Did Lady Cynthia Take 'Tea? §}Udy Cj-tkk Moeler Tinted piysr hex ^ Egrfos dvrinc her stay Id New York City bee weefc. Sr—t them ww the eerablulutseett of TrmVea esWI Seeu New York Time, did not...

...Fjfcsquality ie the source of all .ntotntione, for no compensation ¦ [Ms make up for inequality,—AriaWhat Took Placo N. Y. liases) ., January'ft, 1SJB...
...S) L BShuel Travin, owner of the box F**nsry at 19f Mere or street, said ! ywWdsy that tho article appearhif-hi Tho New York Times of Jan...
...On* aloha to Hi Lady Cynthia that her salary was 912 per week...
...iTea was eervod...
...Although tho wagee do not rsnge less than $12, there Is hardly a week that these seven employee go home with mora than $10...
...In a word, all thie "tea conversation" did NOT TAKE FLACK...
...It ia trug that Lady Cynthia asked me and several worker* in the shop about their wages...
...I have thro* children to support, f am net working full weeks either...
...The letter printed here wee sent to The Tim., but that far has not bees printed...
...Cohen and three other representatives of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers on a charge of disorderly conduct Be gave Cohen six months In jail and a fine of |2b„ and fined the others $25...
...Whan oh* and I pressed Rebeeea Berenson for a statement of her wage*, by eug> posting, "You see, this stripper goto about |*4 a woeTt* this worker turned and said, "Try and get *»_¦> •Well, then," said I, "you're Betting about (22, $21V Again ah* replied, "Try and -set ifc" At this point Lady Cynthia saidi "Well, if you dent even^get that much, why do y*u work heret" "I have to work," replied Rebecca Berenson...
...Lady Cynthia and Miss Roe* Schnoiderman (of the Women's Trad* Union League) did not speak to Samuel Travin...
...About $7 a week would be much more' nearer the truth for at least nine month* in the year...
...Washington,' Dec 29.—One hunM and sixty-two lives war* lost Be omI mine accidents in the United fetalis in November, according to B*S0rts from State mine inspectors WMs public tedsy by th* Departraist of Commerce...
...The fact |was that beginners got eonsider[gasy less, he said...
...If any part of that report were true,-the undersigned, who happans -to be the manager of the Paper Box Makers' Union, and the man who escorted Lady Cynthia Meaiey through several shape, aniens them tho above-mentioned shop, would not write this...
...Th* noon hell rang...
...The four men had come to Passaic to take charge of a strike which naa broken out against the firm of Kopp, reldman Jt Kopp, manufacturers- of children's clothing, in an endeavor to enforce a 44-hour week...
...Starters get from - $20 to rfa ••week...
...aLkSssCyBthi* emBed at Mm, ^•waasd him and promised to r...
...It, in passing sentences on Harry...
...To begin with...
...v 'And how do yen enjoy your test* she* naked...
...Sr—t them ww the eerablulutseett of TrmVea esWI Seeu New York Time, did not have e reports, nrnsgnl g| the lime of her Wife to the .hop...
...l**<*Wani have some anfel-caka Iteegjy next time...
...a%| tooting hint as falling Lady Cynthia Meanly that beginners in ¦ | Ws shop were paid $20 to $29 a ;**e*k, wee inaccurate...
...Travin did not take place...
...tisvin, "and w* work all the year .aland...
...The conversation between Lady Cynthia and a worker in the shop, Rebeeea Berenson, ale* reported, i* something which did net take place either...
...Th« overage wage hero is from fM to $00 a wook," replied Mr...
...1940 Celia Schneider...
...Passaic, N. J. Judge Sentences Eafaor Men "Labor agitators will not be tolerated fat Passaic" said Police Judge Daviddon, on Jan...
...New York, has offered to cooperate with the Amalgamated Clothing Workers in an effort to test the ;ase of Cohen, and the others...
...Editor, Now York Times i t note In your news solum no ef your issue of January 20, 1888, a report regarding Travin A Sen shop at 1*1 Mereer Street, wHh the headlinoi "Lady Cynthia Takes Tea in a Factory...
...The paper box worker* we oped Into the room randy for *>«iP tss...
...fry Sf #»* B»»er »*x '^etiV •* rltovfci A Son at 1S1 M*r**r Street aaaaC for permission to examWS mm ptant and talk with th* CKf •OOrOS," said Samuel Travin, at" jiop*!**1"" "and if you stay gag) neon we'd Ilk* to hav* you . an* yes aarve tea In this place...
...Udy Cynthia set down k .r empty eup snd prepsrsd to go...
...TheHaeta In thie ess* are da fells east . These, are eleven employee in that shop and the wage* are as fellows for tho seven female workers, gem* being heads ef families: Nellie Abney...
...In each ease th* workers, either because of shyness or because of fear, hesitated...
...Ovary, atueh," answered Miae £ tsldsnUy I have mat tho first 'aassepla ef Induatrial damooraoy," 'sssjsiiBtid Lady Cynthia...
...18-00 Yetto Sandler...
...There are •bout thro*, months of "busy time," when they go hem* with their full waek'g wages, ranging from $12 to $20...
...M th* Tim*** Account Ipsi the N. Y. Time*, Jan...
...Mia noon eomes all the worker* •a aB throe floors "are served with , s* tuny sups aa they like...
...Prwathe New York Times ef Feb...
...2040 B. Berenson.ZUOt You will note from the above wages that th* report of $30 and $40 is merely a myth...
...The American Civil Uhertles Union, of 100 Fifth avenue...
...consequently she could not hav* boon invited to etayj until noon for tea...
...But 'how about their salaries...
...Lady Cynthia smiled and turned te nhhinn Berenson, who was ; gislag "sney paper about a box...
...rfvSTaM^wOSesBkw, fn broken Eng...
...NerertMew the |jeoort leprmted here appeared in The Trmee the fo]i aSriJag mernin...
...1aS0_ Emma McCoy...
...Nor did th* adieu reported...
...oh* ' Jdfcod...
...i Sal Jravin, Jr, took the tthutor if*- a,tour of the shop and shortly Jf let* noon, si though it was prior R* tea time," Mr...
...21 sT tsfy Cynthis Mesefy, scoom&ap*M>fcy delegetoe of th* paper Mjj, wStfSfe* onion, mm yeeter...
...lU fAj Lady Cynthia...
...Later, however, tho judge revoked the jail sentence imposed onf Cohen...
...Roopoctfully yours, - FRBD CAJOLA, O an oral Manager, 1 Paper Box Makers' Union...
...16.00 Margaret Pook...
...J» Luellle Davie...
...Most sf wjess bring their own lunch or \mmd est for ft, for they .wouldn't nth* ef missing their tea...
...tartslnly," replied Mr.' Travin, •sfd i hove since I started in fcaSOMes asate thirty years an...
...Travin had a roth* steaming On the stove, f "Win yea have tee with usT" ho F Udy Cynthia said she would...
...Furthermore, the conversation reported aa ensuing between Lady Cynthia and Mr...

Vol. 3 • February 1926 • No. 5

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