Gun and Gas Operators'New Weapons mk Coolidge Givei Thlm Free Hand Miners' Peaceful Parade Dispersed by Riot Squad; President Refuses to Act Coolidge Waiting in Hope Operators Will Defeat...

...Then came a letter making swe vivid the miserable condition of the miners' colonies in West Virginia, ta some of which lives men who have .Men out on strike four years...
...TAKE OVER FOOD TRUST Merger Inevitable, Socialist Congressman Declares — Baking Co...
...These terrible explosions which Peewr repeatedly in the-mines are unTssseesaxy...
...Miners Brave Storm In Relief Trip to N.Y...
...President CeoHdge has lefused to bandon bis do-nothing attitude est the anthracite strike...
...They repeated the same story of need...
...A force sr 25 policemen armed with sawed-off shotguns scattered the parade'in all directions...
...The crisis came when the city revoked the franchise because ef failure to pave between the tracks...
...Begin This Startling Series Next Week DUTCH GOVT...
...H* holds that tt monopoly In the handling settabte, aa ft seems" to bp...
...This belated act of clemency Is expected to do a groat deal toward calming the Bulgarian opposition and also to help wipe out tbe evil reputation abroad won by tbe little Balkan Kingdom as the result of the bloody reprisals practiced by the bourgeois Government of Professor Tsankof, which succeeded that of Alexander Stambullsky as the result of a coup d'etat in June, 1923...
...Conceals J Its Profits Washington...
...Socialists Collect Food .With a motor truck heavily laden down with feed and clothing cetleeted in a day from N. Y. sympathizers, three anthracite strikers departed in, the storm Wednesday for their hem* town, Minersville, Pa, where they will distribute the feed and clot hi no to the families of needy strikers, Through the efforts of former Aldermen Abraham I. Shiplaceff, secretary of the City Committee ef the Socialist party, large quantities of food and clothing were collected...
...Tbe coal barons do not need his help yet* Therefore he is content to wait...
...The hearing la independent of The government anti-trust suit filed in Baltimore, Md., against Ward Food Products Corp., General Baking^ Continental, Ward Baking, and United Bakeries...
...The statement of William Prewlong, general manager, American Plan Association...
...The workers have been in a. state of...
...It has interest3fc*«tnres which I may discuss later rW*d» column...
...These conflicts, however, have nothing to do with "Communist agitation...
...The soup kitchen cast the local union* number 1640, about $3$ a day, and about two weeks ago the funds war* osmpletely axhausasd...
...His 5^** '™o coal strike is Of a piece Bjwjj^*"***1 of 'hla administration...
...Soup kitchens are in operation: some have already been closed from lack of funds...
...He told a tale both of hunger sad of determination.' Finally > cam* tbat committee from Mlnersvilie with "its truck—a truck which I am glad to say Socialists help to fill so generously...
...Dahlman Construction Company, who represented the general contractors' croup...
...Congress shares responsibility with tbe President for the present situation...
...SRPWOr Cope land's resolution de^^gigO Oralse...
...s**^Rj&tcM S^tockv...
...Armed with riot guns and a large supply of ammunition, the police refused to let the parade leaders ¦peak to the strikebreakers...
...Some believe the firing of the gun was an attempt to Incite the paradera to disorder...
...Meanwhile we pay least extortionate prices for unsatisfactory substitutes...
...will come in for...
...paceful demonstration of 1,000 strikers, parading in protest against the hydraulic production of coal, h**s already been dispersed...
...Vhttion will be as difficult to tmR** constitutional grounds as naByUiUion, and it will be far more Bj**0B»e and less efficient...
...Tbey wlS-itam at the defeat of all the Socialist |antfids/es because tbey regard the BoOMttsta in office sat spokesmen ef labft .aatd the trade To assist them aftbtot design here the "open ahoppei mmJWJm& to revive the defunct Votere*Tbsagna...
...Tbe general trend^of their views is that mergers era excellent devices providing- that competition, initiative, independence and a few other phantoms are not merged into oblivion...
...But as far as Coolidge's action-is concerned, they know on whose aide be would act if be finally does...
...Almost 230 years, ago Massachusetts, ruled by a Puritan oligarchy, enacted a statute to punish blasphemy...
...At h Tjpo State* least we can substitute these wordr for a popular air if present tendencies continue...
...If tbe sSSv*" 0000,6 wUI wake...
...Under an emergency decree published a few weeks ago, the right'of association has been forbidden to practically all labor organisations in Java, Madura...
...j It appears that The Burglars the hydroelectric At Albany srabber...
...President Refuses to Act Coolidge Waiting in Hope Operators Will Defeat Strikers Without His Aid * Waehingtea...
...It is also enforced...
...Thoreau, Channing, Phillips, Brooks...
...Now the only remedy is the ballot We must seek men who cannot be controlled by the Socialists or organised labor as candidates for positions In public offices...
...One of them in excitement fired a gun...
...Scranton Police Chief I Orders Large Supply ' t of Tear Gu to Combat Strikers lJ* Scran ton...
...In the State of Cal Coolidge, Anthony Blmba, a Communist editor, is to~be haled into court on a charge of blasphemy, and it remains to be seen whether the dead bands of Jonathan Edwards and the Mathers will thrust the offender in jail...
...For the present I want jSijolst that there is no satisfactory ,igW»>tlve to the present criminal except nationalization...
...Bankers, brokers, executives and other Illiterates in Wall Street send out a symposium on mergers for tbe instruction of the multitude...
...His boast of breaking tbe Boston police strike, though false, has never ' bean for* gotten... which a power company is likely to need and put itself in a position where tbe process of "ouster by the State, in case of a reversal of polfcy, might be extremely difficult and expensive...
...That la one aids of toe picture, and the, wont ' Bat the ether Is bad oattujh...
...If they confljpje slumber, drugged by * poor JBptev degree of relative prosperity, j5ft£**U deserve the fate which is ^jP**tog them—the fate of slaves or ^R^o the lords of money and credit jjBJWO barons of coal, Iran and other WuP1 *<*ourcea...
...We have contested the legality of the wage ordinance* In the lower court and through the state supreme court, where a decision, adverse to us, was given," declared Frank R. Bell...
...Tbe lead in this merger drama, however, will be held by Sargent ln tbe great scene, entitled "Throttling the Octopus...
...are suffering acutely from hunger and cold...
...5?>wthing policy of the Coolidge pjtjtratlon is as contemptible as it K^**«eristic...
...are tbe moat forsss^H^asuuxkPlons of organised labor sMHtsmuatoe...
...RUSSIA TODAY Otto Bauer BRILLIANT LEADER OF EUROPEAN SOCIALISM Begins in The New Leader Next Week The New Leader pMwiti this eerie* of four exclusive articles as a moat comprehensive answsr to ths qusstion: "Whither RussiaT The two concluding artielss are a brilliant re-statement of the Socialist position toward the Soviet Republic AMONG THE TOPICS DISCUSSED: 1. Economic Progress, 2. Agricmltural Problem...
...AGAIN Tho Secretariat of the Intesnatfcraal Transport Workers Federation in Amsterdam reports that the Dutch Government is again warring upon organised labor in tbe Bast Indies...
...Folic* Chief Rose has ordered a large,, supply of tear gas...
...up they JBN nationalisation...
...This explains why he was succeeded by a member of his own political group instead of by a leader of the Opposition Bloc, which also had played a big part hi his overthrow... is a characteristic effort to pass the'buck...
...against newspapers, dr,ug stores, street cars, taxis, filling stations...
...Many families JWBt be shivering for lack of tbe price 'ojjjleal...
...They were simply defensive strikes against unrestricted exploitation...
...It is always higher than an.tgraclte before the strike and two ox tares times its own pre-strike level, the difference represents the outtsgeous profiteering of successive sell¦leg agencies from mine to consumer...
...Bread Baron Conceals ^Profits Profits of Continental Baking Corporation, alleged by the U. S. government, to be part of the Ward bread and food trust, were whisptered to tbe Federal Trade Commission bearing so that the public could not seize upon the information...
...there is "only one remedy—na-' 'penalisation with democratic ad^Odniatrattorv The place to begin ia ;,'¦*>* the anthracite industry...
...Is considering an ordinance to bar from all amusements the display of feminine nudity, except arms and shoulders and the back from tbe waist: up and legs up to the kneea Newspapers that violate \be proposed code wouM also come under tbe ban...
...Just to take the curse off tbe aluminum blunder Sargent, we learn from the headlined, has brought matt against the two billion bread merger headed by the Ward interests...
...Both parties are in the pockets of big campaign contributors...
...It is solely due to tbe greed Jt me operators, the helplessness of 1» organized miners, tbe lack of law as* proper enforcement of law, that tbe ¦Sato rate in American mines Is three 'teas that in England...
...In the shadow of the Massachusetts textile oligarchy the Mathers have come to life when any human being can be tried for "blasphemy...
...Now, all day and night, there Is a large, picked riot squad on- duty at police headquarters, ready to repeat...
...Unfortunately for the chances of tbe Bulgarian Socialists...
...They distributed 40 quarts ef milk each day to the children...
...then tie nation itself should be the monopolist...
...It has been a Bread, Hokum great week for And Merger* the m»r*er" ln one way or another...
...Having absorbed this ponderous wisdom, we tarn to tbe big headlines to learn what Cal's Attorney General is doing...
...Six lectures on industrial subjects, three to be presented by open shop advocates, and three by union leaders have been scheduled, he announced...
...Socialist PARTY IS Labour Foes' Target Milwaukee Open-Shoppers Seek to Break Unions by} Attack on Party \ I'M Mitwaufcee, THE -open ssWf>pers" are going into potrtlo* id* crush tbe vole* of toads unfciijssu wherever It is beard...
...If Tennessee goes ahead with the enforcement of its Sunday law, a morgue will be vigorous life Itself compared to its' Sundays...
...Both, parties are paying their political debts by passing a tax reduction measure to relieve the burden on tbe millionaires...
...Sumatra and Celebes...
...For twenty edd years the street ear system, which waa owned by a California capitalist, was allowed to bump along with only enough repairs to keep the cere running...
...In 1924 La Foilette and Wheeler got almost five million votes...
...Socialist, has introduced In the House a resolution providing that tbe national government shall buy tbe newly-formed Ward food trust, and shall operate it as a public utility...
...For hours the 1,000 miners marched .through the s Us tits of Scran ton Tuesetrikebreakera worn reported to be at work in an effort to win the "scabs" into the strikers' ranks...
...No industry is so constantly ¦•shared by civil war...
...He himself bad got a Job to support bis family in New r fork...
...A. R. Brindley, government counsel, said that he understood and "It is not our purpose to barm you*hrough publicity...
...Soot ^r^eswepsmagsWTsr^Vw"'xdrfc mo SjtmYsilte...
...At any rate, this brazen game played in the open where all can see is evidence of how confident the burglars are that they can set away with itJust to keep the Devil Defeated record straight at In Two States the n«w« comtM f, from the provinces of the interior we record tbe fact that tbe City Council of Little Rock, Arkansas...
...No xstustry in America profiteers so outIsteously and ruthlessly, as the eoal jHastry...
...ferment for some time past, as the continual labor disputes show...
...These are the implements 'the operators are swinging Into line In their war on the 168,000 anthracite strikers...
...Coolidge lacks both BP**** and the desire to...
...But the supreme thorns, which they will bend every effort to remove, are the city and county ordinances, passed largely through the effort* of .the Socialist aldermen and supervisors, (providing that contractors engaged on city and county work must pay their employee the prevailing rate ot pay— Virtually the union rate...
...J • Tbe government charges the corporation operates in restraint of trade...
...We demand our fights, as American citizens, to speak to the strikebreakers and peacefully urge them to join the strikers," Joseph Santernellio', spokesman for the miners, told the police...
...Tbe Butlers, tbe Lodges and Coolidges are tbe successors of Emerson...
...Bancroft and Garrison...
...can easily be broken up by our own members when we fully realise our duty...
...If the coalition behind them, had held together and laid the foundation of a genuine tabor party, the old parties would not have dared to be, so completely the tools ot big business aa now they era Let the men and women of America wko do the real work on farms and in factories, shops, schools and offices, consider the .sufferings of the miner...
...Cigar and candy stores...
...A World correspondent reports that "those who have examined the bill assert that under it the company can acquire by tbe right of eminent domain all the...
...t and his replacement by Andre I/laptchef, tbe Bulgarian So bran ye has put through an amnesty law under which about 8J3C Agrarians, Communists and labor leaders wfU be set at liberty...
...It Is chiefly In the bope of obtaining the repeal of these lspva that the organisation will enter politics...
...The real responsibility of this situation rests with the farmers and workers of America, who are the chief victims of tbe orgy of profit making in coal and other industries...
...eLf Time for Vigorous Action I U is time for plain speaking and jStflJorous action...
...Among others tE* -depee affects tbe dockers, seamen, railwaymen and tramwaymen...
...About lit years ago Tennessee enacted a Sunday law, which has been dragged from its tomb to be enforced...
...Not only 1 is this law on the books...
...For two months the strikers operated a free soup kitchen in Miners-Villa... remove the threat of civil RE*» the industry or stop profiteering...
...W**k* *** Phoenix Makes Profit On City-Run Car Line On the revaluation ef tMyOOO and no taxes to pay the Phoenix, Arizona, street railway which waa abandoned by its private owners, nets the city about $1,009 a month on a ft cent fare...
...In a statement on hie measure, Berger declared that Ward's proposed food monopoly ia a natural result' of .capitalist growth, and that all schemes of Investigation, regulation and attempted Snppi esslun are bound to be futile...
...The measure is Inspired by a fessal* Imperial Cyclops of the Ku JQux Klan, A few years ago a writer said that whan the original'inhabitants invaded Arkansas, in seeping through the mud the Censers were strained out...
...are gotag to get what tbey want up state from their political agents although tbe legal tlftft may be realised by one instalment at a time...
...Cal picked him out of tbe tall weeds of' Vermont to deal gently with aluminum and he got into trouble...
...The President, in an interview to which be refused to permit the as* off his name, revealed bis refusal to act...
...but the real object is to break up the whole labor movement in the Dutch East Indies at one blow...
...There is to be no Joking about prohibition, marriage, religion and home life...
...The legislature of this proud state by a vote of 70 to 32 bas decided that this here person Darwin was all wrong by passing an aatlevolution bill to prohibit the teaching of evolution, in the public schools...
...The police were stolid...
...It will not bring back the lives of tbe thousands of politicals "irregularly executed" by the 'bands of ex-army officers and men wbo have played about the same role in Bulgaria as the awakening Magyars have In Hungary, but it may pave the way for general elections and the setting up of a Government a little more representative of the people than tbe "Democratic Combination", now in control, it appears that Professor Tsankof had to go because he was loathed even by a large fraction of his own party, and King Boris was supposed to be disgusted with his methods...
...REPRESENTATIVE Victor I* Bergsr...
...IOT SQUADS, private detectives, • w"dT machine guns and tear gas...
...President H. A. Wagner, Wisconsin Bridge ft Iron Works, told of plans that have- been and are being made to spread open shop propaganda in the University of Wisconsin...
...The tdca^wao crty...
...George C. Barber, chairman of the corporation, refused to tell 192S profits above a whisper, excusing himself by saying that his corporation "is doing business in a competitive field...
...Massachusetts made one admirable advance to intellectual renown and then collapsed...
...Even a jjpoil Up peace for anotAer two, IMsV tour or five ^yeara will not do...
...It is doing nothing to help us now...
...Aa this noble province In th4 hookworm belt has a high percentage of illiterates it is probably just as well that ltsjaw makers should insure that^modem knowledge should not reach the inhabitants until a few^hundred years after it has become a common possession of all others...
...This waa deoMsst fl dteaar of their organisation, neltaflffi^be Milwaukee Employers' ce>smoS9Hbea resolutions to that attest...
...The operators can easily, comfortably bold out with bo fear of cold weather sending chills doom their spines...
...Mt^sTWsVhisBBBBnl •asj-gsa____j BBBSBBBsmmlBBBBVawftaw*^ Arm*1 a. '^^^^TijL|^^j^*jL/^^^^^^^^^^^Sff^5s^_*3sj It, has no great inftuenosin tbs private btudness life of that msjimnntty...
...Tennessee was founded by rebels and pioneers wbo could not bear with the habits and customs of the older communities of the East...
...First came a sdW- from John Brophy's district SPBtaiaing pictures of the barracks in wham, during these cold and stormy wavter months, bituminous miners and stair families axe living who have been liSl'mnim iT because of local strikes avseght about by operators wbo have deliberately broken the Jacksonville agreement...
...There never can be a monopoly...
...I gPfaei eland that someone probably |*M*ter Wheeler—will shortly .in" S^eduee a bill for nationalisation, 3<*Woh has been prepared as a re- ' ef the work of the Committee ^•0 Ceaf and Super Power set up by BBg League for Industrial DomoewnTsteh for that bill...
...Private owner3(Wp of coal mines and operation for MOSt has been tried and found want$Bf even by the standards (of a capital^•.'eleubjation...
...3* Political Persecution...
...The Other Side Then there is the other side) of tbeV medal: Tbe miners,* 'n their determination to win...
...Hk ttnammously adontad...
...A half dozen who wars washing culm bank coal at the Carlucci washery threw down their tools and joined the parade...
...A few 'bears later a coal miner from WllkesBarre called on me...
...TIMELY TOPICS Br Norman Thomas ¦jtg one day four things happened W which brought home to me the - - offering of the miners In the obtts of the ooal {ndustry...
...No industry m America is so-1nefflciently run...
...That does not mean that there should not be a fight against the burglars so that we may keep the record straight when we get tbe power to take back what has been taken away, but It means that the masses do not yet realise what is being done...
...need coal for my furnace, fha dealer tells me that I must pay $15 ja^sT ton for soft coal or $32 per ton for Spaa The price fluctuates from day m day...
...Copeland's party In New 'Jork State and New York City lost its chance to take over the wholesaling of the available supply of anthracite...
...He would have a commission appointed to determine the value of the property acquired by tbe $2,000,000,000 corporation which Ward has formed...
...Cleveland, that "the first thing you ought to do is to quadruple your income and then get into politics," was greeted with tbe enthusiastic sp plause that suggests huge "slush funds...
...At any rate, the suit is brought on the ground that tbe bread merger Is in violation of the Sherman Mad daytda Anti-Trust Acta...
...HA s a logical Atnnetip at LmU sequence to tbe In Bulgaria ousting jot Premier...
...IX the face of rapidly accumulating' hardships for the strikers aawt their families, and for the profiteer-ridden consumers of eoal in the> i cities...
...Remembering these facts, Prssidisis Coolidge is standing aloof in the bop* that the operators win finally fcrcm tbe...
...Probably they, also left their brains behind and their descendants located Oats is the State of Mississippi, noted for its malaria, hookworm, lynchings and illiteracy...
...Let them look at their own empty coal bins, their, enormous coal bills and tbe grime an<l dirt of their towns sad cities and remember that all this is part of tbe price they pay for their own refusal to organize economically and, politically for the recovery of their own natural resources and the management of their own wealth...
...The big deal between tbe poetum crowd and a California packing company has been postponed for a more favorable season...
...The coal industry in iaawrica practices legalised robbery, wbrse, it is guilty of wholesale raur8w...
...and that influence, such as it la...
...A bill is how pending to the Assembly which appears to give tbe Niagara Gorge* Railroad Company the privilege of operating a toll road to place of the railroad but it is reported that tbe railroad Is in possession Of tbe Interests beaded by former Speaker' Machoid...
...strikers to their knees...
...Perhaps the Ward crowd did not contribute to Cal's campaign fund...
...we have no Dead Revived freedom today...
...Tsankoi on Jan...
...Mean take the Federal Trade Commission is taking evidence which shows that tbe Continental Baking Corporation has stock control of 25 bread baking corporations in the land of tbe free aad the borne of the brave...
...despite clamorous pretests Arose the Senate and from private citlsons, Coo 11 dee's attitude is betas ssjsgsasst op as follows: With the interests of tbe eperatms as his sole concern...
...The company was willing to cell rather than te remove its property so she system passed to the city at a junk price ef $80,00...
...One section of toe bill empowers the railroad to condemn land for 1U use and toe company already holds tbe riparian rights to tbe river 'front...
...Tbe avowed aim of tbe measure is to suppress "Communist agitation...
...4. Should Labor and So. cialists Sand Investigating Com mission* ? 5. The United Front...
...said Mr...
...Coolldg* rosMia* there is nothing that make* a settletenter a -quality to sell In nyi laa^tisajeaf —and through . the heavy profiteering being practised by their subsidiary contributing companies...
...Thanks to the restraint and orderliness of the strikers, *his Incident passed off without serious consequence...
...What else can you expect...
...Tho indications are that the bill will be passed ¦and we shall not be surprised if within -the next few years all tbe great water power up state has been given to capitalist exploiters...
...bat they have acquired an ascendency in public life, through tbe Socialists, that will be more difficult to remove and • which can be removed to no other way than by participating in the selection and election of candidates for public office," tbe resolutions declare, Path te "Slush Fund" Tbe organization, according to the report of its secretary, J. M. Bell, spent more than $20,000 furthering the open shop cause last year, and la planning to spend even more this year...
...In union quarters Coolidge'* failure) to act has occasioned no great distress, though some regret la felt that, tbe White House should be occupied by such an Ineffective person...
...We are not out to make trouble...
...They blazed tbe way through the forests and laid the basis of a new civilisation, but their descendants have become Bryanised and Koo Kooised...
...Riot Quits Appear When the parade turned in the direction of the Diamond washery, the police got busy...
...But despite the unwilling nose ef Coolidge te intercede en the part ef the beet public interest, and the «pen 'intent ef the operators to humble the United Mine Workers, ¦ it is felt that nothing can brook* the strike if the American Labor movement gives the strikers the ¦help they have so richb/ earned by their united Itt-day strike...
...The Missiasippl mind would likely break under the strain If an overdose of knowledge was poured into it- It has been a great .week, we'll tell the world... tbe coming elections, a serious division is reported in tbe party over tactics, with about ten Socialist Deputies insisting upon collaboration with the present Government against tbe sentiment of tbe majority of the party aa voiced at the national convention in/ October...
...Button of the Continental, whereupon stocks in Wall Street held steady...
...That there are many different thorns sticking la the sides of the "open shoppers" was evident from the speeches of the four Milwaukee speakers...
...For tbe present we are drugged and while the coma is with us tbe burglars will gst tbe loot...
...Atmospheric conditions oaafjjt, by our belching chimneys spoil HflaHphfort and probably Impair the safM ol us all...
...Yet it is childish folly to act as if we were injured innocents, taken by surprise by the failures of' the old parties...

Vol. 3 • February 1926 • No. 5

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