Hedges, M. H.

GOVERNOR MINTURN By M. H. rffiDOSS SO AS thep huaur peer the «pa* peek cases piled wjth *c«o«d.aand ejagsios tp R*U*Vg uaderpreuaf library, *r trsaspad th*. win district, or watched tn*...

...It was housed in the otlleo ot t-octl N*w Tork and the secretary of Local N*w Tork was praetlcally the secretary ef tha City Committee...
...First ef all...
...If there were ne ether reasons fer centralizing th* work of th* Greater City, th* last argument would Justify the creation of j* City Committee with responsibility for all parts of the city alike...
...This waa th* prat time in his life fbai he had ever seen a crowd to prayer...
...I "Lisun...
...MJnturn "—* Strang* fellow this Rakov, ulth his weird, bluish fac...
...A festive mood seised the shoppers in downtown streets...
...for toataaee, whsn Local New Tork would mak* shop collections, the active comrades of Brooklyn or the Brans used ta feel that Wow Y*rk had a* right to manepoUs* those funds, to •tow of tkf fact that tha worker* to Bess Tsark ***** arp.f«r ip* pwi Jtort residents ef the other counties...
...To Dan it was only "food for thought...
...W* II* when w* say we want pears We don't...
...BWi* wars brought out from attics...
...Whan it tails the roue, hs blows his brains out...
...These conditions hav* set th* ce**r rades of the different part* Of th* city to think seriously and come to the conclusion that a central body such aa the present City Committee is ol great necessity...
...Th* main euc*U*n before the City C*aventi*n en tha 17th ef February will b* whether we should ssastinue th* presant.state of afSjirs af asperate local offices which ar* bvund to eptn* In contact with th* City Committee both in the raising *f funds pud in ths seep* of organization, propaganda and educational work, or, should the county committees remain a* QjBjgSlal bod is* to do the political week ef making nominations during e*s**«igna... must b* taken Into consideration that, two af the flv...
...Aeeept R*my e* Geurm*af* prom...
...He was th* step* and type-Cas* »uay witji eomaasspl***, Suing hi odd mceaento with tkeajfkts about hi* spBBS* saa th* use af toJunettena to l»bor dissute...
...t brought children shouting gut of door... district, or watched tn* long train n*p »*» ** it* . over-eontingBt Journey, Bag** talked and pea opteaed...
...A Question of Economy Th* arguments that were given for uniting the separate boroughs into one Greater New York organisation were than and still ar* today approximately a*, fellows...
...S*x 1* th* usual, most natural motive power...
...Net* that tks*s sex entities are always hi a st*t* ef search and praparatien—n*w*>' at reat—Making...
...Jsfjp |s 4V sys9PJ9to What ktod «c « perssn we eld, p...
...It did not even have its own office...
...GOVERNOR MINTURN By M. H. rffiDOSS SO AS thep huaur peer the «pa* peek cases piled wjth *c«o«d.aand ejagsios tp R*U*Vg uaderpreuaf library, *r trsaspad th...
...r*» *•* j»v ss»l*s*«11*ii, that is, pwa do psH rat knew y*t*rs*W...
...Th* most important point on the order of i'ustnese of th* convention will be th* 4s...
...Th* demand for such a central body came thon from many comrade*, wbo came to the conclusion that there is no real reason for-having five separate organizations in one city merely because there happened to be Sv* political sub-divisions in it...
...Ah, you say, I mak* too much of this- It la what we *r* undern*ath, and that I* ail that counts...
...Every new and then th* gvnaroslty of th* cer#rad«a of Manhattan would Indue* them to do something' for on* of these suburban communities by way of arranging an open-air'meeting or supplying the individual comrades there with a few hundred leaflets, but it cannot bs said by any means that a real attempt was ever made to do the work of organisation or propaganda tn th* two boroughs, which now hav* a population ef ever T00.000...
...When Kings arranged a debet* tn th* lead•my of Music, Local New York had te wait tor soma time until it would become possible to go through with • similar enterprise at Carnegie Hall ef ¦sal Nether pnterprise that is connected with/hi* expense...
...the street* began te be tilled with women in sealskin coats and flapping Russian beets...
...Abeut the City Committee th* following may be added: The first couple of months it was altogether a paper organisation...
...fected badly the strength of the party...
...Queens and Statan Island into one central organisation quite a number of years ago...
...Thee* whe used te attend State convest!*** remember teat Brooklyn seldom harmonised with New Tork ea meet *u**ti*ns simply because th* a»» l*tl*n*Sjip9 of th* oStrare at least war* strained because ef their *r*s*iag seen other to their attempts t* raise fund...
...Unfortunately, under th* present circumstances, the nature of th* work that can be done can best be accomplished when directed from one central office...
...Ts be ssattouad asgt wa*h> :-: Problems of the N. Y- Socialist Party :-: By A. I. Shiplacoff THE City Committee of the socialist Party has issued a c*U for a citywide convention which will take place at 2 p. m. on February 27, at the Rand School Auditorium...
...It is * simple question •f economy...
...With, ths h.lp mt th* Tip**!*, th* City Committee distributed about is.990 copies ef the coal leaf let »n* f.OO* copies ef the American Appeal, pa a result of whisk a number of esbearlpUens for th* Appeal came late the office of -the City Committee...
...Ths territory of those two counties is so largo and tha population is so scattered over a number of towns, such as Jamaica...
...3 Th* flyft SPOW cam*, toward Thanksgivtos, a beautlfyl steely snow that •praad its alienee ever the city...
...Minturn.'your life, my Uf», i# a constant battle against 4ulsse*n*S, SAf ainst being bored...
...Und*r*t*n4 that man's mental' Ufa IS but * ref)acted function ef these seg organs...
...He *xp*ri*nceg the joy of being s*»t!v*te4, prpp*ll*4—his natural state...
...Brooklyn, Bronx...
...aeto awwhM sp* s«U...
...That account* for hi* restlessness rces**|**a eutreaching...
...He »wlj*d whimsically and tesilkisrpPajad, an*sti^l»srit aiissmy f ^SSBifesSP...
...Tou this!*: yep pap...
...The asm* was also true of the contnbu, tloas that would corns in from union locals, etc...
...Alter ¦us***,-'** to*Vto the streets, mad* a turn through th* shsnjasMag **V trict...
...VaTrr'af FST* f 'v^lt^T'w^s^eVT &o9*t\ 99 thoughts, pbept iBsmsasTbfuyit He smiled...
...Snow-shoes were donned...
...Especially is thto tru* withla the last few yeara sine* the state office in Albany has been compelled' tc c*a«*atr*to U» entire wprk/pn the rebuilding Of the vsriou* loeals upatatl that h»v* bean snaasbod by the dark fqrees of the war and after th* war...
...r throngs in th* streets...
...Ws want activity, excitement, violence...*r* Ha Iggghad that odd...
...the vetor»,e* •ectoty—te SBdPP en- I His m»*tog led...
...Then cam* th* campaign, which was conducted by the City Committee...
...l*« that men are hut en vela pea atCated to enclose 'th* sex organs, th* •pern) aajdevute...
...And It cams to him as he stood to the Park, 899P hps) sssjIttSw' faew ssMStaaw that ma* sea** hbws^g^sssMSl^ s.tto^^,?H waa the esS 'Alice Millar that b*4 Ijgp^^ k^Sw^ em' eagagpsassil witk-ker...
...I shall ten year fortune...
...It is «uit< natural thtft th* organizers ef th* various locals should try to eutde on* another in these unde*takinge,( and a* people were unduly approached for ths sale of tickets and similar things from several sources at the gam* time...
...They stirred him as crowds always sti'rtd him, be U th* crowd he was addressing...
...Boro Park, et...
...It ganutsd him to purse* hat thought* about, raspssatoWW ss> far pa .they weuM fw-t...
...aaei* stvu* «r the §BrgBsee eeeteptse* the SssPS iiBSt Lerlns Bsrk wher* the snow Bakes M ¦surmurlngh/ upon ear* leaves, gad the winds stirred a low song to W* p>aa*h«s of the oaks...
...Man's lif...
...Th* third reason for one central organisation and one office is the fact that the Income of dues alone is insufficient t* conduct the work on any effective scale, and it was, therefore, alwgys necessary to appeal to labor organisations and Individual sympathisers...
...Henc* youth, when first awakened, fesja immense new-found energies swell within iijnv and behold* the path widening out, out te some strange, mystical horigon, which h* calls eternity...
...The neighboring counties ef New York could^rTbt possibly do thslr work is a fthitad manner because there bat been no machinery far such work...
...It ha* ia*u*d a popular leaflet on th* coal question...
...Msintaining three offices with three officers and help and varloua othsr expenditures that ar* connected with th* offices must necessarily cost much more "Than msintaining one office...
...New I ask your h* 0sm*qdedt "t* wsah your mind «4*aj| of »ll ar*-}u«gr ansa is, your prtjudig**, what you \jir hsritod from JIM Baptist y Sunday School, what you caJJ acIasor-blB 14...
...In the direct work *f propaganda there never has been any common bgsis... aver, gratifying t* kn*w that the- apeakers War* not ¦e*epeHied by any particular local and that 11 Was*tare was issued in larger quantities la asere presentable term tha* to the previous years, also that It was distributed proportionately according to th* demand* of each section of the city...* committee that would look for ways *nd means to provide every section of th* city with the sort of propaganda and tha education which are beet'adapted to the character ef th* population...
...Another thing which disturbed the harmonious relationship of th* separate boroughs were the affairs, such a* b4gears, concerts or debate* on s Isrge scale, to recent years partieu, torly no worth-while enterprise could b* carried.out successfully in on* part of th* city without drawing upa tha population of another part...
...So Minneapolis, the northwest met re pell*, took on its glittering northern loot...
...Sleighing psrtlss flllsd the streets with song...
...That waa not quite all- Ha did net mis* th* appeal of the first etorm...
...acetic despite marks of debauchery written 4e*p upon it- Dan could often imagine the curly, plaek hair surmount**: with » turban, the this, tall ngure elad i* aolered robes Th* prophet *ut *f th* East, atahdlng on * gviag* over the Mississippi while the thunder pp traffic rolled about him...
...p*rtieip*t*d In ea* protsat as**ting for Richard Ford, arranged ea* general party BSfitjilf for th* transaction *f bnetoees and en* general party meeting for th* purpose af discussing ths attitude af th* party toward the trade union movement, it has alao arranged * susas— ful debate at Carnegie Hall with Comrade Hiliquif and Harrow *n the League of Nattoa...
...boroughs, namely, Quteps and Richmond, are absolutely helpless when left to their swn resources...
...It impressed dint, that is, the g—pie bowed there impressed him...
...h>ag after...
...SjBti* new only globules of light bUArSsi Of surraos...
...h. as*** hls—sW, M k* sSjggkl •Sit bis Jet, rasbxa trrm the toekriature, and dawet* bke>a*f,-iMto a fSspBt, J 9 nTw^^epSP...
...Lists* Mintura...
...Hene* the dangerous age, whan woman - no longer f*«l* its goad, or only begins to feel it...
...Th* old condition instead ei being ameliorated...
...In the latter part of November the City Committee established itself effieially in its own office with »* executive secretary and atanographOf S»* sine* than it has worked out a plea •f activities fer th* emirs city with a budget of appro«isnately 111,*** far th* calendar year...
...The union offices being to Manhattan, it was quit* natural fer local New Tork te feel that th* donatieas coming from union J*cal*'*'pr Joint boards must go to Local" Nap Tork...
...It has organised a Central Forum in th* Labor Tempi* at 14th street end Second avenue for every Sunday menins) and ha* collected and shipped over thirty cases ef clothes t* the striking mlnera...
...Port Richmond, etc., /and the members of the party ar* so far apart from on* another that they seldom have the opportunity of getting together and are, in fact, to all Intents and purpose* in the condition mt memberg-at-larg/% who liv* In out-ofthe-way parts ef th* country...
...Csa yetjf...
...At the present moment the City Committee to planning a number of activities, on* of which is a conference ef laser and progressiva eiatsBisaatlon* for th* purees* Of sending delagatiena t* Washington gad, Albany to pretsst against th* reactionary measures peadisut to Congress sad to the Stat* legislature...
...Within th* laat coup!* mt aaspths the City Committee succeeded to arranging forty-one lecture* to various section a ef th* city...
...t*re windows transformed themselves into old fashioned toy shops, wjth inevitable stirring of childhood memories in adults...
...B*w*r* pf weaaea, beautiful, sold, cruel wpanee...
...This feeling became more acute in the last few years, especially since the progressive elements of the popalatlon began to move from the East Side to the Bronx, Brownsville...
...Stirring th* sluggish spirit of a .late autumn...
...1 Within the several months ot tti existence, the City Committee toad* at) attempt to do work of* general character covering th* need* of th* different boresv hut here cam* a new difficulty...
...wag Ipse sens* ef iii|iigil>l9ssj e» his toeaksw...
...The budget was also raised by the City C&mmltt** for th* entire city...
...Let a vary branch sand Its gaot* •f delegates an* 1st US *OC* for *B create an effective machinery fer reviving the party and work for a real united political front among th* w*rkuag masses mt Kmm Fesrk...
...This duplication of expense is altogether unjustifiable because there is no work, whether it be ordinary routine work or work of an initiative character, that cannot^be done in one central offle* aa effectively aa it can be done in ssveral separate offices...
...Attract**: by t^slwfc-sW bulk of ths Pro-C*th*dr»f b^Bth^p- be took to tbe str—ts *galri^yr^pps^ Hae*epin, mounted the churs)n^^teBp>en4 wept Th* great, white neve was Alias) with silence—and bowed Agar** Pen paused for a momrnt at the 4eer, stared curiously at th* crucifix, thg candied altar—and'went out...
...aad, alt**ugh there I* not much to heest *f sspespwlng results et th* a**»p*ign with regard to th* sis* ml th* vote, it Is net necessary te offer any egplasatiepp te th* ectlv* eomrseeg, that the greatest mtllciency mxportm would a»t hav* changed th* situation to this respect...
...A poet might have figured th* city as a Viking girl, rugged, spp!«-«h**ke4, athletic, with skiis or ice-boat, but te Dan th* enow brought Just two ideas: First, "Golly, this will mean jobs for Just about 200 men...
...As long aa both will exist, these conflict* will have to continue because *f questions of Jurisdiction and bacause each office bus at least one earn set comrade in office, paid or not paid, wbo feels that he must do something...
...Death," y*» mean, "th* no-struggleT' Rakov would reply...
...It mad* him reoall Abner Rakov and his via ten ef life as a search for motive...
...Hellis, Leng Island City, Woodhaven...
...Here be am* **wu g msment en fbapch, net nlsbspt he* wildered sens*^rh*t it wee o*}ly y**terdgy that h* ha*watch**J thpswaflj •alt th* lagoons...
...But th* comrade* of th* other borough* Justly fell that the funds csme from th* workers of their section •f the city and that thsy w*r* entitled te a portion of tha income...
...We gr* intormlaablahseekcrs after motives, something to propel us beyond peace...
...second, "That attic room will he bard to heat...
...Th** I r**u**t ye* I* sue fthuaaV erlng in th* modern intellectual «hs«s shop struggiiag...
...seeedlnf l*u*h of hta, which was so foi^rlssa, sairtb...
...bee*m* mar* complicated because of a sens* of eerapetition thgt ig developing between the office of th* City Committee and the various county offices...
...It ig...
...What happened to Dan in that moment, a more self-oonsc|*U| man might have called an experience...
...Hence war, hence jazz, bancs intrigu*, hence crime, hence are •ad!*** whimperings sgains: fate when w* fail impregnation with desire...
...Perhaps th* gas wagon and the gas •hip are hut th* ends of this driving restlessness this wish to b* Impelled...
...also te arrange various affairs so as to financ* th* work and maintain th* offices- In this process of financing th* different offices thera hav* always arisen conflicts between New Tork and Brooklyn, New Tork aad th* Bronx, Wronx and Brooklyn, and these conflicts have often assumed a very disagreeable form of Jealousy which af...
...When Dan fait constrained to rebel, gad would say, "Tber* must b* tha4 pears that comes after th* struggls...
...i ; > 2-< ¦ He got ugt after * t*w satouts*, sod want t* a *s*Vto Th*** ¦ s*t-ated th*uphts whick had krusksd hfej W aclouan*** did apt rSfup again that night, or th* past jjgy-^et uailJ...
...fining of th* character of tha newfy establisSad^City Committee and it* relstionship to'the county orgaafitatiens.For tbe benefit of those who are not thoroughly acquainted with the entire question, it may be said that an attempt was mad* to unite the party organization* of Manhattan...
...Hugh, which mad* hiss ««el reprtt fer the unhappy Hl.isaj of ***** <|Bflir ^H* toah Me asggt...

Vol. 3 • February 1926 • No. 6

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