Socialist Drive Qoes Forward In Many States
Socialist Drive Qoes Forward In Many States California,Pennsylvania, New York Act to Push"Campaign for $50,000 Fund—UnemployedSend In Funds—-Veteran Chicago Socialist IsFirst Under the Wire...
...A large mailing has been sent to the voters in Brooklyn Heights and Williamsburg relative to the issues and the Socialist position on the present economic and social problems...
...Here's hoptng you make it...
...An innovation in this regard is the opportunity afforded on eachpledge card sent out for the contributor to indicate some of the ways in which he thinks his money could best be spent...
...Each unit elected two delegates to the central unit...
...Instead he appointed Hfollock, counsel for the Bank of United States...
...As you know, we are able to produce more food than we can market and we run our factories at only a small percentage of their capacity...
...The CentralUnit also appointed sub-committees to investigate wage cuts, the firing of men and the hiring of children, speed up and piece work systems, and to gather all the information possible and report to the next meeting of the Central Unit, at which time action will be taken to give publicity to the firmstaking advantage of the unemployment situation...
...list of contracts" for government work which do not make provisions forpayment of the prevailing rate...
...purchased large quantities of supplies, asking them to take their advertising away from five "unfair" dally newspapers and three weeklies, published in Alabama and that they advertise hi the Mobile Press—a paper which othertestimony showed was set up by the Alabama Power Co.'s support era to print Its propaganda...
...This is the situacapitalism and in production for private profit...
...Later in the evening thedelegates of the Plate Printers reported that his organization at ameeting the previous evening had also approved the report of the the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America Jennie A. Wilcox, Oak Park, I1L, writes: "I am sending my checkfor $3.00 and wish it were more...
...The Socialistcandidates are: 7 District, DavidM Cory...
...The enrolled Socialists and sympathizers of the 9th Congressional District have been circularizedwith a special letter inviting them to these meetings and also a splendid leaflet written by James Oneal...
...Hoover seeing signs of returning prosperityis like the men who were shipwrecked on an island...
...All citizens who still reside in these districts can vote withoutany special registration o n Tuesday, Feb...
...The National Executive Committee has authorized five parts of aprogram, all of which cannot becarried out because of lack offunds...
...WMENT DEMONSTRATION . of New York labor unions to stage a genuinely im"-Jstration on unemployment is one of the best things I lately...
...That is to say, a depression caused by inability of workers to buy what they have already produced is to be cured by lowering jtill further the wage level...
...William H. Henry, businessmanager of The New Era, was chairman of the evening...
...At the Veterans Hospital, Northport, L. I., the Virginia Engineering Co...
...Thmeeting continued without anfurther interruptions...
...and 113th Street The speakers, James Oneal, LouisWaldman and Theodore Shapiro...
...Lowering the wage level, aa even the more Intelligent capitalists have recognized, necessarily means lessening purchasing power...
...The Unemployed Conference will take legalaction, and men who have suffered from ptomaine poisoningfrom eating the food are going to file damage suits...
...MeanWinkle r'3 suggestions, at a League for Industrial luncheon, that banks be compelled to set up out of profits tod for the protection of depositors, has been ignored by rh position...
...t Diese Festellung son aber nicht sis eine Anklage gedeutet werden, , sondern als ein Motiv, zu versuchen r das wirtschaftnebe Leben derartau regulieren...
...All these tones and accents have lately been explaining Out to end the business depression wages will bive to come down...
...Six hour day and five day week Five dollars a day minimum wage...
...17.20 a Week Called Living Wage forWomen hpdenver...
...That the present old agepension sge be lowered so thatthose over sixty will receive a pension and that the pension be increased to $60.00 a month, regardless of relatives' financial status...
...W. R Snow, former state secretary for Illinois, sends a dollarbill and says: "Although out ofwork for two months, am enclosingmy bit toward the $50,000 drive...
...The money obtained from the Drive is to be kept intact for organization andpropaganda work, and not used for current expenses...
...5 before the Federal Trade Commission...
...Busick Hits Hoover "Comrades, friends, and stoolpigeons," were Busick • first wordsas he addressed the meeting...
...No privatecontractors to work on publicprojects...
...Is paying one half of the prevailing rate...
...This also Is particularly true of the Socialist parties, whose Interest In aa active combatting of the war danger requires no special Justification...
...Although time has only allowea small number of returns to bmade when this story is writtenthe cards and letters that havcome in thus far ten a story ofdevotion to an ideal and a realisation of the necessity for prompaction that is heartening to thosin the Drive office...
...Thursday evening, twenty neighborhood meetings were held oncorners, urging the people to jointhe unemployed conference andmarch to the city hall Friday topresent demands for help for the jobless... Fort Sam, Houston, Texas, barracks...
...The controller general of the United States has ruled that contracts for Federal public works most be assigned to the lowestUdders regardless of whether or not provision is made for payingthe prevailing rate of wages...
...Tom Williams, city councilman, Fred Moore, defense lawyer forSacco and Vanzetti, and Busick, State Chslrmsn of the SocialistParty of California were the speakers...
...This allows $1.50 a week for clothing, $1.00 for amusement and reading matter, and so on...
...manager of the station, interested the Civil Liberties Union and individuals interested in free speech in the battle...
...Socialist Guard on Doty Friday, Jan...
...Jacob Mirsky and Emil Cerused cite six of a Ions...
...N. Y. Committee Elected According to the Drive Committee, the purpose of the efforts being made is not merely to raise the very necessary money withwhich t j carry on educational and organizational work, but also togive the contributors a chance to tell the party headquarters whatthey think most needs to be done...
...S. Pays Prevailing Wage Rate President Hoover's statement la December that the Federalgovernment is paying the prevailing rate of wages on all government operations, Is challenged by two members of the BricklayersUnion, local 17, New York City...
...That a publicly owned andoperated supply store be conductthe unemployed can receive necessities .on an order instead of cashs ing orders at a chain store...
...Contributors in California who havenot already sent their check to the national Drive office are requested to send it to the California stateoffice, 2033 No...
...Baldwin admitted that he wrote letters to the Westingnouse Electric Manufacturing Co., the General Electric and other concernsfrom whom the Alabama PowerCo...
...Einstein is carrying forward his epoch-making researches, he penned the following answers to the questions propounded: America and the War Danger Upton Sinclair: What would you say is the duty of American workers in relation to the growing peril of armaments and the war danger...
...Don'task for break' they tell you...
...icly Topics ?y Norman Thomas t m a Core for Depression—The Banks Young' Proposals-r-Roesevelt's Responimtbe Bank of U-S.—The A. F. of L. Danville—Repression in India CAPITALISTS ft showed up our crazy system better than the j( the Bankers Association, the president of the I gjnk, and a number of their colleagues...
...8. Provisions made to take careof unemployed families by the cityor county paying rent, light, gasand water...
...We had half a notion not toopen the doors this evening as we read hi the scab Los Angeles Timesthat Herbert Hoover saw signs of returning prosperity...
...Maybe I will be able tosend more later on...
...Unemployment Insurance, model insurance bill drawn up bythe national committee of the Socialist Party to be presented to the state legislature...
...These units met, discussed the unemployedproblem, and drew up a list of suggestions for immediate relief...
...itself spent $26,000 on advertising in the Mobile Press between April 1, 1929, and November, 1930—a earn far ' greater than any other paper received...
...In general,- Conlon approves theHuber bill, introduced in the Wisconsin legislature, permitting payment of 40 per cent of the regularweekly wage at the unemployedperson, after one week of waitingfor a job...
...Evidently Governor Roosevelt's liberalIt is, does not dare cross the downtown deadline around This impotence of liberalism is another proof of the Socialism...
...In particular, Mr...
...Children under sixteenshould not be permitted to workduring or after school hours...
...theyhave taken pictures of trucksbringing in the garbage fromrestaurants and hotels, whichis mixed with water and served as soup or stew to the hungry men in the Midnight Mission...
...Governoride on this banking problem is of national imporOf his Presidential ambitions...
...People who are getting pensions should not be employed bythe city or county...
...In both the 7th and 9th Congressional Districts, the polls will open at 6:00 a. m. and close at 6:00 p. m. on the day of the special election Tuesday, Feb...
...In a pinch he wants his employees 10 that he can lower his cost of production and, thereby getting the better of competitors in the the slim pocketbooks of the nation...
...6. That instead of supportingmissions with taxpayers money, apublicly owned restaurant be established with these funds...
...California Needs Funds State Chairman William W. Busick has announced that the state office will take over Drive activities for California, and will not only give the national Drive itspercentage of the proceeds, butwill guarantee that a fixed amount, decided upon in consultation withthe Drive director, will be raised...
...The Alabama Power Co...
...another meeting was held in the Labor Temple Auditorium, which was packed to the doors and overflowing...
...The five "unfair" dailiest are the Thompson, group, which advocate government operation of . the a*"»»»« n»^».i...
...During the coming week, hundreds of unions, cooperatives and fraternal organizations sympathetic to the Socialist party are to be asked to contribute fromtheir treasuries to aid the drive which will make possible the most widespread and intensive attackon capitalism that has taken place in the United States...
...e as state money systems would be...
...Two mass meetings have beenarranged in the 9th Congressional District...
...Negotiations as to the division of labor between the national and state drive offices arenow under way...
...IN DANVILLE Danville, Va., makes it evident that the United Porkers got no settlement at all as a price of calling • The end of the strike was a complete defeat...
...As theywalked along the beach they foundan empty whiskey bottle...
...The Midnight Mission was reported to be serving bad food to the unemployed, although the Mission is paid by the county to serve the men good food...
...The it falling wages is not the so-called enlightened "the organized strength, industrial and political, of ON THE BANKS fgf jay desire at all to help puff up the Owen D. Young L*tttcb is growing, I must admit that occasionally his out like Islands of good sense in the oceans of blah m capitalists talk...
...and yet many millions of people are in need of food and other primary necessities...
...The questions propounded by The New Leader through the courtesy of the Socialist novelist dealt with the questions of militarismand the war danger, and with the problem of poverty At the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena — where Prof...
...Winkof standing and may be presumed to have plans to toad from the evil fate that has attended other funds Nature : in the past...
...A's em[tery smaJl proportion of what Mr...
...Special Poll For Congress On Tuesday Mass Meetings to Further Candidacies ofOneal and Cory in Brooklyn ASPECIAL election will beheld to fill two vacancies in Congress in the 7 and 9 Congressional Districts...
...Because he is "too old to givepledges and too lazy to write alittle check every month," GeKWelby Van Pelt, Takoma Park, Md., sends a generous contributionin one lump sum...
...Lessened purchasing power in the hands of the masses means a still further increase in the gap between what the workers using machines produce and what they consume...
...Work to be done by city or county and profits which otherwise would go to private contractors to be used to build more public works and provide more employment...
...17, by going-to the polling place where they votedfrom in the last election...
...IftaB is saved it will be by the magnificent spirit of the tuot by terms of the alleged agreement which directors, 1 save had no power in the matter and whose slightly about taking back the strikers as union workers, ted by President Fitzgerald who is the real boss...
...and the Larkin Experimental Dam, Vlcksburg, Miss...
...Requirement of workersthat they be American citizens...
...22nd, and nearly ,000 signed membership cards that night...
...State banking systems are Pt**htof dat...
...We can send councilmenup there to help Tom Williams'fight for our rights...
...A half dozen or more Communists, intent on making troublewere nabbed and literature thatthey intended to throw during the meeting was taken from them and piled on the platform...
...TO MUSSOLINI has apologized for telling a story that may Mussolini...
...A a manufacturer, may want other people's employees to get good wages so they can buy his products...
...It means chronic crisis...
...Thegarbage can full of coffee groundswere examined and were found to have pieces of meat and parts of decaying fish in them...
...The unions which will share in this demonPJ the wholehearted cooperation of the Socialist gWUfta individuals who strongly feel the need of an ••and on the government in Washington, and in Al!tto City Ball...
...Comrade VanPelt is 88 years old...
...He said: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OT TECHNOLOGY Pasadena Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics den 3. Fsbruar 1M1 Lieber Herr Sinclair, anbei erhalten Sis die Antwortea auf die mir gestellten Fragea dee "New Leader.'* Mit freundlichen Grueesen ate a. wMtomm...
...The public ought clearly that Franklin D. Roosevelt is at least as much reRepublican Legislature for blocking changes in the ave prevented the failure of the Bank 6Y "United"* personally helped to shelve the recommendations Moses...
...I said last week...
...The Crisis and Unemployment Upton Sinclair: Will you tell the American workers what you think about .the spectacle of misery and starvation in a land which has such, enormous powers of production as the United States...
...13, at 122 Pierrepent Sfc.-STStr p. m. The speakers, David M. Cory and others...
...In no field is Hi of intelligent thinking and planning by well trained lb than in working out a concrete plan for the socialistig and credit...
...Morris Bemoan, PleasantvUle...
...ELT AND THE BANK OF V. S. jfaX commercial banking should be nationalized is no states to leave their banking systems in the otitic which they are at the present time...
...Einstein: The United States of America la today the most powerful state of the i On this account the combatting of militarism and the war danger depends very tially upon the position by Its citizens toward problems...
...2. All public works to be startedat once... picket unfair placesand to force immediate action onour demands...
...I may be able to add another mitein a month or two...
...The Los Angeles Record has given the committee's findings wide publicityand published the pictures...
...Here's hoptng you make it...
...Monday, all of the twenty oddunits met in the Labor Temple inhalls donated by various unions toperfect plans for the parade...
...Never'was there men utter nonsense...
...So far Twrtg did nor g0 far enough...
...W. R Snow, former state secretary for Illinois, sends a dollarbill and says: "Although out ofwork for two months, am enclosingmy bit toward the $50,000 drive...
...A sells so he is , eawry much about their loss of purchasing power, afford to worry much about it...
...I may be able to add another mitein a month or two...
...I would like to givemore, but at present I am out of work...
...Nevertheless, crazy as this talk of lowering wages is, it is precisely the sort of thing that capitalists in distress must think of doing... will not be i tor aotng no more than has been done...
...BanspackBrothers employ Mexicans and pay one third of the prevailing rateof wages...
...The Executive Councilhad in the meantime adjournelwithout taking any stand...
...Since banking is a public i naee the control of credit is one of the key positions • sf the economic order, not only should banking be !fe the sense that all commercial basks should be comae into the national Federal Reserve System, but the • avoid be genuinely socialized...
...No overtime...
...Deahalb haengt die erfolgreiche Bekaempfung des Militarismus und der Kriegsgefahr sear weasntlicb von der Stellungnahme seiner Buerger zu dies en Problemen ah...
...But the liahtng of tine fact la not to he used as an indictment, bot as a motive to seek to laf/ntotw economic life la such fashion that the existence of human beings no longer shall he threatened by Prof...
...Therefore the ballot onwhich things shall be done withthe (50,000 to be raised...
...He came to the Drive office the day he received the letterWinnen joined the Socialist movement in Germany in 1869, twyears before he came to AmericaHe has lived in Chicago since 1872The second person to send in hicontribution was Morris Franklin, one of the real Jimmie Higgins ofChicago and an active member of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America Jennie A. Wilcox, Oak Park, I1L, writes: "I am sending my checkfor $3.00 and wish it were more...
...The large balcony was crammed fullas were the aisles, and hundredsstood up in the back of the hall...
...Unless it 1 art up such machinery I dread to thjnit of the future - field WDIAN AMNESTY '•another of the world's unnecessary tragedies if Macni the British Government, who have gone so far toward Flat Indian problem, were to defeat their own work by to political prisoners and by supporting police in d brutality toward non violent demonstrations, at in demanding that MacDonald go farther In this «the British Tories may be an excuse...
...15, at 8:15 p. m. in Thomas Jefferson High School, Pennsylvaniaand Dumont Avenues...
...7. That decent, sanitary sleepingquarters be provided for the unemployed...
...power system, World-Famed Scientist Declares Industrial Crisis Shows Failure of Prevailing System—Replying to New Leader Questions, He Urges Socialist Part in Opposition to Militarism Einstein Calls For Economic Reorganization (By a New Leaser Cerreepenaent LOS ANGELES.—The present economic organization does not meet the needs of the day Prof...
...The Communists were led quietly but firmly from the hall by the Socialists' Blue Shirt Militia, which BUI Bnsick recently organized to preventeither Communists or cops fromdisturbing unemployed meetings...
...The Radio Commission recently extended WEVD's license only to revoke it again without notice...
...He refused to appoint Mr...
...Moses to the Ejrionsider the report Mr...
...Business even by capitalist standards, but apparently the Big banks are so great that in spite of all the fire works •fare of the Back of U. S., neither Governor Roosevelt, nor the public press, is willing to get down to brass Itascuss the relation of banks and affiliates and the sort of ought to be enacted...
...It'sbad advertising back east Gohome and starve quietly.' "This is not a temproray organization...
...Thousands of letters have been sent out to contributors to the United Socialist Drive, asking them to double their previous contribution in view of the desperateneas of the situation of the workers of the country and the urgent necessity of greater Socialist efforts for a real unemployment program, old age pensions, abolition of a child labor...
...WEVD is »the only station which has opened its facilities to exponents of the Socialist, radical and labor points of view...
...Colo.—(fp)—a livting wage for women, according to the findings of the Industrial Commission of Colorado, is $17.20 a week...
...The Central Unit drew up a set of demands which will be presented to the Mayor and City Council, the governor and state legislature...
...I am sorry that my plans call for my r**»*iag trip to the Middle West while this demonstra1*A Success to it...
...Women in practically every department store complained of violation of the 8hour law but seldom brought charges for that meant loss of job...
...Gerber and others, will be held this week to plan the legal contest of March 3rd...
...Painters' Union No...
...That instead ofabolishing labor saving machineryon public works to make work formore men, as much labor savingmachinery as possible should beused so that shorter hours couldbe given the workers...
...Boycotts andpicketing will be used to attempt to stop these abuses...
...Use it where it is needed most,'' he says...
...Five years residence to be required...
...Dies gQt in Besonderen auch von den sozialistischen Parisian, derea Interease an einer aktiven Bekaempf ung der Kriegsgefahr kelner besonderen Begruendung bedarf...
...The Demands Which Are to Be Presented to the City Council Include 1. Revoke permits of all privateemployment agencies and establish a central free employment agency...
...It is not even certain that •elt will make a real fight for the proper protection ts which, by the plain meaning of words, are the accounts and should have the same protection...
...4. Child labor to be rigidly enforced...
...Einstein: The pr severe market prints is, lag to my proof that the liatlon...
...Tells How Power Trust Fights Hostile Press WASHINGTON — (FP) — How the power trust fights newspapers that attack its rule was disclosed by W. J. Baldwin, for eight years publicity director for the Alabama Power Co., and recently promoted to be publicity director for the Commonwealth A Southern Corporation, superholding company for utilities in the South, in testimony Feb...
...Use it where it is needed most,'' he says...
...We can unitewith the Socialist Party, the unions and other progressive groups andput our own men in the city government...
...The first meeting was held in the Labor Temple Auditorium, Thursday, Jan...
...In the failure of the Bank of U. S., of the Chelsea Bank, and Bank in Bingham ton, he has had no Moreland Act infcthe face of these failures plus the recommendations of t Broderick for strengthening the banking law, Goveit has maintained his silence...
...The municipal elections areonly four months away...
...This thousand was divided into units of 50 each...
...Bricklayers Challenge Hoover ClaimU...
...The Communistook a glance around the rooand ran for the door, several othCommunists following him...
...Every unit now has over 100 members and three new units have been formed...
...The failure of this strike is a j reflection upon the leadership of the A. F. of L. than • W. The A. F. of L. might have arranged to financea public system on a scale that in spite of difflculbrought victory to these loyal strikers...
...Maybe I will be able tosend more later on...
...The Drive moneyin Pennsylvania will be used exclusively for the Insurance Drive...
...Comrade VanPelt is 88 years old...
...9. Free medical attention, including dental work...
...The Oklahoma City Post Office is being constructed byDevanlt and Dietrich under open-shop conditions...
...The speakers, James Oneal, candidate forrepresentative in Congress, Judge Jacob Panken and Theodore Shapiro...
...socialists Organise Los Angeles Jobles Another attempt was made by thCommunists to disturb the meeing near the middle of the speaking...
...The New Leader cor respondent has learned that theorganizations which had officiallyinformed the central body thatthey favored unemployment insurance were Locals 1, 9, 10, 35, 38, 89 of the International Ladies Garment Workers' Union, Local 2163of the Carpenters, Locals 5 and189 (Brookwood) of the Teachers, Local 6 of the Typographical andLocal 1 of the Lithographers...
...The central unit met Wednesday and Thursday evening in Socialist headquarters and took up the suggestions of all the units and put them together in a definite program...
...Because he is "too old to givepledges and too lazy to write alittle check every month," GeKWelby Van Pelt, Takoma Park, Md., sends a generous contributionin one lump sum...
...J want to sell with one hand and buy with the other...
...The first of which willbe held on Sunday evening, Feb...
...CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Pasadena Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics den 3. Februar 1931 The New Leader New York Beantwortung Hirer Fragen: 1. Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika sind heute der maechtigste Staat der Erde...
...rais organization must be builtstrong enough so that we will beable to call strikes against wagecuts, speed up systems and increasing of hours, hiring of children, etc...
...Of 8,571 cases investigated In Denver it was found that 22.5% get the minimum or over, 77.5% get under the amount necessary to maintain themselves...
...Vice-president Mulholland, whois chairman of the Committee onUnemployment, arose under committee reports and simply announced that notwithstanding therequest for a statement of theirviews on unemployment insurancehe had expected hundreds to sendin communications but only elevenhad done so...
...Federal construction work at Scotfleid, 111...
...Hearing On WEVD Set For March 3 Radio Commission Witt Hear Application of Socialist Radio Station TIE Federal Radio Commission has set March 3rd as the date on which WEVD, the Debs' memorial radio station, will have ahearing on its application for a license to continue operation...
...A trade union conference to assist the station will be held in the Broadway Central Hotel, New York City, on March 4th...
...The report of the Commute onnemployment had urged that no policy be adopted until the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor, which was then in session in Florida, had expressed its views... far a* of such a tiling today, satisfy needs...
...892, endorsed Governor Roosevelt's plan and' twolocals wrote endorsing the reportof the Committee on Unemployment...
...Moses had made on the City Pat Moreland Act commissioner...
...Unemployed Do Their Bit B. F. Underbill, Lansing, Mich., sends five dollars for the Drive...
...This in spite of the fact that Dr...
...The Unit meetings havebeen packed...
...That until unemployment ind surance Is put Into effect, locats authorities should provide fundll for the unemployed at the followts ing scale: $8 a week for single mem and women...
...The committee to investigate this conditionswung into action and has gathered affidavits of the cooks...
...Socialists Organize L. A. Jobless Unemployed FormulateRelief Plans — Police Threat Holds Up Parade (Bt a New Leader Correspondent] OS ANGELES.—A hunger army of jobless workers, planing to parade the Los Angeles treets to win support for deands made on the city council by the Socialists' Conference on Unemployment, was forced to disband by police, who threatened to se machine guns if necessary to top the parade...
...A Communist jumped up anstarted to speak, when Busicpounded the gavel and calle"front" and dozens of Blue Shirstarted for the disturber from asides of the ban...
...Adequate and speedy workmen's compensation...
...He urged its reorganization to eliminate poverty...
...The Socialists of Los Angeles have within a week's time built a powerful unemployed conference, with an enrolled membership of over 2,500 and with new members coming in at the rate of over 200 day...
...The N. E. C. is now voting onholding its next meeting in Washington, D. C, on February 28 and March 1. If the meeting is held in that city, as it probably will be, several members of the Committee on their way to the meetingand returning home will be available for speaking dates...
...knows that however much the strong banks dislike of Mr...
...3. Only one member of a familyto be employed on city and countyjobs...
...Mass meetings have been arranged in both districts...
...At the last sessionf the city central the delegatesad been told to have their oranizations inform Secretary Qui on f the stand their unions were taking on unemployment insurance...
...Argyle Ave., Los Angeles, Cal...
...Several Socialist lawyers have volunteered togive their services...
...It was, therefore, of interest to see whatthe Central Trades would do...
...Sarah Limbach, state secretary, writes that she, Arthur McDowell, and Fred Gendral will tour thestate in the interest of the Socialism Forward Drive and of the Unemployment Insurance bill thathas been introduced in the legislature by Comrade DarlingtonHoopes...
...Albert Einstein, most famous of living scientists, declared in answer to a question put to him by Upton Sinclair in behalf of The New Leader...
...With over 200 unemployed a day joining the Socialist ranks, moneyis needed quickly to aid the state and Los Angeles program...
...Thecoffee that is fed to the men is made from the used grounds taken from hotels and restaurants...
...9 District, James Oneal...
...It means thathe members and friends of thparty wfll rally to it in the timwhen it can do its most valuablwork, even though they make personal sacrifices to do so...
...First Drive Contributor To Jacob Winnen, Chicago, goethe honor of being the first contributor to the Socialism ForwarDrive...
...A conference, attended by Morris Hillquit, national chairman of the Socialist party...
...Other Jobs onwhich prevailing rate is ignored are the Nurses Home, Montgomery, Alabama...
...2. Sicberllch 1st die gegenwaertigs schwere Absatzkrtee nacn meiner Ueberzeugung em Beweis dafuer, r daas die Organisation der Wirtschaft, so Welt heute von einer solchen geaprochen werden nana, den Beduerfnisaen nicht genuegt...
...It will last as long asHoover 'prosperity* afflicts thisland...
...Marcus and his pals in juggling things around Bank of U. S. and its affiliates, the strong banks do tlon to hamper them in setting up their own affilihwkers want to go on selling as officers of various ^asnpacies the securities which they recommend to the their banks and in which they invest banking funds...
...He favors contributions by the employers, the workers and thestates, arguing that if the workerscontribute a share to the fund theywill be entitled to a voice in administering it...
...Thosewho have moved into the district or to some other section of the district will have to register personally at the Board of Elections, New York or Brooklyn office...
...State chairman Louis Waldman isan ex-officio member...
...In the 7th a meeting will be held on Fridayevening, Feb...
...Those .who have applied forjobs should not be arrested as idlevagrants...
...Technical complaints were lodged against the station...
...k 15...
...I would like to givemore, but at present I am out of work...
...Socialist Drive Qoes Forward In Many States California,Pennsylvania, New York Act to Push"Campaign for $50,000 Fund—UnemployedSend In Funds—-Veteran Chicago Socialist IsFirst Under the Wire C(By • New Leader 0«rr«iM»*"*> HICAGO.—With the Socialism Forward Drive really gettingunder way this week, New York, California, and Pennsylvania have appointed special committees to aid the National Drive Committee, of which Norman Thomas is chairman, in its work...
...Rachel Panken, Manhattan, are the special New York committee to boost the Drive in that state...
...Forrest Bailey, director of the Civil Liberties Union, and Mr...
...and Mrs...
...10* a week for er family of two, and $15 when there are, more than two in a family...
...5. That the County Board ofSupervisors discontinue the handing over of a million dollars ofthe taxpayers money to the Chamber of Commerce and the All Year club which they use to publish falsepropaganda which brings thousandsof people to Los Angeles in searchof jobs which are not here, andthat the million dollars be used tocreate work for the unemployed...
...Harry W. Lakfler, Brooklyn...
...Monday evening, Feb...
...dass die Existenz der s Menschen nicht mehr durch K.risen f I bedroht wird...
...Einstein wrote in German...
...Young was that commercial banks should all be part of one /Today, the operation of the commercial credit , _e of bank checks are definitely parts of our monUnce back checks are like money, commercial banks ' of the federal system...
...Investigate jobs...
...AddressSocialism Forward Drive, 2653Washington Blvd., Chicago, forspeakers dates...
...As long as in a transiK need to keep banking in anything like its present jM of banking should be social and the profits from it Erj?peiety and cot to bank stockholders...
...Unemployed Do Their Bit B. F. Underbill, Lansing, Mich., sends five dollars for the Drive...
...Did Mussolini ever apologize for .*» to American citizens, including at least one Job Insurance Action Put Off By N. Y. Unions ew Locals Take Action —Zausner Urges Delegates Be Elected toCouncil By Louis Stanley HE officials of the CentralTrades and Labor Council of reater New York and Vicinityide-tracked the unemployment inurance question with ease at the eeting on February 5, when the ubject was scheduled to be taken p for action...
...The approaching hearing is of particular importance not alone to WEVD but to the entire principle of free speech over the air...
...A bill sponsored by the AmericanFederation of Labor, seeking to make the prevailing rate the onlylegal rate, is being smothered in the House of Representatives...
...Over athird of the people in Los Angelesare out of work...
...When the commission reversed itself and declared against continued operation by WEVD, August Gerber...
...One of the men said, 'We are lucky, thepeople on this island are civilized.' They walked a little further andsaw a gallows with a man hanging from it, and the other man remarked, 'And, by God, they'reChristians, too.' "The Chamber of Commerce isasking for 200 more policemen, not to keep crime down but to keepyou from asking for bread...
...Ithis way the unemployed couldget from twenty to thirty per cene more on* the order given them btthe county, as there would be nprofit and advertising costs added to the goods they get...
...16, 8:30 p. m., another mass meeting willbe held in the Richmond Hill section of the 9th Congressional District, in the Richmond Hill HighSchool, 89th Ave...
...P. J. Conlon Is For Contributory Jobless Insurance WASHINGTON — (FP)—VicePresident P. J. Conlon of the International Association of Machinists, in the February issue of the Machinists' Monthly Journal, declares that it will take years topersuade Congress that aid should be given the states'in creating an unemployment insurance fund...
Vol. 3 • February 1931 • No. 7