Flashes From the News Front
Flashes From the News Front Chile's Ingratitude—The Espionage Act Still On the Books—Capital Children Hunger —Charity Pay* Politicians CIN APPRECIATIVE HILE seems singularly...
...WAGES AND LIVING COSTS According to the Labor Bureau, Inc., there were 24 wage increases in December, while the decreases numbered 120...
...Itis our purpose to mold the mankind of tomorrow thru the young of today, to help make the hopes and strivings of our time the realities of the future...
...BLSMNESS DOWN, PROFITS UP E. I. du Pont de Nemours A Co...
...Anti-Yellow Dog Bill Passes Indiana HouseINDIANAPOLIS, Ind.—(FP)— The Indiana House has passed the anti-yellow dog contract bill submitted by organized labor, 75 to 1. The bill now goes to the senate and labor is confident of another victory there...
...LOAN SHARKING MY MAIL Chester Smith, a conductor on the Big Four Railway, needed money...
...The Windsor and Danita Mill* are the latest to join the growing army of non-union plants protesting drastic wage cuts...
...Church at resole Beth El 1SB»day...
...Louis nous correspondent, j returned from Russia, tender the auspices of -Forum on the sia and the Outside Iterld...
...7, that she sfjb/ confident that, with _ jenrl tact on our part, fsttLfh ablf thee to make someDanville situaGorman of the Workers, in conferinterestesjeetary odf Labor Doak in getting a j|iafh...
...The decreases with one exception were spread among 35 manufacturing Industries, with the heaviest concentration in the textile group (15 cases) and the lumber group (33 cases...
...Although the British prince comes on a "good will" visit, suspicious Chilean business men and merchants feel that they are but advance salesmen who will pave the way for a British attempt to reconquer the vast British trade lost here some 15 years ago...
...All indicationpoint to a most successful affaiin years...
...George OE "Democracy's Need let Aristocracy...
...It paid out $46,000,000 in dividends on common stock and by juggling added $63,000,000 to surplus account, bringing the total in this latter account to $208,000,000...
...showed earnings on common stock last year of nearly $50,000,000, of which $33,000,000 came from its investment in General Motors Corp...
...He wrote to the Union Trading Go...
...Catted Textile Workhave reported to* , secretary of s Trade Union B"VifliiDg-.cn, that the jBm 3.500' workers re|HEtaShfifK high...
...All members, their families and friends will have a good social evening together at the anniversarycelebration...
...also at the Forwardbuilding, 175 E. Broadway...
...EptBDstlon telephoned to Lfm Matilda Lindsay, orthe Women's Trade Jpt'sud,at Danville, Miss Feb...
...BANKERS GO POLLYANNA "Definite gains in industrial activity are now beginning to appear," says a release from the director of publicity, American Bankers Association...
...of Louisville, and got a loan, nominally of $50...
...Production increasedweek before in lumber, petroleum, steel ingots...
...The California Supreme Court will near arguments on February' 13th on the first criminal syndicalism prosecutions In that state since 1924, when the cases of eight Communists sentenced to terms of from 2 to 28 and S te 42 years for organizing a strike of agricultural laborers hi Imperial Valley, are presented...
...THE PROFITS OF CHARITY Demands that the Democratic and Republican clubs of the borough of Queens account for funds collected for the unemployed have been made by Rabbi Joshua Goldberg, member of the executive committee, Emergency Relief Committee...
...at the Rand School, 7 E. 15th Street...
...Studiesmade by the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that retail food prices went down 13 per cent from December, 1929, to December, 1930, but that the workers' cost of living as a whole decreased only six per cent, two-thirds of which took place over the second half of the year...
...Members that areproposed during the celebrationwill get one quarterly bill free...
...Agricultural prices declined...
...Hundreds of interesting...
...Bond prices declined...
...It started with 25 members and the branch now has 11 members, with an activemembership drive on...
...Amongthis galaxy of stars who havepromised to be present are: Lude wlg Sate, Molly Picon, Mauricee Schwartz, George JesseL Joseph, Schildkraut, Paul Muni, sad many h others...
...The famousthe Communityi being: demolished and (erection of a new edi will be held for the «" i year in Temple Beth| k Cross-wait!i to .Tour nil—Frank Crosswaith, hSshst orator and editor *po Labor News Service, Sea a nation-wide tour• hdalist party and the , the evening of March I leave New York that south and west to He will spend two i helping in the elecof W. W. Busick „ for city council...
...FreeYouth," published by the YouthPublishing Company, will be issued semi-monthly...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219Sackman St., Bklyn...
...It is predominantly a paper of the young, by the young, and for the young...
...The price of admission in advance is $1.00: at Young Socialists Issue Bi-Monthly Publication CE long-awaited publication of the Young People's SocialistLeague, "Free Youth," made itsinitial appearance this week...
...The branch meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month at3 West 16th Street, Manhattan...
...The rate of interest was the equivalent of 400% per annum ia addition to notary fees...
...Ia three months he had paid $56.40, and still had an interest payment of $19.80 due the following month...
...Gus Tyler is editor of the new young Socialist publication, and Abe Be laky, executive secretary of the New York "Yipsels," is the managing editor...
...laudationn for unionism textile industry, •aft ah* Christ man that |been salvaged...
...Decreases were registered coal, building contracts, cattle receipts, cotton receipts, freight car loading and hog receipts...
...e It is urgent that those expectings to come purchase their tickets ins advance...
...services are asked to '•sails to the Socialist •Wsshington Blvd., ChiFree Fellowship t at 8 P. M., Dr...
...The Danita mill employs 150 workers and is located in Cheltenham, a suburb...
...eta move northward•t Pacific coast to Portj^itnttle, returning along I tier of states through Milwaukee, ChiBuffalo, and back ;"T*tt*d that the tour will Its/o months...
...irkers -lured mville AHempfin^ to Orguiizatioii jng the ExJ.V-r(FP)—WTifle of strikers -to r jobs in the Dan Riv)e mi::s in Danville and in the School_ been incomplete...
...costumes and tableaux will be presented in the contest for the prizes that are offered...
...The average per capita earnings of those wage-earners who are employed showed a slight increase during the month, about one per cent for the country as a whole...
...Some' 4,000 " are now on strike in Philadelphia...
...The Department of Commerce report, released Saturday, Feb...
...Organin securing Mr...
...The paper was suspended by an injunction issued in 1927 by a district judge under the law passed In 1925...
...Flashes From the News Front Chile's Ingratitude—The Espionage Act Still On the Books—Capital Children Hunger —Charity Pay* Politicians CIN APPRECIATIVE HILE seems singularly unappreciative of the honor to be hestowed on it by the approaching visit of the Prince of Wales and Prince George...
...Altogether over 12,287 employes were affected by the cuts...
...31, bank deposits declined from thepreceding week and from the 1930 period...
...The object ofthe paper is stated in a leadingeditorial: "To convey to young men and women as frankly and forcefullyas possible the shortcomings ofcapitalism and the possibilities ofsocialism is the task the FREEYOUTH sets for Itself...
...ot The Standard and . H leader in thrEthJferremeni...
...The Union is urging Its friends to write members ot the Judiciary Committee...
...The branchwas organized ten years ago by a group of Socialists, most of them members of the Harlem branch of the Socialist Party...
...21in the 71st Regiment Armory, 34tStreet and and Park Ave., N. YC Thousands of tickets are incirculation and every branch of theParty, Workmen's Circle, tradunions, and other organizationare urged to make their returnto the Forward Ball Committee aasoon as possible...
...Teachers, unable to witness the hunger of these helpless boys and girts whose parents are unemployed, have'been buying food for them day by day...
...As a matter of fact, the volume of business expressed in dollar sales was about 18% less than for 1929 after adjustments, and the income from operations was a third less...
...The two parties pledged $225,000, raised some $80,000 and accounted for $3,639.09 from the Republicans and $1,293.6© from the Democrats, according to Goldberg...
...SCHOOL CHILDREN IN CAPITAL HIVCRV Formal action was taken Feb...
...Leon J speak on "Facts and ^fcobibiUon," under the ' Bronx Free Fellow" , 1591 Boston Road, M...
...It might be assumed from this record that the year 1930 was a profitable year...
...A censorship bill has been introduced in the Hew York legislature by Senator Seabury C. Mastick creating a State Bureau of Censorship for New York theatres is being fought by the American Civil liberties Union...
...A huge crowd is expected...
...5 by the school board of the District of Columbia, to request the Parent-Teachers' Association to provide funds for breakfasts and lunches, in the schools, for the rapidly increasing numbers of children who come to school breakfastless and with no means of getting lunch...
...Union meetand faith in the |J sacces-ful working' ,^11 of settlement unite strike was declared L fl is expressed by the-1 ,. A minority is defile settlement was in ssnender...
...Mall order lending Is the latest racket of the loan sharks...
...7, shows that for the week ending Jan...
...The fall in per capita earnings and in employment has been only thinly cushioned by the accompanying decrease in living costs...
...This does not reflect any average increase in wage rates, but rather growth in the working hours of-those employed on part time...
...Wholesale prices showed a fractional decline, reaching the lowest point'of thepresent depression...
...The first issuecontains pointed observations on the "dole" system as a plan for handling unemployment relief, on child labor, on militarism in the colleges, on Hamilton Fish's antired activities and other topics of interest to young radicals...
...fairTh,e added attractions to the af including Vincent Lopez andhis famous orchestra and the re*3* at rtamumm thousands of Socialists from allover the Eastern states, will be agreat gathering of famous people in the theatrical profession...
...He was getting $200 a month but he needed more—temporarily...
...These tickets are on sale at every trade union, Socialists Party and Workmen's Circle headr quarters...
...On the basis of the latest figures, The Labor Bureau, Inc., has estimated that it now requires between $1,947 and $2,397 to support a family of five on a 'Minimum of Health and Decency* level, and between $2,363 and $3,216 to support a family on the basis of the 'Skilled Workers' Budget," THE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM A campaign-for repeal of the war-time Espionage Act, provided in a bill which passed the Senate unanimously last June, and now before the Judiciary Committee of the House, has been undertaken by the American Civil Liberties Union...
...Besides the benefit paid, the Debs Branch is always active in the Socialist movement...
...It results partly from selling stock at more than its par value and calling the difference the big block of General Motors common stock which the company has owned since 1918 and has been carrying on the books at less than either market value or book value...
...His intimiUtuist the long strike Lgafevmen int such condition of the normal '"tot be expected for ens if the company for full-time proH. W. Morgan, the who took the side and wao negotiated ? 11 Fttppin, brother-inFltagerald of the it A kept in touch with njsstatained an optimisSana's Trade Unionn...
...Temple Avenue and 76th iat I have learned | ars, bankers and brokI years of negotiations," i subject of an address ed by John Haynesday morning at 118 p. m., Mr...
...1 PHILADELPHIA STRIKE WAVE GROWS Two new strikes have broken out in the Philadelphia full fashioned hosiery industry...
...The Espionage Act, paased In 1917 aa a war-time measure, was "suspended" in 1(921 until the "next emergency.'* However, one section was left in force giving the peat office department power to exclude from the mails any matter which it regards as "seditious.'' Under that section the post office department has banned four radical papers in recent months...
...In England Theatrical Stars Will Attend Forward Ball On Next Saturday But a few days remain beforthe famous Forward Ball—to hheld on Saturday evening, Feb...
...The Windsor mill which employs 300 workers is one of | the great Bromley chain of textile plants...
...Arguments in the U. S. Supreme Court em the constitutionality of the Minnesota law under which a single Judge may enjoin the publication of a newspaper he regards sa "defamatory" was heard January 30 when attorneys for the CHICAGO TRIBUNE presented the case of the SATURDAY PRESS, a weekly published in Minneapolis...
...Even, so, the income from operations was about the same as in 1928...
...K The Community ^he held in...
...The office of the publication is at 7 ?ast 15th Street, Debs W. C. Branch Will Celebrate Its Ten f h Anniversary The Debs English speakingbranch of the Workmen's Circlewill celebrate its tenth anniversary with a banquet and dance on Sunday evening, February 22nd, at Ambash Mansion, 76 SecondAve., Manhattan...
...By supplying intellectual dynamite in the form of facts, stimulating opinions, and progressiveideals, we hope to aid in producjtf JL?*JnCr* f&VKWJsfc ncttvs, intelligent youth, willing and able to grapple with its problems...
...probably keep Miss k t Danville indefinitely, if far}, (bowing of supportIDatQle local is made by •tattle Workers' headsupport the U. T. will depend upon its battleground te future...
...The addition to surplus la pure jugglery...
...The subscription price Is t.50 a year...
Vol. 3 • February 1931 • No. 7