Armed Troops Rule Colorado Mins After Killing of Unarmed Strikers Ludlow Massacre Repeated Strike Continue* Firm Despite Violence of Militia and Jailing «§ Many Leaders J JJENVER, Colo—At...
...Julius Oerber, manager of Judge Panken's campaign, opened the meeting by calling attention to many incidents that had come under his observation on election day...
...Vision has not been a strong point of the leadership of the miners in recent rears...
...Here , a few Tammany heelers enroll as Republicans and become "Republican ''inspectors who serve Tammany, in ukm two districts the voters face a umteu front of election thieves...
...Thb magistrate in certain censorship nasal has shown an independence wweb we hope will support him to this important matter...
...He recalled the fraudulent election of 1876 which stole the presidency for Rutherford B. Hayes and mentioned the courage of the New York Sun which for four years carried the portrait of Hayes at the head of Its editorial column with the word "Fraud" across the forehead of Hayes...
...The injunction forbids picketing within a radius of two blocks of the Poughkeepsie factory now being used by C. Stern & Mayer...
...Whatever loopholes an able magistrate may find to the law the facts In the case are as we have stated them...
...It may be that Mr...
...No action was taken by the Socialist party advising any of its successful candidates how to conduct his office...
...Looks Pennsylvania "Cossacks" Suddenly Sprout Wings As Labor Leaders Make Inspection Trip By Art Shields PITTSBURGH.—Coal company gunmen at Harwlck stood aside at first and let the sheriff's rules be disregarded when a substantial looking man, in clerical black suit, hat and tie, walked up and down through the town, with seven or eight companions, talking to strikers and their wives ss they pleased...
...Nevertheless there la enough sentiment for honest government to make it Imperatively worth while not only for 'Socialists but all honest men to challenge the attention of New York City, state, and nation to the enormous election abuses In Brownsville and In the 2nd municipal court district...
...There Is no reason to hklstve that the 23rd'precinct at the tn4 assembly district Is unique...
...With bombing planes, preparation to a** poison gas, and firing into crowd* af men...
...Yet Mr...
...The firms are the only ones which have refused to accede to the union'* demand for the grsanal illailiiiltan of home-work from the...
...Pittsburgh Coal Co...
...Taken before the Harwlck Justhe company bookkeeper, he was fined before he could summon a friend or a lawyer...
...Maney Looks Good, But "I hav* considered that and the money looks very good, but we have been conducting a campaign against special privilege In assessments and it would be Inconsistent for me to take advantage of special privilege for myself...
...The Emergency Committee now working for miners relief, has established its office at 156 Fifth avenue, Room 1027...
...However, I have discussed my action with a number of members of the campaign committee and It has met with their approval In every case...
...And this undred hooaand original east was as U tie compared to the extravagant luxury of the furnishings...
...Folks who would know how their rulers live should look up t •* reports in th Pittsburgh and New York papers that blind 'he eyes of the reader with the pic'are of saagni"cenee...
...he started Into the CMugakS mine at the head of the strikers...
...The mine at Qohmrtdne sad the Oi**v redo rue) and Iron 0onxn*fly*> aunts-an the Watoenburg and TUnhtsrl SUbarts are the only large prapa**!** wMsh had ¦uccessfully resisted the strike...
...Other evidence is piling ftp that what happened there Is characteristic of that feforsled Tammany whose leader is not* other than His Excellency, Alfred E. Sml6)L Now we know that some at least- of HearsTs inflammatory telegrams and inters which hb papers pretend wen stolen to some fashion from the Meican archnrm are forgeries...
...Poor business was the reason given by the manufacturer...
...A special pavOllon was erected at the cost of $100,000...
...who is reported to have bested her husband in more debates than one...
...Besides, the people are tired of pre-election promises...
...Stories regarding the bloody dash I Columbine conflict but it sap ears It t five hundred miner* appeared at Oohd I bine mine shortly before Bap 5 ty Sheriff Lou Beynon of Weld Oosai 1 spoke to the men and tried to sad fls) \, to turn back...
...Socianst batchem who were denied aa opoortunisj to see the rear of the machine heard 11 votes announced for Judge Panken...
...Many of the gains won for the coal miners are being lost these days and in spite of the so-called eight hour day the life of the steel worker is still a dark tragedy...
...Only three of seventeen mines in this county remained open and these are small eatv cerns employing from three to Have* diggers each...
...It is a buffer between the rich and the poor, and the rich without asking too many questions, gladly pay the broker's commission without asking too many questions of the organization...
...Brooklyn, on Sunday, December 18th, at 8.15 P. M. Fanny Hurst, the famous novelist, Texas Gulnan...
...And why net...
...175,000 Strikebreakers, 3,000 Scabs The labor men who conferred over the coal situation were outspoken in their charge that Pittsburgh Is the seat of a nation-wide conspiracy to break the miners' union and there is no question but what they were right...
...The injunction name* Louis D. Berger...
...Uewn felt that If he would be a good boy and play the game with the Republicans ho would get favors from the pavers that be...
...Ami the 'walls were hong with sntias* tansstrtes, aaWapttog hemic amt pastoral scene...
...Now ho la ilhwissf tog how mistaken he was...
...Eva Le Galllenne, actress and producer of plays, and Elizabeth Marbury...
...It Is only Jane Adddms and folks like her who labor far peace who are subjected by our patriotic societies to all manner of denunciation and abuse...
...The only formal statement was the following from the office of the Continental Mills of Lewiston...
...Does it instill to college boys » belief to real freedom of speech and the desire of educational authorities to stimulate it...
...We can at'Seast show the workers what their apathetic acceptance of Tammany bribesand threats means to their manhood and to every standard of decency...
...10 Per Cent...
...Former City Treasurer Charles H. Kershner's recompense from the office was placed at close to *20,000 annually...
...Xt labor had been on the job politically there would have been fewer injunction Judges down here, fewer deputy snssnm working for the coal companies, fewer gunmen breaking every law of God and man...
...So sidling up to McKee he whispered "Break It Up)" meaning Split the Crowd Into twos...
...But now that the visitors are gone the hoof-beats of the btuecoats are pounding again along the cement highways...
...Alexander Taylor, Counsel far the New York Joint Legfetetiie Welfare Oemmbtee to Investigate Old" Age Pensions, Buffalo, John Sullivan and 'Thomas J. Curt!4 President, and Vlci djjmgilint respectively, of the New York federation Of Labor...
...Wage Cut Handed Maine Workers BOSTON.—Six Marine cotton milk*, five In Lewiaton and on* In Augusta, have announced a 10 per cent Wage reduction...
...will be the speakers...
...Mies nfcOen's dress was draped hi pearls...
...bash, let's go...
...5) that volunteers be immediately obtained for canvas*lag voters ana obtaining affidavits of fraud (6) that public meetings be held to arouse cUisens of the city and nation not less than once each month...
...Will Durant...
...At the end of a short trolley-ride from the scene of the wedding you come on flimsy barracks of wood and tar-paper where striking coal-miners evicted from Mr...
...The' magistrate who finally heard the evidence is taking two weeks to make up hb mind whether under the law he can hold the election board for the Grand Jury...
...Exactly the same thing might be said about speak-easies and disorderly houses...
...I'VE been in Pittsburgh watching the progress of the union leaders conference to consinder ways and means of fighting the menace of government by Injunction that is threatening the very existence of trade unionism In America...
...The strikers will keep up their picketing on all sides of the factory outside of the two-block "no-man's land" created by the Court order...
...14th Street and •econd Avenue, Friday at 8 P. M. The purpose of the conference is to arrange to extend aid to the miners so long as the struggle continues...
...Meanwhile, former Assemblyman Louis Waldman, chief counsel for the union, will put up a strong fight to have the order withdrawn...
...He swung the burden on his shoulder, deposited it in her house, and was arrested as he set foot tice of the peace, who happens to be outside...
...Early this week there was a tremendous explosion of a huge gas tank In the working class district of the city that wiped out whole blocks of tenements, i killed twenty-eight persons and wounded many others...
...I am confident that I shall not be criticised by the Socialists of Reading tor refusing to profit by a law which, in the opinion of many people, permits a public official to dig too deeply into the public funds for his own enrichment...
...What labor can do to Reading, it can do elsewhere when it wakes up to the fact that the fight for human liberty and happiness must be waged on every front...
...Permanent headquarters have been established In the Forward Building, room 902...
...and fined $14 for helping his neighbor's wife...
...The first meeting of this kind is to be held this Friday Sight in Public School No...
...No farther in fact than the leaders got in Washington when they saw Mr...
...The basic denial of justice and reason represented by private ownership and .extravagant competition makes a fitting foundation for a whole structure of cruel repression by all the devices recently brought into play in Pennsylvania - and Colorado...
...It was from this slip that transfers were to be made to the official papers signed hi blank by the inspectors...
...balks east (bear glow, changing hues as tbaagb by A Dreaa Draped in Peart* In th* vrstibule -rags from teak formed rashlssai awdorfaot...
...There Is no money for clothing and none for medical attention...
...Ttie money and clothing that is raised will be distributed in co-operation with local unions, which have appealed to us for aid...
...What is immediately required, he urged...
...The one window we have opened in the 23rd precinct of the 2nd Assembly district reveals only a small P*rt of the extent and grossnes* of the election frauds...
...Its* police, however, say they *tr"*wjrt Oh* miners were coming on again and tavaM machine guns upon the crowd...
...Tammany Hall is about the most perfect political instrument yet devised for making the minimum concessions to the masses of the people which will keep them reasonably quiet...
...As far as they were concerned, the sheriff's orders against more than two persons assembling on the highways did not exist...
...If opened we may not get the evidence we want...
...Thanksgiving f.nds thousands of little children unable to go to school for lack of warm clothing, or at best stumbttng out in the shoes of their fathers or older brothers, while the owners sit !¦ stocking-feet at home," says a statement issued by the committee...
...At the hearing before the magistrate it" was brought out not only that the nominally Republican Inspectors had left the poba and their tally sheets to their Democratic brethren but also that the >->».ti...
...Only one deputy mad* • fuss, and then In a whisper...
...As Fisher is a machine politician absolutely subservient to the Interests of big business, as he was counsel for one of the large coal mines before he was elected and has the stand pat viewpoint of the blackest of reactionaries, labor is not going to get very far with Fisher...
...The strikers have for more then a week planned to persuade the miners ha the Columbine mine to join the ssrJhe and it was during a demonstration of the strikers at this mine that the uiliaa* guards fired into men and women...
...And what we do not want to know we usually find a way to overlook...
...But the only one to break was the deputy...
...Why did you not make this announcement as a campaign issue...
...The meeting had been called to consider this matter and work out a program of continuous educational Work from now to the election of next year...
...If the injunction was Intended as a move to break the spirit of the strikers and discourage the union from its strike efforts, it has had the opposite result...
...The Stete police, tiriiilsd I r Louis N. Scberf...
...Socialist of Reading Won't Take "Velvet" Treasurer Sets Precedent By Spurning Fees Usually Poeketed\by Republicans and Democrats (By a New Leader Cn-rr pondrnt) D HADING, Pa.—For the first time in I the history of this city a city treasurer will turn $20,000 per year of whatj Is known In political circles as "velvet" Into the city treasury...
...New York manufacturers of neckties, who moved their plant to Poughkeepsie some weeks ago In an attempt to escape dealing with the union...
...As the lather of his students he could not permit such bad manners so he spanked the boys and got from them some sort of apology which he graciously accepted...
...All traffic was shut off from travelling on public roads past the holy pltce where the big doings were held, out In a part of Pittsburgh ironically called "Liberty...
...The Civil liberties Union of New York City has Wired a protest to Governor Adams regarding the ruthless policy that is developing regarding the strike but there Is little hope that the Governor will Emergency Committee Revived to Aid in Miners Relief Work Shoe* for every shoeless child in the coal mining regions of central and western Pennsylvania, Ohio and Colorado, are J^rt of the relief program of the fi/ergency Committee for Strikers Re•W which baa been called into activity ' staler the leadership ofaNorman Thojtlill illi i i tm of the Leagtfc for Industrial Democracy...
...The ywaag lady's fa her U Richard Beatty MeUen, aod her ancle Is Andrew MeUso, easnty Andy, the secretary •( the treasury in Coolidre's cabinet, aad third rent man In America...
...Wed in Arabian Splendor" "Miss MeUon is Wed In Arabian Splendor," Bays a headB— writer who had been dazzle*, by the ah'w...
...These affidavits recite stories of alleged intimidation practiced against strikebreakers by union pickets and union representatives...
...He concluded that we should make the whole country know the crimes of Tammany Hall and Its politicians...
...The reduction has been forced by the continued poor condition* in the textile Industrie* after having been postponed as long as possible In the hope that there would be a material turn for the better...
...The Injunction alms to tie the hands of the union In the strike which It has been conducting against the C. Stern &. Mayer firm...
...Part of the crowd, «j 'inessea said, started to fan back...
...fired over the heads j£ the crowd...
...and ssras**C gerousry hurt...
...Program' Is Outlined The meeting ratified a number of recommendations of a committee which includes the fallowing program: (1) that immediate action be taken to inspect the voting machines...
...screaming headlines In newspapers ssj *. ten years ago about the sllsged atrosst a of Oermim army commander* ordarl | the bombing of villages regardless of to)* peril to women and children...
...Is there wisdom and courage enough on the part of the old-line leaders of the labor movement to tackle the new problems that a new and mightier capitalism thrusts before them...
...Is two or three hundred devoted men and women to immediately volunteer to canvass voters this week, obtain their affidavits, and give widespread publicity of Tammany crimes...
...Me regarded this issue of tremendous importance and one that gives a special opportunity to build the Socialist Party...
...Professor Joseph* CbagskerJain af Columbia University via present a draft of a bill for discussion...
...The annual salary paid to this official is $6,000 a year but fees from various sources amount to about $20,000 a year...
...Last year the committee raised many thousands of dollars fox the Passaic strikers and sent boxes of clothing to miners locked out by employers breaking from the Jacksonville contract...
...Labor has shown What it cast do to Reading...
...A reactionary law against plrminf *n which the hmUtatm* wrote the win of the mine owners into law, |nn nill 11— Irresponsible private guard* to ear** #» police at the mine*, and suppl**nentta*g these mercenaries by a fore* ef ***4| jonstahnlary who are Instructed to pr*> not picketing, all the elements aaaxm* or anetber fleree class war are pr***a$ a this strike of the miners...
...This has long been the claim of the Mexican government ; It is proved by the falsity of the document involving Ernest Gruening, formerly editor of the Nation...
...4, corner of Rivington and Pitt streets...
...Besides, I am a clgarmaker and even $6,000 is a mighty fine salary for men of my craft In this city they receive considerably less than half of the salary I will take as city treasurer, and I should be satisfied and happy to conduct the treasurer's office for $6,000...
...Company law says that the miner who sets foot in another company house la trespassing on company property...
...That day In Harwlck none of the blue-coated, revolver-belted Coal & Iron police were to be seen, only plainclothes' deputies...
...Babies do not know the taste of fresh milk...
...women and children of the msna b the latter and their friends and ayi r pathlsers are wondering shout I ft...
...Here In the home of anti-unionism, the Open Shop and capitalism rampant you come upon the most startling contrasts...
...Rinaldo CappeUlni, president of the Scranton-WUkes-Barre mine field and John Brophy, former president of the central Pennsylvania district...
...The crowd hi I up a moment, then it rushed ferwa I again...
...The deputy was annoyed at Che yarn...
...William C. Reverter, clgarmaker and Socialist city treasurer-elect, has made this announcement...
...The question brought a laugh...
...This miner saw the woman struggling with a sack of potatoes...
...My main reason Is that I did not Imagine I would have the opportunity to serve the people in the treasurer's office," he replied...
...te Old Acs Securttj is arf annuls ting and drafting an old age'pension bill to be presented to the New York mseUnf will be held to the Auditorium at 3 W. 18th St., New York' City, on Wednesday, December 7th at 8 P. JUL . ! The speakers wM Include Judge Bernard L. Shientao...
...In •providing a scene rivalling the beauty of a fairyland bower, the M 1lona challenged the si am rata Although there was no anion <«nigM Uncle MeUon's money prsvidsa a bigger and bet', r moon t iao that eosasaoa star that shines for mujbsdj...
...Looking from the windows, the gues>* rased out on classic gardens where the synthetic moonlight IBamittea the marble images of Vmibs...
...He gave many other instances of vote-stealing and declared that thousands who had no right to vote in the district voted...
...The voting machine in that district when finally reopened showed 36 votes for Judge Panken, The unofficial sap which wag .....lejsssllj lost, but not until after Judge Panksa had seen It, gave him votes...
...ta.• -i- •' -- ~r f*iir ; $100,000 Temporary Pavillion Rigged Up-Tbe Moon Is Improved Upon Half Million in Gifts Bestowed on Kin of Money King By McAlister Coleman PITTSBURGH, PA...
...former head Of Use New Yoj* Industrial CogswilMino...
...It is encouraging to find that despite the strangle-hold that the Me lions and other capitalists seem to have on this community, the Socialists hereabouts are showing more life than they have manifested for years...
...They strolled through the single street, bending over door steps to chat with the folks who are conducting the fight, and ambling past the deputies' headquarters, getting an eye-ful of thugs, decorated with metal badges and long locust clubs, with bulging ' hip-pockets Indicating grimmer wa*pana...
...Does this method promote sincerity among students or real good manners...
...When you go up Squirrel Hill on the edge of the town, past one beautiful home after another and then look down through the heavy-hanging smoke and low clouds lighted up by the glare of the furnaces Into that sprawling steel hell that is Homestead, you realise how far trade unionism has still to go and what mighty forces it has still to combat Steel and coal, the foundations of our latter day civilsation—the first untouched by any form of real workers' organization, the second in a constant state of chaos and civil war...
...and the Mellon Niece Wed In Feudal Splendor As Miners Starve Injunction Fails to Jar Tiemakers C Stern and Mayer Admits Weakness By Getting Court Order Against Pickets wmiLE the American Federation of Labor Is straining every energy In a fight on the injunction system of combatting legitimate trade union activity, injunctions against trade unions continue to fall on the shoulders of the labor movement...
...This chap bad edged within earshot as David McKee, miners' board member from- Montana, who is stationed in Harwlck in charge of the local strike, was telling Morrison a story illustrating, the behavior of the thugs when no distinguished visitors were present...
...night club director and actress: Mrs...
...This was just a temporary affair and as soon as the services were over "it was hauled down...
...sad Dye Work*, aO of Lewiaton...
...At best the union can afford for relief no more than $2.00 a week for a grown person, with fifty cents extra for each child, tome families get nothing...
...The injunction Is based on the usual stereotyped affidavits sworn to by strike-breakers and others who depend on the employers for their Jobs...
...In fact In the latter cases^-the distribution of money Is made more guickly and is In the form of cash...
...Such great industrial forces as the Mellon interests, the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central, which is a large owner of mines in this- region, have come together to break unionism In the Industry by importing some 175,000 strikebreakers, chiefly negroes from the South, by hiring 3,000 gunmen imported by such detective agencies as that run by the notorious William J. Burns and lastly and most effectively perhaps by the use of injunctions...
...These private owners have wastefully exploited this treasure...
...Oerber also pointed out the fact tnai in the 2nd and 4th Assembly District* Republicans have no organization...
...Bsgla of the strikers feU and others bwrhjd stones and wielded sticks as they pea**M fOTWaartL jt } Strike leaders, en the other hagJL •aid the Stete pone* bad shot mnmEt holes In the Ameriean nag, whteh a>* miners were carrying, and that aot > miner tat the crowd was erased...
...Labor's Greatest Problem Pittsburgh is one of the greatest problems confronting labor today...
...i One of the State policemen fast hdj* with a club, according to witness*}, and as he sank to the ground brl* a were hurled at the crowd by the pat) L Tear bombs followed..., and Ruasellton, no gunmen of any kind were reported...
...You all understand that the tragic lack of freeYork subways, in the textile mills of the dom among the workers on the New South and most of all among the striking coal miners of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Colorado Is due to the fact that the government runs the subways, the textile mills and the coal mines—or don't you ? Back of the misery of Pennsylvania and Colorado, back of all questions of immediate responsibility for this act or that, is the brutal fact that we have permitted coal-like other natural resources which no man created —to belong: to" private owners by luck of inheritance or speculation...
...Glens Falls and Philadelphia— in its efforts -to bring the "runaway" shops to a reckoning...
...In a very forceful speech Algernon Lee, Educational Director of the Rand School and who, with Edward P. Cassidy a few years ago were given their seats In the Board of Aldermen only a few weeks before their terms ended, declared that we may not succeed In opening the voting machines...
...Tapestries from Irak aad t'te msanlslsw of the Caspian were laspraisd from the walls amid K"*r4-r* of sOk...
...Demand Court Re-Open Voting Machines in N. Y. TIMELY TOPICS by Norman Thomas 'IhontaS |~|NE OF President CooUdges recent pearls of wisdom was to the effect that government ownership Is incompatible with political freedom...
...Armed Troops Rule Colorado Mins After Killing of Unarmed Strikers Ludlow Massacre Repeated Strike Continue* Firm Despite Violence of Militia and Jailing «§ Many Leaders J JJENVER, Colo—At ColumbhsaJ hirty miles from Denver, foar striking miners fell under the but:' lets of armed guards of the mmr owners and probably thirty men and women have been injured...
...It is woj7th while to fight the . battle of the^jiiners on the issue of civil liberty...
...It was Frank Morrison, secretary of the American Federation of Labor, looking the situation over with William Matron, president of the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes, and a half dosen representatives of the miners' union...
...I had thought that the treasurer should at least pay the clerk hire In his office, but I did not make that a campaign Issue because I did not wish to scatter the efforts which were being centered on the fight for a mayor and two councllmen...
...Fanny Hunt, Texas Gut nan, Mrs...
...He deliberately turned hie back on progressive political action and now reactionary politics combines with economic* all through the coal region to bust his union...
...advisory counsel...
...But in the long run neither the struggle for civil liberty nor for the right of collective bargaining can be won without challenging the basic folly and injustice of our system of private ownership of coal and its production for profit...
...It might make them un- ] comfortable...
...Included In this week's crop is one issued by Supreme Court Justice Arnold In Dutchess County, New York, against the United Neckwear Makers* Union... broad panda between were giadesdag mirrors that eaagbt ap the daaagaa of carpets and hangings and mbagaat thorn with the gmw of goM, araaga riot ' There are "curved fOan of jttM ahnalaimg thai if *'"g arshhi(> Hinds temple, each pillar sarmoanted by a myrtle light...
...Bsc* gg* our own soil what was charged to I • Germans Is a grim reality with the ec E nlvance of the pubic authorities...
...What will the unions do to give the workers in these two industries some chance for decent American life...
...There was synthetic moonlight serene and mellow, from aU four aide* of *he pavilion...
...Governor Fisher received thpm amiably enough and listened to their 3tories of the terrorization oi men, women and children by State troopers and coal and iron police...
...It is significant that in this case on fte evening of the arrest a Tammany £. sembiyman almost immediately oppeb ed as counsel aqd a high Tammany judge was ready to act as committing magistrate...
...Andrew was there, the giver af his share of he half mlllian dollars af wedding pr aents tha heaped the tables of three roams in the hundred th«ua-nd dollar pavll on built specially for the celebration...
...Leonard Craig, director of Workers Education for the Pennsylvania Federation of Labor...
...Mellon s company houses are preparing for the miseries of a bleak winter among the storm-whipped hills...
...Hillquit to Carry Fight Forward to Expose Tammany Theft of Judge Panken's Re-election r| EXTERMINATION to carry on a campaign of publicity against Tammany and its criminal actions In the recent election was the decision of a well-attended meeting of New York Socialist Party members Tuesday night at Beethoven Hall...
...4) that a drive far funds be started to pay expenses of the general work...
...While the ruins were still being searched for bodies, while Red Cross workers and other relief agencies were busy providing shelter for the homeless, the Mellon family, who are the feudal lords of this great industrial realm, put on one of the most shockingly extravagant, vulgar and brasen displays of conspicuous waste that this country has seen for a long time.' " "' A niece of Andrew Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, was married to the son of an old Pittsburgh family...
...C. stem & Mayer have been trying to belittle the strike as having little effect The injunction Is regarded as an admission of the strength of the strikers and has revealed what Is felt to be a desperate situation on the part of the employers...
...3) that an attorney be employed to assist Hillquit...
...We were pulling hard for our councilmanic and school candidates and the election of a controller ' and a treasurer was a pleasant surprise...
...It would take an army of expert accountants to figure out the amount of jack that was blown In on each of the thousand guests...
...We may ~hot—even get a recount, but one thing is certain...
...Some of the apologists far this crude display, try to excuse it by saying that such splurging by the rich puts money in circulation and gives employment to plenty of people...
...The Industrial ^iAg of tne World has also obtained /a iJHfct for a protest mass meeting in phioflBquare Saturday, beginning at 1 p. m. The list of ejkeii'in has not been completed but Norman Thomas and James Oneal are among those announced...
...The mtm owners in Fremont Oountjr and the dm ted Butte district closed their large sake** for the winter, thus bringing a looks*** as an answer to the strike...
...The labor leaders who comprised the Executive Council of the A. F. of L...
...Machines Tampered With Judge Panken declared that one voter made an affidavit affirming that in one voting machine a piece of tin had been placed under one pointer so tnai (socialist votes could not be registered...
...You must attend—Unless you do all efforts will go for naught...
...By similar reasoning honest men must come to understand that election frauds In New York or Philadelphia are more or less normal and natural things so long as the almost openly acknowledged function of Tajnatany Hall -&nd Senator Vare's ] manhJae in Philadelphia is to keep the poor quiet for the benefit of the rich...
...Tickets are on sale at the Rand School, 7 East 15th street, and Gray's Drug Store, 43 st...
...Tammany heelers had followed voters Into the voting booth arm voted for them while many voters pe»mltted themselves to be lntlnuoateu without knowing that they could have had offending inspectors arrested...
...ajS* Among the seriously woundsd $**sh> woman in man's nhtthtng...
...Arrest* oi affected region and some of them are being brought to Denver...
...Belgians Nht C—imniikd* Communist activities within the ranks of organised labor In Belgium are expected to be reduced to Insignificance through the recent confirmation by the National Council of the Belgian Federation of Labor of a resolution adopted in 1924 to the effect that no member of the Communist Party may hold any post of confidence In the trade ""^it The Communist movement baa never had much real strength in wrfgfaim, although some of its agitators bare Tnsnsgal to make themselves quite conspicuous to King Albert's country...
...Break It Up A miner was arrested, said McKee...
...Pennsylvania where the entire administration Is Socialist from top to bottom...
...Coolidge on Monday...
...Or does it make for doeue submission, half fearful, half hypocritical, among students to whom s dlpjpmi Is the key to open the door to richer opportunity—a key for which they themselves and their parents have desperately toiled and struggled . My congratulations to our Readtog comrades on the way they are getting started and the favorable publicity they are winning...
...TM DUMul guardsmen are now strike leaden continue throughout the quartered in the mines...
...It appears that President Robinson of New York's City College did not temporarily suspend two boys who spoke against military drill for that reason but only because they were naughty and said something about faculty "Insincerity" to connection with civilian drttl...
...Respectable citizens in New j York and Philadelphia do not want to j know too much about election frauds j or the rottenness of our judicial j system...
...New York City, and its distributing through the local relief committees of the miners...
...Some favored the ¦ gestion, but Adam Ball took chain* the crowd and, snouting "Come on...
...With the eoior and extravagance wit On, tfcv windows opened on tropic scenes," says an enraptured Pittsburg reporter...
...and Broadway...
...Psyche and Diana...
...Mine Guards Gentle While A.F.L...
...The first shot asm id soma **j|3 plained, and then Am* the prirsi* polk* guarding the mine...
...175 Bast Broadway, and- friends who can held in a t way in this work an urged to call at the —rite*t possible Watchers in Panken's District - Important...
...for OSP Rise Potitions is be Drawn at N, K, Conference to eonjhnclhm with the -nr want state radrnuKm af Labor, ft* dtarhi,r sssooiaibm...
...The Incident amused the crowd...
...Hearst who Is willtoO, either deliberately or in ignorance to use forged dOManshOs to satr up mfnmtlnnsl hate still passes as a patriot...
...Do you realize that this announcement will cost you approximately $14,000 per year for the next four years," Hovt*rlpr waa asked...
...There is a Biblical saying that "where there is no vision the people perish...
...finally decided to lay their case before Governor Fisher of Pennsylvania and President Coolidge...
...This has been done because a few brave men and women refused to be discouraged in the face of the most discouraging conditions but went ahead quietly forwarding the movement...
...manager of the union, Louis Fuchs, business- agent, and T.ouis Teldhelm, president, in particular, and through them the 4300 members of the union...
...Thanksgiving dinner will consist of •Canty rations of flour and coffee and sugar and potatoes and bacon...
...Ma According to a strikers' ooossssbW the shooting waa started ay "a Ost speed oop" who fired into the ataadjEE not heading for the ptts at a| Mt£gf the Post Office whleh w'on ask** *jpE erty...
...Hence I rejoice in the fight that Judge Panken is leading to show up the election frauds...
...This is a common practice in every Pennsylvania city and has been a source of personal enrichment by professional pottttctaaa...
...f the board had voted from an sddrm which was not hb home and that bb Democratic colleague was probably automatically incapacitated tor Tries by two previous criminal oonvictions—a fact which he did not take the stand to deny...
...It la estimated that close to a half million dollars was blown in on the wedding ceremonies...
...Labor men are beginning to fear that this may initiate a ruthletsrule made infamous 25 years if* when General Sherman Bell uttered his famous statement regarding the civil rights of strikers: To hell with the Constitution...
...Mm L. Lewis, the head of the miners, openly supported the Coolidge Presidential campaign and went to Mr...
...We must fight and carry the fight everywhere that we can...
...he was asked...
...When a judge solemnly forbids a union man to sing, you can see how far the matter has gone...
...set up a rather extraordinary Standard of judicial procedure...
...W« will erive them post mortem...
...It jb now preparing to rush food and clotting to the half million jobless miners and their families who are In serious want as the winter comes on...
...All the while the A. F. of L. leaders were In the strike region the coal companies were trying to be on their good behavior...
...His conduct while' sb: actins...
...To my way of thinking," said Hoverter, "it Is ridiculous to permit any man to take upwards of $20,000 out of the city treasury each year when the people who pay their taxes are struggling to make both ends meet...
...They cannot even protect their own interest except by waging: virtual war upon the workers...
...A meeting of the watcher* in the 2nd Judicial District will take place Saturday, November 26th, at 1 P.M., Room 408, 7 East 15th St...
...Women bava pbsyadL a considerable part in the enthw sttsMg begun about six weak* as...
...In the other direction the guests could look out on the ruins of the district rocked by the explosion where homeless men and women were wandering about in the cold rain...
...The miners, some of them now In the eighth month of their strike, must not perish for lack of asCenference Called In N. Y. to Give Aid To Colorado Strikers Upon publication of the news that •striking miners of Colorado had been fired upon by mine guards, killing four and injuring nearly thirty others, Donald Tippett of the Church of .411 Nations Issued an appeal for a conference Of labor organisations to meet in room SS of the Labor Temple...
...Yes, I realize what It will mean to me, but I am convinced that I will only be doing an act of justice to the tax-burdened people of this city If I turn all my commissions above the amount I have set for myself back to the public fund where, in my honest opinion, It rightfully belong...
...And the day before when a larger A. F. of L. group toured Castle Shannon...
...Just this week a judge in a nearby county granted an injunction against the union which prohibited picketing in any form, forbade the miners even to display signs announcing that strikes were in progress and finally went so far as to enjoin members of the United Mine Workers from lifting their voices in song...
...Branch meetings are wen attended, sixty children have been formed into a Socialist Sunday School and a strong group of Yipsels has been organized...
...The union is continuing to give battle on an four fronts—Poughkeepsie, New Haven...
...The speakers are to be Judge Panken, Matthew M. Levy, David M. Neuberger, Charles Solomon, Norman Thomas, William Karlin, Louis Waldman and B. Cbarney viadeck...
...Some fifty or more members volunteereu to canvass...
...S) that Morris Hillquit be asked to serve as...
...Hoover for advice before be signed the Jackson vine agreement, the agreement that has been torn up by every large, operator In Pennsylvania...
...This sum ha* always been pocketed by Republicans and Democrats who have held the office...
...There were present In two parties such men as David Flower, International union representative of the miners...
...AO the skin of the stage-Blaster's craft was esapssyed an arranging for this sss*k*asw of a awaaaaor moon Huge lemes were bang high under the eaves of the psiBieu roof, and myriad thn.Uk...
...WUI Durant to Tell About the Modern Woman "The Revolt of the Modem Woman" will be the subject of a discussion at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Atlantic avenue...
...The mills affected, employing at present about 4300 operatives, are the Continental Mills, Bates Manufacturing Company, H*W Manufacturing Company and gsMpnggto MJBs and Lewtston Bleacher...
...It is even more worth while to fight the battle* on the basis of the sound principle of collective bargaining...
...He declared that we may be able to get Into the courts and it is necessary for us to carry toe matter into the next Legislature...
Vol. 4 • November 1927 • No. 23