Dear Editor
DEAR EDITOR BRUNO R. Permit me to correct a point in Dan Bell's tale of Bruno R. (NL, September 28). It was not I who "located a copy of Bruno R.'s book" in 1948, and the article which I "printed"...
...This particular item of political curiosa seems to be dogged by booboos...
...including his name, and it is still the only full and accurate account of his book...
...and it appeared in the New International (September, 1948), not in Labor Action...
...The Hoover Library microfilmed Bruno R.'s book and, having apparently found out that the "R" stands for Rizzi, catalogued it under "Bruno, Rizzi"— and stuck it in the Bs...
...The main facts were known over 10 years ago...
...Indeed, Naville says he gave Bruno R.'s name in the Revue Internationale in June 1947 —no doubt its first publication...
...This error was taken over by the Library of Congress and is now embalmed in the National Union Catalogue all over the country...
...Fenwick's fine article already gave the essential facts about the man...
...Somebody with influence in Washington ought to get the entry changed to "Rizzi...
...Also, in the issue of Contrat Social preceding the one to which Bell refers, there is a letter by Pierre Naville with other interesting information on Rizzi and the genesis of his book...
...Bruno (c.1900- )." Oakland, Calif...
...It was not I who "located a copy of Bruno R.'s book" in 1948, and the article which I "printed" was not by me but by James M. Fenwick...
Vol. 42 • October 1959 • No. 37