Suggest Seat For Labor on IransitBoard N. Y. Socialists Win Important Point on Proposed Reorganization of System rJTHE Socialist Party of New York City has won an important point for...
...He put forth the Socialist proposal that directors to be chosen by the different political parties on a ratio determined by the local elections, each party to have the right to appoint a director for each 1,800,000 Woman Workers Average $17 Weekly, Bosses' Agency Admits WT/AjBMDeOTON—About nine million persons, of wham one out of five is a woman or girl, work to American factories...
...N. BRYTLLION FAOIN on "Rebels in Contemporary American Literature...
...Peoples' Institute, At Muhlenberg Public Library...
...They are responsible to their own narrow membership and to none others, Mr...
...Confer With Untermyer The logic of the Socialists' convention was proven a few weeks after the Ur» tennyer report was issued when the Merchants' Association, proposed as one of the controlling bodies on the new board of directors, came out flat-footed for an Increased fare...
...In 1933 with nearly as many persons employed as to the extremely active year after the war, the factories reported to the federal census that they were only producing 75 per cent of their maximum possible output...
...The announcement by the transit commission, that it favors seating a representative of the workers of the board of directors was not made officially...
...Other changes recommended by the commission have failed to come up to the Socialist demands...
...A. F. of L. Appeals To Unions to Give Aid To Pa...
...A. J. MUSTE on "The Worker to Modern Civilization...
...Washington Irving High School...
...7 East 15th street...
...3rd Mecca Temple, 95th street and Seventh ave., BERTRAND RUSSELL on "Companionate Marriage...
...Relatively few of them belong to unions...
...8 p. m. Tuesday, Nev...
...The caH for the conference was signed by Morris Sigman...
...While attacking the proposal to vest control and direction In the hands of the business interests, Mr...
...The plight of these striking miners asserts, "mounts a most tragic and pitiable picture...
...Waldman, and Norman Thomas, as members of the Socialist transit committee, conferred with Mr...
...Untermyer at some length on these' questions...
...This plan was drawn up by Samuel Untermyer, counsel for the commission...
...According to the revised plan, the board of directors of the new unified system would have as one member a direct representative of the workers employed on the lines...
...Suffering, ewrrinoe and starvation have been endured and are beingx faced by these heroic millers and thel rfamllles...
...Thousands heWe been evicted from their homes and are living in barracks built for them by the United Mine Workers of America...
...Their wages are low...
...1.30 p. m. Rand School...
...JOHN HAYNEB HOLMES on "America and Russia: Shan They Be Friends...
...7 East 1,5th street...
...Workers' University, Washington Irving High School...
...In 1923 nearly as many had work as in 1919...
...It is felt that this would concentrate great power In the hands of Tammany Hall, which organisation would be altogether likely to us this power to its notorious way...
...19th Rand School of Social Science...
...Community Forum, 34th St...
...The Lecture Calendar Saturday...
...Over half of them at the last computation worked beyond eight hours a day and nearly a fourth worked nine hours or more...
...OSWALD GARRISON VTLLARD on "Wanted—A Political Opposition...
...N. BRYLLION FAOIN on "The American Novel...
...Waldman proposed as an alternative the creation of a board of directors broadly representative of all the citizens...
...Waldman responded that the Untermyer plan would be no less an...
...309 West 23rd St...
...8 p. m. Saturday, Dec...
...Aoarado wages of the •'semi-skilled and skflfedT...
...Waldman laid particular emphasis on a demand that a representative of the workers on the transit lines also be entitled to sit on the board of directors...
...27th Community Church, 34th St...
...J Over half of these workers are to ten thousand establishments, one twentieth of the total number of American factories, and they produce two-thirds of American factory products...
...In 1921 they reported that they could have produced 75 per cent more...
...In 1919 there was an average of nine millions...
...The appeal was signed by President William Green... Is close to $5.25 a day...
...In September, 19S7, the number had dropped another quarter of a million...
...2ad Rand School...
...11 a. m...
...1,086 city central bodies and more than 3*000 local anions to tne United States and Canada to behalf of thousand* af striking bituminous miners to Central and - Western Pennsylvania...
...MORRIS HTLLQUIT on "These Ten Years...
...Public Conference Called To Aid Pullman Porters One of the mast important conferences ever heM in behalf of Negro workers has been caHed by prominent Negro clergymen, lawyers, doctors, and businessmen to meet in the headquarters of the New Tork C urban Leagae, 202 West 136th street, Friday, Dec...
...Abraham I. ShiplacoS...
...The Transit Commission would now have the Mayor name the directors df the unified system...
...2 p.m...
...Money, oJottitog, food, shoes and blankets are requested...
...Industrial engineers are generally agreed that even these figures are too low...
...The other change suggested by the Transit Commission to an extent also meets with the demands of the Socialists, though the new proposal Is far from satisfactory...
...There are too many factories in tne United States for the business they can command...
...In the State of Pennsylvania these miners, members of the United Mine workers of America, are the victims of brutal and Inhuman treatment accorded them by coal and iron police, the State constabulary and deputy sheriffs...
...Untermyer felt that the Socialist proposal was "new" and "novel...
...Conference to Promote Station WEVD Called By N. Y. Labor Leaders To promote Station WEVD, the labor and Socialist radio station being conducted by the Debs Memorial Radio Fund, a Provisional Metropolitan District Conference Committee has sent a call to all trade onions, fraternal bodies and Socialist party branches for a conference to be heM en Wednesday evening, December 30th at 3 West 16th street...
...Sunday, Nov...
...manager Pocket-boot Makers' Union: Abraham Beekerman, manager, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America...
...on thp'su^flect of control, proposed that the board of directors be composed, in the main, of representatives of the Merchants Association of New York City, and the five chambers of commerce of the New York boroughs...
...Two years later there were two million leas...
...It may have been put out as a feeler to test the reaction of the financial interests involved...
...The plan drawju, up by Mr...
...and Charles Stetsky, assistant manager, the N. Y. Fur Workers Joint Council...
...SAMUEL C. SCHMTJCKER on "The Ascent of Man...
...Strikers WASHINGTON —^The American Federation of Labor has sent aa appeal to 107 national end international saber organisation*, iorty-eight State Federation* of Labor...
...While they succeeded to impressing the transit commission counsel with the advisability of having the workers pick a member of the board, their more general proposal did not receive quite as favorable consideration...
...For the women it is 12.88...
...Suggest Seat For Labor on IransitBoard N. Y. Socialists Win Important Point on Proposed Reorganization of System rJTHE Socialist Party of New York City has won an important point for the chances of reorganisation of the New York transit system, which Is being actively considered at this time...
...Thousands more are facing evfeoton...
...innovation than the Socialist suggestion...
...Great changes to the chance for work fall upon factory workers...
...8 p. m. Friday, Dee...
...At any rate, the Socialite feel that they are making headway...
...lumped together, are $91.33 a week, rang[lng from $18-70 a week to' the southern cotton mills to the printers* wage of forty and forty-five dollars...
...100,000 voes it receives...
...One hundred and fifty thousand miners are on strike, and 600,000 women and children dependent upon them...
...N. BRYLLION FAOIN on "Rebels in Contemporary American Literature...
...Soch conferences are likely to be heM in other large cities and it is believed that the conference* wfll be helpful to Negro labor aad help others to understand the special problem* Negro workmen face In modem industry...
...Early last week, the New York Transit Cammission, which has made public a comprehensive plan for the taking over and operation by the city of the transit facilities, let it be known that it has decided on a number of important changes to Its original proposal...
...The Socialists argued, further, that the businessmen's organizations were not responsible to the city in any manner which would guarantee the operation of the transit lines to the interests of all the people...
...The Socialists criticised this proposal, pointing out that, in the first place, the city could not logically and legally turn over its property to be handled by private organizations...
...Samuel Beardsley, International Secretary-Treasurer of the Jewelry Workers' Lilian...
...In 1925 there were only eight million...
...4th Workers' University...
...The purpose of the conference Is to give an expression representative of general opinion regarding the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters In particular and of Negro labor and Its problem In American life...
...To this Mr...
...z. at 2 P. M. An Invitation is being sent to all labor and liberal organisations of the city to be represented...
...They ere often out of work or on part time work...
...zstn Rand School, 7 East 15th street...
...In other words, they could hjave produced 40 per cent more..., as given recently by a fedssMttan of employers- iSSjawbltloni, the National Industrial Conference Board, b 124.0s a week...
...They range horn thirteen dollars a week in southern cotton mills to .£30 40 a week in rubber factories...
...For the "semiskilled and skilled" men...
...The chambers of commerce, it was argued to an analysis of the plan made by Louis Waldman, of the Socialist transit committee, have no official or quasi-official standing...
...7 East 15th street...
...Most of the wage rates ere around thirty dollars...
...We are face to face with the supreme test of the solidarity, brotherhood and fraternity of the organized labor movement," he said...
...11 ajn...
...and Park Ave...
...The average wage for the "unskilled"' men Is 8400...
...and Park Ave...
...2 p.m...
...Waldman said in his memorandum, which was filed with the Transit Commission...
...President, international Ladies' Garment Workers' Union...
...Women make an average of 117.38 a week, ranging again from the lowest paid to the cotton mills to the highest among the printers...
...MORTIMER J. ADLER on "Whereof One Must Be Silent: The Asethetic Experience...
Vol. 4 • November 1927 • No. 23