Big and Small Gambles


Dear editor The TERTZ Affair Your notes by Andrei Sinyavskv. "Unfettered Voices," (NL November 8) were of some interest to me. Just before leaving Petrograd in March 1918. in a talk with Fyodor...

...She gave me a message to deliver to her husband Nikolai Gumilyov, also 1 distinguished poet...
...We know them only too well...
...for the same reason in reverse that I stopped reading the magazine during its last years under the late Sol Levitas and only recently resubscribed...
...Edmonton, Canada Gwynn Nettler Associate Professor of Sociology University of Alberta New jersey Lawrence Grauman's excellent article on the New Jersey Gubernatorial race, "The Issue in New Jersey" (NL, October 25), showed yet another example of an unscrupulous local politician attempting to make a cheap profit from an agonizing and complicated war (another example was City Councilman Troy's sponsorship of the October 30 parade in New York supporting the government's position in Vietnam-a parade characterized not so much by support for the President as for William Buckley, the Conservative Candidate for Mayor...
...Monrovia, Calif...
...that almost three-quarters of all arrests are made in areas of heaviest Negro concentration...
...He reports that late in March of this year, a few weeks before cesar's death, he visited the Escalante home in Havana...
...Y. Murray Goldman new: Hyde park, n. y...
...East Orleans, Mass...
...This card belongs to the real Castro...
...I arrived at his apartment in the same London hotel in which I happened to be staying...
...Mao once said that he could easily spare 350,000 of his people...
...This fact will render impossible an improvement in relations between the Soviet Union and the Castro dictatorship...
...a devoted Christian Socialist...
...Hugo was able to hear the angry voice of Fidel rise time and again...
...Hugo Escalante, a cousin of Anibal and cesar Escalante, recently arrived in Miami as a political exile...
...A month later I heard that he had been shot on arrival...
...All are American and all write very much in the spirit of the original...
...Since this meeting must have taken place shortly after Che's return, its importance in unravelling the mystery of Guevara's disappearance cannot be overemphasized...
...Frankly I much prefer the present editors' way of taking the issue in their stride...
...Finally, I would like to add a footnote to the article...
...Later one of those present in the secret meeting told him that the purpose of the conclave was to discuss the case of Che Guevara, who was criticized by Castro for what he had written and said during his trip abroad as well as for his attitude toward Castro himself...
...became secretary when he was graduated, and the success of the ISS was in great part due to his tireless labors...
...he will go further by freeing political prisoners...
...In analyzing the sudden shift in Guevara's fortunes, I should have called attention to the fact that, after some demurring, Cuba chose to be present at the meeting of Communist parties held in Moscow on March 2, 1965-a meeting called by Nikita Khrushchev with the ostensible purpose of showing the Chinese who was who in the Communist world...
...In this novel Bely hints rather broadly of the admixture of Chinese blood with Russian, the consequences of which, in the novel at least, are of a catastrophic nature to the characters concerned...
...But I don't agree that Guevara's departure was part of an agreement between Fidel Castro and the Soviet Union...
...Harry Laidler...
...Theodore Draper has said that Fidel Castro gave the power to the old Communists... a talk with Fyodor Sclogub (four of whose books I happened to introduce to the British and American public, the first as early as 1915) I suggested to him that he take refuge in England...
...It got a little tiresome to be told week in and week out of the iniquities of the Communists...
...and that she couldn't imagine herself working anywhere but in her native Russia...
...Fidel Castro had been planning to get rid of Guevara and the "old guard" for a long time to consolidate his own position as the lone director of the country...
...1 don't like this thesis and I resent the propaganda that it carries...
...As for Andrei Bely, whose St, Petersburg I had translated, and which was published by the Grove Press in 1959, he had been under interdiction, and perhaps for good reasons... letting the Cubans leave the country...
...strangely enough...
...It doesn't seem far fetched to suggest a connection between this decision and Che's ultimate fate...
...R. W. FLINT NL policy 1 was a little amused to observe in THE NEW LEADER of September 13 George Field's petulant letter upbraiding the editors for their handling of the Communist problem...
...Agitation is all he can breathe-that plus his dream of becoming the one substantial leader of the Communist world...
...Mv objection at that time was the exact opposite of Field's at the present time-that the magazine was obsessively preoccupied with the problem...
...When I suggested to her that she might find shelter in England, her answer was unequivocal...
...It is not at all impossible that the Genghis Khan adventure may be repeated...
...a forum for disgruntled ex-Communists...
...It was about the same time that I had " chat with Anna Akhmatova...
...Will the authors support openly the implication of their words: that Negroes do not behave more criminally than whites...
...When Hugo ventured the opinion that such disagreements were usual among comrades and would be straightened out, he was told by his informant: "It doesn't seem likely this time...
...His wife...
...J. G. Phelps Stokes became vice-president, because he had money as well as social conscience, and every now and then I would lay siege to him...
...They weren't that important or much of a danger any more...
...Upton Sinclair Cuba Antonio de la Carrera's article "Fidel Castro's New Phase" (NL, October 25) is very intelligent and full of facts...
...I also want to clarify the term "Camilized,' Continued on next page Dear editor which I used somewhat glibly in the article...
...and that they gave Castro an ideology...
...One is his new approach to the U.S...
...But very soon he will find himself swimming in the middle of the ocean, alone...
...Pardon me for telling your writer that it was founded by Upton Sinclair...
...It describes a process whereby a controversial leader is mysteriously removed from public view, but instead of being abused or berated, is eulogized to the point of making " cult of his memory...
...At this moment Castro is playing two important cards...
...Cuba was represented by Raul Castro...
...and Paul Douglas...
...Clarence Darrow never called himself a Socialist, and Paul Douglas was 13 at that time...
...Livingston, New Jersey catherine love Fentress Calvin Fentress' television reviews suggest to me that there are now four Calvins writing regularly: Calvins Fentress, Tomkins, Trillin and Kentfield...
...Dumont implied in some of his last-minute campaign literature that Hughes was in some unspecified way responsible for the injuries sustained by American soldiers in Vietnam (photos of whose mutilated bodies adorned these circulars...
...For example, Winder and White compose a compound sentence that links disproportionate Negro arrests to police brutality ["Negro community leaders charge that 20 per cent of the total arrests made in the city are of Negroes, tbough they comprise 10 per cent of the population...
...sitting up nights in his little Princeton farmhouse, sending out a call which he had written and had printed...
...He was The new leader welcomes comment and criticism on any of its features, but letters should not exceed 300 words...
...The other card is his intended role next January at the meeting of revolutionary parties of Africa, Asia and Latin America scheduled to be held in Havana...
...Fidel is furious ("echando chispas") and Che Continued is under house arrest...
...The work goes on, and the need for it grows greater...
...and that many arrested Negroes are treated brutally...
...Certainly no one-I doubt even Field-will accuse them of being "soft on Communism...
...New York cit)' john COURNOS SDS I have just read in your September 27 issue, mention of the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, now the League for Industrial Democracy ("SDS: Troubled Voice of the New Left...
...Chebotarevskaya, with whom he had collaborated on his novelette, 'The Old House...
...The constant reiteration of an old theme had the effect of anesthetizing our senses...
...A young student from Amherst...
...At the time the decision to attend this meeting was taken Guevara was still touring Africa...
...While he was there Fidel and Raul arrived with a group of Cuban leaders and proceeded to meet with the Escalante brothers behind closed doors...
...The new LID leader, Michael Harrington, came to see me, and I spoke at a meeting he had gotten up in Los Angeles...
...Social justice without violence is our dream, and our appeal is to all who share it-and are willing to work for it...
...Your writer, Steven Kelman states that it was "founded in 1905 by Jack London, Clarence Darrow...
...It was...
...Carnilization" may very well become an original Cuban contribution to socio-political jargon...
...Now he is taking everything away from them, power and ideology...
...He was out at that moment, and I gave the message to a friend of his with whom he was leaving for Russia that very morning...
...It seemed at times as though the chief purpose of the magazine was to serve as a forum for disgruntled ex-Communists... that time he was known and I wasn't...
...It follows that any charges of "badness" laid to the "good guys" must be false and that the difficulty lies with the malicious hearts and erroneous perceptions of the "bad guys...
...He played with the idea of doing so, but apparently decided against it...
...At the present moment in Cuba the cult of Guevara is of the type usually reserved for dead heroes, not for live ones...
...She said that her poetry had its roots in the Russian soil, which gave it sap...
...Coral Gables, Fla...
...had subsequently committed suicide...
...Joaquin GYDOY I want to point out an important omission in my article on "Fidel Castro's New Phase...
...I assumed responsibility for raising the $18 per week which Harry had to live on: and every now and then I had to come down on Graham Stokes...
...New York City Antonio De la Carrera Civil rights Alvin E. Winder and James S. White's description of "Racial Tensions in New England" (NL, October 25) is uninformative, but worse, it is pointed to an implicit n;oral: that race relations may profitably be viewed as "good guys" versus "bad guys...
...We had a meeting at Peck's restaurant on Canal Street, New York, and [ proposed Jack London for president...
...It was a little like beating a dead horse...
...What can explain this praenominal predestination...

Vol. 48 • November 1965 • No. 23

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