Capitalism's Soviet in Action — Berger Arraigns Burdening of Poor with Taxe By » New Leader Carriap—jent WASHINGTON. — Representative Victor L. Berger. Wsrtoltot. at Wisconsin, naUooaU chairman...

...You have fixed a delay of a month for the preparations of directions respecting the application of the amnesty... the second precinct of the Twelfth ward Reider gained 1 vote, Kershner gained 3, and Hoverter lost 10...
...Socialist International Congress to Be Held In Brussels...
...On the face of the complete unofficial vote as received by the Socialist party from its watchers, Hoverter, the Socialist candidate, had a plurality over Kershner, the Democratic Incumbent, of 74 votes...
...They are simply calling attention to the facts and leaving the voters to form their own judgment...
...Every stroke on the sheets was examined, and every discrepency, real or imaginary, was recorded, and later was made the basis for a request to the court to have certain ballot-boxes opened and the votes therein recounted...
...The Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the U. S. S. R. is instructed to commute the measure of social defence Imposed by courts or administratively in regard to all persons now undergoing sentences, except those convicted a* active members of political parties sflning at the destruction of the Soviet system, and persons guilty of maliciously embezzling public money or bribing public officials...
...recounted the votes for the office of city treasurer...
...MatN lea, General Meters, the miner In Colorado, the steal worker in Chicago, Mr...
...It was known that In a number of precincts some voters had voted for Hoverter by marking X behind his name in both the Labor and Socialist squares, and that some of the ballots so marked had not been counted for the candidate...
...The emblem of the present eeono1 ic situation is really a melon—net eoiy Mr...
...In all he filed 16 petitions...
...A high official of the United Mine Workers of America has written to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People—"The conditions at these place* are unbearable...
...The recount of these precincts was made the week following the election, and resulted as follows: Practically no change in the third precinct of the First ward...
...Tbe reports state that these men are herded Into "bull-pens" where they are la many cases effectively deprived of all presonal liberties except the right to run up accounts at the company store...
...That this- was not merely an oratorical slip of Bucharin's is clear from the fact that Tomsky in his speech at the Party Conference in Leningrad on November llth made a precisely similar declaration...
...In these 16 precincts Reider made a net gain of 2, Kershner of 71, and Hoverter of 24...
...Reading Socialists are making no charges... ootde the Repabnesn organisation in servility to the ruling class...
...The Democratic Party is tryins...
...This is just what dictatorship moans," Reading Suspicious About Count That Defeated Socialist (By a New Leader Correspondent) TREADING, PA.—The final recount of the vote for City Treasurer gives the following result: Reider, 7935...
...Tke Soeinlint Proejrnrn "B oe had a rani esgiaWlia party stag the rshag psatoiaasy, it wasad begin Its tax figiam by raising the unasserted peraass to ».*•>¦ It woonT provide a sarpcas In sot teeessry sumcteal to pay a prasias to sM save anything for then- eld age, and to the'tower mid ale' cans, the — naslnfonnsii, whose ttroggB hi as Intense, and Phase rewards" are'' net ^jThess aad Otter Udags Russia Urged To Release Socialists Views of Soviet Leaders Give Scant Hope, However, For Freeing of Politicals Prague.—On December 1st, the following communication was dispatched to the President of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union, M. Kalinin, by the two chairman of the Commission of Enquiry of the Socialist International into the conditions of political prisoners...
...5 Zurich.—The Executive of the Socialist and Labor International, at its session in September, 1927, entered thoroughly into the preparations for the International Congress of 1928, and arrived at the conclusion that in view of the heavy financial burdens on the Labor Movement all over Europe, and particularly In England, It seemed more advisable to hold the 1928 Congress not as originally planned in London but on the Continent...
...are as pasrty paid that they are always est the verse af starvation, la the stool aaOst ef Chicago, wotkiuen earn SS.U a day whan they are onv plsina, and they are net sirs ally emstored...
...However, this result was reached by certain mysterious moves that leave much room for gossip...
...The Minister of Transportation, Valno Wuolijoki, also resigned about two months ago when he was appointed to represent Finland in Berlin and other central European capitals...
...Senator Louis de Brotickere (Brussels) and Deputy Arthur Crisplen (Berlin): "To the president of the Central Executive Committee, M. Kalinin, Moscow...
...There is yet time to abandon tbe course of poisoning the workingclass and to clear away tone of the worst obstacles to its unity...
...The ratio of labor votes to the votes cast by the possessing classes is about 20 to 1 but the ratio of political power Is about 100 for capital to nothing for labor...
...the people ef the United states as not earn ensogh to pay any Federal income lax...
...The Congress will open on August 5th, 1928, on which day In celebration of its opening, a demonstration by the workers of Brussels will take place...
...Indeed without having Incurred any real guilt...
...Sot oaly are the peer net represented la this...
...Reider's vote remained the same, Kershner gained 4, and Hoverter lost 22 in the recount of the two Twelfth ward precincts...
...That this provision excludes from the amnesty not only those who "aim at the destruction of the Soviet system," but members of political parties hi general, is evident from the speeches which have been delivered lately by the authoritative leaders in Soviet Russia...
...In his speech at the "Congress of the Friends of Soviet Russia", on the occasion of the anniversary festivities in Moscow, Bucharin, according to the report in Inpreoorr, stated literally as follows: "And it is intelligible that the position with us is such that there are indeed various parties, but that only whilst the others are under leek and key...
...There is yet time to remove the disgrace that thousands of workers, peasants and intellectuals must languish in goal* or banishment merely for thinking as we do, for rejecting the principle of the Communist Party Monopoly, and for claiming on behalf of the Russian working class the most elementary right, namely, that of being able to speak and to elect in freedom...
...The ed by the *sa*tos*aa free* Taaas...
...Charge Colored Scabs Are Held in Peonage Colored coal miners are being held under conditions amounting to peonage in the Western Pennsylvania coal regions, according to reports Received by the American Civil Liberties Union from the National Association for the Advanocment of Colored People...
...The Socialists were successful in defending their stand or) the bill to shorten the time of military training and also In helping the unemployed by rushing improvement works...
...So the Socialists decided to open by petition certain ballot-boxes where the double/-marked ballots were known to be, and by so doing secure for Hoverter additional votes, as the court had ruled that the double-marked ballots must be counted for the candidate...
...If possible, to be terminated by August llth...
...And Tomsk...
...Hoverter, Socialist, 8340...
...Demands Release "In this situation we view It as oux duty to demand with the utmost emphasis on behalf of millions of workers in Europe that our comrades In faith and party be no longer detained in tbe prisons and places of banishment of the Soviet Union, into which almost always they have been thrown without any procedure by a court, without legal guarantees...
...oos*d -jv* sMsl ssihlag tar eM sge or a raiay day...
...The Executive of the British Labor Party made the suggestion to hold it in Brussels...
...Mania —hat the asslsas that are^eat erery ttttle while...
...Kershner's net gain over Hoverter was 47, which changed Hoverter* plurality of 37 to a plurality of 10 for Kershner...
...That Heavy Gain After three boxes had been opened by petition of Hoverter and five votes had been added to his credit (reducing Kershner's plurality to five) it was .mutually agreed by Kershner and Hoverter and their attorneys to petition to have th^ remaining 39 boxes opened, thus including In the recount by the official board every precinct In the city...
...The Socialist cabinet, headed by Comrade Tanner, survived a year...
...The Executive and various commissions will meet in the week previous to the Congress, the proceedings of which...
...This wjp o*niina» to he ss In j one party has its hand on the helm, the future...
...Congress, bat even the widdie clsas 1* represented very weak-' ry... Wisconsin, naUooaU chairman of the Socialist Party, in slwasamg the tax but in the Hooao of RiunniitollH'*, said: -If the Democratic Party has any reason for existence it e««Jd ahow it en occasions like this by ¦¦owning nltra capitalism and piatsetaey sad preventing toe an taring of ays Kb which this reraise MB and others considered by this Hoaae in the past provide...
...In the official count, the first figures made public by the board of computer: appointed by the court to tabulate the vote, reduced ^his margin to 63 votes, the complete totals for the three candidates, as made public by the board, having been as follows: Reider, 7,946...
...Over t—.—» laborer*en the ralruaas had an average wage ef $17 per' week in iff...
...The Socialists also helped unemployed workers, using appropriations to extend public works...
...Socialist Government Resigns In Finland on Bread Price Issue A cablegram from Helslngfors to "Ralvaaja," the Finnish Socialist daily, reports that the Socialist government of Finland has resigned after the Diet rejected the bill for reducing the tariff on bread...
...These workers, It Is charged, are deceived into accepting employment in the mines where strikes are in force and are then paught In the meshes of the company-store credit system...
...Kershner's net gain over Hoverter was 109...
...He there stated, according to the report In "Pravda" of the 19th November: "Certainly, two, three or four parties may exist under the conditions of working-class dictatorship, but only provided that one party is In power and all the rest in prison...
...Moreover, the average was maintained only after Judge Paul Schaeffer took possession of the key to the room in which the ballot boxes were stored...
...On this basis the election boards of three precincts were brought into court and there...
...There Is yet time, you can yet bring it about that a full amnesty should be extended to include all Socialists without exception, whether active or passive, who have been convicted by your courts or by administrative channels on account-of their Socialist political activity...
...but we demand the same legality also for the Socialist parties in the Soviet Union...
...and no exception has been taken to it by tbe members of the Executive within the given time limit, so that now the 1928 Congress of the L. S. I. is definitely summoned to meet in Brussels...
...On the occasion of the anniversary, you have issued an amnesty, the previsions of which as to ' political prisoners are so elastically framed that it remains altogether obscure whether the amnesty applies to the numerous' Socialists who are pining in the prisons and places of banishment of the Soviet Union...
...Your political police which proceeds by secret ways withdrawn from public control, has the power to present evsry Socialist party in the light of one that is aiming at the overthrow of the Soviet Government, irrespective^ of whether the party is really doing so or not, and likewise the power to consider every Individual Socialist as an active member of the party without .troubling whether he really is so or not...
...The precincts recounted were the third of the First ward, the second of the Twelfth ward, and the third of the Twelfth ward...
...How Kersher Forged Ahead It was at this point that Kershner began petitioning the court to have the vote recounted in a number of additional precincts...
...This permission was readily granted and the tally sheets were then examined very carefully for errors...
...Whatever re*htanee to beinr offered to the Chamber ef Cnssramrs and 'the Taxpayers 'League, which Is the name*wnder which'the Han ill *n banker* are new sanmg, Is very feehie, indeed...
...12,000,000 Underpaid "There Is a good deal feeing said shoot the general^ prosperity' fat oar eeantry, das to the fact that ant national am lam Is erthwrstcd at »»?,»*•,M^'TJefeTk^ »£' Ford, Mr...
...has repeated this idea In the same speech: "On this point nothing is of any use, for under tbe dictatorship of tbe proletariat only one party cart have power, and whoever tries to fight against this party, will find himself in prison...
...The same abomination is comltted in the Hungary of Horthy...
...We are striving against this infamy, we are fighting to secure full legality to the Communist Parties in all countries...
...The fact is that of the I17,Mt,Mt people ttvzag In the United States, shsnt HWMW sssds Jon) a tans By lag at im ssrf...
...The big gain exceeded the "law of averages" in the remaining boxes where it remained practically uniform...
...When these figures were made public, Kershner requested permission to have the tally sheets of the several election districts examined by watchers selected by himself...
...In the third of the Twelfth Reider lost 1, Kershner gained 1, and Hoverter losl 12...
...Not much hope is held for a favorable reply...
...In the Manifesto of Oct...
...Bat hew are these fH.MMM.tM divided...
...In the bnaber &dostry, the sverage weekly earnings in aU branches h $17.77 and the loweat paid to that troop average tie « a week...
...With their power in parliament, a general amnesty bill has passed and civil rights restored to those disfranchised for participation in the civil war on the labor side...
...In other words, Kershner made a net gain of 26 votes, thus reducing Hoverter 's plurality from 63 to 37 votes...
...In fact, they are beyond any description I could give you and must be seen to be appreciated...
...ef seectoratod M> the war, snd'tne rich ¦VTTJ riaAwsTf obosbbB asnW P*MsT P*sX*«*C M*sTo "The fact that mere than S3 per' cent...
...The bill was part of the Socialist program and was presented to parliament by the Socialist premier...
...What is interesting is that his big gain was made in the first 18 ballot boxes that were opened...
...The Bureau of the L. S. I. was instructed to get into touch with the Executive of the British Labor Party and with the parties most concerned in the holding of the Congress and to have a vote taken upon a new proposal This has been done...
...the translation of the Communist "Imprecorr" (Number 106, page 2284, 1st November, 1927), runs as follows: "10...
...The Chairmen of the Commission of Enquiry into the Conditions of Political Prisoners "LOUIS DS BROUCKERE, "ARTHUR CRISPIEN...
...Hoverter, 8380...
...1, 1927, signed by the president of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union, the passage relating to political prisoners as given in...
...Garner, myself, and 117,8*t,ea* ethers make a year...
...Rietl Itkonen, present parliamentary leader of the Social Democrats, served as Minister of Interior during the first few months, but resigned when the Diet passed the bill censuring his actions to relieve unemployment...
...Kershner is declared elected by a plurality over Hoverter of 86 votes...
...In this fight you attack us from behind through the example of suppression which you give...
...aMhoogh the exemptions ef a cmgje man are only »!>*• and of a married man tXjm Is which nr ranst*iwb/ sasd* that ear peseta SowMnt CortoJn?1*" '* ¦re priesa-iaa, aad the Bopohnoasn, aMe* by the Democrat*, are at work Vrytag toXafce fne prorpersss mars sawssorons, while the share ef the peer in this si caned pfsapisnj to i issli nth, kemg ¦snfssnhsi m prspsrOssi to tbe whole...
...Is there any srssserity for tbenir 10,000 On The Top mm tJt7.SSS at the ether oad Oftea fssaaf thai the rich J per seat, ef ear peg ah II as son M par east, or the natnoVs wealth, while the soar SB per ess*, swa enrjr nve par iml...
...Kershner, 8428...
...Kershner, 8,317...
...This proposal has been unanimously accepted .by the Bureau of the L. S. I...
...Workers can reverse this power when they decide they want It for themselves Just for a change...

Vol. 5 • December 1927 • No. 1

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