, swallow the Ues with the truths and have no new ideas or applications...
...If you do arouse him you have broken the conditions of your contract and the only honest thing you can do is resign, get out, depart, and the sooner you go the better he will like it... Mr...
...What a tragedy that the Church of Jesus should Join tn this crude, primitive, half-civilised campaign to kin the men and women who would clean the aqueducts of life...
...Moaes (Senator) For InsuU Obliged to cut short the trip, we started for Washington...
...Figures as to cost of construction art large figures, but tbey are figures on i project which win produce revenue and repay its cost together with interest and which win remain tang after an cocti iave been paid...
...If you have a message like that which would propably be frowned at by the Babbitts of TfoTCary, the* Cnambers of Commerce, or jeered at by the assembled legions of super-patriots on the Fourth of July, or despised and ridiculed by the rich, the self-righteous and the orthodox, then look out...
...2 It you come here as the minister * you will come with an unwritten understanding in the mind of every monied and unmonied man in the church that he pays his twenty dollars a year for a comfortable pew where he shall be allowed to receive his religion in per% fumed doses or swan-songs that minister only to slumber and sleep...
...Greatest of All Dams Projected By Chester Wright lyrOT so long ago I rode down through Black Canyon on the Colorado River in a power launch operated by one who is known throughout the region as ie Volga boatman...
...Getting back home to Washington, I find that the power crowd has rented a whole floor in one office building to house its writers and workers, and other offices in other parts of the town where a whole galaxy of eminent lobbyists win bold forth...
...Inasmuch as ye have served tor one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have served me...
...irrigation water must be brought on and it must be available, as and when wanted...
...Insull does not like this primary arrangement...
...He had vetoed a bin giving away forever and for nothing a storage and power site on the Dead River, worth three or four million dollars...
...if you are apt to be a progressive to politics, woe is unto you...
...He is rather nervous over bis electric bills: I examine one...
...By which you wlU realize that power users ARE penalized by "politics" In Ontario...
...Bat If You Have Ideals— Bat if there is a grain of the prophet In you, that is, if you feel that you have a contribution to make to this teeming, dangerous, confused world, if ytAi knew, deep deep down in your own heart, that you have a real message for the world, a message that is new or different or original or radical in the least degree, if there is in you the divine urge to speak out the rising convictions of a soul on fire with inspiration from God and love for your brothers and visions of a nobler future...
...Is now preparing to overflow Into neighboring states and has members-at-large to almost every state in the union...
...If you can bring yourself to be this and do this...
...I have been in many other places...
...So might I go on and on...
...The Immense storage faculties of the reservoir at Black Canyon are impressive for two main reasons, which are: First, the Colorado varies greatly in flow from year to year—It is a river of wild vagaiies...
...Estimated cost of hydro-electric power plant, $31300,000...
...The almost incredible exploitation of the farmers by the interests controlling transportation, the markets, and money, leaves the farmers year after year not only without compensation for their long hours of hard labor, but plunge an increasing number into hopeless debt, ruin and the loss of their farms...
...A" old timer tells me that It is the most expensive and formidable array of the sort ever sent here by a special interest • • • already the desks of the Washington correspondents are covered with their propaganda pamphlets and news releases • • • they are attacking Senators Norris and Johnson and Ex-Governor Plnchot in most vicious fashion and all but using the short and ugly word regarding these men...
...If you have a deep desire to help build the kingdom of Ood on foundations as real and solid as truth and justice, as broad as love and as deep as world-wide friendship and brotherhood, then steer clear by miles of this whlted sepulchre...
...Boulder Dam—What Is It...
...Such storage capacity wiU make possible an even now of a guaranteed volume, even through a low water year...
...If you -are only a messenger boy, the whole thing is simplified...
...In Texas, for instance, better than 70 per cent, of the farmers are tenants...
...LobdeU's restaurant...
...They have no parsonage...
...A sturdy race of Western small farmers and cattlemen find themselves fighting with their backs to the wall—fighting on the one hand against the lower living standards of the old South and fighting on the other hand against the mightier instruments of exploitation of the new North...
...You may not feel I have made myself clear...
...Civilization has decreed that these down in the valley shall have but the portion of this living water which will trickle down to them to the old brick pipes...
...Insull, and on Oct...
...Insull was made of this property tor 60 years for which he win pay Into the state treasury a total of *1,250,000 for the privilege of "develop- I tag* Dead Hirer...
...If you are used to ruling your own life you will be in a rather inconsistent position...
...At Old Orchard, a summer resort, I found the summer rate to be 15 cents—when the greatest number of people are there —and 10 cents in the winter...
...This World Today Let us 1f"«g<p^ a great reservoir of water and a great city with Its multitudes to the valley...
...By this shall all men know ye are ay disciples it ye have love one for another 1" It is a —t—<g»» to snake America a Bsaca suing people...
...If you are used to saving what you think you will learn to always swallow what you think...
...Jesus Christ A Stranger ^ When you plan some progressive broad-gauge program you will more than likely find yourself stranded on a sand-bar of studied indifference and lack of co-operation...
...Before this happened, another governor, Mr...
...This, after a particularly stermy season when one of the "honorable" deacons of the church shook his fist to my face and shrieked: "Th* trouble with you is that ya' dont believe nuthln'l" On another occasion a red-faced individual waved a big Bible In one hand and a stout cane perilously near my face with the other, the while he croaked: "You cant tear up this blessed old book to this church and get away with it, you bow-legged, pigeon-toed moron...
...Estimated Interest on money expended during construction, 21,000,ooo...
...But meanwhile, their propaganda boyi are writing about the "myth" of the power trust Which reminds me that a few years ago, Mark Hanna was informing the nation that the charge there were "trusts" in this country was a "myth...
...Proponents of the project assert that this would make possible the irrigation of 1,000,000 acres of land to Nevada, Arizona and California not now irrigated and impossible of irrigation from any other source...
...Insull evidently was interested...
...Thus the estimated total outlay necessary to bring the project to completion Is $125,000,000...
...Let us imagine that this reservoir is a reservoir of abundant life and opportunity and culture which the centuries of civilisation 'iave stored up...
...J To be sure, the people are not as wise as Mr...
...Here are main Items: Estimated cost of dam, $41,500,000...
...The curse of New Mexico In particular and the whole Southwest and the old South in general is the alarming growth of tenantry—a growth so appalling and rapid that it threatens soon to wipe out the last vestige not only of farmer independence, but of farm ownership...
...I do not want to discourage you from the ministry in the Christian church altogether...
...m Keeping Overhead Down ^ The congregation here Is large, * rich, prosperous and -satisfied But very niggardly...
...Second, irrigation to this section of the country depends for success upon assured water supply...
...Those with whom I have talked here all agree that the New Mexican record is even worse, although figures were not available...
...I HUls spreading out up-river from the proposed site encompass a natural reservoir about 90 miles In length, with a capacity for impounding some 36.000,000 acre feet of water, or the equivalent of the whole flow of the Colorado for a year and a half...
...Dont you see that we good people up here will have to live on less...
...Net bin $30.42...
...Black Canyon, favored by advocates of the Swing-Johnson bUl as the site for what is popularly known as Boulder Canyon Dam, is at the lower end of Boulder Canyon...
...What a tragedy that the Church of Jesus should be a traitor to the cause of Jesus by throttling truth with its old theologies, blasting brotherhood with Its snobbishness, blocking life for the poor by a false optimism and a stiff opposition to those efforts which really would improve the world...
...It la a fight for more life for the inarticulate lower'classes who live in the shadow...
...And no matter what you do they will enjoy nothing better than t.*inr.g about you...
...Since then he has acquired control of a majjertty of the power plants, aU bat one of the Mg daily newspapers, and transformed a staid and respectable old bank Into a powerful tract company of commanding financial Influence...
...AU the way home it was the old story —rates that seem extortionate after you have been in Cleveland or Ontario...
...They pay you a salary to think as they think, to Breach What they want, to be a little tin-god of their color, stature and stamp for them to praise and Incidentally push around...
...When you go into a church the people are full of fulsome flattery...
...It is neither efficient nor economical...
...You have to "influence" too many people and you can't be sure of results...
...This universe of his is O. K. all right, one hundred per cent, all right...
...They that take the sword shall perish by the sword...
...if you can see stoical injustices and crimes on every side and experience no flaming indignation...
...He is also by way of being hunter, trapper and prospector...
...Someone will get up and complain that the budget is too high and ought to be reduced...
...AU le leaders and officials I have met so r are Socialists In their class consciousbs and their collective outlook...
...Mencken, the gadfly philosopher of Baltimore—democracy is a total failure and trifling things like this don't matter...
...He used in August 328 K. W. H. for which he paid $34.92...
...Baumier, owner of the garage, shows me his power bill...
...Yon are to give a first-class imitation of the Big Business Man Christ a la Bruce Barton...
...They are ready in increasing numbers to listen to a movement that promises them collective protection and something to hope for in the future, and that is why they are joining the Progress Builders to increasing numbers, to spite of its distinctly Socialistic official organ...
...And sometimes one gets rather unpleasant notoriety unbecoming a patron of art...
...The canyon waus are almost black, composed of what is geologically known as andesite tuff breccia, close kin to our typical granite, a strong, hard, impervious rock with very Uttle surface decomposition...
...This X am only too happy to give, and I shall give it without the least mental reservation...
...338 K.W.H...
...256 K. W. H. at 6 cents straight, no discount, net bill $15.36...
...I know that pretty well... 10 cents, with 10 per cent off for prompt payment...
...King made through several Eastern states and Canada gathering facts on the electric and power industry...
...But I have organized my own work here (The Brotherhood Temple) and I am in the fight to stay...
...If they can you they will welcome you with a brass band or two...
...The Santa Fe Railroad system is practically a monopoly in this section of the state and gave the finishing touch to a condition yearly growing more hopless...
...The new organizers they are breaking in are drawn largely from the ranks of the radicals and advanced progressives...
...His garage is within a lulf-mUe of the hydro plant on the river where the juice is made...
...Taylor's bona fide log cabins with a stone fireplace, do some writing and work at the jobs to Augusta, near by, by driving back and forth...
...then you can probably hold down the job, grow in grace and popularity, enjoy a nice comfortable salary, lay up treasures on earth...
...It is not enough ts keep flood waters off...
...I, too, felt the church was marching In the wrong direction, serving the wrong ideals, going on a crusade of conflict and selfishness...
...These people in the valley are those who bave labored to build thus reservoir, these great aqueducts...
...They Fail on Your Neck" I am saying these things because I want you to know the facts about the ministry...
...So steep are the canyon walls at this proposed site that at a point 450 feet above the river they are but 600 to 700 feet anart...
...Then down In the valleys are the multitudes...
...It is a law of the business that the more current used the cheaper the price...
...The discharge one year, as shown by actual measurements, may be as great as 30,000,000 acre feet, while the following year it may drop to a mere 9.000.000 acre feet...
...For my heart is full...
...Estimated cost of aU-American canal...
...But the new ark of hope wiU be built by stroog-ermed, strong - souled men and women who have not sold their souls for pagan honors within an apostate church and who, with radiant faces and glad visions in their eyes, labor fearlessly and unselfishly the while they sing the song of freedom to this strange wilderness which a Christian civilisation has wrought...
...So what did they do They threw down their guns, and ripped off their uniforms, dropped out of ranks and told their captains that they would rather die themselves than kill their brothers...
...They will bound and hound you to make you think their way, to get you to fit into the rut they are in, and it will all seem like a dream of the old Puntan days when they burned men and women for free-thinking And alas...
...The answer is found, I believe, in the conditions that have prevailed in the Southwest since the birth of this organization and in the unique methods of this organization...
...Another will move that the telephone be disconnected as a way to save...
...Which seems to show that given those three vital elements ,to a normal working democracy—publicity, power and leadership—the people -ow and then do a relatively pood inh...
...18 voted two to one to keep the primary...
...Therefore I will give you a few details of my own experiences...
...First, let us consider conditions in this section now and at the time The Progress Builders organized...
...It is an Insult to Jesus to call It all by his name...
...Irrigation Is the sole reliance and It must be sure eat faithful...
...In Weston...
...There is no community in America, so narrow, so reactionary, so self-satisfied, so deep in the rut, so complacently "perfect" and falsely optimistic, "o completely dominated by the "57" Varieties of the status quo, as this New England group light here...
...Next week I nope to tell bow The Progress Builders are building up a strong and extensive organisation as a result of SAM INSULL COMES TO MAINE People Win First Skirmish In Conflict With "Super Power" Interests By Judson King (In a previous issue, Mr...
...Nevertheless, the Maine folks pay high, rates—8—10 and 15 cents per K.W.H...
...One sees at Roswell vast rows and piles of cotton bales representing fortunes...
...And so on..., nothing that will change or reconstruct or reform or better anything...
...In every official meeting of the church you will run against this parsimonious, unprogresslve, penny-pinching attitude...
...In 1937 a lease (not a deed...
...They will go around with a mental microscope looking for your faults...
...On April 6, the legislature repealed the bill...
...No "Controversies" ^ You will get an idea of the deadly dark obscurantism that je^evalls in the minds of "enlightened Christians" here when you know that the men's ' bible class voted after I was here a few months that no controversial goes tlons of theology or social reform or peace should be dlsri—nd to the class...
...The people In the churches are our brothers and sisters...
...In Oklahoma, 68 per cent, of the big farmers have been reduced to tenantry since 1890...
...The proposed dam at this site would be 150 feet high, the largest undertaking of Us kind ever projected...
...Then came the invasion of the cotton growers from the old South, bringing In their wake a lowered standard of living, a harder struggle, child labor and Increased tenantry...
...The petitions began to pour in...
...Santa Fe Railroad the Boss It remained for New Mexico to furnish the unique combination of factors that made It ripe for Just such a movement as the Progress-Builders...
...Someone else will say there is too much printing being done...
...Another article in this new series...
...World unity, world religion, world frendship, and world peace must come through the efforts of tree souls uncramped, unhindered, and undwarfed by any stultifying atmosphere whatsoever...
...Therefore Senator Moses is against the Government going into the business and has the smiling support of Mr...
...But I know what I am talking about...
...InsuU who, by the way, has copped power in New Hampshire as well as in Maine and is now the big political force there also...
...It is a fight to win the community to a spirit of goodwill and ton...
...I have four years of bitter experience behind me...
...They will give you no auto or secretary or suitable office or fund for the help of the poor...
...There Is no rainfall...
...A Ministerial Chore-boy j I soon learned, after coming here * as innocent as any lamb led to the slaughter, that the assumption was that the minister was a hired man who ™ paid a salary to do what the congregation wanted done, a kind of choreduty which included preaching, praying, visiting, burying, knotting...
...You'll think I'm crasy or something worse...
...It prints a paper— e Progress Builder—that is as full of y aanstic Socialism and the advocacy of Ne co-operative commonwealth as Waymd's original "Appeal to Reason...
...Insull needs a governor in Maine as well as two United States Senators In Washington from this state...
...The voters were not Impressed and decided to keep the direct primary...
...I know what the orthodox Protestant Church is like today...
...With no twinge of conscience you will calmly proceed In the deliverance of those messages which are fore-ordained in Holy Writ or in the counsels of the little group of well-to-do business men who control the financial destiny of your church...
...The electricity used by the folks in Maine is generated by water power...
...WITH THE WORKING FARMERS Hevolt of New Mexico Tenant Farmers Crystalizes in "The Progress Builders" By Murray E. King Roswell, New Mexico...
...Ton ask, however, for a frank statement of the situation in my former Church... August and paid, net, $11.03...
...Increase of farming and cotton growing and other causes are putting the finishing touches on cattle ranches in thjs part of New Mexico...
...He wants no radicalism, oh...
...This complacent Yankee Christian pays down his good money for the support of the church in order that you will support the conditions and the so-' cial order and the patriotic M^fnf which he represents...
...Which is supposed to be cheaper than coal...
...Less than twenty years ago the whole eastern half of the state in which Roswell is located was occupied by cattle ranchers and small farmers of the northern and western type...
...rUKAR BILL: I was very glad to bave your letter, sad nothing would delight us more than to have you and your family near us...
...They have sweated to the sun and rain and all weather that those above them might bave this water of life in abundance while they, who made' it possible, must squabble in the valley and fight and kill each other to get even so much as a real taste of what this watar^jtbandant *f» So is the world today:—And when courageous souls who sea, who know, who understand, when these go to the pipes and try to remove the mud of ignorance and the weeds of tradition which dog these aqueducts of life, they are set upon by the church and the government and the courts and the respectable people, an to fun cry, and with swinging bludgeons, shouting: "Radical...
...He wants not to be irritated by your advocacy of new hopes and new methods and new ideals In the world...
...They think of many things...
...You may thing I ought to oe specific...
...Dont you see If you let more water run down there by removing our sacred weeds and our holy mud, dont you see that those loafers down to the valley wlU get more water of nfa than Is good for them...
...After a service charge of $1.00 the schedule starts at 5 cents and drops to 2 cents per K.W.H...
...Efficient trinity...
...At East Jaffrey, New Hampshire, my old friend George Duncan who was present at the convention back in 1913 when the popular Government League was formed, handed me a bill for his store for June...
...The reign of Cal is as sacred as the reign of God, and the slightest hint that you do not think that every word and act of Cal'a Is the will of the Almighty, and that the kingdom of Ood depends upon the acts of the apostles of the Republican party will bring down upon your head a car-load of mental missiles and verbal bombs that will make you run for cover, and which will shrivel your reputation among the elect and ostracise you among the holy I These church folk are passkmate* ly fond of one thing: gossip...
...R. O. Brewster, the present governor, was nominated to a primary against the advice of Mr...
...But If you value yoer moral freedom, freedom of speech and thought and action...
...Yon are a "salaried prophet", and a "salaried prophet" learns to forget about fearless prophesying and to remember to be as tactful and big buslnessy as a FuUer Brush salesman...
...If you are content to be a pusillanimous parson...
...The money received for the output of the gins and oil extraction plants must be immense, but the farmer is poorer than before the advent of these great implements of exploitation...
...No time to investigate but we pick up bills as we spin along...
...He must compromise, compromise, compromise, surrender, surrender, surrender, to hold his job...
...This organization is frankly Radical in it* aims...
...after he used 160 K.W.H...
...Commercial schedule starts at 14.5 cents per K.W.H...
...ADVICE TO A YOUNG MINISTER FROM AN OLDER ONE "You Must Be As Tactful and Big-Businessy As A Fuller Brush Salesman" 1 By Vincent G. Burns {An actual letter written to a friend who was seeking a call to a certain church in which the writer had served...
...It alms tricsing less than the''socialization of Tlfier and wage worker through liiia, ! experience and struggle by Ala"°' a most ambitious and daring ..v^anda plan...
...They will feel you out about salary, etc., and unless I miss my guess they will put it over on you...
...Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free...
...It would generate 600,000 horsepower of electric current...
...Everywhere to Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania consolidation was to process and has gone far...
...Ontario, a small town 100 miles from Niagara Falls, he,would have paid $4.16...
...And behind your back they will rub their hands and chuckle over the fact that they have gotten the better of you and struck another good Yankee bargain...
...The church Is corrupt...
...They will sneak around looking into your windows at night to see if you are yet in bed...

Vol. 5 • December 1927 • No. 1

Developed by
Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.