Laidler, Harry W.

LAIDLER FOR ALDERMAN! Vote Straight Socialist Ticket Laidler Pledges Work For Housing and Parks By Harry W. Laidler (SoeudiU Candidate for Alderman, 35th DiU., King*) •yHE other day I took a...

...And about a dozen men Uve in these two rooms...
...While these are the worst houses in the district, the general tenement situation is far from eneourajrinK...
...The revulsion against Tammany has been so strong that Judge Panken's re-election now appears more certain than ever...
...By Harry Schachner Socialist Candidate for Alderman 34th District, Brooklyn pSLLOW Citizens: It is about high time you took your suffrage more seriously than you have done in the pawl *«or the last two xtocedes yow lurfottlj juggling with your sacred power, bestowed upon you to be used for your own welfare... almost entirely ceased to drip...
...Why should the working people support a system which offers no guarantee of their protection...
...Weiss said:— "I never beard of any of those except Harry Weiss, who is my brother...
...The eventual result will be a complete failure with suffering to all concerned...
...Will the workers remstabsr that on election day...
...The very fact that you may put in a little improvement every near, as might be practiced in a city government, won't make that factory or mine profitable...
...Boose tor AD Six Alderman Oraubard finally invited the writer to look through the apartment, saying:— "You see, we live nere...
...Vote Straight Socialist Ticket Laidler Pledges Work For Housing and Parks By Harry W. Laidler (SoeudiU Candidate for Alderman, 35th DiU., King*) •yHE other day I took a trip around Williamsburg, the district in which I am running for member of the Board of Aldermen on *he Socialist party ticket...
...Now if you make the total World.War mobilization which numbered forty-two million men with twenty two million casualties, including over five million, one hundred fifty-seven thousand actually killed, you don't need to wonder why thousands upon thousands of mothers are this day crying their eyes out for their lost ones...
...When we calculate the results of all this, including the continued slaughters of industrial, war between the capitalists of one country and another for new markets, you find that a massacre like the last world war is inevitable...
...Toilets are in the yards...
...Alderman Oraubard was angered...
...Did these thousands of workers mean scything at' all hi inveighing against capitalist injustice...
...There is the question of Injunctions...
...the *semHty districts comprising, the S^uniclpal Court District befoiy- bsjist lay nsttt a) tcfls week, aid then a final vRed Tilghf' for the while dstrict on SaSuidsy night...
...the Tammany Cpeaagra Bureau aoatain no reference to bis candidates, aid toe Jewish papers on the gbst 8s*e...
...Ws need the iMuaiuss of this great Empire State to be ¦splcWsd to the interests of the people...
...p I can still think of the World War and its consequences...
...Where would we put boarders...
...The response trie tast two Sundays is said to have been gratifying...
...Weiss said that a policeman came to check up the same names and was told that none of the persons resided there...
...In fact, outside of the recreational grounds in connection with the schools, there are scarcely any open places for the children to romp around In, and they consequently spend most of the time' whilp at play in the narrow courts or in the streets, nnder rhe heels <rf passing autos, trucks and trollies...
...Stoestosa Will Answer The coming elections will answer these questions for us...
...The capitalist class, your deadliest enemy has taken advantage of your ignorance and has gained for Itself the authority and audacity to have you clubbed into submission by the police on the picket lines when you are on strike...
...Having aroused the East Side to a fever pitch by his numerous'speeches is every part of the district every night...
...When you appear before the unscrupulous judges whom you have elected to preside over your righteous and impartial courts, to answer the charges entered against you as a picket you are heavily fined or sent to the work-house or pay both penalties...
...In that working class area, containing about 100,000 people, hundreds of old law tenements still exist...
...I refer to the problem of company unions...
...j ' ' ft has been decided to have a "Had Night...
...Two of the four rooms in each of the apartments had windows that opened only into other rooms or into the hallways...
...Nights" 50 or moee speakers wiU be used la one Assembly dlstrsjt, thus assiu*» a tbsrougn speaking cadtpaign...
...they sfty, the attempt to steal the election on jioveknber Sth...
...Win they tag* the trouble of inquiring if the candidates of the Republican and Democratic P*7i<* did anything whatever to spare tta lives of Bacco and Vansetti...
...Here is a closet...
...He pointed to the lockers...
...But he doesn't live here...
...The reasons for this are quite obvious...
...while the Liberals gained 21 and lost 18...
...Tt>e Socialists have nominated only one, J stew Panken...
...In writing these few lines, my mind goes back to the days when thousands and tens of thousands of workers used to assemble in large halls and public square., to demand justice for Bacco and Yansetti...
...Yot the outside, where Ylpsela, non-Socialists, and others not qualified for one reason or another to watch, win be stationed, no less than 1,000 will be needed...
...Company unions habitually develop a spy system unknown in labor difficulties in the past, and is a scheme of taking away all initiative from ambitious workers who desire to be organised with their own chosen representation...
...The fight of each of ihe two Tammany candidates for second place is considered a recognition on the part of th« Tammany group that the wave sweeping the Socialist candidates on to victory cannot be stopped, either by floaters, repeaters, or other election law violations Tainmany will^ attempt on Election pay.' The main problem before the Socialist campaign managers for the balarfce i of the campaign Is to protect the count...
...Your strike Is lost...
...There of course were no baths, no electricity, no heat...
...An elderly woman opened two or three of them with a master key...
...But instead of using It to your advantage you have entrusted It to Democratic and Republican politicians...
...of the Jewish Daily Forward, and Phillip Kaplowlts, of the International Ladles' Garment Workers Union.'are Working jointly on the election dav activities...
...Own anyone Justify that war...
...s "frW division in the Tammany rsfiks has encuuragsd tr.e eocsaUsss, -who isee hi it a confirmation of their souclussans that the Socialists will carry the district...
...What's more, the worker is at no time assured with bis job and is apt to be fired out at any hour of toe day...
...while in all parts of this section the rate of deaths from tuberculosis was higher than was the borough average...
...The vary same thing holds true for a city or state government and especially for the industries at large...
...Company unions depress the workers' conditio— It places the workers under absolute control of the company watchdogs...
...Nor would this program preclude the taking of other measures, such as the granting of municipal loans at low interest rates fo trade unions and i>ona fide cooperative enterprises, for building purposes...
...8ix persons were enrolled from this apartment of three rooms on the ground floor...
...The Socialist victory is a landslide and the gains are mounting with every report received from the cities wd boroughs...
...In one of our own strikes of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers not long ago, and in countless other strikes, the injunction has become a "civilized method of torture in the hands of the employers...
...Prank Abramowits, Ben Buckholtz, Hyman Peirsteln, Philip Tannenbaum, Charles Adler, Abraham and Meyer Schumer, Benjamin Bchlmer and Herman Bader...
...Let the voice of labor be heard ta the Chambers of the legislatures of this commonwealth...
...Jack Isaacson, Harry Weiss...
...In connection with a housing program, a comprehensive park system should be planned, with the aim of giving to the children in each section of the city free access to open spaces...
...Your boss' will is carried out by your learned judges, who have the power to issue injunctions prohibiting your picketing...
...Blumenreich Denounces Injunctions By Morris Blumenreich SOCIALIST CANDIDATE FOB MEMBER of ASSEMBLY, 14th DISTRICT, KIN OB rjpHKRS Is a certain claas of voters wtu care not for spedfle pledges...
...What food has that war done for the people if this or any ettott country...
...Nor has private enterprise thus far taken kindly to the six jht cent, limited dividend corporation for the construction of bonnes...
...If elected to the Board of Aldermen I shall do what I can to present this program in an effort to relieve our tragic housing conditions...
...There Is one and only one remedy for such treatment and that Is to make up your minds instantly to sever all your connections with both the Democratic and Republican parties and join the Socialist party, which represents your interests and stands for the complete overthrow of this present system where private property, rents, Interests and profits stand above humanity...
...Talking ssffl <B help...
...If you don't make up your mind to reorganise that shop, factory or mine, it is bound to collapse because of mismanagement...
...This house bad none of these...
...A reeent investigation into a t>l<(ck within a stone's throw of the district conducted !>y the Iloiifrfnjr Deiwrtment of the Brooklyn Hurean of Charities disclosed the fact that only 15 of the ISM} families in the Mock had toilets in their ai>i\rtnients...
...j deeding out the floaters has occupied the attention of the Lawyers Non-P^rtlsan Committee for The Reelection* of been conducting a doily investigation, as a result of which some names have already been stricken from the registry [lists, while many more will be stricken between now and election d>y, » . *. But the impossibility of Vesdrag fdj...
...The effect of thesV conditions on the health of the people is very great and a survey made a few years ago in Willlaraxtiurj: showed three times as many deaths from tuberculosis per hundred thousand In certain parts of the district than the average Brooklyn tulierculosi* death jrate...
...They were Alderman Oraubard, his wife, Kate: their sons, Emanuel, Abraham and Sydney, and their daughter, Lillian...
...Of course it would be ridiculous to arg*e this question with professional militarists who live on the military and navy budgets which amount U3 millions and minions of dollars...
...The number of officials to be elected number about 2,000...
...Another item: At least one hundred and twenty six thousand of our young men were crippled in action and about two hundred and thirty four thousand were wounded and crippled in the United States alone...
...TAMMANY USES 4,000 FLOATERS IN ATTEMPT TO DEFEAT PANKEN Tammany Tiger is loose again...
...The Socialist Party is the Party tana advocates all these reforms...
...Whether it comes this year, the next or a few years from now, it is bound to come and we will all again be called to do our duty by the country...
...The only alternatives for solving the problem in a large way is for the public to follow the Vienna example ami that of scores of other cities and to organize a Municipal Housing Corporation, with power to issue bonds, condemn property, and to build in place of the unsanitary tenements, tenements with modern improvements, with plenty of light and air...
...We need more adequate compensation laws for the workers...
...But this has not materially relieved the housing situation for the family with an income of S250O a year or less and two thirds of the families ii...
...Let Labor's Voice Be Heard...
...You see our clothes...
...The Municipal Housing Coloration should be organized somewhat after the fashion of the fort Authority, and should be safeiniarded against petty political interference and have on Its governing board representatives of technicians, of the workers and of the general public, while an administrator of rhe type say of Alexander King of the Pity Housing Corporation should l>e put iii executive charge...
...For the insiae worn, no less man 300 watchers will be required...
...This evil has grown in this country to such an extent that it actually takes away every possibility of action to improve the workers' conditions in a peaceful and lawful way...
...An appeal to the Workmen's Circle, the SO trade unions supporting the Socialists', and to leadnig individuals to join either one or the other of these armies wiU be issued within the next few days...
...Where are their trunks...
...They take the party"as a whole and vote only a particular party...
...The more desperate Tammany Hall is, the more vicious will be...
...Were they sincere to their' condemnation of the outrageous murder...
...Take (or instance, some of Use results of the last var...
...The last room was a kitchen in which was a cot...
...An "Oft- Year Professional politicians can this an "off year...
...Abraham Zucker...
...The Conservatives gained 7 but lost 70...
...legislators who represent the large working class and not she few bosses of polities, the employers and the financiers...
...i Al Smith's organization has been caught at its old game of wholesale vote-stealing...
...Elect your own representatives to the Assembly, Senate and the Board of Aldermen...
...We Socialists feel that while there are certain local questions that should be considered by the voters, the program of the party as a whole should be taken 'jj first consideration...
...The first and largest of the three rooms was an office fronted by a large window hearing a sign, "Oraubard, real estate and Insurance...
...It's an limit...
...Socialist Vote Will Measure Sacco Protest By Anthony Di Blasi ! Socialist Candidate for Stat* Senator, lit* District TTHE City of New York, the Stats of New 'Ark...
...We sometimes try to philosophise about it and make up our minds to contend with it as a law, but the injustice of It, the outrageous way the injunction Is being ' mployed by the industrial owners, is at times so outrageous that it goes Into our system and again we make up our minds that we must use every legal form and method to abolish this law of horror against the laboring people of thi« country...
...PesV cent, was the only organised poltttoat party that earnestly tried to save Haass and Vansetti...
...Meat Have to Watt 'What do the men lodgers do then...
...tnem out in time, and (he passtrallty that whatever .obstacles ally he thrown «sn the- path of the floater *by» t*e <Pan« "ken committee may lead Tammany jto employ other devices on e*JCP,di»' day, make it doubly essential, they sav, to Shave an army at the polls...
...Arrafigemerits are...
...Weiss said:—"Why, we hsve only four rooms and seven children...
...Bader, one of the proprietors, was asked for the names of the persons living In the three-story building...
...U» each...
...A man has the right to choose a place for his voting address...
...As long as the industrial magnstnr and politicians an not interested in the welfare of the ¦wslaaj ¦ajsjan kin to itojii inniiliili interest* «a4 profits, such industries and such government will eventually fail as servants of the people...
...On election day...
...I cannot help but recollect the day when the labor unions called them on strike to protest against the than impending execution...
...mismanaged, a certain shop, factory, or coal mine which bs badly run...
...Not satisfied with this, the Socialists are using the attempted election steal as an issue which will be used with increasing success next year in blasting the myth Governor Alfred E. Smith's presidential boosters are trying to create about the "New" Tammany...
...X'ew York City, the richest and most powerful city in the world, can also make a success of it...
...nfu f I Acordlng to present plans, two separate armies will be mobilised, one to 'watch the balloting on the Inside while ;the voting continues, and the other to vent the use cf electioneering devices to mislead the voters...
...The upper claas wants us to forget this esse...
...The janltress knew of no sueh persons living elsewhere in the tenement...
...We need tows putting aa sod to Use strike-breaking use of injunction* tn todustrial disputes...
...for that matter all the United States are hi dire need of legislators who will promote the welfare of the people above tie property righto of the trusts and big corporations...
...ale reported to have becti toJdtnet *o me#tsna raimo...
...If other cities, far poorer in funds can make a success of municipal housing...
...Women Tuesday night.' When do the women leave...
...Of course, the phrase "keep your mouth shut" will be posted on all lamp posts and will be but word in our dally war literature...
...The Socialist Party which represents the working people, will always carry on educational propaganda to enlighten the workers on the evils which they must contend with at present, and which eventually will have to be completely eliminated...
...The Socialist Party, as was stated ay the treasurer of the Bacco and VsnsstM Defense Committee hi Boston...
...The only improvements in the house were #as and running water...
...The Socialists have taken this issue to carry the fight into Tammany's own camp...
...Tf 100 are obtained, every polling" place Iri' the district will be assured Ihe services o*f a lawyer on a moment's notice.' While mobilizing for the balloting will receive special attention for the balance of the campaign, nothing" will 'be done to prevent, the present favorable condition from receding...
...The writer asked:—Where do all the six who live here sleep...
...It is our home, the home of an of us...
...Elect The Socialists...
...will.take ^ace on Surt^ay morning...
...Don't talk against the Repubnoaas a*# Democrats who sent Sacoo asm ?sdssstss to the electric chair...
...Take for instance, a certain proposition that is betas...
...he said...
...Bader asked to see the list, saying he would answer whether or not the names were properly shown...
...Just as Governor Smith choses the district of the Hotel Blltmore though he lives in Albany...
...Next visited was a Turkish bath house at 51 Pitt street, from which the following fourteen were shown as enrolled:—8am Llcht, Max Meyer, Andrew Pelngold, Harry Taub, Jack Hlrchberg...
...jfThe Cutters Union, Loc£ lojiurdpf spsfd Dubinsky, brought down a squad of ^5 men each Sunday, whlfc ^e^ior!ate^ro"ras*i(aijr^ ftrengtoi A, watehera meeting will be held eft Monday Tligm, and arrangements hai besnUgnade to have them stay togethi at a hotel, from which place they wi leave for the polls on Tuesday mornln Those woo have not enlisted la tl watchers army are asked to do so st on* by addressing either Abraham Zucks m,wtii wamm nr rrntn mmm Committee, 107 second avenue...
...The attempted election steal has been planned on so great a scale that it has defeated its own objects...
...The water, however, came in a thin drip and, when the family downstairs was using it...
...The amalgamated Clothing Workers of America eadb time sent down 100 canvassers for Uie 4th Assembly district, where the fight was mgt< bfttert...
...Refused, he conducted his visitors into two rooms containing about six cots each and numerous lockers...
...New York are in this, class...
...The second room was almost filled by a double bed...
...The first address visited was 145 Forsyth* street, where lives Tammany Alderman limits Oraubard...
...Walt until 12 o'clock and then come la to bed...
...Jacob Saffer, H. Koppehnan...
...They responded to our call by quitting work and nocking to the halls where protest meetings tad been arranged...
...With very few exceptions, every strike in the country haa witnessed the injunction cruelly tied around the neck of the unions Involved...
...All in all, I want to say to the voters everywhere, "Vote for the Socialist Party which stands for the abolition of all wars and which stands for the abolition of industrial and political autocracy...
...The families of myself and associates Uve upstairs...
...Social workers maintain that a minimum requirement for decent living Is a hath room, an inside toilet ninl proper water supply...
...To us Socialists the election of 1927 is of great political Importance...
...Ws need an old age pension for those who have no attar property but their exhausted labor power...
...I cannot conceive of s good union man opposed to the Socialist Party, the Party which stands for the rights of Labor...
...A number of floaters have l>eeii debarred from voting through court action instituted by the Socialist party...
...The elections of 1927 come off just on the aftermath of that momentous judicial case in Massachusetts which recently took the lives of two Innocent Italian workers...
...These are being organised in almost every Industry in this country...
...Unless Governor Smith calls a halt on his army of floaters, he will be faced in the next year with the embarrassing necessity of having to whitewash*an election steal so raw as to match the Republican scandals in Pennsylvania...
...The result was that Instead of elevating yourself to a higher standard In the economic and political movement, you have fallen into the clutches of the Democratic and Republican parties and have become a tool for them...
...It is to as hoped the workers who took an active part In the agitation to save Sacee and Vsnsstll as well ss the fair-minded citterns who sided with the Socialist Party to Its efforts to save the two radicals from Use electric chair will not forget that the conditions which brought about the Bacco and Vansetti case are still base, and that the Republican and Democratta Parties which supported those condition* are still in favor of them...
...Tammany Alderman Found Harboring Illegal Voters...
...snow j2f resentment against the system wMafSS an insult to the best ideals of hsuMaxS Pile up a huge protest veto by Mgfd straight aoeeaUst t'ii*l...
...Of the independent candidates 10 seats were gained and 25 lost...
...Of the three yard toilets for the six or eight families, the water was running in only one...
...It now remains to bs seen if the workers will so easily forget it Will they forget...
...Private enterprise since the war has been active in luiilcllag- apartment houses renting from $15 a month i>er room per month up and a few in Brooklyn renting for 312.50 )>er room per month...
...Full four-thousand "floaters" (illegal reg^trants) have been collected in the lower East Side to attempt to turn .the great tide which seems certain to sweep Panken into office again and with him a number of local Socialist candidates...
...The Socialist program calls for a change in the industrial as well as in the political life which will benefit no certain class of people, but the people as a whole...
...They haven't any," was the answ.r...
...23 yean old, and Harry Weiss, 39...
...that 141 or tMree-fonrths of the families, had to use hall toilets (generally 1 toilet for 2 families) and that 40 or one-fifth of the 106 families were compelled" to use outside yard toilets...
...atlas made to have ISO of ia« toe memidrs of the lawyers committee tor Panken at the polling places on Tuesday...
...We naSd laws to democratise and liberalise oar school system, to promote peace and wtoe out the spirit that makes warn possess...
...The halls were dark...
...One of these T visited on the north side was a three story wooden building...
...The 35th Aldermanic District consists bi about 200 blocks bounded roughly by the East River, Broadway, TvOrimer and Frost Streets...
...the reporter asked...
...What is the result...
...Judge jpanken will intensify his efforts, and will be aided by 'he Socialists of the entire city, many of whom have already signified their readiness to devote 1fte last week of tfce campaign in the 2nd Municipal Codrt dismscevfcvf...
...In the majority of the new law apartment bouse* in Wltltamltsurg lmilt between 1001 and the War, there Is no remtral heating plant, the courts are narrow, the rooms, part talari y near the ground, dark and small while the rents hare gone up during the last decade from 70% to 100...
...The only Party that offers a real oonsteuottvo program for a unified city transport at tan system that will guarantee low fare sad save the city and the taxpayers mill tons of dollars...
...Admits His Offense A reporter the other day visited a number of places in which, the Socialists charged, illegal voters were being barbored...
...The city, in the construction of houses, would have the tremendous advantage of large scale production, with all the economies which that entails, and of lower rates on borrowed capital as 'compared with the high cost of financing enterprises—according to the ¦ State Housing Commission, an average cost of 9...
...Is trwowu r hsn^Br uswipesared «• tf*e Wsy he- in- x*B« Uuelse.- -sti.'lithographs -age practically unknown In the district, the ia*t# smtaments issued or...
...First returns show that the Labor Party won 116 seats and lost only 19...
...On each k>t the "Red...
...Many of these have no improvements...
...nee my wue Is cooking...
...There is another problem that is menacing the labor movement in this country, and if labor doss not try to cbcoee its representatives in government to stand in their defense, we will pay a damned dear price for our negligence and lack of vision...
...Their hearts beat with ours up to the last supremo moment, untfl the tragic, unbetterable news came to as: sacoo and Vaassttt have been executed...
...The next place visited was the second floor apartment of Morris L. Weiss at 139 Suffolk street, given as the abode of Joseph Schendelman...
...stories on the cas|palgn...
...By 12 o'clock," said Bader...
...Socialist Party in England Makes Heavy Local Gains LONDON—In municipal elections held throughout England, except London, to fill vacancies caused by the retirement of one-third of the membership of 800 city and borough councils, the Labor Party has won sweeping victories...
...Get sat ef here at mnrm...
...The sweeping victories ire interpreted aa a forecast of the all of the Baldwin Government and the return to power of the Labor Party...
...A sign outside reads...
...They were empty...
...f Joseph Raimo, one of the Tammagy sssnsjaaasss...
...The recent injunction against the United Mine Workers of America in the Pittsburgh region is but the most recent of the various outrages against labor...
...Ttie I Mat amounted to hffhons of dollars and ¦o many more MOSS* In war debts which has to be paid back by the sweating toilers...
...Thene should he rented to the workers at as near cost as possible...
...the owner was asked...
...The ceilings were in disrepair...
...Tammany is concentrating its corrupt forces in a futile, last-minute attempt to defeat Judge Jacob Panken, who comes up for re-election on Tuesday next...
...200 Blocks and Not a Single Park Force Children To Play in Gutters And in that whole district of ~*0() Mocks there are no parks for the children to play in...
...It is the Party that prop mi the real solution tor the housing pnbliwt vortarsTmsnaal aa wOtm^SSP^USl' the Party of an those who strive to brass about s better world, and L as a trade union organiser and a staunch btsever in the Socialist philosophy am proud to bs a candidate for State Senator on the Socialist ticket...
...I reseat that toatanalton," he said...
...They applauded OUT speakers' remarks on the utter Injustice of the capitalist courts...
...The closing days of the bitterty-fought cos test finds the Socialists mare confident than ever, and their opponents, the Tammany ' 'cartcmfiat^f* tJBSperately working against each other hvan effort to .Jockey each other out of secc*id_ji]aee, where another judge may be elected, f The rift in tae Tammany campaign for Municipal Court judge has becoOe a topic of discussion throughout the district, whcYe ft is known thst 'each of tip two Tammany candidates lor Judge .".gates* Paske»i an- try tag to get srenhd place, and thus procure the electidh, there being two judges to be chosen...

Vol. 4 • November 1927 • No. 20

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