THE NEW LEADER THE SOCIALIST CONVENTION After last Saturday's meeting of theNew York Section of the SocialistParty, at which the city delegates andothers debated the policy to be adopt' ed...

...But if they succeed, who shall condemn them forttds^dlaccnirtesy to their allegedNow a good word for the SocialistParty: The "Communist Manifesto" in itslast chapter on the "Position of theCommunists in Relation to the Various Existing Opposition Parties," states that "the Communists fight forthe attainment of the fr""nti1tftt alms, for the enforcement of the momentaryinterests of the working class: but inthe movement of the present they alsorepresent and take care of the futureof that movement...
...In short, this creed is sheer moonshine...
...The proposal cuts to the heartof the whole capitalist system and only a party committeed to Socialism would sponsor a nationalisation program.— Editor of The New Leader...
...Today y beginning to realize that ta i era industrial society it ta | to save too much...
...Every effort for adequate, organized and planful relief of the growing host of victims of our illfunctioning economic system, in the form of oldage pensions, unemployment insurance or similar social legislation, is met and effectively silenced by the deadly epithet of the "dole...
...17th, at 2 p. m. An Interestingprogram has been arranged byEsther Friedman, who will be incharge of the outing...
...Our correspondent should not forgetthe so-called "progressives" in Congress...
...We might have had new factories, but none sj need have stood idle...
...The only alternative is publiownership and democratic controof industry and of all other agencies upon which jointly our existence depends...
...Iam quite sure, had Marx been alivetoday, and saw that things were goingdifferently from what he predicted, hewould be Use first to amend some ofhis ideas...
...We we are in the grip of ism as impersonal as around us...
...On the solution of tali turns the hope of any esetsj the anarchy of today...
...By its means the dead hand of thePast presses heavily on the Living Present, andmankind are manacled by fetters forged by theirbrutal ancestors.—New Zealand "Worker.' • a e Something wrong with the Intellectual police ofcapitalism...
...At one period in our history theCongressional mill focussed attention of millionsof voters...
...And when these gentleaen face the prospect of fighting each other therrill be peace...
...To this low level has Congress sunk since the Gvil War...
...We certainly need umnjbmtn othe waiting class etamtaetssT ef theSocialist movement *t sod you always manage to step the pedal at the right time...
...On the other hand, the communists, claiming to be the only true Marxists, should have hesitated to disobey theirmaster's voice by trying to establishcommunism without first passingthrough capitalism...
...MARXISM Editor...
...Marx followed history, andnot history Marx...
...the question 'which statesmen, thclergy, scientists, educators anworkers are eagerly asking...
...No improvement is anticipated till the later half of the year and even then it will be "slow...
...On every ha we see established Relief Comm tees to aid the unemployed...
...Moreover, public work"will not make jobs much before spring and summer...
...Irefer specifically to the younger "insurgent" element, so ardent in its unequivocal endorsement of the Stalinregime...
...However, while cowards sneer and selfish berate and persecute those who readaright the signs of the times, unerringly our whole industrial andeconomic order lumbers on to thenext mile post in social evolution, the while it inflicts unnecessarypain upon untold millions of theworkingclass...
...Two of our young comradeshad been shot by the Fascists, alsocalled National-Socialists...
...Slavery, the slave trade, landissues, and other questions that involved real differences of opinion made the proceedings of Congress of absorbing interest...
...foball games are staged, special smons are preached by leadi clergymen, municipal employeand others are taxed and biggand better drives are conducted raise funds to alleviate the mise of the millions who live by ''tsweat of their brow...
...And there you are, as Mr...
...Stabilization of prices isessentiaThe poisoninl to theg retur of thne o humaf prosperityn soul b. y hatred, thedarkening of the human mind by lies, and thajiardening of the human heart by slaughter and destruction are evils that spread long after the guns havestopped.—George Bernard Shaw...
...In the larger idustrial cities, not only must face the ordinary rigors of uneployment which all other workeface, but in addition he is cofronted with race prejudice andiscrimination in the distributioof relief, and more cruel than aelse he is confronted with thproblem of freeing himself'frothe colls of the unscrupulous hman vultures who see in his everplight an opportunity to prey upohim and enrich themselves...
...The Congressional Record is no longer widely read because it is of no more Interest than last year's almanac...
...More power to you...
...Thefall of capitalism would assure jobs to everybody...
...Hoover please tell us how Socialism willmake property Impossible for the workers just byway of making the propertyless unemployed millions happy...
...This service is an illuminatinsurvey by a firm serving big business interests...
...The aj ity could not buy aii tat which the new machinery« to turn out...
...He is hired and fired withno interruption of the machine process...
...Bttl is not enough...
...When the masses indicate by organization and expression of their views that theK opposed to war, that they want peace, anhat they will resist the call of the militarists antatesmen, there will be nobody to fight but thotlitarists and statesmen...
...Steele Rudd...
...It would become a legislative body whose proceedings would be followed with enjoyment...
...Then follow Interval, short or long, tg painful discovery...
...They attempt to correct to some extent the revolting economic inequalities among their citizens, anddo not hesitate to conscript wealth for the benefitof the commonwealth...
...H in the United States, blessed wunlimited natural resources a with marvelous scientific and tec nical devices for producing abundance all that the people nethe nnr«hs»r of unemployed wor ers is said to be from anywhesix to nine millions...
...How to solve the problem...
...But if the communists in Russia dosucceed, won't that be proof thatcommunism can be achieved withoutthe preliminary capitalistic stage...
...BUYING THE INDUSTRIES Editor, The New Leader: Will you allow me a bit of your valuable space...
...He emphaized the fan that "the governments will do whahe peoples want" and that if they "want,disarmanent they can have it...
...They to invwst them and that an expansion of capital q of the community, on p) scrapped: new and better \ ery was installed: new j were opened...
...nd that is the legislative mill at Washington...
...As for the worker, he is a small fractional partin a system of social production that reduces theindividual to a cipher...
...The breadline win aot until we realise that tt' torn of anarchy...
...Politicians ate capable ofanything bat there is a limit even to their drivelwhen it faces stark facts ia contradiction to it...
...Mutt] say that the division of f tional income was itself J that here too the proportM wrong...
...A state teM old age pensions doe* it M every organized effort te * for wages and sttvlarle* s *t proportion of the income of * try makes for this bea'^"* portion...
...E. C. KERSEY...
...way of saying that proat and Interest were relaovi high, while wages and salt...
...Hoover's "Individualism" ~\NE wonders whether President Hoover willever again have the brass to broadcast his old•erne of rugged individualism" in the face ofhat has happened to the economic system that receives his berating...
...Socialist Women Invited , To W. C Outing TuesdayThe women's branches of theWorkmen's Circle will pay a visitto the Metropolitan Museum ofAit, 82nd Street and Fifth Avenue, N. Y. C, on Tuesday, Fab...
...Thacalamity should by all means be avoided...
...Relief thus extended to citizens by their government is due them as a matter of social obligation...
...The New Leader: According to Marx, socialists say, communists cannot succeed In a nonindustrial and non-capitalist country...
...Not one has stepped forward with thecharge that Socialism is responsible for the diseasesof capitalism...
...set the idle machinery m What went wrong a | miliar process...
...a • The only real doles are charitable gifts madeby private philanthropists or institutions in thenotoriously humiliating and degrading conditionswhich characterize such gifts...
...57th Street, under the auspicesf The Freethinkers of America, President Hoover and the 'Dole' B y Morris Hillquit THE dispute over Congressional relief legislation is reported to be settled...
...While Nazi-locals were smashed thearmy marched on, with their redflags waving high, with the International on the lips...
...In short, the Communists am/alette supportevery revolutionary movement againstthe existing social and political orderof things.'* Therefore are the Communist and Socialist Labor Parties inaccordance with Marx when they disparage "reformers...
...The control...
...They are deeply and directly concerned with the material welfare of the people and their relief from distress...
...It is unfortunate that this ambitious group obtained recognition by the chair to the exclusion of others who would havenot only endorsed the stand taken bythe mature heads but who would have, also, denounced the adolescent aggressive tactics of this element...
...The New York Times observes that "floods of private letters" are pouring into Washington which indicate that the authors would "fairly dote upon the absence of Congress until next December...
...both were formerly regarded as necessary to thevery existence of society.—Professor W. Clark...
...New Tent City...
...This of course iSocialism, and according to MrHoover and other apostles oprosperity for the few and povertfor the many, "the rugged individualism of the American peoplewould nevertolerate Socialism...
...Henderson's Speech rN an important address in London Foreign Sec* retary Arthur Henderson warned of the disaser of war that threatens the world...
...HEW LEADER Kiplinger Reports H1LE President Hoover and Colonel Woobroadcast what they are doing to meet thunemployed crisis there comes to our desk a Wasington letter circulated privately to a limited nuber of business executives by the Kiplinger Wasington Agency...
...As one who spent several months in Russia recently, I would like to point out that freedom of speech does not exist under the Stalin regime, and to me the "insurgents" furnish excellent reason why free speech is squelched by the sagacious Russian Communists...
...HoJo you like it...
...The melody of the buglers is intended fohe jobless in the breadlines...
...Jn every large city the brealines are growing longer, lodgihouses are over-crowded, and fr soup kitchens are unable to fe the hungry, desperate men who right to life, liberty and happinepoliticians love so well to rec at election time...
...Theworld will be ours...
...Capitalism cannot provide even that security to Hoover's"rugged individuals...
...this is definite...
...Every social • achieves this...
...It hasno more basis in fact than Brother Jasper's beliefthat the world is flat...
...Its acceptancedoes not involve any humiliation...
...Aside from the ludicrous inadequacy of theamount involved the controversy was particularly noteworthy for the government's archaic standon the issue...
...Finally, there is this consoling news fothe gentlemen of the upper world of big capitarod finance...
...In the long run ssy 1 tide effort to adjust power to the capacity ot to produce would lead a community to cottroi investment for its tm as naturally and inevitably controls the mint today at, yond that demand st-etcbes *1 of international cooperation...
...a * • President Hoover tenaciously opposed any Congressional appropriation to feed the hungry farmers and unemployed workers, not because he did not recognize the-crying need of it or questioned the power or ability of the government to grant it, but because an appropriation in that formwould, in his opinion, be a humiliating and unAmerican "dole...
...Too much went j class that saves: too Httlti consumers and that, arti...
...This reminds one of a quiet residence district where a cat quartet splits the air with feline melody while weary citizens hurl bottles and bootjacks at the performers accompanied with a malicious "scat...
...This is also true...
...Capitalismlong ago invested in the Republican and Democratic machines and the average Congressman has \xcome a^ nonentity...
...There wai \ are pleased to call over-pn A slump followed: tnc | slowed out and their wor* laid off, until after tnotai vat, the stocks of unsaieeSi diminished, and demand can...
...An heir puts on the shoes of the deadmagnate and things go on as before...
...Do as Lincolndid, strike off enough green backs todefray the expenses of the transaction, and the U. S. own all propertyused by the people...
...However, these measurecannot solve the problem, for best they are directed not at thsource of the evils but at the effects...
...Each sprang calculation of self -int the total effect may During the boom a of persons, manuf ai ing for profit are called savings...
...and they have been over-publicized from Washington...
...On looking over the market reportsI see that some of the water is beingsqueezed out of the stock, of variouscorporations and no sign of thesqueeze stopping...
...And yet our enlightened statesmen with President Hoover at their head have no better alternative to offer than the bitter and scanty crumbsof private charity...
...They denythat fact but it Is true and has beenproved often enough More thaneighty souls of our rank and file aswell as of our leaders were murdered by these barbaric hordes The workers are furious, and their leaders canhardly hold them back The day of the funeral was destined to see a grand parade We all thinkIt was one of the greatest things Ber lin has ever seen About thirty-thousand working-men and women of thedifferent organizations united in o parade which wound through theworkers districts When the top ofthe parade reached the grave-yardafter three hours of marching, theend of it had Just began to movefrom the meeting place Thousands were standing on the walks greetingthe army of the revolution The cryfor vengeance rang through the rainynight and the big drums were sounding like the guns of the rising prole tairea Many Fascists might haveshivered when they saw this parade, though they are well-armed Meanwhile the workers have not got muchmore than their hands to defend theirrights Young Socialists departed from theparade Nobody knew what was goingto happen...
...Congress would again become interesting...
...At society will plan Its lift, of all it will attend to tat button of its own come that results from operative effort of us all problem Is partly monetae want stable business Mmust see to it that the tets" ume of purchasing power SH as production grows...
...Another interference with an essentialIndustry...
...He is anattachment to belts, pulleys, wheels and levers, ofno more importance as an individual than r particular piece of ore is important in the processof puddling iron Aside from this social process of production anddistribution which swallows up the individual...
...Along as industry is operated primarily for private profit and onlincidentally to satisfy humaneeds, as long as the natural resources of the nation remain thproperty of indivduals, unemploymeat will haunt society like Banquo's celebrated ghost...
...HiUquit's and Thomases and fewershouting, erratic, undeveloped, provincials...
...The ^ And the Spend...
...But that t* only tm step...
...The answer of Socialism to the capitalist Is thatsociety can do without him just as society nowdoes without the slave owner and the feudal lord...
...UBy H. N. NDER a great side the Eievataj breadline was ststand) i the street below it _ car with its green a —"The pendulum wtU _ metaphor is apt enough the general thinking business cycle...
...There are no sincere convictions and differences in Congress...
...Important speeches were reprinted and read by millions...
...The fall of snow in New York City gave jobs to18,000 unemployed workers...
...Dooley would sayHoover and Woods occupy the stage as buglers ttttract attention to the administration's alleged program for relief of the distressed millions...
...It Is obvious that Stanley's group is concerned primarily with making clever speeches and exhibiting tremendous researches all gleaned here In New York...
...We are inclined to think that such a war which•leases poison gas and disease germs, whichireatens the lives of whole populations of villages, rwns and dries, will invite social revolution...
...A BERLIN* PARADE Editor, The New Leader: A terrible period had passed, whenthe comrades of the Social-Democratic Party, the Workers Sport Association and the Relchsbanner (Republican guard, composed of left-wingliberals and Social-Democrats) metagain...
...Hoover's "rugged individual" becomes a tragic jokewhen the system breaks down Millions have tobe fed by private and public charity...
...Anti-injunction bill will NOT btossed...
...Unemployment is the result oour unsocial and planless methoof producing and distributinwealth...
...And, If socialismis achieved, though not through anexact Marxian sequence, Marx himself would be pleased...
...Eventhe powerful capitalist and banker who is broadcasted as tremendously important cause no disturbance in the social scheme when they die...
...a • • The trouble with these statesmen Is that theystill live in the political ideology of Thomas Jefferson and are blissfully unaware of the social character of modern government The governments of the advanced countries ofthe world have long abandoned the notion thattheirs are merely police functions...
...Publishreports from every nation—t highly industrialized as well those still anchored in the lstcrmy waters of an agricultu economy—tell at the increasiseriousness of unemployment...
...A fixed government contribution to workers orfarmers who have contributed to the wealth ofthe country by their toil, is no more a "dole" than a military pension or bonus... of the worst expressions of the rotteneconomic system...
...Tat mentary rule the world Mil violating for some yean...
...Will Mr...
...This esses volume of purchasing t (money and credit) whick t*J to all the extra goods wkwt mechanical progress enables < pour out, must get in d» M tion into the right hands: •* must go to the spender* ss) too much to the savers Is It possible tc pU« os, gigantic scale...
...We are living in the moat complex social orderthat has ever evolved, one that swallows up theindividual, one that makes him of little importance compared with the whole of society...
...The $25,000,000, which the Democrats and insurgent Republicans had demanded for the reliel of the hungry farmers in the drought areas and for the unemployed workers, has by compromisein Committee been reduced to $20,000,000, and the appropriation is to be made for "farm rehabilitation," although it is claimed that it will be available for food relief...
...Has it occurred to Stanley, Shapiro, et, at, that any such free expressionas they voiced Saturday would, inRussia, reduce their indispensablestate services to making little stones from big ones or aiding the agrarian problem by fertilizing the ground with their Invaluable bodies...
...It isjust this sort of thing which repelsdesirable sympathizers from Joiningthe Party...
...Ian attempt to find the answer tthe question, Legislatures makspecial appropriations out of public moneys realized through taxation, and private committees ancharitable organizations raise hugsums by popular subscriptioThese efforts are praiseworthy anindicate a deep-rooted sense osoeial-mindedness on the part osociety...
...This is, not true of the American Congress...
...Costa Mesa, Calif...
...Thtext war, if it should ever come, will be foughj aircraft and by aircraft using poison gas . . . c will bring with it destruction of life on a scaltkh as we have never seen—destruction that wilagulf in all human probability the very civilizatiot which we live...
...Public works arrelatively small...
...buying power on which sj depends, were relatively to This is not a moral judga is not a preacher who aa the grasping of the rioV rather the economist sis' soldly that we shall not t economic health, until w*sj a right proportion In otrewj and our saving...
...That era has passed...
...They are not likely to introduce any measure to take over the industries... Guild Hall, 113...
...The next war even more thanle last one, will be a war of machinery, chemistry, ad disease germs...
...Yet uneployment, with all the tragedyspells for the workingclass, cotinues to grow more serious wieach sunset In this torture chamber of pr vate capitalism it is the Negwho suffers most Moneyless, joless, leaderless and generally difranchised and unorganized, faces today the most serious prolem in his entire history in tWestern world...
...This is true...
...the Kiplinger servicis intended for those to whom, in the words of th'ate sainted George F. Baer, "God in his infinitwisdom gave the property interests of the country...
...The YalePress photo-play of "The Declaration of Independence" will be viewed...
...Theypass from the scene with no interruption of production...
...The day of the downfall of thissystem cannot be far...
...The next step in th* ssj becomes contentious...
...They will havegood reason for rising against their tormentors, lacing them in padded cells, and ending theetchery for all time...
...Peace profound...
...This country, with its institutions, belongs tothe people who inhabit it Whenever they shall growweary of the existing government, they can exercisetheir constitutional right of amending it or theirrevolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it—Abrham Lincoln...
...Unemployntent And Its Alternative By Frank R. Crosswaith UNEMPLOYMENT is onethe most serious questiofacing modern society...
...This letter of January 10 declares, with res peto unemployment, that "it is getting worse" anthat "no good purpose is served by concealing thfacts...
...Then «i dently some disproportioa 1 saving and spending...
...Congress J^S a rule the meeting of a parliamentary bodycauses no apprehension and voters take muchinterest in its work...
...When all of thewater is out and about 90% of thecost price is squeezed out, then oneof Moses' wild jackasses of the westshould Introduce a bill in Congressto buy up a few of the railroads, steelplants, and in fact everything used bythe common people...
...At the same time big business executives arinformed that the "Federal Government is actualldoing very little to make jobs...
...In every historical epoch, the prevailing mode ofeconomic production and exchange and the socialorganization necessarily following from it form thebasis upon which is built up and from which alonecan be explained the political and intellectual historBilly o3f wil thel epoch.—Engels be introduced I. n the New York Legislature to bar judges from business and political activities...
...As a young and new member of the Party, let me say that the eloquentand articulate spokesmen, who appear to register the collective opinions' and convictions of youthful Socialists, areIn no way qualified by choice, intellect and understanding to assumeso important an office...
...Bacaf the curtain is the Kiplinger service informinpowerful bankers and capitalists of the real situation...
...Of all the words in the English dictionary the blessed word "dole" has acquired the widest popularity in the literature and oratory of our depression era...
...That's nothing...
...The law as it exists is a horrible incubus on civilization...
...Socialism would "destroy the home'and "drag all men down to a com'mon level," it would uproot "lovof country" and negate th"steadying, spiritual and moral influences of religion" and besidesSocialism "is contrary to humanature" say the blind, the selfish, the unthinking, who in every aghave tried in vain to dam thstream of human progress by thsame sort of nonsense...
...Wheneople of all ages back of the fighting lines faceearh at the hands of madmen we doubt whethersry will quietly accept their fate...
...Dissar lows when, savings, eassl new plant and factories, the ability of the nUsuri Over the radio in other day the most European economists, Keynes, preached against All this seems There must be some tion between the sa spending of a comm plainly, in times of p; proportion habitually getT Had ws saved a little national income, and a pear more, there would have slump...
...The significance of the picturewill be discussed at tea which willbe served in one of the museumrooms after the motion pictureperformance...
...Tag relatively, went into ioag aad capital expansion Tsj relatively, went to cosas In the last generation tad applauded as the highest i economic virtues...
...It is prompt open and uniform...
...a • Socialism A new society founded on industrial peace andforethought, bearing with it its own ethics, aiming at a new and higher life for all men, has received the general name of Socialism, and it is my firmbelief that it is destined to supersede the old order of things founded on Industrial war, and to be the next step in the progress of humanity.—WilliamSt...
...They do nothave the consolation of the slave who was fed andhoused whether the crop failed or not...
...and would theformation of a Labor Party be so anMarxian as they would have at believe...
...A COMPLIMENT Editor, The Hew Leader: Let me take this opportunity tocompliment you on the quality of thepen...
...That brings up the "political significance of uneploymenc" which may involve heavier taxation ocorporations and wealthy individuals to finance unemployment insurance and old age pensions...
...Henderson rightly characterized any other wars "incomparably worse" than the last one...
...Forward, Socialists...
...Miss Friedman extends an invitation to all Socialist women to join the group...
...As economic development hasroduced mass production so modern war has prouced the means of mass murder on a vast scale...
...Good morning.' What are the stock quotationsfor magistrates today...
...But soon the cry for vengeance rose in different streets andthe meeting-places of several Nazi-locals wre stormed...
...THE NEW LEADER THE SOCIALIST CONVENTION After last Saturday's meeting of theNew York Section of the SocialistParty, at which the city delegates andothers debated the policy to be adopt' ed with reference to Soviet Russia, itoccurred to me that certain obviousimpressions required modification...
...A better humanity will rise...
...The Freethinkers Society An interesting contribution tothe widely discussed subject ofcensorship will be made by ArthurGarfield Hays when he speaks onthe subject of "The Influence ofReligion on Censorship," Sundayat 3:30 P. M...
...This, of course, is one of the inevitable results of radical movements...
...I wish here to voice the thought of a large group of younger socialists, which, though unheard at meetings, unqualifiedly endorses the older men of the Party who have tolled to build it We need more Lee's, more Oneal's...
...Yet wash look closely at this does it not resolve series of Innumerable, tions...
...By wealth we mean althose factors that go toward thsatisfying of human needs...
...And hsi si any means at its chspossl j which to regulate the snarisj of Its income between ssvtsf spending... regard to the peopletaking over the property of the corporations...
...First of all « essIt can take directly from M art, and apply what U tsJS consumption...
...IN A NUTSHELL When two asses bray over a frontier fence wesuspect that Mussolini and Smedley Butler areinvolved in a debate...
...Our officers couldnot hold the mawi The formerlyso-confident Nazis did not even dareshow themselves with their emblems...
...What a stir a fighting group of Socialist Congressmen would make in that body...
...The law was born in the same cradle as property...

Vol. 3 • February 1931 • No. 7

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