The New Course in Austria
The New Course in Austria Ruling Clerical Party Refuses to Cat Loose From Fascist Policies of Heimwehr By Benedikt Kautsky AVIENNA. LTHOUGH Dr. Otto Eader'sClerical-Schoberlte...
...Just out of sweet sentimentsn sake, the lady of Flushing sad her wandering mtn-e lstrels decided to fall in on Louis Weiuenkom's"Five Star Final, "now playing at the Cort Theatre...
...The Song of Toil •**ho will rehearse the song 'Untie love and bright romance— * who will, with tripping tongue, •^"deeming thoughts to fancy's dance...
...Those were the May Days of our own Socialisticintelligentsia s We lost track of him later...
...It seems there was an Eng• *4tA as Adam's apple who was walkingI*/the Piccadilly circus...
...t This is also shown by the second s action which the Government started immediately after taking office, h but which it hasn't been able to s put through thus far because ofo the resistance of the Socialists...
...And the acts of the new Government thus far /have been of a decidedly reactionary character...
...The third action of the Ender Government was the haanlaw of the Remarque film, "AH Quiet on The Western Front...
...The company triad to use this rer duction aa a hold-up measure bys announcing one day the impending e shut-down of its biggest plants...
...A- DUGGANE...
...In 1929 the provinces and communities received 275,000,000 of theseVienna got 137,000,000, sosay that Vienna receivedabout half of them,valthough it hadpaid about two-thirds of the total...
...Into banal melodrama...
...There were three big questions forthe Government to decide and inevery case it placed itself on theside of the reaction...
...And this was as I love story...
...The people of Vienna have accepted this fact because they areaware of the responsibility the bigcity baa for.the rest of the country.' But for years the ChristianSocial provincial administrationshave been fighting to reduce Vienna's share of these taxes stillfurther...
...What hasbeen the result...
...If theWest has foresight it will take thelessons to be learned from theSoviet government along the sinesof economic planning and organisation...
...simply indulging in a game of Badr exclaimed the oval-eyed lady, "and myB) sad cried 'Damn him who first cries quoits S curate and the oval-eyed lady and the anBBaber of the House or Lords all went off sttwold and there on the greensward they•orris dance forttwhich the chairs, though "body knows, are named and with which the puts of Midwood are practically filthy...
...brought up in the National Assembly by a Heimwehr Deputy, the head of the shop council ino the Alpine Montan Company's bigs gest smelter at Donawitz...
...He always bad a well-to-do family...
...We used to know Louis when the was a Socialists s and a columnist on the eld Now York Call...
...In her introduction shesums up at once the aim of HullHouse and the dominating motivein her own life: "The modern world," she says, "is developing an almost mysticconsciousness of the continuity andinterdependence of mankind...
...Therefore, in thesedays of most fearful misery, it has begun to practice economy withthe very workers hardest hit bth* continued unemployment, i.ethose who hays been jobless foyears...
...i i Hidden we had a big...
...In- her first autobiographicalbook, "Twenty Years at HullHouse" she dealt (and with a mastery of style that might well bethe despair of many a professionalwriter) with the pioneer days ofAmerica's most famous social settlement...
...P. Dutton, $4.00...
...a did he see but the elderly Marquis in aI which was most compromising with theBt lady...
...s Tour infidelity to me and thorn who came to bringYou strength comes like a pained awahaning ts And plants a bitter, souring taste within the palates n. Of our mouths and leaves a rankling ia our hearts...
...appear as the antique Duke, and Kono, ICJaplin's valet, who refuses to allow Eddie i to speak to Charlie (you can't even aplasa) is the oval-eyed lady...
...I wrote on Eof s tooth paste powder Container giving 2 date of my birth which was quarter past #B« msrning of July 8, 1888, at which mo.ttppeared in the world— large mm& the Rev...
...Before he knew it vsitrazge oval-eyed woman looking at him atop of a bus...
...Yaa Just feel like bets ding overthe footlights and hollering...
...a e Sometimes X actually pay to sea a o when I do, there must be any money's worth ats least in the offing...
...At the Corner of tfalsteil anil Poll* Streets The Story of a Useful Life JBy McALISTER COLEMAN JANE ADDA1IS, whose nameled all the rest in those longlists of "Enemie3 of the Republic" which Archie Stevenson and hisfellow cockroachers were wont toread aloud to perturbed Congressmen during the 1920 Reign of Terror, now continues in a glowingbook ("The Second Twenty...
...The Hakenkreutzler ,anti-Semites) and Fascist...
...Otto Eader'sClerical-Schoberlte coalitionGovernment, which took the place of the Clerical-Helmwehr combination on Nov...
...Two sticks and an apple," Say the bells of Whitechapel...
...Onehad heard, of course, that the "cat'n the fiddle" was really "Katherine la fidelle," the faithful Kathryn, wife of saucy Stuart Charles...
...It I have been fool to breaths a Ufa into your nostrils...
...McAlister Coleman...
...Here are a fewcouplets: ''Oranges and lemons," Say the bells of St Clement's...
...He ran a swell column, whose inciaiveness mated with the name he chose for it . .. "The Guillotine" , . . And many of our latter-day saints of the book and the drama sent in theirjuvenilia to his abrasive mercy...
...Specially characteristic is then fact that the company had thee matter...
...And writes withal withsuch modesty and charm that thebook is to be treasured for itsliterary values as well ss the moving story it tells...
...Already the number of the unemployed has passed the 350,000mark in Austria In Vienna alone there are more than 100,000 receiving State support...
...This concern icontrolled by the big German steetrust, the United Sleel Works, anIs a member of the internationasteel cartel...
...Thus the present Government has shown that in spite of an its lip service to democracy, it yields all too willingly to Fascist pressure...
...seemed at this very moment there was arending across the heather, heather and yon are...
...In her newbook Miss Addams writes of thevaliant struggle for peace in whichshe was always in the van...
...The way of democracy is" slow, often discouraging, lacking in glamor, and extremelydifficult...
...He rebelled, came East remained a rebel aadc started in to write for a Socialist paper...
...4.00) the fascinatingstory of her rich and crowded life...
...Thee most important of these so-called f joint taxes are the income tax, the n corporation tax, the business tax, n the sales tax and the excise taxes on liquors, sugar, matches, etc The s •customs receipts, on the otherhand, are the so-called indivisibled levies, retained by the FederalGovemment, as Is the income from the State monopolies, which ranks y next to the customs and the sales s tax...
...Yet MissThomas points gossipy fingers tomany ways more steady feet mayjourney and, for those who taketheir social theory without muchInsistence on logic, may proveprovocative as well as provoking...
...It , no fount Intended to influenoa the , pending tariff negotiations...
...Eddie Justus* Mayer, the now famous dramatist Sam Hoffenstein,* he of the "Poems in Praise of Practically Nothing...
...BrandL the agent of the reaction named chief of theVienna police by ex-Prince Starhemberg, when he was Ministerof the Interior, in place of Dr...
...and the general thought that thenonsense rhymes had deeper meaning was well spread: here is abook that holds out a key...
...Not every one of us is sufficiently gifted to take d his poetic revenge on a despised boss, la so ~*~rn\1a a manner...
...The Federal Chancellor has rejected this offer provisionally and It is hard to say how the negotiations will turn out But it may be assumed that the Social Democrats will make the Government give In...
...It is not a scholarlytract burdened wtih footnotes, it isa book for laymen, written clearlyand simply, and based on secondary sources...
...Louis ought to be a happy man for aaaa n with this attainment so completely efficient for urnsuppressed desires...
...ssxjs appeal to me, according to* Evangeline a, sat I am very sensitive and subject tosa " peoc'.e keep coming up and asking me, nil the,: dollar you owe me...
...As the domestic Austrian market is protected by a tariff higher than the German in somparts, there can be no question oany serious foreign competition iAustria...
...If *et- & «ltAi...
...Hocould think up more slimy asitiness to say.oathe capitalist system than any of us staff writersof the Call...
...All the joint taxes together bring la about 720,000,000 schillings (aschffltng equals 14 cents) a year...
...On the basis of Information received, plans arelaid down and followed as guides, subject to changes dictated bypragmatic experience...
...Andwhy must we think that in the"Baa, baa, black sheep" song, " 'my master* and my dame' symbolized the King and the over-richnobility, with 'the little boy thatcried in the lane' the commonpeople who, thus coming out thesmall end of the horn in the scantthirds allotted them, only too frequnetly had their cries stifled bythe hangman's noose...
...r Come laugh at of the bourgeois f Come lauugh at warrior of the few: n Come laugh at i until I shall awaken...
...This is especiallyapparent in the chime rung fromSt Clement's...
...H that iron harp shall sweep, •from each stroke new strains recoil, •mthe sounding echoes leap, •ahUhe reusing Songs of Toil...
...Therefore, Vienna received leasthan it contributed to the jointfund...
...Just now the Chambers of Commerce are working oua new tariff bill intended materially to raise the duty on manufactured articles and negotiationhave just been begun for the renewal of commercial treaties witour principal neighboring Statewhich the farmers hope to use tboost the duty on grain and cittleWhat methods are being | employed along this line is best illustrated by the action of the AlpinMontan Company...
...of thepost-war terrorism which she hadto face... pershing wrote home to the wives and Bfrss of those who were breaking the Hindis, Tour boys are engaged in healthy * the open air...
...And the common people...
...Although thero7 Is no Austrian censorship law, the Government tried to put pressure upon the different provincial governments to .bar the picture...
...At other times, she makes reader's power, as when she says, "in this jingle (the famous songof London bells) it will be noticedthat each couplet contains a thrustat Charles II...
...The Worker in Mother Goose ONE of the most annoyingbooks written on a fascinating subject is Katherine E. Thomas' "The Real Personages ofMother Goose" (Lathrop, Lee & Shepard Co., $3...
...But fary sheer spit-in-your-eye sock-on-the-buttot...
...Therefore, thereal result of the elections, theoverwhelming rejection of theHimwehr idea, was largely nullified...
...xt installment of this gripping piece will '• subsequent issues of The New Leader...
...Trade functionswere divorced from production andgiven over to new organs, syndicates and later combines...
...A hierarchy of planning bodies was setup with the State Planning Commission at the top, the ultimaterecipient of all statistical data In the Soviet Union...
...He shows that in the facecf actual conditions, pre-conceivednotions were scrapped, and situations were met in a pragmaticmanner...
...Using the historicalapproach, Burns presents an excellent description of the organsof control, production and distribution...
...The idea was toprevent Vienna, from making goodits loss by raising its own levies... types of economicorganizations were created to meetspecific needs...
...Big Business Building ^•OME laugh at sa* you Keel-rfbboc s n Prodding at the c loads and bonding sky...
...It lieswith us who are here now to makethis consciousness—as yet so fleeting and uncertain—the unique contribution of our time to that smallhandful of incentives which reallymotivate human conduct" It is the enormous contributionof Jane Addams and the institution at Halstead and Polk streetsto just plain decency in Americanlife which makes her name so wellbeloved by men and women in allwalks of life, of all shades of economic and political opinions...
...At the same timeVienna was to allow its financialautonomy in levying its own taxesto be restricted...
...In a periodwhen the Western world is suffering from world-wide depression, Russia is expanding...
...Such an achievement while perhaps permanentresting as they would on the consent and the support of the masses...
...And the steps by which MissThomas converts Cardinal WolseyInto Little Boy Blue are more intriguing than card tricks...
...But no nation in theistory, of tried to plan a whole economicsystem...
...r It always pleases us to And oar old friandi risinginto the light of fame and affluence, we knowingn what they have gone through to the patched pastso past I suppose reading Alger stories In the ima t pressionable days does leave one with permanentsoftness for struggling souls that rise above thee gutters of poverty and the dung alleys of pot bailt ing...
...In recent weeks this fight hasreceived fresh impetus because theGovernment has tried to take advantage of the expiry on Dec 31of a number of regulations regardins...
...The first problem put up to Itwas that of unemployment...
...Maythat name be blessed by those whohave in their hearts generosity anda decent regard for the most diverse opinions...
...Under such circumstances the burden laid uponworkers, employers and the Statebythe contributions for unemployment insurance naturally growspretty fast The Government under .the pressure of the industrialists and also for fiscal reasons, has held its principal task to be thereduction of expenditures for theunemployed...
...and it is of value to theirelders to learn that these infantsongs were originally most pointed social and political satire...
...Russiais in the midst bf an experimentwith uncertain results...
...Morris Ryaklnd, Mike Gold, and scores of otherswho have arrived in literature were of his gang...
...of all brands then started riots which, indeed, were easily controlled by the police, but which furnished the Government with a welcome pretext for forbidding the film because of alleged danger to public order and security...
...The Maf-m^lanCompany...
...So thus far the AlpiMontan Company has seen no necessity for reducing its iron pricea single cent It is tap only producer of pig iron in Austria antherefore enjoys a practical monopoly...
...of thought their thoughts outspeak "•thoughts awake in kindred mind...
...The New Course in Austria Ruling Clerical Party Refuses to Cat Loose From Fascist Policies of Heimwehr By Benedikt Kautsky AVIENNA...
...r. Perhaps, that way, by ridicule, the day at: , The sooner to the goal of cjaasjasat lwin cams e d Yes, when you shall servo aa Z have serves d With all your blood and mind and body y The mam who trudge the dirty stissel...
...That was a swell piece you did against the rotten rags of T Louis, aad you Just cant do it often and enough to suit your old pals...
...Some of them did...
...SO, last, refused toadmit any representatives of theAustrian Fascist...
...And it proves one of those rubber keys from a joke-shop, thoughMiss Thomas is awfully in earnest For, lacking scholarly methods and logical powers of demonstration, she puts out her jingle and offersthe key, and if we believe it's aswell as can be...
...words shall arm the weak, •""•"era =*ase to bind, r soon, o'er soul sad sense, B5* W Itegloriour s harp, whose iron strings sPfti might rn y instruments, . •bake the thrones of mortal kings' o< axe, and anvil note, "ah of plough, through yielding soli, •sag engine's vocai throat * the -Song of Toil...
...Indeed, this win remain only a moral victory, because the Government at present isn't thinking of undertaking anything forthe benefit of the working folk...
...Rather I have tried to give you "an bloc'' my of an event that still clings to me aad doesn't i my emotions to subside sufficiency so that the < scalpel of analysis may do its mora practical But shucks, who wants to be smart sleeky something that just meshes m with your own pithate and passion...
...h Come laugh at l until my I p Until I shall t in And rise from out that stagnant stats and stupor-* Come laugh at me—oh, wairha at the tew...
...great Expectations forms of fiction nothing equsis Pershing's Memoirs, a igo I referred to this prominent fic?orU sad now, willy-nilly, I revert to It s> jou intrigues me... must notmerely evolve, as in the Soviet Union, is trying to evolve, a plannedeconomy based on the principle ofsocial use...
...Arches, Rabies, Hydrophobia andSJan.' feSJ chance are you going down to Kew in n**" sa.d the old man to the oval-eyed lady...
...The capitalistworld has failed miserably...
...To my mind, the Western world has before itthe task of attempting the greatest experiment of all...
...He ale ways had a shrewish sort of slant on things...
...Tush,there's De Witt raving about another one of hisg friends, and just log-rolling a bum bargain ourway...
...but it is the only reallyrevoluttooary rnethpd, for it to change men's minds as well aahuman institutions...
...of latrines, have you heard what hap^jW VtussoUni •fgwtnent Harry Kritzer came in and said ^jBjportant thing for every good Socialist 1 ijto sttbscribe to the $5,000 drive so that we ^tse thing with a bang and not have to hear jlisy more...
...Pancakes and fritters," Say the bells of St...
...Johann Schober's man, is still on the job...
...Charles H. Parkhurst, pastor Jfir»t Presbyterian Church, which was deaBf <lanford White who was shot by Harry t t»o shot the wrong architect...
...into the Cabinet, Dr...
...AH this that I have written here should prove to you that it is no prnfmalaBSl critic who rrsiusteaa play for its technique or its literary value...
...Under the Austrian system oftaxation a large part of the taxes is collected by the Federal Gove ernment and then distributeds among the provinces and commul nities according to a certain scale...
...It istrue that the approach of this" green" Deputy wasn't verye smooth, so It was comparativelyn easy for the Socialists to block this a move and to turn it into trt+Wng . in the interest of the workers at s Donawitz...
...Now its plants are suffering from a lack of orders, partlbecause of the high domestic priceand partly because of the poor ex port market, sad have bean forced y to cut down operations materially...
...Yearsat Hull-House...
...You owe, me ten shillings," Say the bells of St...
...The long-drawn-out crisiin Austria has resulted hi somworkers being out of jobs for twothree and sometimes four yearsor more, without being able to findemployment And it is just ithe cases of these persons, despitvigorous protests by the trade unions of every shade, that the benefits are being drastically itmt»sm gthat misery in these circles igrowing at a frightful rate...
...e strike mine iron harp jserthern harps were struck of old— I fa music, stern and sharp, fa"» the free and bold...
...Schober lacked either the wish or thepower to force the Clericals toshift their course...
...The content of the film had as little to do with the affair here as it had in Germany, because neither the rioters nor most of the members of the Government had seen it For them it was enough to know that it was a question of a picture trying to show war aa it really waa As .genuine reactionaries, they feared that knowledge of the real nature of war might lessen the people's love for fighting...
...leaving the Graphic to ten the Fnyaieal Oulturlstjust where he came off at And when the Randall, pulls his speech and walks out... bring education toearth: of a multitude of things, allof which she saw and part of whichshe was...
...So even if the new Government may try to prevent Fascism from becoming too powerful, it is absolutely reactionary in an economic and social-political sense and the working folk also have every reason for regarding it with the greatest distrust along cultural lines...
...Where elseIs the nobility symbolised as "mydame...
...But the artists who I die bis words sad situations help greatly in lag us over too close a view of these imperf ections...
...t s And you, all of yon who have hated the tablalswy and their filthy methods sad practise, aad have just s wanted to blast the whole miserable mew latag powdered pulp, here is your splendid chance to sit tn and see a kindred aad more capable destroyer make an altogether satisfactory Job of it . The settings are done in the Continental mannerand the cast Is happily dovetailed into a performance that is all the more admirable since any sort of unskilled acting could easily topple the whole thins...
...Some have protested that it is sacrilege, or almost, to peer beneath the surfaceof the beloved nursery rhymes...
...1" exclaimad the excellent curate, "is that I toll prevalent...
...Here is reference to NellGwynne," she adds, "in the bellsof St Clement's, the ecclesiasticalfeasts on certain Saint's days inthe peal of St Peter's, the archeryand games of popinjay in the bellsof Whitechapel . . ." Believe it ornot Of course, Nell Gwynne didsell oranges at the Theatre Royal...
...Karl Vaugoin, the ousted proHeimwebr Premier,-was continuedas Minister of Defense, and nothing has been done to undo the workof bis Cabinet Dr...
...He went into therestaurant business, wrote stories for the magazines, edited the Sunday Magazine section of thee World, and then landed into MacFadden's Graphicn What happened there to Louis and his dormante ideals is best explained in the play we paid to sea the other night t • • • If I went into adjectival ecstasy here about hish melodrama, you'd just be smart to say...
...without a fuelte...
...d By far the greater part of thel taxes comes from Vienna whichcontributes more than 60 per cent of the amount distributed...
...So it turns out that the Christian Social Party, despite the lesson it got at the polls on Nov.'% still hated to cut loose from theHeimwehr and that the Agrariansand Pan-Germans behind Dr...
...s> rights to this production are reserved by ssr of The New Leader and the principal I this play will be taken by Eddie Levinson (stars as the curate owing to the fact that **•*> aa a religious fanatic...
...Parliament is not in session, said the anoke, plucking at his Garter, because as is pwn to all readers of English novels, Dukes sir seen abroad without their garters, ori the case may be, if under any circumthis novel turned to be about a belted Earl, fare has been no curate in this novel and an i love story without a curate is like a geBB...
...has all the sting aad eloquence he must have longed to fling into the face of the millionaire publisher fromd the first day he* worked lor him...
...If It is wise it will rejectthe meifcod of dictatorship, forfundamental changes in human beings cannot be forced upon a nation from above...
...The significance of this demandis best brought out by the factthat today the Vienna communityspends about 90,000,000 schillingsa year In constructing some 6,000dwellings, which take care of thenatural increase in demand forhousing, but don't allow the abovementioned sum were taken awayfrom Vienna it would mean a 50per cent reduction in the city'sbuilding activities and a big increase in the housing shortage...
...of her fight to humanizejustice...
...The test of an economic systemmust be how well it succeeds infeeding, clothing and providing theneeds of men, and to what extentit makes them victims of chance, that is, what degree of security itassures them...
...Furthermore, it cannot be asserted in this connection that therhas been any material reductioin the cost of living in Austrijustifying such cuts in the benefitsThe whole policy of the State, aalso of the industrialists and agrarians, tends to make any price reduction impossible because of duties and taxes...
...But really, folks, there is so little worth-while on d Broadway these depressive days, that a play likes "Five Star Final" stands out like the Chryslern Building over a lot of squat shanties...
...Otff-ins the-grinner stuff against the tabloids and their afjf^LstoP...
...There are many scrubby parts...
...but though lemon peel was chewedby ladies to sweeten the breath, lemons were not sold by the theatre fruit-girls—end the word hadnot acquired its slang sense...
...And that is what theSoviet Union ia trying to do, combining planning with the principle of production for use...
...Three hun[jjfjter girls stood in line singing "America Ijjn,' William Randolph Hearst, proprietorpBsily Mirror fired off three rockets in close gjjaj, one of which was a Roman rocket, which gksjd from the gutter I sprang up and to the j I return- Arthur Brisbane wrote an editorial g "jiass Production: The American Omen," •st college radicals battled the R. O. T. C. fjlora under the sign of Cancer, the sign S Crab which means that I am fond of sea ar-toit captains, and letter-carriers...
...There is just a bit too much of allowed to blur the add etched lines of his against dirty Journalism... addition it mustevolve these changes with democratic machinery...
...The Vienna administration hasannounced its willingness to jtvn up about 22,000,000 schillings of its share of the taxes, provided it received certain compensation in other ways and that the shortterm agreements be made to run at least seven yean ia the future...
...On the economicside, "control figures" have generally been exceeded...
...the division of the taxes toput through radical changes...
...But Dr...
...I break down •Ji sad am carried out sobbing...
...t But be wanted to be a writer in a big way, aad not just to be a merchant In a Pennsylvania town...
...Atfirst it intended to demand a reduction of 42,000,000 schillings inVienna's share, 1. e. about one-thirdof what Vienna has been receivingin recent years...
...there just isn't and hasn't been aa equal at it -1 nr effectiveness since I spilled cereal oa my bfb is* s waa it pickled herring juice...
...Strafella remains head of the Federal Railways and Dr...
...But it is disappointing to find a(Ine theory so weakly upheld thatits very weight almost breaks itdown, and those who would believeare rendered skeptics...
...By the method oftrial and error, rigid centralization of production was given up infavor of wide decentralization asregards the productive functions, and central supervision as regardsgeneral planning...
...c e e "e * e Louis must have been aching all his days since...
...Karl Seitz, Mayor of Vienna, turned down this request and* allowed the movie to be shown...
...but if we arecrueller and offer a doubt, thentruth is a ruler who rules her out Sometimes, indeed, she surroundsthe application with anecdotes oraccounts that make us ready tobelieve, as when she visits Hornerfamily and the house that Jackbuilt... it is snowing," said the oval-eyed |M there are practically no lilacs flourishingsfthen," said the Baronet, who was wearing "how are you going to occupy yourself this ooar • thinking," said the young lady, "of divertBeh* in Kensington Gardens where I wasf of purchasing a chair for two penny ha' b watch the animals caracoling...
...It isn't that the literary value of this melodrama r will scare Sophocles or Coareve out of their sett niches...
...But this was to be a book review not an eulogy...
...The Russian Experiment > a country like ours, in themidst of Its worst cyclical depression, the problem of balancingthe economic system has becomemost insistent Since the war, every capitalist nation has beenbit by this cyclical scourge withIncreasing severity, and has aetup economic councils to recomend action...
...they must comei a result of an education whichfosters intelligent selection andunderstanding...
...s in this business, aad try to make enough at it so y you can have a decent old age . . . he...
...This would realize the dream of thelandlords' again to get control ofthe bousing situation, now domnnated by the city, and perhaps alsoto regain a bit of the politicalpower they possessed in pre-war days...
...Thismust inevitably challenge the economic thinking and practice of theWest The machinery which makessuch planning possible is veryclearly explained by Emile Burnsin his recent volume, "Russia'sProductive System...
...Not that Louis Weitcenkora was ever near thepoorhouse...
...butthat is nonsense: the searchingwill not disturb the singing children...
...It takes a deuce of a lot to take a restliss, -acre disillusioned uffer like your columnist d keep him rooted through three acts and umpty < r. scenes to a crsmpy seat, aad even letting the intert missions go by without a desire for a puff...
...spending the last week going to an aaraed Evangeline Adams...
...On the side of the bus there • td7er.-Jerr.ent reading "BovtU—Cures Dan, fiiier...
...Swinging his censor, whose name atsent turned out to be John S. Sumner...
...ts Come laogh at aw and hurl your venom on ray] n I have been fool to serve you and to buUc t-The muscles that prorjsli your tnayajln height n I have been foal to fill your veins with power e. And with sturdlness to challenge all the ages...
Vol. 3 • February 1931 • No. 7