Bauer, Otto

Soviet Russia Today —ting of Restriction on Peauawtry Brfaga A Progrossive Ton&eicr to Russian Agriculture 7 By Otto Bauer ONI of tha chief event* ef this past year la unquestionably... som...
...J.—Police clubs eame down heavily on girls and women a* well aa men woolen Vtrllcers ef Fassale aa they attempted to cross into Clifton toward the Fonstmann and Huftmann mill to persuade other Worker* to loin their fight for better working conditions- Four of the worker* were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, although they showed plenty ef bruise* from disorderly police clubs...
...jBleetieita tor chairman-and secretary-treasurer ef the onsen, whleh were held about * week ago, resulted 10 the election of Charles Klelnman...
...Miners' Trial Ends in Eight Convictions Benton, III.—Eight union miners of the feeigler mips leVal stand convicted and five acquitted here for assault with intent to kill the/ union eubdif triet Vice-president, D. B. Cobb...
...This restoration indicate*' that the peasant I* again able to buy industrial products, and therewith the first condition for Die restoration af industry is fulfilled...
...Police Want Pay for Part in Strike Mew Sritaln, Cm*,— New BrlUin poliee are trying te collect $SI*,4* from Ttealntlil Tower* for "special protection" of his brickyard during the fall atr)k« ef clay workers...
...Csenraae Jiistn *vpreened erect M»hiT*»il>T74...
...aaaVS in l*l...
...In quite a short time this led to fearful chaos, ft was of primary Importance that tKo Bolshevists did away with all these experiments, that in 1921 with the N. E. P., Initiated by Lenin tiimself, they restored free peasant Niontrol so that the peasant eould new niapoee freely of his harvest, and' finally that this prohibition of wage labor was rescinded...
...Consequently, mora than on*' half of tha soil remained untilled...
...The' k"dl*» nalmaatien" of Xiegler was really superfluous sine* the control body already bd orders from President Green, A. F, L...«o presided over by Comrade Oodesreeat, an agreement was at* footed which I* to be submitted to the tare national bodies for raUftantloa, If the settlement is Approved a ceaforeae* will be held April I7-II to daeafi upon the form of the working agreement...
...Russian agri' culture was very much in arrears, and 71 percent ef the pre-war standard la far fraan hgfar a high level of agrisslttjre...
...their brotherhood had been taken up when the-refusal oe* to elerks to surrender their express wagon drivers to the teamster*' union' n* eeamrmed...
...Boston Clothing Strike Settled Beaten,-—A two week*' strike against the Cpmmonwealth Clothing Co...
...1» and 10...
...Chicago cap manufacturer, after a 12 weeks strike eucoeasfuily earrled through by Local' ». Cloth Wat, Cap and Millinery Work*' International union... jaj|, 40...
...As the Railwayman's Union is already affiliated with the International Transport Workers' Federation (one of the Amsterdam International bodies) and many oOttje promoter* ef the new federation are members ot tne , Socialist Party ef Argentina, affiliated With the Socialist and Labor International, it may easily be seen that the course pf thS nmw organisation i* likely to be laid along true international lines...
...The Russian town* and industrial centers are only Island* in a boundless sea of peasant life, the fortunes of Russian agriculture are decisive for Russian industry...
...former secretary-treaflurT...
...Brandy I* also forced to contribute the regular S pgr cent, of payroll to the unemployment Insurance fund which is managed by the union, though the cash is paid in by the manufacturers, without any deduction from wages...
...On* switchman of every four was killed In 1418—more thgn the war casualty ret* for American soldiers ill •teae*, ^_ Laundry Owners Back Down . SeattU.—Member, of the loeal laundry1 Owner*' Association, who posted notices announcing the establishment of tho open-shop policy, new have issued other noticee In which they rescind that action and declare that they will continue to employ their help from member* of the laundry Workers' Union...
...with mere cattle there Is also mere manure, and there are once again draught settle...
...On Friday the poll* will be open from ? to T p. m. and on Saturday from 12 to t p. m. Former flseanililj uiiii Abraham I. Shlplaeoff i» one of the two ssuadidatoe for the offlce of manager, having been nominated at * large mealing ot the tlltlon...
...In order to understand this, on* should take Russian agriculture as a starting point, for Russian la a land ef peasants...
...Moke Your . ReaervetieUa Today for thm Nmw Leoier Dinner, T hartley Evening, Web...
...aa chairman, and Charles Ooodmen, as secretary• treasurer...
...Thus agriculture restores itself organically by'mere lapse of time... suspend *H railway clerk lodge...
...This state of things was little by little overcome, and one can now record with satisfaction that it may be considered aa definitely ended, ft/wa* overcoats is the fleet place by fapse*of time...
...Snow Shovelers Strike at Second Storm ••lent, Ma**.—One hundred enow shovelers in Pajem freight yard* struck If |1 an hour instead .of ss cents when the second big storm hit New Kn...
...The result was that no fresh land was brought under cultivation...
...eUxtee, India, Australia...
...They did !ner*4lble things...
...This l»w endured until last year...
...Officer* of the various branch** will be ejected some Mm* in the next week...
...t'SeitT*havina its oSnSemSmV&'w&eV^^ seventeen to thirteen, cut ef a total of eighty, it cast »MJi papa* votes thaall in 192...
...The convicted unionist* will move for a new trial the end of March... ofMfe secretaries of th* f»ster**jtloej*l Federation ot TrtiS Unions, with wfflcn tne Csochoslovak unlaw ia aSUiatad...
...tha charter of...
...Tha union ha* •taintgined conditions and wage* at this plant tar above the average in the mdustry...
...In the first years attempts vara made to i start so-called land comraunitiss to oemp*p the peasant* to pool their land and to manage it asm...
...since the civil war five y»»rs have passed *wgy, and it is quite natural that in a few years the stock* of cattle have beep replenished by breeding...
...Towns Were Hungry The result Of thl* W** the strange situation that a predominantly agricultural country, in which the urban population forma quite a small faoter of the whole, which, before the war, exported vast quantities of eorn, Jtfcftt this land was now incapable of feeding tha towns...
...This fact finds expression throughout the wholp of Russian life...
...wejrd preeesn of reasoning, sept out i story balling the newa from Rucnps Aires as "a check to the effort Of th*^Amsterdam International te break tflto the American labor family ag a challenge to the American Feder**, Men of Labor-" In view of th* fact that tha Anypterdam Bureau has never sppogsd the formation of tho Paw Amarlaaii Padmawoa of Labor, but ha* w*l**m*d It 00 a aaamjB Sjo r set ten...
...laamm *jB *tTh?'chief subyeets to So IliaSfJJld •* the Bingrsss, which Is to bo held mM London from May 1* *> ft neat, are the reguiaUoo of aaisratmn...
...amount varying aecerding to service Government statistics to show that switchmen are In the mo*t heserdous ef railroad lobe are used to support the union demand...
...pripgipg 1U ppll u te lSl.Ott out of a total ef tHUt reporm Wetter Nash, aaeratary of OtO party...
...Tho conferenee will plan the establishment of children'* clubs .and summer camps throughout the country...
...jifeverthaJess, it cam* about that where there was g l»rg* a*tat* or when, the peasant was alone and his Bowers of work were insufficient, part ef the soil simply remained unfilled...
...ganisationa of the Americas, pointed MS tha difference existing between tha Latfh-Amerlean labor meremant sa*V that of the United State* and vsisegV the hope that the coming Pan-Aatsrtr can Labor Congress would be attaaggaj by delegates from the or agnized Areyke erg af Argentina, Including th* dorisji lat ^arty...
...Unions Fight Incoming Plant MOW iruniwielt, N. J— NSW Brunswick unions are combatting the removal of Wolf A Abrahams Clothing Co.- here from Bridgeport, Conn., because the firm refuses to make an agreement with the Amalgamated Clothing Workers' union...
...The polling places will be at the pnie* he*vde;nerterg, 11 West 11th Street...
...The opportunity afforded them to plan and manage their own camp and club activities, under the guidance of educators friendly to labor, la giving them a. real sense ef social response ibllity, and ie excellent training for future membership in the trade anion movement...
...In the report by Stalin...
...I^ouie and an open shop at mMge, near Chieago...
...the elght-nour day...
...Alee, provision* are relatively inexpensive, and thus wn hare a basis for tha restoration of tha economic life of the town...
...I and op* of the boat paajtaj writers of Europe en fap*ls*j ujfeare to gen erg | and Russian saaUar* CB particular...
...affair* freely, exactly / as In every1 capitalist country, and this ha* helped towards tha restoration ef agriculture...
...9 DhiMgey-Vrhe nineteenth national gathering Of (ho Bakery A Confectionery rr*kw» international union, wil...
...Comparisons with the previous elee»3 tions are pot easy, as in lOlt the party contestad If aaavtp...
...As a result of the war, of civil war, and also the Bolshevist experiments, it had fallen into s *tat* of Indescribable decreptitude...
...A strike Will be resorted to If employer* da not grant th* union, aereementCap Makers Win Twelve-Week Strike Chie**t"-Unlon hours, wages, working conditions and union recognition ore new granted by Isidor Brandy...
...conducted by the Amalgamated Clothing Worker* brought the company to term* with\lhe anion...
...It In believed that hie election la assured by an...
...At a eound) heM Jau, fd>II...
...The company runs a union shop at St...
...Tha eongTSgf proposed to appeal to tho government to- undertake «S Inquiry into unemployment conditions and to introduce unemployment, old* eg* and sickness Insurance...
...Union building trades workers will not do necessary alterations on th* building picked by the anti-union concern... was evaded in various ways...
...ue coVs, no home*, no manure...
...Tho egperleneee ef tha Bombay teatii* worker* nac* taught them tea value of solidarity...
...That m9 spite of this iaorfase in votes four seat* wair* tost at gawounted for by flu J fact that both eeptteilet parties, tho Rafnrnt party ami the Nationalist party united in many constituencies, aad thus tha tabor party came out last, Czech and German Unions Draw Closer Another atop baa been taken toward the gltJWtlSI VUitP of the Cgechosa... recognition of...
...and so men literally died of hunger...
...Philadelphia Union Forms Demands Philrtgiphia.—Union dressmakers of Philadelphia in International Ladles Garment Workers veted approval ef demand* for 10 per cent, increase in wages, Joint board ef sanitary control, cash security from contractors to insure enforcement of agreement, unemployment insurance...
...26.* Juat Cell Stuyveaent 9889...
...vak and Chtrman trade anions in CsesamelsvoJrja- As has been reported ht The New Lcedar, pegotlatlons between th* *s«dan of the two organisations hold early last year reeaked in material prsgrsae, under the direction of Jen Oudegeost...
...Police Club Woolen Strikers on March Peeeele, Jf...
...This effort to open te tha children of the workers opportunities for wholesome recreation, study and discussion, promises to be one of the most constructive achievements of the labor movement," says Curtis...
...Mather Stock car Lockout Still On Ohicega...
...What then boa occurred in Russian agriculture...
...In 1918, during the War, he was tried in Chicago with 102 other I. W. W'., including Haywood and alph Chgplin, and aent to Leavenworth, where ho wa* confined five year...
...While % prisoner of mar he got • grip am t»* WswsasS) situationy Mad Umaam which ham aerer slipped under the most trying etre is instances...
...M. Of th* If.lit votes gained stoee 1*,6*T wmw eren m the fcc?9 eonatitueneisaj which tho party also contested throrjw*js before...
...Hoar SiiVnl, SawoS...
...The good example of the trade union* 1* expected to help toward smoothing ever the difference* diridles the Cseehoalovak and German Socialist Parties lp the republic...
...It la stated that agrtouttural production amount* to 71 jssrcaajt of Ota jrrs.wnr figure...
...Year* Harvest I* Qoad In addition, this year there wa* a very, good harvest, although indeed, the extent of the Russian harvest has swvs chat the Rnooicn stats wffl have far axport eomt If percent lag* than wag guppoeed...
...An intensive err ganlsatlon campaign has been In progress and these demand* are the result...
...Sat relatively to the frightful state of decrepitude It is nevertheless -an immense step forward...
...and: that, consequently, there win be purchased abroad 20 pereewt lea* of industrial product...
...munalty... Chicago remains in force...
...Free Peasant Control Restores) Iq 1>!7 all wage labor in agriculture was forbidden...
...The men have voted to go back only aa a body to prevent victimising of the active union leaders...
...tha peerwaajfl of the immigrant In ¦espect to Social insurance, labor migration policy sesnssajs sofvdttlewa w reistioa to migration...
...Switchmen's Union Seeks More Pay Buffalo...
...New Federation Forming in Argentine Out of the eon"let among the labor bodies of Argentina there will sock arise a new national Federation of Labor, embracing the bulk of the organised worker* and affiliated With tha Faff 'American Federation ef Tabor and th* International Federation ef Trade Unions, judging from reports from th* big South American republic reaching ths Amsterdam Bureau ef Che I. F. T, and a letter recently cent bp Comrade Juan B. Juste, Argentine senator) te ¦anMag© Igjeglac, Spanish secretary of the Pan American Federation of Tales in Washington...
...Bakery Workers Convene in New York Aug...
...President | Thomas J. Curtis, vice-president Nowf York Stats Federation of Labor, expects over 100 local unions and central bodies and at least 15 international amjoaa To be represented...
...Whlio th* various trad* union organlia tions of Argon Una hav* always been militant bodies, they have suffered much from A»*reb!st Influences in their early days and Communist die* ¦•paidp during the last few year...
...The contractor «nid them off at the old rate and tried to find other4 •rhar...
...X. T,—The Switchmen's Union ef North America, asks apprpgtmetely Hi...
...The ease ares* out of factional differences in the loeal •Ujen...
...Saver's eteae swSSSlSjSSaS wRh Russian affairs is never questioned, even by hi* moot hoetile critics...
...New Zealand Labor Loses Four Seats Jfov...
...Elect John R. Turner I. W. W. Secretary-Treasurer 2 Chicago.—John R. Turner, for 13 years active in the Industrial Workers of th# World, was elected by referendum atykte membership as general secretary -treasurer for one year, beginning Wareb 1. Most of his activity has bean among the lumber workers, whom he helped, to organise in the Bacific North » west In ltl«, serving on the strike committee in 1917...
...avls^ Stabs* of Amerte...
...Pfpw before aha war, also...
...Today the peasant can manage his Baner Noted as Greet Authority on Russia ^SVw^*»vL ^^^ar'ar^sT wV *f^^^vwVtw4r* •awgSJJ^m^w' of the Austrian >>ariiam*ert, aa aectve Es*»*H»« n*sr*ai*p*r...
...aa quoted in 1* Vanguardia of Jiuooee air...
...the e-cm**ewt* t^ay^tawr* service kg qusatkm aeema a NstSa All-India Trade Unions Convene Th* recent All.India Trade Union Congress In Madras waa attended py let delegates representing about If uniona, say* a report received via tho Amiterdam Bureau of th* ;. F, T. V. The congress condemned the discrimination practiced againat Indians in South Africa, and passed a resolution caning upon th* international labor organisations to prevent tha Indians of Natal from bains' deprived of thejr civil r'ghts, Qther resolutions demanded representation for the workers in the various Indian legislative bodies, and also legislative measures for maternity protection...
...Th* congress e«pressed its thank* to tho British end Australian labor parties tap ths support given te the Indian trade unioap in the past...
...ta* *fw«ViH«'stft by tha F*n< Am arisen Federation ef Labor to unite the working eiase or...
...Ia hi* letter to Comrade igieala...
...Resolution* war* also PM**d calling for th* abolition of the punishment system which is employed among rsJlwsymaa and commercial and industrial works era: this establishment pf labor **• changes and arbitration court* for tho settlement ef labor conflicts...
...Notwithstanding ths fact that Cseae rada Juste aUtad espreasiy la hla lettar that the new Federation ef T SbsT would antUats with the I. F. T. U., oat that this weald not stand in .the war of Unking up with the ran * mini as* Federation, a labor newa service with headquarters tn Washington has...
...per day mere par...
...oaJeearhaiming M> Jortty...
...For example, the peasants adopted their farm hands and farm girls, or else the peasant eontrasfted a fictitious mwri«K.wit!» ^voju servant...
...especially in the fast that the Russian town* am aew abundantly supplied with provisions, that tha time of the famine la pa*t...
...Pioneer Youth Conference Coming J The third annual conference of Pioneer Youth, organised labor's organise - Son for children, is to be held in New York, March *. at the International ! Ladles' Garment Workers' union building, a Weat ltth Street...
...This process of restore t (on In Russia has been Immensely furthered by the decision of the Bolshevists to abandon tho Utopian experiments of their first years...
...convene in New York August a. Disqualified for Aiding Amalgamated Clothing toti"—f—SI*%wWwS«i tor membership" in th,* Cincinnati Cantrai Labor wnbcll on the charge of "having >«««, Instrumental in the organisation of ¦0»e. Nash Tailoring Co.," is the fats of'Vhtt W Siegler, editor of The Railway dark, tho official Journal at the Brotherhood Of Hallway Clerk...
...They decreed—and not a* an emergency measure determlned*ltY the warthat no peasant might have anything more than he needed for his own use...
...Another reselur tiea demanded that India, should taw mediately receive tha statu* ef a DO* minion...
...The lockout of union railway carmen againat the Mather Stock Car Co...
...The Field of Labor Pocket Book Maker, to Elect New Manager Elections for * new manager of the Pocket Book MOWsT*' I«Ur»»<lon»J ¦union to replace Oaalp Wallnekr, reclamed, will take place Friday aad Sat... the Hand School, 7 Seat lSth Street, gad at A*tori* Hail, <2 Cut 4th Street...
...Soviet Russia Today —ting of Restriction on Peauawtry Brfaga A Progrossive Ton&eicr to Russian Agriculture 7 By Otto Bauer ONI of tha chief event* ef this past year la unquestionably rhi notabla progress of tho eo*< nomio llfa and of tha standard of living «f the Russian working els esse, It i* beypnd doubt that far about a year past a notable alteration for tho betuw ha* occurred...
...At last gome of tha stronger and hotter* led union*, including th* Cabinet Maker*' Union and the BallwaymmC* Union, have corns out for the eaiiing of a cpngree* at which a new national organisation, freed from Communist and Anarchist handicaps, Is te be founded...
...The stocks of cattle were almost entirely destroyed, the majority of the peasants had no onen...

Vol. 3 • February 1926 • No. 6

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