A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES THE LOWDOWN ON COLORADO ILf R. IVY LEE, press-agent for the Rockefellers, Is good enough to give us the lowdown on the ' mine strikes In Colorado. He Is sending out...

...114,023: Crawford 48,979...
...The thought of the timid miners being frightened by naughty Wobblies is indeed a heart-rending one...
...What was called the "Virginia Dynasty" had ruled over thirty years...
...As music-lovers, we are deeply thankful to the company for its negligence...
...Election of 1824 In the election of 1824 John Qulncy Adams of Massachusetts, son of the second President, Henry Clay of Kentucky, Andrew Jackson of Tennessee, John C. Calhoun of South Carolina and William H. Crawford of Georgia, were candidates...
...The two movements are one In idea lit and aims...
...The National Bank, established during Washington's Administration, was utterly destroyed after a bitter struggle with its supporters...
...Both movements acclaim the sasae principles...
...If the tests had been made in the Union League Club, where 'Nicholas Murray Butler and the late lamented Senator, James W. Wadsworth, were speaking last week, the gas proportions would have been even higher...
...Wealth was drained from the coast and the "competition of the fertile and low-priced lands of the Gulf basin proved too strong for the outworn lands even of the interior of the South...
...Already the union pickets and paraders are finding it out, too...
...Members of the unions in the United States are the last to learn this...
...But the Western Union Telegraph Company, With an unusual regard for the public's welfare, had neglected to deliver the message...
...As the Oklahoma oil magnate once remarked to an Osage Indian...
...Adams, 508,064...
...Clay, 530,189...
...Neither did they explain whether the "earnings" referred to were the earnings of the work* ere or the earnings of the plants, which, aa you probably know, makes a whaling difference in the wages of the worker...
...It is remarkable how quickly any union which calls m strike becomes "un-American...
...A State convention declared the tariff at, 1822 null and void and South Carolina prepared to resist collection of duties...
...How can we stand securely by And watch your ¦hsmsleaa biaaphemiee...
...No profiteer would dream of denying this exquisite happiness to those who alone deserve what they get, the unknown, unsung heroes of the middle and working classes...
...Stine's failure to collect was considerably alleviated when we discovered that he was an oboe player...
...Presidential aspirants had sought the support of the caucus as a sure road to their ambition...
...In political action they identify the 'labor orgefilzatiosu with candidates of' the capitalistic parties...
...Manifestly no one except a Bolshevik or pacifist, and only unAmericane would be so traitorous and disloyal aa to "break the heart of the world" tbataway...
...The bank was regarded as a typical institution of the capitalistic East and it went down with the old order...
...The National Republicans nominated Henry Clay...
...In England...
...Its reign had been interrupted but once since 1789...
...In this period became financially exnbarassed, Monroe later dying as a dependent of bis son-in-law...
...In the course of the struggle Calhoun asserted not only the right of nullification but of secession from the Union...
...p>ejjaj syrja^ time, I can't help wondering what would heveoecome of American Independence Iff K hod not been backed by force and violence...
...Germany, Austria, France, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Hungary, Switzerland, Australia...
...Pennsylvania with more than a million people cast 47,000 votes...
...LABOR AND SOCIALISM IDENTICAL The trade union movement and the Socialist movement are Identical...
...It was a revolt of the illiterate democracy of the frontier against the cultured aristocracy of the planting regions and the commercial centers...
...But not only does poison gaa promote peeee aad prosperity, but the "production of cheaper fertiliser,"" which reminds me of the fact that the fields of Flanders have been producing record-breaking croon ever since the war to end war ended Knowing this fact, who could be so ignoble and unpatriotic an to refuse to fertilize for the future...
...The "Virginia Dynasty" was overthrown...
...The Virginia aristocracy went down in ruin...
...That privilege is for heroes, and for heroes atone...
...Maybe it's too much prosperity...
...In this country many sincere trade unionists deny the Identity of the two movements...
...His friend looked around in vexation and exclaimed, "Doneha know how to handle that candle...
...At the very sound of an oboe we would gladly shatter all ten of the commandments...
...When the War of 1812 cut off commerce the United States was thrown upon its own resourcees for its manufactured articles...
...Although he came from a Slave State, his sympathies were close to the free farmers of the interior of the Slave States who resented the class rule of the coast planters...
...In 1832 all the Presidential candidates were for the first time nominated in national conventions...
...These free farmers were allied in sentiments and Interests with the farmers and frontiersmen of the west and both were conspicuous in electing Jackson...
...From 1806 to 1815 six "conspiracy" cases were recorded against organized shoemakers...
...The two old parties are one in sins against Labor...
...The restricted suffrage that still survived is evident from the following figures: Virginia with a white population of 625,000 cast less than 15,000 votes...
...We assert not a wish but a fact...
...To prove it, they quote the American Chemical Society, which it not a labor union, but as I get it, a philanthropic society organized, not for profit, but solely to promote peace, prosperity and more humane methods of committing murder en masse...
...Anyhow, this is what Arthur Inbad augns Edwin Inbad's statistics proved, viz...
...In the case of the Rockefellers, the meek have Indeed Inherited, not only a good part of the earth, but many of the coal-mines and oilfields thereunder...
...The Wobblies in Colorado should certainly be deported back to San Francisco, Denver, and Chicago...
...Slavery was extending westward from the coast where the soil was being exhausted and cotton culture of the lover South slowly challenged the rule of the tobacco planters of the upper South...
...Clay receiving the smallest vote was not eligible' and he gave his support to Adams who was elected...
...Ivy Lee's client's coalfields to have a bunch of rowdies disturbing the Colorado paradise...
...Whatever happens, he will come oat with some sort of a statement indicating his deeply religious nature, reversing the general rule that oil and holy water do not mix...
...In the election of 1828 Jackson received 178 electoral votes and Adams 83...
...True sons of Adam and Eve they are not satisfied to live in Eden without nankering for forbidden fruit before their noaee by the Satans of Unionism...
...The Jaeksonian period also corresponds with the general awakening of the workers to the need of organization...
...I don't...
...Sure, I'm against force and violence...
...Not satisfied with this remarkable showing Arthur advises us that we "The workers of all kinds in tnis country produce each year Ten Thousand Million Dollars more than it costs to live...
...Calvin Coolidge gives us the glad assurance that he will not run -again, and we can now expect to be able to gaze at a Sunday rotogravure section without that feeling of nausea which has hitherto assailed us during our contemplation of "Uttle Pickleface...
...Then when she was on the verge of hysteria, he knelt down by the side of the horse-hair sofa, and made her join with him in a prayer to the Almighty...
...The dissolution of the Federalist Party and the continued prestige of the Jeffersonian Republicans was followed by the appearance of party factions each under the Inspiration of some powerful leader...
...American History for Workers An Outline —By James Oneal Jaeksonian Democracy TJARTY Factions...
...Before the Wobblies got there, the miners, according to Mr...
...1 "Miners quit work from fear ef violence and net tram a sense of grievance against their employers...
...Welborn assure us to the contrary, we presume that the Wobblies take their orders from Czecho-Slovakla, where they make orders cheap...
...This was a logical reaction to the former monopoly of office by a few aristocratic politicians but it also brought the notorious "spoils system" with its corruption and "graft" which have disgraced American politics...
...When these two great leaders of Republican liberalism get their feet together under the same table, the atmosphere becomes gaseous indeed...
...McAIister Coleman...
...Xa> bad's favorite platitude was "Figures never He," but he always forgot to add that Flgurera often do, end that he wee some Flgurer...
...What next...
...With the caucus destroyed nominations for a number of years had been made by State Legislatures, mass meetings, or delegate bodies of voters...
...Results, the trade unions stagnate, strikes are strangled with injunctions , and strikers are cruelly beaten and shot by private thugs of corporations...
...Jackson received 152,901 votes: Adams...
...The medieval question waa: How many angels can dance on the point of a needle...
...Presidents were selected by groups of politicians in Congress known as the "caucus" and were elected by a restricted suffrage...
...A third party, the Anti-Masons, appeared and nominated William* Wirt of Maryland...
...The first City Central organization of trade unions appeared in Philadelphia and in 1834 Ely Moore, union printer, was the first Labor man to be sleeted to Congress In Massachusetts the Working-pen's Party carried ten towns In the election of 1833 and the following year the first National Trades Union was organised m New York City...
...Aa the Muckamuck paid him $100,000 per, Arthur always went the limit, especially when he got to figuring tactful fiction...
...Rockefeller has had considerable, experience in strike-breaking, and pretty soon, with the assistance of the militia, aeroplanes, tear-gas bombs and the Baptist church, he should be able to drive his men back to work...
...Hours of labor still averaged twelve a day, workcis were still imprisoned and neglected for small sums they owed, the first employers' urgsntiatVaii to resist working class claims were formed, the Labor parties were bitterly assailed, feared and denounced, and factory corporations In New England assumed charge ef the religion, housing, morals and discipline of their "hands...
...Under this nickname, Inbad wrote many wisecracks for a great 3-cent chain paper Muckamuck...
...Don't ever accuse us of not giving credit to great corporations where credit Is due...
...It cannot properly be called a strike at ah...
...Trade unionists should help to build the Socialist Party...
...We, who have trust in kindly ways...
...Answer: Four dolls end one pup...
...Of striking Interest is the fact that this proposal was generally opposed by conservatives as "revolutionary...
...The Jaeksonian revolution brought with it the idea th public offices should be as widely shLred as possible...
...Certainly, the Jaeksonian era was one of important changes...
...South Carolina went further...
...Are you a union member...
...From the comments that we have heard from some' of our L W. W. friends, we know that they are not too strong for Soviet Russia, so the Moscow rouble gag cannot be worked on them...
...The Republicans had become sodden and conservative, the settled States of the East and South which they controlled making few concessions in the matter of suffrage, imprisonment for debt, etc...
...Also the Inbede informed ue that the high cost of living wan lower.and the high scale of wages higher than then or ever...
...While carbon monoxide is poisoning our lungs, and Ivy Lee our minds, there is still hope...
...This hastened the development of the factory system and increasing demands for more protection of manufactures finally led to the passing of the "Tariff of Abominations" in 1832.- The Slave States resented this tariff, especially South Carolina...
...The revolution was registered in the pathetic circumstances of Jefferson, Madison and Monroe, the three surviving leaders of the "Virginia Dynasty," who...
...It puts you to sleep eternal so peacefully you just think you are enjoying one long happy dream among the angels...
...would have to pay most of the tariff duties...
...INBAD, THE STATISTICIAN {"VNCE upon a time there lived in the land of Dsn "* smart bono named Inbad, the Statistician...
...Oh, we who plead from love alone The final triumph must be wrung, How can we stem our bitterness That smites the heart, that brands the tongue...
...Peace and prosperity by poison gaa...
...Crawford had obtained the support of the caucus but of the electoral votes cast Jackson received 99, Adams 84, Crawford 41 and Clay 37...
...President Butler making a speech about the greatness of Alexander Hamilton and Jimmy Wadsworth declaring his abiding love for the common people, and both parties demanding that *e get our liquor back,—here is a combination that can put to shame the most pestiferous automobile exhaust...
...Rockefeller had his Bible with him, and producing it in the sitting-room of the stricken lady, he read to her several passages concerning death and its sting...
...The modern question: How many children can romp in an efficiency apartment...
...The caucus was becoming a symbol of economic, social and political aristocracy...
...We never weary of the picture of the elder Rockefeller arriving at the home of a widow who had been left an Independent oil company, which John was anxious to acquire...
...This probably explains why so many of them are having such a helleva time trying to exist...
...They remind us of the two yeggs who were cracking a safe...
...I was an altar-boy for eleven years...
...Here is another just as bad...
...New Zealand and South Africa the trade unions cooperate with the Labor Party, the Social Democratic Party, or the Socialist Party...
...Getting mad one day at a guy named Secretary Labor Davis for aaying eotnething would soon have to be done if Machines were not to chase more Men into the Souphouees than the Salvation Army could save, Arthur called in another of Inbad's aliases named Edwin Jap Yapp to testify that S. L. Davis was a bum statistician, which 1st la, if Arthur is right this time, which he aint, mm usual...
...Jackson charged a "corrupt bargain" between Adams and Clay and the Jeff ersonian chieftains divided into two parties in the ensuing years...
...We have seen the Virginia and Kentucky Legislatures insist the assertion ef "State rights" as a remedy for What they believed to be an abuse of Federal .power...
...One of the leading I. W. W. pickets is a twelve-yearold girl, and we have no doubt that when this unAmerican figure appears on the scene, carrying an American flag, strong coal-diggers swoon...
...We had always imagined that the I. W. W. were a strictly American group, but now that both Goveipor Adams and Mr...
...The caucus was destroyed...
...By 1827 manhood suffrage was a prominent demand and organization of city Labor parties date from this year...
...Our pain over Mr...
...It used to be free will or preordination...
...Jackson was a typical product of the western individualist democracy of small farmers and frontiersmen...
...Apropos of nothing...
...The States carved out of the Northwest Territory came into the Union as Individ ullst democracies with inanbbod suffrage...
...His faction later became the National Republicans and the Jackson faction soon became known as Democrats...
...If you don't like this country, why don't you go back where you came from...
...He had reason to be proud of it toe, for what Inbad could not figure wasn't worth figuring...
...Clay, 47,217...
...One of them was holding a candle to light his companion's progress...
...But on the whole the country is not going to the dogs" and, in the meantime, it is well to remember that, while Figures Never Lie, Statisticians can work wonders with the Multiplication Table, and these Inbad twins are some Statisticians...
...This is certainly so in the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, and I believe m many other companies, too...
...Jackson had received the largest electoral and popular vote which forecasted a revolution in politics and a shift of power to other classes...
...Don't it beat hell...
...The candle-holder was nervous and his hand shook...
...And they are going to see to it that, by God, their workers, at any rate, will have , to pay no inheritance tax...
...Moral: "Some of us drink bootleg liquor, eomh ¦hoot each other, some dance foolish dances, sing foolish songs, keep foolish hours...
...It seems that the manager of a show called "The Ten Commandments" had telegraphed him, asking that he go on the road and play the oboe for him...
...Anyhow, to hear the Inbada figure it, the farmers and workers of this Great country, especially the volunteers Involuntarily Joining the Army of Disempioyed, don't know a good thing when they see it...
...South Carolina yielded, but a compromise tariff was also passed which gradually reduced the tariff rates each year till 1842...
...He Is sending out a statement by J. F. Welborn, president of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company...
...Once he got to figuring everybody got dizzy with the result, but not Inbad...
...Of course nobody seee the members of the Chemical Society rushing to the front line trenches to take the treatment...
...Jackson received 219 electoral votes, Clay 49 and Wirt 7. John Floyd of Virginia received the eleven votes of South Carolina...
...Aa the Supreme Justice says, "God knows...
...Inbad bad many nicknames and alias—, but they were always respectable, which counts for...
...But cheer up, boys and girls...
...Belgium, Roumenia...
...From this unbiassed source we have the interesting f word that: "The action of the I. W. W. Is against all coal kntfnes in the state, no matter who owns them and f no matter under what industrial plan they are working...
...They are old, bold and sold to your enemies, Smash 'em...
...Thousands of Socialists helped to build the trade unions...
...To bring more justice and more ease...
...Adams >was Ainahle to do little of Importance...
...The organized wage workers of Philadelphia also outlined a complete system of public education which years later became the basis of the public school system...
...They weae impatient of the social grade and rank of the increasingly capitalistic eastern States...
...Washingon, Jefferson, Madison and Monroe came from the planting aristocracy of Virginia...
...Even John Adams of Massachusetts, who succeeded Washington in 1796, constituted no essential change in principles or administration except that his administration had established a temporary autocracy...
...All who have gotten a taste of it, tell me there la nothing Uke tear gee to promote peace and prosperity...
...Calhoun was elected Vice-President...
...The popular vote was Jacksn 647.000...
...Henry Clay was the author of the compromise...
...Hell," was the response, "I ought to...
...Going back to injunctions reminds me that whan the people of the thirteen colonies got reedy tor independence they formed a union but a judge of King George issued an injunction against the union, and, as the colonists believed in the Divine - origin of laws and Judges, nothing ever came of it...
...The popular vote was for Jackson, o*7,802...
...The Rockefellers are certainly strong when it comes to religion...
...and to-wit: "In 2,000 plants employing at the present time 8,000,000 workers, the July weekly earnings were 144 per cent ahead of weekly earnings of July 1914," which waa a bum year, though Inbad twins forgot to mention it...
...FOR COLORADO Go shoot them down like frightened deer Because they dare assert the right To live like men and claim their ghere Of clean sweet earth and wholesome light...
...There has been in our company no substantial redaction in working forces except where the miners and their families have been intimidated' by pickets...
...Now it's a job in a mill or starvation...
...Poison gae, I learn, is the only armament *M*tttng "an ideal work...
...Jackson was re-elected in 1832...
...The Philadelphia WorkInamen's Party elected a number of Labor men in a combination arranged with Jackson men and in New York City one Labor man was elected to the State Assembly...
...One of Inbad's favorite aliases was "Arthur Bene brain...
...Chemical warfare is "a blessing, not a curse," if The Literary Digest and J. E. Mills of the United States Chemical Warfare Service are to be believed...
...This was the second test of Federal power with a State, the other being the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794...
...In addition to all our other troubles, it now seems that the air which we New Yorkers breathe is polluted with carbon monoxide gas...
...Turning to more pleasant topics, we read that last week in the Supreme Court of New York one Chandos Stines...
...Massachusetts with 600,000 cast 37,000 votes...
...Lee, "commended the spirit of fairness and cooperation" manifested by the benevolent company, and were apparently . very stubborn about going out on strike at all...
...President Jackson responded with a vigorous proclamation, announcing that be would use force to enforce the law if .necessary...
...John C. Calhoun formulated the doctrine of "nullification," i. e., that a State has the right and the duty to nullify Federal laws which in the Judgment of the State are in conflict with the Constitution...
...Two hundred tests made In the city streets showed that on Fifth Avenue, for Instance, there are 284 parts of carbon monoxide to one million parts of air...
...It is a Messing that makes for the peace of the world" So it is...
...Moreover, for many years the economic basis of the coast planters had been decaying...
...A hunter, Indian fighter and duelist, with little education, be shared all the prejudices of his class against the aristocracy of moneyed men, their traditions, social pretensions, superior dress and manners...
...However, Mr...
...It meant that northern manufacturers would receive special consideration while the Slave States, which Imported heavily from England...
...It is all too aad for anything, ain't It, Nujol...
...The first Labor papers appeared in Philadelphia and New York City...
...The "people" ruled...
...girt to liver luxuriously on to the assertion that the American fanners and workingmen were the worst overpaid proletarians society ever pampered...
...a lot on this Mundane Sphere, I can tell you...
...Welborn quotes Governor Adams of Colorado as laying, "An unfortunate Industrial condition exists in the coal fields of the state by reason of the I. W. W., an an-American organisation, having attempted to bring about a strike and in this attempt has openly and publicly advocated and practiced defiance aad violalion of the law...
...The population of the new Western States had beeh rapidly increasing and railroads and canals during this period were bringing isolated communities into contact with each ether...
...He was thoughtful enough to bring along, enclosed in the Bible, a bill of sale, and after pointing out that the meek should 'inherit the earth, he had her sign the said bill, handing over her property at about a quarter of the price she could have gotten...
...This is the first election in which we have a fairly accurate record of the popular vote...
...How can we give to these poor folk Only our singing and our tear* When Una of honest working Snen Cry shame upon you thsuugh the years...
...No candidate having a majority of the electoral vote the choice for President was thrown into the House...
...Provided he wee paid enough for it he could figure out anything from $6 a week being more than enough for a working...
...was awarded six cents as the result of $3,870 suit which he brought against the Western Union Telegraph Company for non-delivery of a message...
...Things arc altogether too ideal in Mr...
...Then work with all your might to emancipate your organisation from the spell of Democratic and Republican politics...

Vol. 4 • December 1927 • No. 25

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