A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES The High Cost Of Holes The Senate sab-committee beaded by Senator Couzens, which investigated the wholesale rebating; of taxes to big -s-rjorations by Andy...

...She is a strictly union cat and will sit at no mouse-hole, longer than eight hours.' She tells me.that some of her friends are getting up a company union...
...In most of his . writings, to a criticism and analysis of capitalist economic society and the forces of social evolution...
...However, Isabel, do not allow yourself to prolong your present mood beyond bounds...
...Meaaba range iron mine strike, Minnesota, 1911...
...The first revolt came from the artistic side...
...Depletion in high finance lingo means payment for vacuum cre. aftd by the taking out of substances already • paid for...
...hotel workers' strike...
...There were indications that he was notjo^rscta* responsive to your-advances...
...The essential difference between buying Swiss cheese and coal is that when you buy Swiss cheese the holes are thrown in while when you buy coal yon pay for both coal and Sugar, Saints and Sinners 'It seems an honest man has strayed into the Tariff Commission...
...William Green, president of the* American Federation of Labor, sent regrets and his appreciation...
...Morris 81smaa...
...The bulk of them flee at the approach of a human...
...Gurley Flynn Honored By Esther Lowell THE crowd which asaembled at the League tor Mutual Aid Invitation to honor Elizabeth Gurley Flynn's twenty years in the American labor movement was most unique—a united front that could -hardly be duplicated by another person...
...There is s possibility that the two-footod American public may some day achieve tho fine sense of freedom, sophistication and complete independence that you black cats have so thoroughly acquired...
...Marx confined hla attentions...
...so well...
...An Open Latter To My Black Cat, Isabel -Spti^gfi^in^ m MY Dear Isabeli t.^-r, • fU I hear that you are feeling low ta your mind...
...It was a jail-delivery jpftnmient for rich tax dodgers...
...My best to your daughter and any other additions to the fasrailj that may have arrived during toy abaeaca...
...V * * * ' Now of all the Smoots that ever came down the pikes, Senator Smoot is the smoothest...
...The constant trend backwards towards a modified^ capitalism In'Russia Is testimony to Marx's correctness...
...president of the International Ladles'Garment Workers...
...The variety of views underneath the friendship for Miss Flynn which brought the croup together was apparent la the speakers and reactions of the listeners, but did aot break out bitterly...
...now sits in the White House...
...T, wa* coupling ears of a subway train when twe ear* between which he wa* standing crushed him...
...It was furthered by the conception of the social organism elaborated by Comte, Mill, Darwin and Spencer...
...As Russia will develop a more democratic government out of its seemingly unnecessary and brutal dictatorship and aax the Bolshevik...
...After all, a pessimist'and a skeptic Is always a more Interesting cuss than an optimist and aa idealist...
...The Assembly's ses-* •Ion that morning, was opened as usual with a prayer and the clergymen selected for that Job happened to be oa* ef the visiting prohibition lobbyists...
...I must close, Isabel, so that you may get this in time...
...He is a plain and jflaassuming Mormon whose connection with ryab-Idaho-Mormon, twelve apostle, Smoot, 3Pf>r, and saint syndicate-is purely of an «*thly nature...
...Utah, lilt...
...WTk sulphur company which invested some %'mtsbpOO in a property from which it then took lajOOO.OOO worth of sulphur, received $2,000,* So allowance for depletion of the original jam git underground...
...On his spiritual side, Smoot is one of the twelve apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ af Latter Day Saints...
...In our colonies the English government further allows and encourages the communities to provide for themselves railways, canals, pawn-broking, theatres, forestry, cinchona farms...
...these and other nameless iniquities will be found recorded as the results of freedom ot contract and complete tain* fair* to the Impartial pages of successive plus book report...
...half aa hour's wrangle followed...
...The Communists, however, will not attain that goal, nor can the Socialists in any ether country achieve the same enda unless the economic and social conditions, or* rtp* for socialisation.' Socialists, generally, do not oppose Soviet Russia...
...Ed Nockela, for the Chicago Federation of Labor...
...If so...
...He wants to EzT.why in 1921, Sugar Apostle Smoot mgyned the cane sugar Cubans wrth rais*B^«aa*tariff unless they reduced the acreage ¦^^•¦a sugar, a move which cost American ¦jjgE...
...EttorGiovannitti defease, ltlX, in Massachusetts...
...And again you would not lie down, snd give up all your nine lives because you had become a "tired radical...
...She gave several possible reasons for her presence ia the labor movement—her fighting Irish blood, inherited from "Paddy, the Rebel...
...Let us learn from you to practice a fine indifferentism to the petty tilings of life, to have a keen -sense of direction and goal...
...got rebates amounting to $3,',• 850,000, much of which was allowance for *£©uzens showed that while this depletion - was put into the tax scheme in order to encotrrage small concerns to risk drilling for oil * on untried territory, 97 per cent, of the allowance granted last year went to old-established companies in tried fields...
...Harry Coords, Brooklyn, a train* man, employed by tha B.-IW...
...but no serious attempt has ever been made to get repealed any one of the factory acts...
...prostrate forms...
...Albany was Jammed with lobbyists, liquor dealers, saloon keepers, clergymen, reformers, etc...
...economically unclean, repugnant to the sturdy individual independence of Englishmen, and aa yet outside the sphere ot practical politics, seldom have the least suspicion ot tit* extent to which It baa already been carried out...
...I don't' think they will get away with this company union stuff...
...Slice after slice has gradually been cut from the profits vt capital, and therefore from its Selling value, by socially beneficial restrictions on Its user's liberty to do as he liked with It Slice after slice Has been cut from the incomes from rent and interest by the gradual shifting ot taxation from consumers, to persons enjoying incomes above the average from the kingdom...
...And last but ¦»aC5l , wants to know why the free and SS^* citizens of this nation should pay ¦g£*P«T day into the coffers of Latter Day gom Utah-Idaho and yesterday Demo.from Louisiana...
...chairman ot the League tor Mutual Aid...
...It furnishes aad maintains Its own museums, parka, art galleries, libraries, concert-hallo, roads, streets, bridges, markets, .slaughter-houses, fire-engines, lighthouses, pilots, ferries, surf-boats, steam-tugs, lifeboats, cemeteries, public baths, wash-houses, pounds, harbors, piers, wharves, hospitals, dispensaries, gasworks, waterworks, tramways, telegraph cables, allotments, cow meadows, artisans' dwellings, schools, churches and readins rooms...
...Cosan's tariff commission by the Senate finance committee of...
...Charlotte Anita Whitney—these are only a few of tire diversely oplaloned friend* who sent greetings...
...geography, and even theology...
...And Morris HHlquit broke an other lance in his tilt with a windmill...
...Aa to Russia, we believe It's up to the Russians to settle their own hash...
...Is applauded and crowned while be lives and he usually has a mighty fine time of It He cashes in now aad bequeaths the future to the devil...
...Baldwin Locomotive strike, Philadelphia, 1911...
...You buy five dollars worth of Swiss cheese and sell it to me for ten dollars...
...People are Just like that...
...And yet by dint of words written on paper, hungry workers who can't.get jobs are daily being convinced that-they are...
...and old, limited only by tho utmost capabilities of physical endurance...
...aad Saoc-Vansetti case, Massachusetts, 1910-1...
...Lawrence textile strike, 1911-13...
...Numerous factory, drainage, mine, and public health laws, were passed...
...Sidney Hlllman, president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers...
...to create ideals and to burn op on*'* energies and life to realise then* is a sport fn which only the few Indulge...
...After all, it is always darkest before dawn...
...When you and I, say dear black e*V look out upon this world of tears, thert is* to be sure, very tittle to meeow about...
...Arturo Olovaaaitti, Jo* Ettor, Clarence Darrow, Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman...
...Do you remember how/you half murdered that scab tabby who triedto bust up the G. V. of A. C.'s...
...complete absence of the sanitary provisions necessary to a rapidly growing population...
...Yost went right out and got him...
...It is ^ world filled with labor fakers, open shoppsrra, company unionists and snapping dogs...
...Coleridge, Owen, Carlyle, Maurice, Kingsley...
...Conies now the "strong silent man in the <J«He house and appoints one Brossard on the frnff commission which may or may not in^Pf*** with the tariff on Sugar...
...It was not five per cent or ten per cent,' says one...
...MeCue Immediately rose aad requested that the stenographer read tha prayer...
...Costigan who is about to be beheaded because he thinks that the tariff on sugar can be lowered without turning it into salt brine...
...it sounded something ilk*" this—Be it resolved: That wo favor Riving ton Street Morris Hillquit said we had to favor it whether wa liked it or not...
...What few cats there are here are pretty good unionists and the scab cats are poor stuff, as scabs are everywhere...
...He doubted whether Rivington Street could ever be clean, as it always was dirty it always would be dlrtyt human nature as it Is, this filthy thoroughfare, must eventually become dirtier and more foul...
...Cosnrmdes Mourn DemA Of Lilian Barman The news ot the unexpected -death ot Lilian Berman...
...He predicted that with Socialists th power Riving - ton Street would be transformed into a boulevard 'and that It would bloom as a rose...
...Brother «P*sard is not an apostle...
...young children dragging trucks all day In the foul atmosphere of the underground galleries...
...But the liberal milt owners of the day, aided by some ot th* political economists, stubbornly resisted every attempt to interfere with their freedom to use the'ir' capital and 'their* hands as they found most profitable, and (like their successors today) predicted of each restriction as It arrived 'that It must inevitably destroy tho export trade and deprive them of all profit whatsoever...
...HowssjApjpMr motions were deaeasSrt^^HPhcloods also to ceaeat OhewnassBsare and strike tt off the reeBaeeaass:-a essays* tenet asnawJSta...
...I deeply sympathize with you...
...His GbH Oil Co...
...The wet* got busy...
...Costigan recently told a New York audience that the commission was packed by Seneficiafies of the high tariff...
...Did that discourage you...
...While the optimist Uvea aad labor* bo la sympathetically regarded as a damn tool by th* crowd, j After he I* dead be grows la stature aad hla name 1* embossed oa the page* of time...
...Furthermore, no Socialist, aad likewise, no Bolshevik, will say that Socialism or Communism exists In Russia or that It was fully tried out The Communists are In full control In Russia and are undoubtedly sincere and -honest in their attempts to bring that miserable and backward country to th* civilized plane of the socialist Ideal...
...BeaMea our International relatione and the army, navy, poliee and tho courts of Justice, the community now carries, on for Itself, In some part or another of these Islands, tho post-office, telegraphs, carriage of email commodities, coinage, surveys, tha regulation of tha currency and note issue, tho provision of weight* and measure*, tha making, sweeping, lighting, and repairing- of streets, road* aad bridges, life Insurance, the yrarrt ot easmitles, sbtphulM^nsV sfasSfbrsSnxsj...
...The Views of the Fabians THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By Harry W. Laidler THE first result of the Industrial revolution was that of unrestrained license to appropriate the means of production for private gain...
...Surely it is not you who should become low' in your mind, but rather those of us who have so little strength of character, so feeble a passion for justice that we let all the stuffed shirts and Babbitts of the nation parade upon our...
...I mean, of course, tits Greenwich Village Association of Aatialgamated Cats...
...G. T. W. Patrick, Ph...
...Eugene V. Debs, Felix Frankfurter, pf Harvard Law School...
...Except for those occasions when that insolent Chow dog comes into your yard, you are always above Aa battle, looking with large and yellow eyes and, a feeling of detached amusement upon tho writhings of us child-like men and women who dare to call ourselves your superiors...
...Well, hi* prayer to Ood contained all the Ingredients of a fervent prohibition speech...
...GLOUCESTER, fsleee^-Efghteen neliwwn stood on tha reeks at Briar's Neck end eaw three af their shipmates swept to death...
...They have not that contempt for us that you Greenwich cats have learned...
...Irrigation, leper villages, casinos...
...e e a "Our religion, if it la to survive, must be positive, scientific, rfnd social, having as its snd the more perfect socializing of^humenity, emphasising love and sacrifice and community of interest...
...Thereupon, Senator Smoot of Utah countered with a resohrtion calling for an investigation of Mr...
...actually as rich as John.D...
...The peasiro'st, however...
...There was to be held a hearing before the Joint committees of tho Senate and the Assembly on a .resolution that had for Its object the 'ratification of the 18th amendment by the State of New York...
...It carries on and publishes it* own researches In geology, meteorology, statistics, soology...
...cease their stupid meddling with the Internal affairs of other nations and adopt a more tolerant attitude towards their dissenters aad critic* at home and abroad—aad they win be compelled to do so In time— a reconciliation wUl be effected aad the experiment .-in Russia trill be strengthened with tha whole-hearted cooperation of tho Socialist aad Labor movements of the world, e e e Rescinding a Prayer This happened in HIS...
...You have now your original investment backhand five dollars extra for your trouble.' Then the government comes along and charges you one dollar income tax on the five dollars you made ont of^me...
...Marx did predict that Socialism would follow capitalism tn every country aad ba certainly scorned the Idea that ft could possibly come into flower la a semi-feudal aad vastly agricultural country like Russia without aueh a country first passlag through a capitalist stage of development...
...Sparks and Flashes -:THE debate between Morris Hillquit and Clarence Darrow on the World Court and the League of Nations'was a huge success in every way...
...No, Isabel, once you make up your mind that a certain goal is worth attaining, you go straight towards it,.obstacles or no obstacles...
...Do you remember that rather frowzy tiger torn that you chose for your last husband...
...Step by atop, the community baa absorbed them, wholly or partially...
...Webb maintained that this emphasis on Individual -freedom was partly a result of the blundering interference with economic laws by the kings in preceding decades—their debasing of the currency and then their surprise, for Instance, that In spite of stringent prohibitions, prices skyrocketed and many fled the country...
...As soon aa Marty McCue (Democrat) cam* Into the chamber (he waa absent during tha prayer) be waa told -what bad transpired...
...her good parents (both ot whom were present, aa won aa bar son, bow a young giant five inches taller than she), oto, She amid site had no regret* tor her, lit*, aad withal ha*, bad . '^^hhs^:et'eM ¦asesssssfeSTaaaessa ^TsaLas) sssaee: V (*rsBB> her pleasure at having "an here as my friends la spite of our differences of opinion...
...Before long now, Isabel, I shall be back to scratch your ears in person...
...I'm sure he's one of those exploiting aristocrats...
...tn Paris...
...that It was there and would remain, continue and- flourish—but he Instated, It was s> vile street, conceived In Inequity, bOra ot capitalism and steeped In ain aad that enly under Socialist auspices could it become clean and 'wholesome...
...millions of dollars...
...wife Ot Comrade Bam Berman, who for many years has been active la tha Socialist party, has shocked many Comrades...
...This particular cat is, of course, organized one hundred per cent...
...She sends her best snd says that some day she would like to come to New York and visit you...
...Jo* Hill defense...
...Ignorant or unreflecting capitalists^ speak of those terrible times with exaltation...
...par jaw...
...If so frequent aad fertile a Great Moths*: as your adorable self cannot oa occasion, ear joy the luxury of weltschmera, there is as justice in the scheme of things...
...To if ^you have contributed in the ndghborhood of Taf ty-two very charming kittens aad yoa may well reserve the right to regard it with critical eyes...
...Smoot is chairman...
...If I have said anything that will in any way lighten the gloom that now scefas to surround you, I will be happy...
...They related incidents of her life—of the free-speech fight* la Spokane, Wash, and other activities with WestT era Industrial Workers of the World...
...In addition to too friends at the dinner, there were many others absent whose messagea were read by Roger Baldwin...
...There are very few cats visible in this town...
...She has warned them against this and told them that it is simply7 a dodge on the part of the employing cats to let the dogs loose on them...
...Women working half naked In the coal mines...
...tQalph Chaplin sent bis la a poem...
...5;£*ean«hile, Senator Norris, $ dour sort of t oawow, has started an investigation of' the |aJ**t things on the tariff commission aaa the strong silent man in the White Eg**** on his own hook, which is a barbed 5 SBv** everybody knows...
...Step by step the political power and political organisation of the coirntry has been used tor industrial ends, until today ths largest employer of Isbor is one of the ministers of tha Crown (tha Peat Master General)) and almost every eeneeivabl* trade, ie somewhere or other, carried on by pariah, municipality or th* national government itself without tha intervention of any middle man or capitalist...
...but thousands per cent that made the fortune* of Lancashire.' "Mr...
...Incidentally the above church, its Jjrelve apostles and the Utah-Idaho Sugar ^Company are a large beneficiary under the tariff on sugar...
...why do Socialists oppose Russia...
...Practical men were forced to seek a remedy to the ills of individualism...
...There waa hell to pay shortly after...
...Give us, I beg of you, the strength of yotar philosophy, your Spartan indifference to the barricades...
...Norris promBB i t tlle revelation her is about to reveal Si!|k conscience of the country which :encouraging in view of the fact that ¦ 2?*ntry's conscience is still groggy from 1 ^^!rf admiriistered by tne Tea Pot Dome other things, Norris wants to know K^jwne that Smoot and the Silent one ¦gjXF*"**6 the'heart of the world trying to IRSS...
...Clarence Darrow said be didn't doubt the existence and persistence .of Rivington Street but that he was opposed to it on general principles...
...The crowd was there, the debaters were certainly "all there," and their arguments were both here and there...
...McCae then moved to ajUtta the prayer from th* minutes...
...He*te opposed to anything and everything on general principles— except the Democratic Party and he opposes It also after he has favored it...
...Wobbly** chorus ted the old radical songs, aad Denton, t W. W, sang "Tb* Rebel Girl...
...Sugar Charley Warner, Attorney J?™ of this United States...
...indifferent and apathetic To strive, struggle, accomplish and achieve...
...plow to us...
...also spoke...
...Mellon's oil companies T'aldironderfully in the same direction...
...It provides for many thousands of us from birth to burial—midwifery, nursery, education, board and lodging, vaccination, medical attendance, medicine, public worship, amusements and Interment...
...ShiplacoOT offSKed aa amendment requesting the r^tordlng angel in the ofords...
...a e The crowd seemed to enjoy Darrow more lmmensly than Hillquit...
...ftffi Labor's Dividends Palling from the third floor to tha dollar of o building urtatar eoaatr mill** * In Now York City, Chart** Andersen, a *srwon**r» •Had a chert tint* later...
...When therefore, Senator Smoot HP wtainnan of the finance committee asked f-JjLke be permitted to investigate Mr...
...establishments, and Immigration, and to deal In ballast guano, quinine, opium, salt and what not "Every one of these functions, with those of th* army, navy, poliee, and court* of justice, wore at on* time left to private enterprise, and ware a source ef legitimate individual investment ef capital...
...On his earthly side he is the owner of 400 shares of the Utah—Idaho 0**t) Sugar Company of which the Church t* Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the atetee...
...Depletion of coal, for instance, means that after you paid royalty to the royalty owners who permitted the Almighty to pot coal in the ground and after you paid the coal operators for permitting the miners to Jake the coal out of the ground, there is a cavity in the ground whose total value equals the thing that used to be in it...
...Not for one moment...
...Gurley Flynn herself was th* mala speaker, a dark-haired, good-looking woman with SO or twice 18 years more for activity...
...Tho .theorists who denounce the talcing by th* community into Its own hand* of the organisation of lis own labor as a thing...
...There is no need in my telling you not to let anyone pick on you...
...Wife tiK hmnblest of affectioa...
...Thereupon, you show the government the hole where the cheese used to be to prove that instead of making five bucks, you re out of your five dollar's worth of cheese which sounds so reasonable to the government that it rebates to you the taxes which I paid for you when I bought the cheese...
...This news came as a great blow ta view of the fast that the ooupte have been married barely tea weeks...
...Ia the first place, a* far as we know, there Is no strictly Marxian formula for trying oat Socialism...
...An exception to this general rule is the gray cat in the Illinois Mine Workers' Building...
...If that miserable Cbow is still hanging around, give him a good scratch for me...
...So the political economists Joined with the utilitarians In the belief that every man must fight for himself and the Vdevil take the hindmost...
...which Mr...
...Otherwise no damage was done and it was an enjoyable affair all around...
...Peterson strike, 1914...
...Bach gave tribute with his particular understanding, sad sometimes with bis special kind of advice as to what she should do, James Waldon Johnson, secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, expressed tha hope that hla racial group would emerge into the broad labor movement Solon Da Leon, Mary He* ton Vera*, Art Young, Harry Kelly aad Charles W. Ervln...
...and the area of private exploitation has been lessened...
...They do oppose the Communist tactics, their Intrigues aad llisruptlve influences in the labor movement of the world...
...The honest man in question is a Mr...
...Among other things, he protested against the appointment of Commissioners Brossard and Baldwin...
...She says that while she might be interested in looking over the city, she is sure that she would never want to live there...
...f A revolt against this doctrine and its tragic results soon began to show Itself...
...Tha air waa both moist and dry...
...Show him what a proletarian pussy can do when her back is up...
...infanta bound to the loom for fifteen hours In the heated air of the cotton miXl, and kept awake only by the onlookers' lash...
...of taxes to big -s-rjorations by Andy Mellon's revenue San, foand that depletion charges fur.2>ed most of the loopholes through .which JJTbig tax dodgers escaped...
...New York, 1911...
...You know furthermore that if you cats got up a union you would hardly choose for the head of it, one who writes, "The present policy 6i the United Mine Workers of America, is "one to which every thinking business man should gladly . subscribe...
...Everett Wash, L W. W. case, 191...
...J. W. Johnstone, for William Z. Foster...
...You know as well as I do, Isabel, that no community of cats, white, black or gray, would ever choose for their head so poor a specimen of cathood as...
...Herbert Spencer and those who agree In his -worship of individualism apparently desire to bring bade the legal position which made possible the *whlte elavery' of which 'the sins of legislators' have deprived us...
...I had quite a talk with her the other day snd told her all about you...
...While on the subject of depletion, it may be worth while to, say a few words in explanation of the system...
...hour* of labor for all, young...
...I've had a grand time in this little prairie, town that masquerades as a city, but now I yearn for the roar of the subway, the tooting of the traffic cop's whistle, the unearthly noise of your prowling lovers...
...This is the'body that is supposed to lower the tariff on commodK ues which have graduated from the infant class and can walk on their own pegs...
...The liberty of the property owner to oppress the propertyless began to be circumscribed, obstructed and forbidden...
...He did not make a blue print of the society that Is to succeed capitalism because he was not so fooirsa...
...Ruskln, were its leaders...
...that the packin...
...was started by Mr...
...You know too that no one could ever persuade a cat that had not eaten for days that she was really enjoying unprecedented prosperity...
...Speaker* recalled when they first met Miss Flynn, a girl of II, slim, beautiful "and a thrilling speaker...
...D. • "Critical Friend" wants to know tf Socialism, strictly according to Marx's formula, has been tried out ta' Russia aad...
...ocUltsU and other friends of Comrade Berman have asked Tho How Leader to oonvey to him their sincere sympathy on bis misfortune...
...Again, when you were forbidden from going upstairs into the apartment of our neighbors was it not - necessary to call on the service of two strong carpenters to build a barricade against your, invasion...
...Shipteooff (Socialist) objected oa th* grounds that the prayer was addressed to Ood aad therefore It was not the properly of the house...
...Coolidge and that more packing is to follow...
...She asked particularly about the quality of New York garbage and was skeptical when I informed her that it waa fully as rich as Springfield's...
...a a To make depletion still more plain, let's assume that you are in the cheese business...
...Human nature," "It can't be done," Show me.** "Just try and do it" are phrase* dear to the heart* of the laay...
...Bros¦Hjt P1"68**106 on the tariff commission he SBPuy asked to investigate himself...
...Neither of them succeeded in unsettling the settled...

Vol. 3 • February 1926 • No. 6

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