A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES faces! faces! faces! FACES in the night Flat, dull, gray faces with never , an eye flicker to indicate interest, attention, or any esrt of emotion whatsoever. Keen,...

...Have no doubt about it, the entire labor movement in this country is facing as ominous as any in the long history of labor...
...Do you women readers of The New Leader who are forced by the economic system to buy advertised goods realize just exactly what sort of applesauce the manufacturers of almost everything you wear, or eat or use in any way are dally dishing up to you* Stuart Chase is one economist who knows his advertising onions and knows too how mighty Is the influence of the slick ad writer...
...Faces of women inscrutable under their shawls...
...vital issues, are important institutions for real education...
...Did you ever hear or read anything about Teapot Dome or the Naval Oil Reserve, or where they are located and w hy ?" Then after these twelve men, good and true, bad passed this searching intelligence test by answering "No" to every question and had taken a solemn oath to make their verdict chime with the evidence, and after all the evidence had been heard, they brought in a verdict...
...x Now that the "shouting and the tumult dies" one may turn again to the world of books and their reading, of the noble sounds of music, of the putting of colors on canvas, yes and of sports too, where clean-cut athletic i achievement puts to shame the bungling methods of politics...
...very soon, however, she moved to Italy, where she became one of the pioneers of the young Italian Socialist movement and a member of the 1 Executive...
...Both In Albany and I Schenectady the court observed that the bakers were not "satisfied with a reasonable profit" and through "avarice and cupidity" were cheating through extortionate prices and short weight...
...Soon self-starting, self-oiling and self-repairing mannikins will do alt' the work...
...her work took her to Switzerland, where she organised the Italian immigrants...
...Musn't use it, Adam...
...His correspondence is mainly with traders, clergymen and British officials and it is striking how religion is continually mixed with economic considerations and as a prop for maintaining "the best government in the world," as all good gentlemen would admit...
...He needs courses stripped of the time wasting frills that may perhaps be appropriate to leisure class education...
...Out of the "Office Window" we see the tan form of Norman Thomas striding along...
...DmmUaj the comfortable class in which she was bora, she threw in her lot at an eartjr age with the dispossessed, and sniriiaslj and humbly she sought to make herself fit to be their guide...
...This is not bellyaching...
...in his quick-working mind over the faci that the workers are more interested in "What's the score?'' than in "Who got elected...
...With her passionate sad fearless regard tor truth, she saw could- not load to liberty and the Socialist conception of societyMow Angelica Bslahsnnff has written her reminiscences...
...Somebody ought to pass a resolution declaring injoBC-• tions out of order...
...However, what William said is neither here nor there...
...Such institutions ought not to be class Institutions in a narrow sense...
...These twelve men, good and true, represented a cross section of the American people...
...At the second order he turned) on an electric fan and at the third, he switched on a. searchlight and acted otherwise as human as any other, workingman...
...and yet she is not first and foremost a women's leader, she has served in the advance guard at the white International movement...
...A judicial joker down in West Vh**" ginia just issued one which permitted strikers to do every- " thing except interfere with the digging, shipping and marketing of coal...
...He will tell you all about what this outfit is doing to you in a forthcoming issue of The New Leader...
...She went back to Russia as Secretary of the Communist International, but after a tew years of patient hope she was forced to turn her back on Bolshevism, which...
...A fellow helping an enemy army beat his own people is" a hero...
...He was right, no doubt, when he put pr- fessional baseball and prize-fighting in the class of the "bread anc circuses" or the Roman Empgrors...
...They show as a life fun of contact with the International movement: there is hardly a well-known name In the modern Socialist movement which Is not to be found mentioned in her book...
...Ralph Cheyney, The New Leader office, 7 East 15th St., New York City — Algonquin 4622-3, preferably this Saturday morning...
...This is but an expansion of the week to week feature of The New Leader that makes the paper Invaluable to those who would keep in touch with progressive and radical activities...
...The New School must make its course very nearly self supporting from fees paid by students, ind the cost of very good courses can never be low, although it will be lower •hen the demand for such courses is aide enough to encourage able teachers to devote their whole time to it...
...This series will again appear next week and continue without interruption...
...It is a habit of the apostles of higher culture to sneer at these Institutions of the masses...
...In that capacity of Chiet Justice of the Supreme Court, he handed down a decision the other day which is the greatest blow ever struck against one of the most cherished institutions of this great^cotmtry...
...The world is making tremendous progrses toward a mechanical millenium...
...They were ordered to mend their ways...
...v . * ,_ *c No use talking...
...To meet the working class requirements well, we ought to have, in addition to a much greater development of union education, a wealth of Institutions attached to no particular union, representing no particular social or political or religious creed, out actuated solely by the educational motive of giving the best possible Instruction with the greatest economy of time and money...
...Let the dead past bury its dead...
...In a recent column in "The New Leader" our buddy anc neighbor across the way, Adam L"< aldigger to'>k son.-, lusty digs at the place of sports in modern life and got quite low...
...The new Injunction drive on the part of organized capital poes straight back to the conspiracy cases of 1806 when the unions first appeared on the lrdustrlal scene...
...Here's news...
...If this latest attack succeeds, organized labor receives a staggering body blow...
...Evidently the British export of piety had a bad effect on the Indians...
...But my, my, wouldn't the coal industry of the country be humnusar if our miners worked for $8.60 per week, or lived oa> doles, or joined the Foreign Legion, or did any of tha numerous things which made the coal industry of Earofssv so prosperous...
...r» Belgian miners—oh well, we can't all win...
...A delightful volume of old records and valuable for the light thrown upon the religious, social and economic life Of the colonial Dutch...
...Faces of slick little salesmen, openly sneering, of steel-workers, of pants cutters, 0{ 'policemen Looking on with bored tolerance...
...Can't dig coal without tools and dinner pails,' can you...
...They make a very large book...
...and no one would deny that the unorganized are likely to need education most of all...
...The next thing, striking miners will be enjoined frfiea refusing to loan their tools and dinner pails to strike** breakers...
...Some manual workers are enrolled in its courses, but far too few...
...This reprint is as delightful as a novel...
...And night after night, these same kids, catching sight of Norman Thomas looming up above the platform, would drop their horns and give three cheers for^ Thomas...
...We were licked by a combination of sheer fright on the part of the voters, black ignorance and the slick workings of the most hypocritical and corrupt Political machine in this or any other country on the face of the earth—Al Smith's Tammany...
...Her name appears no less than fifteen times in cases before the magistrates...
...Gerty appears to have been a terrible shrew who made life miserable for hubby...
...And what a dumb, silly gamc^it is, as the old parties play it...
...There , are interesting details but these are the i most important...
...Now be a nice boy, Adam...
...I have reference to the jury system...
...1 ¦' "j What a glorious prospect for an outfit made m the image of God and starting out from ParadiseT 'Aad yet there are people who resent being called acaeeadaagjj of monkeys...
...Undignified", they call it...
...Of equal interest is a smaller volume published by the same»lnstitution, "Minutes of the Court or Albany, Rensselaerswyck and Schenectady, 1668— 1673," Volume I. Here we havs a closeup view of the life of the Dutch burghers, at least those phases of/ life that came before the magistrates of the court...
...They are doubtless a lot of these drifters in your community...
...Ben Belsky, our hustling newsstand promotion man, has just come in with rather bleary-looking eyes...
...Each were to pay three beavers for house rent and "Herewith the parties shall be content, their case being dls! missed...
...It is an interesting and informative...
...Everybody in America may now enjoy the benefits of common school education and a considerable fraction of the children of the working class can go through high school...
...The fees must now be higher than most manual workers are as yet prepared to pay, though not higher than "White collar" workers with no great incomes nay sheerfully...
...I wish that the "liberal" protagonist" for Al Smith, Mr...
...They were asked: "Do yoa know anything about Albert Fall and Saint Doheny...
...scanning the new book Economics and Early America By James Oneal rpHE fifth volume of the Sir William Johnson Papers (Albany—The University of the State of New York, $2.90) is rich in suggestive material regarding the fur trade, the Indians, land speculation, attempts to locate clergymen of the Established Church In America and rivalry with the French regime in Canada in the ten years before the American Revolution...
...TeU them that all through the country people are writing and debating and teaching and learning and that The New Leader is a dependable chronicler of this hopeful ferment...
...We weren't going to say anything about the New...
...During this time, we have talkeH to all sorts and conditions of people about their hopes and dreams and aspirations for a new order of society, a new New York where those who make the city's wealth in factories, workshops and offices shall have a greater part in its benefits...
...And now along comes the Supreme Court of the United States and in language ponderous and judicial, declares, the/ freed prisoners guilty as hell, demands restoration of the stolen goods and incidentally calls those twelve jury men a parcel of fools or crooks...
...f English miners, having succeeded in making England - it for heroes to hve m, live in holes on doles...
...The experience of the New School indicates that in time it will be possible for the working classes to develop and support institutions which will place within then* reach the best instruction hi economics, politics, psychology, social science and whatever other subjects make for class effectiveness...
...This despite the fact that In many instances the documents are fragmentary...
...But it is not to be forgotten that a great majority of the workers are still unorganized...
...There are no' heroic figures here to fit Into the epic myth of the revolutionary period...
...What, I say, becomes of our boasted jury system, based on the inalienable right of being juggled by a jury of one's peers, when the Supreme Court, that much taunted bulwark of special privilege, hands down a verdict i« accordance with facts ignored by a jury of twelve me*,' strong, cross section of the honest and intelligent American people...
...against Gauls and Muscovites, are striking"*" or a wage of $8.60 per week...
...The, worthy magistrates appoint beer carriers and a cowherder, order the cleaning of chimneys, fencing of lots, digging of ditches, define the observance of the Sabbath, regulate taverns and bakeries, hear cases of assault, family disputes, breaches of the peace and quarrels over property...
...The cultured class viewed the experiment with grave distrust, and to this day there are many who cry out against the mounting cost of common school education...
...Here are announcements of forums, schools, period- i icals, lectures, debates and significant, books...
...A woman lawyer broke the law by dropping campaign literature onto the annoyed heads of Washington Heights from an aeroplane...
...Facts which we submit to the attention of our labor and liberal Jy-iends who think that the "New Tammany" under Smith has been somehow purged and purified...
...What appears odd to the present generation is payment of awards and damages as often with beaver skins and boards as with Dutch florins and guilders...
...JKjsj Announcement Owing to the large amount of campaign and election material in the issue* of last week and this week the series on History for American Workers has been crowded out...
...As Gus Claessens said in one of the most stirring speeches of the campaign, delivered in the open at Seventh Street and Second Avenue, this was no stereotyped campaign for the Socialists, it was "an episode in a crusade", that carriqp on through election after election until the j victory is finally won...
...And this brings up the question a working man asked of my friend, William Howard Taft: "What Is a work-' ing man to do when he's broke,and can't find s jbbr* "God knows," replied Honest Bill on that historic oeOP' sion and the working man, thus enlightened, begot Mat' self to a fine restaurant and ate a swell meal and when they asked him who was going to pay the bill, he said "God knows," and that settled it...
...The same sentiment created free public universities In the democratic states of the West...
...But anyone who has observed the contrast between the eager faces of the audience at a people's lecture and the languid expression of most of the members of a large college class will be .inclined to challenge the claims to superiority of the formal higher education...
...This institution serves at present primarily the needs of the "white »llar" class—school teachers, nurses, persons employed In business offices,- etc...
...Movement working for us in your leisure, acquiring valuable business experience...
...At present the book is published only | in German under the title of "Erinnerungen und Brlebnlsse" by E. Laubscbe Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin W. 30 at tht price of 5 Marks SO Pfennig or 7 Mark...
...My God, why shouldn't a weary subway worker with his back broken with injunctions, yellow dog contracts *nd company unionism escape to the comparative calm of the Yankee Stadium there to watch Kid Soakem knock the Brownsville Bruiser for a row of tin cans...
...Phone or see Mr...
...Her first effort was to help, as a student abroad, her fellow Socialists In Russia...
...French miners, having saved the Republic Cram tad Beast of Berlin, are advised to find jobs with the ForeigJsX Legion...
...There is much to recommend such a solution...
...Show them this issue of The New Leader...
...In philosophy, literature, art and whatever other subjects help to make life richer and more interesting...
...Irrespective, of the vote, three of us, at any rate, are just bumptious enough to believe" that it was worth all the rasping of throats and mental and physical strain the campaign called" for...
...3 The class struggle between cops and thieves 'Waft, 4oo, perhaps between humans and Televox, with hanatas shooting emery dust into the gearings of Teles and Teles making hamburger out of humans with huge aatmmUm meat grinders...
...I told you so, even if I will doubt that they could make him more mechanic cal than most of us are acting today...
...But every now and then, a man or woman has come out of the crowd when the speaking was done and told us in fumbling, embarassed manner that this was the sort of thing that should have been said long ago since thar was the soft df Socialism that meant something...
...Things went from bad to worse until their honors ordered a final settlement...
...Still later he wrote that those Indians "who have the least intercourse with us, have the most integrity, and possess the best moral qualities...
...Conversion of the Indians to a board of trade religion had some serious obstacles...
...The troubles of Adam began with apples...
...The New School The kind of institution the workers sverywhere ought to have access to is typified by the New School for Social Research...
...Look over this issue...
...By the way, why do people condemn the shiftless' fellow who leaves a good job and never-say a word about the shiftless job who leaves a good fellow...
...In Illinois Colony Here, too, will be found the beginnings { of a movement to form a colony In the ] Illinois country, an ambitious land spe- j dilation project with 500 acres reserved | in each township for maintaining clergy- j men of the Established Church...
...Hour for hour, dollar for dollar, these is probably more value in the forum and the popular lecture than in the college class...
...The lyceums of an earlier time, the forums and Chatauquas of today are mainly Institutions of the masses, not of the classes...
...It Was the plain farmers and workers who forced the common school upon the so-called upper classes of the early Republic...
...When he was told to do it, Televox, the automaticslave, lit a series of lights...
...What is astonishing is that taking the oath in court was optional and frequently the court recommended that disputants seek the help of arbitrators...
...We wonder what happened to the litigant who was awarded the equivalent of $100 In boards with no cart to haul the lumber to his house...
...They ought not to engage In any propaganda for any class project...
...He is walking with his bead very much up and as he goes, he hums the good old Presbyterian hymn that has "rejoice", "rejoice" in its rousing choin miner KEYS p"ERMAN miners, having valiantly defended German'' kukor...
...Quackenbush, chief counsel and labor-baiter extraordinary for the Interborough Kapid Transit...
...Over in Brooklyn, a Republican candidate made a compelling appeal to the voters in his district by riding up and down the streets on a circus elephant...
...such announcements as you will find in no other labor paper...
...Walter Lippman of the New York World had come with us to the Fourth • Assembly District on election day and there seen the "new guerillas" doing their dirty work...
...No more pay days and spend days...
...They exhibited him in New York the other day and made htm do all his stunts...
...They had been carefully selected by the court...
...The Economic Motive We note the economic motive running rampant among these solid Dutchmen...
...For three oratorical weeks Eddie Levinson and Norman f Thomas and the writer have been going up and down the garbage strewn streets and traffic clogged avenues in Manhattan's Eighth Aldermanic District, talking about such things as decent homes for decent people, transportation that will transport cheaply, comfortably, and swiftly, playgrounds and injunctions...
...All you've got to do to make him work is to talk to him and he obeys orders promptly and without talking back...
...Some part of this work of education may be done under the auspices of the labor unions themselves...
...The colleges and universities, though crowded, are still for the few...
...It's just facts...
...Her first speech was given in 1903...
...That's our slogan and for those of us who are alive thera>s plenty of work ahead...
...And we find Mussolini mentioned, too, as one of the members of the Socialist Party, beginning to play his part of treason in the early days of the war...
...But Ben, who has been in the movement for many years, takes these things In his stride and he's on his way now to see to it that the dealers get all The New Leaders they can handle...
...Hero," next time yeu" meet a sc— I mean a brother of Benedict Arnold...
...It's that man's middle name...
...This provoked one keeper to declare that "it is a shame that a burgher can not drink a pint of wine at eight o'clock in the evening...
...The troubles of Gerty's spouse appear to have ended with them...
...thereon at least One white Protestant} Person fol^very hundred acres...
...np)f the mechanical mannikins...
...Interference with interstate commerce, crimillsl"' conspiracy in restraint of teade, and all that sort of thing,' Good thing there's a clause in the constitution prohibiting involutary servitude and another putting the kibosh on extreme and unusual punishment, else they'd make US" do picket duty against union men during the day attd pick cooties off the scabs at night...
...Gerty was to receive from hubby "80 schepels of apples, one-half summer and onehalf winter apples, until one of the two shall come to die, provided that this year (1670) 50 schepels shall be paid and next year the rest of the arrears...
...Winter'U soon be here," and SO caV...
...In these rather drab days of hesitation and doubt many men and women who belong very much with us somehow drift away simply because they feel that they have lost contact...
...Any citizen, conservative, liberal or labor who can stomach Al and his gkagmen allies has lots stronger insides than McAlister C^enmn...
...Thus bakers are haled Into court for extortion and selling short weight while one sinner was charged with adultering his tar...
...And this the day after election...
...Well, that's that...
...What an easy job getting out the vote or a labor paper would be if there were only a few more Thomases around...
...He has been watching the votecounting in one of Al Smith's "reformed" Tammany districts down on the East Side...
...Get me...
...Stick around girls and get Stuart's article...
...As "in the past, The New Leader will give Its readers comprehensive neves as to the developments of the anti-injunction fight and in addition will carry special articles giving the black history of the use of Injunctions in labor disputes and valuable suggestions for aggressive tactics to be used by labor against this powerful strlke-bmkina instrument...
...New School Strives To Meet Workers' Need, Director Says By Alvin Johnson Director, New School for Social Research IT is easy to forget that education in America owes an enormous debt to the common people...
...Take your hit' off and say, "How de do, Mr...
...The sons of workers and farmers who find themselves in those Institutions are mostly on their way to the professions and business...
...To get people to think, in an age of standardized ratiocination, to stir even faint desires in hearts that have long been bafren of hope, surely this is not an altogether futile performance...
...The workers nave not been backward in realizing this need and In creating in-, stitutions to help in solving it...
...So pleased was the War Department with Televox that they already have three of him working for Uatte Sam, "performing perfectly on a twenty-four hour a day basis the duties that the same number—which is to say nine—of human workmen would be called to do in eight hours...
...Fraternally Yours" Trans educational number of The New I Leader is a pioneering job, under- i taken and put through by a poet of parts...
...What I'm driving at is that my friend Taft has a good job now as boss of the Supreme Court, which it the same thing as head boss of the bosses who boss the United* States when Congress is or is not in session...
...And those who have torn their collective hair over the idea that Socialism had sunk so low that its spokesmen must needs talk about houses and bath-tubs and subways instead of discussing the revolutionary ideology of Marx and Engels...
...It's a j great relief in these clays of "indifferentism" rampant to come on one poet who is not writing "escape" stuff and who realizes that he is living in a world j where men do something besides making love or moaning around about their ! precious souls...
...Occasionally disputants were ordered to get together and talk matters over before carrying a case further...
...A friend of mine just returning from a "See America" First" tour, raving about the scenery, said that in all his travels he never saw anything rarer or more enticing than" jobs...
...All who have come into contact with the international movement wil meet old friends in this book and those who are new to it will find Information analyses, history, anecdotes and a ston of good things...
...What a sad world the Volstead age would be for him...
...Just to prove that Tammany is not the same old organization, one of Al's boys threw a handful of powder into Ben's eyes, blinding hup temporarily...
...Another comrade was so seriously injured by the powder that he had to go to the hospital...
...More about this later...
...This is not to say that the subway worker gets any Particular ufayajcal benefit from the performance...
...One of the most delightful documents of this kind is the address of the clergy of the Church of England to Johnson entreating him to urge the Board of Trade to see that Bishops are appointed to reside in America...
...There is hope yet Half of us may yet gjA jobs, preventing the other half from stealing the opt...
...There would be assurance of adaption to working class needs...
...It was farmer and worker sentiment that built up the public high school alongside of the exclusive academy and preparatory school and thus paved a way for working class children to college entrance...
...But there is no reason for amazement over the fact that workers shoulc stay away in enthusiastic multitudes from the polls anc swarm with equal enthusiasm through the clicking gates of the Polo Grounds...
...The bulk of the working class have to look elsewhere for the higher education which would widen' their interests and make them more effective in their struggle for a better position In our social political system...
...There is enough of this correspondence to indicate that the saints of New England were right in fearing that their own monopoly might be undermined...
...Definite educational programs have been organized by labor unions and the unions themselves, with their keen discussion of rus...
...Night after night they would send truck loads of kids equipped with tin horns and red fire (why red, roy Republican-Democratic friends...
...Twelve men, good and true, peer* in every sense of the word of the prisoners before the bar, had unanimously 'declared Albert Fall and Saint Doheny guiltless of say wrongdoing in connection with the stealing of Teapot Dome or the Naval Oil Reserve, or something like that...
...Evidently no unionism in Televox, which probably explains why the War Department took to him right off the bat...
...collection of documents which ast much light on the economics of trade, Indian relations, land speculation, the ambitions of the Established Church and the social life of the New York Frontier...
...A' company of Gentlemen of Character and j Fortune" were willing to receive a grant ] of a hundred thousand acres free of quit rent for a few years and "settle...
...Whatever its results, its ultimate-effectiveness, streetspeaking on New York's East Side retains- its colorful allure for anyone who is curious about the workings of the cantankerous human machine...
...After the dreary disappointments of the war —during which she steadfastly held true to the ideal of the international—hope seemed to dawn with the Russian Revolution...
...Not Guilty...
...But Angelica Balabanoff belongs not only to the Italian movement—although it was here she did her chief work—but also to her native land, Russia...
...1 Valuable as such institutions are, they are not enough...
...Never was there so great a need for a complete-show-down on this subject...
...We regret very much that she is still outside our Labor and Socialist International and remains In Isolation with s very small group of followers...
...for us to do but sit around and watch endless belts carrying endless quantities of goods to endless hues of moneyless customers...
...A WORD TO WISE YIPSELS "VTOU can have that football, book, movie or tuition money and at the same time serve the...
...One of the most Incorrigible offenders was Geertruyt Vosburch...
...A soldier of the Legion lies dying in Algiers," • etc...
...But, oh boys and girls, what a psychical kick he gets and where, oh, where are we going to find the Socialistic equivalent for sports...
...Keen, hungry, stark faces with decp-sel eyes in them a-blaze...
...There is a certain amount of soul-satisfying reality in the sound of Babe Ruth's bat in contact with a ball or the sight of Red Grange running through a broken field that has no counterpart in the game of politics today...
...j i Well, any time they catch me with the goods, it's me for a jury of my peers...
...We mean Ralph Cheyney who can mix1 poetry and promotion with equal dex...
...Readers of The New Leader know Cheyney's stirring verse that Is all the more compelling because it is written by a man who has social vision...
...The "mechanical man" is here...
...And those who "have torn their collective shirts over the fact that so cultured and fine a man as Thomas should go to the men and women of his district with an appeal for their suffrage...
...But cheer up...
...1 V "Scab," awfully naughty word...
...Wo, Ben bee not been looking upon the wine when it is red...
...The conditions of life in our complicated industrial system require more systematic, continuous educational effort on the part of the wage earner...
...A real working-class story by none other than Theodore Dreiser to run in The New Leader...
...He needs teachers specially trained to put the important facts and significant ideas in plain English for the person of plain common sense...
...We agree with Adam on that...
...And there have been those who have laughed openly at the naivete of men talking such a strange languv/'e to the citizens of the most sophisticated,, hard-boiled, altogether cynical city on the continent...
...Johnson declared that agriculture and manufactures would not "make any advances among a people that despise both...
...through the districts where the Socialists were campaigning to blow the voters into the polls...
...Angelica- Balabanoff A NOELICA BALABANOFF is perhaps the most outstanding figure in the women's international Socialist movement...
...They call aim "Televox," aneJVTele is some wonder...
...Unemployment reduced by that much...
...It will be an eyeopener...
...a American miners, having made the world safe for.de- - mocraey, are enjoined Jrom talking to ^riloebreakers , about anything save the weather, "Nice day, ain't is«?A "Looks like rain...
...So is a working man helping bosses defeat hit" own kind...
...What stands out is a stately gentleman, the master of Johnson Hall, a man of parts, representative - of the British Government and with an eye to the main chance...
...York elections...
...She had her property attached in one case, had i dispute regarding a sawmill, and was then frequently before the court on matters in dispute with her spouse...
...But In a fundamental sense, like the whole adult educational movement of which they are a part, they operate to break down class privileges in education and to win for the masses- the benefits of higher education...
...Tavernkeepers are told to watch their step for permitting tipplers to sit "in the tavern after ringing of the bell...
...There have been few international congresses at which she has not been present, where indeed she has often been indispensable with her wonderful gift of languages...
...One of my old party opponents went around the district making passionate speeches on-behalf of a W which, if elected, he intended to present to the legislature making the sentence for a man hitting a lady twice as long as the sentence for a lady hitting a man...
...Few can be so intimately ac| quainted with the psychology of the . Italian worker as Angelica Balabanoff: j It Is poignant reading to follow her story of the rise of the fine simple faith hi Socialism, now so shattered and crushed by the Fascist regime...
...These come into the dreams of the campaign speaker long after November winds have blown away the sounds of the last handclaps...
...s He's a product of the Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Co...
...With no great difficulty he can achieve the psychological "identification" of putting himself in the place of-the Kid and assigning the^Bruiser's paffc-to the eminent Mr...

Vol. 4 • November 1927 • No. 21

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