Index for 1964

INDEX FOR 1964 This Index of New Leader articles for 1964 is divided into three sections: Section 1, Index of Authors, lists the names of all New Leader contributors, whether writers of articles,...

...5/25 Roy, Ralph Lord ............................1/20 abavala, Sharokh................2/3, 6/8, 8/17 Sacke...
...reply to Geltman by Henry N. Pachter, 4/27...
...Peter Viereck...
...Naum Gabo and Antoine Pevsner...
...8/31 Tanzania East Africa's Unexpected Marriage, by Kenneth W. Grundy ............5/25 See also Zanzibar Television Reviews by David Boroff The Kings Depart 1/20 Rawhide 4/27 Mr...
...comment by Leon Keyserling, 3/16) Jobs and the Man, by Irving Krislol ....................................1/6 (Comment by Joseph S. Clark...
...Herbert Weisinger...
...12/7 Bohn...
...Daniel Curley) 8/17 Brophy, Brigid: Mozart the Dramatist...
...Poverty U.S...
...5/25 Maruyarna, Masao: Thought and Behavior in Modern Japanese Politics...
...3/16 See also Cuba, Russia Russia Black...
...William: The Realities of World Communism...
...8/3 Vietnam: An American Tragedy, by Robert S. Elegant ..................9/28 See also U.S...
...1/20 Jaeobsen, Josephine and Mueller, William lt.: The Testament of Samuel Beckett, (Donald Sutherland) .....................5/11 Javits, Jacob K.: Order of Battle: A Republican's Call to Reason...
...Robert Lekaehman) .5/11 Gelber, Jack: On Ice...
...Foreign Polie,, Vietnam U.S...
...Politics, U.S...
...William: The Spire...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) 6/22 Davidson, Basil: The African Past...
...10/12 See also Johnson, Literature, U.S...
...Andicw Field* 6/8 Murdoch, Ins: The Italian Girt...
...6/22 (Comment by Alfred de Grazia and reply by George F. Gilder, 7/20) The Politics of Nostalgia, by Reinhold Niebuhr...
...8/31 Lilith...
...Anthony Hartley...
...Herbert: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy...
...History, by Reinhold Niebuhr...
...a/31 Deutseber, Isaac: The Prophet Outcast...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) 10/12 Kempten, Murray: America Comes of Middle Age...
...Defense, U.S...
...7/20 Fuller, Hoyt W. .......................9/28 Gainham, Sarah ..........7/20 Gall, Norman ...............................9/14 Garrigue, Jean ....12/7 Gcltnian, Max ...4/13, 5/25 Gilder, George ....................3/30, 6/22, 7/20 Goldman, Albert..............1/6, 3/2, 4/13, 5/25 Gordon, David J. 7/20, 9/28 Gould, William B. .....................10/12 Grundy, Kenneth W. .......4/27, 5/25, 8/31 Hahn, Lorna 10/26 Harrigan, Anthony 6/22 Harrington, Michael .................3/30 Hartley...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) 2/3 Cocteau, Jean: The Infernal Machine and Other Plays...
...10/12 Konvitz, Milton R...
...6/22 (Comment bv David Anin and reply by Andrew Field, 8/3) The Trial of losif Brodsky: A Transcript ..........................8/31 Brodsky: Reactions in Moscow, by George Feifer ........................9/14 Brodsky in Arkhangelsk—Editorial ........................10/12 Canada The Great Flag Debate, by Rolf Spenrer-Brummel 11/23 China Paris and Peking, by G. F. Hudson .......................2/17 Chou's African Odyssey, by Russell Warren Howe ..........3/16 DeGaulle and China, by Jacques Souslelle .............................4/13 Taiwan Looks Ahead, by Emily Cohen ..............................4/13 Where France and China Agree, by Ronald Slecl 6/8 Color and Ideology, by Abraham Brumberg 8/17 Civil Rights----See U.S...
...Herbert I.eibowitz) ...........12/7 Landelfi, Tommaso: Gogol's Wife... Ben B. Seligmau, 3/16) ? Senator's Lament, by Edward P. Morgan ...............................1/6 Wages, Prices and Profits, by Robert Lekachman...
...7/20 Balabanoff, Angelica: Impressions of Lenin...
...Robert Lekachman) 3/16 Liebling, A. J.: The Most of A. J. Liebling...
...2/3 Babel, Isaac: Lyubka the Cossack...
...Polities INDIA The Tenacious Prime Minister, by Sharokh Sabavala ....1/20 India Without Nehru, by Sharokh Sabavala...
...Richard ..1/20 Katel, Jacques ..........................6/8 Keyserling, Leon ....................3/16 Kingsbury, Roger...
...Richard ........3/30 Howe, Irving ......................2/3 Howe, Russell Warren .......3/16.7/20 Hudson...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman...
...5/25 Bale...
...9/14 Kramer...
...Karl E. Meyer) 6/3 Kirkpalrick, Ivone: Mussolini: A Study in Power...
...France, Europa ?lympics The Olympic Machinations, by Terence Riordan 6/22 ?akistan Pakistan's Ambiguous Politics, by John E. Owen 3/2 (Comment by Danishmand, 3/30...
...Jan F. Triska) ...3/2 Pevsner, Atenei: A Biographical Sketch of My Brothers...
...Race Relations Congo Alternatives in the Congo, by Edouard J. Buslin 12/21 Fulbrighl and Cuba, by Theodore Draper 4/13 Senator Fulbright's Cuban Options, by Theodore Draper .4/27 Negotiating with Fidel Castro, by Julio A. Arneodo 4/27 The Faleful Decision, by Keith Botsford...
...4/13 Behind Brazil's Rebellion, by Herbert Cahn ...........4/27 Britain Britain: The Other Election, by Ronald Steel ...........................7/6 England's Boring Election, by John Mander ...........9/20 The Election That Wasn't, by Ronald Steel ..........11/9 See also Europe, NATO Brodsky, Iosif A Poet in Prison, by Andrew Field...
...INDEX FOR 1964 This Index of New Leader articles for 1964 is divided into three sections: Section 1, Index of Authors, lists the names of all New Leader contributors, whether writers of articles, book reviews, or significant letters to the Editor...
...Stanley Edear Hyman) ................3/30 Hawkes, John...
...Lewis S. Feuer) . 8/3 Powell, Anthony: The Valley of Bones...
...Race Relations U.S...
...White and Rvd, by Abraham Brumfaerg 1/6 Empty Eyes and Magic Eyes, by Frida Vigdorova 1/6 And the Thunder Roared, by Richard Judj 1/20 Missing Voices—Editorial...
...Novack . . 2/17 Bonanza...
...3/2 Pachter, Henry N. 4/27 Potier, Constance H...
...8/17 Kolalch, Myron .............9/14...
...Politics Congress and the Succession, by Gils Tyler and David Wells 3/2 Horatio Alger ill Illinois, by Calvin Fentress...
...comment by S. Sajjad and others, 7/6) Poland Andrew Field in Poland—Editorial...
...I Ranjee Shahani) ..........3/30 Sartie, Jean-Paul: The Words...
...6/8 The Silence...
...7/6 Hook, Sidney . .5/11, 6/22 Hottelct, Riehard C...
...11/23 See also China, Latin America, NATO Fulbright, J. William Prisoner of the South, by Reinhold Niebuhr . .. ....4/27 See also Cuba Germany The Danger of a German Volo, by Zbigniew Brzezinski ..................1/20 (Comment hy Carl Landauer and reply by Zbigniew Brzezinski, 2/17) West Germany Looks Inward, by Robert S. Elegant 3/2 Sec also Europe, France, NATO Goldwater, Barry The Columnist's Candidale, by William E. Bohn ......................3/16 The Goldwater Emetic, by George F. Gilder...
...Foreign Poliey The Uses of American Power, by John P. Roche...
...Economy, U.S...
...3/30 Johnson and the Myths of Democracy, by Rcinhold Niebuhr.....5/2S The Changing of the Guard, hy Roger Kingsbury...
...Jean: The Thief's Journal...
...reply to Geltman of 4/13 by Jacques Kalel, 6/8...
...Hrrhert Weieinger) .................3/16 Elliott, George P.: A Piece of Lettuee...
...Robert S. .....................3/2.9/28 Ellison, Ralph ................................2/3 Elman...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) 11/9 Ade, George: Chicago Stories...
...Dada and Surrealism...
...William Henry ........2/17,4/13,6/8 Chu, Valentin ...............................10/12 Chapman, Bruce K. 8/3 Clark, Joseph S...
...Immanuel Wallerstein) 5/25 Davies...
...A. Marshall) S/11 Rhodes...
...Arthur J. Dommen) 2/17 Faulkner...
...Evgeny ..........................5/11 Feifer, George .............................9/14 Fentress, Calvin .............................4/27 Feuer...
...2/17 Humphrey, Hubert H.........................7/6 Hyman, Stanley Edgar .. .........All Issues Jacobs, Paul 3/30, 7/6 Jacobson...
...8/17 (Comment by Henry D. Rempel, 10/12) Coldwater vs...
...Charles E., Jr...
...11/23, 12/21 Niebuhr, Reinhold .1/6, 1/20, 3/16, 4/27, 5/25, 7/6, 7/20, 8/17, 10/26 Nomad, Max ..................5/25,6/22.12/21 Owen, John E...
...5/25) Problems of Christian Unity—Two Articles Catholicism and Protestantism, by Ralph Lord Roy ........1/20 After the Secoi.d Session, by Reinhold Niebuhr ...................1/20 The New Trinity, by Reinhold Niebuhr...
...Virginia Held) .................10/12 Mirskj, D, S.: Pushkin...
...3/30 Poverty and Pecksniff, by Irving Krislol .............................3/30 See also U.S...
...Economy, U.S...
...Donald Sutherland) ....................12/7 Gilol...
...Wylia Svpher) 10/26 Pritchelt, V. S.: The Offensite Traveler...
...George Woodcock) 10/12 Senghor...
...C. P. Corridors of Potter...
...Immanuel Wallerstein) 5/28 Rees David: Korea, The Limited War...
...Frida ..............................1/6 Walleretein, Immanuel..............5/25, 8/31 Weeks, A. L.........................10/26 Weisinger, Herbert .................1/6...
...4/27 Governor Scranton's Amateur Hour, hy George Herman 7/6 A Conservative Autopsy, by Charles Frankel...
...9/28 Benedikt...
...Herbert Leibowilz...
...Wylie Sypher) ............................5/11 Wolfe, Bertram D.: The Fabulous Life of Dieso Rivera...
...4/27 Sialicr's People 11/9 A Friendly Lynching (Review of Only You, Dick Darinz...
...7/6 See also U.S...
...Donald R. Slianor) ......6/22 Kott, Jan: Shakespeare Our Contemporary...
...7/6 The Struggle for Justice, by Peinhold Niebuhr ............................7/6 Labor Law & the Negro, by William B. Gould...
...Jean Garrigue) 12/7 Rowse, A. I.: William Shakespeare...
...2/3 Cohen, Emily...
...Hilton Kramer) ..........9/14 Poguc, Forrest C.: Geotge C. Marshall: Education of a General 1880-1939...
...2/17, 3/16 Wells, David ..................................3/2 Wiesel, Elie ..................................5/11 Woodcock...
...2/17 That Man from Rio . 7/6 The Fiances ___2/17 The Troublemaker 7/6 Seven Day, in Mav 3/16 The Organizer...
...Alfieri Bermel) .................9/14 Worth...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) .............7/6 Ellison, Ralph: Shadow and Act...
...Economy Prospect, for '64, by Robert Lekachman... Merle Miller and Evan Rhodes...
...11/9 Bustin, Edouard J..........................12/21 Cahn, Herbert 3/2, 4/27 Calamandrei, Mauro .. .11/23 Carry, James ?. 3/2 Chambcrlin...
...10/26 Howard...
...5/11 Holmes, John Clellon: Get Home Free...
...9/14 See also Latin America Cyprua A Way Out in Cyprus, by Ray Alan 1/20 Europe Eroding Alliances, by William Henry Chamberlin 2/17 The Peaceful Invasion, by Edouard Rediti 10/12 See also Britain, Cyprus, France, Germany, Italy, NATO, Poland, Russia, Spain, U.S...
...10/12) The Squares vs...
...2/17 The Myth of Polish Liberalism, by Andrew Field...
...Labor Harry, the Cag Man...
...Film Festival . . 9/23 Music Reviews by Albert Goldman A Rienzi Revival...
...India, Pakistan, Vietnam Brazil Images of Brazil, by Keith Botsford...
...Anthony .. ...........4/27 Held, Virginia .. ............10/12 Herman, George E...
...9/28 Marshall, S.L.A.......1/6, 5/11, 8/3, 10/26, 12/7 Martin, Abram V. ............................6/22 Mellow...
...Andrew Field) ............6/8 Quigg., Philip W.: Africa...
...4/13 Raditsa, Bogdan ....................8/17 Raman, ?. Pattabhi...
...L. A. Marshall...
...7/20 Viereck, Peter ................................12/7 Vigdorova...
...Defense Policy The Missile Budget, by Ronald Steel 4/13 See also U.S...
...Under each are listed the relevant titles, authors and dates...
...4/27 More on U S.-Cuban Negolialions...
...10/12 (Comment by Lorna Hahn, 10/26, and Jack Scaparro, 11/23) The Other Witnesses, by George and Patricia Nash ..............10/12 'Thomas Buchanan...
...1/20 Dancing the Saidana, by Roy Alan...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman...
...Education Rebellion at Berkeley, by lewis S. Feuer ................................12/21 U.S...
...11/9 (Comment by Charles E. Boebel Jr., 12/7) America's Respectable Leftism, by Karl E. Meyer 11/23 Waiting for the Pendulum, by Seymour Martin Lipset...
...Kenneth Burke)..........................................11/9 Wellwarth, George E. and Benedikt, Michael: Modem French Theatre: The Avant-Garde, Dada and Surrealism...
...5/11 (Comment by Max Nomad and reply by Sidney Hook, 6/22) Addenda on Soviet Anti-Semitism, by Emanuel Litvinoff...........6/22 Moscow and the U.N., by Richard C. Hotlelet ........................10/26 The Lost Congress of the Bolshevik Parly, by Max Eastman...
...12/7 Fischer, Louis: The Life of Lenin...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) 2/17 Barth, John: The Sot-Weed Factor...
...David J. Gordon) ..9/28 Trilling, Diana: Claremont Essays...
...11/9 Boebel...
...Foreign Policy France DeGaulle and China, by Jacques Souslelle...
...William E.................3/16, 7/6, 11/23 Boroff, David .......1/20, 2/17, 3/16, 4/27, 5/25, 6/22, 7/20, 10/12, 11/9, 12/7 Botsford, Keith ..................3/30, 4/13, 4/27 Brightman, Carol ......................8/31, 9/28 Brumberg, Abraham ...............1/6, 5/25, 8/17 Brzezinski, Zbiguiew .............1/20, 2/17, 11/23 Buchanan...
...Daniel: A Stone Man, Yes...
...9/28 Botsford, Keith: The March-Man...
...Lewis S. Feuer...
...12/21 Field, Andrew.....5/11, 6/8, 6/22, 8/3, 10/26 Frankel...
...10/26 Time for Debriefing, by Paul Danaceau...
...Poverty The Lower Fifth, by Irving Krislol ....................................2/17 Poveity in America—Five Articles Our Permanent Paupers, by Paul Jacobs...
...5/25 Nash, George and Patricia 10/12 Navasky, Victor...
...Charles E.: Crisis in Black and White...
...2/17 Show ol the Week ...........5/25 Lamp Unto My Feel , . 3/16 Humphrey vs...
...3/30 The New Poor, by A. H. Raskin...
...Foreipn Poliey ?anzibab Letter from Zanzibar, by Keith Kyle ...............................2/17 See also Tanzania 3. INDEX OF BOOKS REVIEWED Abe, Kobo: The Woman in the Dunes...
...Herbert Lcibowiu) .7/6 Gnodhcart...
...8/17 See also U.S...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman...
...Thomas C.......................11/9 Burke, Kenneth...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) ..............7/20 Babel, Isaac: The Lonely Years...
...Foreign Relatione, U.S...
...G. F... Myron Kolatch...
...6/22 Steel, Ronald ............4/13, 6/8, 7/6, 8/3, 11/9 Sutherland, Donald 5/11, 8/31, 11/23, 12/7 Sypher, Wylie ....5/11, 10/26 Triska, Jan F. 3/2 Tyler...
...Jr.: Foreien and Other Affairs...
...Daniel Curley) 12/7 Steinberg, Leo: Jasper Johns...
...11/9 Khrushchevism without Khrushchev, by Robert Conquest...
...James: Cabot Wright Begins...
...8/3 van Paiesen, Pierre: To Number Our Days...
...Constance H. Poster) ....4/13 Twain, Mark and Warner, Charles D.i The Gilded Age...
...Edward Seidenstickor)....................................................2/3 Miller, Merle and Rhodes, Evan: Only You, Dick Daring...
...Stanley Fdgar Hyman) ...........11/23 Pushkin: Eugene Onegin...
...10/12 Riordan...
...9/14 Votaw...
...Albert Murray) ....................12/7 Minogue, Kenneth R.: The Liberal Mind...
...1/6 Amis, Kingsley: One Fat Englishman...
...4/27 Anderson, Margaret Bartlcll: Robert Frost and John Boriteti...
...12/7 See also Brodsky, Khrushchev, NATO, U.S...
...Economy U.S...
...Charles Lamb) . . .5/6 1. INDEX OF AUTHORS Alan, Ray ...........................1/20, 8/31 Alleo, Luther ?.............................6/8 Amoedo, Julio A............................4/27 Anin, David 8/3 Baal-Teshuva, Jacob .....................2/17 Bentley, Eric...
...Roy: The hay of the...
...Race Relations U.S...
...Politics, by Reinhold Niebuhr...
...1/20 Children of Paradise 6/8 Dr...
...2/3 The Johnson Touch, by Robert Lekarbman 2/17 The Three LBJ's, by Karl E. Meyer...
...Dow: The Six-Legged Dog, Mattel and ENI: A Study in Pouer...
...Milton R. Konvitz) .....9/14 Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Short Friday and Other Stories...
...The name of the contributor is followed by the dates on which his contribution (s) appeared, given by month and day (5/6 is May 6...
...George Gilder...
...1/6 (Comment by Joseph S. Clark, 2/3...
...William: Snopes...
...Defense Poliey, Vietnam U.S...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) .......1/20 . Douglas: Reminiscences...
...The author of the book is listed first, then its title, then the name of the reviewer and the date of the review...
...10/12 Beimel, Albert .2/3, 2/17, 3/2, 3/16, 3/30, 4/13, 4/27, 5/11, 6/8, 6/22, 7/6, T/20, 8/3, 9/14, 10/26, 11/9, 11/23, 12/7, 12/21 Bloomneld, Lincoln...
...Sidney Hook) ..................5/11 Djil.s, Milovan: The Leper...
...Alexander Calder) ......................12/7 Asia----See China...
...12/7 Awaiting 'The Deputy', lis Jacob Baal-Tcshuva .. 2/17 The New Trinity, by Reinhold Niebuhr 3/16 A Touch of the Adolescent (Eugene O'Neill), by Eric Bentley . 10/12 Reviews by Gordon Rogoff Marathon '33 1/6 Play 1/20 Reviews by Albert Bermel After the Fall . 2/3 The Knack 6/22 The Trojan Woman 2/17 The Subject Was Roses 6/22 The Dybbuk 2/17 The Third Ear . 6/22 Marco's Millions .3/2 Hamlet . .7/6 The Deputy 3/16 The Three Sisters 7/20 The Blood Knot 3/30 Othello 8/3 But For Whom Charlie 3/3U Dada Anthology 9/14 Little Fyolf 4/13 The Physicists 10/26 Right You Are 1/13 Traveler Without Luggage 10/26 The Lower Depths 4/13 The Last Analysis . .10/26 The Tav em 4/13 The Alchemist 10/26 Scapin 1/13 The Sign in Sidney Life Is a Dream 4/13 Bruslein's Window ......10/26 Dutchman...
...J.: Encounters... Jacob K. Javils, 2/17... Paul Jacobs...
...Strongelove . . 2/17 Disorder...
...Broadwav 11/9 Gummuke...
...Poverly, U.S...
...4/27 East Side/West Side...
...Foreign Policy U.S...
...4/13 Conquest, Robert ..........................11/23 Cournos, John 6/22 Crosier, Brian 10/26 Curley, Daniel.....8/17, 11/9, 11/23, 12/7 Danaceau, Paul .....................11/9 Danishiuand 3/30 deGrazia...
...James R. Mellow) . 12/21 Prilchell, V. S-: The, Living Novel and Later Appreciations...
...3/30 A Glib Fallacy, by Michael Harrington...
...Defense Polier, U.S...
...David J. Cordon) 7/20 Beckett, Samuel: How It Is...
...George Woodcock)......12/21 Purdy...
...Bin B. Seligman) ...............4/27 Wind, Edgar: Art and Anarchy...
...Charles Frankel) 7/20 Buzzati, Dino: A Love Affair...
...Polities Journalism How to Start A Magazine, by Victor S. Navasky 5/11 The Metaphysics of Journalism, by Irving Kristol .6/22 Kenneoy, John F. The Lingering 'Plot,' by William Lineberry 4/27 Kennedy and the Politics of Modernity, by John P. Roche 8/17 (Comment hy James Rorty and Robert Lekachman, 9/14) Thomas Buchanan, Detective, by Leo Sauvage .....................9/28 The Warren Report -Two Articles The Triumph of Caliban, by Karl E. Meyer...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman...
...Mauro Calamandrei) ........................11/23 Barzun, Jacques: Science: The Glorious Entertainment (Raymond Rosenthal...
...Raymond Rosenthal) .....4/13 Wcisinger, Herbert: The Agony and the Triumph: Papers on the Use and Abuse of Myth...
...7/20 That Was the Week That Was 3/16 The Tycoon .............10/12 A Far and Distant Land .. 3/16 The Reporter .................11/9 Books for Our Time 3/16 Mr...
...3/15 Raskin, A. ?..............................3/30 Rempel, Henry D...
...8/3 Fowlie, Wallace: A Reading of Proust...
...1/6 Poesony, Stefan T.: Lenin: The Compulsive Revolutionary...
...Evan and Miller, Merle: Oniy You, Dick Daring...
...Foreign Aid, by N. Patlabhi Raman ..........3/16 Priorities of State, by William Henry Chamberrlin 6/8 See· also Britain, China, Cuba, France, Germany, Johnson, Latin America, NATO, Russia, U.S...
...David Boroff) ...12/7 Miller, Warren: The Siege of Harlem...
...Alexander Sack») ............8/17 Petersen...
...10/26 Wild Geese Flying, by William E. Bohn 11/23 Movies The Strangelovc of the Intellectuals, by Robert Lekachman...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) .8/17 Friedman...
...6/8 Barriers lo Progress, by Edward R. Wright Jr.........................6/8 Fighting a Sticky War...
...Gus ............................3/2 Vega, Luis...
...9/14 (Comment by Felix Morrow and reply by Myron Kolatch...
...9/28 Le Mepris 8/31 The Brig 9/28 Le Peau Douce . .8/31 The Last Clean Shirt . 9/23 She and He 8/31 N.Y...
...Alexander: Russia At War, 194I-1915...
...Defense Policy, U.S...
...B. (George Balancbine) 3/2 Falstaff Revived...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman...
...11/23 Literature of the Thaw, by Peter Viereck...
...Alfred 7/20 deSola Pool, Ithiel 8/31 Dommen, Arthur J..........................2/17 Draper, Theodore ..............4/13, 4/27, 5/11 Eastman, Max 11/9 Edelstein, Arthur .............................6/22 Elegant...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) .........3/17 Frost, Robert: The Letters of Robert Frost to Louis Untermeyer...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman)......3/30 Hemingway, Ernest A Moveable Feast...
...Ben B. Seligman...
...Richard Howard) 3/30 Lasky, Mel...
...Urban Problems U.S... Irvine Howe ..........2/3 A Rejoinder, by Ralph Ellison ....................................2/3 On Literary Politics, by Irving Kristol 3/3 Sec also Brodsky, Russia, Index of Books Reviewed MISCELLANEOUS Passage Beyond Marxism, by Lewis S. Feuer...
...Hubert H. Humphrey) ............7/6 Fall, Bernard B.: The Two Viet-Nams...
...Herbert Weisinger)..........................1/6 Jacobs...
...Herbert Leibowiti...
...Baldwin ........6/22 Look Up and Live 3/16 Route 66...
...Charlie 5/11 The Owl and the Pussycat 12/7 King Lear...
...6/8 Shaslri's 'Hundred Davs,' by Sharokh Sabavala 8/17 Italy Italy's New Socialists, by Waller Lucas 2/3 Johnson, Lyndon ?. Coming Back to Reality, by Karl E. Meyer...
...Peter Ritner) .............11/31 Field, Andrew: Pages from Tarusa...
...Peter Ritner...
...Eugene: The Utopian Vision of D. H. Laurence...
...Kenneth W. Grundy) 4/27 Silberman...
...8/3 Triumph of Primilivism...
...9/28 Nabokov, Vladimir: The Defense...
...Eugene: The 480...
...reply to Geltman of 4/13 by Moshe Starkman, 6/22...
...hy S. L. A. Marshall...
...Mircea: Myth and Reality... Anthony Harrigan 6/22 See also Britain...
...Stanley Edgar Hjman) .................10/26 Etzioni, Ainitai: Winning Without War...
...Valentin Chu) ..................................................................10/12...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) 8/31 Friedman, Rruce Jay: Far From the City of Class...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) ....................8/3 Genet...
...Section 3, Index of Books Reviewed, lists hooks alphabetically according to the names of their authors...
...Th, Cannibal...
...Foreign Policy South Africa South African Fable (A Story), by Dan Jacobson 1/6 See also Nigeria Southeast Asia—See Vietnam Spain Spain's Uncertain Feeling, by Roy Soamcs...
...Lewis S. 8/3...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) 4/13 Swados, Harvey: The Will...
...Daniel Curley... Theodore Draper 5/11 Castro and the Church, by Norman Gall...
...11/23 Praz, Mario: The House of Life...
...2/17 O'Nejll, Eueene: .Wore Stately Mansions...
...Jeremy Lamer...
...reply to Geltman, Pachter and Nomad by Carl Landauer, 6/22) The Cunning of History, by Sidney Hook...
...Section 2, Index of Subjects, arranges articles, columns and letters to the Editor according to subject...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman...
...Paul· The Slate of the Unions...
...Mulholland) .1/20 Markfield, Wallace: To An Early Grave...
...5/11 (Comment by A. M. Rosenthal...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) 3/2 Banini, Luigi: The Italians...
...9/14 Coldwater vs...
...Bruce K. Chapman) . .......................................................8/3 Keller, Werner: The Bible as History in Pictures...
...Daniel Curley) ..........................11/9 Muee, Benjamin: Ten Years of Prelude, (lloyt W. Fuller...
...Donald Sutherland) ........................5/11 Beliti, Ben: The Enemy Joy: New & Selected Poems...
...11/23 Wain, John: The Living World of Shakespeare...
...Reinhold Niebuhr) .1/6 Roethkc, Theodore: The Far Field...
...3/30 Hawkes, John: The Goose on the Grave...
...Donald Sutherland) 11/23 Brown, Neville: Strategic Mobility...
...James R. Mellow) 12/7 Golding...
...Françoise and Lake, Carlton: Life With Picasso...
...3/2 Reviews by John Simon Move Over Darling 1/20 Le Crime de Monsieur Lange 4/13 Art One· .....................1/20 Becket........................6/8 America America 1/20 The Servant ..............6/8 Ladybug Ladybug ...........1/20 To Bed Or Not to Bed 6/8 The War of the Buttons...
...Max Nomad) ....................12/21 Hyrnan, Stanley Edgar: The Promised End: Essays and Reviens...
...3/16 A Soviet View of the Jew (Soviet cartoons) 3/16 On Obliterating the .lews, by Arthur Miller .............................3/16 (Comment by Max Cellman, 4/13...
...12/7 venezuela Venezuela in Transition, by Luis Vega..................................7/20 Vietnam Vietnam's Impossible Alternative, by Robert Karr McCabe............1/20 Neutrality and Vietnam, by Ami lai Etzioni .............................3/16 The U.S...
...6/22 Curley, Daniel: How Many Angels...
...3/30 Burdick...
...Eric Benttey) 10/12 Payne, Robert: The Life and Death of Lenin...
...Lincoln P. ?100 m field) ...............H/9 Hawkes, John: The Lime Twig...
...Howard Ncmerov) 6/22 Bellow, Saul: Herzog...
...the Yahoos, by Irving Krislol...
...Albert Bermel) 9/14 Blackmur, R. P.: Eleven Essays in the European Novel...
...Ithiel de Sola Pool) 8/31 Burgos, Anthony: Honey for the Bears...
...Lewis S. Fcner...
...2/3 Galbraith, John Kenneth: Economic Development...
...Emanuel ...........................6/22 Lucas, Waller .................................2/3 McCabe, Robert Kerr......................2/3 Mander...
...4/27 Oh What a Lovely War 11/9 In White America 4/27 Doctor Faustus ...............11/9 Dynamite Tonight ...5/11 The Channeling .. 11/23 Baby Want a Kiss .. 5/11 The Old Glory ..........11/23 Blues for Mr...
...George ........9/14, 10/12, 12/7, 12/21 Wright, Edward R. Jr.....................6/8 2. INDEX OF SUBJECTS Africa North Africa's Great Migration, by Edouard Rodili 9/28 See also Algeria, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Zanzibar Algeria Algeria: An Uneasy Coalition, by Immanuel Wallerslein 8/31 See also Africa Art Review· by Hilton Kramer The Case of Morion Schamberg .....................................2/3 Purifying the Past (20th century art) ..............................3/2 Kitsch and the Real Thing (Leonard Baskin, Gaston Laehaise) 3/30 From Audacity to Pompier (Constructivism, John Chamberlain, Richard Stankiewicz) .....................................4/27 The MoMA of Us All (Museum of Modern Art...
...Poverty, U.S...
...1/6 Homage to Mr...
...L. A. Marshall) ..........12/7 Widick, B. J.: Labor Today...
...11/23 Starkman, Moshe...
...12/7 See also Fulbright, Coldwater, Johnson, Kennedy, U.S...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman...
...7/20 Waiting for '68...
...9/23 Nobody Waved Goodbye ......8/31 Fail-Safe...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) 4/13 Burnham...
...l'art 1) .............5/25 Magnificent and Vulnerable (Museum of Modern Art, Part 2) ..........7/6 The Expense of Observation (Portrayal of Negroes in art) ............8/3 False Credentials (Antoine Pevsner) .....9/14 An American Vision (Edward Hopper) ........................10/12 'Luxe, Calme el Volupte' (Bonnard, Vuillard, Derain) .................11/9 Two Masters (David Smith...
...6/8 Pooi Bitos . 12/7 The New Tenant 6/22 Incident at Viehy.....12/21 Victims of Duty . 6/22 United Nations Moscow and the United Nations, by Richard C. Hollelet 10/26 See also Russia...
...Leopold Sedar: Ori African Socialism...
...3/2 Leibowitz, Herbert .................2/3, 7/6, 12/7 Lekachman, Robeit ..........1/6, 2/17, 3/2, 3/16, 5/11, 8/31, 9/14, 11/23 Leonhard, Wolfgang ...........................5/25 Lineberrj, William ...........................4/27 Lipset, Seymour Martin ......................12/7 Litvinoff...
...Rosalind Krauss) 2/17 Storey, David: Radcliffe...
...Richard M .....................8/17 Etzioni, Amitai . ...........3/16 Evtushcnko...
...Sarah Cainham) 7/20 Kirst, Hans Hellmut: The Night of the General...
...8/17 A Final Musical Testament (Mahler) 9/14 American Panorama (Composers Recordings Inc...
...Dan 1/6 Javils, Jacob ?................................2/17 Jhabvala, Darius S............................1/6 Judv...
...Bogdan Raditsa) .8/17 Djilaj, Milovan: Montenegro and Other Srories...
...3/30 Hawkes, John: The Reelle Leg...
...James: Suicide of the West...
...Ben B. Seligman) 9/14 Thompson, Lawrance: Selected Letters of Robert Frost...
...Example: Shakespeare, William: Romeo and Juliet...
...Herbert Leibowilz) ....12/7 Ward, Aileen: John Keats: The Making of a Poet... James B. Carey, 3/2...
...Ceorge Woodcock) ...........9/14 Frame, Janet: Scented Ga,dens for the Rlina...
...7/6 The Fire Within 3/16 The Soft Skin 10/26 The Fall of the Roman Empire 4/13 Topkapi 10/26 Today and Tomorrow .....4/13 A Woman Is a Woman ......11/23 The World of Henry Orient 1/13 Il Bilione ......11/23 From Russia With Love ......4/13 The Umbrellas of Cherbourg 12/21 What A Way to Go!......4/13 Bay ol the Angel, 12/21 Les Dames du Bois Woman in the Dunes 12/21 du Boulogne 4/13 Reviews by Carol Brightman Le Chat dans le Sac...
...4/13 Evading the Tragic (Musicologist Leo Schrado) . .. 5/25 Reviews by Dika Newlin At Odds with His Time (Richard Strang) 7/20 Composers and the Colonies...
...Bogdan Raditsa) ..........8/17 Eliade...
...Stanley Edgar .......................12/7 Feis...
...4/13 Wbere France and China Agree, by Ronald Sleel 6/8 'Europe lo ihe Urals,' by Zbigniew Brzetinski...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) ...A/21 Horowitz, Irving L.: The Anarchists...
...2/17 Landauer, Carl.......................2/17, 6/22 Larner...
...David Boroff) 12/7 Roche, John P.: The Quest for the Dream...
...10/26 A Change of Taste (Bruckner, Mahlet) 11/23 Bindemith vs...
...Andrew Field) .............10/26 Nemerov, Howard: Poetry and Fiction: Essays...
...Wylie Sypher) 10/26 Booker, Simeon: Black Mans America...
...Mauro Calamandrei...
...3/2 Taft, Philip: Organized Labor in American History...
...L. A. Marshall) .10/26 MacGregor-Haitie...
...George Woodcock) 12/7 Cheeier, John: ?he Wapshot Scandal...
...Seiden Rodman) .6/8 Yu, Frederick T. C.: Mass Persuasion in Communist China...
...Hindemith 12/21 ?igeria Apartheid and Malcolm X, by Abram V. Marlin 6/22 NATO NATO's Future, by William Henry Chamberlin 4/13 NATO: Evolution vs...
...7/20 The Goldwaler Phenomenon—Three Articles Prejudice and Affluence, by Karl E. Meyer ...............................8/3 Cideon of the Right, by John P. Roche .............................8/3 (Comment by Richard M. Elman, 8/17) The European Response, by Ronald Steel...
...8/31 The Postponed Argument, by Robert Lckachman ......................11/23 See also Poverty, U.S...
...Waller Jackson: John Keats...
...Hoyt W. Fuller) ................9/28 Hammarskjold, Dag: Markings...
...Michael and Wellwarth, George E.: Modern French Theatre: The Avant-Garde...
...3/2 Private Invejlmenl vs...
...John Paton...
...Race Relations •While Plumbers Refuse to Work' (Cartoon) by Lou Myers 5/25 Fundamental Questions, by William E. Bohn...
...David J. Cordon) 7/20 Warner, Charles D. and Twain, Mark: The Gilded Age...
...reply to Pachter by Geltman, 5/25... Reinhold Niebuhr...
...2/3, 3/2, 3/30, 4/27, 5/25, 7/6, 8/3, 9/14, 10/12, 11/9, 12/7 Krauss, Rosalind ........................2/17 Kristol, Irving 1/6, 2/17, 3/30, S/11, 6/22, 8/3, 9/14 Kyle, Keith...
...Urban Problems The Case Against Citicide, by John D. Rosenberg...
...Sarah Cainham) ..........7/20 Marcarshack, David: Dos'.oevsky's Occasional Writings...
...Terence ...........................6/22 Rilner, Peter ...........................8/3l Roche, John ?..................3/2, 8/3, 8/17 Rodili, Edouard ...................9/28, 10/12 Rodman, Selden ...........................6/8 Rogoff, Cordon ......................1/6, 1/20 Rorty, James ...............................9/14 Rosenherg, John D............................12/7 Rosenthal, A. M. .5/25 Rosenthal...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) 3/16 Caute, David: Communism and the French Intellectuals...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) .......................6/8 Goldman, Albert: Baguer on Music and Drama...
...Detective'—An Exchange In Defense of a Theory, by Thomas Buchanan .. 11/9 As I Was Saving by Leo Sauvage 11/9 Khrushchev, Nikita S. The Khrushchev Era—Three Articles The Politician from Kalinovka, by Wolfgang Leonhard ................5/25 Now Tbere Are Seven, by Anatole Shub 5/25 Remembrance of Things Past, by Abraham Br umber g 5/25 Coup in the Kremlin—Two Articles The Myth of Soviet Politics, by Hans J. Morgenthau .10/26 Struggle At the Top, by A. L. Weeks ..............................10/26 See also Russia Latin America Revitalizing the Alliance, by Herbert Cahn 3/2 Gaullism and the Hemisphere, by Keith Boteford . 3/30 See also Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Venezuela Literature A Reply to Ralph Ellison (Comment on The world and the Jug, by Ralph Ellison, 12/9/63...
...Alexander .............................8/17 Sajjad, S.......................................7/6 Sauvage, Leo ...........................9/28, 11/9 Scaparro, Jack ...............................11/23 Seidenslicker, Edward .........................2/3 Seligman, Ben ?............1/20, 3/16, 4/27, 9/14 Shahani, Ranjee .............................3/30 Shanor, Donald R............................6/22 Shub, Anatole ..............................5/25 Simon, John ....1/20, 2/17, 3/16, 4/13, 5/11, 6/8 7/6, 10/26, 11/23, 12/21 Soames, Roy .................................1/20 Souslelle, Jacques ............................4/13 Sparks, Will ..................................6/8 Spencer-Brummel, Rolf...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) .6/22 Curley, Daniel: That Marriage Red of Procrustes...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) ......................................................12/21 Snow...
...reply to Katel by John Cournos, 6/22...
...5/11 Nemerov, Howard ...6/22 Newlin, Dika .7/20, 8/17, 9/14, 10/26...
...James R. ..12/7, 12/21 Meyer, Karl E. ..2/3, 3/30, 6/8, 8/3, 10/12, 11/23 Miller, Arthur ...............................3/16 Miller, Herman ?............................3/30 Morgan, Edward ?.............................1/6 Morgenthau, Hans J...................6/8,10/26 Morrow, Felix 10/12 Mulbolland, D............................1/20 Murray, Albert ...............................12/7 Myers...
...Hoyt W. Fuller...
...10/26 See also U.S...
...Biuce Jay: A Mother's Kisses...
...3/30 Statistics and Reality, by Herman P. Miller...
...reply to Pachter by Max Nomad, 5/25...
...Economy, U.S...
...Arthur Edelstein) ....................................................................6/22 Crimes, Alan P.: Equality in America...
...Donald Sutherland) 8/31 Curlev...
...and Southeast Asia—Four Articles The Realities of Containment, by Hans J. Moigenthau 6/8 A Time for Patience, by Will Sparks ................................6/8 Pacification in Quang Tri... Luther A. Allen...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman) ................................................9/14 Weil, Simone: Selected Essays: 1934-43...
...Stanley Edgar Hyman...
...Lewis S. Feuer) 8/3 Barker, A. L.: The Joy-Ride and After...

Vol. 47 • December 1964 • No. 26

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