Silverstein, Louis

DividingUp the INCOME By Louis Silverstein 'irkllul United seat** Is rich. When ntlu such a statement, we -^.ar*. talking poetically, because nobody knWi whet we mean either by "Ulleil...

...English critics are at last daring to say these things aloud...
...The tales of far-land adventures, and Intriguing Journey art so well told, and with such a wealth of imagination, that It brings the universe and Its varied allures to the door of the homebound reader: Miss Benson writes with a charming skill, and a deep knowledge of ber subject...
...The lowest earnings occurred in the South, where the employers' In as many as ten States te that section were unable or unwilling to give their workers more than $908 a year...
...Shall we •peak of riches In terms of tbe value sjc an tbe property in the United aVoatse...
...If you want to find out what is going...
...then Ohio with $8.41, and Massachusetts with 36.16...
...4) Bookkeeping, gains...
...Such has been Its delightful fate at the hands of 8t*lHa Benson...
...If we •Sett She hurt, we notice that more than 5 half ef the...
...In tbe entire United States tbe average annual earnings for each employe was $1,129, figured on the basis of 34 % million people working for wages or salaries In the United States, or about onethird of the total population...
...4X Further Investigation Is needed for the smaller income*, particularly ef wage earners...
...The amount is $614 for the year 1931...
...That is our first aim, then, to determine what the spawns of tbe United States Is...
...there la en overtone of the nearness ot Napoleon, but no Indication'how the Introduction of the renowned exits can clear up the mysterious relationships ef the book...
...Well, your first choice should be New Tork suite, in 1921 it received $i«.4o of every $160 of total current income (not Including bookkeeping gains...
...It woetd then not have been a Napoleonic novel, but the mere vestibule to one...
...for the globetrotter It awakens pleasant reminiscences, or arouaes glorious anticipations, for the stay-at-home it offers the ' Joyous amusement of rocking-chair travelling...
...She cells tor a new social status wboiotn motherhood and the relationship between men, woman : and children will have its roots la eeo- i aomle security, knowledge, mutual love ' end wholesome rasp eat...
...Frenk D. HaJecry...
...Yet these five people received-»78 of every $4.9*0 of the total income, or $14.60 eaeh...
...J Pose KaaeeS per* hwrtieef ItnsaotH has mtU et | < to answer e...
...However, each farmer and his family would receive $1,569 together...
...In Htffevent parts of the country, ef course, conditions varies, per examample, the farming population ef California received $72$ per oapite, bat in Georgia only $84...
...VUllers was an aristocrat...
...aa the author nepse...
...farm ton* in that region declined by 40 per cent, in spit* ef practically the same number ef farm* hi both year...
...Part of tbe Coared' vogue earn* from bis conclusion*, 'which lacked the typical American coating of sugar, tbe typical happy ending...
...There are no figure* given to show what part Of the national Income goes to persons earning even smaller amounts then those mentioned, hut when we recall that the average annual earnings jer employe la 1331 was only $i,il8,rwe can set some Idea as to the small portion that actually goes to labor...
...Tot, far aft that, tt te briitoaathr written aad teabnp be read with pk*p» • ere if one approaches this booklet te • ' hilarious mood end te fhrbasl te rear...
...Money in tbe treasury or Sk she banks...
...Who Goto Thm Monmy...
...To serious appreciate*-* ef literature it la a bit ef workshop endeavor which sags Into failure...
...hat if he happened to be fortunate enough to live In town, his share would be doubled to $733...
...Nevada waa at the bottom of the list with 16 cento...
...Our general attitude toward such venom as hi this mpnmnr TnAw^ ' vief...
...The second highest was Wyoming with 11,479...
...Te the radl- ' eel It la Just one mere flaming addition* - to the galaxy ot twentieth century feminist literature...
...2) A small select group receives more per Individual than the bulk at tbe population...
...stein Ins Leven in a new volume, "Inaeme to the Various States," published by the National Bureau of Economic sTessarch...
...We know that In ear system of society wealth te not distributed equally...
...tnoom* the tine of division, wo find that only 18 'of every 1,000 persons received more than that amount, yet they received $1)7 ot every $1,000 ot national Income, or $740 eaeh...
...an dlffsrwnt from now...
...It Is at least as possible that he had laid It aside aa a false start and Would never have finished ItIt ts ai dismal chapter tn the commercialisation of the Conrad myth, and win take it* place beside similar attempts to commercialise Mark Twain end O. Henry aa great American figures in literature- TAjnust remain a dark enigma to the Babbitts who admire It so hugely, and its impenetrability will surely add to their admiration...
...ah* reviewe the sorry history ' ef the early struggles of tessteteab the . hard battle for education and stomsub...
...Every person who lived in the farming section of the oauauy would receive $863...
...gains entered on account books ¦tat are due to increased value of Nods en hand and of real estate reletting from higher prices...
...Waehtngten tben aa now waa fitted hat that takes htm nevertheless through his long story in successful style...
...our British Scow-Hats anew hew te: write...
...E. P. Dutton tt Co., New Tork...
...Similarly with a country...
...perteepa the pW>ple are being taxed into poverty...
...And very few VUllers...
...Two types of readers will like this book, those who read novels tor the sake of tbe...
...that we may live In New Tork aad he a pauper, yet reside to Nevada^ and be a mHttenalr...
...American critics win either follow salt or maintain a silence Which will as effectually later the wordy author...
...It waa a story of the American political life ef that time and it made quite a stir...
...What we want to know1 is how much do the people who live te it earn every year, not what they have accumulated or what they may possibly produce If they^had tbe desire or the means te do so...
...New Tork: Daubleday, Page at Co...
...Illinois next with $7.88...
...are republishing the novel which la celled "Democracy...
...It is interesting to note that ,on the average the highest yearly earnings in 1921 were paid to employes in Washington, D. C and amounted to $1,626...
...Perhaps Conrad Intended to finish it...
...as a going concern, la really ten times as rich as the first...
...on in Washington In 1331 yon can do no better than to read this story of events in 1879...
...then came California with f 1,983...
...The first seven highest alone received $60 in every $106 and the bet seven only lhj£ showing that there is concentration la certain areas...
...The 938 that received less than $6406 famay la somas received $88$ in every $1400, or fib cents per capita...
...Jetes Raymar, window staanor, bitted in-a fall while at work, ~. V' Syrasnss...
...In 1920 there were only 173 ease*,' by 1923 the number had increased to 1439...
...Labour's Dividends Srve* hsss PsVskeT wr|^e6jsei6ssffv Sf4» New Orient Mlaa, _••;» v, ¦?C New ¦rusawleh...
...Birmingham, Aha* Jan...
...Ton pays your money and you takes your choice...
...that the total income reserved by Individuals in the United ¦totes la 1m1 was almost 84% billion steUsre--»*4,42«,««7,000...
...While the other 996 received (ha remaining $937, or 93 cents apiece...
...Trinidad, Col, Jsnv 3eV-Three miners killed in blast at: Beer Gen* yon...
...The employes of the Middle Atlantic States, consisting of New Tork, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, received 29 per cent of the nation's payroll...
...nk* the fall eame of Its anther, weald tend te discourage th« casual reader...
...What, then, fs a good test of "riches...
...Lysistrata," by Anthony M. LudovicL E. p. Dutton & Co., New Tork...
...E*ta may be divided Into four groups: '. Cl> Wages aad salaries, <*> Property Income, that la interSst, dividends, rent from leased property aad Income from business and pbrming ent.ernclses...
...appears to be, te addition, a bit ot a snob...
...But if this property is not bains used In production, then It is In aeaWry Just so muck Junk...
...The^ieist conditions prevailed in the New England fand southeastern parts of the United States, and the beet on the Pacific Coast and in the Rocky Mountain region...
...because eaeh Is earning money based on these amounts respectively...
...To the conservative in' sex matters, Mrs...
...talking poetically, because nobody knWi whet we mean either by "Ulleil States" or by "rich.- Do we hears In nand the government...
...Vllller* was one of those who could writ*, aad in "Claire Lenoir" be prove* it...
...Cosmo laths**, the young hero, moves through a muddy series ot unexplained adventures...
...then New Tork with $1,380...
...She has done' these things she tells about, so there Is not a page that does net stow with the Joy of personal achievement, of personal experience...
...What Aro You Worth...
...A French.Poe THE fan title ef this book (Ctetn Lenoir, by TtDlers do X/asteAdam...
...It doesn't men* any difference...
...To sepssss It differently, ft means that these with more than $1400 a year income receive eight times as much par Individual aa those with less than that amount...
...trsnslstod^by Artbui gym 00a Albert and Chart** Boat New Tork...
...A SHAPE OF NEW BOOKS , Suspense Sustained At 1iiiiii te IearnkaeSslowly that tbk btoaod weres^'etew lsedte* erUiea, feaswee ay tbe shoos Iths sltbiiaejsl of the ssesral ma of keener critics and soak buyers...
...and ah* press I da to grilses* tbe claims and aspiration* of modem , woman and the Labor movement te ' general te the exalted rate wbicb pah...
...However, only 13 per cent of tbe total income, not Including bookkeeping gains, went to the farms, in 1321, which was a particularly bad year for this class of our population, tbe farmers received only 19 per cent, entirely out of proportion to their numbers...
...But a mere unhappy ending dees aot create meurtoiy te fiction...
...And bow shell we desbie "rich...
...The fsrmere, however, continue te go aro Ice...
...That is one way, but ft assy mean that no more is being produced and tbe country, being poor, la using up its savings...
...but Napoleon does not enter In the 374 pagea we have, nor at he immediately expected...
...From 1320 t* 1626 the value ef...
...The wealthy only...
...mothsrby end SifhUil Job ef hv With the siawawJei' ef two brief : reference*, she ignore* the geatleraea i perseaaUy...
...la other words, the lucky five had Individual Incomes 16 times larger than these ot the members of the larger group- It we make $5,000 - annua...
...6> Manna for the Vicarious Traveler Whbn the world caa be confined within 300 pages anyone Is Justified in calling It little...
...The MacMlllaa Co.: New Tork...
...Then, also, among the non-farming population, the District of Columbia ranked highest with $147* end New Tork second with $968, but Alabama stood hurt with $488...
...Peshtsnststy aad etfee- j tiveiy...
...The next question we' should like to answer Is how much every man, woman aad child ef the 188 millions in the United States would receive if the total Income were divided equally among them...
...AugTU* Co 006saga...
...Of coarse, these are merely averages and Ustelbuxed^eenally^ehiftb they are hot bat they beep ftp throw tight en three criticisms ef easy preeetst order of society which state thai the national Income should be divided ap equally and then everybody would be happy...
...A Debate On Feminism AMONG that stimulating collection ot little book*, tbe "Today and Tomorrow Series," recently appeared two Issues containing a brisk and heated discussion on modern society, women and feminism...
...Both are worth reading...
...Gloria GoddartJ...
...No wonder Coolidg* must make hurried tripe to address the farmers in the Northwest en what the Republican administration hopes te do for them...
...Tbe traaalator'a preface, the introduction and tbe test page of the hook itself, for Instance, combine to •give the confused impression that-the story waa written either tn 1887 or on July 17, 1930, and that the author died either in 1889 or on August 20...
...equal rights...
...To sum up: . (1) The farming population receives less income tn totality aad per capita than an other persona tn the United' States...
...The Farmers Go Broke The financial position ef the farmer in the Northwest Is made particularly Steer by figures Jest published far the States ef Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota end Montane...
...Are\ we referring to tbe inhabitants...
...Claire Lenoir," a houffonerie enorme et sombre, eeuleur du glecle, may not be a timeless masterpiece, hut, at least...
...Democracy in '79 THE fad * Henry Adams the of "Mont sr...
...sti suture...
...the farmers got the worst end* ef the bargain, those In tha South being the least fortunate...
...3.60) with a twotold appeal...
...It is estimated that 30 per sent ef tbe population in 1920 Uved on farms...
...By many comparisons, this old earth has been made to appear very pony, ob many occasions, now it is offered to you In convenient pocket edition te The Little World...
...Bertrand Russell...
...But, fortunately...
...Tss, there tea aaa war, and.' the tens why...
...What Sharm -s For thm Farmor...
...then the secead...
...across tbe States, tarn China and India, elthent bothering about passports or luggage...
...The result has been a tremendous increase in the number ef bankruptcies...
...Pennsylvania eame second with $9.42...
...Whoro Aro Thm** Rich...
...the East-North Central States (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin) came second with 24 per cent, and the Rocky Mountain States are last with only 3 per cent...
...Property income contributed IT cents...
...Russell's booklet Is militant, ultra-revolutionary and subversive...
...It is said to be a Napoleonic novel...
...Jhru aT^-lagiassr aad firemen of N. Y. Centra^ arete killed when the crews head ef the foosjtjvssjrtfv# bletw *yff —. New/reek, dan...
...Oleroent Wood...
...story alone and these who are tntorestod te political doing* tn this country and who went te get a comprehensive background far ill eli trndtte „ She tteaee at whteh Adaase write* war* not...
...It does not "date...
...McAlister Coleman...
...And our second, as is apparent, is to get S> realistic picture of our population tdiscover what persons receive this ome...
...and those with more than $10,064 annually received 14 times more than those with less than $6,000 a year...
...Just because some statistician tempts him with an artificial income peT capita or per Stats that ho finds by adding and dividing certain figure...
...The present unfinished story (Suspense...
...All la an...
...current Income m paid in the form of wages and salaries alone...
...to be exact...
...Of the 84 /billion dollars ot tbe ¦hfl notional income of i»2i, the * Sssbnta share eame from wages w /salsties, amounting to more than MVfc hntirms, or about 41 cento In every iellar...
...hel and Chartrea" and The Eon jation of Henry Adam*") published a aevej eaenyasaeety la the spring of 1373...
...The opposition Is presented by Anthony M. Ludovici, 'If this gentleman were pot well known In England as an avowed Tory, an arch-aristocrat and anti-Democrat it would be extremely difficult to take him seriously...
...But there have been very few Poes in the history of literature...
...New Henry Holt dt Co...
...Compto de Villi or* d* I/IsleAdem...
...This hee hit particularly the farmer* whose land was heavily mortgaged —and about one-third of the farmer* fall into that class...
...If esse corporation starts busiaess W*th $36,000 and makes $600 profit a yeex and another company invests' -SIMM and nukes 16,000...
...Be, If yon are planning a trip around the world, leave that extra dance frock or unnecessary tuxedo at home, and fill the'trunk space with a copy of this charming book...
...But aristocrat*, when they write, write very wen...
...Hypatia," by Dora Russell (Mrs...
...eatbtttegdbT < friend and see makes a heeutttta, ; wemeaiy...
...la The Nigger of She stories Conrad achieved a tokens** style, aad used, plots not wildly tmposeihle The laager novels ere etthet sheer metodrama or ere plotted so grotesquely that they might be regarded as precedents tee tbe cross Word pussies or sent* elaborate geeea* tag game...
...Illinois with $1,341, and so on down to $413 in Mississippi...
...and If tbe prevailing rate of interest is 6 per cent, then the first firm-would only be worth •10400 and the second 1100,00a...
...He rails against all of our artificial aids to natural function, such as cathartic*, eye-glasses, artificial teeth, anaesthetics in aid of child birth end bottle feeding...
...Conrad was never at home te English, the language be used te fiction...
...Mow, we must realise that nobody will move from one section of the country to another or give ap farming for city Ufa, er vice versa...
...The whole point is: who gets tbe money tn each terrtlsajg...
...If w* go farther and try to ese exactly what proportion of the national Income goes to tbe farmer, we get some extraordinary results...
...His spoken nee of the language was execrebn, and his written nee of It suffer* from the same unfamiliartty with the accepted Idioms...
...It has fust been estimated by Mr...
...Here is a book (The Little World, by Stella Benson...
...Well, la If It only five persons tn every 1*066 ot the population la the United Statee depended upon family fnnomes of mors than 410,000 a year...
...3) If the national tasoms ware equally divided among all jirsoss te the United States, the sum received hp eaeh would he about $400...
...It -is a powerful psychological tale ef horror, which (save for a somewhat unnecessarily long metaphysical discussion la tbe middle) steadily grows upon the reader from the opening paragraph to the concluding sentence: "And Death began to gather ber deep shadows, veiling the Impenetrable, over thee* eyea" Poe baa done the same tort of thing, and done It a trifle bettor...
...Bettie back te your favorite,chair, put the chocolate* within easy reach, er fin your pipe, end wander...
...in the present edition of this work minor editorial faults can, of course, be found...
...J«s>* SheationYiJfsff' wsrkcf, hurled 60 death when struck by beam ea fifth fieer of new...
...Last year 1410 fsrmere went bankrupt...
...It is Income that counts...
...What section* of the country should you avoid...
...la far lesa than great...
...By Joseph Conrad...
...And If you ere th* "vtay-at-hem* Journey er...
...He possessed, says his translator, "aa immense consciousness of his own genius, a pride of race, a contempt artistic aad aristocratic, ot the common herd.'* To an of that, however, the reply is: Whet of it...
...miscellaneous, ( cents, and leokkeeplng gains, 24 cents...
...If you wanted to live In that part ef the United States that received the largest portion of the national Income, where should you live...
...The same order of importance holds good for property income...
...f> Mhteelhujeoua lncom»< arising seem such items .aa income from cows, Sardens and poultry' not on farms, And She equivalent of rape for homes used SS owners...
...Who wants to peruse a supposedly dull "Memorandum ef Doctor Trtbulat Bonhomet, Honorary Member of Several Academies, Associate i Profemor of Psyslology, touching the Mysterious Case of tbe Discreet aad Scientific Woman Clair* Lenoir," by one Jean Marie Mathias Philippe August...
...In other ¦pords...
...Coal Company mine...
...st.— Sixty-three miser* eatamhse, st known killed, hi dies sear at Premier Company ait...
...Then, which ones...
...Aqd the Count de VUllers, etc...

Vol. 3 • February 1926 • No. 5

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