THE CHATTER BOX Wintcrlicd I have tried to regather The charnj of the sight. The night you gave warmth To the winds of December. But all I cam leave To die years, is to write— That I cannot...

...With what astonishment would those prehistoric New, Yorkers learn that, trained In the higher laboratories, our Individual can make further discriminations among pitches end tone qualities...
...We have heard your story from the iipa of your poets...
...prepare for' war.'* should be r-plaost by this: "In time of peace organise to...
...not know if the human vocal chorda were flexible enough to permit much utterance or how much it was'customery to employ - them...
...The eaeaay ot amnkted te hate, aoceedtes to ttsh i Pteywright...
...Individuals, "bj i eel lifted period has expired...
...children learn aad play and grow...
...a. large measure of public power...
...The old saying, fhr time of petaev...
...On the face of the returns the Republican candidate was defeated by 38 votes but two Republican election officials charge that "gorillas" entered one polling place and threatened to throw the officials' in a cellar...
...Incidentally, a new series of pitches is being experimented with, we era permitted to announce at this time These...
...They want the unions smashed and they want the public powers of the city in their hands...
...broadcasted is permitted him by the State Officials, judgteg tale according to bis filed record ef Static Intelligence...
...THE BULLY MUSSOLINI * - , RARELY has there been a performance...
...Great Confucius, any ot our daily...
...We will also assume that he is right when he asserts that the Mexican' Government "has undertaken to confiscate...
...Intimidation is said to have occurred in other polling places as well...
...piracy sSMJ slavery...
...Tammany agents have sat in the Assembly and in the Board of Aldermen whose wests v were stolen and whose salaries represented glaring thefts...
...J jr.>/ The library was befit gee hundred years aye when tee eMy eras located at tbe lower end of tfea Hedeea Blear, this stream betas lelbH eo treat the Hot Sua (Heal See) teat tormented tee early settlers before tbe lnrentlon of the\jpntroBer aad PUootsr ef Beat thet now apportions exactly the amount ef light and heat for eaeh ntdrrldnaL In those eaten days there waa need for sneh e building, tor then Steer Yorkers were equipped with oaty the most elementary forms ef the radio, aad some application te becks was part ef the errie life...
...We agree if these dumb creatures will take-no offense...
...In a speech that was roundly cheered by his fellow nuts Mussolini acted like a bully in a barroom...
...Moreover, the Babbitts .and Security Leaguers of the sixties were not disposed to favor Lincoln when he was Hving...
...F —, . Their sailors have cbme to yoSr ports and given you the first tastes of Christian civilisation...
...We remember that"they have no means of defending then*-, serves against unjust aapersiona oa, tjbstr Fantastic Speculation on the subject If the prohibishnish Should Control Sciencr RECENT mveatigatiOBS into the ruins of the Public Libraf...
...But your art spoke then, as it speaks now...
...ostrich, the courage of a rabbit and .the' manners of a polecat...
...The Republicans have occasionally suffered from these frauds but they have also found it easy to unite with Tamtnany in those districts where Socialists have been strong...
...Assuming that this is true, what of it...
...coin of the Civil War...
...M we folloeadP that injunction, fear, suspicion...
...Pesetas writes one editor, "Is something saSflS than a mere esasatton ef fightlBgi,jtm is a state of Bated hi which there laifl war-par posa" • -^L War has been outlawed and eheaatgM between cities sad between states, iM have .eeSteetad eoeUng...
...Only this soHd thought ot them remains, a thought that lit up our mind "as they passed: Their God must be a cruel, envious God, to so deprive His avowed servants of all the glory and substance ot His image...
...In a letter to the World he reminds us that membership of his organization "includes substantially all of the largest American and foreign companies" engaged in the production of Mexican petroleum...
...Herbert Hoover...
...Didn't the sacred».Constitution protect property in slaves...
...ob gwrVBicontf AsseaA^esV vssaa^^^es aa^aft^haM^r^sVski ^etBsa^^^ewasV .^a^^A^e^sa^w street nave unman 1 a post, .sarspng a few idlerttaatau* tfajsa rahoratovy experiment by reason of their defective ihtefngence...
...mask, aad at-isaat aewslajga the truth over your prostrate-farm—That tbey ceeae to deepen, esrfsme.-eapi0tt.aasl a> cbjshsn ymu fauao, day»^wttfe^the^saJne peJH^ef^hne^aS Hrlssansss, *% ABRAHAM LINCOLN IT IS the irony of history that bigots and reactionaries join in paying... successful, win be introduced beta the Collegiate Training laboratories...
...The padded cell awaits him...
...Such coalitions between the silkstocking and the blackleg show that there is little real difference between them...
...Department of Foreign Missions,' read one...
...We would neve goes our calm, lyrical way this week, but for aa accidental visit to the Presbyterian Building on lower Fifth Avenue...
...TeB them, aa a few of us here knew, that, coming as they do now...
...The Mew Leader: - ^ A striking pressatattea of some sf * the horrors ot war te betas made hi, New Tork City...
...The unions ? have not wasted their votes by supporting this "friend" and that "friend" nominated-by the parties of organized business and finance...
...They had their economic and financial ties with the rotton magnates of the South...
...end so we reach yon, directing what la permitted by the State Officials to be known ef Ancient, Mediaeval and Civilised Errors, this being considerably more than what we aro permitted te announce concerning our own...
...but we can only Imagine from the multitude of books found la these ruins that practically all communication was through ¦ these character...
...The New Leader joins with the thousands who look forward, to this event witn anticipation, in the hope that Madison Square Garden will be packed with the friends of the Forward, and that the fellowship inspired by the ideals of a new world will be pledged anew by those who attend...
...No breath of my words Can give glow to the ember Of flame that was ours...
...The Forward itself has been built up as a great institution b}' the loyalty and sacrifices of thousands of Jewish workers and in turn it has helped these workers- to bring civilization into one of the worst sweated trades in this country...
...In keeping with the spirit of the Forward the funds realized « from the ball will be distributed among various institutions and organizations of the labor movement...
...Be knowa, secondly, from tbe more subtle qualities taught as from oar seventh to twelfth years, whether tha temperature of hla tasted emotional susceptibility enables him to listen to broadcasted knowledge without its Influencing him in the slightest manner...
...The tones of dead Italians are now paying for this secret bargain...
...THE MILWAUKEE FIGHT ADRIVE is to be made by the open shoppers against the Socialist Party, and the trade unions of Milwaukee...
...Imagine the amassment of the New Tork villagers ot IMS, te which year the city seems te have been founded by the erection ot tha first radio station above that edifice to which Greek antiquities were conveyed for distribution to the populace ¦ Aeolian Hawt by name—, If they could know that their vaunted art of printing baa' been replaced by aa exact science of inflections: that this science makes it poeeUattngutah them, aa accurately that he Iraewa...
...Bat it will eJvSj needed work to grown people...
...Possibly the suffering Italian masses would welcome some crazy venture by Mussolini against some other power in the hope that other nations would interfere for the same reason that we send the police after a maniac .who is running amuck...
...Also a short news Item telling how Chinese Infidels were storting, and hooting Christian Chinamen out of tbe churches—the outrages committed, etc - ¦ W» forget how ear be sin ess appointment turned cat...
...This- affair will again be held this year _ in the...
...there baa been the oessaB Oob of giving money indefinitely ta gj family where the man Is out of waJB psoases hi baa geae en strike My ssM ganhtetVm dees not peas upon fasnj aa it somes along, but,tt does tskeBsS aasaheee that after an these peopleSsH human beings entitled to some OsaSflH erattoa...
...sometWng of^study on the oM art of reading...
...Part of the edifice is occupied by business offices quite removed from godly affairs, heavenly guidance for Celestials, and other such purely Preehytertan pursuits...
...who was begat politically In the Fifth Century, A. B- by the "Republican aad Democratic parties...
...And all I dare say Is—I will not forget ' What is sweet td remember...
...Because the...
...state laws forbUdha) bed or tedxffereaf, aad aseasas ta* children ta states wtth the aalbaf taws need instant protection, > teaawa amendment is a asreaalty...
...Dene, brothele, dives sprang up over night...
...make war impossible...
...But all I cam leave To die years, is to write— That I cannot forget What is sweet to remember...
...We know that we can, by .means ef our Collegiate Training in this great science, make still further dlscrimlnatlona However, we may be permitted to speculate upon the possible mental derangement ot tbe unorganised elemental wbo would come in contact With this marvelous development...
...The new series would make tt preastMe for the authorised Individual ta...
...Art "Needs...
...Very well...
...Of course tela was only a mongrel fancy that had kenneled Itself in our mind for tbe moment...
...He boasted that "Italy is ready if necessary to carry her banners beyond Tier present frontiers, but back, never...
...jM "Peace la sot the product of asl menta Peace is* tha product ot aasey: WiU among men...
...Lincoln was never at an*r time much in advance of the changing and progressive thought of his time, but he changed...
...If ear rehef has to keep evsjH tee wag a period we u anally pat itefifl to the union asking them to airiissfsjM man from picket doty sad let as gap him a Jab for tbe time being ta ss9 ENTIRBL.T DIFFERENT UNB ate...
...Joamaia eaa give you a completer catalog of what yen will receive.' once you are fully converted te West Christian civilisation...
...What would be tee agsBtaaaooo reacUoe, eteaa such.waa permitted in that ancient .age, to the morning bearing -ef "THE SCALE...
...Ira New Tork City...
...Will you...
...Maris has discovered Communism and "the youth movement" have obtained a foothold in the Ohio State University, the yonth movement teaching "worship of the human body and resistance to parental restraint...
...We are not...
...commandment I give unto you...
...Our recollection is that, white the Italian masses were opposed to the war the' agents of their ruling classes were bargaining with both warring alliances to determine which would offer the largest, bribe...
...attends while be la notified of his unrestricted poliUcal choice bteween two identical candidates aaB^flssfLlesI U.s^BBMLaBl asa^wBattfiS modeled do fhTaaaarei theeaead'rBhe ****** x«a«:waw^e^«j»': . Pletare, within aba Ihxtite pressribad by the abate OfBnlahV thm First Man's listening ta at the deffly oiligslaraaftyjpOaMws esQT Ja'wJwr**' YestffeeWsV eseWft ^w^w^bV ^*9^ Residing la Any Coeatry Whoee Cmtoeee are Blast m Bar arose Onvav THM SCALE BE PRAISED, aa we'eraeetpmended to say, when speaking of skis art on whoee foundation rest tbe esters of oar age...
...J I^tanxkasahy tbatt theOnranslH tioa*a at tgtsss toward immigrants aefl sweep aad'a lot of it la eta* ewe nsss| hseaaga we have been so busy eeflH the jot that we have failed to kaepafl saorlaSa eC the peaUe aware of SEK tn farther 00 these sahjatls...
...through ear last few day dreams...
...tea sad These dead persons who may yet be willing te linger near the planet...
...The physical splendor of your fulfilled dreams lured the barbarians of the'West, and as a shorter route to your world of wonders waa sought, Thus by Incident America was discovered—the very land that' today is seeking to shstter your ancient magnificence to bits, and remold it nearer to Presbyterian desire...
...Much property of Loyalists confiscated in the American Revolution has never been returned and no compensation has ever been made...
...Tracts and Publications" another, and so on through all the geography, para-, phernalia and- catalog that make for any international organisation and Its sub-divisions...
...THE OIL QUESTION WE are glad that Mr...
...He has all the facial characteristics of the abnormal while his utterances *»Kg«st the wild drivel of a madman...
...bytsrtaa Christianity te yoor-eO, Celssttai Kingdom...
...Tour language was difficult to learn, sa they remained bUad to the simplicity, the honesty, tbe purity of your faith and conduct...
...Good day...
...What Sner mode of life have they to offer in exchange for your ancient customs, under which you have outlived five Christian , civilizations...
...A AUCt FARK.^ Fete Ana, CeUf...
...TeU them, oh sub-chlhtrea—bahes ef, tke Calsatlal cradle—tetraji their priests and missionaries that there Is greater need fey the goipeJ and teachings «i 4he Christ te the countries from whence they eame...
...It is.the bitterest-story of modern crime—thin debauching of your olden beauty by the gold maddened savages of the West- And if only they had somethirig worth while to offer In exchanger—if only their sect had broven itself worth half your humblest precept—if only their systems of life were worth one- < tenth of the placet, and open ethics of your lowest castes...
...Third—The Scientific instructors licensed by the State'Omeiala...
...whisper of such scenes or happenings...
...I It baa been necessary to relate the wonders of* thm age...
...when the ether wares reach his eaft aha three funiWoiaiahjl oammnnleata baeaaanahb* the general stteb taught te aa la tab Traming Labors imles tram oar first te ear seventh years, whether tbe sehjOet heteg...
...tribute to the memory of a man who was everything" that they are not...
...There te danger, boweadeM that people aad nations will place tee.' met eh faitb in this agreement and eaV| tie Into a false state ef security...
...all of the petroleum properties legally acquired in accord with Mexican laws existing prior to 1917...
...You had many virtues, and so your goda were manifold...
...TaaSM ye love one another...
...ELECTION* "GORILLAS" THE testimony offered before a subcommittee of the Juditiary Committee of the Assembly regarding frauds in the Sixth Assembly District, runs true to form...
...His mind was flexible, receptive to new ideas, and because he was capable of changing and adapting his views to a changing society he was able to play the conspicuous part that he did in American history...
...Let the...
...t Referring to Italy's frontier on Bfenner Pass Mussolini thundered that this boundary had been "traced by the infallible hand of God...
...Apparently he escaped "parental' restraint" at an early age...
...Many of them married into the families of slaveholders...
...O^LeAd of^CdaeaetoS ass^Ia^Tt^ejCradle of^ClvlT hanlt every race is sufficient te tta awe evU aad devil, good and God...
...Your lips are elusive, Your form slips away...
...d| Child Labor Days f Editor, The New Leader: ^ Child labor ta the United States ceaJ , ttneea even after nation-wide publieUy I and appeal...
...The political and economic arms cooperate for a common parpose instead of leaving one half paralyzed . while the other does most of the fighting...
...So much-for that, BwV let ua forget the repudiation of debts by American states and the practical confiscation of property'in the American Revolution and by the prohibition amendment...
...Your sins were frail sad few, and so your Sataaa died of Inanition...
...fourth—Mother, Father, one Sister, one Brother, Friends te ths number ef five...
...We uiapTy stop "the next war" now...
...There we came Upon a story ef tbe Christian...
...Sines then we have been lost m mmot tonal cbaes, and can only pile ap here into an Indistinguishable jumble, the Impr assises aad turbulence* that have twin Men...
...organized, workers of Milwaukee...
...tbe universal language of beauty...
...Kternai hurry for gold-pots at rainbow ceils, an unbroken chain of living lies, chicanery, thieving, ¦unending dread of hunger, unnerving fear of empty tomorrows, the strong bludgeoning the weak.'the weak snivelling before the strong,.the public servant bulgeeyed-for bis private gain, tbe leaders successful only when tbey wealths cloth of hypocrisy, miserable features when they den the sackcloth of truth...
...Body, Art Needs...
...Each has helped, the other and by their cooperation Milwaukee is the one city in this country where the organized working class knows that it has...
...In seeking . out the office of our appointment, we passed by several' Individuals and also a number ot glass paneled doors, whose lettered legends have hurtled us into this frenzy of un poised passion...
...This performance of ' Mussolini suggests that the end of this degenerate agent of• Italian capitalism will be an asylum for dangerous lunatics...
...Just aa any ward pitched at any of our ate thousand' tones la cap titrable orally from the ether by us Licensed Orators te St tato sentences, the Primitive Printers employed visualised characters aa their mode of communication...
...He did not venerate the past or "think it impious to modify, alter or discard the institutions of his day...
...Success to the...
...m Oudlaw War *1 Bdttor...
...They are rivals for the job of serving the same classes and wifl quarrel to get the contract to run the city or StatC government,, but they will unite when both are endangered and jointly employ the "gorilla" if that gentleman is necessary...
...What price Proa...
...You were fine song and a base of entrancing wisardry then...
...A few states hasav ratified it Mere statea have vsaat against tt...
...shutting out light, warmth and'sustenance for -thernselves...
...We expect -the Mil-/ waukee Babbittry to get a thorough drubbing for the very good reason that the Milwaukee workers fight with two arms and make the best use of both...
...Stevens... order ef the City Director, aa all my hearers andeubtedjy well know...
...Tbe City library, permitted to exist by the grace ot the present City Director, Sylvanus Zobowsxi...
...Tours has always been a race Of sowers, toilers, artisans, singers...
...that he can tn no way be caned a satsmfi The uakms bars usually been very aa^H d era tending about this position aaaVV: have given us their O. K. to go sheaCSt nelaaa they want to give the man rabefh from their own funds aad keep baa eef' - picket duty...
...test the permitted opinions of the Scientific Instructors with those ot the Individual's family opinions aad te discover, la aa instant's time, whether the opinions coincided...
...Is being Investigated by Idlers not sufficiently Intelligent far directed laboratory experiment...
...unison by the City's three hunched thousand musieiaatar...
...THE FORWARD BALL - THE annual ball of the Jewish Daily Forward has become a yearly event in the Socialist and progressive labor . movement of New York City... Secretary the Charity OrganbaUoar ' Society...
...After reviewing the latest stunt of the American Offense Society, sometimes called the American Defense Society, the New York World concludes that it "has the brains of an...
...What God is theirs that so completely supplants your philosophers and minstrels In wisdom and example...
...For more than a {quarter of a century the trade unions of the city and the Socialist Party bave worked in harmony...
...etoney, greed, ill will aad ths onsaraj things that develop into hats woaatv Sad no fertile soil tn which te gro w. . We were elated over the news ef akes peace pact agreed upon by Piaarsl Germany and Belgium at Locarno, hvj" which Great Britain aad Italy late egg guarantors...
...a world of starvelings holding up with scrawny hands a coterie of idlers, wasters, tyrants, legalised pirates, usurers, knaves, gambhirs...
...We So...
...And a they- persist to remaining, ask them he the nsme of any shred of*dinsists ksTt a> thcaC to ttwdsf off all sham, and cant sod...
...Thesefore, X may now advance to the development aad conclusion of the subject stated as Introductory...
...Their song reveals all the'enchantment and ingrained preciousness of soul and spirit that your silks, carvings ana carpets exhibit materially...
...But when tbe slavers of the West learned how little you desired for life and happiness, how cheaply you could be .bought to create the treasures that long . ago bad astounded their senses and .whetted their greed, they came with their civilising armaments sad ecclesiatic legions to make bargain with you...
...We have no investments in Mexico* If there is war he and his organized investors should 4ight and nobody else...
...The New Leader Mail Box * • 'S'iTtT w^«?tT»(S fM resaehsr Weskeosad EnBstineTwalS Taaa^adMer...
...thugs against a" surfeiting sun...
...Bush SBj smsaiwssnt is now hefsre the smear far ratification...
...your Women fell ill with strange plagues, and your men learned for the first time what the West had to offer in devastating exchange for your simple Uvea The Christian seamen brought hate, and drunken brawling aad low death, foul speech, thought and deed, until the docks of your ports stank in the nostrils of whatever decency remained across*the longitudes...
...Compare all these who oppose social, economic and political change in a changing world with Lincoln and we have a marked contrast...
...The-Allied diplomats offered the most, one item being that boundary at the Brenner Pass which Mussolini now "credits to God...
...The ajaeadmeat la III 11 am fir...
...has deceived many peopla It war actually believed la one state wnere-ai...
...Chiness General Sehang and hla exploits...
...Europe certainly --would not stand by while an ego-maniac proceeded to raise hell across Italian frontiers...
...We here knSs what they will give you In exchange, since we live under It, and are withered by the blight... fact, counter pnbUeSy...
...We appreciate that you do not want to lose your dollars...
...The United States practically .wiped out millions of investments when the prohibition amendment was adopted.* Many of our States repudiated debts which are still carried against them by a committee representing the creditors in London...
...Ths lost art of printing, we ere hat to belle A, waa mechanically related to that art of radioatlng which we nee today...
...It is a struggle that live men and women can join with enthusiasm and one, moreover, that can have but one result...
...Compare Lincoln in this respect with the Babbitts, the Sons of the American Revolution, National Security' Leaguers, and the whole .swarm of usurers, profiteers, retainers and despoilers of labor...
...What a rule—tbe less you believed and served God, the more Bke Him you appeared...
...This union ..ft political and eranomu: power of the work-r tempts to destroy the trade Baton* and to seb. -A that knows as the "America** We envy the/Mil wettkee Socmlntte and organized workers is this fight that fates them...
...Then in Ohio a Dr...
...THS SCALE BE PRAISED, after approximately five hundred aad fifty years ef their amicable anion...
...Mission for China and Far Bast," reetd another...
...that be can then separate from the, group of utterances he has rejected or accepted, the tones of Fire*—Advertisers of So titles...
...Thus, when we go off on one cf our fortnightly temperamental beta, we ask for your higher sympathy...
...their m saaafce-' can- be bo Meaner or higher than ft* source- TeU them that the portals of the...
...wars of commerce, race hates, power rivalries, harlot journals, mind-drugging schools, hunger bribed pedagega, crooked elections, grafting- wardheelsrs, dope-peddling protectors, - prostitution- aianmipin— murder, 'divorce-, banditry, arson, rape, -bankruptcy...
...If the opinions tailed to appear precisely analogous, the menace of receiving instruction front one of varying, opinion would be lessened sad, eventually, one may dream, destroyed...
...The open shoppers have observed this peculiar end unusual situation and they have decided to put an end to it...
...referendum vote was takes la 1M4 Oaf tha federal child labor amendment uww the proposed law would forbid a pareaB from requiring a child te wipe Sw| dfshaa or ran on ea errand to SssV, corner stare...
...And then again, we might have forgotten the.doors, the people, the lettering, and even the subtlety of antagonisms that bad already been sensed—but for a Belay in the office we visited...
...Chaaritag Pollock sr ; "The Enetny" deplete war .as ft la aad ' shows some of tta eCsete...
...Palace of the Celestial Sons holds a sweeter premise for the future and- whiter lasnuslss ef the past than, any they bring from their temple* aad...
...Stevens will concede that his members are directly interested...
...The threat to "exact the payment of two eyes for the loss of only one eye and of a whole set of teeth for the,loss of only one tooth" is the creed of a braggart and-his assumption that all Italians are ready to follow him in an attack on "Germany is sheer idiocy...
...A few faces and forms bad flitted by, in and out ot those glass doors...
...He knows, thirdly, in catching those super-delicate inflections taught to us from oar twelfth to fourteenth years, whether the retained vibrations will occasion bim sny unpleasant Intimations of' tbe earlier m" tulttve aad personal-expansive-poeslblUty complex which at one time was a horrible source of suffering for Man...
...Guy Stevens, director of the Association of Producers of Petroleum in Mexico, has set us right on oil investments in Mexico...
...This because of the dissatisfaction of Austrians in the Upper Adige and because the President of the bavarian- Lantag had criticised Italian rule over these Austrians...
...1 But child labor really means hara>'j toll In factories and fields, long home 'A and pitiful wagea It- means that i IMS more than a million chUdree weSjW workiag at teaks that wear them es@| at ages whan they should he hi silmeeM and at play and growing into heatuayH youth...
...Why do ctvlBsed (?) iuiIJsW eeaUnee te use a terse percentage ej| taear teeoxo* ta SSatetsSB military wM ef the Sam- woeM promote a ssssM preparelaias the peace that wsefil ahoald de.-t^yoei^do ys sven^^M fhawi" .If we would thai men BOiTpffj SSg jS^lhtese/* 0,r,l*^^a pathway la clear... what we wen* there for fa the first place...
...This bird was the author of the Hopley resolution introduced in the XDhio Legislature last year which listed the Committee of 48 as a "Communist" organization...
...Anything wrong with this reasoning, Mr...
...Well, we did not know that God was a party to the secret treaty of 1915...
...We Just cannot do the intellectual tightrope stunt...
...You fight for them...
...The lowest scoundrels have been employed to do this dirty work...
...age baa constructed its remarkable effects upon the qualities ot the ear...
...We certainly do lack, what social and religious workers adoringly call poise...
...the Gladsome Radio Age...
...Another Lincoln playing an important part in reorganizing capitalism today would invoke all the venom of those who... that staged last week by the nut " Napoleon who rules Italy... Madison Square Garden Saturday evening, February 20...
...Think of tbe disorder occasioned his crude faculties upon being aware that oar Individual takes, for instance, tbe tones of tbe Advertisers of Politic* 1, Body...
...If so, we would like to hear from you...
...It U for oe to aaM we have the spirit et nnaiilli«*H east lave tor t'rfr^J...
...We are away off balance...
...To them Lincoln was an impudent ignoramus, by some called "the ¦ Illinois baboon," who proposed to interfere with the holy property relations resting on the perpetual servitude of...
...Didn't the solemn Supreme Court say the final word upon it...
...Lincoln belonged those who believe in progress, not those who nfake him a saint of reaction...
...The stories of child laJberetjfl la one state are said aad used la all the statea AH peep la are using goad* that children bate to make, even down te wrapping paper aad string...
...j It is an old stoTy but it is the Republican ox that is gored this time...
...We bad seen' and heard of pagans, agnostics and infidels who had appeared and lived aa veritable goda in appearance among mea...
...Five minutes waiting ' gave es time'to read the inside page of a newspaper...
...Socialist candidates, have been the victim* of the Tammany "gorillas" in election after election...
...for: ths children...
...He did not stand still...
...It is sad te have lived to see your passive'Christlike entity outraged by the Attilaa and Alarics of the commercial West—barbarians who banner the same shibboleths of virtue and faitb against you as the hordes of the Hun and Goth employed while sacking Rome and raping all Europe in the dark beginning of modern history...
...cannonize the Lin...
...It the mlaa*H of men are tree from the causes- et f hate, war wHI not come...
...if In John xtH, M. we read: "A aeer...
...Long ago the royal idlers of tha West bad learned how soft and rare were tha fabrics you spun, how rich the carpets you wove., the sweetness at the spices you grew, the clamorous intricacies ef year carvings...
...When you were stiU Cathay in tbe knowledge of the white races,there was no...
...What Is this fair promise these Christian Crusader* hold forth for your conversion...
...For fnetanr-a...
...seraggly forms,- bespectacled, faded faces, sexless wraiths for memory now...
...Be charitable with us, dear readers, as we lay most uncharitably on the bldea ot our particular hates, or exude freshets of sentiment over our loves...
...At the annual ball each year many thousands of workers gather in the spirit of human solidarity And to enjoy an evening of recreation...
...Z meat discontinue thai oration on the general pitch of C sharp accentuated one-hundredth ef a qssrtsi ton...
...It awaits aetka h uassF" states...
...Relieving the Individual ef personal strain and effort, our...

Vol. 3 • February 1926 • No. 5

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